VOL. Xil. No. 270. . " , ! M , . WILMINGTON, N. C, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1898. - n; , fi;ItICE 5 GENTS . i 3- i "Hat i: ins -.-t.r s - M Hi 1 ':1f 1 i MORE THRRITORV The United States Has ; 'clie Philippine Islaridsj SPANISH COMMISSION NOTIFIED IiUh4 Ameri caiiTcacc Commissioners of the! Intention of Our Qoverri- i' I rncnt to ; tppropriatc this Territory The Consternation Produced ; I ;; " in -M n.driu Declared a Violation of the Term. of the Pro- - r' f Jocol-'-To Aksume witli the I - ' Incurred for the Internal Improvements on ; " , : - r ! . . the Islands. , m' Par r.xobrr.' 31. The American commissi a,w- presented a written ex- J pomion cf th.' purpose, o the United ' purpose, o"t tne cnitea ' 1 - 1 ' , rLU-.s to take the entiro'r group- of Phfjpire -islands and to assume such uropVjrljoDi-r-t tho Philippine -'debt as "hag -bcii Sjpentor tlie benefit of the iciSuJahd. or llif iri inhabitants, in .public - workft,, imnrovementsnd permanent t bettf Yirtferis. f . 1 ; i ' It JihIscsM forth that the United ' or.i. ,Ju,..um.uu1. Buu.t .yr w -of -Oih J'hilippine debt which had been -JO---. I- - t . - '.- -:-- - .'r. If:- lnciirrw.' by Spain for th e furtherance iporations to of m ili t try .or naval, , ope ! fpiell linsurreciions of the natives. ; . : TIht .rssion .w;is "adjourned until Fri day jj'1 order t(i give ,the Spaniards - time' t prrpilre a riply. The session ' - ,.i ..1Ip , todas Tasted a Uttle over an hour. : T ;. : . m . vi . waniington; uctoiie.r i; -i tie aavices from Paris to the -effect that the Unit- i -d, Spates peace1 commissioners have derp iiidfHl the1- cession to the JJnjted Rtl-.Ac,' l-r.f -thfK ntirrt T!hilinnini : (rrnnh . . i ItT T ' t'f-.-T 'r1; js- nivline wuthi the 'instructions, that Ivi .to! l-,rrTV iM-n..il. tn t l- -k fan ,fc.c rvn t o m ioui. -i ;. .. ,1.11:1- i w'- vs1 -" - tives.of the United States. I p to a very Lcreceut. date ' 'the United i States i-' -commissioners 'hadno ! precise instruc-. ' tions'on this vit?I point. Of course before they had departed from Wash- - incrton much consideration had . been I -""-givent to this rmportivnt subject; by ,-the '' president,' Secretary f jDay "Assistant ! Secretary xMoore and lore members or the' commission:! but there was a lack of data, as to the. flaantial and political j aftairs of the Philippmeuslands and it m happened . that vlien the . United 1 Tarboro,!,N. C October 31. The pop j ' States commissioners sailed they were ulist3 tookjdown their whole ticket to--- i not "committei 1 beyond change . to day. They wjll support the democratic . any "line of policy.. 1 . I nominee's. I The republican committee LEAVING OF THE COMMISSIONERS A majority of -their number leaned toward a restriction of the demands to be put " forth as to the Philippines," V-arying all the wayJ from the retention of Manila bay. and the : surrounding' country fo the acquisition. of the whole island of Luzon.1 "That represented about : tne extreme 1 demand tnat was vn; mind - when the -commission iett: : , butwinre. - that - - - .time'thepresident - vhs - . uwame conviuceuiinau .mere is ,a :&iea.i t popular uemauu ion uie auueiauou lu the Unked. "Stages Of thevhole Iiil--ippine groupr and he is disposed! tq de fer to that. sentiment.-1 Beside, there is ground to believe that," "hi an unofficial manner, possibly through the informal communication with A gon c i 1 1 o, Ag";i i n -aldo's agent - in -Paris, f or perhaps through . some, direct dealing' between the .chieftain. and Ad:mhaibDewey,-the '. United States eommissioners hayesi : isfied 'themselves that . the "difflcuitieS in the way of annexation so far as they might , be "expected to depend upontiie iwiH of the 'natives, jhai e been I very i muc h exaggerated. ' i " j ' i - 4T4IK MONEY CDXSIDERATi6n. It cannot - be: learned definitely, what money, consideration is-to pass iwith. "the' title, to the Philippines. .Indeed there is reason to U lieve .t.at eVen tfie ! United States; -peaie commissioners have not i .'yet jbeen '. able :-to,-. fix- t,the amount "exactly. Assuming that they are ijo repudiate! ail portions of i the debt of 'the. iland -which- de not rep resent. -money spent 'tor- actual better ment, it-will be seen at' once that the task j resented to thf commissioners, of diffv re'ntiating thii- -debt, i; not' an easy oi.e: particularly' in view- of the : notorioi.sly . loose ftnanof al , method$ of rthe. Spai.ish colonial .authorities' . That J this deb: : should be assumed" by the United ates in , some proportion, 1 is ; aid; at the sta:tedepartiJent to be in-::-evitable if annexation isto follov'j The conditions presented! are! -entirely- un- g Powder Made from pure Icream tartar. Saf guards the food against aitim Alvm baking: powders are the greatest xnen&cers to health of the present day. KWAi. BAKINO POWbER Ctt, NEW YORK, i- - -- 1 . .! I .j' r Bdkin Determined to Annexi, 1 Land the-Spanih : Debt like those In ICubal In the latter case i there was Jus iflcation in.interuttonai t aw : V xi ? - i : r,Tr.:,r., oe sauuieu with me ueu-wnen we uau r 0. ht ?r. v0 case of. thel Philippines rich and well populated, th United States would arnnirp what 'in tho eves of the. world. is; a most yal uable possession; and it is ( ueneveu mat tne uyiueis ui an Bveiu- j ment obligations,; Without regard to nationality,! would nnsist. tnat .should pass -with the property iQ1te unofficfalW, but in a the lien I manner j tQ. cay convict.ion? as to the accuracy Gf the informaiionl the Spanish com- " : " - . i ! . . . - .1 missioners; somdays ago wereailow- e(i to , if now j ttfat Jthe United Stages,,' purposes , as io! ;xne r i'iiijippuiies werw t once the ! Icortclusidn' -was arrived (at. ij So thy are not -taken completely by td- surprise by theidemand presented at Parte and afe likely toj be pre- pared to proceed. rapidly with this last i X . , r t article oi , uie; pruipeui. "Tllli NEWS IN MADRID. Madrid.- October 31 -The news t hat. the Spanish . peaces commissioners, at Paris had I'referred 'to the government a form a V demnhfl rif I the -A meririan com- t . jT ! T 7 -h . missioners. ton the absolute cession of : tliw -n t i ro : PVi i ill ti n i r o tr-rrvn n -Oi ltce-fl tTlo v owui' "-'v'v i greatest surprise in Madrid. the strongest. feeling prevails that Jthe gov- ernment! shouk prbtest . eriergetically .against what is : regarded as a viola ' of e the protocol. s I tion'of thej spiri ' - -. '!.!' KDUECO.TIBJEr ALL ISIGIIT 7 . -' )!, i ppulutM Wit lid raw Tlielr Ticket and Will Vote! w I tli tit e Democrats e . (Special to The ( Messenger.) i -I. . i . . - i republican committee made several tch Their nomina tions wnt; begging: I They repudiated the popji list fusion1 and W. E. Foun- tain. , Theneprc es are at sea and have about given up. Congressman White was not allowed to speak in No 10 ! , township today, r k: s ' 1- K-:-.: ; V; Notice was i - served 'The negro leaders h-uj ud.y . .v.are"alI:spotte. - i:r.i will surely i '4 go democratic Overcome evil with good Overcome your coughs and colds with One Min ute' Cough Cure. It is so good children cry Cor : it, p Ii cures croup, .".bronchitis, pneumonia, grippe 'arid alL throat" and. lung di$easesl. R.f 11. Bellamy. A Faliioualle Weddlnir at Savaunah SavananaJu Ga. -October 31. The so winter in Savannah cial event of the was th marriage At i- -? noon land today, of Miss Mabel Gor d(jn Rowland Leigh, olj London.:: Miss Gordon! is the youngest daughter "of General and Mrs. Wm. W Gnrd liier father being a member of Hlv ;Portd Ricah peace corn- mission My Leigh s the youngest ?son Stone Leigh Ab- or JjOra-i i.; h. of bey, Warwndkshlre, .and resides, in Lon don The marriage I was Lcfclebrated: in 'his tone oldi Ciirifcti: ivpipconal churc h, the ceremony btfng performed by the Very Rev. and lign.1 Ja. Leigh, dean "of Hertford : cathedral, assisted by Rev. itobt. ; Whitci:he rector of the phurch: Following the! ceretoony there .was a rvedding brdalvfast; and ;i brilliant re- iv uiun ui;.iiieiufiiJ(.uu(i iiiiiw, tuinci. ui. Bull street and .. : .' : .:'..: i: ' , - 1 1 . .. . I .! ' ' . ': Ogrethorpe avenue ! , '' i .1 . " . ' S- - ; 'A cough i not-like a fever.' It does nVt have to jran! a certain eoUrse.-Care it quickly find', effectually with One Minute Couh1 Cure the best remedy fcr all agesj- and fo the nvostj severe caset?. - We recommend it - because ",it'.s good. R. JRxjBellamy - v A IestricUve;FIre at Danville Danrille. TaL sOctdber 31. Fire this atternoon destroyed the leaf -tpbaccb.' factories of Schoo!fiiId,- Boat wright & Co.. and par tially wrecked the adjoin loi Sehoiifield Watson, ing' fttory manufacture s of the; "celebrated "r. & d smoking tobaccq. The j - .- -:.::.:-. ij - .: : : rf .- .. .. Yv. plug); an loss on build ngs as estimated at, about $24,00A, covered, by .insurance of $17,000 Schoolfield. B cat w right & Co. ; estimate j their loss o stack and natures at i about $47,Tn, i covered :by about an ' ! equal amount ! off insurance, bchool field & Walfson' saVed about $30,000 iorth of ni asufaJ;tured goods The Igss on suxrKita: process ot man-uiaq- tare and tin; Chihery is about 110.000, full y: offset wall rebuild ljy insurance. Both firms ; The lire originated from . the A.veTturnis; of a .ferasqrline stove atk for! DeWitt's Witch dbrt-t accept a. counter When you Hazel Salve feit or imitation, ii There are more cases of Piles .bein pured by this, tl?an all others combined. . 'R. B. Bellamy. KTKAXGEIt HOUIIED tientleraan front LIaston Knocked . Seuele aud Hobbed On tUe Public The3angers broadcast niffhti and Jay un 1 1 6trets ofViiriinA n0 ; matttr hfw public tn locality, aurng the present i&xistin& period of outrages are told of dal .Yesterday morning another depredation, one committed in t the twilight of the babbath ; evening was brought to light. Friday night ;ilr.i Norman Douglas who Resides in the suburbs of Maxt arrived to spend sevehal iaysJthe city. Sunday afternoon abojjKtwilighti he went for a walk on tlj!rack of the Wilmington and VedQn railroad. On his return trip heshif ted the route to fhis the track of?tlie',Carolina Central rail r6ad. 1 Near Hilton bridge a strapping youryg negro man, in appearance about . sS. . ;...-.. venty years of age, approached the traveler and, accosting, mm; unuer. tne , - laM that he dldn.t have any inai ne uiun i nave any more ,1pm.,. t-hin ho hi,i nc fr n,pn th .. r:: : tact, and magnanimously invited ; Mr. Douglass to. partake of beer, which in vitation waft curtly -refust ' Mr. iDouglass hurried hm steps, but. his. annoyance the negro walk- eJ alonff wUh him In tni$ uay a dls. tance jof tWo hundred yards w ere tra- versed. Then the negro lagged i behind and suddehly hurle! a .roLk at' Mr. Douglass, which' struck him in a dan- gerous spui, utnuiu ine ngui eur, a-iiu-feMed .him. senseless. ' Some time afterwards Mr. Douglass, rppained consciousness. It was night ani he was lying beside the track, with tne tDiooa now-ing irom rne wouna De hind his. ear. It was some time heron re he could collect his scattered thoughts, and; recall what had transpired. 'In vestigation revealed that his jacket book, Icontaining $6 in -money, was missing, but a wad 'of bills concealed in an iold account "book a in one, of his pant's pockets, Were still there. . . Evi dently . the . strange and . apparently worthless receptacle for 'money had fooled the thief. : j. Douglass was too weak to travel !a-,u r a? 1U. nt11' "e ; twtea X i j 1 i i i i . .i ! :,into a thick undergrowth of; bushes !UiOS(i v and -remained tTieVe until vetj- Ifi j .-. " s " ' i . i irt'uaj' i inui diiim. v lieu lie . went to me office of Dr. W' D. McMillan, suner- l intendent of - health, and had; his wounds dressed. He had with' him the rock- used by his' cowardly assailant, who-he describes as a big, 'coal black negro. - -1; -i i v ; ; BOAUI) OF IIEALTII ISnsineKg Transacted at the Monthly SeslouvYe!terlay Alteruoon ' The regular meeting of tne board Qf health, which are now held on the last day off 'every month, took place yes- j iter day j afternoon.: All the physician 'members of the board -were' in attend ance. Mayor S. P. Wright,. M".' D., Dr. G. G. Thomas, Dr. Frank - H, Russell and Dr. W. D. McMillan. .The usual routine work, such as the reading and 'approval of minutes and filing of reports, ; was first attended to. J The following resolution was' intro duced and adopted: , "On and after this date the board of ; health by 'virtue of the- powers given ny thetsanitary ordinance of the city of Wilniirtgtoh. will disinfect the house or I houses which tho attpndfnff-'-nhvsiianc 4 shall have reported the evidence of one rtious or1 contagious b? the -said ordi- panee and when;; the .attending physi cian or! physicians then report the re covery! of the :patients and ask for the discharge of the quarantine." -! A printed form to be provided 'and nsed in cases where houses are di'sen .fected. was- ordered printed. . j -j The monthly report of Dr. McMillan, superintendent'of healtht imade the. fol lowing showing: ( During October eleven-permits were granted' for the removal of earth. Six ty deaths occurred during that time, twenty;l;w-hites and forty colored, i and forty-four births, nineteen whites and j:wenty(-five colored. ; . i i j At present.. there is not a ease of ty phoid fever in the city. Only one'quar-i an tine 'for 'scarlet fever is inr effect. : Late j-to bed and early to rise, pre pares a man for his home in the. skies. Rut " early to bed and a Little iEarly Riser,, the pill that, makes- life longer krid better and wrlser. R. R. Bellamy. v E.VCONVICTS KEGlSTEltlNG Trial yesterday !JIorjwin!; .of aPXegro ' Charged With Illegal Registering Thtre now appear on the : regis tra- tion Dojoks the names of quite a num ber of pegro -ex-convicts and steps are to be 'taken to prosecute them. One, Dan E Justice lis, was indicted and tried in McGowan's court - yesterday, and only escaped j imprisonment by the skin of iiis teeth. ; v - v ; i The ca;e was called for trial at 19 o'clock in the morning, the state alleg ing that "Ellis was an ex-convict v-and consefluentiy if he registered he did so illegally; Mr.. G. W. Millis and two 'Other? registrars $f the i Fourth divi tfiion of the Fifth ward, were introduced asp witnesses, artd testified that Ellis hid registered and' had sworn that he' was properly .qualified. to do eo. -- Where the case Zell through was that it was impossihlei-to ..locate .the record of ESUs' conviction- Mr. W. .R. French, clerk of the criminal court, was placed upon jthe witness : stand ana testmed J. t. X A : . : . 1. -i . " . J . tpai n.e naa- seareneu recoras covering a period of about five years without finding Ellis' name. This, of course, r r- -' -, case, ixiowever, uie searcxi win ueuuii- uueu,s il . iui&!il tum 4iiu-.( no noi . ... i i i iUi. u-. ii.mpie.v ji.sq.. appearea.- in - me case on behalf of . the state, but the great disadvantage of being called ' in at the. last moment. t : i 'The s Latest styles in Millinery can only be found at Johnson cc Fore's. TEBIlinLY nCATO, sir-:"; , J . . -, j , . ;' i -'..-' - Barljr TUl Tlornlu'z Xesroea Ukat and , , ( lSobtx-U )liltlanl ' Still the atrocities of the negrof of WU m i n gton. : cjultipl y. 'Early this morning, 'a young whltexuian, named (Meacham. Ihailing trom.' Laurinburg, was terrfblsr beaten and robbed by negro men in-the southern portion of the citjv-1 1 :iMsCcham is.he're to attend tho Cnlt- a states - court, iast nrgnt ne went on a visit to th southern portion or thel city, and this morning about 1 o'clock he started, to return to his :.i ' ;. - -i : -. -1-. . ... " : boarding house down town. Ob his way he was hailed i- . : t - by three negro men, who commenced to brick. bat him. Meacham .was not i armed and eonse- tly sod a poor chance of defend- limsfe.U, It idid not taKe the ne- i - V - ' . - I -- . . grolpn to find this out, and then they closed in dn him and beat him terribly, at the same time robbing him of about $6 "in money., i " ' An ; hour later Captain Jeff I Smith found Meacham, his face Jbadly cut and bleeding, near the ; course of Seventh and-Market streets, wandering. Vaim-" lessly aboit. Captain Smith took charge of tlp young man and carried him to the lYilm s ngton- Light Infantry ivates were detailed armory. Ttvp ton look, after him, and soon after- they .located his boarding hcjuse and 'placed him in safe hands. ; INCLE SiM'S MEAT -f T ' -; "':' - '-t'.'.;:;;.:r:--:-. '- .,: ,a.Te Number- of Iriuerw JaUrtl in ip, f ! tills City Yesterday j! . Jailer King was. kept busy yesterday housing prisoners brought in from near, by counties to be tried at the term of the: United States district court which convenes in this! city this morning. j Deputy United j. States' Marshals A. D.Mqrrisey, of I'ayetteviHe, and J. H. Owen,!tof.Lur4berton, brought eight and twelve prisoners1, respectively, from their counties. They wefe as follows : j JTayetteyin! Geo'. King, Austin Mc-Alister,- Dickinson King, . John".' Free- nian, Daniel 1 Dickinson, Desk King, Henry Packer and Isaac Brinkley. ' J LumberCjn-3 Henry.' Barber;" Isaac Marree; V1lijam tSykes, R. L., Moore, S! iW.'.MabJ:y. Ellmere Oxendine, Phil Martin, Ait Gibson, Laurence ,, Rap ier Charles Bltcker, i Cogle pockler and Mag Bald'jn ; - These pit'soners are negroes, except the first fiej named as brought from Iiimbertoni. r All r are 1 charged with triyal.i- off&qes illicit-distillery: and selling' liquor, without license. - i Deputy United I States Marshal Star get, -of Lumbertohr also brought . a white man prisoner, J. H. Owen. ; j New Hinoerj county's contribution to the I criminal docket of the court will be-idecidediy small, consisting of. minor charges against a few people. MONTHLY STATISTICS Record: ot"f?ublIc iJWatten For October I" I . : titrt are worth ivotlns 1 ' S.5 uThe ;fQllg.ing statistics for the past month of Cfctober will prove of interest. ;j Twenty-!t'our marriage license were issued. Ten of these w ere obtained by ..!'S I -? 21 J :; i: .'. j - . ". - ' "t ? white; couples andi the remainder by Colored couples. fi VJ ,The poliel made forty-two arrests, of 1 l l -.(: - I - ' .. . ' Whichj number twenty-four-were, white people an ci. eighteen: colored. The na tionality . i'f the prison in nearly every instaio? was American, although there .m ere several ' Norwegians mixed upjt nfhe -tiurjeh.' The offences" ".were all trivial, exgept one. charge of larceny. ; CQhe i fiH:p department responded to nine alarfnsj Onliy .five were bell alarms, 'tto seach of the 'Other four ;being ;telehQhe and sttTl alarms. The cause, of 'flia pres ' were defective flues, smoking duVmosquitoes, sparks from chimneys an' burning?- out chimneys. The,, damage done to the. buildings butne,d is estimated in the neighbor hood of $lli. .- . : ' i .... f j Iljbjv to Prevent-Cronp We have1 i;wo children who' are gub Ject to attacks of croup., Whenever an ;attack ;ia (-oralng on my wife gives them Criafisberlain's Cough Remedy and it" always prevents the attack. It Is a houselfeild necessity in this country arid no matter what else we run' out of, It would ndtjdo to be without Chamber lain's Cougiai Remedy ; More f of it is solci here than of all other poueh raed-icines- conbiried. rJ: - M. Nickle, of Nickle : Rrs;, i merchants, . Xicklevillev Pa.' Fr 4leWR. R.-Bellamy. a JPrdisd ot tne neenser 1 ' Darlingtxi, S., C., October 28, 1QS, Xh'e Mes.senfjer: ' i ' . i : : jentlemer4-I beg to enclose check on account! hi I my subscription to the f ".- .;-."',.: f a -,,- ; j -i . . . i , 'Dai'y Mestft'ngrer. ' li I an proid, Qf The Messenger Tor the position it 5fas'taken-Ofp course,it could not have Useri any other, but the way i t has pok'n, has (been , with no uncer tain sound Ja:nd in my opinion its fear ? ess '.tone h.a done a power of good for WTifte Supremacy in dear old. Wilming iton.' , ; ! do hope and trust that ouAwill bfe'able to carr' the-election without any, trouble. It seems to me as if vrise counsel on both sides could invert it, but 'tf you ido have .ny trouble knd ! should lnl -that, you : need ; help there is teaij a "nan in South'. Carolina f-eady to respond t& your .call at a mo ment's notiit. J '' ' i -THE MlRIffERESi 11! Th? First Prize 6t the ago Sails for A iierica. START-OF H80OP The First 31 o ve m ent f rant Camp A :::i'l,;,-- ::::P"--P' -":!.S:i rV ;::V4 1 mX- ,;f ,!:. Cicorfiia-'Tcrnicious Political Against the teUeralXJfhccfs to the Cuban li visional 3Iaso--IIe Tfnks it Goyerinent in i, October 31. It as defl- meed at he ' ciff- service Washington nitely annou commission,1 toda "that taKen in the recent : invpstiKatian of charges againstp the federal i officials at Richmond, V'a., had not 'been taiJWMi. and no farther action is probable. The testimony which was taken bi1Mes?rs Alojjle . and Watson has been formally' submitted by them to the cojrfmission as a body and Its full, report i'4 in pre- parution. if will .show tlu-lt-, while Jt j will .show there was much to be deplonfc-1 S much to b. deplonU in the Shl out. ,h.re ,,,.-. facts brou dene of the violation of -the1 4 ic-t? laws or rules , The !4se vWas taken up' behind closed doors tf fayiand the ip'relimirjary report madel lled at1 J " tentfon- to the fact that the Ifertk-itm- ' h ! . .3 tion was, in their belief aviiiWion of , ingsi the (Cleveland order regardin-'-peini- I ciou.-political activity," .but tSatSlves not once come within th.e civij.-service law.'j ' ; . , It lis expected that the cas f Cap taini!carter4 . of the: engineer cxps.wiil be disposed, of this week.. Tht'-papers in, the case are now with thF presi denttjand have received his.'carlil con sideration; The friends of i japtain Carter have . petitioned the jr54sident for a hearing to present som state ments as-'to the facts and lata? in the case, This 1 request has , been (granted by, the president, and ihe will, fcear ithe casej during the weeki j 'I -. THE MARIA TERESA SjvILS. The navy; department has received, a telegram tf rom Caimanera announcing the failing from that place forlHamp ton toads of the Maria,' Teresaji which is,' uj to this time, the only onfeof the Spanish, ships sunk at Santiago to be 1 floated. She' is under command of captain il arris, who -was attached fronj command of the Arulcani Br that purpose, .The Teresa sailed-TrOn Cai manera at 6 o'clock yesterday Horning with the Vulcan, and the Xflmidas; These vessels .will escort thdTeresa most of the w ay to Norfolk, s o he Cin cinnati: also --started" with'-.' theffFeresa but jshe was to. go only as-far s; Cape Maysi and then acroes to Port i.ntonio. It is probable that with fain iceather the jTeresa will reach I Hamptpf Roads about Tuesday ofnext weejl ,There she j will be surveyed by th4 naval .board,-.-which-. -jj-'ill -report, to thiepart ment the; probable cost of putfng her into condition for naval servije. The cuv , id, isiT a.L Liipmejmrc- WegTet-, xr anjr one to infer that peo--ment indicate that .it as goingii,t; be an f" l I - . . Ji lf .. . j expensive -undertaking, but, pA,-eri.he- f P?e &-f hanging on the electee lighf less, it wm, oe carried foiivjardj as mueh ; from sentimental as jf uniary qon'$iderations. j - j . A telegram has been receivfe'(?i at the navy department -stating Ithe Maria Teresa . passed Cape JMaysl Cuba,.-this morning going at the rate -of. six knots -under herown stam;pall wen. 1 1 ; 1 TH START OF TROOPS SOUTH. . Camp Meade, MiddletownL'' Penn October 31.--Tbemovemeht y kne' sol diery at Camp Medde to' the 5 southern cairjps is actually-'under vay.i ; -Today tne j r.ieventn signal-ieofrs eqtnpany, under Captain: .HartmanV folei; their tents and followed the two cbflnanifes of engineers who left last nliiht -for Augusta, Ga. For aC week or tin, days the engineers and signal c ffrsas men will live - at hotels .in: Augusat- :ahd ft.tnens. ua: i ne engineers nac been directed to1 make new roadsj ,lhe- old roads beipg reported in bad o'dUibii. supplies wui be .- snippea ce to Athens, . Ga- The engineers ihkk been quarjters iwill-. be 'located. Ti; entjre corps will bes located as nea'rj ijugtista as possible. 1 As soon as the watjr pipes are laid the first division w-ili ;i start south. - A - detachment-. from - ep.c-W divi sion will- start! Wednesday ta; prepare the camps. " -Tents will be shirked 'i by the- War department. 1 I w THE FUTURE OF Cub'J.. 1 Santiago de Cuba. October 3i,feSenor Bartolome Masso, president of rie Cu ban provisional administration puuncil, has issued an address o the djgates now in attendance at the. rnilitifry as- sembly at Santa Cruz del Sur, iM which he reviews . the consideration p upon .which the Cubans, solicited ;the tfielpvof tha United States and fndica their wisest future policy: The-aildpes is in part ias follows: ' - " ji'.ji J- . "The Cubans accepted the aslsjtance of America although not knowing ex actlyj what' were the , Americnnj.aims, just fts tbey suuld have aeeer. fit help fromfany icountry in their nghtiai-nst Spain. As he contest progrefstL, the Cubans! in, the field 'were ' gratied to hear ofi ;a solemn declaration ', hy the I'nited States dongre?s reganlijg" the intentions of th.e American go veiii men t and the; path it .would .follow yn the Spanish-American warj, AmericC-jieame to our help- to compel pSpain tJdrelin qui.h her sovereignty over Cubalin or $fr that the; Cubans themselvei-;niight be. placed as promptly, as possyije in possesion :of'the island and mit as sume i the ' ad'minis tmtion 'of i ts .-Affairs and have a government of their wn. 'PThirefore, the Cybaps agreed-'to co-.:- '-.TX--J t '- ! :.H. r. -Uml NJ-:-;.-:' TO 7 THE if?'!- ' 1 - 1 t. Nai "jl Battle of S TO! THE SOUTH. -to tlic Southern Quartets II Activity f Ull That Can be Cfiar;ca at Kiel i;U)nd, Va-An Address . Assbly by Governor 11. Tiitie t,?ict the Cuban World. 1 1 Order. x ' JneM J with. the Arnt-rtci n. to M??8 sued'by Ameri:an .senci bjr rs Issued by American .Rvnenus - the A5' ?Hcanstook rVosstvsMion. Though -.!Amerji-"lVdid not-rocojniite the Kovcrn- r?en t;Z fuba in terms, it waa well un dersti'; Lthat the Cuban would nU ih " that' Aunt labandon. th n ortriini'- tnn; on the contrary, the . timw Woubl jrikme when such t ritgnltioh srted' en our CuBan reprpentatlvi-s by tiie my .t jlistihgrulslhed members of thp llnltet'ijtates government and alM bs rrtemO ot tte U 3"?X& nemh -sa of the United State enHt a w a y w 1 1 h : a ti y ( b hinder- th. IPnlu-dl .Rate?1, going into the, fight for the. cMise yl't Cuban independence, rect.jf-- $ a Cuban government mus "Ne'; heless it has not leen pol- to"tablish direct relations bet wee i merican government tySX??"" in of public: bufinessj n If hYtTli t htf fMnrnl rfinrnfiftr nf rum relatiri throughtout the ! war vad rriennis-ftf uut w e nave, now reacneaj a time "tVi even more than ,in the days of; figlflse.s it I is incumlx-nt upon all, CubansHt) show their true i-patriotisni.l and uiifle makfnc every expression sofl gifatituyJji to America for having given Chba fj-reedom : anil independence., to mnke j.mpt 'arrangements forj payinfr off thfiCuhan$" now in armsUtnd fof gKtinf sthe country into working or i I ' . .f . . - Conpatlon prevents the bokiy from riddin,tself of. waste4 matter. De Witt'a."ttle Early .Risers iflj Remove the tr'-: - ile and cure Sick Headache; BMliou'li ss, Inactive Liver and ' clear the coi flexion. Small, sugar, coc -O, don't, t- e or cause larayri .: nausea.JIl R. Bel- I,-. L . r ' IT T11K TIIbATHK The TtJnrOpera ompur 91alceIl Bow -jj a Tremendous aud flighty Plea f Audience 1 !Any -re, dubious that IhH Wilbur Operafctjompany, headed y lthat f ascl natin7ihingale ojc song and! "charm irtg laE? iS Miss Susie Kirwin, has crm- I iS'i !- -W-' -' "'") 1 ;. - " plet"ely iibnquered : the people lof WIN mingtt. -ti should have witnesses the , I -:-i?.T . . spect$ It wa he occasion f the cbmpany's ir)aug ibtion :j6t a Week's ejnKagemeftt irk thiVl Sty,, and the theatre liter- ajly ri&edi and Jainmed.. pi . IcourseJ ve do" k mean fo be dogmatto to such i .- (S'-.J" 4 candei ra or perched . astrijl' of the orcheJ's; rail, but they were very near it. Vtli Je occupied, hurriedly i'mpro4 -visedrS'&ts inside the orchestra rail thif.s0'ers liined the stair I i craned their aisles down necks stage : , i- - -: 1 -- '. . J i-Tha ia presented was the beautif ftil vSfPasha," ' with .its pretty little plotr fine opportunities (every on e Biicces' jully embraced,, by way- of, pah rnthk is) for splendid singing, boundj ipg cofly. gorgeous senicl-embeljishp riients.falth of rich costuming of & -lariet '4 silks , and k sating, and last, but by ;; means least, large cohort ot tinsonrlshaply maidens. I.1: ." . , ! iMiss 'ti Irwin was greeted by thunder I -ojus apipuse upon.hler entrance as the j ViivackH1 pretty Serena, the Pasha daught'i-She was bewildering in her. lvelln and natural grace, augments i vf cuus; i ; lV by-?most exqnisiite costumes. - 11 er j ynginsejem med sweeter than evr, and rade lt tionquest of levery hieart. ,: 1 , ) ThetT?Idr-ey (Clairence) was there tith hti)laugh provoking antics. They, were b j'regular llarvey howUeveryf time-Wit; "(sou t-cessation witticism?-, that niakesj- lmington theatre goers Fmile s( brcl jfc- He. was ably oj?sited lii the cof!r py work by Mn Geo.- Mezr. , I r Othel kh.o.--.. did faithful! work, re4 cpivinf p' pip'preciativ 1 applause. and who prls most excellent Voices weri Ililliafv pd, Harold I Gordon 1 j The J I ?rus ;was very .strong and de lightful (Among thoe-' w'hol did goxl wrork iis very essential branch we npted ?g;ses Fuller.l De Egtley, Cra-r rrter, f tedan, i Tracy, . Belmont t Irfl.fr a?i Phrlv The tun tSr.tv ijnVH . 3R1 ' "JTt. - " " f" " pfr'fonf l-'lee, were-" Misses' ITonijj P the ever famili&r and en -4 'trahcirj At spe ' i Mikado" matinee will be I produced, tomorrow . afters uiton tTS.inrettv opera "Merry War" wll bvren. The ptice -at Ithe mat I nee w jlt vfo 2o centu tb any piart of the hjyse A College Honor iQuitPh. honor has "been conferred! upon X s 1 Benjamin Bell, Jr. of this by hiss,;iege mates at the university t orj';aroIina. Last Saturday a rreetin f, the Dialetic Literary Socf ety, ,ofs, h college; was held, n'd Mr. Bel I u if m o.u si y eelelcted"asl president of the M:ety. vt Misse jyfiise Roberta and, Margaret RsfxteJ Messrs. 1 E. A. Clark. Ly-j man' W-rer,- Chaw: A. Tuller.iW. Ej - - - i exceeq. gracetur-jmaiaen3 tnat act- , ed &?y . ?es of the grand display of 1 . living PAures. which conliided th. ' ! . 4. I: If- f it .i. 4:1 - 'Hi 't ; CTtatnan " - v ..;. 1 13 ..P. I; t c 1 1 i i -;-p:ra -i .... i :-ipi;,":.p'l -i?j$l: --:;:. :;: .: : :- f; 0. 1- i f i - J , ?! I,'.