u p r i i.v 4 . i i- i i ' ' "I ! "J . i I . I i.i -. ' i- . i m ii m - ' ill - Inn , in f. I,.'... .. i J, ,f ii ".in i . sX .,., . . , , J,,, -4 f . : ! -. ------ hi M:4f.4. WILMINGTON, N. C., WEDNiiSBAlVNOTEMBER 2, 1898 VOL. XI. No. 271. i Si i l Ifi'i I Si, 4" MMaiMHaKaMMaiai IS I 11 it i i it 1- i i ,v,- - i :fr'".t '!'--; IL...: I. rt. h Hi Mi SHEET jWKat AV'c Will Pay For Our New Colonies. iTWEVITY-FIVE M1LLI0 The iiwniit Tivw Ejtim&ted TVeVlll "rLr;"' "..,.--i i . I:' .1 :-!;,:,,r i -i.. Il :,m .;' . ' 11a to l;iy f vr the Spaalmh lolonle - i I- j - .- r i-ri r'. I i j- J ' ' ' AV WiU Take from th Spailih-The i ; . j- ( ; i .. , i '(-' ' lNwlbll)btacreemeiitor !patnto the " Artlou-olf T Jii If e Comiulimion Now ;iv': bo CRra to Our Ciovern- WaahinKtop," JovHn)er 1,. Tte cabi net. today "'tlevo.tod .roost of Its attention to. conaifJerati on jof Question connected vith .the adn jinistt ration ot affairs of Cuba andl'o ftj-Itico. The I administra tive '.feature of the PhiJippine question also rfct'lyet'I s.xnU a.ttenti(jn. Nothing lias been he; ard froVn the coim'mission at I'aTis tL) -PHtorday's proceedings and Jt la rf ;alW'd .that nothing is to be expected i n any wvay of developments untiKFrJd ay-'s IsessUifi; ; ! ! vvnue.t h cabinet gave little atten tion todt' y to the .peace negotiations at Paris, there is no: longer iany doubt as to ,th s general purpose if this gov ernment: ; to reitairji the jentire . Philip jfine'an ihifvelag'o-. -fJf 'after final balanc- t-ing,of the accjount; namejly, the cost of the war to the tJnited States onVrr? ide ar d our acquisitions on the other, it ia f ound that any! compensation is .due U 4e Spaniards, it" will tje maie in' a lump sum. N6 Spanish bonds of any chara cter Or amount- otJlej- than local or nr. uziieipal .bonds will-be! paid or as sume -d by this governments What sum of rr ioney this jgover'nmentf would -con-Bent to -pay to Spain-cannot even be estii nated, but when the final account isf r; andered, it s 'believed thaf the bal afTcTe due Spain will be small, probably , -not1 . exceeding :$25,000,000. - 1 .h-"Jiellef ;fitill prevails among a.ma- ' jor. ity of the cabinet that tljie Spaniards wi 13 act-ept thej terms lahl down by the U . nrtel Statsjand that whateveri of df ilay "occurs !before. , that 'result' is t ;a.ched will 'be- chargeable' only, the P.UTiiose of the? Spaniards to secire the t i-st . possible terms to extort the-'iast I of?sible, rallllori dollars before acceed- fng "to our terms. v The possibility of! disagreement of the Ih " T" J. L iT 1 , T rArrnn.innor. Lrt tho f.ii,, 1,tthat the republicns wanted to show coriterence, however; is now conem-'jT'lated-with greater etiuanimity than at 'the-. -earHer stage of the negotiations. The administration has satisfied .itself -that Spain is neither able On willing to "resinne Aostilitjes on any Scale that pjvodfd make her a "dangerous opponent' ttx the lUnited .States. ; ThereforeJup posfng'the Paris conference to fail, all that 'would toe j imposed upon our gov icrmnent as -an immediate duty would be to take complete' military possesr sion .of the Philippines. This, it is be--lievea, -ouTd. be accomplishedr- by us -vithout loss of, time or life. The last -vestige of Spanish military power in .nhe"is,lands is that under Colonel Rios,- -ommand'er-m-chief of the Visayas is Hands, and by deputized authority,, in charge of all Spanish territory not di Teetiy within the eiontrol of the United '""States in the Philippine islands. His -force "is insignificant from a military -point of . view; and it is doubtful if. he : , kl-ouiu noui nns i.own r against the insur ; .gents had the Tagai's "been allowed ty Admiral Dewey to Imake Manila th '- tbase ot an expedition di'rected agairrst "the Spanish commander. . . ' Po' far as Cuba is concerned, the diffi culty' might be; more serious, but ven "therettie narfish 1 military forces are -not irf cond-itionto offers prolonged re- . vista nee to the American -ponquest of the island, and; with .the -Spanish navy -sat, the jb'ottom iof the sa they -could -not 'be reinforced 'by 1 troops from ?pain. Therefore; about the-worst that could' happen jvould - be .the necessity ' Imposed on us( Of jstru'ggling along . .rvvithout rhe sis-nature of a treatv of 'peace.' but .in full 1 possession of ill the" territory -v;e de$ire'; and that s'uch-cbn- ditions pan exist J without damage' .to material, hitefests is shown 'by the his tory of the Spanish-American republics - which revolted jfrOTji .Spain's rule. NO FRA'RS OF' THE M Alt I A TE- ' ; v,!!; rms a jl p- :ii r : : Tbt. navy department is; under '.no apprehension as to -the safefy of the Maria. Teresa,, although some -fear'has ben ?vpressedj in , the Santiago dis patch, that tjie.fvessol along with her ' consorts, - the Tulcan and. the Leonj "das; have fallen 'into the 'sohe re of West Indian yclones. The. Teresa passed Cape Mysi,' at -the easterri ex-' tr,emity of CubaL early yesterday morn- . Ing bouid for Hampton Roads ancl sig- . nailed that all was: well and that her machinery was working- smoothly. Bv .. utis ume. uL-coraing to tne calculations . .vw.i.uf imva,i ouiters sne snottia be Well - "eastward Vind aiuy from the Florida coast. Meanwhile; 'the weather bureau . report -to the navy department shows vtb.at a cyclone is forming to the south west of '. Havana .vrhieh probably will come tip. the southwestern, coast of Florida land f tbis enort 'is true' the warship would be-' well' awav from the ,. Tathway .of the 'cyclone at least l.eoo -miles, .according- to' the latest' cal ?ulation - made at t the depa'rt Tnenf is that the Teresa will aVrhr in Hampton Roads- next .Sunday, after " yioon. Presuming that she has no fever aboard, she probably will ' come up to the Norfolk navy . yard for survey.. Whether the repairs recommended by that board .will i be made at the same navy yard or not will depend largely upon the report 'of the board and unon the recommendations of- Chief. Con- structor Hichboij-he, , but the: probabili ties, are that tbe' work will be-done in IV:' M "- ;H-;!--' - -Iate to bed and earlv to' ri?e. ' rr- .aes a man for, his home, in the skies. But early to bed land H, a 'Little Early Ulser,. the pill that, makes life longer nd better and wiser,-R..-R." Bellamy. THK FOLITICIL; iiITI ATIOX A Seen fcy L.knder lot tbe DlfTerent Parties Preparations for 3faterlns Oat Itlra of ;t(te Second Iteglment A Ulster of-ISeaiij Hickman lnthe Coun- jV'tr Iione,4':l M I A ,1 ' " i ii Messenger Bjireau Itatelih, N. C.J November 1 Yor.r correspondent interviewed men of the several parties on the political situation. 1 Stajte Chairman Simmons said: "The ,stuatlon' ;Js very grave. The', white j ileople I are thorourfilv .roused' and j d!eterminei to bejTid of negro rule, :i uon t thinij: there is any danger of se.ridus disturbance. I think the election j Will probably pass off Quietly, Th state, will 1 assuredly be democratic anwe ! wilVj that a major ity in both, branches of the legisla ture." , ;; f i f.Mi:W?M Auditor Aye:',: ' populist, state man ager, said: 'There lis no 'crisis' in North Carollr a. 1 .What , the v papers abroad speak yt ., as j race trouble in North, Caroltnsil is artificial,. It re quires two op osing farmed forces tc make a conflict." ; Toil, can't find any two such forces, in North Carolina to day. I expect no further trouble at Wilmington. j Matters there are admir ably adjusted. It "is .wisely .done. It is always best to make .concessions to avoid violence jruuu iueu win ue e- lected for the lpgislatlure there'. Colonel AJ Mi Waddell says: 'The I do col- situation is jex jtfemely grave but not apprehend &ny; f - h , p- lision. I . am confident the democrats will carry the atite." Republican State Secretary Hyams says: "ihe; fusiqn ticket in North Carolina is j gln1 tp' win.-1 We may lose -a. few coMntjies ;if the voters "are intimidated. but' We can afford to lose them and yet win ,th state."; . This ' morriink Mr, Elvers, the man aging editor of Senator Butler's paper, had) aj lejtter frpm Butler saying that he wanted double column." head "White Metal tind White Supremacy" for Thursday Vpjaper.1 . . .. Populist Statet Chairman Thompson, Secretary Ajyer ; and James. B. . Lloyd, last eveningj' fiked up, a "slate" for a county and legislative ticket for.Edge combe county, made! up of populists, republicans and jdempcrats. Ayer says it is 44 offered to; showj whether the dem ocrats are in .rlnestlor not." Collec tor Duncan, republican, says I W E. Fountain is ibeggjing! populists tbere to keep him on' the ticket and that C: B. Keech says $o. ibuncan says that the populist tidkehvas withdrawn; but that the republicans put it' back; that Fountain, tried r to take it down but that Fountain had pp power. It is pretty apparent that' Edgecombe will become a scene of action. Chairman Simmons sas the action of Thompson, Ayer and Llpyd in wanting to put up wli'at they , jcall-j a good goyernment ticket in Edgecombe is a remarkable confession of bajd government there and i also of the fusion i weakness, m He ridicules the ticket sthey put up or suggest and says (the time for that sort of thing has passed, f . 1 Captain Tpdd, U. S. A. ' mustering offliF J, the Second regiment, left iuuay ipr vjpariotte, witn lieutenant Darrah, U., S. A., his? assistant. -Lieu tenant Rowland, the icommissary, will act as .quartjermasterl and make the tour of the tate with them. So will the three regiment surgeons. . The sur gical examination begins at Charlotte, Thursday, j About two days will be re quired to examine and muster out each company. Ljieutenant Rowland , goes ahead and arranges for quarters and food, for which not to .exceed $1 per day is allowed for each man. The play JFor travel wjll be allowed to each sol dfer as fromj Raleighj it is now under stood. .;.',, . . The partridge shooting season began "today. The. j weather ; was perfect and the sportsmen wrere put in great force. There are pljenty of birds. . .The following are here f to attend the supreme court: A; M. Waddell, Geo. Rountree, Eugene -S; Martin, , Frank McNeill, E.! K. Bo'ani all of Wilming ton; H. L. Stevens,; ojf Warsaw; W; R. Allen, of GrCldsborx !' . It is stated by ! Pppulist Secretary Ayer that the tickets ;of his rjarty have a device. Cjha-irman Thompson said yesterday hej thoughtf there was no de- vice.j Aitnougn Ayer is campaign manager, hesays Thompson has Charge of all matters relating-to the ti.ekets. 4; f? -,'Zjr" UA f , -.V'V:' w iniam unamDers tne wmte man w;ho was-ajrested'1 here three weeks ago Tor "Aim Hamming," was "released from jail today. His w if e' secured in some Way $250 which she put up as bail., At the sh-ejiffi's office it. is said that it Is supDoied Chambers and his wife have "jumped th. state,' V never He, is ! a. sharp professional rPt, confidence man, evident.' i Yesterday' there! was placed , in the I county home; in. Warren county a sister (of the once. jfamoufe 'IBeau Hickman," the- greatest ! dead Ibeat" ever known in the United States. ;For many years sne nad beep supported ly private chanty. Overcome ii your coughs evil with' g6od. 'Overcome and colds with - One Min ute Cough Cure. It is; so good children cry for it. It cures j;roup, bronchitis, pneumonia, grippe and all throa,t and Jung diseases. R. R. rBeliamy. Kaiser William oil ItTonnt Zion ' Jerusalem,! j October 31. (Delayed in transmission.,) Emperor William pro ceeded to Mount Zion this morning, -where occurred the ceremony of hoist ing the Gerv?an and Turkish flags on , a piece . of ground, which, according to tradition, vai? - formerly ( occupied by 'the abode of the -Virgin Alary, and .which the sultan presented to the Ger man emperorj ThV latter, subsequently -"- "uu"" " vw v - i German Catholics HUTLRR'S Defined by an Open Publish, in f' S.;. '. DENOUNCES WHITE SUPREMACY. Still He Was Willing to Join, Democrats in Disfranchisement of the Necro Bodies of Armed Negroes ' 1 ( : ' . ' . ' of wiiuamston lhe A um burg Hundreds of Red "I- :. :!.':. crats and Populists Join Hands for "White Supremacy. . (Special to Raleigh, N. C, November ' 1. Senator Butler is sck and JLo come here today He sent a ! copy of; ''taryl. It is a most specious letter and Carolina democrats. He declares their and says he made' a proposition, to unite writh the democrats thej white supremacy issuein i fact, on is construed to mean that a proposition the negroes. It waa charged some time alonfe! that line) He says that before he proplosition through the democratic state chairman;' He expressed the hope thativan Wyck will be defeated in New York, saying it will be. better for the causk of free silver. 1 , . .. yamston, N. C, November 1.- leaders here have been advising! their tect Itneir rights, as they put it. hey have been holding secret meetings for more than two jweeks. ast night they- gathered at a sch ool-house near town; and after hold ing one of their meetings organized two sjquads, entering the; town from two a portion of main street. ' " ! They numbered about 75 to 100, carrying guns, pistols clubs, etc. No l''H-,V'.;-'--;:'rf':i, ::.:v.::l,':r.;-'.,.hM!.-.ri s . ' -f IV i ..: violeince was offered, they seemed to be content making display of themselves i !'', i Considerable uneasiness is felt' among us .and serious trouble is appre .depd. r t , I t i , . y j A aurinburg. N. C, November 1. phe largest parade of red shirts' ever n this state was had here(today.' The Wrade formed in the Presbyterian church park and proceeded through: the finest section of farming lands that reporter has ever seen lands that make the yield of cotton per acre chmond county third in the United States. For ten miles this caval cade' proceeded, consisting of a mile of red .shirts, .nearly all of whom i were on horseback. Among them were, battle-scarred veterans riding by; the youth whqhas in sweet anticipation the -casting of, his first vote one week hence. Among them were the i honest populists of this section, who declared for r eform, and went with their partyup to the door of the republican party; but, seeing over the ports the-black drapery -ot negro f corruption and -mis-rule. returned to i their first love with an ardor born" of firmest conviction that white men will be ruled only by white men.' ! J i I r eturning by circuitous route to the town," Maxy L. John, president of the' White Government Union of the township, introduced the speaker the Hon. Claude. Kitchin, of Halifax county.' For nearvtwo hours, he held the large audience who j here joined .jthei shirts, thrilling them withj . eloquence, -burning, calin, collected, but ti born, of determination iii the mind and beart of orator and people and j filling i their, hearts with even greater determination to redeem old North Carolina from negro rule. , - i I The speaker told his audience their opponents told the people without the negrc- cry the democratic party would have-no issue in North Carolina and he reviewed the history for twenty years of democratic? rule in North Caro lina in which only ' one scandal i occtirr6d in office and i,that in the case of a republican retained in the insane asylum because he as a thoroughly com-. petent scientist. "Since the fusionists the state has had one scandal after damp the fusionists. They clamored and exceeded the preceding democratic legislatures. They promised re ducecj salaries, and reduced not one, but increased the output j for salaries enormously. Then he came down to negro incompetence and misrule and de clared that negroes will not bej governed by craven white men who crawl in the dust before negroes- for office and declare that negroes are as good. as the 'j -V 4 UM'' 1 i ) : - 0:h "I. ' i Y . , f v I ." '' - ''i ' ' " . I s ' .whites and advise, as was done ten. days ago by a republican; orator, in this j-eounly, that negroes put-their arms around the white oollege girls when they M T P.'-. 4:..:; .'. :o-- - hl.V:v -:i i . '-4 ".i'i.'4' -1 , -4 i4: 4.. ,. 14 . return from school as they dnvejtneir '. - He closed with a mighty lorsville had seen its intrepid peroration. leader lines i wavering he cried," ber Jackson;' . !' .-, ' I . - i: -i ! so thundered the orator v; : ,,-i--,-.. sv..!.;- raised aloft; "so I cry to.vgu if you see your lines wavering Charge, charge nward to victory and remember the immortal Zebuloh B, Vance. ' The effort was grand," the effect el ectrie. : A truly" rebel yell went up and for minutes the band could aot be heard. Men old and young rushed 'upon the. rostrum and seized the speaker by the h&nd, eager j to clasp the nalm of one w'ho is brave as hlsl , words Congressman Kitchin. .. . , England Assembling Her Navy Victoria, B. C November 1.4-The imperuse, the flagship of the British North Pacific squadron, is expected, to sail tomorrow, follewing the Amphoin southward. ' A rush order for forty tons pf provisions "was placed with one of the leading merchants today. The Imperuse will sail under sealed orders ndt to be opened till $ke vessel is out oif sight of land. j The! Ainphoin "took on board one. of the fastest torpedo boats j on thei sta- tion, -and the . Leander, now. in ' dry dock, j has also taken one '-son board. When the Leander. comes cut of, dry "i ' I'V- .4 0. :: ,r'K I'!'-' -' I'.--" !.-.. :.: J-- dockst it is believed she will go south also. The torpedo boat destroyer jSpc."r- ajtto. amw luiticuv uoat ucau uj ci oyc.-- - i ATTITUDE Letter Winch ; He j Will His Paper. Marching Through the . Town . "'. i 1 uemocratic Kaiiy at laurin u Shirts in Line Demo- 4' :-: :. I- The Messenger.) j V was not able his open letterf by his private secre- is really an attack on tne rsortn white supremacy, campaign a fraud, ast May4 on more than Trhite suprf maey; i This was made by him to I disfranchise ago that i. he: had made advances made a speech this year, he made a -For ' some weeks . or more the negro followers to arm themselves and. pro- j and armed themselves,- forming into different points and paraded through I ' I i have come into power for four years another to stain its fair name and' to for reform in expenditures generally carnages tor tpei whites As the tragic day after Chancel- fail and when J.iE. B. Stuart saw his Charge, Charge, Onward to' Victory and Remem rising to his full pitch with hand ! - it, :. . : . :io-; :;.- . - . , portend. "Twe orator is, a brother of !'4" !!. 4,. .4 'H 'l.:- - :- 4-"'44. once. , The torpedo boat, destroyer Virago is provisioned and coaled and it is thought! she will accompany the flagship. The I Pheasant will remain herei4l4.l-';r4i"4l.' : '-': r4- 4 j ,41 44,4-1-" 44'4-. .; . Halifax, N. : a S. ' Noveinber 1. rNot since thejTrei&t affair has such activ ity been r.displayed in J military and naval circles here. After the opder had been received to hajvet.the battle ship ! Renown put in thorough: repair another 6rder came, the purport of which was not known-until this morn ing, ,when, eigh. l2:rge double- teams and about 200 men, including sailors and marines, were put to work trans ferring powdejr, -ammunition and small arms of every descriptions from the magazines, of the dock yaid to the dis tributing shed and thence to the sev4 tn outing sneu ana xnence w me stsv . 4- For Ldluz CltUrn of Ilmlira tjoon ty CfiaixlcMS lDiiaiiiUon of Kl-tlou Offlfem-Suprebj Court DeclIo o. . u ' -. 4 . 'j'4';l'-i' ! "'"--;.( j!r '.::': "'; r;:.1'!-(Sr-c fal to The Mesenffeif. Raleigh, N.: C.. November , l.-,B, B. Steptoe. a ; negro." arrived toda' and delighted :- republican , headquarters- with !a story that ex -Congress r. jinwC it. Kitchin,! ms son Claude Kitcpn, Dr 'A. C. Livermore, Thomas Fenu Whitehead land John Gray had ' d ffne al night to Steptoe's dwelling in Halifax county, broken Jri'thedijor and entered it and demand eji that he. resign as elec tion officer, - republican state chairman 'went with Steptoe, before i Associate i Justice Montgomery' at I (..iipT':' i.: :.! .;L iW- -;(-( v.--x; : chambers who orders the sheriff of Halifax county to brin: Kitchin and the others before' him instantef.1 The warrant only 'charges forcible .t-njLry of .the dwelling.:! , ? : The supreme court files Wty'ollow (ing opinions:;! Williams vs. Scot"' from Warren. .'motion to advance oaie de inied; Owens I vs. Railroad, from Guil ford, new trial; Edgertbn vs. Ayrock, ,from Wayne, affirmed; j Allen .vs. Bas , kerville, j from Wake, no error; , Hur well Vill' case from Vance,' motion to docket and djsmiss appeal ;-allowed; Harper vs. Commissioners, from .Nashi action abates; 1 Powell1 ivs. Insurance . v:' r- -i.l'."-'"':'!. . ' p ;' ' '-'-! Company and; Dewey, from Craven, af firmed; Parker Vs. Railroad, frorf Ber tie, affirmed; !Fertilizerj Comparer " vs. , Sanders,; fromj' Durham, motion tsj 'dock et and. dismiss defendant's .appal al lowed; Wilmington Irbn Works vs. Darby, motion to docket and , dismiss appeal allowed; Morris ys. Jones,! from ''' j - - i j "!" '!. -! I-' . 'j: '' ' pi'' iv .'' , f "i r . Greene, 1 motion to docket and dismiss appeal allowed; . King vs. Mechanics' Home Association, from New Hanover, motion to docket and dismiss . appeal allowed;1 Cjieek vs. Railroad, from Al-j amance, Vnd .Trollinger '-vs, Railroad from Alamance, motion! lo" docket' and dismiss ' plaintlffg ' appeals allowed; McMichael vs. Hoiskins, jfrom Guilford, motion i to docket 'and dismiss defend ant's appeal- allowed. j Constipation prevents: ithe bod'- from ridding itself I of x waste; mattetv D6 Witt's Little Early Risers will Remove the trouble and! cure Sick Headache, Billiousness, 1 Inactive Liver and clear the complexion. Small, sugar coct-d, don't gripe or cause nausea. R. R. Bel-;iamy44-;t: '. 414 -" v44-1. : '4:e-. -4:;:j4'',' :" OI K FLTI KE Altni The Qustiqn as to .What Troopa Shall -. be Used, for darrlsion Daty In Our New 1 ';?'TerrttorF4 1-444 " "?4 4 v:,4. Uj v, o0 :j i:if .- ' 4'i-i'- 'h - 4-ir-' H - "; V'-'-H f " Washington,' November l.-The re quest' of the iFirst Colorado infantry to be returned' from .Manila' to the United - States cannot be granted by -the war department. It was stated by officers of the army today that such ' requests had been frequent fron, sol diers of volunteer organization? who enlisted to fight, but did not enlist, for garrison duty The desire of this regi sment to return "home was: simply the desire of other volunteers. , -Nothing could be 4one -an officer said until congress met and provided sorrpe kind of a force to take the place of H'olun tee'rs. Thei subject of reorganizing the array' with! a view to securingi,n ac tual force for-' the new possessions of the United jstates has, already received the serious consideration of". the presi dent, the secretary of war and tticera of the army. ; - .. The president will make recommen dations to congress on this su,bjU-t em bodying his views and the viws of those who iare in position to give him the very best! advice. ! It is; probable that he wll lrecommendj an: Increase of the army to something) like 100,000 men, although this is not certain",! and he may think! that 75,000 is enough. ' There has been some talk also ' of nsins- for carrison dutv two fomiianies. or a battalion'of natives to eadhl regi ment doing gjarrison duty in Cuba,' Porto Rico- arid, the Philippines It is believed by this method a considera ble, portion f the restless population of the .island and-especially thop who have been (bearing arms in the psur gent or Spanish armies could by kept quiet and law-abiding. . ' , - It is stated by officers of th army that the . duties devolving uwi the troops under the new order of things cannot -be I satisfactory to volunteers and that ap. ajrmy will j have to pro vided which will go Avhere it is' sent without complaints 16 f any .kind., t Men who enlist -in ! the regular, army here after will understand that they are likely to be called upon -at any time to go -out of the country and to garri son distant lands for long periods. It is, believed that- the demands which have been made upon senators 4 and representatives, for the muster out of volunteer regiments and . the discharge of volunteers .in regiments which have remained in , the", service has' been so great that they will be'convincpSj that a regular army- for .garrison dy ty. in , the new possession is an absolve, ne cessity. I4r "4 4 ' 4- '- P. ;,-"4 ' 1 4-; 4" -Hm - i t- '' i A 'A;,j vA$-.SrifeUA " A 'cough? is not like a fever; fj does not have to run a certain cours Cure it quickly and effectually wit!? One Minute Cbugh Cure, the best remedy for all ages and for the most severe cases.- We recommend It because It's "good. R. R. Bellamy- l!o Go Home to Vote I Washington, November X. President w . ..' : ' i . .... MCKiniey ,wiu go to uanton next wees to cast his vote. All the mempers of the cabinet have' likewise "decided to go to their homes to vpte unles3 some thing interferes to detain them here. The .arrangements for the president's departurej have not been made.!, but he probably wll leave here .next Mon day afternoon on a special train and return to Washington in timelto take his duties jen Wednesday. . 4 I Of SANTIAGO tcif jlian Ever Before ,;i Mr :ai THE HlBOR ' QUESTION 1 Airraid MtrjirttQC: the Atlrntlou of the P'i'" j :H i ! T i -I .. ! : -I . :!': tf CjlxeuM-Work for th Idle rn t-b IroTldriln ILatHvay ButN ' tz-$ ClvtlUn for ?Ujoror the tltr? iie Nesroe Tlaklus 1Ndud4! Tor 1 VTorl fir -Illstitnrn- Who Irealilr Needed. Sant pje Cuba, November 1. . Gener Wovd, governor of the milU tary "drufient of Santiago, author izestb gtament1 that. -there has not been acj of yellow fever in San tiago i.)r vkjring the' la$t sixty daj-s and thjs Hlcj ordinary sickness during, the W pib.d nag beep" 90 por cent less tb- usil atthis season of the':' year. '. vi'eV of the, iact that a good ', many j&pp have been unnecessariir frlghtel fictitious tales of suf fering,; Vrai Wood asks that, here after a fiphcahts to 'the Various ' cietief ; f d be referred to him. If 1 .thejT. i Really a needy one, he will 4 indorse o Application. - .. ' 1 ' uene, , mood does not wish to bo L4l-ll44 -J4 -.4' 4T4.M4: . : - ojlM undersf ; ,ll sa saying iJiat, private as- sista.net is '.t the co ar5 wanted In Santiago. Oa Imuch will be iieetled. thoughfae i5re'sent supply fs ample for' present contlfagencles. , Ho warmly; commejg te; Red Cross Society for continij 's .Inelp and for supplies. which, s'sdej the direction- of officers) appoint ,! byhim have-been effectively, 'iaitifibtvd i ! l T iA The t. dpij Cubans are 'very anxious to hav f people .return to work. ; They - rParing plan's j to be laid before j f gfjvrnment which will ena bIe fJlif Jspipnts who are willing to ! work : 1 1 get' employment in building , raili-aj fn Various parts of the island.' Theldj"i djild be 'to pay for lines by: , local ta,Cj,tldi, the roads thus becoming: . govern ; n,t;! property and ' eventually; ! reverdi Hothe Cubans. : It is believ ed tha; i ld.00 men now Idle can bo given t filler employment in this way. The United States transport Victor, which j ,aye tomorrow for, the United States, f VUi arry a number of sick to Maifiptcff ads and New York city; Shej x.i; ao take the bodies of a1 numbe" Kt United States soldiers kill ed in i jrjonj These have been placed in ber . Ttcgfclly sealed coffins. . -1 - , . Fean ire fexpressed here today that i the foi,; er Spanish ' cruiser Infanta Maria s:fea, which.left Guantanamb bay ohitujrday for the United States, acccjmi- niedj by the repair ship - Vul can, rn 3 haVe met with a, hurricane on Sun ' hy ttight. 4- . . 1 sant Genera ko newspapers , are asking VVo:ad to appoint 'a civilian as maypr? . 4 the city,, and he will proba bly ndq jnate Senor Leonardo Rios, whoj'-w. j-miyor under the Spanish regimq fud'who was ' appointed by -Genera . hajfter the first civil governor ' after t '' American occupation, hold ing . t j office for several : weeka. Senor ;js jis-a Cuban by birth. For merjy , wis an autonomist, but ai preen V -es'is -apparently identified withj.tf; ..xtsemlsrsection of the Cuban Partfc :t :j;4 '4-; "j ; j, :-: , of; ;: Jm A j r. feseptative negro has written a 'lettr tq general Wood, demandin that U j negroes who, he says, con sti tute a.iargft majority of the dodu'Ia tion L &0r&im province, shall be given their. pisjiana announcing nis intent tion! U-.fori a labor party Icomposed OT:.;biair. r 1 4i:4.tl4:V H VV-: :?"'! -I 'Aj pi. ff that will labor is really what fainted here. General -Wood assejrtlj tlit if the people of the'dis , trici. vl . ri&t work he will authorize theSnii ,-rtion of foreign .miners and worKm, i. .. splatters cannot remain loh; er1 rad standstill. 1! Is Whe:s"yott ask for De Witt's, . Witch' Haiel ; jvj don't accept a counter feit !or; taijtlon. There are.1 more, cases of il being cured by this than ail others; leitined- R. R. j Bellamy. .'' , j' jjA .ii,'1 i ,;i 4, 1 . Bmt rid Powder le from pure! cream of tartar. AJs - :;--'-'!" r ''!-(; -r-i-lr 11! .- --'1- :..4 "'.'0: . . :Jj 4r 444 -i $&limat6s the food Miinst altim,'! , Aliftn jMag powders are the greatest menac, Jtto health of the present day !' . "'"' i'i i'':' ' " " ' 1 A' i I'v " ' 1 -"' ' -Ipwttwo POIX CO., taw VOWK.- ' 4 III " i . i.rfs- 'tl S 00t-: - .- ;' - i-"i!l4i: v.i-.'.":. ! '.;.' mm.- if- u -"H MM 'it !! 4144 H-'J.1 J A:Al -W- ,1." J: 4 I 1;