1 f if v Mi 11 1 I'? mm '. 1 r - k- ' A :5fe' i i S mmh f. A f - s si 1 ia ? r !Sfwiurer. Pi JACKSON & BELLS COMPANY. -Entered at the Postoffitie at Wilming ton, N. as second-class mat , - . t ': - ... - - L i - i - ' , ter, April 13.11897. TKIIM8 OF SUBSCRIPTION. POSTAGE PREPAID. THE DAILY MESSENGER by mall tine yean J7.00; .six rn0nb9, 33.00; three tnontha, J1.75; one mdiUhi 60 cents. Served' in the city! (It 60 cents a $1.75 for month; ione sveek. 10 'cents; three months,, or $7.00 - ai year. ; ! : THE 'iSEMI-WEEliYj: -MESSENGER (two $ page papers), lyipail, one year,! tl.00; six rnonrha, DO ceofe.i in advance.: -rr- vilmingtoX 'N. c. . j I I TiirKsiAy..ocToinR a, ms. . i. '.-I r ! jc . i- i ;A 'I (.LI NTH ATlONi ;AS II A i UKliVi - V-j.A i' pi '; ''- i-'lTIO!il.: -!.' ! ' J'- I:;' ! ! k r t. , ,N 'man, bul' a foj fuuld xpt- to be retained in f-mplonieri: by if fcturf . or railroad or rnriFkHt house who- was rkuuwn o b am f-rwrny of .employers. If '.ku- vvjps 'constantly! HeVkiYig 10 injure HiK Jusin-s, to Increase the taxes Uxin : iV and repute o-brlnf'' the f'lnftloyerH ntO: dis. so-: as toi arrt ia t ir iHtarvdini r. fur s,)iaa'ter it tad It ijpfihffibtlity ! S I . 1 ii-t to . y- woulil ! a n h.sh tairx-il in iheiV rvif;- i( it was imf. n. bt tliltik i!t reason bl? He Willi that 1 no tlhijibt tiltsk. Hhmld lit- li'iinnM"'ruiioontinfcptf 'iy it rdi-teiM (1 in his rrn.-tinrteus. : H? rfaithftrii i.v w was .tin as! hoHtile', h.'i had . iiijun mt-iit i k he men iwhofKa.v him rriiioy- n. fKA-kru'wl In ills; soul itliat i- rH-hy J-Hcr' r-d- Ij.'flniMsal and' m aln flit of ins (luiilici- Klantiy upon rev ty arid liosillliy. : Now. part ha tor foi this i'oruiuft. .on -'his ir . . . : 1 been nWt-f. !r jaJvjeaFonl)?, or iaSd : een corLvlist- years, but eni ly, I'rtuiaciiusly fi8rUf d for ithii5- ry.-. -yea lis; i Hufjof k !f jsrther, thaO j his iiipl'.irse hal-'b -eni RJiid, appreclati v f mp.tth tXfflh., t tlijtiail manifested t Iiim itj -nanyj wa k-rf, liu 'iiirticularly in r Il.frVldl ljg i H-hoolH ng for '.UK:1 children and tu hi ri'HTids. a n had cii'it tjiken, irth'-ted niftriibPrq ( h r e" of one. or lihort if ina fliirnilv.i- In iJldJUon to these long cohtiriueif - .IV olM ' ' V I'.. w a js they had a ls. kiri-r i hi .- ! 1 ' liflpccl - lrt.4 maiiv till- man's ording; t the dleih, am ma n y i diiHif ctiutiH Would tliifsf i . .1' " - facts. ,1 not add to t lie 'IdackriX'.sH of hiTT ingrati- t udf. a n-u da r'k. n hri 'haractyr, an 1 inake ; hits dupjii si nd ' inexcusable ty - IhOvKiiore- glaring N1- ijian of ordin'ary' delist" a lid ; witll a ing : of - .('Ctitudf t'liJ'Siloii for a ijiy phipev uuderst KIKj-i tan i tlldelity v lUjll fin n ,nt.ihe absolute 'iirrfctiiless mil lost la'fH ill il isch;i nirin'' - : l. . 1 f . 7 ' " -- j . - .. -. " Mirii ahiitigrate jhhiI irivtul. 'Apply ChlM. It Ls tfasij-.!.! How fijbou the U indncsstis ai i f;Lv iji's bestow td ti'fcly; Willi open men a n5l : women. ha itl upon i neg in giving them .s t a t iit i e ta i p lo y rn e 1 1 i isd l so ''often. i ng ' t he ru j 1 n di t rl-ss. in kfckriess. when i ileatii cute d fih el i. house How abput the ujifaijitlg kltrvlne: o,cupatSoti, and Bins alilth phi oteis atraintst the ititi rests ts Uitl1. jneii who 4 fiv'ei them? How : oi it 1 the about the it pea led Kotii .for the -' ' -I ' I rt S' !l. ent-init i of -their dmpjoyei's. am inteilsti ardor a.iiid . .lelifeht with Kvli mh thev ai light year w yjir to injure and itfy I He' men wlh o 'coiigiitt-nanceui and aided thenr year bVi' yeir.land fo thir ty years or more: ni lyiany tn.stanes... ls H.Wrong in the iieiitlius defi d arfd warred upoti finU 1 S. A if .thdy: say en. . the .parting of the ' w;y.si has cpme.j liencetorth : tni'li -il thi-r employment We have he'lpe 1 frieiul, ; while y U ou! fa lid - been i'"!' : ! - your deliberately,'. r'peatieilly by youf y$tm done what ) . ca- 'you . coiiid to bijing . 'Janiiiy- iipon tht reproach ana ate; afiliction s ana .disturbances upon' htt .coinmunity, -and to injure our! cjyn usineis. You hav -Jhelpejl t,o try ti del tide our racje and . to increase 6ur burkl lohsj Go in Heek ehiployiireh t iarplihg lypuri rare, lor with tlhe hvhrite -traitor$ are j'iur unvorthy alifes: ( north ou like, and we wash iour h'ands ofi yi:gi jiid lyout-.-racel '.'..s I- i: , lienceforth. . N,jv, n o: nia n of ljntelli- jiehee ; among the. jiiefflrqes- Optildl : wih reasipn 'Complairi if. jihif vvpre universal- :. ly done If jitj had beejrii 18CB, when the negrioes gave tueir the men tl vote! en jnasse ey fi.'Xpected to give against them work, anijl "if it lie, tlrue white men had Isoeially 'tst;.rac fsed . every while fel low fwhp':dared:: to iselt' qiijt f pr piun.dlr anilJ -totn.ee,;-.! and najve driven the traitors:' to .rave , and fstalte ho sort of t ; - - 1 - 1 ' ; I reeognltibn there ' tvouftlj iave been rio crinies jot. biiick .radicaif l to jstaih the 'reeos"of North kailli(iaL tron i' 18gS to! 1.S7C, and thertj wouiUl have been uo such ,.disR-,rn!ces lin . legislation, is tlie twojiiast, gener ii I usse&ibues that met at jltaleigh a nd f prtivvd : unmingli'.d .-u'rses to tiie- s atej : There would be no laner$ threatening thf . i white Jpeopl iioAv-.: i. There yvouea We j ho jwhiti? , fel? iows now selliijig tjheir f.uls ti- the he groe.or--a tne ss f pi rttige. '- Hut the pus. :coines1 not 1 back 4 again. It : is too- late to nemeiiy the m stakes! of .the long-ago. Tt islto ideal with the: present ;with hlch 'ivV lre eonfterned. : Ii jisl Ivery siirt if sthe hi fe i race were! united, reso'lviid t!hat the cure would' be found and -' t : L ': . I - :,A ! -I- r:et threa ened race) . war would not j we, neara j xtf Hi Wilmington , ' aftefi.the: present campaign.! Tne. ne- gro'is -.eovild not reniain here . long w Lt hunt eniploynient rppr dempcra, ts "Vilrnington - in ,t q ' : years - wouildV be r come; ;a' city ;of w$ite -;fjilks, and hun- dreds of capable, ndufllrioujs. white la- borers would swjell ? j he population. Theii "OtlieltoVs o cc-upititn";; would be "gone," and the- w'hige I manipulators;1 . and. teat tuckrs kind rigro bafribooz-i lers would pack theiig gHp-sacks' arid would seek 9. niOr confrenial chime.; HO.TIfc FOLK'S The niggerf-npf rt pf- the populists ai'e hard a w o r k trying to elect black radicals. They ; ari? working like beaV- indus- ers,. "both .night and day Their try is great. If lylngfamatiton and traitprism pan wan -tae iday! tthen - theJ rule; of the inegrp ; is? a fixed cacti in t- -J: - - i t ! - - I - L . I rh5 ' trading.! whites Were never before sogearnest', So. des-j; perate. The pone of s bread will take : i - I I-..- - 3.;' I'"." ' . ; --i .' wins unless . they , ear befool the. white meni Tne niggers arp all safe! -They lcon- il fflX 7A. 1 m m-3 u-mi-j i ':'"L- ' J?- o--Vfjaj?j:Tlieii ho-wl abbu i l T,liie determined antAg(VV 'Ut tJVie feady, CJf f the ne- peace:! own! -.117 Vl f ! I ddli'e I6i firat Pi ;!-.. 'if .. areiiEiiuiaiH. a'"" "Jiinu tiiiu kuuw . ' : - wjl v. 1 : 1 ,1 d i.i , .'7jm ; :)v; -" n.d fwhat .theydor'V ; k '4-hite iaf HA " do nore to influence them fori wrona - than a dozen triith-teljers could do tq Induce- themf to. do frignti. '-'They' prefer darkness vtd jll&ht;: and the jBible telld Colonel John; president of the ' 1 X -i''-'-i-4ti 1 Cunningham, thd j!North! Carolina Agri4 1 V m-1 euauril Society ci our suti, ii very active la tffortslto make tha; tt proachlnff,T"air i asplendid success. The Fair opens on i the 24th of October, and continues to ;the 29th. ;The prosJ peers, we are infrtrrned. are very en oo,uraging.' The Xarmers and other classes are interested in a succesBful' State Fair, and ft 13 to be-hoped that that people will. take an interest in and do what they" can to promote its suc cess. Send exhibits from farms and factories, from the loom and the anvil from the sc.hoolhouse and the- homes, A circular from the president 'nays; r s "There in not a manufacturing?, -es- tablishment in the mate that- cannot send, something. Cotton mills can send a bolt or-a half bolt of plaid":, tuncH of yarnsor !twine. All woolen .mills can Bend : a few -of the projiuc-ts of their looms. Canning establishments sample.s of their frujts and vegetables; Woodworkers, samples of their skill in i some form. Tanners can send sampler I of. their -leather- and dresserl skinfci . Saddlers and harness makersjtfbn send a saddle, a bridle or -a-set oharness; i Millers can 'send a barrel of North i Carolina flour, corn meal, etv" t'arr(4 i age and buggy and wagon makers can I send vehicles or other useful art ft-lea I. to add to this !intere.ting exhibit-' All are. invited tonend something. i n 'The; Messenger is a neat weekly Just beun. "at Spring Hope, Nash county, by Mr. Jas. L. Harris. The terms are $1 a year The f,ei ond number is be fori us and it ''moves off Well.. Success to it.K i ' j . -. . ;-i i The . Atlanta Constltutio,n possibly exaggerates slijjhtly, when it says that It has "a largerclrculation in NortH 'f'arplina perhaps than all the daily newspapers In- that tate combinedf' We have known f.,r svme years that its weekly has large 'circulation in this state. 1'WiapS it refers to that edition, and notlto its daily in its -state ment. We do not pretend to" know what that circulation is, nor do w know what the,, circulation of all th North Carolina dailies Ks, but we would suppose it: to reach between 30,000 and -4U.0W, and perhaps the latter figures; It may even be more. If The Con stitution euuals 40,000 for its weekly, it nas cause for both - pride and grati tude, It is' trying to'help on the Whit Man's C;illK in inllt. at t t Wi nr r. el , to .see. u : ' ; l i .' I UKHVITIKS. tur- U...UU. " -wt tll'y7n the mat ter of the "Daughter jf, the Confed. (racy, m, commcrTJable aYl h lady ahfl llkej: SfbP is not sponsible for thes greatr: blunder per ietrated. "All's welli: that ends well. The . . Washing republican. independent gold standard,: says there i no 'change :tn the states,' as - to .the noney question that they are. wh That re they were two: years ago. the meaning of 'its statement. It a ds-that Connecticut, New Jersey Ne Y'ork and Pennsylvania "cannot! ate either creed or candidate to the: atlonal democracy." It is right therej The yellow fever at Jackson, Miss if on the increase. ' I , James . Hollingsworth, in Canponj county,. Tennessee shot and killed Rev.:- A.- C Webb! his son and two! brothers.. ; Sixty men are hunting him. lie 1 has : been . 5ihot : and severely wounded. : ! " . 1 . A : former cabinet officer at Wash ington wanted a, library and so he :or-j dered "250 feet of books." He read 'em of .coursei and by j the feet. . : The Episcopal General Convention id in session in Washington. .It began its sittings 'yesterday. .There are nows .fifty-eight . dioceses and thirteen do-i mestic missionary Jurisdictions. j . ji - it is : certain that the emperor China was cruellyi assassinated. of ...I Gomez- is grateful to America' and is1 certain that the Cubans can establishl a stable government. :. : : To Cure a Cold In One Day . "Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. ; All druggists fefuhd the money if It fails to cure.l -?6c. The genuine has L. B. Q. on -each tablet. - ' LITERARY GOSSIP. Southern people who admire" Sidney Lanier's : genius; accomplishmehts and- writings, jwfll ; b'e. glad t(.i. lenow that ether u n p ujd ish ed f productions are ' to; efcrrtncDmihg.- .How many volumes they 1 will make is not known to us, but';,4'Music. and.; Poetry" ; is the title of a new- .volume in press,; and othe vVilumes will folloy. i; c-if ' - r" Steeveris, ' the; young prolific Engtis traveller, is out in a fourth volume.' H wrote his first in 1S9G, onedf the chap ters beinjr oh Wilmington and ,ihl south.1 His last- i's on the late splendid British campa.ign;jn Egypt under thap great Irish soldier', ; General . I,ord Kitchener, tn order to get ahead of other correspondents and authors he telegraphed a part of his- bciok and thus j obtaiiied speed and victory. ;. . iew,' uhpublished book; by-' the great Scotch author, 'Thomas Carlyle, is to come out. It, is called "Historical Sketches of No'ted1 Person's and Events - . -: ; - - - - - -- ' 7. ti in the Reigns of James: I and Charles i." To those who jhave been duly ini tiated : into Carlyjean., thinking ;?infl style there is marvellous charm in 'the prbductiops of this very rarely gifte author. Like De Quincy and Rusk in and Macaiilaj'i the idisciple of Carlyle can set: at his feeit ii.nd enjoy him in alii moods andi under peculiar t sur roundings. He is eVepifresh and origj inal and eloqueht. -j'V . I ' I It is ai mistake that some papers have fallen into that there are no Bismarck memoirs. ( There are and in. two vol- -" . i- ) :-;--: -. " - ..- -' 1 " t , umesii and his spn. Prince:. Herbert, has themt They will be published ii due time. Ijt has been definitely an. noun :-et. as to this fact. . In the mean time. Dr. Moriti Busch has publishe 1 his cJwn "'Diaryv 'kept for twenty-pve year.'; if 'wsasVeafy cio.se'. 'to. the great statesman, fwas indeed his confidential friend,' ' worshipper, ' editorial writer, etcv The work is: put" andxexcites 'fya'-f. rious comments, j It ; is almost auto biographic and reveals no HttleNrfdmW yui lani. History nunerto obscure orxn- knowri. lit presents the great. Bismarc as he was. literally and faithfully., Thle able London fLiterature'V says it vijl damage Bismr'ck as it places him in a true light and reveals glaringly ?thk worst features, of his character. It will be widely rea:d and will be .discussed for, months to come in intellectual cen! ters and '.by the foremost journalists and critics, Thfwo volumes - cost j $10.00 pys:f .':..;:: v f;: l-r General ' Milesl has a volume out on the late TurkishVGreek war, and Gen! eral Wheeler Jvas. a book In press on the Santiago campaign. ;. - ; :- ' ! : Mrs. M. H. Kront has a volume, on "Hawaii and a .- Revolution." She :was on the spot. She is not enaniored of tne Hawaiians and says there - "has be6n an object of much misplaced sym pathy on the part of those who know nothing' of- Hawaiian affairs, or vho are at est merely superficial .and hot Angry words .vanish when Elastic Starch- la used.-: I; j ,..1: 1 ' ij -Il ' uti. for a ft I THE TOttnGTqiHE58BHflEttf wholly Gisinterwttd obfcrvtr." , In 1S& the total population -was 109,020, and ltf these-30.013 were natives. The natives . ar steadily decreasing. She ' J ''l:l i'f'-.i'-r "! ' 1 "i , '!! ''It'! ' says3i.l;,;t1.;:ji:ipi':'' -.j; !':,! .;(':.' : j ' t .: ; Anglicizing is flowly doing its work, apart from the gin and restraining clothing, which are held partially re sponsible for the decay of the race.", i Professor Marriott lectured at 6x ford "University a few months ago. Hm theme I -was Jane Austen, the 'novelis( of the. ea.rly years of this century. He praised !Ker very highly. vpossbly. ex travagantly. LYou may judge by the following opinions; is; : -i - - '.'There have1 been three great worrter. writers,!: Jane- Austen. 'Charlotte Hronitft, s and ;,eorge- . Kliot, and th"y are great in the order named." ''I have always loved, Jane; I: cannot recall the tlmeH I; iwaj; TsOt her s lover.. 1 Her first 'work J9 "-petrhfaps her best. : I. wowldi rather; havo written ('Pride and; Preju dice' than all oft the Waverley Novels. ' 4'Mi' W, L. AJden, th-w London (Amer icanjl t-ritic who writes for the Nw York Haturday Kevie-w, . cannot read Misst Austetn- and . ridicules ihert excel lency and the fad as to her: greatner;s. There -is nf'doubt cf: her 'cleyernes-s, but' she Is iieitht-r. a Scott-nor aiThack- I il j: . '. '! ::;".' . -M !, -','.! 1 , erayj KlUICALM iSFEKINt' JIOSKV I WAMIIM.Tl Thrre has been a radical Wa"ilD(-ton fity from Noi IipaJ the Mecca! of ii radical and It hi prophet they seek Is like j.Mik ' JJanna, the: dispenser cf spondulicks In campaign tyrhr. H' s so foil: of benignancy an- purity that he i-'l Aver ready to hyr the petitions of .'the idistressed merofh.r1 0f his gang, and t)!! Jepd i.i 'hamif 0; .h(.p tr su'ecor the llifcpairing Anagagi a!nd the hunryr ipee-huters; Like, the! aet of rich jmen hp w"fpresents: Mark Is willing to sietl7o.utX,again as: he dM 'in .1896, "lot.sj of rl0ney-; ito help keep: UP the riiggj-nzg t North Carolina. : In 1S!G, Hie jHllJ,,- i,f Jftl f.fin-ivt, tblrrlr if ix.-u ir lH-wasdistributed for that end in state: j jSettle. Ilolton, Pritchard one iother radira : possibly are in Washington!, ;or .have: been recently, solioitingjfnoney tofprevent a defeat in North? f "aroima: . They propose: to buys whites as far as needei. The: blanks lare' safe already and no buying s necessary. Of course they kvill gt the itrioheys and willisoo-n begin ito scat-' 'er t around. ' , Piitt-hard his been cheering Hie Washington Post, as Tom Settle did He t admits i "the negro" is am issue I vi --.i I. : hi';' j " .-'. '.-. 1;. :! : . I r... and "absorbs attention." tie says tne five districts biadk radicals will carry for be hav icongress; He thinks that pne will jgaincsih : Mind you i the democrats j He gathers up:hls but' one now. froUsers for -a fresh 1 blow of brag and put iidown the combine majority at p.t least 25,000. i He .is t-ounting on . five pojiulists to aid in niggerizing the state morte ithkni ever. : This is the bragging of : ho I hn ported, shameless Tennessee demagogue, i , , : ' , ' Chairman Ilolton ii-s: there, and he ik Very, very confident that all is Merry and bright and ' sure : an North Cai-oi" ima. The -white : traitors and , nfgger .will whoop 4 up thing i and take fres con rol. Ilolton thinks the real white; men are-itiring of the-race issue. How' simple!; He says the, newspapers "havcj moderated considerably in tone." Think" of it. ' Can he read? He tells a false-" hood flat-footed as to negro appoint-: II'- 'L - ii-1 ' - -;: .- j - ' !' '' :- -" ' - :- - - I nent&; ;here. and .elsewjiere.-.- Hereu is, II! . : -i- I .V ! --Ii ! : - --'.:.':!!' - - ' . .-11 . i i what this disciple of Cy Tliompsoh- aiyfe; : I il il' L -: "jl if ''--.; . '..' ' i jf i: , rf"he: democrats attacked us, '0Orthe negro problem, particulaily sfn ,thi county of New Hanover, vwtiich con-, tains litihe- city of Wilmjjgton, and! in Craven county. It habeen conclusive y shtiwn that thehegroes in thosiv couhttes i who. : now i'huld office were largely placed there under democratic tidnpinistrations and by democratic boards i that ;nov. control that city ana the, counties. ' : ! : i i n :- This blind partisan ami nitre-er affilii. latoh jihd icnide'r 'says ; the democrats lia'leiljben j josing ground since Sepl tember' 1st.! I That, is 'not true? as . Av- cock'and Jarvis and Glenn and. Buclf Kitphra and; fe.ll the canvassers IrTya rious ;fcart ;of .the statekiiOwT If Iving ifckn .keen the -Wate under - the heel M the' I.oav demagogues and maki sit. mprerniggerized than Havtii it 'wiU . i 1 , . : '.-I:-' -i I- I I i - - li ' : -' . j-: i WH AT NOjKTH CAItOLINA EDITORS ;-. 'Ir-AltEj.'SAVlNG. .; i : In the seicoiio' of these three armies wei see , thirty-two thousand j white j mea in ccHumU larrayed foir reform:; in goyprnment. j They are intelligent our men and represfnt a deal of the wealth of the state. These " are honest; good, liberi:)Qyj;nkvCitizenk: ,do! !n.bt desire that the negro shall dominate tliQ gdvernrnent , of the state. ; They, the privates in the ranks of. this army, really j desjre retrenchment, but th,e pat has ilroven that the 1 leaders ' of this; army ihave sold,; and will sell if the ranks; will allow jit, the votes of thf honest private : for office and Pe.'; i.-This thirty-two ' thousand wMte men ffrbto what; is known , ath .populist paity in the state. TheyhaV' it in thefr power to forever etampf ne gr6 domination from power 'in th state. fwiHiyou do . it honest lists?;. Which side, will,- yoii join ?-f JJimni- UnioD. - 1 ,;.,;K':' '' ? v W(v publish, in our news- columns to dayan official statement from Mr. j. H. jSOuthgate, president of the board of, trustees ,of: Trinity jcollege, in whiclj it ks '. virtually admitted that j the coH tege holds interest in the American Tobacco company to the extent of nin. ; hundred and ten fehares of the tire ferred stock, valued at one hundred thousand dollars, and upon which ;the college receives dividends. Mr. South gate's, i letter speaks for itself. iye thank- hiin; and the!; executive commit tee for their courtesy and frankness in making the statement in reply to lki .l.!l''.w1i.i.-. a-'''l..li..!-. if . !.j " o jvo ; voiitiuue . lu xiuiu an: lnierestf in and ; draw dividends from a busi ness Jthat Ih&s been; condemned bv. the XtJvr-l'-i Ji. -!-. All '.1 tain 11 v. j tuuiei. eute is a quesr tion : for the conference to ans wei W'inston Sentinel, - , ' i ' i ;f i'Asiwfe Said before; the white '.Uri will not 'submit o the domination knh 'insult: by this infamous race. We (16 not .want to see trouble. It! will he a- deplorable state of .affairs. I But just Iso sure! sis night follows day.if the hej o does not call a! ..halt and resume hiplace and treat the whites as theit superiority demands for them, ther will be blood shedi We do not want to; see it ebme tot this, and for this reason we; speak plainly that the nef gro .may have anibpbrtunity; to. avert it by proper conducts The Caucasian' race ihas bad thousand&of years I of, elvilizationj nd cpltiire and ; there' is no such a thing as this raceNbowing to a race that two thousand yearsjtgof were, savages and thirty odd years a slaves. Wei do ' not jspeak as" we do; because of any ill feeling for the negro,! but we think it is best to unfold th; truth' and the whole truth that he maf see thelsituatiori . ai it is audi then he will be responsible for the) conse quences. This, issue is full of acts of insolence of. the negroes towards the whites. Read and jyou will see '. thd handwrjting on the , wall. Washing? ..t6a-:rd?resi: " y I ; i.;,.te;'. "' :": rl", ;-!'; i Elastif Starch kens linen from blis- 'C""6''( l, .:, k ii :-::;-: t'. . V, .rtivem 1 - - --: ri- - nd i 1 Atbnv.. . tii t ulrertltn tCorreapondeiJce of The Mes$engdr ) , About, 4v-J or the students number of the faculty, held with a a mass r,c..flri ir or i mnr. r-Tvi -.!. u.-v-"!ji. i i - v-j FiwaAtng, a rally liast mgh"t in the inter--? of athletics at this collie The me.ting was hejd in Gerrard hallJiid at time- wild tliihu-siasm was displayed. , s-. eral members of the faculty nd ;we! known i athletic men made spMchHi. i . All .the s-i-ehes tended ,to j romot interel in the. teams which represent us in athletics ahd to kf p Cull-j spirit ! up. , Frequently loud' cheers and yells as ere nearu ana all c-anlei awny nfidence in our-team who, u to twith flu. nob y defend us this fall, and with a determination, each one to nd hi y.ntereiit and enthusiasm to the! supposr Lf .the itearri.' : : . . , :i .. -:; i !,- S Tki.: u.iVii. Iiil.-. f.-.w ,t. . . y. .11 A (this Tall is as follow;.: . . u. i . I- Wedn-siiay, o.-tubt-i- 12th University iof. . Nort h Carolina vs. Greensboro, .at Chapel) Hill. . -'-j '."Vi.-rlij; ! i-'N-" -Jataii'ly.ji -,',ber' Wt h University of North Caroiria -.-Agricultural and lechanlcal i r,ij!lege..:at Chapel! Hill.: Saturday. October. 2'Jth University ;.f 'North Carolina vs. Virginia jMiiiiary ; I nsst i firt " at Lexington. Ya. ' I! - Fni, Noembr 4th Uni ersity cf Norti Carolina vs. Virginia Polytechnic In.pt if uke;' at Winston. : ir .. ; -SaFuifdtiy.; November, 12th University of .'North arolina vs. University of fi..reia, at Mac.in.vGa. : ,n . ! . AMon'lav;. iNovember 14th Ulntversity i of .North ('arolina vs. Alabama Poly- stuhnic Institute at Auburn, lAla fw k 'nimbfr 24th At PJchmond. Unr to j versilty 'yf North Carolina s Universt-o- i rV "t Virginia I Much' interest and especially on the part of the alumni; : is being Shown all over' the; state on this foot ball teani- Thf people of the state are begmmpg to realize that, says i The Tar Heel. "It ts.'iot one college defeating anoth er: It us Virginia defeating North jT?ar-olina- I For, Just as : our tiniversftty; be longs jtol the state.': so r our great -rival belongs' to - Virginia.' Then .let. every studerjt at this university and every true alumnus put himself -behind the team, jwith iiraisie and' words - of en couragement. and- perhaps onl Thanks giving' day another song will be sung and i instead of the Black anil Orangi of Virginia, there vl!. stand as the champions of the siuth, the White and Blu.i of; this university. and of this state. !,: I- Mr; Warren Kluttz has chosen Mr. A.) R. ii Berkley '00. as assistant mana ger iofi the. foot ball team. : 'The diterary societies each :took in a large nurniier of ; nw members last Saturday nighr. The first Issue of the magaaine will -occur shortly. . The sicofce-of the (iiiitford vs. Carolina game last Saturday; was 18 toO instead ,t h to 0. I - Proft'S'sori -Noble has returned,; after !i trip to Wilmington.! : ; : EMPHATIC Statements i't-i Letters from women cured, of female troubles byPe-ru-na Lucy L. Wilson, r Nashville, Tcun.ii writes:; , - !;&. ;"I now consider a myself well and do j give you greati thanks forit; yourJ wonderful medi-: cine, Pe-ru-na, hass done me j all , the good. I had tried , a great many;: doctors and did not find any re- lief from any of them, tint now. T - n... T yM am well, I feel Hire altiow npranti nil nvr i Afa.tr flnrl . 'bless you and be with, vou always." : MrsA.C Hildebrand, Milton, N. C., writes : . -' . . t. . t '' " I was very low. and pronounced in curable by two of the best doctors in this county when I commenced the use of yojir medicine. : I : have used nine bottles of Pe-rurna and I think that I am perfectly well, i .-.' ' i ' j : " 0 course Pe-ru-na is what did the work J and ! Tj consider it the; j grandest medicine in the world. Mine was a notedj case in this countyand-every body thought ' I would die.; I never IpjseHfa opportunity to praise your medicjine.. ;You may use this letter as a testimonial and make it as strong as you can." ; - ' . : ;:.-;S J.:. j r: V I'- '!-':: -, '. V - .iJ:' ARE NOW READY, WITH THEIR New Fall Goods. ALL TIIIvM: WKST AND BEST IN Dress Goods and Millinery. f: rimmiirgs of all kinds, ji - ::: ; V ! :. j -;! - Silks. Satins, Laces, Etc! ! - - .'.-I-. ;-V:. Our Opening of FOREIGN AND DOMES TIC PATTERN HATS Will be arinouced later: JOHNSON & FORE, Hi MARKET ST. j IS THIS THE NEXT MOVE? Fronrthe, experience of the "OREGON - ; ' .". : ) - t In the late ware, the NICARAUGA CANAL d become a necessity.! The ixt move tnat tnose who need G. !DEN HOSE luid bhould make to come to my store ana see ine superb stock. 1 am displaying andMhe prices ai wnicn it se CHAS. H. WHITI Y. M. C. A. BUILDING. :Stik:- St ,7 " i)h "'Ar.-. - 5Ti3r fZZx. kL;jie:;k.;' "'; --.if- 4'.; ;C ; 11itir3Ayt OCTOlfttt fl; 1693. Hi p. ft o o o a o CCeep in tie World o 'Keepformed of wtat is gpi? and reading .! i l.l : 5 VC-t-k ra3?Ines: 'savW lT m.t .'?;'-:' . cw VUIVKUI '-L'U1 '. : HL.' liTKl IK. oaotgLo coo oo oo o a oo o oooovoo oooooooooe oooooooo iiifii.iiAojWi 'j4.t wc have the Largest W tUiflraii.WITfl ANii MARKET IN PBiCtS : .. '. -.'Wi .' ' " " . .' i ' 1 THAT jWL llTAVK Till" i " i' ' 1 i J i ;j ; I ', ' ' j . : -1 ; f J. : rtj - 1 ' 1 " '' '' '' :': -1 -'. - Best f; auipped TinShop! in the Citj And iMake U Specialtof ROOFING AND REPAIRING '1 - 1 1 1 rti iidi in mm Is Coufi ete, and Nothing ibut Fit Class Work m&ri Employed. '!"!; r . il-!' ' i'-.- .f ::.; 1 : r - ' ; I j ; v ! ;. : ', ' . - . - . , .: - f Ik 'kk'f l: 'v;k'-;k-! k I 1 i-'M ' X. -V' , y' - --vi--A4: S' -!'ksl-r '''ir '!v U-l. ' " I ' iUrfl -:-rS-:-i i ' f ;. ! .. . !-: ''Jl :-l sept 2 SO ilE COMFORTABLE SHOES. While ktlie ' warm weather continues you can kecayourselti comfortable: by using- some nt ' Jinn rl-linl An.Ra.nt. i fnnt.fjAa v . i "Wa . "ha.tr a 'aTl l -1 -r-.t 1 1 1 ' -h 1 - ' ' i : ana 1? it a Die u-ooas. : a. - IA f?F.W Til?flr'N T OTS Of sun; fiieri goods, we, tvornlt f lnrxr -nrinper, r!s4l onrl co fie ' 3 1 I J ! I' GEG R. FRENCH & ; '':'' .1- 1 I' I -. ;-f": i.-l ' . ;..:' .. 108 NORTH FRSNT STREET, Hi ' fir ' !' :' 'Aug. K' : 1 '27. Sir I ACE -INSTITUTE, Raleigh! N. C. A FanU ilTr School for Girls. Ver 1 Judge. (0 a, Gray, Culpeter Val, says:: school olji fa I have any knowledge.' juii24.- it -IB C lit . ..- f. . . !. " .1' .!' s . ASlbse of Business July ! l if ! ;' j L Kepart to SOURCES, k L k Loans : .-Jl m-X . . . .:. 5325,793 25 Overdrafts T ' '. ! 201 -63 U. S. Bond Other Bon p -St par.. t yV -,. ":.!.'!! j . . . ... .... . . .. . x 25,000 00 11,376 37 23,600 00 Banking hpjife and fixtures.. Due 1 ifrons cf; other! banks if .$46,924 46 Due from K;jJ. I Treasurer is .. Si- 1425 00 76,299 28 Due from. .pprov-f i ed xeerye ;f;g&nt3. Cash in vaa. I T6'taljv.lJ?S. 33,299 34 ;1G7,648 .$5319 33 t' of 1 the Naiiorit Bank; oftwilminel 1 f. 08. lS 5 - . .This isS&youngest Bank lb jWllrh irjton. diviidendrt. fff'i .have nassed S15.000 to feuifilus. 3" wiAi resulM tttld shall do iour best to' blciiase you in every- way. We want your business,; a$ .. trust that you will- fayopijus with your acount. We feel that OU,r Iirst uis rt is l our uauuiuei, anuria nieei yuui yvaiuia ai lowtr iai than: eyer bqS'e. in this state. i r JOHN Si iRMSTROXG, Presidiyll -July 29' Hf i.'. , :-4'! - ! k ffl .. - : ! i K Ml ) AM k-v , : , . , . . v . .... . . r . --jTi 5 i i-sj A NEW LINE i --in ft GAESIiND HATS Consisting of allj -.... ..-V . i -" '''5 i! " J 'i : New Goods are sti'l in the North y.1 : I n lip GRAND OPENING k : ; (I i : i -i .'! ;:-.i s 1 il:Mirket I; Street, ?ifOur Entire Stbik of mm :1.,;; ! ' m aep 29 Stateftient ! 1 -I'l W1IlINCJ,; At the Cate of Business Sept. - - a to Comp S. 5 .-Si . '- i ,'t- ;'- Loans $638,485 B2 ': 453 37 .95,600 00 Overdrafts: i 1 i-R. . 4 . i . . . . . ...... fit par). J:.. U. S. BontiS Banking Ho .fe. and Fixtures 10,000 (XT uue i irom . i i other .ju Banks, $133,778 02 . Cash on h4t ',!... ?7,717 73 211,495 15 k " -ii. -, . Tbaik.'k; ...l.,....:$956,034 i64i COMPAKATIVB i jMl-. Tnt1 nanhcttb HnrpiMami t Profits IMTtdenarlfll Ppr Pont. T'4r Paid in Ouyfifa 1802.1.1: .-i-j f .. H :' U-f- aPENNYROYAliPI LtSS A -v fn- Ti '.liOF.-'s PEitmuiT A. Wxb ana take; BO Oth' If $3" Send for a T ,ar. Prl l.O0 perbo& 4 )xe lo $5.00. ?alJRi MOTT'J. EMiCAL CO - OtovelwrVOW-' For' Saie by W-na. H. Green. IT'i" ni mn i; '-.ii.i. i ) ii.ii Hi ml i in in .in I'gui i iii. i l i u. ; i uui.Wfe .. m- . -I. ,ii.i im.iL i '...I. I...,, i .. H ...I.", i I i mm ii.IW ;E3J -. out read tfcet papers and fy usinjr Xg& ' ! WAXHIHQ PGWDCR o . 5 2 saves both tine ald Ial)or o gives rt5ult! that please. '.-.'. i . 6 JHE N. K. FAIRBAKK C0MP1NY. . j r . i i ... -.' fnTT Tr. New YorfJ I I'ttiixJelrbla. o ifd Kcst Assortment of I -ROOIS. 5-r v-s' ' ( i . i h :e closing. out at ex;-! i-T ' 1 SONS S -3-i - Thorough and of High Grade. Vltncerely believe it lathe very best female "f. A 1 i - ii -rx illuated catalogu free to all who apply. ; 1 j as. uinwiiudie, w. a., i'rincipai. m on mti llttli, 1898, Condeiised from fL.ft)Bptroiier. kfi i : LIABILITIES. ..pitai 41f0,000 00 - 15,000 00 . 3,997 43 . 22,500 00 . 402,121 90 Undivided Troflts HrcUlation frbtal Deposits J ' 1 " ' ' ' " i:'.j p Total ..r.i.;;..iJ543,619;33 "We have paid out' $15,000 in We feel vey, much gratified f; F. Ri ll AWES, Cashier. ORfcHILDREN'S tf? :, ! i . . Ao alnew Lot pf Ladies' fine FELT HAT xm ana ro tany r-ait iraae. -.Ife. ' : :- t' i.T '..-:k ; -:k thCLatest Styles and Shapes. Other; . . 1 ' t w corong in every day. ; : xilre. 1 avlor is Kii fiiif Fall and Winter Stock of - : c - Ifill be Announced Li SSS--: . - ' -i i . : t .'v., ter. ti: Wilmin gton p Sclibol Supplies atfa Sacrifice. -W .-. -I . . ! - i-l". r:.! .'. i : '. -; !1J' V -v.: I m . 'M:-: '" ; I ; . ii.:-. v:;h :'.(;! u 1 ..1 1 1 - . '! . .: . t - It of Malic National Banlc I.-.':. ; J iM' ; ' i , ' '-: .,,.1! 1 ' i IN, f N. C. i - i 1898, Condensed FronJ Report J :;i : . liabilIlties iapital $125,000; 00 SairplUs IJ.. $70,000 UO : 5 T Undivided Profltsj 12.600 13 82,O0 73 i-culatlon .. . . S.i Deposits lather Deposits 40,500 00 ..$50,000 .... 657,933 100 ' ' ' ' ' SI 707,933' 91 5E- 'i I TaIoI i '.$956,034 64 i a STATEMENT ; f i:k-: Roller; - - ?r ! 1 Sept 120. '86. .Bept.20T'97. Sept. 20, '08 i ' "tQ nno I qi nnn itit nnn $707,000 urn. . Last IntIlment of Capital Bep 30 Tfte ualy uare, ufe anc reliable Female PUX ver offered: to Ladle ' eepecially reconuud&d-. ed tc' married Ladiea ; I: '4 , 'k k VJ-; " k . ! - . j :j vVe are ,offeriD:; ; , ' Fresh cb4ke,rs, New Catch Hu'llets, -ALS- Heat, i Flour, Mea!! , toffee) -Sugar, or irices: l-T . I' All at Bot D. McEAd HERN WHOLES AtErilOCER, r-r lckc First in Pchcpnd First ffk : in j 1 . j'Js ..vi 1 of V.il)iiip, but notv we 1.. Mnr,iii,i i 1 ii! tir omnroo -01 ih J9l II . OAIIIIIjAO, ;r.ilB ky Corner j4 First ! with ninv Vt?i ;VtKalamaioo.) l-irst v,ith tine jaokerci Kirjf in thirkmr "nn.l thm?4 for i 1 - kmovst j fi ip Tu-tximprs I r.'e r Uur : Maokeriii prevc. nn(ti you i-ftr saw, all ort ana-aies Jysc try fl Hem fAr breakfajil. ,;--J rtek!d Salmon byj.5?..fSi ; pound, the is'fri' tiunff you -wnttf ' ; !,; : PuiH' CJli-h In L It jkag-s -will te re to please, i j t filling up 109 whfji ra-.Iant lanythine HkhI for breakrasit, jer or .upp?r. se.how QUtowly'y' ?frlll iret it. 'rf- ,-' .- . Ti '.l.llWi. WE WILll t!;CElVE SATURDAY'S CLYr I STEAMER NEW HOLLANp 1 J:;jfRINa.. ! MPXsTKit cub: if SWISS CUKES! I I MKT Wl'RZ. i KirFEiti:i in t-1YOt"Il KAIU.Y PUi?tS WILL, HE , yi'll KC.I AT K D, AS f ".'iffl QUANTITY K)-KD15HK1) IS VK HVtMlt'ED. ST1 RMU I t : ' :..:': I K( if HUOS., 9 l di Front. St. In 'Qate 160. 217 and 2 Hell Thone ".'CO, sep 23 ime Table in Effect Afgust 10, 1898 EASTBOUND? -'AINS. ! 3ave.Oold8toro T'.t&m., 3:40 p. m. leave Klnston ft Hs jrn.f 4 32 p. m Ieave NewklJern l:s? pm., 6:45 p. m 3:4 p.- m., 6:57 p. m Arrive Morelread WESTBOTJ2$Ii 11A1S Leave Morehead 7:4it i m.; 8:20 a. 4; Leave New Bern K m., 2:00 p. m Leave Klnston 10 12 m., 6;13 p.'m. X 1 a. tn:, 8:13 Arrive Goldsborq p m. ; . L. DILL, -.jperlntendent. Jun 22 iA$PxXVl 1UVI!:D XWt a n w' A iMTtU JimITeI t-'i' J ! I TO AIL Pl "NTS Mil SOUTH lief SOUTHWEST : . Schedule lpi EftifCt fayl 1, ! 1S98. g Train 411 ives t"l!f arrives .Lumberton (l '$ '- ' : - i - fifrton 3 30' p.. m 'i.i.m , Pembroke 5l.s;4fi pL.;m., Alaxtoii f:23.i. m.. H,iralet fl Z.C ii ,, L lurlnburg an . Wadesboro :11 in., Monroe S t ft,m., Charlotte Irain I or- Pjjrtsmoutb, .cSimond, Wash- J'llK t-LIII' 2LI1U aLL JIUIlIUtf - T&. II 11I1 LUr A L ftinta. ;.' : . . f . t Train 41 Leaves Por' ijith 9 20: a. m. arrive AV.eldon 11 4ia. ...Htil ileiRh 3:30 p! In., aanrord t UJ p rh Athens 3:45 a. m.. ahd: iUlet 6 53 p. m. tirtrUA 6.20 a. m I rrain t 4oa ueaves vv ltjiiiton 4:10 p. m.. Richmond S:56 pi'.ii''MKjTtsmouth 8:45 -1-B. m. Arnvi s Vcldou J ,jj. ni . Halelch ii. nt.,-Rockin(fham 4:23 -1 n., "Wadesboro !?t50 a,: m., Athens 3f4,"i fo.J and Atlan- fta 6:20 a. m. Jonnettift ;rafl Weidon with train -from Richmond b fldi all" Northern pbints. Pullman slep";, i! yortamouth to NashvlHei -a. m. LinX; t6jn 1 12:2(r -a. rn.. th.eHy 11:1S a. m ,t t; lrfordlo$ 12:30 jfnbon, : Athens 1:1a p. T: t. s - Atlanta. 3:50 3 Tl rain -3S-weaves stliS jO p.; m. f'A'thens ; 11:21 p. m.,f ..i?; tf 1 6:55 a. m fSJpaVes Charlotte 6:fi)v:.i4ni, lAlonroe 6:55 ftj- m.,: VV adesloro .i Wl'i -, "?iSi i 1 lamliet 8:lo Ihj.m i Wjil..f h ; 11 -4ll -.; TVi.liTii V TJh ii. m.. arrives Portshio:'.: -i ;f:2S t). ra. - lt Train 38 Leave. 2iar 20 a m. Ar pives Lailrinburg 8 W t ,-it' !. m;i Pembroke 9:U1 ' r-L I Luniberton Tn VVilmfntTtnn'' tirtn -I !-3TrMJln. 4l2 tjottvrw Atl ( . m.. ........... H. i'tni.wv ti. ill,.. ar- Selves Allien. J lb p Hi) , f Mil p W JO p.- m Reaves RutlirlordtK)rl.j,i,-ip.l in;, 4rrivei Shejby ;a:55 p. m., Liht ,7ion e."6 p. rn. .Wharllotte 8 'IS n ni , 1 lroe1 9.10 -in. ni. i'vVadt'sboro.lo 31 p m ;, ,ot;klln'tham 11:05 ii. m.Jf Hamh t II JOli ( V- gilifird 1:02 a. oai, Itatelgh Ife a In , Uon 4 jDia. m., artsrn6uth 7:i5- a. Im.,t- ACjhmond 18:18 a. fo.,.Va8hlnyton; Viiil-ni' I : ' - ; Train. leaves II an. ,7 15 p. in., ir- rtvas pltson 8:10 pj m.f j-turailritf, leaves Gibson 7:00 a. m , art -AT, Jfamlet 7:50 a. m. ! . J j f Train 17 Leaves liai ;:40 a. -.in' at. Wyes Cheraw 10400 i- nr."' 3turnin(jj leaves Che.-a'6:00 p. m an Jlamibt 6:20 p-ia.5' l ' . I j All iratna daLv elcce:'v.sj 17 and 18. Trains make lmnaedWT jonnections at prleans, Texas, quj'for: fMexlcoj Chat- itanoopa, JSashvllJe, ;v Jijftphls,- Macon, ;j'lorida. . . 1 i f , , -f For; Tickets, Sleeoergi ut.,i appty to 2-: :!.J ' TWOS ., ifMEARKS. 1 i ! Gen'l Agent! AVrff- iogton, N. C: H. ST. JOHN, S I ' - . t 'i Vice President ancf d ten'Ii Mapager, jr; "VV. B. GLOVEIt, aic .Managers VI Ei McBee. Gen't -Scf'rintendent. ' : 1T J. ANDERSONi Get 5asa. Agent. ; General Offices. iPort4J!Jtoiith.i Vai ..-', '.iii - . -v- I JOHN GILL. Schedule in Effec ,tt3y 3, '1898. a a . Pdouth Nortti Bound Dally No. 1. Wound I Daily 4 No. 1. MAIN Lri"' 2 7,06 p m Ar., Lv. Wilmingi! ...Lv 8 30 am 4 02 p m ' 3, 52 p m .' 31 4 p ml 3 20 pm 12 42 p m ;12 13 p m 11 55 a m 11 17 a m IJ36 a m id 09 a m Palette?' Ar Hi 40 a m 11 60 m Ar. Pavettevi I.v Lv Payettevillwtfi'un Lv 11 54 a m Lv... . . S& n fo Mi. I Lv' 1 08 p rh 3 10 p m 3 40 p m 3 50 pm 4 32am 5 07 p m 6 36 p m 7 00pm Lv Cllma? ,Lv Lv. G r e e ns U i; : . i. . A r Ar..'. Graensb- sTri'.'f.Lv I.v:.. Stok.irt , I.v Lv ..WaHiutr $ -.Lv Lv..: , Rutal -'A '.ULv h 45 a mLv ' AtV kl 4-Ar iouca - 1 1 ' i ": .-c "North Bound Dally No. i. Bound 1 i", ' f BENNETTS V LB. IDaily No. I. 4 15 pm 1T m Ar.. Bennetts?, : nnettsv : ii ;.JjV 8 00 a m 9 07 a m 9 S3 a m Lv...... Maxto. WL.i.LtV 4 i b p m f 1 O n Lv. . Red i Snrf ?V ; . Lv Lv... Horie Jl fe.i.LvriO 30 a. m f V4. UJ HP miLv... ayefte:.i.Ar 10 40 am c- m r 'r.-.xaj" No. IS. No. 14. 1 South i : i Bound i Hlxed. i Daily 'If i North j i f Bound MADiacW 1 , I Mixed. Pi. Sun. J (Ex. Bun. liwpm Ar.... Kamae ii..wLvi 6 40 a m 8 30am 9 17 am 9 35 am l Wpm l 00pm it 30 p m -11 15 pm Lv dims -'i,Lv Lv... Greonafto ii.i.Ar Ar... GreonsPo ,5;Lv Lv... Stoltesdav fi.j.Lv 14 07 am Lv... Madisa? ! iAjill Uam t tO P m 1 : . - k'H' ':'.'. ' '!- sa -.x reignr train moi 8 fr' ;the Cape- Fear g and Yadkin Valley no ia.ve8 Wllmlng-i f jton at 4:00 p. m, arnvt ?M Fayetteville Fat 10.20 p. nvvPassex-4 ir-car on this train, I j - ' n ri Connections at TVvetti Ht.A wtrK : A t. fan tic Coast Line, I at . iii an with the JarollnaXJentral Railrk1 Red Springa tfim tne -ttea wpnnga a; f iiowmore raii p oad, at Sanford with ii 'Seaboard Air i jine, at uun wun jats xa em and Cpar Slntto Railroad. , at ! Gtpia hnirt wftti th Southern Railway Comaf, at Walnut I Cove -with tfte NorfoT. 'i t-sad - 'Weatern m1?-: r i il'? it Willie .kr-- ;: 'i fell . '; I f Gen'l Manaker. Ct Paa. Agent. ;.'. 1 -?1r 'V' :V ::-.'k,3k U, WHAT IIASI MADE. ! '!: - I ' " I i ! -(' '-', TI1E STIEFE PIANO S : utxrrlor auaiitT of ttmt i ' rn 1 X ovicn and trorkmacoh.cJ I T!-V!'iri ! i- - ! - ''! .' i '! .j:- Ereoij(if :v!i. I - . i : i j : . j , , i i '.: .,:. JP iacr.es. e t fla:h i i Ik ifty jer cf.hiot iJraUo J . . . ' ' '- .'! ;l - "' - : 1 ' - I-l I . . ' ' Cataloirue Tor th auk 1 nr. !, . iOIAHLKS M. 8T1EFF. IUItun.iro--9 North ivrtr St." WashjnKt.m- $21 KleVenth, St;, . Norfo:kl Thp MoJititfello. CharUiUe. N. t.-.;ill N Trvrin' S 'I f hiMulei in EfTert, Seprembr -it,- UiJ, j : learur- frtrn Vi:rrtlngtov ' p i .'NtHT!lHOlND . " : DAILY iXn. 4S PilTminff-Kr-i-ni,- r . . A M, noli il . Im.. Warsaw ill'K : ;. ;...). m. tiiliilltvrO ill.-CJ p . Iii, '.oa 1! 43j iO m. Rocky ,! . j,. iMount l: p. m.. JTrp.Vii i;U i V m., W.da 3.35-p.-m.. itr "arit I U p. an.. Hichmoaa t. m.. -Norfolk! 4.66 p. m . VAAh- i ,5rit!on 11 W p w. luitlmor li; J. ni . rtl!A1ljhi l io m. Sew Yirk U . rrt.'io- 1 i'l1! i i ton 3:.) p. 'tn. i . ,..,-':, in.i'i ,i ti PUI.Y'NO -PuMtnt-rr-Du MC- f . 1 r . w . . - . V ... - 1 1 ' i 1 IlOi.i 9 A) pi I , HI-HAW J jlO u - S fill.. .10iJslKro. 10: II) n hi, lV vn 11 i p in , Trlvro m . KJty .Mount 11 JT p WtlJort a mi Norfolk a. ru..: l'Mer,tur- m , 10 4 in KloUnonJ AI A m.. WaaMInf- i .ri a, m . ii.umor a. m , PhiUdolpM'A .,1J::3 . ! -m.. New 'lurk ,IM t. int.: lKHAtun iu p. nil. : J i ..... ...v.. .,.-.-141 k ' i - i fliifllt, (KOIIVIH ;U U m.i .Vw Sunday 6 w t. m. . , . .l. . . :.2 p. n. r ' ! ! I SrtlTHKOlTM)..-" DAILY: No. K. i'asi-r.ger Ja.- o.wi . Jij i .tix'iimnti' :j ti tx ....... v .jt. m;. i no i I'ourn h: n. irn.:: Mari.m ni -1 ("had in., Ploreno- t;li p. m.. Surnl S 33 p. m...'iiuitilA 10.W ji m . t jlVnniark a. m., Augvu-tx I i t jT. h. ni.. .iiLon 11M5 a.i rrt J (Atlanta 14-:35 ip. in.. CharlMton-l i,Jt.. p. ni.. S.vantiah 150al m l J.ioknon vl.lt J:3o a ! Till i, .., a i a i Kustln. 10:30 A ni. Tamp ot i i p. m ARRIVALS AT IT V I LM rNm IN-KftOMi- i I'JIE NORT1I- . j i 13 -rajij.-lij,'r Iave :Ho-' :-i-'-. t ,i 1A11. iNo. . 49.-r.et 5:40 1' Mi loll jl:li3 p. ni. sw York! I P .m... I'lilliidflphla 12:i a. , (Ualnnlore aiO a. m.. WaiHiUn. ii j ton :4:A1 a. ; Richmond! 8 u4 i a. in.. I'etemburir Waw a.l m ; !; i Norfolk .9:00-atim.'. vidon 11 i I a. ni.. Taj-lHn 12:1 p. mj I Rocky MountTl:00 p.i m.. Wlilaon 2:20 i p. ni., .Jomboro 3. ii p.! in. ni. 11 1 4 1J i m. . IIAlLYi No.! 41.rI,u!Hru-lrT 9:Jo At j.lj: ton :I:i:00 tilKlfi. New I York ia ' a Hi , Philadelphia- 13 t p Hi H.iltlmor.- 2 ii j ni, WaahltiJ- j Ion 3- p. n... luhmond T;ja" IP. m,, iVt-riiurK' -i-12 'p. - m..i i Norfolk ,2 .w p in, Wo i tion S:4.t p. nil, (Turboto. 6 0U p. im.. Hix-ky Mount 5:to u in., r leave ilaon 16:22- a. in., :oWla- -I biWo 7:01, a. in.. Varnaivir "J:J a. i'l mil, iMaKnolla iM:05 a. ni. ' - t it DATLY. No.: 61 Pna.snKirI'Hve' tit w-exc-pt ! liera St:0 a.tjii.. ' Jaokonvlila bunday 10:24 a. nu. j .i. . 12:15 p.inij PiU'M TliK SOUTH. i ' ', DAILY, No. 64. l'assenifcr l.uv Tr-' 12:J1 p. uii. pa. H:10 a. in., Munford 3 07 p ru i Jacksonville 8:00 p.'m., (jmo - i ! ! nali: 1.45 a. tiJ., Ctiiirleaton 6:3J ! i I a. m., Columbia 6:46 a. ni , - At i 1 ti n la ":o0 a. m,, Macon !:10 a. I nr.. . AuKusta!2:30 p. : l)-i-I mark. 4:17 p. m., Sumter :oV . r rn.. Florence fe:t5 a. m., Manoa) i!.34 a. m CSiadbourn lo-ss . - i ni. Iave Wa'camaw 11:0s a. aa. IDaily . exbept Sunday. .. . Trajiiajpn the Scotland NeckHrancf Ron,d leave Weldon 4:li p. m;, Halla 4.30 p, rn., arrlveti- Sootland Neck at 20 p. m., Ureenville b:i7 in ni:; Klnston 2 -hi p. in. Rt-turnffig leave Klnston 7:50 a. m.. Greenvill&:'.r a.- in., arriving Halifax afc 11:18 a. m.. Weldon 11:33 a. in., dally cept Sunday. ... i Trains on AVashlnnton Branch loa.va ! aahiiwitoii S:M u. m. and 2:30 p. ni ar rive I'almiele 9:10 a. in. and 4:00 p. in? r- r ...... . u.i, n . oj d in.- tiim a a p. ra. arjrivo Washlngtiun 11:00 a; m J and 7:20 l). til. Drill v vtot-n .RuiwT.. : i . T . arrives i'fu?rbcro 10:Oo a.,m, ami li iio a m .Iralri'fpn Alidland N. .'. .liraiivh leaves Goldsbono dally except Hunday 710 a1 m arrlvlntr sSmlthlield H:30 -a. m. IttHurntny leave Hmlthlleld 9:w a. in . arrives at Goldabom 10.JS5 a. in , Train on Naahville . Urain h la,ve Rocky Mount at 7:30jani., 4.-30 'p, n. arrives a.snvllle 8:10 u. rn., 4:35 h m bprlnir Jlow; 8:40 a. tn . ir. r .: t.. turrimtr leaves Spring Hope 0;00 u. ro. u.to v m., iNasnviiie M.zi u. rn.. 6:d5 p in., "iiiyen ai. rtocKy-Mount :45 a..m - -! " ' J - AV.tU . J U IIU ii V . - V Train j pn Clin ion' Branch ieavea Waf ?iai HPl Cllnto"' ?.; except Sunday.i 11.20 am. and 4:15 :p, m. -Returnln leavea Gllnton.-OO a. m, and 2:45 p. a, Horente Railroad leave ieo Uo4 o" a. in.,: arrive Latta .9:24, a. m.. Dillon 9:35. a m., Row-Jand 9:50 a, m.. returning lav Itowland 6:00 p. m., arrives Dillon t tlf m" "diljy" P """r Pe teo -7;M -: kJrlhtl0nkP?vWay Branch 5eav " 9.& a. rn., Chadbourn lo:43 p. m.. arrlv Conway I12.40 p. m.. leave -Conway 2:45 p" m., Chadbotirn 6:30. p. mi,' arrive Hub ttl p. ra dally-picept Sunday. -. i ir Central of South Carolina' RallroaA leave Sumter 5:13 p. m.,' Manning 6:41 u m. arrive Lanes 6:17 pLm., leaves Lane e.6i a. rn., Manning !00 a. m.; arHve 19:40 a. m.. dailv. . : j OeorKtpn, and " TrVfestern h- Ra!tU. Leaves Lanes 9:30 a. rn. jand 7:40 p. m TrZ r ve Georgetown 12:rri.. 8:0o p; , ., v Georgetjown 7:00 a. m.-and 3:3o p: mJv ar" 112? 'l t''m -nd&:&5.p. m.;-dauy 'Tralnajon C. '& D. R.. lit. leave Flo re nca daily' eteept Sunday I -.45' a. rrt.J trrWe DarUnton :!; a. m., Oheraw; 10:30 m Wadesboro 2:25 p. m. Iave FI6rnc. -daily eijcept Sunday 8:25 p. m. arriv". H Darlington. 8:50 p. ni., iBervnettsvillor 9-4 i P. m., -lbon 10:10 p. m. Ieave FiOren'ca Sunday Wly 8:50 .a. m, ar;ive DarilngtuaX 9:20 a, m.. - '-..(.' 1 - ; t , Leave Gibson dally eiccept, Sunday 1-28 a. rn., iBennettsvirie 643 a. in: arriw Daruastjoa 7:40 a. r.r j leave Darlings Zi3 m.. arrive Florence 8:10 a. in. W v. I Wadesboro daily except Sunday m" ;? :l P- m..!Hartvllle v is S m Dadlhgton 6:29 p; rn.. arrive Fiarnc, 7:00 p, n?. Leave Darlington 8n"J?0niZ 7:50 a. ni.. arrive Ploreale 8:li r - 1 2-i n rtv ?f S,,r.11'' on:- Arrive Seima .j0 p. rh., .11,54 pr m,, , am'th field 2 02 n m" VU0'nia 3:? YFy etteviUe IS pi , rmielv 12:35 So" 11. i-2'28 k&K ' lea1 ,AuSusU Railroad train. ?.??W er '4:S ' i Ores ton 6:17 a,x fSvS'rJK ' Ufim--K Ji2 m.i Returning X leave Jvjenmark 4:17 p m:. Creston fe;U p?: rnter 6:06 p. rn., daily. - rgnaHs Sf Braflce trailn jeaven' Crestoa 6:4.j a. m,, arrive Previa 'is &"';lii a. m. i returni-ig- leaves Preghalla :K-:0u a.! ' m " arrives ICreatoa 3:50 p.i m., dally :icepu . Sunday.! , . Bisliovllle Branch 'train 1 leaye ' El- llott 10)35 a., m.,i arrive Lucknow 12:2Ei ' p. m. Returning,, leaye Lucknow 2;Ji' p. m., arrive Eljiott S.,25 a. m. and 4:1 ' v. ., uaaiy except aumuay. . ! 1 IDaily j? except bundayl: "Sunday o.ly. I' H. M. KMKRSO.N. J. R. KENLY. General Manager 1 T. -M; EMERSON. Traffic Manager, i The Clyds SteamshiTilCo. NEW YORK, WILMINGTON, N. C, w yop.K, D GEORGE aimu MWitiihTUWiS, S. C;, LINES., NEW yORK FOR -WTLMINOTON. H'rt. Ack.i Tra! n.i leaves Tarboro N. 1!.,! daily fex-'i' ' cept Suiiiday 5:30. p. Vn.,.iSunday 1416 ii 'in '. f r! arrives li'lyniouili 7:40 in. uii and :10 p. ii . ' ' Returiilm; ieavi l"l luuut ti daily xcen ' .Sllllli.'lV J frf) II 111 1111,1 Miim.I r .j f , : f " 1 -'Y 'n -- " ' - ' ' ' - i -..f :. .. ' 1' CROAT AN.. .... '.; ..Saturday, Ocfe Jsr CRUArAIf...,,'..Saturday,ii Oct ICtrv I' WILMINGTON. N. C, FOR NEW YORK -' BENEFACTOR ..... Friday, Sept 20tEj CROAT AN ....... i . , Saturday. Oct.! 8th BENEFACTOR,,. .."Sattirdayv! Oct! TlEtS PROM. WILMINGTON, N. cJ- FOR -iGEOROETOWN, S. C. f CROAT AN Tuesday! Oct! 4th ' BENEFACTOR, .... Tu Bday, Oct liS " G. Wj Clyde does not carry paaaen- gerfc .;tj il :,:,3- ')h ';i-4:-1"!i - h "' 'h.-'j :-k.,. . f ,.-.; U' 5 .1 Through, bflla f lading- and lowest- - through ( rates fruaranteed ' to ad front, polnta la North and South Carolina. s For Freight or Passage- apply to L . I IL O. &MAALBONES. . THEO, a EGER, TinaU j W. P. CYLDE UGaaTniiLg - , -iiV ram .:.: :U-ir;v!t:N 3 :: :!i ' iM-sk1' akt.. i: v ..- -i : ' ' Jk:4l:k'- 4 mm kkkmv ii: - s t 'i f i I i' -' I 1 . : ! !;,. W MM ! 4!'-M.- J 11 '"-I : 1 f k : l!l!!rk:l ,i,f ( : ,i k' . i .liHftiE;' '!... .. .A i l .- .,--: 5 I r' ' r -X: I iin !'4' M '! " 3- -: mms 1 1:.: : -a -jl! 4 1 i'.i- -I i 1 r 1

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