1 A i : ; A . A: y'J'r A A- A" A: -A- - A-'-A:;: AA ,.AA' uAi.V A v "A '." .-.:;' ui-.;.:-:j - i : A: 1 AA AAAI AjAii ;-A- - - -I':- ; "T-f ,. J-i'l'.- --)"" - I- '-. ,.! ; - I'lia 'ili.11 I ! ; : i :i. ; - f M - I E.s,r OCTDHKU 21, PRICE 5 CENTS GTON, N. KRID : U 1 : j y; - 1 : mum . . ' 1 .4 1 ' I,-1- - f - MM A! i :3 lif-'ll ry:, .i.-r-ii -n- . llpoi) .th mm mm AW! t-r M.t .!. 1.11 -r-lC-' :1 A- ': 1 ;-' ' 1 'V ,!! J; 1. 1-' 1 .'1 . w ' TI i . c '.i :F -if i -A V- HI I H r!;' H-; li-- - - i S ' I va-aa ii-r.m aa-p - -.-f. a- a. v mmmmmiwm PMlm-biiiod JOpposed to Independence: Gain- a-i-'-'AAaa -.- ' 1- ..-i-.-.j. : . :J -: rlmmm mwirAA- t.!-vJ liclicvcd Ail follolvln mmmmm .. & nr imtbi .ur 6 I " ' " J' - " - ,-,"s;:1 n" fuV(iral.y, 1 h j . . . 'i.f f is kit. iVasinw. l S-.'J-1; ' ;J ' ! ; J.I;alt.h of tl).'- vffif... ; :i -: : -Otis" Law-i.-Repbrl of Hold yUfrc u i . I'i Vtteinrt of nan in the Wai - . i "Jr. 'arships at Seven Battle df Santia : ;4 rnjiit . in- same, t h r4' a v t- r e' . t y f - n t; t?rnaUi'ix, "iht tyj li luri;-!-- ajil intt'tiriaJ MJ ji. vai -His than, the -alu Mhit s - hot' maH'ifth (tht-r . i Jt-i tcJii. ipulilh',; f hej j i-jiv: it peeiipiriitfatioiK It ; coii suggestions rt KaniinK' t hi Phi 1 jjfj i iHs and a 1st' thetiHsurKf-hts. 'rh' gehsktrona - ha y al bat 1 1 e. , liet fyt -i lk -t: aril . th" insujir : 1 hi! i t pi n cs , ksv rtn-ie 1 incr"Julity i h'f'h o t H . deiiartmentfe. Ar-lt i Sh tv c-en t ac t i ) n , L d hi S n: j M D e wy ha s fail war ii wri g 1 ii I$oa r Staged TIM irinui-hbt-T ??oyeri xs -gairurigj luti(rtary Com 6iT4h Irig; "hut, ami Xi- (,niilicatioivs ... : coiTiinerqe itrcipnk- htthe sick ,r4V lTuhd .AfTai u lint,' ' mostly . 'li-iistc(l mem s gwou. r ever: I ))if i n;!g J, lie .;: nion i (t 'jqh c (h at.hs eixl I tVv j-,' live- m;ji- n.njiiiaint.s, thnK-1 l i- eonsiderably hut the depart- nSageihent Spanish to Shi ! - ' 1 -ir J iiiy e report is neiven 1 uiflerent of the!'f"iM)rt whiChHhi bor and also .i : i. - i . J ell- Thej nort ior with the! rio.iii.: fiJUovviK: posit top rVTi a he ;ti 'r:it: irif B. Si .i. i-f 3 Ji4.1'Os:itiOHS L i; i--i:- ir .; I -r t e i I 4 nm:i : o! the t:;; . -I ift-4 -ftrrt- " ..Ii; - - S- -6 3:-- 1 for th-K; noi-ritiori p u rpo sd of-'deiflrmin- colhv.enel in. thje ;;po;siUbrHJ: courses Th '4 t hr ;-Xew actlc'$';at ade iiiiabltci irro, ai'-C'iinpsjnifd "i .I-;no?son. fi i:s()Utin:w-f.sit 1 Hi- tni'f. h.y iiinidr.by1;;A. .;4)fSithe sh tanV'.; !The flrptj; part bit-(jjs'it!h irie o:diay. at m::$ m$$ f Mi tl th hat WW'iTO'fy-. ijvjere Maestro y- he( rfeEorti ..ai4-tNvoKfeht.ll& .ah(-m.uhle)fl jli adM tiy ""-Gel i e rl i .J: J .r's L v. Vli hifurinat ion abotiit Spanish report of yi sable ta Ihei dis- its : bearii A d th i rhl De w ey ists' navy - in ll Md with: absolute jthe niavy a!rui- war re iiajs . oteii ai a I ! hei t her Ge heral, tes Consul Wilt- as worthy of iia- the navy depart-" ed to ifn'iition 1 1, ai' - Ptisf nor tTnitel S'li- ma n'h a v5 regard ec t ice. ;u is behevedtait xnen t j that theSpdm1 authorities re efer to. the seizure of: the little steamer Abbey by th. McxuVljMeh on September can : register, though If ormerly i knoWn &s i the asigj;It.ivii?4reported to "Aci miral Dewey that "se was bnngiq; iariiis and: suppli,es mil war to the iti- surfjen.'s and h,e;serilt ihe McColloch o stop thK? movement, I lat when the cut Jter found the Abhy! in liatanzas bay the, 4 1 ler vessel had Janded her cargo ;jof arnis, 'and the- insurgents refused it o irive- t hem tin: V Th!reui)Oil the Abbv was .sei2"d..ahd" taken pi v, the; McC.ulloh j to' Manila. This .affair could hot be dignifieii with' the name i of a naal : ei- lir,! Duwey in re ai,. m r- sa; rhliJe ja p -gageiTieint and" i 'A4 ? porting tJie seizure .' inent inarde- little 'jdf " ; It is jt.t pussiblcj . r oeen som. similar ?: ;-'mI wtixfthj of ijrepoff vJCfcbu tor Panay,; as i' tp iti ithat Incidents, hi. the: : - that some insurgent carrying arms' to Hirad the insurrec- . t ion to t h f.e islarn have port's r ep r e" se d f t li e hi 'to tk ei nav '. that it is ab.-urd. t . - irent navy seTious .' .fircf consist " otV aj ; .-one c r two li'.le. cda : put ivfgeiner .3. r , least :of tiie ; "omm md. V : 7' h e j expl ; 1 n at 'on. it.ti -mi -Jg-ttjniake rJCfiicrx . . :a n I ' ' t vvi ste tl ". h ' td actual ,'Kisti'Jititr :; p-ing, pint's ii e navy depart -r there have not deenS islands of i ti : JiajG been reported .yieflefet have - be cm Sind -. Deyv.y wou a terfcrfnee witk tnest pera-t.Khs ..is; dlsire; on li is part; to ioia hit aiii ; t h e- XL t pines'! Dendi,ofF r h a ea c e : co m m is? ion It is said, there .1. rising ttiat'h jhiiih cabins-;: is.try and. 'th in -wmild mako to ,..u they are; sure '-Mi Philippines coiTai? Juit i-li-e .djenartmentH shoKv speak- f an'insur- 1 w, jf or Tthe entire KfiJl.V miovec north four- No. 2 --9 :."0 'it Sri- When the h ves- and , fro hi a;rtJ:::Th s J Uie'tte essel up'twiD westward i tenths of P.tim. Nov if: ati.- a, mile ii!sf iti Jpf rbfn: -the ; Vizcayal at The j Tex as weht ) east tow;ard the har- b.ir, then tufriirig tojthe 'left ship; is at Position iNp.; -12, Hai! 'half Oiiildi idtrectly n)rth off Mr firjst- nAsitio-n; rThfe! Iowa mp ved by i a. ; Maifying ncourse. northwest and wasf & 'flqitah'dMfdurttenthH from tHe Vizcaya. t one,-tenth miles Indiaria threendi! onef lokva. 1 The;;GlbdcsteW 3. half ; rriule directly away h a r bo I , -bu t s w aavancep ipwj being one and; tlie;h.earest thq ' Oqu'endo. 1 , re- NV eC-i'Opners, and sting ieamers, ; atll ii)ig a nva fch for the i under Dewey s it he aa miral's 11(1-. vessels in-thetr iUO in t; e Philip conclusion of tile ivork .; in "Paris, that it is notl sur by; t-tw? Paris v-otniTii. . :'ed . States- foveies;: jpa e ; -'4o taV" 'pViss'esion dt ,.- of lanila pr q:er. intern ' .!" entnlcd . f oerjVu!s ietermitiins: wnat a.1 made -pflthe territofj C;-aiKPOTt:! i'' .V The OF BO'iRfj.. report: of'thelu" di. iny inetuetfti tht to a demonstration Ibetweeis ti' occu. ; Atnericii! n ' f I rbes in the J'hiliif- ir.s?rmts, for j-that hip the conu ntion forward wlnni the dier conideratiO!n' on that, the'Cni not teen anje territory oiitiude tliier the rules, :j)f 1 1 jona 1 ( 1 w fedch a point wpuld Tbe Royal is the highest gr e baking powdar t onsideration in. ot it ion should:le ico mm Prtsl'tirtrtilNoa; rik;.' TereilturrTj n'nat poijit ne-r 1 n her track 3: f itlte;; shifts! I -ntt.;!! dealing Vv'ht! .ut. if!" the the Haslt arid r was the! nearest American vesselj Sh is: as imm itHe; and tivq-tfe gontw;' the Orepo one-half v-;Pcsitifri turneI to .1 i . muesi5icn aRa.a,'i ttie,.wwu w.Ji t. , The-Coli-n had. run t;wo and mnfmns a tenths, tnus- : f he !1 Bro3k!yn . f-i -ru... tyfo. V-ah.. lih'reeftf-mhs' miles &Jif was.; oh and Ehree-tentns mues ir'inr.wif V zcayal ;ahd; j on arid six -tenthfl fmlles' frtijn'Rthe.i Colofii..:.which was, 1 rir,mng .n4are'r4h4Mr"-:' The, Oregoi-i;;had sailed tivo! and prie-half miles anjv was o'ri e an df ime'rt enth mile frorri itr viz- i-aya i apari aoout 71 ne same ;usfwa rrolcrtt. The: Texas .w.a. one OMl m 11 es as 1 e rn ui i rys; -vn-an(i fouV-tehtli;.mile; ifrorh I. 1 n.- 1 1 1'J iaua a j 1 '.f " y. He ia'stefn o f t h e Te xla; a sho re. I n t h e?i,h i r t y 1 iv i - J ft ' 1 1 t f f t rtt 3 M x win iri I i if Sa i, . II ' ' -'I . Their FaIoUJDdldBtr Mooed by Sror. LV. 3NJ5iI-e, ibfi the tvopuUi'f 'State mrhtlmaklts; Uje Jdecla?aton; that hve!miiu;tyT the yizeaya had i;paHed t about,..;. f-een miles and 'was:?f!)ff.-.t-h4 mith ;!f th. X s(-rra df-rn river i HIE. rviiort Wa if furit five and a hilfetnijek -fartthrifedj vl ai: rhore. than hat dtsv taricefih aiivanc-e of any of the Ameri can vessels., The : Brooklyn " jwiai . 6n a nd ,th ree -tenth miies'di stant 1mm ; th t A'izcayal ajntl, slightly behind hr i The dregbU'i yfmsil': : one and one-hlj-milefe from, the , Vizcaya, but--:-: neartj-; j thf1 shore ' and somewhat more astern of the enemy. The Texas was ty and seven-tenths; rriiles: from., the.tixcisiy and din.- :ly astern of ' the Vizcaya. - Th6 ;.&vil'Y;irK va nve- mnesvj)ehinti the Iowa; The Jicsstm . had kept along- wlith theT New. ork aluthe, time .ill iniS JOf-lllOO OII"-M;tH- 'l advance of her. 'The Indiana l f 'tu f -.mi 1 es ; beh ind.' t he I.ovaf.; PositiR! K), 7, 1:1.", p. nu The Colon - -.3 life Vlo:tiS";vMte.repubiicahi5: than. oif II-. J1-! L" ;rf,..' V:-!!-. - : 1 ' . . . : ' bii i ifiit 3 lie -Hsa y s a crea i ma uy and was a 'mile in wits nearl surrenderq-iil. i In -the two hours and teiji minutes frm the' last position giv'eri. the vesejls i haid coursed', west wiard a erreat-dlstanoe. twenty-fix and n tne harbor east of f off the The v Colon had ruii one-half miles! arid wafe rquino riycr. The Brooklyn lflltMre--;i easti! ibf 'jthe; lorK- was -..pine au f. one.riictMHiin delnfjr lhree:; rise's '.i;dl-ii from thl' tjotom Ncme of the othjfi- ves Ul)iro. i Thei -jThdiana- t sels had jcorAef up sa?ve the Vixei i IStooksyri -wasji three i.iorror in-uiK -o hdthathbr. Ti; .Tex . a"wals tihreoitehthftilof .: a4 mile jeasc otj tlirrooklyh.nTheifPiai Afid one :teith imil-s i-pciUth ' ofl the s Kroolc jta and wiv-l' riV-ioLVri !-;:i'-Ii! 'Wiii f s 'WPi : ii - Vs "i- -Li 1 ;Kf v.lt h a Iowa,, I thi- bnta rectlv. S"iuth lf F 1 . - ! I ' - 1 i -ill- i w&s;, fcNvol and twp-ehths;miles jsouth- west -ot arorn) and tifie tiioucetfter one one . half mile valmot . (Jirectif orii tn in nana-, ana Las mire . anp teiithH fn.m Motro. !M.v ioh S S Ptiii-ort . s'tsfl' 3bWd MrnflliMiftw ; :'i HPS hartior arid -tneiii iposition w.erH tvi'o landl-fenejarE ;.' mtLt ;skiuHiest" of Miirrbl the tV'ikckya, i'olim and Oquen inr cirutr nameu pen 1 no itne x e- four pos tiray ngraru. 1 :-i- 1 i n.; e.J'o ! -I. arid indt puqhej, byA gent X. h;:w1tiktpubl!ican3 caririot Pit ! given ; a The-iUirney btiinliori' !mm.o the rient . oi siuaenis iu , fK-. - ..it. -i. ".'SF? r v ng -:;;: to tne va.emjcra.L.. s sts thfcSSihe t'opaliists are haraeaea ihdintf t&fiverity .or cq0.ege tiSafi iii'liSfihavil; no i : I- . rv . j such pliittha;i- tvo; 0 mdSssar4fy;;the iCbriliGf ; Our Si white rhah gov- Carolina and are He inir that 'cry v ' I - ral has rigrsf to - X s are: jiccts- L (titiite a :dom ileri-dnc33 Hientiil-n: toi iiiktAit: home had sailefl twenty-eight and joria-halr' miles and . was thr and " f.u?--ienth i miles frbrii the Colon. The OregtWi Ayasj four. and Mie-half miles fnnn thitotori; and morej in shore, tharf the Bijyoklya : The Texqs was three and four-tenth miles behind the- Oregon. .. lheAy : York- 'wia'4 ' pine (and ; one-half :Mrmjes MtmtJis- tbi itioris of the : The ISie w Ybrk ' had and l iini-tpntH rhileq westward., i ne nroakivn. nauistartea nrtirf hj - stvrvrtd llto , the- tftitneaM and tdwarid t'he moiithi of the . harlior, rhl- made ii to 1 the ,Hghtl apd arouna to the h .Orer behind the .Iowa, the riging .spven4 0:15 a. m. The Ma- m - run ashore. ! .She wKs live aridjf nbrhaift miles from Mor- rcf. The y-MiaU- was., two -arid tthree temths miles fwestw.lrd from : the Te Tesa. the- Oquenjdo ipnb and t wb-tenths mi lev; :ianid! thf V:C!)lprt" ; dri . rand :four- fenths miijias ip aavHd1 of the! Teresa. The Ameiricani -wessiels were as if olio ws: The Newj. York jhad pome within three niaies - or JMorrrt,!. bemer i southeast of ft TH ; Brqokljm liad made to. the ! estyari.L!rpssirig irid vas:ltwo apd bne-half piiles. ilsouth : arid! 'wistiof the "Teresa and: ;wie ; and C ihreeHtenths . i miles di4 : Li. ... '. T '1 : r 1 12 ;J J i -i. k ' 3-. I re.c 1 1 y south a of the C m on, ' one and , one. tnth-1milet':tnH(!.a:MKtSe::ibeTiind; the Tl!zcaya ri e lla . 1 1 H r ee -iteri ths J rn i les and a, little in kclvancetof the- Oquen- io. . Thes TexS .was .: one apdi two tfthsx-rmes ; ff rtm ithe fTefea) ii kittle hehin.l ; Mi-pj;oirj;'apdi: f ourj tenths mp es 4,i rem hianaa pepipiai;tne next lsp shtpjthe pthehd1Q'. I 'The. loTVawas prier and lone-i erith'irriilesfrom : the"Ti?' resa anj t::i:le'fDer: in. ilit . not qurie .as Jfar Hvest as the-Teias!. The Hregop l ad pulleii up arid passieS the Tffxa ifaridt ofii ;Hefei a. 4ittie-. "farther iipsuore uiaii mio J. exas ana mttie iar therout t)hari ;hfelcHvt.i She wasjjn ad am-; right boarfi known. ! Actitat-test shqw t g8 oo- tbird furtliier than aay ot fcefiix-aod. ;t:f:A Absolutely Pure HOVl.MMS POW B ?X, KEW YORK. 4 -t - : o.. : .a ii - vessels ward w their positions. She -was ixen which ivak abreast of the Ney: York. This littiy vessel ' in - the tegmnng of the lifeht : westward on.e-fjurth half a Amer- three- bn being: two 'and -tenth behind the 's first start was from the to the right .Spanish had ships, tenths miles from i the 'beginp teamed out to sea ami sailed on a course about . two and miles .from that of the neai e,st t?fiani.s i ;;ships.-The- Iowa,! Indiana and Ericsson did riob go farther; wst than wh'&f eil-the Vizcaya rari . jkghpre.i The: GlQul'BSteri stopped .by the.l-NIaria Teresa an 1 : Oquendo as also, diil..the Hist, : Thfej latter. vesse.l.'was no able to keep ik.ee with, the' New .York and irig pf lthe battle. DeWitt's Witch 'Hazel Salve has the largest sale -of ariy salve in the tvorld. This factand its merit has led dishon-! est people! to attempt to counterfeit it. "ltook out for the man who attempts to deceive, you when you call for De Witt's Witch-Hazel Salve, then pile cure I R. i R. Bellamy. SPAIN STANDS FIKjl-'U NofVet iilling to Abandon Her ol ;Ion on tliecubau Debt Ctuesflcin 1 citbber ,;! ;:. 20. The Spanish innissioners have not received Paris frdin Madljid either instruction br-Per- ; mission ftp bid aieu to tuDani sove reighty,i,-thout -further sklfiJjto:: at-H tach to 'I. tion providing for the assumption of the -Cuban debt by the United '.States If they aire as' at present disposed an instruct. ihiej Spaniards -vvilh.n5t,'"4fi hert-,' they ' an.-. at- He! &ayi y.ote ell IJa 1r jits- ,la'brfeat' JksohyiH, . to ft ight: dtid -.shqr;iiy-:ItftMpO A)chH:k Ifft teary to arid tht?JvRenuu e I h ifeBh-e v ! eenera 1 ad vi srij . Sec r ei tary ofr-Sa.-' Tlionipson ;thaev;tti:a the Ua!tter5;.ftiy -toi examinf " all) Viiifyrance -om i .art i- ; i o l ng- ..'biasmtss j ire orui caroliiiawnetner tney are ctwtriere-a inlthisiifcej orii not. r j ;-: ; - .. Hi Mr.ftAMt:V;Paey the Eldest alfd b"st kiowrt l'tsJyf jerman in thite..!state'a'nd ttu !riin-iThP!:Mvheri of the: Aberdeeli -and ivsneDar';iraii ay, & uu ; oB.;iitwiiic nxt wea(i) :Mrs. McUeod, : b;iMoore;. M,r. '-Pgs years ; 'of ' age,, but is rem a r k alBfr -. Av e l t e s eir n :e d ; l"' '- v y ;;. It w.ksiltportfed her'v ty :the;.,fusionH ists - triatel -df mocrats iri the -Second district vj':'ild -muninate Dr, Mercer for cdngr4i;HH8is--AVeek. ; Xc vy theyii-say iji !vvill''nok 4done ; There is algrAt 4eal 'of feel rr r 'Against - 'George; -H. -VYhUe; th;e nigI:2(Slrepubiican-.cpdidatei. Hi$ interru)errK$ and, in faeii, -boastful, and tHreatep':Q 'speech : before.; ;.th''t. stat4 converiltilfe4lhere and: also; someijof hli other .'l'i's iril acticjnk hayg causf e; muih'ftSU'hi against ; him .byj white republlijciiriSS and by j his; partyy state cdmrnittfiWandi a populist statM ctm4 niitteem''aysi .the republicani would like toi vrnMliraw White lik .-'H! caMdidate IfitheyacilL : vhitei hai made, t;he ne groes (aJtS'l by -refusinfe- to si: witn tnem In ircus,but: by sitting niong thwihiiif peorile' arid being 'ejecte'J flom ':p:fTf i seat. 1 1 1 ou b 1 i. a rj s s ay 'VV'tt-it?e!a -5 mnoiaacy. nas i-4njurCE:,j.nejf HTheJ t4i)iicans arid populists have hot' ail--Mfe settled on : ttheir i S&dicial hfeminHeSiETheii hitch in. the; Fii-st di' Uicl .qWSitoies.i- Jeairy,; the. rerMolican itfhd -vahtp to be the ; Hint caripidat ixkJk hereil vera! days trying tpfeasoerf air wiserithitewhenthe canie. mess 4s:pt '.fQurj ays Jaf-kfri, it piasiani has nbt yet put up ;The theii napf ipf .any -"'of th .pees. . j .agreed Ninth vancie of e-p-tenths tenths of The-. TnQitep,;- wa' tw xas arid htro ahdmixM tenths t h e : Te r e.s a; lie i n g one arid sev . '' Li.-I1 'J- ' 1 1 ' 1 i V j 1 - ' - . .-I mites i rom mat vessel.; six lM nillfc f roirh rand diretl in the Tine' iof "the J Oiauetido,i sevenJte-nths off a nitle frorri; th!e';Clon and . one and mnes trqm the f,six-tenths I miles from thej Oqueritlo. the nearest 'Span tiipucester ; naa of : hi mile, and further: from York had ; nin miles and was (fro.illhe rriiles Spanis mile fit($nir.tn mov- mst a The Only isn vesseiliJil'lThe ed up" six-tenkhk mile .direjetry jtqtoh:;iQi;'orrp: M Position j :iK4l,tfi) 2(J-f ja.J.;.:. :m tKljuentto trrterl;Uoi;runj ashore five mimltea elapsed .from iPosi t i p n No. Had ' p ten ru nri m g I wes t - material i ehansres iri Thei'RoIdhi.haa run one and -..trepdthbS-jl'iiaHieSi-i'theV -? mom l v it-i'ujpii as inpe less ana swerv to the lff j;rjrig!h:; her.;t yvithlh; one . anq one-ientni miles of . the Brook l.vp.: The Iiiwfi A-as the same distance. 'bt4tJalriiostisaHt!eiW.i:arid the-Cregofi' was' oriel and 'Itrire -tjenths-: mile? frorri: the Vizcaya.-1. but 'farther out to sea.. The; frte the j Oquenh The Indiana pad; im a?'vi iin-einiis i ;a pmej j: ne yor;ha(ii 4dyattHed tieairly ai mile. tit not yet -; ,-lbteast' of : Morro, The' ,G 1 o u ce. t e r h a 1 . if u n over t wo mil es an d. was now wellieptlioff . Morro. buffi ve; Oqu MM, tomorrow tiveljy (the- j United States position Should rj4y flatly , re j ec t Amerip.n ,iri- sistanee;. j:heis Spaniards, while recog p 'zin.g thf; physical power of tfiei Jnit- ed States! against unaided Spain, will d imbly : extend their palms ' Upward a id shrug their shoulders. Thjey ,.. re gard the j situation as pitiaLPlej andTare not averse ;to. any sympathy: i :'' may-excite.- The.y. affirm that i the. Ameri can answer : to their- debt 'propoff iti oris is very- lprig,''and that they ', ha' je not yet had ' ;time- to meditate fully upon1 it. They thus, far, apparently Intend notto' "yieldi; and will tomorrowj make .; pect an extended discussion tl'reon. Whetherj ; thfeylwiir: tom'orrow;--' ,-rnej.t with, or- at the cjose of the se.ss!cn re ceive as ;toi Cuba; the ; Americap ultij matum .of terms and time,- muifct bie. then developed quite probable fusion 'nomi- rue: reason , is it is not vet thpv shall bp . Tn the Jdfefet Boggs'' populist nominee for conaMtehias written a letter sav i trig.; hej. :t5p)r' fusipii.i This i is constrir- VU gl 1 - X y: A JLX l. llUt IV V- V M. KJ l-B J C C " favor iqt;aisiori ,; t The i fcy -Memt coUrt .ligran'tafL. new trial :' mlM f nqtorious -case i oi; ;GriggA the man;ho yiath dynamite llew up a "shac5c4in yhich tliere wre two nien, kilJil them both.. He was victedip;ifftfrder, " He hks now remov ed hij:ryfe: tcf; anotherl: countj. The nurdejff';? tJoriimitted.lt wo; yesfrs ago. jThje jfP&fay fbo m nils silo rf j asled all the styte Railways to taake "report' of any accrCCnts Uh pe.rsorls. - The Ashe-- 7 1 - - " " it - .ifeV ii . - - .1 . . - 1 i wn v-;gv.rai4,way maices reply,. say4 road eeWadas wherJ-it invested its raoney ) -igrtjfr thej concern collapsed.'' "( !-: ;Jt is rr certain that Li en teriarif qolonel 53Kvih ti T: Cowries' will ' Remain with tihiS'irst: - North Ca roll n. 4- rWi ;not wish, to. lea.v,e thrf first; oijf then camps .to. ha.s' .: t;.fturally ; bj-n A y a tided some y Hat mo f, of time- t han ..-::' IV - . --.. -! . 1. i other joints,; with th,-k. itiAn of wfiickaiiiaugaLiu loners 4re. generally res&tt of tneir lx- niet last; nieSit, ;.no I While this is wv not ;':-.A" a. ;A f ; You invite disappointment , when you experiment. ; DeWitt's ; Little jjllSarly Risers are pleasant,, easy, thfjfough little bills.! t They :; cure constiittlatiriti arid sick ;eadaehe Just as sure jl ypu aKe tnm. li.. l-c. iJellamy. H :ii-i A Big CroATd Gathering- at Fayetjrvillq (Special ,io,:The Messengei)f tj ;';Fayet.evlie,;:.jv:' S e :ia t o r 1 T t U m atktv rid o t b e r d i s tj t u U h ed f ptakers t-h,aMfer rived. Thel: lr6vj arid ther gatlie-lng:. for t6tr is greats enthusiasm. I;; 1 : A . lie grp j pn ' theway - to 3 ai 1 j jjh . a f - i.s;i-iicroii ji tut-1 steaniiifg money . Pia 'break to escape a-nd was s;.otji Ide iry tan .e- -1 a the: ;A:i; A m ; I- 1 r 5 - - - .- - : a -i i pies of DeWitt's Witeh Haze alye have been distributed by the 'imanu-' faeturers, iWhat i better proof i (f 1 their eocfideno in It's rrierits do y6riant!7 It cures piles, burns, gealds, sors. in the ehortesti space, of time.! Ri' p'Bei lamy. - : t.:.::.-i. ;.--. ',;iv- tit:.-:s the. Wu'ton. The Furor and but two ;res.;iast;;pf z position 10:3.0 ;a.' m. ITuror Mew up and Pluton turned, to; :un ashore. This ;i?s I ten : minutes (later than : position !4. The Gloucester had: frun a littleil more than two riiltejsvi. pd!:-4sipur-teriths- of little New and. fwp-tentbs arid! three-tenths r( the nearest a;nd two-tenths "CJniverKi ty Defeat s Greensboro 1 : ; ; - UpeJ-ial to The. Messop?eri : ! Chapel Hiru N." October ;(f--U5ii; versity defeaiud Greensboro thf.f af- terrctii -n the: . i- -.-. .- :! r- -. - home groun3s: ill ai very irow: game,: The score, twgis 11 -5. (ne touch-down was nsM; in 1 pient.- '.:jaidid Lr&gi.men;)r ; did"-it vaulablffts-yics. 1 riere Lin now . pn Second Ctmerit iri Wyemmmfi rnu '-give . sixty ;-f 1 1 a n pjt mi on pom e Mr. .J .1 J ne.fm.-.f-,- comes CharteMI Thbrrias Jrhn -EMIiu ier in .SU"tpu:bIlcari rn -p0i Tr.ere btlief taken wish to, lpse "his . -' y WO; piep pf fhQ camp yhere. Th& thefri. Sli Moptague, io lori&;kt The Urton-.i rr w: manaeer "'flt- l .:;,: t.-, i -h;;! -.;;t j.nepf)st, guard , ,oE the?',, Si-con1 rfsim.ehf:as :t onel tirhe la vejryf good ope.. j,l rJsow 111 usriast uays, worth less, thillcei say. Arrests are not VMue.;fiwEs sonjers - are, near -.y v 'tRepuM mni Sjtate ChMrraari Jfoltori and,V;j :'ilyams, hisVcbminitti'ls sol iio-.t jpou; pn .a: scpu 5. :jrjey are h;avin;g;.yend j of ; wprrv. ;j - . ; iLon-.yg;j,-r5 barrooms dp: rot .close at ajll'- dutitopubtie' speaking. -A: iloc-l preacih.ellllys; he intends, to prosecute mmm;- evn vet inowier m.iv be owlerl tie en of .or. I in!.?; thcugh'fetP4si said; -he XrayfetfefetO' .td': get -c.iort enM; "..-'. i 1 ' I! C h a.di 's etter pbpuliyt?'ier& here ab-jut as mil eh as it iiiale republican- It & amus irig" talf thejm curse' him. -ly " - A. Sri Efimce cjo n s ip fs t h Viih con igressi4pfiastiiict: -e'y--duiStful'-i int lit tu. - i :"V:;ir ' i -A ' I Ham Mf , republ cli'cate; fife heili ff . in th greeted a : volley of .st:ealiiM'. Obei-tod. ricAi-:ifcftS;-;He; .gav t spiaierfj 15 theji Secojnd the th that tffeegrdes ; tVe fi 1 i i 5 half a pd one in th? la 3 ti was ; beautiful Bennett' playing d Cunningham. e Tm fea ture ,of . the game was Howeiff run for a touchjflown of : forty - yard? Greensboro 'varsity. :v'-! A;--1 A; is; much heavier . ;; the pden .h! oi 1.A in; Army. Hospitals . si nrtiUhcU the prps 31a 'omplaanti plies- iSil Hosplgil ill 1 ; AGIEsIL k So!- atl-kiacfekfe of. ; X he Ihiital ten ilipiroved oil lihtirf Wa;tibii of Fc jit ale :. ym n 'vi-- - :.P-i ll'-m; 4' .,- "i lJi ilismigemeh("-VaMo the knvmeiffa.:. IriS-estigatihg . ir Atlanta, expecting ; Ml take; up-busi-; there t:6mofowi; Tie coinmissii.tn lis being islted, the s r apt o Short a sic lilHif iohfe a tjJ II opiiti pup FeWCascs 6( Wi IhiU 'eglect r Culpablk m !. ; : T '1 - j j ' 1 5 iff f FeinanJi pfMtii p Jl ; "j s2-( : ;; :j-.i- - t; tS:v-:- it Ilober ...2.:-The fMtj,jtally;-". cflrannssion cyri- goil t h ar a c t e r I f . t he : c rn4 Irsi'Ery;'-!uipl l'e. . IH ' n 1 1 n t i o n tni : ofni cljt-'jb ;iri?tances:,wfien; Htr ; ba,cy'tf 'hh4 l.prt'ceiVtNi. .and Fjpilil - ipre ,-v-ir;ifc-f. cBropai ktMJinpra.sirt.f , frm thev wf-rjj--v! ilf-f h ' riot of seribus. f'hirarttr.-:f:lle Msagni tne .troops sugnt.. navf tiwrc irih:frd:- yege;tables: pr w4rni .cliiiiatr AMUmeli! WJ J'.-Brviiri'----w:.iM nt xt cailL askt-d.'t be-exli.uedistom -testify -5 Nurse. hayi?aturally but ) tp-y.haye -;gen- H (be given to , -.eXtf c-oiii.h4ips flascd1 with ; iri bors i here.; ' The th j c-.pp.ljiiiit? fmliy dalt vvijth comimmtively unipii- ttdntj'ji-oirits j and. n ryt fewMf any .-aised nave-tnt'y !inaicaii.-3li wnnui rwg- et ;.ir-' ;ulpalIe-- pisriajrige,nient; Gii-' (Jaily fone f privlate". ; :riorikoniiiis- d dmcer ;frqm"7eax;hfyegimerit hiid called, ;andi in : Piajfct' cases ,moro in ini... In jthje casfej the unlisted en- they ..yv-e're sklented . nt:,tan'd6itv'.ijlie nrriisioners merely aifjing t hat nien bej sdnt to theni ; without speciflcatibn tne purpose tor wsn they wertH -7 t- -iL: . - . , . i-m ! - --j .v t-aHied,.-!; jjiThy . hj.ve. v-Uip-at- exceptipn saau tney were; receiving;; Tenougn ,? to eat arid w.ear. 'Therd w e re i a si m al o m - ain ts. Pf" defects .in clbaiintr or I a re-. bu'es.t for. a greatier' vari4?y;-of food, but' b: ino ipstancej ias .'a;ijirit ; of faujlt- class - p witnesses'. A' l4'ponae. ' cases - J a de.fi ienty of supplies; jt the. begin nihg bftjthe camp's hi3tf-y was shoivii anu t t-nere iiaiii wen irifrt- ir ess or talnteld meats receivedl. the rnen. but ipe iii-sijTconuiuop .w;as e to me con. gestiqri at Tampa-aridtp latter to th climate.; i.-.,-. .. ' -:-hM '.;;.. IG'ehte-rar McCbdk andtTlolbnei Saxtrkn returited today frpm jtfieir investlglt-. tion df Jbortditijons -atnlkfampa. Theyr f()ridi!tnat; th jcongetjh": which oe. curreck at thev' pbint atlthe beginning oi 1 ine - war; was auer. itiitne iacx tnat. cap k'ere shipped frefm all over the cofintryH without :labelR and . without forwairding bills of ladpig .. - "AV lillEi F:ER'ANDIi CAM , f ''; ; ideptrab--X':Wii!mh-:ariif:.2antal'it ll-.ik.v- ell coju'sfi tuting: the suflommittee ap- poiutu. ,;lo visa, aim- jgyn upon tpe cpriditrbn: of thef campft Ferpandiria;' hraide (their? report to tjM -full cornmis siop tbday-j Th4 fbllding is theAm pxrt of , the- 4ocuWierit-:li : I':' "' '. 'V : ''Your ieommitee- hfbfj the honor to reporti; that in its opiipfi the carilp. was ell - selectid- ththe site w;as equal itoj any -o.theri; iHlt- could- have been foiUndj on; the- FltiJla cpkst. That from ipjforrriatioft it bbjtned and whaV it.lsivtiit was far frohHibeing a tropr ical jijngle, and that tih' certificate' lot., the cojuhty clerk indicai that po4gdy eritmelnl:; official liwas ifjrested ;in" the land; Ithat f the bmouri:)f; - work dorie in cleriring : the undeiilfiish . was no greater - than 'might hiiV-been expect ed at jafpiost apy local!t in '.the: soutlj. !l-'f,tif'h-'alll'ii,! M54 Imu tenant cl-r -'V'jtT.'uu ilH I havf riv dpula. mW r-A -''i1 A' :-,,::-;.. mv: th ir.cquot?t. my thin reasons. under- ic- the reqiist; ver proj:-rV; iaSabKe. ; respomled i t inor I ii ---. - CTSiplaintsvas to 'wlvojhad ffspay tetiori. : tipi to, the jhftVi 4all teafalr and thei surge he wiird had - said that men, bur; that I did not know, ho selected- for ea hi ping the site vas jwejjPdra I ian. Ipploriel lunds hi a?Mot thought i r. Alexander 1 vp'e's pi;laip y. sj: w-r 10 "l'ii-I Br request '-:. the O idi.i5ia,i;ilil m ; 1 10m ma -."generally ecia31y nf t o!j; ho.spit k- tjrne: l tu wfevff,:ijH-ri: .Ti-.v.riepiatri1 rum. or the? wmmxn -ms the t-ntirit e;e;l: trithfs."c Excused with fitiP bis lieutenjiritj ciTt I MrjfneiL! v.- J . IJiujbin; tpftidredii'arid Sixtynift ll iypf i'- wei-ie few;; c jiH.'ii'and that tli fltt.'V- lie. "spoke . kv;'?njIs of th fhid divb l pfi Rptr mat they had for Pfl!1 pt- There had; rh : m mi St- ipi i 1 r o v p K- n 1 l he Wn I fttad , ueeoeU'd I)r: je ii-Hidrr.- Daily. Vornntaint i :' hk.i k?k ma.ie by him, but it had. nt-h;r m g'tie unheeded. ; C6!onel Twirl 1 : . . . .- , , e.s , - .nn-- f'aiurxnre- nau been one -. arrti-o fffijipia'nts-r : neg eet: ot his men PP tnosnitai tipd that. Mh t of th the efTdctithat men bten M-ntto t!H hospital Pn last , had had no ! medleal :Jt-!' 1 atten'tipn -;to tjie conitipt foiiowhitr lay. II ri In char he he had Vis- the patlentfj 1 of the Slxbi Letcher JIarden, ooipictineu tnat tn K the Third division hospital been well kent. iiile! a Id. ihW tK lviwertei bad under rr !'-Vi.TirKVi fkJf tt j undef Dr. Jesur.um and still mucli ;biHir under Dirt: Clenderinfn fi t he ; army t raj ion nrmopeyegetabjes an. ) and -!PAJD:0N.. TIIH Rf ID CROSS j purposes.; ;thjat pgo,; inet water for) drjinking; : arid cojhg purposes goad 4nd the bathing facilities - at: the. seal beach excellent.-' The. -comriiissidiri' hadiPeveral of tjhe prdfes:;iPnat temple nus at th;--forenoon Jfession;; :t(day, tiKilcluding;.? Miss Copelarid, chief 'nurse .ifthe Thirddi viso.n t hospital-, ,-Misslj Miobin's;u- bead nufiseuat the First d -feiori hospitrilA Mip ; piubbaraJj head (.charse- Uat; .'".te Se:)h flivisioti IhPspiLap arid AMisses Walker-and Waters. . - 4"" ' v i I- ' j -- - - - Miss Co beta n d s pok commenda- hei-e t' dy thaf goirg to beat ihi I Third 'uistriotl who hold the it seertfs," has not bisl- ow.n , s-tjatusJ pent.3?-;tf(t0 at repuolicari i i : " i'!- 'r!?:' .i'i hah rattlii'4 - -S3- , T.r.-poi ulsut can .n-ear . w-ell. learnedfct DeWitt's Risersil s ::ouny. was . stoned;, at a ,:- ne.gr- " A i!lage ' out tb.it t h s reginir.'nt oil :Tbday the negroes ?ay the throwing People ihave Little Early reliable llttlf pills .;for regt ulatingje bowels, .cjarii;gr consttpjatioit and silcslleadatihe. Thfey don't gripe. 4 : -. V.1- 1! JflSSV HelpHgr Build IlU Own Gallows : Atla.riti;ai--;lOctobr . 20. Robert Lewi?,; 4 Wgi- -killed',; F. 'Haynes, man ; qji ,p-ang: of men bjuildinggrev was it Adas' s?nterced t4 Hang Ni&riber 10th WorKma-ffOt the - new moninstia helped ich he wi Lewis, jpemg Jl Jail i several build jtftje gal fore- constructing a 1 tje put tp1 death tioit-i oif the 'cbdduct Itfithe hosnitai and s He 'js-a i d t h at t h e " iifrses were wel I iraiejfj ana appjarentiy tnuch i tespeCt edy! ; She said thi nursesrtiad -thfir rW-n teriti -Quarters where priyacy i demanded1- by ' that when ,the n sage Ore- was f th' life's: first ' came to mi 'camp theire - waniy,.:)ne nurse tO Ueadfi fortV . df ..'Si'irU.&iflTioni '--'.K'tr thii ;ck)ndit.iOn had beerjieadilyf imprbv 'Ai-i pt..j j.;.. ji:-i-v i I. ..- 1 !' r: j r i ' -was aiso inline oeginning sorrie scarcity 1 pf apf:lnces; for the sic,i Nuch as ihotwatef? foottles, w'hih while -mot. a" I rie(Bes'sitvii-5-prp -nftn:1l-i cdrijidf t. .She- ' pokv some! nursAs ifciy maut i coirioiiits(4il.s, out tpej . or the kind: of rafpons who -are i?atisPed j with fi hn v . situation: who wejrjel nefier attend!, to -' some dryjng; him. .. . 1 . sa th .Ony4Pj5iladelphii:. nursSvad nnfadef.ei' velesjcfiticisms.i jbjUt'.- :--"vrai Aof -!-the Kina; wpd w.oTaia leavfssia: patient to wh?m;she had iost gfein a bath to Kent, j&fstrir j of the ami should cop- less meat ehurch atl Washinkrtdn liijaenc at Jacksonville for fbei Rel IVf iss, was questioned 'cxtftc-irrdnr W 5 TOiraiiona or the i-;Ked Wos ' at? thi i.-T . owiu j tiau puen received vf'-y cordially b the arrpy surgeons a:S he had co-operated with r them. He ml i noticed the absence of sheets ami, ?p;fm"-.,rase: at tfiei ilSedrrid divus-or. 0'italln; .'its eaHly ';bistfy.;S This waa a'tpau-sumrner atiffl many men lay up4 f Vered because- It! was to Hot' to um blankets: U had: auppUed Ohj WWiencyjand tHei supply .had;. 'been! ithrughly appreiikted 'by : the' doctors! ,T&?re was also at that time a. :Yinrfntr QMVlip- tents and of food suitable A l"!yipoi3ip lever patients, .defakerii ta supply the d. WfyiAdistributed twt carl fl lsa rV i del icaciesv .'bit m ?A' as i If: the hospital was' arranced jriiXitt a- js mailer ,4 scale than was de llded, ;and, as; a; consequence 'therV w j t; a cti!Starit derpaid uron the Red :C!i to ;supply the deficiency." -if j . i; :rV Ke;nt fyiid j he had heard ! rnany j lpVplain;ts concerning- nn! sconduct at by hospitals and many of them" were ' f trentVell: vouched for, put they ! h i pot , general 1 vi nrnvl P ;.f:piigaieg. nepiying to a u vtlf ljMl he thought had .befcn. M 1 1 :u 1 1 e t cu it to -get mec :fienti j-.adrnldls;(ratJve fn4age ftuch institutions lie had, un--. ficiehy rndi. baVjs' pr-jtbtj:. seemed,- he other iiffrrand of tkS Fourth Vir- befare - - iir- - Cblonel;- Tayjo gin m Regimen U iwas- tpy first witness betre the Jwar tin vesttating ; commis siosi aiti.the afternoon t3"ssion todav. H Saiid; hefbad no cortajiaint whatev-erH;:injiakA-CocerpiriM.ariy 'depaj't piertt! of the gpij-erpmeif and that he knew of no case of wiKflil neelect. He spoke pf some printed tic ism of the reg 1 men It made, by a rteish named VwT. liper. 14s fiakrajnt;; milliiipresentatiops.i CUit to fret medic al rnctt t-,r. ; ability ;t j " Nt lloartal: Before the female Wrl-a 'f jfeeetired the riures w ho were rncr Pf Jie hoj-pital corps wre not capable' FI if ! AVt-e net iintelllKenl. r as a -clalsa :.aj)4vhil some of tlim wUrq. doggedly-''; fWf'l vf; riiwi tne requirements, thev' Y ' ' '"stance, seep to reglard of. I tnsequerice. if ' flies: were' jcjHIingJin andLout of a." sick mail's; Ift th impunity-and7 he had seenv figjjiany as. l-siji, cases of this kind at priSme. . Since the-trained nurses had " bej Secured the 'sick were better car than at home, Het thought the ?ff tp1 mept should j send c ows to Ciibu .n.f -jidvapct? pf tjhel army in order t6 : PM?y fpver patients wit i milk, y -j . ; Wt13 said7 that jhe- prinbliai rffn for; the -failure of the surgcjns. f'M M ak requisitions ; upon the 1 griv era ients for suitarles-i -i tnia-i tj th,fear if making y demands li that lyp-hotibe sanctioned, iille said the tmfibutlons of his society weregen- ang nt. and-that ere . was was nam fhe-if M rrespriifij undation for thor . of Ithe bje, Colonel of:, the news- charges Taiylori said that manW pajpier IrjepprtB df : hardaips. were due :to:Hthe; -'fact: tht theirraeri1: who'. .went .horhe-nwre. Jn ;isearch' Kof :j- syrnpathy vhich had earised thept Ro circulate re ports, which j Lieutenant sary;-.: of the Tl?"J.V!a 401 were exa; ; Marrow, s regiment iterated. Jp-ting corrimis- Thprd jraska, Coloriel sol ne li?and .fl had citea ana mot, volunteered iby fpcietyi had paid for all Ihe -ail thej icie.used; at the h jto September Ut. The feo- . also supplied - Icebags, hot- .V bags. syrlrri?es, etc, fei nee the al- day comniu-' been a grfat a, .feter- ; graduate fV)f ; issels, of the IrMcMC the 60- cents a ;mfjgi. bfMeverj'there ifead jverrient anq he tbcrOght thethl.s Ptt were now in ;the way to be bet- ter.;area ror. v,i ;-,-r utenanjt Colonel 'iferin, me f;ivii war; and rM military school, of B A ebraskaj said the: regiment 'i?JxcelJently equipped.!- except that . in ::tentage was poor. He alsp salcl "tilMuamv. of the; clothing was bad. Ti'MtiorM'had ilsb !' beeri vrnrmv: o f tif ilSsland ; the Wif rn!ntUl h ihiD ' bilbeeni exchanged. ; Hel thoueht- iht VrlKtting better tlhap In tthe- civil iwkr; j Vv,M"e rauojis were not- so good ast i L, tidily tocjj xnuch teftifiea to ithe t h -JL Hf also thought the camp j tnr crowded. n -1 - ii r. yl :ri;i: mm-': if,:" :- Mi 1 If Ifel I r- I.J iJ-."1.' 1 I I i ! V -jii I,! I'll :f 1 I - I'M' 1 'i''7 -' - ' -: - '-- It: '-;-:. -j-p'- " ' '--; -X ' ' ' f - ' ' -; . i ilL-: 1 1"-: ' .: If fcS5-. 1' ' A,A.:A,-.;-y;A:tlpp:- .:

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