1 rwf.wumf p "4 IllW liffi 4-!4i-f i t : ny; mMmi m m g -ww ig. w m-- immi ;4-lX!--4h 54 V'.-L.- 1 J J NO. 256.' EARFUL The .disastrous Wreck gaii on the British Coast, v GAUS E OF THE WRECK A MYSTERY V ' . ltTis.i-c nf Of fi Seainiin Stand on Deck and sec AVhthe Iriihilerinir VesselIf eroic Efforts to Save the I i I 4 Passenger'-The Ni(nber Is Ilddics'l Still i Washing i- I Uc Vcsscrs. Unseaworthiness bor 1 From tH Falmout best evid rKe otalnablg at Kt. Kever- 3ne, -it appears tTiat .th?Mohpran foun lered five minuifr afU-t bhu s-triick tn: -rucks. S?ht (UAs''KoLnfsf jat full Meed, "struck twk- Mopped an(d raidly s?et tied inU) Ihv -.vatVr,. As the captain anl the -executive olliccrs il the Meaner Hvenf down' with! "her it;t has been im jiopsiblo thufl far to ascertain' how ?h'e ot but of, her ,coors'. f as .Falmouth -liht ami iht -ast ye-f visible. Amn th incidents Jt-Ued'ls the es capcof thi-fIVmberton Mr. I'emberr ton jurnpfOiit.o'a lifel boat, his threw hinithref c-hilflren "and then Jeap&d into' the boat hWlf and thus the whole famlb'' was payed. , i St. Keverine, October in ine t ' cr end. bf the cljurth b-re lie -hf teen 1 bodies, among them tlxke of . four. io j men and one 12 ypar 'old girl.. The bod ' I ies art laid3 bat-reverently. The faces ;va. : ha irii-f lrns nresent a- sad . .sight,. I'Dshowing h(v rudely, the Avaves and ' rocks played ith; their .features. , ' I y ! The whole yillafee ana "neighborhood - 'or nlivf. with excitemerit and knots of men linger about talking , with the res cued members of the crew. It is exceedingly dili-ult to trac the events f the disaster; but, so far as can be 'ascertained, 'M seems that the weather was j mot thck, but that i-.ntr sriutheas't Wirwl i was j blowing Jand that there was! aj heavy ground Is'well on and-a strong; ctirrent running. Iliihner was . ready; , and!, (.abta-in -, Grif fiths Avas about to- pocea ioi me . ijooh when a crash made it apparent irthat the stpamer. had; gdne ashore. The Captain immediately went on deck and tTe .survivors Va:fh theyf saw him on ;the brjdge doing! all tjiat lay , in the - 'power of a brav man, to lessen' the .'.disaster. . 1 I- 1 " ' ' .1 Authentic, particulars of the events occurring after the shap struck are hot yet obtainable.!: It gjeems, hoy-ever, hat one of 'the ship's boats containing an women got . aw$.y, saiey, out. capsized- A?numliri of Lts;.occu-. s were rescued ; by i lifeboats . An- er boat; with sixteetri ! hands , -was ked up by a lifeboat pan d safely gotj hore, and two or thret- other persons inif"Pf? to renchr laml i - i Out of the 161 persons on board - for ty-five escaped. Up to. . late hour to night ibout thirty bodies have been 'washed ashore at different points. A isoutherly wind is now- plowing land . it is expected that ;he birdies of many jnore victims will be're'iovered by to imorrow. An 'inquest lfill be held on JMonday.; i t 5 V '' ! Hli:'- ::-:' The resc wed persons are receiving the attest i attention i.froni Ithe inhabi-' ts and he utmost i kiitidnessi is beins: n to fh" female i passengers.- Most asfeengers iwerei Americans re-' home. h ; f ! i fFmith; who Avas among the :s his homei is' in! Oregon. In with thq representative ?d "Press, LMr. Srtiiih said iat ne sawfthe qaptain Vying oT?der si which weri las possible. As the tain ran talong the trbilard. The ves passerigers all tne water ft - j 1 toi get 'net" leers - nine Lre kno odyof ngers, na .r . . i: 'busy fiiries. "Thy UUlll tjfii-boats may jothers. witnessed to -the r Atlantic, lo . w nicn - the A M - - I v.. won Vige garij belonged.' tainted : there eu caJamitv te- was t-a constant "ys running to "ekinsr for infor- ijages to anxioti .VESSEL, n.rw r said, has sel from the start. '3 was only bought onapan y when thcr ,1 sold ro the United AiiEniiMmT the war. i' the Cleointtra. -of the Ress-Leylandi Line, and p.P from the iTull hip- ran.; for the i Furness v made'; one vov age out this, it tis fl5coit-ttvd. -was ictory and friends o"f the r x ,'' ' ' tluiie's wiere- Gt ;j "c - afr hoiWsi leaked. She -',;Z?.t;o' -avo arrived at w.tr,( condition that she ty and her return al . w-eek. during X pvhole dav and iedrift.-r S ving. tott lPUble. with her; For "the X st two Weeks the has ben A vdock undergoing- 'ut the, man ers say she was I Vl i ;J ..4 ;-;44. ;--4f-:. i - ; m$w$i0 :!if :v'Ki;44; I4':4 i.'l.:. W 4 ;'44v -:;. . .-VW DISASTER. of the Steamer Mohe- !- Tlnu n witli the StCXillicr The the Ship's IJoats Leave Them Rescued VerJI- Small, ' ' Ashore---Reports! of ? f in perfect pnditibra hen'shnl If ft port on this, her fir.4t' voyage '! unier her nw nam?:' It ; ti asserted, ' however, that in a twenty-;four hour" .f trial last week-, her perfofrrahes.- .were very unsatisfactory lartd ' tfre erewj djd not wish to go om hf-r on account! of the previous defect In her engines- It U- 1 ,is 1 surmised that Mr engines broke dou vn j and that the.ve I. i in the rough sea and heavy gale Hvhhch ;prevailed,' drif t- f'i Oil Hie lUlhH. Captain GrifUthsJ Vho is Xiissing was formerly dabtaim ofi'thet Manitoba I and then captain, of i the Mirinewaska. Jnitedi States f wh ich was sold ito the U government for usd as a transport dur- ing the war w ith' ppain Kew York. Of tob 1 , lr." 1 A. D.jFrank Tsjvorti , Com- lin, of the Atlantic MTran: rany; said today,: in the report thajt ers were defective tion was nut f-iitis was in first' da- "There, is .nVv truth the 1 Mohegan's boil- ari'i mai ner conui- actory. The vessel onditiori. i During her first trip frornl j this ide she took twenty-two 'dayftndnd ifor ithati reason it was reported that itshe va,s: overdue. This was not so.!? Thef ship? was going only at. half speed and we ; knew that ed on otter side' be she -would not arriv fore she, did. On her "arrival she was Completely overhauled. As it , 'was deemed advisable . to' give her a trial before she sailed igain, her date : of sailing was puc, fprwrd and the Mani tou sailed in her blaci October 6th;. Af ter the trial trip ve received & cable trom the ship s enfeiirteer and officersf saying that the Mdhfrgan was perfect. I do not beliee the wreck was' caused by any defect in her; machinery Or boil ers, i . - fi' Among those sti .roissingj are Mrs. Ito be the ife of C. Crane, believed Stephen -Crane- thd -HEROISM OFLS i ' ' AND ! HP'S ' OFFICERS . Falmouth, October 15. Th survivors without, exception fspoak in the highest terms of the devotion, jheroism and oolness display M by the officers and crew of the ill-fated steamer,-and ' de clare that all werej instantly ' at their posts when it was, jtrow n; that she had struck." .4 ;-:4i,4; IP; Mil i: my t-',:0f ir :';- ili.l :,4 The perilous! pesitic nil of the ship, was noticed on shore andia warning rocket w as sent up, but it. . svas toj late then to ayoid the ;i cata 5t)rpphe, i wh,ich 3 oc curred so suddenly that there -was not sufficient time i tdi ig et Kali thti life sav ing boats.- ' 1 I f ' The scene; was; indescribable. Men jumped overboard; and in agony of de spair, and the won en passengers huddled-together and; refused to leave the deck. Officers remained "on .the bridge to the last and maiiy1 instances ofisae rifice are recorded, i ; ' r' '. ! Members of the. crew are,knowrr ""to have stood by and w.atched the' boats launched and put-MT. wheh.it was ap parent that these fej: 'the only means oy wnicn tneirJowrs- lives 'could be sav eu. A Jifeboatvith a sons on irs way do I. 'a 4 ' t- iSTiis-r-: .if' '.'ill i -4 load of forty per- the shore passed many w.rio were! battling in the; water. whomt was impossible ;to? 'savei The vilUexs, headed jbyithe Vicar and coastguard, stood m , the ' shore and chered the boats,, j When the lifeboat enured the little- 'cove the fishermen 'wded into the- sea to hold and draz LIe boat up on tfie carried the suryiv beach and tenderly" rs, to their . homes, which had. been a a - i!;!" " ;. f k -L LL ' . ready prepared ;for their reception, and the ; vicar attended the injured. ii The lifeboat svias again; launched and put out. for ithe! vreL'k, on 'its .outward journey picking upi three, survivors. The' trip to the ! fyre.ck-! was IfruitlessJ so far as taking any ;!oik from ithe vessel was, concerned.: but on: itsi iway back to tne' shore sixteen jbthen Ksurvivors were taken from the! water.; 5 j This wras lust-before 'daybrehk.' ; r i , I The latest list of the' rescued shows i that .eleven passtehgers were saved - t i -- -. - - -i ' 1 1 r; ' P i : : f r-t Li .... . . .r-.: XI IlC I I I 1 lilt; . 1 w !.mw fcw ; m. ..... - i.l lij Richmond, Va October 15. The mly-rs of'thelEp isrjopal gem-ral con- ition - who .madtf the pilgrimage! to Vestown- let tj here at S ?,0 ' clock Vrrioriiing " on the, spceamef, Pocahon arrivbdjf at Jlmesjow:i' at 4.1 'O ' There thsy were bt'et by; a IV "rtf,l Lr- lhn h7i'm o' eret1 choir. A front jonf the roin5?;of the pld Jam n church and oh- this the bfshoi e'pl, ere d.' 1 in the, rear of rm was ktationc.t the choir. widen services of the day rendere v ral . h ymns i t h , ,o r git n nd ; on. Ural accompaniment.;' . Tk e tiorgy a,. .,thr; : rnik : seats on1: th-e TU12iSSt nt bf the platfo'rm.l Bishop D. (0. .Lie c ' - Hpiivered of Calif ornia,lAVse"s' A prayern ere-QVyor f Saterlee J of Wasislngto AW. the' benediction ?-f.ur5-i;Blshap.Hare.' of , T laervices were ex - - jceedmgly Impre crranlte cross j hadJ been thtt 0ij church- aru 10 comrnei.lr, nil-rimage. Ke t mretum. ed to this i city sW nWd left for Washington. f i ! is'- 1 rt 1 i"I?p44 : 1 1 ' I; I I Jt !; IP! ; 1 ;! WILMINGTON, N. G., SUXDaHI OCTOBER !l(J, . m:! .... ... i ! ' : r ; f - r t- r i --r ''! 1 r4-f5Sf s-rrrr-n -r- -rtt V. ; Tin: KiiEirs rii.c;i.tiAc;r: TheClnetlonof Pajlns thc.CotTlie' j; Jhltnperor to Hunt ,1a Sroieli lltsli- land lIore aind fit yiemt ForiSale "! started a discussion as to the advisa I (Ccpyiht bi AsbciaiHl Press.) ' Virdn. ' t&i O ixiu h pejarcur$ wr tne. unent uas , Coal Comj bility of the.'tablishment of a rtKen- ' be made v-V r, :gl m :;;! Jut 1 j ; ' -f ' ' ;iigT&i'Wr.' Tht Frelsinige Zeitur.g says: "In such ca.es where the emperor and king 4 of Prussian: leaves the country for . any length f time, as in the present instance, aJ ;duly erhpowered person ' ougni; in ne meanwhile, seLze the reins of tht goyemment."' Continuing, T; Freiinige; fitting broposes that th matterj be . brought stag4j;' li -1 ;;.;;: before the reich- - 4 ' 1 . " A number. of the leaders support the regency .proposition, while sverai oi the, conservative papers scout this view The constitution bf the empire does not appear to -provit e for a regency. The presidcncyof tht German bund is . vested in trie king of Prussia, but noth- iuS i3 .vdiu tio legalize the transfer of IThy m ere "kl ex-guarkls.-who art- tti this Uignityl to a regent of Prussia. In 'J nrtmintJ LrMt hv She mihtarV anil fYt a- itm-n wU I . L ,i , -:- .,! ""-anuin.-,,u: mpeiors uroiner. - I rince lienry, of I'rubsia; would natu- ' ranv. be rec-enr. ; ";: i: it ! ! --. .'.. iin ue regent. 1 i t , . The . question, however:; with ' fl:r whole matter of the emperor's trio t the Holy Land, will be thrt-shed our during the session of the reiehstag. ,Iii . . - : governmental circles j.he opinion is ex- ; pressed thatj it is not fain to exoct. the emperor to bear the entire expense of the jourrrey and it is said" that the cost of his rnajesty'sitrip, exclusive of prestnts and i his liberal baksheens.wjli amount- to at lease I 5,000,0'JO marks. The The cptly ifts to the sultan of TurT key and to ihis "harem.! etc ai fim- up 'from 3,COO,000 to '4.000,000 - murk. ! 4.000.000 mhrlf THv.f ;V s i J. , ' , t- ur? x'oy" ' many'tj grater gloryland advantage the -parliament ought to ?mnt VrwKt to cover th niain exbenses. more "es- . pecialy 5.0 as otherivise the emperor1 j will Hnw t,L Ivim nfii -j.v, . mi e;r,.V iTj F ,L'. Mt -von- M 'ainm! jve, answcreu ine govern ment's approaches, , but the centrists hav.e repjiet . With a ,fjat negative. It i- now ?aid tnat Kmperor William intends to become alr eighbor of Queen Victoria- in the Highlands ?of - Scotland. He ; has ! been inquiring tor: a purchase- able isportina estate i in Scotland, pro viding i salmoln fishing and grouse and It The recall tof; Baron i.;Von -Buelo the M German. minister at the vati?an, isi still g reii. 1 1 i e-ve c jsing Liie i wei iiiaii pijess. ,L Thj? inadequate meat supply of jGer many, lowirig to thei barriers erected against foreign cattle, hogs' and meats, continues.. ' From Austria, solely '8,000 head of cattle have been admitted and Russia supplied j i 'atfout 80.000 pigs. These imports are quite insufficient to cope rwith! t'he requirements which the home supply if ails to meet. Prices have risen' steadily (fori months past and they ; are 20 per cent: above those of 1&9T. , The- slamghteripg of i horses for food (has greatly increased, specially in trie r la rgei cities, 4J.nd -dog's flesh .vis openly advertised. . , i A "breVingl company of; Eisenachhas decided to buy the famous Luther hoiise, there) and convert it into a res taurant. The government of Saxony. consequently, is being urged to prevent ( one i of 1 Germany's most historical rel- "ics lrom bejing put to such 'a use. I. i The government; has .now- definitely derided to . annoint oeTrrranentlv a na- I xai attachee at Washington. The ap pointment- will be made" next month and the ne- German ; attachee will reach his January. post during ! the month i of One ! Minute Cough i Cure surprises i people by its quick cures and children : may taker it n large quantities with out the least danger. lt has won for itself itlie i best (reputation of any prep aration, used today i for . colds, croup, tickling in 1 the throat or obstinate conghs. R.. R. "Bellamy. ; ' j Tlurder Over a Game of Card ! Macon,. -jGa.; ctiibdr 15i-A special to 1 -garL Ga.j shot and trtstantly killed Pat tn-nUoned and J. Jenkins and Jno. E' Harri were enSeI in, a same f ca,-Cs at a point near ' the cemetery, whi Smith grew ngry wiTh JtVood ' and not mm. the nail .going through the htdv producing instant death. All ' of the parties are members of the Sec- ' ond Georgia' regiment, ' Company G. Smith fs.Wd, and eVery effort for his capture is .ueuig niaue, i-eenng against !KKi ' "K4 f U IiKT I j ' K'K"' !-'!-; lif ' i ::':'-'', ! :' .' K II -j -: 1-tAi :wm f g ! ' : Jf H".: '..:j"!!rr-'vi: l-:Kl j -pJ Ji- f-." K. -!.;;V- ..-.j i- : . T.-iVii ;; . ;k- ! ; it: k k- i;w4m w:4w w r k-v. K -l-M I.KH!-- : : K ''! ' T 11 -TS i -K - ! K 41 rlS K !-jlemember!tliiig;sl " Si tkIk I 1; K Wi;- :-H";; !:I!B-:;k!' .' ' J wlM': t k:-;g . ! :iK! i .w:-::W.---yWr'- HWw im-mw- v- : i -o ;:,;;rK w31Mi Z v :')- i-i'' : . v .i -1 -. C-v:--. 4j-.r. -;ir2:;-" ' K-;-l4 !K tl:W :'""H,i;Vt-.V!-,;.- !j ! -8;;:;;-:4yj 4 . : w:m fflVtt 4! t:' j:Mit I I;.!.!?: i 'i !'-;V .Si r . . ; ; ' : v t'Ul l'-.t ..;! IV:i. ;ij. '1 '' ' I! -T:'.:.Mi' '-y 1 iTlTorf 1of ),x tlie llrptnlblllt- 'on Goti-mof; fn-'jer The iipnjr ? I Import Sk'I ore esfTo Tlie Sjsr j, .Tlluer AHi ioa K4.-t DarK otiin t saty. i$, auporit, lor , ae :ind here- the Alabama coming 'resulted .iufite y0n of so ' so h$ry livrs. ratj.Ri?i-1 accord.: y liVrsJl Ther? is Uhdr .consider lgt"4tdr AtferW. 'ratten p-x; :.th4f -4 Whs bility far trdgejdy upon the gLier4 br of lllinHVThe,lawp?er 'clare5 h$t It-is'the inUt.on of t ie coal compatp to press thfatter a id it will be, f fir f ! the grand 3 ($' of say : whethit , 0,ve if Macoupin county: say :Vrhethi$' vernor Tanner Hakl answer in :rt. J, F. F.y.yiir,l manager of thefOni pany stored j'h'o was so nearly ki 9 eJ by the1 moE'l-'lnesdajj-, is recoverifl:. The 'mibC wmmbt3erf. ' Colotl Young. haJ;"-.acwl a '.guard of solders Tb' rnroJ- Mirv hVld two seisltii .todav! aTid "trammed several witness . I - : - L l"H - - I . -: It .. . 1 iH.- for whom iJ4-' bLinket warrant: ..is awo'rri out ili sterdayJ The testimony - rrartlfi-v the sam as erven t. .t.rf-.s.. -.i,.-.- by. uthiif mi.afen Priilnv. ; i ! The eenp-r'. idfa coiiveved wa. '4lt thel m-f-n-vVhAsere' emi-loyed to pro-Ct 1 r o- ' - . T ; : ,1 : . . . A s - t- the property, of the Chicago- lrrjri I Coal ComtiaA'. the shots thrSns not oiuy did not jfir ryji-tsplvf 5' hut thev did r.ot hal e 'tim- -t see ; whether comrades !'rii, Th:'ihMipd ' ro Ithe sruards sts- "tinned in stockade The coal eoni- pany (has ! ty era! withses to fxani in1 Inclutli?r-Mar.asrHr Lukens, and t ,'will tke on,iVr more d .1 1 K . " 1 . w..,.ir. J 1 J ..i .J, - ! ' iMH',fiavR-w St. -Loui94 f October 15. St. -Louis,!' October 15.. The i fiftj- seven . negro, men, win tneir inieou - women ancfi . children, , who. j; were brought i.td.St. Lciuis after be ing driver? &ut of. Vtrd,en, are being . -. rv .. .1 .1 , , 1 . ; Cared lor'jbjt tte city temporariiy cared for jbji the The negroS-desire tip be. taken baqk to Alabam'altbut they have no tra'n -j-irvrfo ttnn 1 ' i s i A telegrsw was rp'ceived from X&b Chicago Viran Coal Company' asking :to have thCnegro miners kept hife, the coal company to pay their expenses The telegra;! said that the i negroes would; be! RjHt in St. Louis until prb-v tection forlbem at Yirden could ipe had;, tuen tvey would be taken there ,and put toork in the mines at that Place. Thie q men and the- nolicp ith mediately bjan to round up the blacks who had scf-'-iiered around txe city nd took them T.'Four Courts, where .they will be kep? until other quaTters'-ajre secured. ' ! ;i . - 1 I 'l-K - FTSr-n- I A I)cdi?0n a to Prfz.e .Honey ; ,Charlestoit?rS. C. Obtober. lIni&e United. Stat"-i". district court here todiy Judge '.Brawjly handed dow:ri an iopifi ion in 'the fcha. prize money case. The question a tissue was whether all;, bf the 'crew- of&he Yale should share in . -1 ii (! H : I !- the money k P merely i those who w'ere enlisted regjjiarly in the United Statj?s navy." Judp.lirawleif decrees thatiH the crew s,rH sharej ih the proceed ri .The IRita v.-as bought by isji? government for ?125.00. Captain of the Yale, WjJl irk-- ...... . v v u v y... A Ster tellJed In a Rowi'f M j Montgolijirv, Ala., October lh?4A special tof fe Advertiser says !eSebt 4: iia. ' ' ip-M ' . v i, 'r i'i J , - i I ;ifS'j-;.- in a house f ill fame, at AnnistwKfst night regiiH5fjl in the 3eath of Serfefint Heise, of tSecond jinfantry, rejrs. a:iid the i-ihnding of thre othifcLi)l diers, TheprovostK guard hadf.en summoneclv stop 'a -disturbance 'iad the soldier, In the ! house defiq' !he guard. Th;:.guard was compdSef"Of members i'the Third" Tennessf Iut it i. is not iksvwn i who fired .1 the;? ts. Heise, theffean killed, fought tfgh the SantiaLk campaign and wsaro I moted frenj private!' to sergeaj for bravery aj!e San'j'iian fight. Kf, i TVWlttiiJritch Halzel Salve fxaV the largest pfif fcf any salve in tKejror3d. This fact afd its.mertt .'jasi led 'ftfhdn- est people.- Oj .attempt! to counteSf jit. Look outfrk the man vho- atSopts to- deceiva -kfeu -when liyou call fig $ ;e- .Witt's Wlf4H Hal i Salve. thejr&at pile cure, R. Bel amy. ? J 5 H .'l:?i'S;-Si 1808. . ' -. 3,. , jv4 ' .-1:4 . -14. r&4 S! h4 f. : -41. ? !ff-j-ri:aiill.i- Surgeon Seaman j s S S . . J. ...:. M .--.1 ;i 1 ! I : i by His Own 4W M?!B.'l4l'W MANY DEIflCkCIBSilOR THE SICK; iwmbwwwm.4 1 ikim. iiki mi, , ,;r;.:i -rt-Irr . p., . i.. . w . r.l c oiifffiSs 'Cobiiat Kclw-Silif fcry! ! 1 imThc V art -m mmwBm I immmmfvwmw,-.. w-t n : Under ILs Chars : i: mLssion to Start UJrt Its, lour ot inc, i. tip-Mirgcon (.cncral j y-Wi !- - !;i;i;-;4!i 0; 4:w;4l -'tis I- 'Wi-':- ;! ! 4' L l'H-. Sternberg Opp4MMi Estahll4liin4:ut.oin Army Hospital In j Cuba by thr;Red Cross i: i:-, j''fiS"1.!" J W' tn -v thkf'- Red Cross Rrookl .rvgt in the Rattle CiflliV W ; l-j- sWWW teersAsked to be f Washington, Oct-ber ts-The mem bers .If Ihe war- invesn'gtnfi mmH sion t id" not hold a ses!si lodav'. but deVottd the tin to prej-jtituj-n for tour iff the army -ampjWh b-g:M temrro.viv -jj-j. WWimk IK j f-ii" iK-: ton ai about! -4 o'clock rj;fef iomorfov going tt - Jacksonville, t.ei- trn,y are scheduled to 'arrr e Ibibout no-: Monday.; They propok-ng dirU i tjf the milliarV cami) then' w her-n tn- will take thetestimony UfOviTii ers, m and others Who can thjt-Ii light upop ie. war, , ing p'. i.li the conduct bf the .'i .. i ir f 1 i. attention to complaiitts-.ilj,1it appear t, have foundation- i.i . I , ?Ji - i " , 1 IH 4. Froirf Jacksonville the vt?4inniis-f in fsit TK'cTIO 1SH tn order i"grampa, OTiiTiiM. Atr i- iH !-,. -t- la'ntxi,fe. Anniston, HuntfViTlt Ciiitiar noo'gaj-Kno-rville, Lexirjtjm 'and Mid; dletovn,; Perm., where Caljip Meade .i .1':! . '..ii i :; : ;:'-. : . . ..1 located. Later,1 tney, wtys-o, -o vun.,,' Wikoflf', bn Long Island 1 is' thought make a very thorough; iyUujry at all painty t They will travrf.-jm a , special train jfurnished by the nnsylvani RailnMd Company. ,Thi;U"ain Will in clude fdining cvach amlvle!ping and parlor? cars fori the accj-jimodation- of the entire 1 party, 'whiclilvlll number fifteen! persons sin additji.iti? the nine memba-rs of the; commis.sJiCJi. i ' , SUHGEON EAMAj J'CONTIiA- ; , j , . tICTEI.jt , j Surjfeon Genjeral SteMbrg today '?enL ihe following to Lr commission to investigate the swar !dsf artment. It relates to a statement rode by Major Seaman who testified be'pre the com mission yesterday: t ' 1 ' K r " -. 1 "ArmyBuilding. '' I ''New" York City.ftPctober 14.'; "Djir Oeneral;- Majdreaman,. sur geon bf the First Volunteer engineers "madeja statement to rrtera in my i nd it was niihlished broad cast, that he received nMMng but .tray- el. rations from the ariht.j for his cpri- valsciejnts on the Obdanj&and .that t he depeiied on the' Red CroxV Society a$d National i Waris Relief Association tv their food. Major iiBraTey has ju;s?t sent me the enclosed eorlr of a receipt given X0s him before' the.bdam starit- ea. ' . -y V ery sincereij ijwui . .s ' U ! ' "D. ii APPEL. I'lMajor and Surgeon, IT. S. A'.' The 'receipt shows th-? Major Sea man received on September 28th frim Major 1 Bradley 13 caseslmned go(jJs, JL2 bottj.es, whiskey, 4ibarrsrjs ginger a e, 1 boxQorn starch, 1 barrel jellies, 1 14 boxes !eshdensed I milk,' 2i boxes clam broth. 1'i boxes salteen cmAkers', 2, boxles; lemons.; oojtes can pieL jt-i , j boxes crackers, 60 pound' arrowroot!, quart sSouil b mixture,? ibottdes; bl mum suuKafigaie. t I , ' gene ral OTIS sanitary ri 1' -pniT?T i i 1 A cablegram was receipted at the w! 1 ' s. ar department today i from" general Ot,is, reporjtihg five deaths airi'jnj; the Amer ican soldiers at -Manila rinf" October i'oiri. . r' j , If i il,'11,1 1 I li i f OPPOSES A RED- CRO'IIOSPITAL. ' Surgeon General "' Sternberg has writterf a letter to! -Mrs. Virnthrop CoW din. ofl New York. reEriulfjng the . es- tablishtment of a Red Cjrjjs hospital jin Cuba nd Porto; : Rici4;. 4n ' .which a; Ihe says; ft: - f W-1 -'lr-Wiw "!-- 'K ' "I have received -youft nd ltter Of October Hth, ! enclosinb -a check..for $2,000 fr my special fijpd1 fr extra comfort; 4and luxuries-' f ohWnr sick and' woundfd soldiers.1 Accefrl my sincere thanks!; for this liberal contribution. - '"I dl not think favoraSy 'of th- s Itablishment of a hospita''in l'uba 'or Porto-Rico by the Red.rjross Society ir:- li. J-.4- A, : -i. .1 iJiL i: i-" 'iflffcllUl ii. i J'il 1.'-; if)r- itie; reason mat ; inwa v, ar is i xtvvr and th? garrisons which Ve.-,to"be sta tioned in thfse . islands :vill require a fully equipped, hospital, jsviich lit is the duty-ioS the governments frrfc provjde an 1 which it intends to provijjK - appreciate: very highis the valuable asistarf.ee which has; beeft-tendered bv the R(i Cross Society, bt I thi,nk it w ould pe demoralizing - cof our medical officers and i to, the ser'i"jg generally if we sh j?u 1 d CD n t i n u e t o df 03 n d upon t h e contributions' md yolungl" jassistanre of patriotic cipzens ,fo'r! ttScare of otir sick in the i41n-! wh'llb haVeome Miuo oir possession. . tus NEEDED 'RKPAlRSjlON THE ' i ! BROOKLYN. 1 . ' ' ii . ,1 1 .1 t, T : I. ;i -,-:fiS A special naval bcardiliDoointed to investjgtue t)e repairs .'"riwessary ito tr.p Brooklyn, Admiral . rsfhley's flag-,, ship. lCase of damageJsustaibed in Ihe baittg nhlrh destrftid CerVerV flet, fifif that the prinH"taI jnjury-'to the : Bvo.klyn : was caus bv the en trance ind explosion on i tne berth deick ofi a f-inch shell, shot tteolen ! In ; ihre-a srho stacks and twclife-scape nijs. shrt hole through hatf;mock netting. irrjf yT!to after engine jgyehtilatOf by ,-h 'projectile, three rpounder shot throuh the plating and hole in'for ;v ard I tfecki:'-!.:: W W 44;; Iil4!fi :'W r' inms rTO IS.?UE RATIONS TjfrOOD SIT- ! r n. 4;:;t;i-;4,!- W -JrFERERf:p W 44 -h i4 M;.; . 1 A tiegra7h was ri4.ved ' tonight fron tie rjrsid-nt sa-j that in view of thei opinion of the aiding attorney generaKthe , sec retar : c:(ivar was em- pows-refdi to issue ratioiis toi the desti- the s.Iuthern-tour will ciifpnime; two, t4 three WKks, and possibjlonger, as it s this iioviHrini nf1 (hp rvAi miss ion li :ffiiM- - i-; : '.!-.4t i 4-,; -WV i- 'U :! WWW WWW- I !4 iWW:'n ' WW-.W:W- Kftflfll;, tifa'i; ! IK;Kt:f If!;; ,:i.4 fa ,4 M!i 1 ;.v I r.. ijiHi :i',M' :H f MIR ICE 5 CENTS s ; til; ontradicted I t v - t ' T C . I v ' , Jaiieipt,1 SfvijvOaniai;es to the W 'WJMW-'W 4.i .k : 4 SicivOaiiiaees to the ! of tJafto Volun- wK -I : "i '! -IK Kcpt:e ftljw acrvice. j , iiti1i? suffirers of Gt-c! Ki-.; 7;A filt r directed . Cinii:n..rv u h - a Jh to 1 isu 1,W r.iti.:;"- to ihv, or Hi't'twf o points aitMig th-h i G urri. ait e; 5orv the greatest dSftrv-f ir-i iK4. Tht-y wre Instructed'! to 1 t ppmfM and it Is xpxnd SwrM.at Ku' distribution f ,mi;. f Mip- .li.ii Wfiiu within th." Jivt. it"-.- V 'isi -j x. I 1'i f i i ' ' i1 '' Thf tvrrftary of,wnr Tec-ivtl ,t t:iM nl Htm Adjutant Campbell, of tbi -corfi 'K.nnsylanii'il v ohiut-r iiif.tnt- x- if. f -; :.?v ft Wt.-k.tst I rx I i -ex I : vt l i j. i , ! fcJ , i if i sflgnfi 72! of I thfi "Officers Limt cn- li l$ Vi of th regiment, akinc thnt HieS -.itain;ed in; th" s.-ri. .L As tt- rf?3? Pl-us now. ion I furii.uKb it c5j -.rlrito send t hit tHtitin' to ui W . J'rif'd points, In, order tolga Kig-" ntulr 4'.S-lt is, the first i."nti..tt hi-the fcbnjjty Iml; th 'peicen.tag. .f !; f .n lJiKt-t nU'Oi kg for reKnlion m thf 8,' rVicr M I'f J'iomilly large. The ru-tillyn Ip ajrrlii?;'rby ompanb.. Ab-.ui Sf rr Unif ri:4r::4, ! i ;-4 j M .4.-1. I'wi siU oldiep.s llavlsm pas f JUAN. Si Jin. Porto liico, Gcfob.-r 1.1L i s s- J i i- i . - - I tinier Covadingo salltHj for flay, carrying 2.4' t roups. The Itch Mprjia Cristina will sai tomor. MacP fpa his staff hn board." !i j Bcr .resailing on the fteainJ r Cora 1oti4 ' Admiral Vallaridt called-upon Jjefat ,-xuniral Schley at the Inglaterra. nit :; toy itm n ine; vineruan i aiiinirai fbr!j (Admiral Vallaride--has lnea erjj Stuijicous in his treatment of the- Amfc iraoK I. TfliXited States' transport MIksL- sspp'AwHhiJsOi) troops on board, arriv'tti bant lfyingj The habitants of tle" i4- . T "5 MKWdliv iiu Uiiiinmir Willi tier tbwj ?'5UMied out en masse io greet t be 4 rnv vtips :T': mi !. ;. r-ri i itt - - ...ri.i: .; i. Itidlan Conilne to Terin Si iPanl ATlnn i October -111 waif jr Minnesota, special -to th Itemnir-t i Mr : K K !.'. ! WWiv fnanl Commissioner Jones and a'K I- i I i ntkhit r or correspondents arranged fcLo . n . ' s- ''if. ' i I i ! ii '-ii I - gefj Mb e; steamer Vera today to tbo ff j Tii-'-- ,' . ! ' i 1- i: i oattt -: tjound on Bear island and Lo tlfH tle camp for council wfth'htis- ; is; buj the lake was too' rough. II tt maav the lab is In better corw. i. . ' ... ... . r . r Klili the visit w be undertaken. he; njlans will not confer on San- 2tm:-W :-W (U.-.i- i.: ii. .: --ii v -':-: i ' Mmdnes wants to make another at- : emp tff persuade old Bug Mah Shlclc itjoi'i Tender. 1 he Indians iwill hold cjcl at the agency and Commia- " fjiofi0j jpnes will have another genera.1 jccm;r 'I theret Wednesday;- when a nusi; SerHt ! hbstiles are eixpected to surren- 4 ner?$l l?nera Bacon1 is anxious; to be- hntj;?' Campaign of Isubjugatipn and is c cril cd thkt it will require force to V r3K?r;peac It is armost the unl- belief iere that activeampalgji jin' 4il .be resumed before air the In d ifi nsJ wanted bv Marshal f O'Con n?r imnmmed.www . WWW: IT 'THT T : ' 1 . . 1 - 1 I : . r i 1 7 ! I l!t; - ;i G.rIaior with' hls: Jt J.Paul, Minn, October fefnvral . Nelson A. h Miles, aian,: amvea here touay rrom umana. rif e the day he called on Governor Ibuth. ' talking over the Indian tTSnitsf at Leech lake,; the general; go-: -?ry thoroughly into the situation. n h el u Fort Snelling. ' . ' ji:;:lifo r Ttic Eijiperor ori.crmanT at Zautr: Z:me Ionian. Jalands, October 15.' 'he, liiperial' yacht Hohenzollern har- ig 'ooard the emperor and empress m ?iany and their suites has put1 frUfl.tVH harbor of Zante, owing to the -i!4c?i.tjt a strong sirocco Is blowing. iTbrtJriht will remain here until the KalJl pa abated. All the members or . h irierial; party are enjoying good X-1 s T t Hal i. tlekiflwtt 9r4 hMmq fmt 4 Sw. ActMl test Mow it goes i , third fsrtkcr tksm my other brni. 1? raiTDER . Absolutely Pure 1 Li -; $ ;iWSvAl. IWM KMI CO. kCW VOM.' - Ill -L i - W 1 V I V JT -4:4i4'4--.i4 Wm-in -4i.' :J-;i.-"'t- :: ; r - ' M p till ; I ' 1 41 nti ! i ! i-1 Is: .:!; .1 wi i T It J. fi

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