r.f-f., .... i f HE CHAEi Mi YHU! ON, N. C';, AV KIXNESI Jlanly, N !?rU'. i vy ' ' I l l I .;lpf.''.':: n,i I ,'1 V--r. .'H.i-l'.in.Pl--.j.-H 4j;:.i.::-i:a!A.lh-t.:-i-ir.-: -H-Mrir-i-!- ii MMt;ll:lll-A.N::iri J. ; ;f WJ ' ' . - '-. I. i " . .. I:..' ' lfaT-rl , .- 1 MMSTSi 1,0- .---tW--- h-v-l 1 (H!i:.-:f ' 1 !- (I S ! 4J ; i I ! ' ' - T .'1 m, i mi rl - I . 1.- -y - 1 VCTS id hid. Seon, the Ch Coiiiitmsioii JIoW.s jThrcc Sessions in One spector General of t Jr. Commissary,! Chief 'tqar le Seventh Corp Condustf of Their Departments--- South Carolina Regiment Exa ; i . Fernandina Camp. "tlx Jacksonville,. FIi., October lk.The held during (general "war T " in veaiatinj'' commission three sessions to twd day jsessihsj w n taff bfjiib'erU of jth'Selvehth 'arniy corps' " 'i . -Ni .1 -v.. Y- i '.'..' If" V.A d. -, 1 i and; at night . j ,:! : officers and .men Carolina .reg f;rs: examined included the ch geon, the ehjof c'dmmts juan.ermasr.e4- ana the ; inspector gen V' if. - eralnof i the pi informa th partmthts " today ? ay,. ( hearjli i menti ode s private", j ters arid hereafter the : beheld in he city council chamber.:. thd The ealing th the ng the testiqioriy , of Secom corps, sand ail igave detail- J. L - Hon as th theirv respective of th servjeo.' Tlie meet- were held in ar, trains m'aUe-so'mueh fpundcefsiary. tib'Jsfxrure other quar hm the -noise, tha airl x no i su-eomnuuee,.. consisl General AVilson and. C of. Fernahdiiia asi-a cartip site, ed tonight and reported their: Complete made South general offi- ef sur- e chief sary, tl General moving t it was meetings "will Wife 0t Genierii the lation to which-herimajej others, t one pital nurse and ; se t -fife Offiters of the ninvd n lilies were of the nioutps .Maus had a B 1 - charge of the the -statement of a patient's ers. J)r. that the char Colonel Oli General- JUee, I . : ' : .... . 4 ecome., mt0"xicatea, the Ipatfentfs bed,! burn ing him feomeSyhjit, and apother that b ing .of Howell, selection return-. lack of them ficiency ha$ b.bfeie.ii . siUeti: by the Red Cross Society;: The "it&ess testified to the devonon of the micindpjrt- merit and id referring to : tire inter of aW in th eareLpf the sick, hejinV r; gtiaiiccd the rati that in the recently-J ilj.clo$e;here!!ii(ita single hospital tent, bd j ' -'4. !.!"..';" 'it' .i'-iT;'. ..wl-..ifc H in this eniereticy eiitirc brigades turn- ed out to prdtect' the hospitals, and j .hold them 3own. . Colonel Guild jn;en--l tibned sorr cases . in which goods bad been received in poor ! conditioii. II In i one . case a large lot oi canned ueei .i had ipthe: tin: 1 C Iialrfiia tore from a'Nte'1. th. N. Heavy ra&ftt in today years:,this Mwb.aaieea t putrid Jbilt it apart is one rain, was we I)4y the Clucf Sur e r in aste r a nd I n- H--ij-i sslh:ki;,:;j::: f stxfy as to-the pleasure - j- been received which was contractors badt replaced ! acceptable! koods. 1 The Second . jersey nau suiiereu ou aci-uuun.ui.j frequent changes; of the commit .ana mey -jappeareajto eiyci itric, iuc for: fine want or food ': because oi tne ' tgnorance t grs or tne omcers oi tne regiment. - ; p 1-doubt hlil Hater C Odtobervd&i; fe F ' .! Secretarjlamsejl H:jr xurai fiepaKtijient. Colonel Guild said thate iouua a case pi ,upnviiuui uue im work. Aln?i; all -Ithe iaiiure oi; iue gov eruweui ( tu -lurmsu.. TSnlrforfer t-J&"i than. d arid will ddd week. of but of ens grams w.m$&, siaie m-useum. 1-;:- V---i -:- T W 'Gordon, in re- holpitlljatll iamij- 'in ! g charges, among. he effect that a ' hos- i.. ., - proper, supplies, - iie.was aibu uuauic tQ pQ 1 1 ti c. S ."if;r',-.i!i : ... . . TT liast yearlivernor Kusseii : vi V.ocrt. urn- onftihWnir lfl O R Aenlt!) k OT1 1 . i i . founil ' c rawli ng into : dying, patients; ' Mr. ; missary at Camp5;, CuT)a: Libre Mas ; before, the quality was exc had been! trouble ,about 150,000 approval of the selection.. oh'-i" -ui'i1-1 j 'in w .iiiu j i t-pui bs-iiiat tue to be 'bad Lttiuu mm - -urcii -iuliIlcu Liiei tr nm Lilt: .j V Purpose oi pnnancjng- oie value-or land ; brought to jroing inrouen tne county; reaorus. as -Jli- ..Tir. "., ;! 'i fi I , : - . : . ; ... " , - leilU dU(l- part or ;i,neir , wotkj i ney lanea i to a fa. real; estate iri that; vicinity or had been . in aiiy way j interested in . any. - . Colonel jQris M&us,, chief surgeon. . ' of the Seventh army 'corps, was the .fiist' witnesses swprn i n . today , lie is a V regular army sufgeon'ahd has occupied : thife . present - position practically V throughout! the listory of the camp. .. He said that Avhep th6 order i?ame for the establish'ment of the divis ion "hos F pitla therd ivas some delay v; stlppliee,': such as ten:ts. He made his ; requisitions onTampa, )ut finding that all I efforts there pad! b?en directed to getting the;epcpeditions jff he made his requisitions 'upon' .Was :iingto i. direct After this they were; promptjly filled.; k TheTe was no suffering among the sick, ri : Stijd tbey dld?;pq(thav:e the luxuries ' at the beginning of the war that there .. "wqre i.n; the.datter days of it "Nor, added the doctor, , "do I think that the history of the wcirid has ever seen a parallel to our jxresent care of the sick. V ; ,Ta"king up the 4 present, cond ition j pf 1 ; the; aospitajls, : hel said there were 300 : ; trained, female nurses now " at work - - here, f: He said I he l emploiment -of ; these nurses j had 'proved entirely .:satis- factoryv nau never of expense diers. As 1 ice in order this climate.! If: onel Wood read tien to Generstl complaint made Bryan, conceding letter .h saidl that it was due td ligence; of cers. He hbpitaHiread admitttpg concern! ng the ' burning ; jijbiitlidepyirig; ialL bth- -i & expressed tne opinion es" vem exaggerated. or; Nvooti, cniei corn- under c om mis sion at. its afierrioon session, i He had ccudhis-nqsMb the 21st of sviay ana me naa oeen anie aunng an this timei&ftkny pandjcQmplelely meet. all reuufsitions made upon him. for supplies and fluHti had never been any In fbrraer se one et This.ycarfjit tistial. the oa is'' away -hej td will, vim-- a; seaehjl fusion- ofco ting considerable oeen any suaexing:in a.nospiiat on af- i tr(ihd&& count.of neglect and was satisfied that Ca-rr's polii an uau- UftU uyuc iui ; .luo san. was oraetieable still of the opinion ment Asked if he was that- there, would have been a shortage of supplies for the sick but . for the great activity of the Red. Cross So ciety, colonel iGuiid saia ne naa that-t .,0si i. .tetf .IT-ii., J.,.! inuni 1,4 J1 - am a rid As.a.1 enti rule,' also, the At flrssr. there with the bacon and spoiled and, theriefor;-condemned and ordered . destroyed There had been weavils ia sonie of the hard bread, but it had never Ibeeri! issued when fbund ! All the fresh meat -was se- Armo'ur & 'Co., and was the camp in refrigerator rule this meat Was excel- eases1 where ,the meat was Vestigating to Colonel ond South nfport frqnl Dr. Villas, in sed his opinion 'someyhat, as he since learneds tnat steps migni nave been taken -to secure government sup- pi ies, but! Dle4was 1st ill bf ahe opinjoa that there would have been ' delay. I lere the ! commission ; adjourned :6or dinner . The evening session of the war in commission was one's and others of the Se CaWdina ! infantry given l up :Fbrjaflt ernofl Russell aad the annpuaehpjf -. made,! but for: monpis no such igtesiation has been men ouL -!!Itiilil3cert!aibei 'at the behi- tentiafy(fcdaynttiat three : cn- victsallfiCilthe Jsihth difetrictJ-iadl Deea pardfw? avcn f tnemr imx Flasher aMg$iiwtop! jMaee, ' were Imxi vmg five rtmM l". terftM from county, f ojf -iiaiirder n the second grc-e, andifjgif mphths; i sliii emhezzlemil ing ce, from 'Iitchell, of Strange illiydy (there ha 4 CqloinM loss' in .th.teMy;- 1 1 -rami-- -; spring. 'PemQcralSlmate' Chla-irman cufiimeni, n juap? iu-tt i- saysphels&ely the fresh beef l;. ' He also com'plained of , U lUK&sltLi the location r) the camp as swarnpy , Crawford he Fiflth, Seventh afiJ and said that the waten was bad, ?4He, KiW'iii" dki,.,.s h, i J J; h thni- nf Ofli mon in thft TPPimP.Tlt , . .1 -i. i. i ' -M--JT : J--: i! I Mill n " V - 71 iaPJr , ae ininKs m i; tnomas ana lieuams ere now sick and about two thirds . hoVO Pfiru1 fck.-.iiW .Ka i?ii-cV Ti,a said 180 were of - 5111086 1 were : typhoid ;ases.; jH thoght.; the'vi- ; to ;thd; ;iefaiiire, cinity were just as badly off inpomt hvp IfMlh men were it was impossible to locate and13ixthfistrict respectiveiy makes the or neaun as pis own commauu. j u: r n s r.., n W iitu uCac uu;.u,gaMs the .vfentb congressional ,n d6,"u' ."u M.ctc iv viy tricUas ddijtful ahdS-says the dem LiiilL uuv. Jiti cuui uiaincu. Liiac iicii. sen to the .divisic hospital . j; Hik . populist thought the sickness of the f1 . Ylo-i.. f "c . irtiicu rif P-nVirl ! the Hfrn of Ore Viofl lrfr.lnWArI I iiiiurnis name in, any. pi tnese aocu-. j t wifhfvnt .iiriffini ,.nitr1pmTin. l;Was due to the nroximitv o HtCUU). : lltl t Ut'll 111 Vti&LltiilLlUIl. LUU V HIT- ! : . - 3 I J ; ' J. jtheia; thri be had never ovyned any oook ref rigerttor meat or put -it ! on toi ; prevent it spoiling in this connection i Col- letter he had writ- ee ; in response to a he to a -question, Djr. . Maus ; said that rafter the first few days there. -nau r neen exceptional promptituae. Jtie see n s uch- utter disregard in caring for the jsick sOl- atmater Of fact, the troop's au a greater ajiowanc or rations ! thah they p$uld fisej or . dispose;. of 1 in anyf-way. t- " :; : ' . -; ;: : '':; He. thought typhoid f eyer ; '. lad been , introduced to the' camp by M ssissippi ! t a n d, r V i tg i n i a trdop s. Shallow wells to;'Increaselither;s rle; also thojusht fhefles h dhe much to dis-; sernmate fepjer. j .V-;- , Dr. Maus gaid .he lja; fountjL it diffi cult to prevail i upon5 sitrgeohs in the volunteer sep ice to learn administra. live duties; pf thjeir f pj)sitioi4i.y Often early in thierhist6ry of I the war1 some or the:; vpiiiteer : i regitnjental .Bargeons 1 thad ;heea ; hegligept; in the mat- sais the beef imus sued; , that final and aftei be ente4rtaine( Captain quartermaste ing the after been in Jack lalsb Is Mm .Clauniky v ; iBaker, chief as also examined dur- 190 ionv me TP oV equipping brief a time. der the Lbypo)cmeliW,.j j..; the: '.beef. dn this if .beef j was spoiled most jcriminal neg- . regiment ' stagnant regiment and "company o th in; the letter that ihspecte!dwheaf;:.s:' inspection r must be no complaints could Tiro for laeutenant Alexander C Davis, com missary for the regiment, said the beef was good . when it was issued toj the ' regiment, ; but that there were cases in which the meat issued to companies had spoiled, owing to the' failure of the company commissaries to come? for t it promptly, thus leaving it exposed. ; lieutenant j Edmond .R. " Tompkins, acting quartermaster for the regiment, complained that the clothing issued to are dHpg their the isixth Btrict. si that Governor tho.u Sn4 urs and si jt teral ISrckike Forgsi all v forts i::Sriam 'to;Scure: the Spanish Conssion. I.r.fr....i8i:. -i - 'Y'- - .1 - .. .i i r . Stripes se Through ir.gtdn, j ctb.' t,:ys v.. Iptlatel. Mad i md: bJitide fitipd!-aajtiiat lislv ."tfofrtmlsKroiI.e'r : i ' 111 ! i': :'! ''ally, fri'm itbeil MicoflRld thai t)iei'r ."greatit The .thwilrl at hi on aniur been Hbo fire . since last :Fy,mr whiU? inly ; of theSlj bfii alao'to the Simmons; : the sbj secfjiiftti pgf w h'1'C-l.i The !tpaaiiih Spanish 1 (vim Takes ;t: 1 ' ':!-';-lr:-'l y 'y. ; kvA. ;': Wi K 1 ; "til r ; ' I 'N !' :M'-.W"1 ' 1 " 1 '"':' '- 1 m;M k!.v:: .m; . k h iriiy. 'i'lf. IISHn 'H i 4r 4,OverliHp0c;J. loikij.n Huildinf of the I it ie.iiJi.i.injj!-o ;i - '. f" I7 1 r:,.t-'.t-j'U 'S: i S' -! M ' I : " PS Our 06vernin Hi" x j.W-M .byline om $ ! prw.MKUn. xs front .now lijt-hi.vjsiar.--,c-T NiU '; tMe: .ghllu--- inl.ii-m i It -is extr- u i) ivttion w :!wa:ii; ilth.-r. r t'.." idt-rs rte and iiil that WO! ttu :! 14 I-'.--1 KuriM;tr-r.i;it the. ltsiMrtH CstfiKin b4n h o 1 d eris:: ; ffiRM y argument. WouiilB 1 ill tha'ti ilthe r-lefi p piled fas b tjrvcinmon of -.ym- eri ignty it ho ut di et b?en ts it d by ; 'protesting agaiijiir' the .sendfng. all ie ecjond regiment away naay or, saturaay. ;taff and band will from; her Only; the remain'. jrMieiit :iext Plmnd ers hpm tip i; v v:k mKmv-r; ; 1 7 : i oince inoiaf!? pna wire-wo -. l rti men v. i u i tt-s t piaunmg pLOK:inpors,e arsom! irrangera-;iit;s. are; in progress hardest workl ii dtfstructton. the '.! large ' yaiudSiirepresertted1 by! the Oiban b)nds )j-k 4re for of value, phia. stores wi at Fort !De s TheMes and Is ;ipf shippe i few of which xh tc; pipped 'tq PMef - 'gg btherLrordnahe- to the arsens bed -.1 :$-. .- i' t'ilitedlS foreign o 1 th., k :- oif Cuban atiJ t:kJli:fei'-iPfit. 5an il' t at.-st -1 :jeaSH;ta'ta'H g jrasu;Ht; the to call aid tthe'j Sd'SHsh. thtf at iprisi; I based ; ( dpo ii . M P 1 tlesiggl f ke .have aft timj?&khajd jglreatii-Sf ight! lnterhmionariitrabaaKll.bhieMback au la ajjpuMrni, in V1 n ! - . i ciajs niere,; af purpose! to jinttKince'J not sb,rnu!ch the; JArnericrin'. peate 'commis-; sionqrsi as , tpei governmenpf at w asti- ingtqni direm 5 1 has I never been -j a& f. I question as to the istatUSi of muhici Poland other Th apMy?heLr d'IMIi)tiMie !T ooih!i ! fiTiillMivil': aiy .-.bt nit !-W li!iblt:rati(ib.f ' v. h TaiaJ&g iiiHlCin ftiU " Hla) Ji Ji? Jii&pi I'ortio Ilii'ilj tfiwjt;tiwon. iaa,Ni f Cm to . kvill ids is i 1 1 - iia.t- ght ; o n States ' Iby theitt; own; clitizAl Consider- thes, with o? it tJh .of Uh- ariigw ,tip libriii rg. ' 1 ayf qji a and: JJMI :4'l.aiiralf'Schl'o .r il-clfi;3l Ii hi- fchei "t m I ; Th ' !!-:f t h inf.'intrv )arai,gpi STWP; H, ; of t I fMtj cavalry,- .was: imrttj-igmn tjistrei8.' an BJntiNnyral "Schley iaidr'fenerAl obligations 'based upoCuba asr iflfe the 'proceeds f !ith bonds, is- ftM mubicipaliiieis Vhavjl presuma- )iy:aohf tQ.beaiBflttnIQJt!it has never f been; contended heronr an in stant ithat these pbligatioriisho.ulid be ... . . nmg or tne c but at; that for the Second when he ! arrived short of all I - ' 'ill! he had been to meet all when made they arrived been' some: There was a and in most responsibiluy jl of and his course had proved. The was not of session'. .- He had. lie from the begin bn; the . 21st of May, rps.j ' He said .that the 'cbmmand was kinds unable in the beginning reqqisitipns , for supplies when There had, for. instance, rouble by in isecfuring tentage. so shortage in : clothing, cases he nad assumea tne ; making ipurchases afterwards been ap : .clothing received uality; but it after- j However, the men good circumstandeis,; it greater than: pec ted ' Explaining tion of the Ifi was.due:jtb could to- thet. could be waras improy wre as a thing, and Indeed the Xlispositioti ever said thatj he had b eenj 1 experienced j to the;: necessity iafrgeH ah j army in. so f Captain Daniel O. Herbert,-of, this ions today regiment, .complained of the monot- per eurm i firmed; ony of the rations He said much of the beef had to be thrown away, cause it was spoiled. 4 . ;., jj-f) A number of non-commissioned cers and privates were also sworn ed complained of the issuance of days; when mads tyo w pany fresh Tou tfglaa enough' to get" any where; Ayere -no' complaints. tjr pops' had .manifested; a to pel i?atisnea witn wnat- reiyd-fi aptaiaj Baker attributed ! yhatver: delay was the ri PTlI.T -1' a'ddi iona sfebred:; ' conveniently. The in 'response to a criticism from a Jack sonville lady, thatl- General Lee had Kivcii intj auosL i-careiui aitpniion to frequent: much to' the hospitals; -that he madd visits to the sick Jaen and -did cheer them up. Lawton hadi expected the troojps to be ordered jiihiopt; immediately ' to Cuba ana tnisicircumstanee ;eontroitea entirely in -the first ; ea;amp he ent :He said that r i. ohel Curtis era! Of ittwii he .I1J teripT sanitation:, abutllsttei onr this be came the Tjrihcifcal duty of everybody xe was low and the men were moved i about the cfmp;! Ikliich troubKj had' wlien the! rainSr season began: : General j Hid from the hospitals, jln many ases "jthjeyj; ' had - rreptjtioUsIiyLarried food ; ltd the sicki -Wlei.(fwl vhaon ' the news paper Tepottl; o the suffering in th jcamp , say ia . t ha I they haS generiil y .iT&w-n;!out i .cjf 'Igglatated i1;atehients im the , men themtei-es. . ;! ;.; d; T l)r.tus thtmgh t jthe, fever was how BefcpjBasJng, -(He mentioned one, l- in jStance.vin which; he: sickness had fol io wttl ' the use of tain: ed meat, and jaaid 'ne had heard, of aj few other in- issued. ; ; VyI- n -;,K : :.:y;j ;. Dr. Maus was fiuesUoned in regard tp the cmp at Mimi, le said he had iPYesti gated! fedaad found it ito be un suitable ' .on k account !nf I tile -vntpr which the analysis had shown to be impure:. ; H3also:thoag1itf Tkmpa un- uilcu iu a large army camp, lie said eneral? let have -. was. no been 'ex- .awton's experiment Risers little' rations ' to the ' regiment left ; their state, which trave they a shortage in other rations eeks.1 Sergeant Mooney of Cora- er A, comp meat was ained that : issued. : very invite .disappointrnent when BeWitt's Little .-, gurtin,;) are pleasant," easy, thorough V" : b-Mf pills. -They i. fcure cDnstituaJtibrt- i edi Bird 0m ) lr ViooilaoVio -Inat aa euro, a a vnn ' : . . from Craft, from Stated vs'.Arrig4 :sri,:T per curiam, amrmstt : I Bryan 15 vsMlups,f frbm ; !Haaif'ax.-;-r Ctlriahl:',-'affi'l'Ad f. Hmnsni 4s Thorki 31 motion 'to. HfRnH-ir rit' cottin tr nrnnor 6t7(ia in I uri- eairrYaa . frr Yta mon Ho Qlcn pnrr f - i .--- . rJ.7I : . rr i u: - . s plained that the tents occupied leaked ;! gff? :Thej Messenger:) ;; and that he had .failed to get requisl- i Haleigh, -4 C.i .October lS.-j-The -u-' tions for others approved. J jl, .. -Pfi "HllfWP: ipmjJvvng opjn- 5i?:S' o'ut-- rel- Tratn'.ltiafs w-elli. People i haM Jrepbd?ated. ! Yv hp.teve,r may the learned thaSDewitt'H 1 TJttieii F-n-Wv cornei or tne negotiations 'am'ari. Risers arifMlhlflifMp tui-. fnr i&l I Stives Itft the General j debt dWCubai'" the tne regiment was privery mierior tjuaf ?i-uia.ujng: iioweis;icuri7 g eopsnpatipn 1 1: rrrH'..! V." 1 f.f. 'VHV'-.f lty. ie spoKe especially 01 tne saoes :- "l ui ..'M- THue LWHU t .gnpe. and trousers . and complained of the . MtsL !: bohdbi.of the municioa :sfeeuMieS'' wiltl-retairi ithiiSfevklidltv: irThefpropbsition alleged :t(have !!been :mad4 jy esterda by j 'th.e'-'Spishinpbm.i. missqners, ! Stafesl the-iTttre' Philippiriejfcfoun;. rath- htejrj Spain Should be, re$nsible for the. Cuban debt, did not ta the .offj- illt kta;S':rreCp!gnizd' drnmliately- as nly aiii)ther;!phase'jbthe:'lanis ef fort td Monneelfthe Phm Cti-; ba in jsome way in 't"he ' negotiations. .hehAmericani iorohi$sionell 1 at!:.: the pegiiinihg refbsed to ;permitliany such . assertion, ; holding that e;( subject 1 .treated I in, .th'i-.Jj'rptpcbl. .mii? be Jealt ,$ith jidiiarely lawd'-in-' br4rflidv. Bp! far as state 'departnient ! ltrws have jjaotshab lit! frrpr!;-;AtIJ:si fFomCai re.n,ii;twQ 'cj0,Kjiairit?iff's ; appeal! djis 1 anu of' ei ed -thtear :v in pfffiMal c on they this 3 f ! :Kec ana dismiss tne piaft tiff'sldanneaif IS llYvded nnrTefi .Wniedlfci Cooper vs'.ftmba 1,; frornVapcejjlnl llit'uil.rpize error; Jtva,gfviu ease, xromi xiasn,ino tnat j tpe ;-negoMa"onS tin ; twis . I 1 rt P V . t-l i T, ftn IT TIT- , . K. T tt d ijnpsti critical j point 't; be, psedr ; over tntili ithedcommissioh; Is fa 1 to if ace reles have :ve.n missed a ndWleferidant"s appeal ; jugr. a-iuax; ment ;vs and sick. headache just as sure as ake themd R, R, Bellamy. camp here he. said it .-tj. tnat tne railroad j facilities ! here i and 1 1 that water seen god November, affirmed; 1 pfTi 171 ie, VP i Robeson Democracy Alive (Specjal i to I The Messenger.) f Maxton, X.- C.V October was. a grand aemocratic may nerer to night, with 500: people present. 1 Two. 'hundred red shirts were; ip Iproces sion. The speakers; were Cook, j Mc'Intyre, Walter ; Hi Xeal.and Cameron , Morrf- son. ; our neighboring towns w ere rep resented; "in-: fpit force, -i have never enthusiasm nor such deter- such ion fori white - supremacy overnmentl We will show, you lir the luntefe- regimental rauartermas- ters had all 'wbrked.hard to .learn their. business i and that: tliefr ! service ' had been sat i?fac.ttry, Captain Bal had ; been ; si nee J urie 14 St his business mg inspection with regard iq that this had prj pa his ers in invented. ! which had Colonel5 officers of the to accept cases he ha He had also of rJthe : hbsp there was -t- M?re than twenty million free sam ples of DWjltt's Witch 'Hazel Sk-lye, have been distributed by the minu fs.'eturer6. j What better proof of their confidence !in it's merits do you want? It cures piles! burns, scalds, sores, in of time. 11 R, R.' Bel lamy. and tion to re rulin jadfgfent: of ;cdurt below i aff firmed; Pefef vs.;Maile!ttfr;om .Eidgf combe; afTtifd;: ;E;e-trit Company; ? s rrhf d'J p ti the .question asijtp; : wht disposi-, bhalti be ! blade of Jtheiinippi'nes; iim an'' afcdingVc'nifj4e;ifeijttiatjthe'. 0 pan iph? commission erf?, w i1IfSi- t- ibbjige ; Ihe J.A'rtiencansJl'to.resort irom from Bertie ed, error iin'J f ortfer' i Willi be6ce,ed dHvjtth g-reattWfexped ition -.JHWlti'mi sal yt?i-A wit ? a. -i any 1 PaHs., October. IS,; llU5riirn;-4-Spain an? ftoj linger; ,v;! Commissioners ,! I Williams, Greenleaf Pasquotanl&pprnldd; Stafford lops ;f rbrrfasict Kruger jy'Ffa.nic . Bryan A-s.;tva.rit; reveps. VS ntank, I ; new from Dare. from Craven frS-ni- taertjwarj.; he. :o-i;. rjb'an debt .'f Thevv;!Ji'mericah' c'oaihissiiiers ch Hazel Gfil- trtil; errnr; yifi Salve salve in the has mi$ world. di$hn- This fact afil3ts 'merit has led est people jJattemiptlta counterfteillt Look: out ;f(iJ;the; man who; attmgjts to deceiye y wheinj you .call for tie? itfst wiect atiazeii Salve, the Be lamy.; er. was followed by LCol- Qmld. i Cr. Jr.,! inspector gen Colonel f Child IsaH u ty ; ;i n. Jack sonvill e He said ; he had made to make an early' morn- of the I Adrices parK v j-; : . panmeni y;israay,i tne united; states ' riUrj.- V-: ' i - -i i 1 i i -d id' V l: "... i I .;; i ,!. . T, Ylr'y- i "tri.iftifrs rece-ivea irom joTto ivico . .c .a uauuutituiuissi vners sent Minn Parh idnv sanitation and he knew peen .tee custom ; or : oto- 4 P m it .:. a la department.1 He had 1 also ild of, ;Heekly1:j report n excellent satisfaction. he .had found ; the Volunteer forces : willing saggestidns li and" ih many thanked for them high officials there ps to. became naturalized n n y-I in say that 1 all the have taken st Americans. ,-. fT"l 1 !j : A- t ii '1. 4. ue; juoutse, aiiu . senate oi ermoiiL j took; separate ballots for United States senator. ; Both J houses by an over whelming vote re-elected Senator Proc- :vr.;i iwm ..vn-v ' if Norwegian vessel has beia; wreck ed on Salts! Car Rocks, neardEeith, atid thirteen persons! drowned. : tor. I" ':A pile cure. . H:R ! 1?3-- Half v a "j i!d : .r- : f.l .:i b W j Ha;vana'pipber;!l8j;3J ing o'anValripunemeni in the ners- i palpers -of IMle bilpmearticIleslvSni- .: -I kd!;i.-V 'da':i-' i ddhddj -;U h I materials tra. ne apanisn ordnance de- Grisce d thes .: ?lusnInions Hanged For "flurder Can dia, Island of Crete, Octbber 18. if and Giptain,vBrboks;Std ie;.aadjHke-.note;of h; LedJ i u ney found Jncrad. ed in the ;:fe several mortars lnd othe;'l' gu -j Th I ' commissio4fers prompuy ssm a protest to the Spanish ey ac iia t ion gf ammissi on ers, plied that pirtiC and nff" :i;f 1 R'f1!.1'! luf V. . ff1 seven nussuinians, wno werestneaana 3 ob3ec,tion;tlf d; li:iWeii v pehamg. , convicted 0f;;miiiide,ryof. Britigfi sold efs sehal, ! thejl apK Of goverament silpJ durins: thei recent outbreak Ifered Wete i drtwri'v io .al uselesa :forvice soid as oiftaL. ; pThjeicotnpsioher3iastru tain BrcKkMd makd aithoroiighP ini 10 ry ia orawTvio Know ber and effected. I'd nance Hamel tent have ahy ; .dot'i rtgfrd- Thi? v American ' c a 3 ' I ; 1' 1 - , " ft ' have H.ti?aSned Jl' .as$tprre-i itif 'f an i& part of itjiby expressi treajc-y-' pf. j1$M conthra'ct 1 hey laiso .declined to acec-atg a -,ej;Sion of sdveieigntylilto' the Uiiite S?tatfcji, for in aSef-Spain -twouhl IMainij I th.a't :snch m eessionl hy its own ff arce ;iwou'ld! impdsefitbe obtigatfan'r; litJat 4dbt .Jt fusiti eign llrf;tH'iacc!eTt a. eess'ifji'apihf ffiver- y; he; Anierican ;.4m'ni4lion4rp ar acting so upon their JannomfremMt to the-:?N'0rl;d - j n $ hV. irt.tryeErt dici-olu tions diprjairhi'nsr amt intei-gjon in ex ercirics.d3oy'reignty or ! ' auifMrity I Mover! I Cuba, except for paeificatiSli. and then to lejave ,he lslarid toith'? troitjf.its peo ri e. t-a n d; ' , t he . people ; ; to ' as s um p tioa wif: its obligations. Nd Nil's I.t debt trje4 Cfly.H i' ,tier a hi t?b. Ankrh 1, kin. tiiljir 1 H;jCdn t'ryj,; w! Li ' ' J . il . 1 ... I ' . 1 ,J . e. d A ue;s'p:rtn.!s;iiof nina'.xno STiRi mrongeq witn tivwhH pvo-i ritgiraettt i .-El !-M tludCUb.Mi bt joiI inctc d : t ih;i; artme: b'H patter :p: biNd.- th.- i n!fi ti.tr yi many .4". ' I1--n.-mt ktairsf qarriagyai Sith";Urtit th n Wkrchf-tl thn' palac rt, 1 Generni UN e valuation ithe luilace and torrneq jord-itis' Ibfr CniteU Stated yltMlbaval oflicers oldifj; lelf,iistH.M; waiting in dead silence At lwl Shi city, clock struck khe hour Atetfrfelpund .f, the firt gun from Fortprri "Major Drari and! iJeuteii-t ant 'ifctlp.i-of Gerierii:t?rciok!e,.fi!.. taff hoisgf lthb i Sttars ; arid Stripes, '.-whii -v-!..;j,'alf5; tt'aJV vm- Mini ft?yiJH-l4 TloVvrtW'S - ' id ! I. i- iT : : j .1 . I II : i AllihidH were bared and the crowds bheeis fKort Morro, j Fid rt Rah Cristd pi, he tlnited S ta tHsr revenue cut f ierda)'rtgi lying in ( the harbor, fi F wn.ffl ; guns ; each Se i-Jort Muh2tTve j was and KandshalUng: katiM Jthe city. g;arK; of: the United iihai'' u fsmmissjon.is n w thefMm;;ill be foi ipgtg fip-itrhulrsday nex t.. bf apftli r'tjartie i haVe' tek-ni h ortf : f tM ' aU iconcerned raSi Mftni ifedopers worked and in the mapner. ihlllhute' Cough 1 ICrImeut nger.) 18. Orders Second regiment pa e me. Laiiiinse at to o f.iK&tfafc-ia i.Wfy 1 ne .Mess icf-y N..u dii -d''; ij ' teffi;pBdi tJd uctQber , 7 ; 51 i... r- ,1- .:-'-.--(- i . fptitfetivput of the bfeA ndlfled that the jit itherfordton t omfa'y y Will be mustiertfi kaiKiib! infctead'rof "at C p rellMhr'chan ges. 1 .;. id-'. s!.a-.' 5 -i y" . i i , . a fcpday si KM r tw3tt.-4 &Ti ttheit Varioua Pnh p fan llrttm h:etetetifitd by military officers. Sim- Jitaafu?ly; with the rawing, of the flag jvte; captain gfhetirs" palace rnarii4 (Itnerswere hbisted in different V-Nviii,-d I Htates evac- veT and all 1 be fprwardkd to Wash The labors nated with The Amert- Kvithout th rnt thorough re surprises ppdi'liy lt quick cure 3 and children hltikiitr ili lame baahti ties' wlth- bu;s, Jeast danger. 1 It: Has won for tMmtfe ebest ireputa tl h iji - M an y , prpi aratfdmjsea- toaay tori (holds, i croup, tt.ieti fipiiv the: throat Vow - bbstinato conmi v it. it; k am r ."y..T3"-.C";i ; . ". ry---nv wfUIa?4" loa save f a I few lb;erte..ift ;ref erri n,g,:tt he Cuban as- : now ; rtiviqing; thraitwo icoun- says: MThe pariiffhljregardT the .refusal; iof theTlTnitedj$taiflto. assume the uuban -fierj: as an( fexaiggsj-ated pre- thingi We have already referred t were only P-n- pftd.ers heihijmes1 I n cmie r sen tencle fa Iii berte th a t MSna n is h i fi afti ce s 1 iv e r e riiinWdipitrying tOiUiprfhe Cuban! I nsurJlectio; p." and; ;iih ,;the :?Plx't; 'It--says: that debt wilt be- contracwWfor ijCuba The$:;! ii jp!ont? :to i'Spain t;!d: pleading' f o r . ibitra jL i o;n i fvh eirej " : th e ti m isior; s do: .riat sagiee ;and ' says:.. i.hH-e- Wish4 cabinet "ill not lifn to any- itnnted out indingirthl; gatts Tlkvfaritl HSs. cllleagues.1 ariPslfibt PrbberN ly ;. riejgiit?aiprsTi.b.utl whoffr' wrk isl tb tarry oMt0recjse or der?:! I They have no fighlf to dis.' us? xne .exacjt .na-i, -;or tf'l make'.;eipricessiQns.- .pht-. im'Diy articles and ''ie inayannouric -to', th? palSih ;.'Hti- i hmenti the?;exajct,ions d tof; iitj.-, .:t:nitft .ire ot the 'Kardless ' of t the 1 Amenvfan ti'': ii I I ( . ' I ... I, a..-! 5-HaA.Bi. -i- T.-ui- ! ale Uapieioff at themr- 1 Plilf Pdi ti1?,' T I f a Havana inerican rirf'f-f5 not el vM i o j ! an i ft od i ficlatiibpfc f ' i t he jibri f ' Pi miHSionetts ifcSehd-i them- butat! Mot- otte. There a 1- The rgimehtwas hundred men By; Saturdaiy night all officers, and The governnrent will - al-f mileagei froral Raleigh ta after muste r out. TiteI it tins Vbest gr.d bLi.g powr :Il!;i-.'N ;. Nf : ;Mp)-.:;.i;;.-;t 'ymiAmnm i-:fiaNr.J t ;ir:a:Npdj I POYDEf? 1 Aknfii0fJ fayM v.- B-'d:-f i. -T. "1 1 ii' r dt rN "d.H W; letter wag ied if roxa Mrs Gordon, plies for iiistltuUbnVMt the de- tbese diti hanged today.;,- chaDt who$f3d was ,i5:: - .2d' ii'd' ' i Si a . i . ; ,. 1 if ... . i'S' ir tratfjn; giving notiCeJ :ym ,mt in mm ii-d - ' : . - ',- , dild l;,!:': ' I 1; St.! :; Id if vldf rt4 1 1 111: 1. 1 Iin&iil',- U tpe- J. - -if - -II ;-: m ; 1 i. I'"- f :. S . ;'.;1 . ' I'. ' :1 - ' - :- wii.iiiii.jhiiaiiiiiiiii