I I II. jrK P S7-1' " !: ' WH'i :i. : :', i 4 i:USMA 1 :lf f;i f! : --'v;' M-r--':' '-N1, . : Mm 1 1 Fearful DestractioD. Towns Eii irclv Dcst of Life and Property by Forest Fires. SECTIONS DEVASTATED. royetf-'One Hundred Persons Missing i 1 1 u hd reds K e nd c red Homeless I ft ii -r i -Mr ary damiii -f rough t ih i the ; wHiwestefn cannot perty (ione up with the to( !. ,vtat? n'. li to Iut an. sfii: ' Clarkfr. yhipr'r:wa !1 st,ies apj ..tepoTfes' ltic l Ji.k-'J - 1 escape that rn A po.r ty tif -,gust;.3VlJijS-'ri,' of r-turncl Wi :m tor. ;ihi.sirj; m rbtr3an thfj itlcath ih th.-ir itT m jfafi'ov4 im lollar3 inay &mimfi I lo 4-ny V.'ftfere 'J! iiJl. ' J . . i t and five ivju -lap?'' -b iEe.:th' the ft'-ryi eistirriated 1 ! .niiiipns or jjoiiarsi ! none Locality Worth of The FlrI Jofut S1od-Elesant Uor tern of the rmmwf on Judge Day Itcport SmtUfmctory Prarp. Pari?. October i.TheAmriean a-n-l Hpaniah commis?ioners assefnble4 i t&r their first businwaf B8lan -'at 2 o'ciock thi afternoon in the rowii? - asstgneii to them for I their deliberations at the French forejgnr office. ; A ,?e?iaif for the use.,of order -to fu the ecuni-'T the southwest whn1 th between ione Many days,jwill exteht of ; thet ruin of leirneht. wiffl ' bpj known: falling ' through 'iiisil iand!i)iJbtediy . to .hiveafferedj th ijreat- jtron. Sixtf fam liesiie homlless epotd is ?prd .,f rapidly that it nd -manyLf Muperly: arid had itiselv Uny: persons fforts io. eight ji.K's to cyef -tOi t race was ' with; th;f P aniHj5tr ..nbfairabIei! ! : the" j-jfirsfet ;ji (fj tb'e:iQKSfcN and thttir 'Mrsis . .cre.wvfv;5inie parry iui i:moirrtej:ri Jhorips,.? smoke barely fdaehfid- the goal in ;jttme, U.ash ing intd lh4 .lake where they-f rtniTfed :Uotil the! flames ; passed over. "1 he ; tour inenvvho. jw'ere In, the rear anj-rinssing and art? believedf to lia perisnea Many persons sought refuge in wens ' i Reports I from Curnberland late this citizen were had; va.station. tl liamwi coun the vicinity .sev esc er Chip the 0 a rat- 'having ja fhaqidiap: kjyer. ;th liamjes and; hav itiost afternobri stoj thatche t&wtt lgvin dan: 1 ven, of Salem, N. J., and Judge Xgni- -ger. . liusihess 'as --suspenqeu rana - uij uus ji uruoo, ur. james .A. uraper eirejKQUt tn ; force im an; en-- ai il!tvnr t (hcc; ; th-i1 ti re. Der.vfr.l October! .1. Forest j fires ; ; The services it-omprised 1 simply : the which &m devastating the, V-estern por- j FJ-ayeri Book servieeuor the tourial of - forward! 41 hurricane of flames. The lie. the ,-emains J, ofl Mr l a dren iideseptadi Srlllag:qf :Goltaval- re- i er and mother and , three of his ehil- duced M ashes yesterday!.;i ThisJ tdwrt is dren. I 'Mi; 1 'l I four miles 4 rniners of : to fsave in Smoke A Desperate Race for Life riames-The: People's Desperate Efforts! theck the Fires Disastrous i ire at -. a- i ' 1. The pec y the forest fires art L of th' state at'i i resent. ' It flames :'ipread with griat rapidity.! A strip four blocks long1; from north U are of fire started at the rivef and, li Grande freight depot at. the foot of Cutharefji street, and the A o south for twtr blocks rwide; from i:east to .west, hast been burned over, but at this houlr.rS oclwkipi-i mi'th? conflagra-i ton is Jelieved t$ be -uifden control.: Th? A'ntlf-rs hofel,; ont' of the largest in the West, the Rmibepj yards, and two K-ks i bUsinej-s hnes, have been u. ,JHrt is vstimateu at insoiretli ti hailf that amount. r starteo in aipilth or rubbisn ath the - j.Ial forin at "the-Ijen- Rio- flrandiji freight depot. five min6te- !E had -comtpuni- T1" ( d.-str.y! 1 $l.(iOO.O'0 1 - The fi ;underhn j ver an Within ' cated ti cnty-flve at fur irmers have a na s. -ill isalpo i believed lost row was ini -car.. i to ti. S freightf cars -S Standing at the move liiny Salf a c.-ir (f lKiwlcr fonfsned ios-ible I'.arnes S: pons, of the spioned.i Fl'NAUAL.OF 3IH1 It A YAK I. were i ibumed to al : fiightin 'he es' are reported. An il charge of evii ji r ;n is, iimps ! at : - : e for ,their lives, Jli tlody. Hurled lui the Family Vault. VXlie services !?Iuwt Simple.: j hav ed:u ing but .om mile l Wihn ; al sen V late . IT today. :jf ' . j. -Funer-of fthe m. Jhnm.1" JrarKis Uayard Id in th' Old Swedes: church frhoqsands; of ;pople assembled edifice; ; but iiwierte. not admitted !eaclji;a place bf kafety.; The .-as it, bfl been decided jnot to open the ana permit -tne ;puniic i to re- excitjing'; and j resulted casket obable loss of j; four of thes Ide . for vi:4; . lake. With tin? heat; a nd sion of those friends ngtoii. I)t 1., Ootobei4 1.- '- ' "vi p ti -.ii; .,. i' . I . i fs over, tiie, remanis Thomas Ff-aruis I view the remains.1. .Thefe was a profu- floral of ii to offerings)! in. additioi; the (family, coming from at homes and; at other pdaces. The honorary pallbearers were: For mer president, Oroviy Cleveland; for- mer secretary-, ofi the Itneasury, Charles S. Fai-rchild; Wi ir!unnellj;! governor of Delaware ; Chan(-elkr John R. i Nichol son;, George L. I Kivsl of New York city ;, John V. Craven and Thomas Cra f ton. knry G, Banning, of Wilming- i ; statei arie : burning jwith-nin- j the de id ofl ther Protestant Episcopal 3 6ny siiibsidingt wherej f uel ; church The service i was read jointly tion of the inhafctd fnrV is exhausted. A special to The Rocky; by Kei. Dr. (.. fW. Douglass, of Tux Mbuntin wsiifrdm liff iys? - edo Pairk, N. 'J.t who as rector of SL "Notliihg ii ,beard ih. Eaglet county tout - John's I Protestant i! Episcopal church. talk of fire,! from all sections. From re- j WUshihgtonj performed ! the marriage Torts .of new territory in the grasp of , ceremony of Mrl and. Mrs. BavardJiand the dernini and when a I providential - Rev. Martin B.: fDUnlap,: rector of Old storm comes and . the summing up is tsweaes :tihade, itherf will be little timber to tell j . Wheh thei seryice ireached the! point i - the Uilp: A; new country now sending, of commitment S of the body to : the are smoke heavenward is Lake Creeks, a magnificent stretoh' tof forest. i -v-J :i 4 4 Raiiehnieri: on Core Creek ing : a..i,: cffsperate time saving homeU.as the I Gore' range foot - send .a jcontinuous j run of flames miles. .' A reirular itrale lis -'blowing th r6 u j;h h iitlJ.th e county, wh i ch means the- fasC Itraveling j fire will be driven Bear , grave, hills. for funeral fiom Holy X.'ross ..and 'the npbiy Cross mines that: district ! fouight I) he 'place. The1' Holy Icountry'I buffered . greatly, tj The thavje cl4&U; down and ;thef miners, 4r titterly Exhausted from their nightand day? balile with the: nend.t Many nar-. '.row eclijpfs J are! ;r4.P.rtcl ifrdm. idiffer-; ;ent .paJr-SKVif '-the:' countyri ISiK' ij-i i- ,"-: : . As' yet jdoj'kiss-hof lfe . has: pccurrecCbut: Tnany nbaa f catle-and Horses nave lk tJfiyP btirii'J J tip. .Notch mountain, op-; posiie iUiiman, lsiaj piacKenea r-uin, on: the ilolj Cross j slopei F.tery bridge cuni Homesttak r crqek I rs destroyed; tne rduii'i"-de:c.tion:o road .is burned fut: a.ndijn lutfierab) gianiti pinesi inter lace 'jali4$rthe ? inie ittjtrye. Thousands 5f W-reslii ;the finelst. timber, is a thing ;,sf the fijalsni Jr. J several- li.ces there is ?jao '-"dptflft tjltat 2ie fires are of .incendi ";ivy l o)rigiri.J . Cotton wood ; land Cattle jfeek rajiches t;r..' being- deserted. Shaft cuses in the invmntains have been 3W?nt' awviv. Tbre seems ino-w no hotoe f of taying the fire ariy.whlre. I ,Th only iioi is in ,ra.jni'or snow. J j-, .. J r'Ciloraoir'Sprlng&l ICbl.t jOctbber '1. -jTii)s pffr'fa. ;Vj3itatijnf ' of; fire tills' ?Sf tenin1 jwhicSii thij-eatnedi if or;, -four 1 bourjv !ti luestniy thi entire business, . ; distritt' T,he"wJin'd jwas blywiTig fat' the : irate - xff forty fiVe 'fl-iUes I art hmir froTn. Ike Royet U the htqkeat qradebk ? Xwt- ;ActateUsfaow it! goeM M further tba other bi a4. sTi -" R- : " :i t.) 1 pov;der Absolutely Pure . !'.V - 'IT -f V. V the i casket was' lifted by the carnerr, and, attended iby the pall- i bearerfe, members !of the family and hay- r others Within the j church, was I taken their to the Bayard burial Plot in the Grave yard adjoining il thecharch. i .A great crowd had assembled. this, the only public trance is set apart pommissiontrrs, in I ' . i I: i . .1 i' them with every privacy and conveni ence possible.'? .- .'i,s. ,, The entire suite of room's may be de scribed as being of massive appear ance. Handsome, crystal chandeliers hang from the ceilings and the wails are wholly paneled with gobelin tapes- In the centre of the hall and tr- try. tending nearly the ment is a massive length of the apart- rosewood table,, cov- bati:b.;from; Shahat, pablhslied today, isay3 idegrarns ,jmtsiied by the Tao-1 tai, or icK 'Eilfirn'orV ;to the Cbineee ipapriltli.ere.-laJg'-lliatjthc emperor; of II i- , i i-' '-.:.: : .' .-: - !-'-- i : , . CkiflaTj cbmmltt suicide on September 21e.; ktter sig?J (ag,' the , decrees t wojcb; placed tke jda&er einpre at the ' l it .1.11 '4 Jfe" : - t !! . : -I i . head jjof aiffairpin I China. This, it Ma addedi is undeP . tood to 'mean that the i I li. , r I ' . : '. "li -r' j 4 emperor was issassinated. b All the) English speakl g secretaries and thei i -u if ' ' i i i ' . M I ' , ( - ,-. .il-.ri i -L r,-. m m pi iiicipai j ein-s.oi tne imnese tor loface,; I itfiH:' further:: announced. beea seiZi"!; and banished A later dispajflh from Shanghai said cii 1 ered with aired velvet cloth and hav-. 1 Jt semi-ofl?lally announced there ing around jit large, handsome chairs. that me us tii7 vuiiiiiusiuiicx be fore" each ;chair jis a large, leather bound portfpho and i af- tray ; uipon whicW are pencils and ink eraser, a file hok,, quill and steel pens, a china ink w'ell and a spongelcup.-!. ..'. ; :H:"r" .. h i The walls) and ceilings f' jthe room: are of deep olive and gold. : It contains five great r windows4 draped i iwith; sillf and priceless lace Jcurtainsi. Thej- ove'r look trje beautiful private gardens of the foreign, minister, which contain ex quisite statuary and some rare trees, and shrubs.) ', f i;:." .' !ii . 5.i.- j The foreign office authoirities ihayei w holly turn! oveir : the .suite: of rcioms. described to ;the -peace commissioners.? r Evermhe keys of the apart(mients ivere; handed "to the cpmmissioiiers , . tjodaiyi and orders" viwette-iissued thit no lpeF-l sons, even French OfFicials.ij pre t.o:,bei allowed to enter--. .the rooms'-jwhile the commK'onrs areSing :-t4m-v ,' 1 The session, fif thMcorsmissiohers last ed ninety minuies. . TheNnext -'session Will take place1 Monday afternoon' at 2 o'clock. Both'commis'siohs-miain:tain-ed secrecy, i as to their pro(?eedi:hg. . i Washington, October 1. 'Secretapy. of State .Hay .has been in receipt of cabin advices from Judge Day, president of the pease i commission, in which . -he says that the business of the commis sion is proceeding in the! hlosti j satis factory manner. The utmost courtesy e empetsjr of China committed suicide on; SepyfflibeT 21st Thfe foTCim. Office today received & dispatch f rohillit majesty's ; minister. member of thejritish legation bnl re turniing :homeesterday tVith ai lady! was. msultedMjB attacketl by a mob,' which stoned j Jm and covered him with mud. ; La i'r in the day,, the dis- ninvi! nr-n I :iiii.,iAL.: :if yatvuj anus,: ri5 ; aui:i ieau ui usiuur anes the States : broken ' Sir! Claude::i3 f MacDonaldi ' th - Britl isq inxinisterf iekin,; 1 reports that threj;is ai danK:3ous feeling abroad." 1 steps nave ajs tu iaen to can tne air teitin of ttihinese: government to tor CoristxlfctiorL of Fc!pirliOT Defense - . : Jr TO BR MONITORS A'?C !. i i . i l..-' . ; . ;i s. W TYPE Heavily Annaretk and Acdt-with (Ireater BpMM than Ircscnt: Style o f -i- ! I -- ! I j ji: ..A .- 'i - . ,!k1U . .. N C ij'JJiL'. F: 1 V f. Mi I tirthisiClas- hi VesseUhe hew :i ork Voi..4g?l1eciUc CharK iu l, l. ' t il r -i. ... .- .1 - ' 211 I - ::!: rt- V t! i-iR- j: i ' -: ' i'-'t i iv? : ..... ' t$ Mis inanagiimt anJ lncOmp?tcnjr Aamp - tkoiv fine riiujptne, Kepresemaiiftii uit- I I - i : j r i- .White House; . m l Washington, October i penea t tne navy iior ne cpnsiTuciion. drifts-yiiefl i" of -thei monitor-. ids int of;foijilsMarbor;d.t?- TTTT" TT ? n r MT O T T 1 fi L' n OC TT-TS lilt XiX T 111k: IV1' - 1 V v'4 -'V'K'-r'"- Chinese fsretaryl!of the! United I itwhty-feeyh . mohths i;t:l. hjc legatioMf The latter'! ribs werd j ti rte f qi? itneji completion onie v iI.f -v '-,!i , :ii - a - ii. H tbege! 1 ... ;. i :ST-S"i VanW'j'cl ; .lewlgiifi a. Judge -,--J-1 iridrized! )y! iiohgress at aiSiB4PSi'tiire: ;! ; : 1 : i d . ! 'r -V' 1 r i i 'tis L ; - ' I ' The act e m view KpeiJltlOUS It Si;250ie00 forsHh moniti'iir irepts !thej secretary: .to ' ix0 f the i eWt results.; and moslyi- the j best I results,; ana .mas-jyc delivery. f.Cohsequxent!y t he? ri'4pa.rt merit, 111 a at- imum ess.es,- f rom J3PQ r.r '.. 'L pribvldirii ajpehaltiy ranglp to ' $609 j?r;uay for; any diiy: 111 their 1,: j completion, j 'iThef mlnirs" are to be nm irii accjrpance with the ;;gi 3? designs, ;jno protvisiins bf'Mr "is ! usually 'the, case, fori ttmM r- , i'--j v.v ,.! i i, .t ... . ' -.! WiTt, demoeiic!nomineifor nor lias resist; 14:' swai ju . ui: ,uk 2 t-- - - , s nr : , . f idiStin premie court iach,; iii order that! he m;iy jaccept tj gubernatorial . nomma.-. t.l-Tn..i1h-Thft fafciftlfnnstitiition votes W&ifiFl supfei3;furt justice, lexceptitf oir fo.' a a ijeelectiolill :ga!J ; f -'S ::Mlifi;i .!-;; f 1 -r -rr -; i "1 ,tj IMPORTART K .4 ! : 1 ' ; I 1 m V . .:- .. : ji . EVENTS OF THEUr iT. g&The War Department has elec sevfTgjoirits in Georgia, :!lt is announced ! oifHeiaily in Cina& mitted suicide September 2 1st, , r" i1dM&kMMJ y j:Tlie-Jeac:e.'Gommision'iheld itsHr4i sessipstFay. They tNj are in elegant quarter in tie French.jForeigriHfiice. , Kids are" opened at the Navy Department UV jthe! construction of four monitors. ', :. 41 f ; ::';t! tifff-- r ii. )"'r aA: i The War Investigation Commission takes : statement filed by r Hersh. of the New rYork, fWorldi 'ntaining serious chageaas to Camp Wikoff. ' ;'!;.: 11': H - ' ' The Philippirios Representatives! have . Conference; with President MbrnMe ljif-t.'' jL(te. V!:l I-'.. '' -ifSit ''W'. i'jt Manager Gray says McCoy and Corbettjfl fight on the 15th inst. Hon. Thos. F. Bayard's ' Del-, yesterday. Slmvlv body was lowered into waiting sto see feature pf the and: solemnly the the. vault: where Bayard's fath I atiou of. Camps in the Sou tit . Washington, ; Octobpr: p 1. Ex-Senator Patrick AValsh-t Colonel D. D. Dyer, and Representative! Fjleming of Geor gia w ?re in Washington today, 1 urging Augus ta, Ga., as a site .for a military camp. The eommitteje .! presented to the secretary! the -iniariy! advantages Of Augusta, pointing !out' that the propos ed site was high and healthy, and that an abundant water supply could be ob tained from the Augusta's water works, while the' campjeouid Relighted by the electric system I of? the; city. As' to drainage and other features the sec retari was assured;: the (proposed site was perfect. The secretary found that the 'representations1; made were borne out by the. tepbrt of General , Schwan as pr ssident ;of; the -bard of camp in spect on. The I further fact that Au gusta is a central point for headquar ters; y thin easy" reach of the other camps was also: made prominent by the committee. While hot. official informa .tion on the subject:, is fbrthcoming, it is said; that selection Of sites for camps in the south has been, practically deter mined. It is understood they, will be located at Augusta, Americus, ' and Athei.s. Ga., and Columbia, Greenville .and Spartanburg, . $.; C The toain camp .will-be at Augusta on a site of aJbout 600 acresj jsist'outside the city. The -following official annonncement of sit?s for armvicamDs inlt.he south r.wirmend bj' .the Schwan board ! sent llsoinh fpr that.jpu.rpose was posted at the v,ir 'department tonight: e fol low.'Hsipoints ha bepn recommended by th r- Schwan! boardEj Augusta, Ga., CpluLr tia, S. :c, Greenville, S.. C.,- SpartarnVJurg, j S,- -j C- f Atlanta Ga., Athenfe, . -Ga,, ; Macon; Ga, Columbus, and Albany, remains Were burit a at Wilmington, Asuinaldo Puts a New Construction on thf Monroe Doctrine. f. ' i I '- , II. ' . ' : 1 ' i ! 1 1 S. ' I 1 : 1 . - ifaar;- i.e. were today It Li strictly hartment s made, :as Ubmisslon IlWP.they hern ship anything ors which .9 i '. ' sruished themselves m& 1 the i civil wkr.: Thfe board .-of bureaiiiiMtfs' would :h-ye;'lid.ivery;!much! to'-ijif !, pmvided i-;m6relpWwerful daiss of vffl's;! but the small. llmi ti4!ol,jos t fixed M priation iacltj prevented tj Were ;.obligel ; to conteittj;! wit ti iriB-ie! tnrre-tn ;motiio tonsi diplaqerrtent designers have Contrivedifli "7 narrow! ttirhiis !to plan a liSbbt Service- ''able'-"tMe of 'vessel, ' thbukB' thdir use;- The Forest Fires of the Northwest are stiff fiercely burning. The, loss of life and property is immerjse.; 3Lo has beert shown the members of the commission by the French officials and every facility for. the accomplishment Of the work: With which they! are charg ed 'has been 3 placed at their command. It is evident from the tone of Judge Day's communication that he does not share the ! gloomy view of jthe outcome of the meeting of the peace commis sioners, which is said to be expressed in the , 'French newspapers. : There is some doubt,-,--it may be remarked, as to the : sincerity lof these expressions and it is ! surmised in official quarters that they: are inspired by a desire : to influenfSer the American commissioners toward ; an abatement j of their ' de mands. : If, this lis the' case, they will fail -of 'theiri intended effect. : !) : It is .learned at the state department that regardless of 'any protest that the Spanish; government- may lodge: in Washington as to the alleged refusal of theV United States authorities to permit thean to! reinforce their i garri sons in the Philippines outside of Ma-! nila, trie peace commission will be left to deal with this subject as strictly in the line of their! duties, So far as can be gathered, our government has not Span- a j re- returned such a refusal, for the ish authorities .halve never' made quest of that kin sam-Salve i More than twenty million free! pies of De Witt's! Witch Hazel have been distributed by the manu facturers.- ! What fbetter proof of their confidence in it's merits do you want? It cures piles, bums, scalds, sores, .in the shortest" spa!ce of time. R. R. Bel lamy, Ga. Ajmoricus. Ga Mi v lite ' One people may take it In BovAt BAKiNO pewben 60., new yobk. ' Cough) Cure surprises Ga. ty ii's quick:-cui-es land children out the least danger. It ihas won for itself J:he best reputation pf ati-: prep aration used 1 today j f pr folds, croup, ticklinig in theii throat; .or - ctstlna.te conghi. R. R. Bellapiy. nL -; , : ! Mt Coy and Corbett to Fight ! Buffalo, October! 1. William B: G ray, managenfor "Kid'' McCoy, arrived in Buffalo this morning. ';':; v-.;-sj - A -. '"You can say positively and definite ly from me," said, Mr. Gray, ."that the "McCoy-Corbet t match will takej place! in Xew York I state on -j the: original date set, October lath, if it is a pleas ant day, for its will be a picture fight, all reports: to th contrary j. notwith standing.; ! Every arrangement! has been completed, i I will not say where the bout will take! place Until October 5th." ' j -(:..:'! . !i; ;:; il !: -' - '! "i !' ::: ll 'I : ; :.Ai A - J! '". -.; Emma iGill, ?Iurderer Arretted Ixndon, October 1. Dr. Nancy Gil ford the midwife of Bridgeport, Qonn., who is wanted by .the American police on the charge of having been connect-, ed with the idefitk of Emma : Gill, has been arreEted. mm Nevelgaeless he jappro 'and they hvnist-lves hs of .TiJ the. thin tht-se. tH--n '! 1 "lir his Aupu ITab klivf rjs4f romj hospital! siii-tTs. ,v; frulafllEire gl ti: tfaiVR.te r$)&m him wer? uftM4T).th;table, said tolta.ij- ven of th death ia, 1 1 urh llarrf-tt u feillJd'ti Is assorted t1ttn Dii."- Ie.rni1sstoiV to Im the gTOutid! thai t-f- t er j t H e .feft'llf Oh. The: aXfehris made that wlvrn. gj -the.' ' ft hii'0stenibier. Dr. Lelweiit to Cam V.'tcwrith j a., special trutn 16 .' tak- slckrs. tt the Brooklyn Im? fpit4b'i rhlepiitlupable i& fftj njittRMf fifto- tti-ttiMMMlbe :tnUn ;on.-ittcifnt.i & - th" lii-f-lcFiliiPnibuiwices.' - whjvh "! vrt-ra : 'I i ! beirtgi.iuef'&arry ight-s.elr around' ' th;campipiSi!e. hundreds ht ;k?k nolU i- T- dt to b u :l n (heg JilSri?s a t t he d e no t fl I 1 f-wi t H -i -' ---t-v .J . : I " - I"" " " "' 1 lav nteS anil women r4wh wcres. Afh r .tin. f nofni general Youhsr! Ka4 ' ' MJw'B?.-jiiij,ui4irictvS;:wir rr t -i. I, , j - : IS' ' ,- "!! T ' " . ....... i . ' . ii;j-.-.-fj ' it ia jia-- tu t' r 1 ran s ryorim in rNvrtAUWh-it, -D ' iain iron vnrKs r?miffel?ft the Rojis campvand; mioniiifron " Works, etiringteL estate pf BoairlfYag; J ssrs.oqdl j- t. : A :..- ' Oetmez Haif 4 imfideuoe tnj Havana Qfber 1.-Getferal Maxi mo is r 1 1 . . . i -sXV.-y' Vi -i v uyay, neap pme.dios, province of fcianta Claliei has giyn his staff perrpissionltlsit their; families; I Captain Pstfi General, Butler's -aide-' de-cjampi, vfiliias been : otii a visit to General Gom- at' the Rojas' campj says Gome? f.,ms. very grateful' to the United Staltfet and confident that thei American .jatfj ijbrities a will) be abie to establish ijaRmble. and ' independent " ifulnessl fviH; be strictly lifed to har bor i deflnser and Hon accjimm-tv of their J-siiiall plppprtions,ithey w'i.ot be able. to unaertaKe aiiy ioiik vov.m. h mie ,resemblhg 'Roughly the (;af mpnitors. these .new fesseis Will byastiy supe Jriori tdithem in actuat liiiiwer. Their- speed, for -instance, wplf pe twelve knots, i&bOiit. double "thhff;:. tjhe 14 veselsif? Theiij; bMteries!?!yj-ill consist ! of ll two I !l2-incli. hreechfli Ruling . , rifles Capable! j of jipiercing ' thefiljieujf nine : tenths! ,6f if the naval v4;ls 'of the world; oiiif 4-inch rapidFr!e, -guns and smaller? :cal'ibre rapid -fir r'guns like those that did, such service iiri the de struction of, Ceiera's siiljadroin. The builders : are not! fr.eauiffel I to1 fiirhish either gphs, armo or tuifrats. ' Thfe lat-f ter, by the: way, fare- toiht electrically: controlled ike those online! Brooklyn iThese'i turrets will ,be or jjne oaiancea. type ten inches thick bf hind ll-inch ibarbetts, and; a!belt of!Mmo eleven jinches !thick i,and j five;feij: broad will j be placed on. the sides .'tyyi the vessels. !Tlie mrtitcirs !wil be 22qet'.lbng fif-; ty f eetj jbroad anjd drawviboutj twelve: and a lifalf feet o;water ifbhng them; to moylef freely in any. o- the shallow iAtlantic coast harbors. j'jj-HjJ i -I h .- The flowest bidders fobuilding thoj America I j ! follows:: Nixon, f'bf Elib!eth N. .T.,i 000: Bath Iron Works, Mei $862; 000, and wer.:ialtinc: to be Crviiifrrvl boa t;tti. trains "dozens .i f ;Arb4-i'in" rhiim 4. i. i.i. n- IIIT' J'lCK-, -.;;..!.. . f ilo-hgrf eiiffi.-witnesses waV ';fr-a.rU. ,1 i . , ' . - . 'J- eu i'w .iWKwas, ia general rcui to itt ... iov$ rmsti giden ta and riiwrtfi-! '.fA )Ji:il: -s'i: : ii 1-i . - T iefM'iimQnv'directHl'-.. h'a-t ?i. PIT oe s-w:l)(l Uo,rMr, -Hiirsh M: 1 i ret-1, ini ? iqnminsf Wjati th? statement whoat4 imm-:e-fcgi;g:;onsiderationj, :: i- : ! i THF PiattINOs! AT Tirr- Wlrrrrf ijf IlllirotJsn. Kpiini-liiftMii; LiorK'zi' the reorfeijii .tts'i"fl-Mlfi;ild-,: tht-Vhflifir.l,wi i-Li sut-gtits lK?J5M.:i .c-allv-.l - .'fit-th ' Vtrv-' private conference : hws ;t4al9i ; corripany with 3 o !- ne Mmi jad wihh .th04":jAilont in the cibinet t-ooni! iFfr !.l n WOW I n't i rei jf 1 ri f fr i nali it oeuigsctly.iunderstlfxjd that 'thfr a c m i iu s t ra tim . d id : n t 'receive tlie re pi-! reematif jthe ihsurgehfs ih any nsciai.-.ayi;,. While the! Fillip pi noH rerusedjIsM-us thentervlew, ?IAtrn!- inF - loiiae be.m to '?pay theJr fazS-,!v- -wv ,- i w ird.V I f 11 r ' IYUj , Ictp,i,reuimed thev! inforiflW iir mission, which: -ss.ure irreisJasentation rin ith cdmmisliffiyilf nfRi.io- -r -rL :m.n P4!hearfygthe commission as to the afltitud-ai wishes nf ih t-o,, AksistafitfMrretary of States A dee aJ- So was. P. 'ei'ent biH-- th- 'ti.,.i "Tf iflt;?3 wre presented. :l .. V ii-S? 1 : --J fTrurnj' wars wnell. THE ..JlAfeGfisj i' A S Tdr! IAiiP WI The 1 Wart KOFF. i n vest igat I n Comm is sio n 1 tqi PponU qariieapwa jjeWitt'S Little PJisersiam pliable little pills 1 ahd sicfel governmen -r: .! pile M Turol, of jnor ons used, ed- in the mier was Ie Witt's Yt Jch Hael Salve has the largest sale iany salve ih the world.' This, fact a!ndJ:s merit has! led dishon est people jtofjyttempt -to counterfeit it. k out ifo"the man who attempts! td deceivelyi(fliwhen lyou 9 all for1 De Witt's Wiicljillazel Salvef,; the : great cure : K. Bellamyj - -rr-tftf!-- - -', '' ki i! ; $4 rench Duel . li ',. Pa-ris, QcplJr l.tA duel between' cnanesni mest jfaunmer ana m. i 1" s -"''V t? ' ; ' l J - J- M l-rx- .j v t I f Lanterne, was fought .of-i'prober j'-kccoirtrtodat wifus xucu umi( i rapiers; uemg uie w eap- murol was thrice wound ; and side and Paui-i i0y.- wounded on the 1 ip. am e i Fa i 1 m i er . on September 3rd ' J. ,- Tj II T r T ; 'il went- to tBj 0mce; or The r Lanterne and twice! gtt t M. -Olivier, the secre- v... .-. ; ,i-r. i v: - -'l- -7 ' i v . : tary or the? ea t or because, $he asserted, the1 paper; M grossly slandered! her-: self and'iherMlsbahdiih asserting tt their housf?hp consisted of three per- sons, the'tht? ; .being a former mistress, of M. : laulicn.p; The latter; subsequentijj onvisit.ed the campJrjTid found that ly challentMiil. Tnrol. who Was thA1 ith--- 1.400Hf!roons ' itherefSil-i-erel almost writer ; Of 'tltthicleef erred to. '1 Tfife ibolly: dependent: for .Ifjjfc ... , . I - , J. ': ,.l -I, l A . i..A . :,,ftli deyoted i-itsi time today 4i"gely to- the consideration of Ja statenn3?ht- jfiled i by Mr; NfelsoiiiA Hersh on behalf ( of The Xew Yprk World, -giving :!vMaC he styles a record of facts concernlifg) thb c-stab-lishmeni of Cmp! !Wikoff:Md. its man agemeni, J together with i ppefcific in stances jo.f abuses, charge to have :exr lted. jdates, -lumber ofj,0ipk (in host. pitals, jdeaths, etc. It is'-slserted that at thetime Moiitauk Poiy wak select--ed las ;he- site for the cajp it, was "a barren! waste," It is chared that when the! firpt ' detachment of; 5 troops ar rived .'iVugust 8th "the ja&np jwas inot ready :tovirce.ive j them th'ey slept under 'their blankets angg in tjhe open air- and ho tents had aiKed.i" .This, :it is added, was" eleven faiys since it had Jjeen j decided to f3fsablish . the icamp. Continuing, this jassertion is imade thatfbykhe 13th fjff August the sick wf re; reported suffrffig' frjimr want of ! prober i Jacconimodatloirls! : and foodd that their !tents 4"ere wijtjpt fljoors and with cmjy (their blanket-ye between tne sick men; and the grotiiHl.! and that a glass ofi.sbur milk a pieJiSI'vas the Only nourishment then receive in twenty 4 Ifour hours. - - i j ; T The War department fjharged with Ifrequent i changes of ibjp, jnd it-is fasserted jthat General fen! only six daysj for-jtf! of the ramn before ihl troopisi W"hen two weftl' yn ressary,: 1 which f .caurfjyfl f,-- iohif" :!iOni the '14fh fs$. charges'. mktf were- indignantly denied : ;Pses ;upfn -a by bpththtisMd and wife. ii. hi: ..ni J ,- -, ,. :,.;! , iMIl' ' .-:.,! ' - j '-:' Fitrsjftapot Ball Game bdy ng was giy- prepa ration arrival of time was 'great con'- August Dr have Early for rec .Rowels, curing constipation. idache. Thv A "-. - - : . i -; i wrm . .. - . vvasmon,!! October li$&ria IJong -ciiillQn: the president itr?n" With i MiiKllSacrev of Norfh rn fnitZ' rrfotber islgn Bagley, whose tragl i TT -'f'Mfm action pn the i torpedo V bPat vi.iW occurred early in th ! TMar.; Prnt McKihley soon aftcir tiie, WiHIMw incident, wrote thb ; : mother iC tJie en?ipoi n at rrn . lattn. i; -mpat5,Mfid he asked for !li-i ! b.tion artrrrizing the appointment of i atiotheV as a naval cadet. V. Mrk !! I aglev takSked th- 1.1- L J . 1 , I -i.-t : . f m k - 1 njeanuyjy njs expressions of inter- . :i l OB" i T - ,eiL in n s-.enair. , f trine. Manila Philippine Island. October lf-There: -considerable comment hart "f-V" gi.teaiuos speech at .Malol03 6n Thursda.n;!jrhe keynote was the indie- prnaenef;f' the lilippknd islands. I)ur.ingf!StQ3 course of Kir i-pmiriic alUiaid: , ' ' ' , ! !. - " j - "Our fHs-ids, the Americans came - s tpr the-ipose of demonstrating the denerosjtnd grandeur of their-gar- Chapel ilUl:iK. C4 October l.-iUni- -fhe gallon. This .conditfbp. he ?rsity wOn.t 0 first game of .foot balU paused disease and renvied. tjhe M c-otrwr, ' 4Vk v,mfl, ,'4 u ' constaiftt menace to roeft. rtnkiftg pur. ofrater without Hnlet rl, Outlet. ; knoWrtia.4 Fort nond. jThis. ! Pond irecHted . th tain-al! f ron H fthe campiaihd the :docttiffoundj! th wa- 1. . ....... . i : S..4. -WiSi o Af:l-n)f tn said, pond versity f tii .' 4k v,mfl, on.,jn-s a constant menace to RflU wien. l .rTarTX !:Bv August,' .SOthV thr .were 20,000 score , .1 sideil scored, fflti Caroliha; succeeded fin reaching go!hrefe!' timesi during tie eboadi Ttp-as much!' fumbling and off! sideplajyillflfor Garolina. Guilford ha'dj jstr('airu:l-.v41i .-eaiairel' yas Howeli's Iph 'i iomenal run "-i of sixty yards atd jlto: ;?rs good tackling, f 8 olWrj rPrst ihalf neither frith many unable to slflire admission : from.;-" thf,! !): transports, ij firhe ? (regulars fvere'.rep4rfed ito. be-.-suiif riiigf for the necessaries of life and jxn received no pay for three, months. fjfJ;ontri-ct. sur jjreonJwefe'' 'reported; 'tftldae. .flying at the expensei ;o Ipiatientf j ; i"After the doctors' had ; lunched," ijtys -the' , ac (fount, ' rtivehtyvje.: apoMnaris bottles u iu tiiisc in reieasme itr- ijeople fr-jia slavery without annexing the, islaiM thus setting a good rmple.;;5 now understand and im- rtreciat l famous Monroe doctrine Of Atn&riiM for fustlcA dTnatio they ad-he Philippines fori the mi ippinos' & 1 '. '.i ui ::. ; ' S : ".; . : : ;'.- . i ' ! gabxjt L'nder Tiartlal Law Pana lift.,. October 1 At a confer ence btwen Captain C. C. Craig. ' in.; qnargeK-fthe Ktjitft trrir : qw4 urn aJ?diavor Powell this n ft.-- qne citS,- delivered over to:! Ganfi-iir Craig riiti:;Honight Pana it under mr- i t lal W ?The negroes at Springtide ' i , aUiV dif,voiea tcr return to Alaba- 7 ipa asrscKB as they- secure their fav ji uui urmitnerarors. ! ; ' : You lvlfe disappointment w!hen .irc.n. wr"' DeWitt's Little E;irly ueasant. easv. thnrhnf- little Thev euri.'N rftnsiiinaii laiiwi jr3jaflaHA Inat qo -n- on ir - t ry CioodwTIarkeu Xew ArR October T The. rlnr wwlc ntarjjetl'fiaif been a disappointing bae ttrougKlufethe week. . It has not Iteot ub eveCV ifjith the averages of i lthc ElonthTfe woolen goods diviiibn. as coiil'nifed dull through the week. siles bttie exceedingly light! im' all 1 mes of' gcids In cottons . there has Men lite improvement j ! I ij- i. : i ' '1 ' - " S -vJ. "'r x i- 1 1 ifll :ff! n ji--' t 'jrr' 1 1 i .:. H is ft is. I? 111 Y. I ": '' Iti - - W ' ' !-r i i t& :-i'f - i I 'V I rf. I j,...!. il:5ffii I