; kk k'pp Uk. ,-.;k:4k4--- fc;i!;i-ii:Hfi!- f. -'1 14" 4 --V--'.-- ": -k;y-u ,.'. 4-i ' ..' 1 t ' :.:i,JJ. . i.ii i- 'M '-.. :n .v I .- ... :-. I . -"..": . - ,...!-' - ,i , , l- ' . " '- i k - HtTlk . J --' I : - j , .1 ! ' i . 1 t- S'i ; 't : A - - - - 4 - -I i L ij ;:- :f 'fei " - -.'-j-.; ii ! .-, j - . - r: II I UVI' UlliUllU llVflllllUU Testimony hs to State of Camp Thomas. STRONG IMPRESSIONS e I 'pun tli'c 'oruiiilhlou by uf! :W tJie lliire. Slvh Solillor Fuiiil L5I112 lu the Ins oli Any Klud 1 IUVCli?AllOIl ICnlu W III NoJ"pei' Over Hlm-Ilr. Klnt omiiltilu of Thjplr ifood, TelU to f;o to tin Oevll aiia Hat lltfir !A-nrnt"Tit All fantr.y, . th fjrht He wiw Uvith Inn rt-gi ..... ... 3vk . u Pi h 1 n fa n t ry In t nn-ilit al; Hiifijilj'-.i 1 was '. tmiMe, to ,ifi-u ri' h Mi is tit 1 ;a- day., ,11.11 -vt,Tih'.;ln-fruin Oct wit 0111 Soldif-r r he ui Foo ji )cr 2.".Dr. II. D n of the First in- LvMncHS before the dimmission. today. rn: nt andl with the ufoa. lit- found the .slioirt' in Cuba and a-s-h.nrtit-e. of. m had --all inf. this Jkttr-H irty of them for learnt-d huv. to (jivision 1 hospital cy of quinine, but rihhri'e'.'-- However,, be aK.-olutt ly neft-4 i- iH;- t-hip tt.'i r . . . . 1 . thfin, K'-t f in C-r oss- t '-1 ' t y a : tiaRo for t ht-rnv ....fcitKiii ojr. the Vil"ii ? 1 1' tin th ar s ,.. . then d tl J le UJ)I. "were not. -.there.'f H(J : i-erious Inllnss th Dr. .oiinor.-avsked c-ouid njt have dotteh and l)n liuH reri :nu liiioriiiaLion lavo . don .o. With the FourU -Vloritauk jHint' they left Cuba, "vvas "alj brokei ioi Xh'a command north. The i ahd hejd in th Afontauk and hd f ul (-oinluet of that linlsti ine .SHppues re a Santiago as proibptly as the lted Cross v .rxi e dy that: w as M ile was able to t 1 "husthncr for from ! the Red en goihg i to ban iad made a requi- uigeon .of the di i ' . ;. -. . iit-wr hut had .been im because they wiever, r he had no command. t h e go e mm en. t these' supplies to if lied he" He inf in . t he said, the command up that while-he hac: thought 1 it could had left Santiago arjitry and gone to he Seneca. When and I every; man wan sick on the way tor -Till: I IJAN .E.YIllY It IIoia it Firt! Sfilon-iuftlou of tU I Inland' ludepf-udeure Compli mentary to Ueutral AVood' Kxtt u live Ability; Santiago dei Cuba, October, 2G.--The - - . -t -. flr.-t ession held rye.terday A majority of the delegates ' each of ihe ix army ojrps 1 be;ng represented by eight were 1 prWent. , 1 , The sensation of the assembly was THEIR LASTCARD 1 t t 1 '.i .j- s i i. Ml- l - . 11 - . ! of th' Cuban assembly wa3 ay at 'Santa Cruz,' del liur. . 1 Republicans Driven, to Exlreioiixies tempt to Carry the State. the appearance of General Cahxto Gar cia as one of t ihh delegates Xrom the Fifth army corps, a fact which practi cally renders him supreme at, the as sembly's Fes.ion Hip t-lection to pre side aver the i"riticetdtngs is considered a fortgone concliJsiori, as it is conced ed that he controls '-k majority of the delegates. The ,Cesiedes (faction is defeated;. . ': k-;j pfc. f vil.j;' vitJ' h i- y..y!. The principal Question f or considera tion1 wiU be the Question -of! lisbandng the army. It is I thought; thei assembly will oppose disbanding 'unfil. in the words of one of nhe military 'delegates. A DD APT A VfATIAA in ; At- V RUSSEOL lit. some assurance fronfi ' President tends . to observe United States c hi;. z. de ten tic : tesjiifiei 1111 Written, as all tlf-sirod.? (Colonel Fjfe, of h.tvinff made 1 'styitonit-nt particulars . f ll I it TJ " 11" Liiment. im,lHle to rcj owing to the i ments; f six of t stone'-rf I throw. .' sinks- 6f another thai e5ti " was sick tai at . tre- 'sunr?ymg "Iei effort to at-. e Third Tennessee, to supplement his psteif-day, gave some concerning the .sink ued - lie paid they ; 1 were and that it was them i further, iximity of other regi- fienii leing s within r a Tn ;one instance the regiment were writhin thM tents of the line Cents,1 mote twenty! pace,s on officers;' - Tlie: character of the soil also haxl rendered -it imrsosjsiblei to put the sinks down mora thaiji four feet, ren dering' .it necessary . to ! rertew the sinks eyery 'two or three days, Thus the soil became! hemeyce ertheless, the 1 .looked Jaftiav and specially commc cwmrha'nder fori camp. i. ; i.; . Qtherwitiiesst tenant Ueed. of Iie.ute-nantWes.t, and Lieutenant Tennessee. Iieufenant AVbst mbtjd with -sinks. Nev sink's ' were carefully his Irrigiment had been ndeel ' by the brigade the 1 condition of its s examined were I-ieu- fihe iFhurth "isconsin; of t!hf Third Alabama, y, x of the Third '.: ; J - - - - the commissary Ha ,aml quartermaster oif his regiment and Lieutenant Iteed- wasj-comniissary for his :ri??iment ' f ar ; a l tame. - West said the supplies weife amjfle .ancl excellent, but. Heed .complained ! (somewhat of the meat Supplied before (the regiment left . VisoQBsin. . L. . i . .'. .1 . IHMiienant Hjjileyj Sp .commissary of his reyjinent. .lie s;ii.,l. thrre had been, a 'few 'c-omplaiTitp thti the rations were not, sufficient; liiat he'.ithought the com plaints were caused :by the return of men ion- furlough.' 1 '. - Othrr witnesstps of the forenoon ses sum vere. ounfain j.Xiagiand and.:. .Etl i ward H immons. It wo icilored men-of the Third Alabama:! Hi 'C, -toriuasfer sergeant of consm 1 .. CincrresUman Iemke, a quar the Fourth Wis- Colson. colonel the t Fourth Hen tacky'.- and Lieuten- eil, ,of: the Second Ar- ant 'Colonel -Cat: ' Kansas Colonel Cabell, iior.s iput by observed a condition h.ispital '"of. the-jSecoil "Ttiird larmy corp int cmisidered horrible. said fn replj- to qaes Connor, that he had lof affairs at the 1 division: of the June. which , -he jxw nau mmsen ?set-n ne sick man lying in the rain without the protection1 ot a tent fiv and . he nal been informid1 by other officers tbat several othfrs hVid been left in the thought the doctors jus:h( but they did not act supplies. He ' said qs the 'division surgeon MoneltCaheil is a lieu- rular army and his tes- impirefssion upon th . sai.ht: r wa y. He vefv honest en rKnnw now to g rrr. Schooler A at thv'time. C tenant ?m the rp timony made a in cofTun-ission. Maine Charle F. King. surgeon fir was: me M cmrjrt iconsiti regiment, one ot the l'.rst noon. Dr. Ivins plies of In s r egi ha-S been 11 received IfcKinley that he iri- the 1 resolutions of the mngriiss regarding the .absolute freedom-of (5uba." n i; It being a military assembly, the an nexation party has but a- small repre--se'nta-tionv.,.,.3The ilassembly will appoint a committee ! toi i wait upon -President McKinley regarding the status of Cu ba, consisting: probably of Garcia,: Que sada and Parragua,'!;and .it -ist safe: to assume Uhat 1 the! assembly will remain in--session, and the army, in any event, Cill not be disbanded until the report of fhe committee is ' received.. Another proposition ;to be brought before -the r delegates, -is 'the division of Cuba into four. stated to be called, Ori ent, now the province ! of Santiago; Ca maguey;- now, it het province of Puerto .--pr.incipe.: Ias A'fllasj: now; the province of Santa Clara, ijand Occident, now the province of platan zas, Havana and Pi nari del Rio. Between ' the , proposed states of Camagtieyiand -Las iVillas will he a. space lof 1 land Nvhich would be a special district or territory, Where the capital would- be built a new inland town for thisspecific? purpose-. i ... . The Santiago; inboard of trade, repre senting , the commerce of the province, sent a special: committee to wait upon General Wood,, military governor. of the department of Santiago, and to con gratulate him: lai, the" wot?k he has !al--ready done, I Tie co'mmittee. also in formed r-him' that the board r of trade had subscribed $100,000 for harbor im provements and!' that the amount had been placed at his disposal," to use las he migTit see fifij This action was en tirely ' volunjtaryt j and iskconsidered to reflet the opinion of. business men here as to A merican predominance. Colonel Ray'atid his mjen Jeft' Man zanJUo early this morning? on board the ITnited 'States transport Roumanian, with-; the Ressiej in tow-for Guantana mo. here 1 the j Roumanian vrll , land Colonel .Ray's men. , . ' , Officml Recognition Given to the Absurd PleaMif Threatened Intiniida- ! 1 ' . tioti and Vialence---The Desperate Effort of the Negro Tarty Lender to Infuse Confidence into the Rank-of his "Minions. - :i-c.j Uf' - V ':k H-' -Kl-t'-- 1-'"-': c.--"--V"J"'iiT--.L-i k'n -k 'k't H Pritehard's Letter to the Iresideut-iIIe Denounces i , White Supremacy Tenets as Incendiary Foil iiitIv snni;,nnf Y Iajor A. Cuthn rannotMand llif ltfor1rop-IIe will lTldr Orer the IVrmorrnilr .Irctlnal nldlro. Jl Take th Mump for 1 fjjlte tnt Itule Speeches by the Whites.' (Special to The Messenger.) i. I 1 Raleigh, N. C, October 25. Governor RussU)this evening issued! the fo- ' .lowing proclamation: I : , , I " ?J---. 1 ;- - ..'! If. -'- 1-' j . V- ' ! '! ': ! f r -: I '' r -w'-" " ' ' i Whereas,! The constitution of the United' St a te in thas union republican fofm of government, guarantees protection frofti nvasipn andreedom f ronv .l r'-i '"i.:f k'k-; ir Susquehanna, When -the-i-Sght eastbound,: arriv ; domestic violence and i r, y :-t i ! I : i-i . f It .-. - - k -i , i - , t . ! ft--. !- ; X - ; ! 1 : . i.i I Whereas, The constitution of North Carolina . guarantees to all -people roflthe state the,: inherent right to fully regulate their oVn internal govern - :j:Llk ;,k ,- -.V -: H!-' ':,--',- : -;.'; :-: . : H':'!;'.i-- " i- i l -' l-ment; to peacefully assemble for the purpose of consulting itor their 1 ..com- ! mon good; to hold peaceable and quiet elections, -and to 'discharge and, exer- Icise inan orderly and quiet! way 'the manifold1 duties and. privileges j of gotjd. ..citizenship, and-' ' - . ' i Whereas, The constitution of this;-state and khe lavs thereof forbid that any citizen- shall i be, deprived jor restrained of his liberiy but upon indictment for arftf conviction of critn and made t in persuanee ! h Whereas, It is ordained in the same constitution and laws of 'this tate I - i 1 1 v' i . that writs for. the protection of citizens and processes of the courts for, the protection of society shall neveribe suspended, neither -byisurihg executives, nor by turbulent mobs, using weapons': of intimidation and, violence, and . ! : Whereas, It: has been made known'to me hyfthe public press, by num erous letters, by oral statements of divers citiztrls of, the state and by for-, mal written statements that the political canv&sl, now going i forward has i , i'ki-' ': : ', ' i! ; 1 : k ' i. ' : - , i j ; ; -i-M r . j - ; j '. . - ! been made. occasion and pretext for bringing la&out conditions of jlawless- ! ? I. -r ' oi " -: . i f- - I i . ''1 ' i i .'. I' ' . . . . I . ' ness in certain counties in this state, such for example as 4 j -' '4 : . - i: 2 .v'V :..! ' -j ;. -k .k8s k Robeson counties and ; i : : , r i ' 1 j ul k ! 1 ,1 I k-v: i-.., .. ; . .:!, .';: 1 - -- i. .:-:--'! itf-'s' . ; : ... i- i Whereas, It has .been made known to me in. such direct and reliable av ay that I cannot doubt its : truthfulness -tUat certain counties, lying alongj the k j-. - ' '! ' .(,.'.:' , j t ; , ; . ! Jit ... . .-j' : y k - k - -:' .4 ,k -l '. ' southern borders of this state b,ave been actually , invadedj by certain aiSmed. and lawless men from another state; that several political. meetings inlRich- J -l , ; i.k v ;! kJ " ! -t ; . 1'f,-.t -'':-'' I ' I - 'j- J. ' i ' (I : !'! f: '. m-Ti1 'Vrt tfolifoT pnnnti'ooi Tiaxro Vi rn H-rAtro-n 5 11 r : tsn rl ft STl(TeAf1 rhv. fltmAr1 Richmond land : 1 i i men using threats of intimidation and in some cases ac ispersed by armed iual violence; that in other cases property has been actu ally destroyed and. from. ambush; that citizens have been taken ffom their homes at night and ; ! .'.Ik , -..:,!.' been intimidated i It. Iktl , "UAIX'S NAKnow ESCAPE at Terrific Speed for Twenty .es :AVItIt a Bead Engineer !at tlie Iirottle f k S 1 1 k :44!ii- kiikl -x i (4 f :-',- Penn., October 25. express titrain No. 12, ed at this station at midnight last night the engineer, Ilen- ry j Kingsley, tf Susquehanna, i vas tound dead in the cq.b with ni&" head crushed. After! the' train left Binsr- harnpton, twentyahree .miles West i--of nen?, trainmen ana others noticed that the engineer failed to give . the usual signals, at crossirig; and at small sta tiors, and thattjhe train was running at an unusual seed. iFireman Cowgill noticed' that theKvhistile was-.not blown for this-station 4nd going forward into -thejivb found the engineer dead. The trdtn had run atja terrific speed twen ty miles without an lengineer. I There were over ; 200 passengers- on board, fit is .supposed thatpthe, engineer was hit by la, -water cranp at a point just east of pinghamptoni Engineer ' Kingsley iwas -one ft the; . most reliable : engin ieers on the Krie road. He ; leaves; a widow and several chil-dren. i I k i. citizens ifired on whipped; that in several counties peaceful citizens have li - - t, i . .' i i. i'-' ' . kli .' j.-k V -v-:- -;j..k.-- ; .. ,- . VV., '1 k'k li'sV.:. - i f and terrorized by threats. of violence Zo their persons and their property, un i til they are: afraid to register themselves, preparatory! to. exercising that high : est duty of freemen the casting of one free votp at a balot box, for men of : their own choice in the coming election. ! il ' ! I ? ; ' ' .i j -: I -V ! , : .kk. I I r li - ' V -t I"- "'1 13 .' k, , ..f :. i - ,! .: - ' .j- i f ' I iNow .therefore I DanielilL. Russell, governot! of the state ot North Oaro- u 1', l. . -.--y -: ' ' -:-: -: k k- - ki -' . ';- . j g ' !(:- l . - i . - , . k .-;'(' - ' . - . i lina, in pursuance of the constitution and lawsfcf said state and by virtue - . . . - . - i i of the authority i One Minute : Cough, I Cure surprises people by its quick cures and children' may take lit in farge fquantitiea With out! the least danger. : It has Won for itself the bst reputation of any prep aration, used todayj for colds, (croup, tickling in ' the I throat i or obstinate conghs. R. R. 3ellamy. j . 'j r ' i.'- -: kh,ij;k!k-U 44 - jjk'-i I Cubans Favorable to tlie X'nlted States IIavanatOctober ' 25.-!-Manuel San gui ly,-'the well: known author and or ator, who was d distinguished 'soldier in the ten years' war, will represent the See-ond, Thifd and FK 'i carps of ithe Cuban armyjtat ithe Cuban assem hlyt convened consider the 'estab lishment of a permanent Cuban gov ernment. ,His choice by these troops, including- the -lolguin, Tunas, Baya moj Manzanilio, j Camaguey, Matanzas and Havana divisions, is highly sig nificant; as .indicating the sentiment of a lfirge. number of Cubans now under jarmsif ',,.. ', , ;'j':k 1 1 -i f 'j4i-4 L;iiik;' :J4 f .r s''k kk:" uij " '.4k Sanguilly has piade several speeches of ,late 1 that have caused a profound sensation, in whjch hej has urged upon tnei cijDans tne intpriative necessitj- Witnese of th nftr. of placing-full confide'ice1 in the United r - . , , i ' ' . i . . - tt aid the medical sup- states government 'artd ha censure! ent ikvere- insufficient i t hose 'R'hokhave ishown i distrust lof tife-.f j anu rnat ttiere Afas muh delay m tre- j A mericans. lie nas advocated tnedis ting .requisition f filled. He 1 thought I ba ndment of the Cuban troopx and . there was a sufficient -iquantitv of food. ' the.lr retui-n to the arts of peackjdwell "but said some of the men would nr-t in lan and earnestly -upon the im jeat' it.kpi;eferri-iig toi' buy; ; food for ! porta nee 4 the iipubansf of securing the themselves. General Vilson asked if j connivence of the UnitedStates. i the men had1 evjer domplained to him I He veni -wenti so 4 a as( ;to declare s asi surgeon of the refriment, ' and Dr.-j-that At . the Juban revolutionary! lead ' . Kijig replied that thej had. ' ' . k- ers shot'lld assume , a ;hostile attitude .. ''What did yoii say to them?" askid toward t A e Americans, he would en the general. . ! 11 f ter the rarus yd? i those opposed to 6uch VI told them o go to the devil and a course. Hv! selection; at this juncture eat -what they hnd.'tl hie replied. I in liew of t &'ichj sentiments,' j indicates think thftt nver4 improper rrpn ' that a ration, alj lodgment is making for ytiu to havf m4adK" slid General headway Irt cei tain ; iquarters.! The vol . Wilson, and he reclined tofurther con- 1 unteers in Havana a ei gradually i being tinue the examination ' ! relieved of garrison -diitj and are now onlvf doing sentry duty at. the palace of the captain genf rai.'Ithe palace of vested in me by said constitutiona l and i laws, do issue ithis my proclamation, i commanding all ill disposed! persons "whether of thi or that political party or of no political party, tdl immediately desist! from all all lawful, efforts enjoyment of all unlawful practices -and all turbulent' conduct afl$. to use to preserve the (peace and to secure to all people quiet if their. rights of free citizenship. Ir And I do further command; and :enjoin it upon all I good and law abiding citizens not to allow themselves to become excited by any appeals that n?ay be made to their passions and prejudices by the Representatives of any po litical parly whatsoever, but: to kep, cool head! and use their good offices : to preserve public peace and to ptotee't even the humblest! citizen; in all his rights?, political; and personal.! 'And I do further commahd ! . and .enjoin i it upon all judges i and other civil magistrates anj upon i all solicitors, sheriffs and other officers of law to use their best efforts - under the constitution and laws of the! state to apprehend and bring H speedy trial , all offenders against persons! andk property and the political fad civil, (rights of; anyand all persons in this state whomsoeyer. ,, 4 f . j ki '.if- , r: - .. :- . ' ''j -.. -'4- -X .-g I ! -:1k -' i- 'I -;':-! 'j -.- ' k" And I do further command and 1 require that pall persons who may tave entered this state from other states in pursua&c? of - anyi unlawful purpose instantly to disperse and leave 'this state upon)4in of bleing i arrest4eXand dealt with accordingly to law. . f1 j , , ' '! i -Done at our city of Raleigh this 25th day ! olocto bier Jn i the year of ? our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred and NinetylEight and in the One Hun dred and Twenty-third year of our American independence. ; v i ?.;dantel L. RUSSELL t By order of the Governor j BAYLUS CADE, Private Secretary. i ! - Senator Pritchard said this, afternoon he had made no request to have til '!'! - . . 1 i -. '.: I - .rr -9 - ! J. ' ' I :. i A ' ij""" k. troops sent to! North Carolina; that his letter; po President McKinley. i'sim- . , 1 .i : -. . - '. -,;'-' ; . j- --'.-I '. k I - '- '. ' ' : - . .. -j- " - .ilSk ' kr, j.-k '.- - I...' v t f . .- j- -,; ' k '! ply sought to present the true situation as "it pxists. ; He says he tpld the ' president he was opposed to the use of troops; I that it was j proposed to ex li haust every means at Governor Russell's command to secure peace and har , inony among the people and a fair expression pi the ; people at the ballot box: that he simply wanted to prepare -the president ! foif any emergency . ' that might arise in North Carolina! and let hia ' understand the' matter; , ; that no request had been made to the . war department: to !have troops I sent ; and that he does" not think Governor Russell will make; such requisition. 1 He-then said "there is intense!' feeling among &hc people! as a result of in- i fiammatory and incendiary speeches: which hae been made by demotfratic ; speakers throughout ithe state; during the present campaign, but as our ; t 1 ' ? 1 f ! people are la w abiding I do not anticipate any 'rouble. If the peJple; at;e . ipermitted to vote'at the ensuing election wel$ill carry, the state and se- ! cure both .branches of the legislature." I do ns?t approve lof ' the sending of s Jfore t uin, twenty million free sara-: Ties ; .of TVWitt'' Witch HtLe Salve khav hren distributed by the manu fact'irers. "Wiia better proof- of their confidence in iC. merits doiyou want? Jt euros piles Hirns; scalds, sores, in he . shortest rna.d of time. 1 11-- R. Titi. i troops into any state except where the civil atm is powerless to preserve j-.f. 1 n , , . ! . ' :k i"-: ! - ' - :f k A --i ' ... j k - ' . :.; b order, I take it that the governor swill take 11 steps in ;his pow,er aod do not believe he proposes to ask for any troops 'M he can preserve order with-.-. r oiV them. I told tluel president that unless the? feeling subsided and unless k- i - -' ' "-'.: - :, J '. "iv, - -. - - .;,-:.-! . m--'.! -, ' I '- : i - i ; 1 something was done Xo allay iti I feared we wduld have disturbances caused i by the'spea.king goings on in the' state and inflaiihig the minds of the people. II believe 'the statements sent otkt are exaggerad and that -we; will notfhave i : . it .-- -. , . ... --.-!. the military goyernor,; the 1 customs houses and theli Spanish bank. Other postjs are covered Ly;the Spanish" "".reg ulars. Th; volunteers at Ci-nfue;Jos have been i entirel- n iSMsved i cn I duty thei-e -since, Friday; iast.f Th?kfHty is ' jigtriet? pockery in' the Sixth is, I believe, :asUyerrepublican; 1 any serious trouble. If the republicans go qnieiSjf along: they will sweejj'the state; ; As' to congressmen. X cannot i say how mjiny.the democrats will Meet, l as I have not been able to make a thorough canvass; of the : situation but I think the republicans ; will: ma'ke a gain of .two-5-that is the Fifth and gi$th a: l T: j :i K-k-; - k -; ii :!-!. V f'-- ':...: -v Sfcetfi;ali ta Thie; 5Isejrfer: ; ; "3 i"' ' ; i -. T i. TT-1 l;is'3 M p" "k W. A. Guthrte wro?e the f..-3ivwlcg' let- 'jk . '(-, ; U'-'.-'.- L' ;:. -fi .. I liiSSkl ' il '' ter today to Chairman Sinvitifns: h "Hon. U- M. Simmon. Chapman: f Your invitation tenderlr.:';o rntT th honor of presiding' over 1 i 1 'Whiti plan's Convention !at GoUnN-ro. II 1 I ' li ,i . " ' ' i '- ' i ' ! the 2th instant, has been rt . it t ... . k. !'..- i: . . s -. ..: , " k i. . i . I OTHER I II lite X c Military, ARainstS.lV iM v Civil jrorcs. and under the -circumstance's, I gject-pt, the aJriie'jwpth: peaSu;re,Up.i tio .M rfpf nf ' J i m e ; I ' p av p. ti 0 ;i k j? :r any I i k -a't t-. m this campalfjn, and my iniLjntion, was "'''"!' ,! ii -k if: t-r -1;. .. .i1' .Sf'J ";- - to ,refraih from doig tv .itil I jread today's dispatc'hfs from Wa"5iinjftnta the effect thathe" presldifrt , and his jabinet areiljcing importupd by men in highjfficial j.ositioh to jfvd federal solders to North Carolina , interfere Jrtrith our local affairs and-c- uphold by aidjof federal bayonetfJiose 1 who -would perpetuate, if Iheyj tfiuld, 1 the itjof our !o- i'"'':'v If I- !4- :'--UX at the 4ch things ue?hyar- H through present, disgraceful condiuw! cal state government, j 1 VTimpj was thirty years end of the civil war, -w hem had to be tolerated, ut no ed i southern man, who ! by the recpnstruction period j(n yi$h,to ; see a repetition :i of r thcjsej.h:dark and korray,, days, when the; jijfi ilawj-jwas dominated by military .strtthf fcjj up- 1 hold partfes in local oveirriment. lit la .1 high time now for all true iNStfth -daro- linians ;to arouse themselvesrom their IS! CABINET RESIGN gk rikk.'-.4;.;k44'ki f la amber Aiornt j!4 W-, Vtlns of the 5 .eoeiutlie llonwof IVeptttle Or s lton to the Cabinet I)4rJartIt ,M'.-'-" '-j ..'.- '' ";i J- ': .-'-r ! .:.! i' !.:r?-' .-, j-. ,. j' k.Tl4lutaIn ritll Power tmniettt i-tUir- Army-Wani of Confidence txi rkW .ilnttnUtratton Exprrmwe-PaLI ii V"the Cabinet. ' ! M;::-.-V Vi '' 1 r :'.- '-.--k "'k 'l. '- V'. '' :.. f; ris. Octcber 2r.. ;Strong bcdltt jnl f 4l?e were stationed1 in the-neighbor f'.kl of the Ialals tourtHn and thQ ?'-ce xlc la Coticorde today, to pro; jjt the rrbctrd dmontrationir ' nl ; Hi opening of the tihambcr vf dpu j' Thre was considerable dlsordrr "-yut the apprachs ot th' I'aTalS' urlKm when MM, ! Itoroaledo, Mill jtt. and other uiepyties arrive i ! ac inparnea uy a crow or supporters. : ?;Knb"rs of the league of Patriots who 1 fK crossing th Plfico de la t'oncordo i-.utod "Vive L Arm.V and the res. Vfblican guards Jwerrt obliged to cleat 1?Dassare. A conflict w ith th .rtrti n. f ued. A band of anti-Semite 1 at- Jethargjy and come 1 togethfjri (art! one J'(iked ani injured a -commissary of man, vlth "one niind.f determined J that our Anglo-Saxon civilizati i shall k be H preserved. . .; , ; 4,4t . -k ; kki ik 'True white men of NortHCarolina, who .Jove our 1 state,.! should;; stome; j to .get her regardless, of past piftrtyj atniia tions, and go to the polls on(4wie th day :of November with fixed iresjutioni that ' the present -condiiions of p'ublic : af fairs iri our'state shall be chahged. so that men whose chief busisskinj fife'';l has b.een; demonstrated to Ut that of :i trading on party fealty as 4he mhns of getting for themselves personal gain, shall be driven from wwer and place and that those wfho succeed them shall be worthy and competent to guide the future destiny of our; good old state!" .Major uutnne ,wm ma t . - . ; 1 ii- .1 ; .1 . i -. speech at Statesville. kJ hit fiVst ; Supreme Court Decision rvv. .'.!.-, i-j-'V'- : -!.' j-, !-ip '.Lklf. . ..:.) (Special to The Messenger.) ! Raleigh N. C, October 21 The su preme court filed the following opin ions today: Goodwin vH. Caraleigh Mills (two cases) frojn Wae, appeals dismissed; Robinson vs." ' Robinson, from Wake, reversed; Lyrte vs Tele graph Company, fcom Waie, affirmed; Kornegay vs. Morris, fromWayneJ re-' manded to court below .for additional vpaKies to me made; Staters. Iiooker; 1 from- Wake, affirmed;.. Mahoneyp va. . sStew.art, from Nash, modified anAaf-' i firmed, -with' costs against gjlauitiff ; .S jLatta vs. Stewart, from ' -dge'eombe, modified - and affirmed- ? twithk costs against ; plaintiff ; Howard, jys. Ware house Company, from Edgecombe, : re- versed; Collins vs. Petitta from Hali fax,.: reversedj Willcox!t's. Cherry, from -Halifax" affirmed; iiWillcox! 1 vfe. I . ! - ' -. . ' t i ; 'ik , Leach from Halifax,, reversed;; Batts I vs. Stanton, '' from : EdgeLmbe, new trial; Bank .jvs. 4LumbJt Company, ifrom -Beauforti new trial j Ifetantoni vs. Sprulll, from Wake,: motirSi to docket I;jfitce:-Avit'Iv loaded, sticks. The rinff- 1 ;deH. Mr. : Gurin. rrcsid'nt of 1 thc f tl-Semitic league, was arrested. f-V'hen Ml Druijnont thj. antl-Semito l4der arrived there., was further dls- ;' '. r I : . w . : i - ' ' : :- ' ' I ' t Ybances, 1 w i th i rles i ' Dow n w i t h ! tho i- ' , - IT.- -. . , : r : - - . , J voting five minutes, j When V feinoine was able to assume sj ff.i assorted that1 he was the gi (. Bering, i ;4 general and - dismiss: the plaintiff lowed..-' I ..-... I - : -J and checrting .for France, A!do- rhment of CAiirassiers chareed anrl i . nersel the mob. Several aj-rests wero 1 t yde. The session of ithe chamber had tvl sooner lopened than M. Deroluledo. t i'f a1 violent attack upon the rolnls kjK ;.-:ofi war; General Chanoine, where f.n the ilatten arose and explained HSf e conditions under which he accept- ?J ' the portfolio.; In so doing he 1 de- . k iired that he .was of ithe same opinion si ? his' predecessors, evidently referring trthe question oif re.-opening the Drey tfo case, a' remark which was greeted i ti h cheers -and protests, the uproar f. voting five minutes. When General peaking; - guardian u honr of the! army and concluded ' h saying: "I f place in your hands ,ji2 trust I received and I tender myj lgntion in this tribune." Theian ?ijncment was received with loud .!k.' ' : - - . 4'-'4 kk I Chanoine 1 then left thd j imber of deDulties and the nremlir. liBrisson: ascended the tribune. Thero , 4was greeted with shouts of. 'flte ,i'n,,, while the leftists cheered hitrl ' kkk-M v rV- .--:-.k. i:-:. -u. Brisson said General Chan olne's 1 (- Jaration was a complete surprise to , 1, as the general had been present i the cabinet meeting which decided t submit the documents 1n the Drey ciise to the cburt of cassation. iTh f ftjeral. Ml Brisson, continued; did; not Livn Taisej any objection. Continulng prieiyiier said that; the government fully 1 determined to iuphold 1 tho 'kt?l power agaimst the military and :lk.;. asked for a suspension of the bust i l;s; ,)f the chamber, which 'waa -siht'ed.' i - j kk.kj"'". 1' l::k- ;:,- I During f. Delrouledo's speech itwt 1,5 the deputies. M. Baly and M. Patt I'liarry'f iengagM' in a. personal j erx 4 apter, . which caused -Intense excite ' nt among the members of the houso. I i'd the crowds of spectators inltho iJ..deries.' Finalh' thei deputies rose. In I tlody iind protested lagainst the con- -J liMc'Jt' 4f ith-fighters.' - j- rifefheisenate, after a brief session' aI 4apPealral"! !! J- Trutn wears ; welf. learned ; that DeWltt's Risers are reliablfe little rpllls fori reg ulating the bowels, curl gj loonstjpation ! JJople have tie Early and sick headache Ri R- Bellamy; ' They? don't gripe, Verdict Against the City 4 naleigti ' (Special to The' Messenger.) Raleigh, N. C, October' The su preme court gives Miss-1 fettle Dillon $3,r00 damages against thjrrity of Ra leigh, j Two .years ago wji'e slielwas riding iin a buggy the.hor ran away and into a post supporting , the , rail way track, and she was thri)wn'OUt ind received injuries of hieaditnd spine. Tomorrow is eonfederatek'lveteran re union day at the state fail' ' ' ! United States Marshal lifnry Dock ery does -not inten'd to app4it any spe cial dephties for dutyelecSbn day ' 4 'k; i l I ,kitk,;;k:'Mk'-,k,:ilj.fe .- You Invite disappointment whep you experiment. DeWltt's little Early Risers are pleasant, easy; thorough little pills. ; They cure fcpnstituation and sick headache just as sure as yo,n Stke tbim. R. It. Bellanty afternoon r about 4t?4ie : continually vintty of th tft'tis. black; with Senator TlcLaurln tolSpeak '(' - . -- i - - '' I ! ili 1 r 1 (Special to' The Mesengen) Benpettsville. S. C, October United States Senator iobk. li McLau-f 1 UL, South Carolina democratic, speech' at Richmond countyv next! k'idayl at- IS v -1 irt el I Vf-r a OP3 'Hund'reiJ o'clock- r Special trains y: 1 a date the public. ' . ii-.Mf t- accommo . - DeWltt's Witch Hazel! SIve bts thd largest saie or any saive t me woria This fact and its merit, haHled dishon est people to attempt to jiunterfeit itl Look ;out for the man. W'io attempts to deceive, you when ycuTiall for D? Witt's Witch Hazel Salv the great TL R. , Bellamy;. rlirnd. ' lly K o'clock irt the! arrests: had bejn .made. The crowds augmented until the; chamber; of deputies, peoplie cheering Gen- $1 Chanoine and the army. Tho f!rassiers! had he greaUt difficulty clearing a way around l the Made :'?..;e and the Ruje Royal, j There were -jiny encounters between the pv4tco .iil the people. About ten thousand tifple sang" the. jMarseillalse around d ntire maaexr I tne tiureyrus paper - 5 r Droits de L'lHomme" (The Rights i::jMan.") Alhjhf stores in the nelgb-' $:;'fhood wercrlofeed irt anticipation ot j vis- Yhe cuiraHsiers.j assisted by tho lunted - republician gijiards'r' succeed if driving 1 back another crowd whita shouting '"Spit upon Brissonj ifter the' chamber- pf -deputies had -.Mimed business at 5 lo'clock M. Brls i 4, announced thjat the "irregular res libations" . of Ger eral j tChanoine - had It -h - accepted and that his successor fit interim would be appointed th!s, ev" (Continued dn Fourth Page,)! f f Ike Royal U the highest 9ra4 baUa prtf ac ) fcaowa. rActaal tet tkow it oaea : taird farther tkm mmf atfcar bra4. iik'": ' k r , U 1 s :p k'-J 44 4;k4 jk - 1 mxmm Atsolutely Puro ftovL vkm rewtxn to., nrw yck.! ' ' .,:"! -'- f : i - k!1 - ! I Ski-. amy. K-fl! now patrolled by regulars- pile- cure. i''" 1!5 v :'' 3 i - I .; i T ,' 5 j 'I t 1 ' if - v ' 1 i -f 6 i ?4 ; ; ; : ' ;

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