lyyl .... I, . , . . , .. , : : i ; T -w P7 v.1'" '-'Irl - -i'' I" ' " '' 7 V-l "' - ' -n j. - M I - r' - -7 - " " ' '" ' ' ' i ;'i - ! " I I -; - -- - .'' ' i l' i li,p m j, i " '1 ' 7 1 " '. .. j 1 ' - . j ' ! 1 " t:vj! " 1 1 1 i i 1 . i - j -' 7-. 7 1 . . - ;!-.!,; i . ! i n -!!!!, .- . ;.. ... -7,1 ,. ..77, .. . - ,r.: i , ; , . 'r..ll: ' . ' T" -: 1 , 1,,-. '. t- I -, 1.' . - ..:.,T ;, ..... ;: f v -.1. ; . 7 -, . ' . . " 7 V . iv,.,:,-!-! 11 .7 . ' i : l ! - t 'I'.. GLORIOUS DAY FOR THE GOOD OLD NORTH STATE life . -.7.!i-; . . - - r -- - TV- . ( feMU -. :. ivi 1. m 1 It,- 1 1 i- ;;fl: ; I Vaf't W u U.UJV: laiJE JxEU'EEiYiEl v . L '-.I U ! I P: " - .I- ':S' 71 '.V , t; 7V V 7: 7i f 7' i' ....i. .." ., i-vu t , I.' 7 I. . I , : . . ; L .k 7. -'- i -:- 7 o f. -. " -:F I 7- - J I, Our f onsratiilatlouM The tongratjulates white i men of' ENorth 'North .Carol na for the , yesterday. glorious victory' .m ry -n'C'Orueu The predict idn made I byitu and. pub llshedt in th4 .jissue of 5th has-been - 7 f . il - more than verified -ll. 1111.1- lime nc ;1 - : II- r i ' - - - -.7. . - would have -Wn content ivith a fair ajfr working, iras ty in each branch of the legislaturp, our rf rcts Atl i but ciust; n low express s failure to be a unan- Imous gatherUiff of w'jiite men, elected to' re-ostaWish lind enactPla ws for the perpetiiaCion of, a-white man's govern ment While the. Mess of the 7 state, has andi power to such a w i ft 1 d e d 4m m (fniae influence in the! campiibn' brought glorious finisl ha people1 o We much to the Jmanagerrjeut of the jc impaign to Ilon.-I". M. S mmons, chairman of the - 1 --iy .;-r' cx",ecntive. co mimttee.ii .without whose aid arid guiddnt e the Victor!' could not have been w The; white people of theiqastern part of the state, endured the" domination thankfulness 10 have for four years ' jgalling yoke. of negro lave . v much cause thei overthrow of the - 1- j I ; 7 I .,. , . ,--7 . corrwpt party) ow in power. STILL SOLID : SOUTH SOI TIiKIt STATKSj UOLL IT THE JIAJOIC1TIKS Solid Ieleatiqns to (!oure Returu- - - . j. '! i j i:rl j' "- ed by tliem-f Itepubllcau JTlajorlty lu Jew Tork Iteduced to 'JTivcnty l liou- i ti I ' I sand-Democrats Cialn C'ougreKmei) '.'-'. : ' , - 1 (: i:J - - i 7 "I'l- j j--- -7. ?. Ileturuit from Otlier States! i i I7 I--.- November Jacksonville, Fla., 8. of S. " V Spark man, democrat, in the first, con gressional district and R. 1 W. Davis, democrat, .in the second.. ( iThe vote, judging from indications, is'20 per cent lighten for both parties than in 1896. The whole democratic ticket is. elect-- ed. 'The cons tutional ' amendments jr. Teqtliring that bon.ds 'of - state officers be in-" sound I Surety and 1 guarantee companies were carried ovejwhelming- ly. The republicans and -populists will 1 not elect altogether oer. fivie members of the "legislature, if, , that 'many. . The legislature elept2d today Wijil 'choose a successor toSa nuel Pasco. i ? , :. SOUTli CAROLINA. ! . South Carolitia, November 8. El - JiotU .democratil First 'Talbert, demo-' crat secxnd;i-Latimer democrat third; Wilson,-, democrat Fourth; Finley, demociHit fifth;; iNoirtonj democrat, sixth and ; Stokes, democrat seventh coagresgional idistrictj elected by very large majorities. N pemocratic : state 'ticket elected- without opposition.. Ligh-t vote cast , throughout the state.' IOWA. t. : IteMoiiiets, I(wa, November K--C. T. Hancock chairman Iowa 1 republican state central ; committee" says: "We ' expect to carr.y4 the state- by about 50, 000' amKekxfti tne entire: congresional delegal.ion." 1 I j . i C. A.- Hoffmjan, secretary of demo- cratci committee - says: r'Froan re- ' turns received so far I the state ' ill go republican by rities."-j1:-:4i Nf Des Mainefe. The democrat greatly reduced major- vy-4ir c .'v.iiy-.y,.--i y. Imva, .Novembers-8. ' state central coram itte has giten out the following state ment: -'We coin cede j the state to the v republicans, byJ25;000!l ' We! have elect ed Weavt-; ih . the; Sixth dti strict A statement rlrom i the republican stite central fcbrumittee reads: "The reiublicans hae carried the state fey inre than ' S0,C0u. , elected evwy republicsai ,Q&ngressmian by large 4 majorities. Ijacey, . cepublican. in tljie fiixtt has . 1,500; Ito -.2-000.- majority. " NEW TORK: Ne r'YorkJ Novemher ' 8. At 11 o'cloeKithe.indiiJations were th-tit'Thec C-dore Koosevelti the republican nom- ? -Inee, hud carjre the; state iby a .plural ity over Augustus .Van WyCK of abput 20,000, Tne total republican' vote when received- will probably show a falling off, as compared ithj that for Gover nor Black in 1896 of abont 14 per cent. In the. .mumcipality of New York the old time deiaocfatiy majority was ap- iproxtmated' Van Wyek's vote being about SO,00(J greater ithan that of - the republicin candidate. I The j latter Te sult was" helpe in some measure by the result in ttjfc'borp!ughof Brooklyn (Kings 'county; mcn in -0yt gave Black, republic?,1 ai plurality of 23,- 682, but todayj gve a democratic plu- rality of aDoutiapoy- Brooklyn is the Wyck, J but this home of Judge Van i i XContinuedj on Fpwrth Page.)' w ? ;y . -: v ::Fy 'y -iv: v .-.i -Al ; ; , , -. I the . K : ! r ' ' . i-";i'y 1yp:: V;f y-ttY -jy SjY -, '-7 IhlJitfhwiSfiwA-. ' ! i ll7 J WW - w s ' J - 1 . . .. - r .y ;.vy:i.4iiv-J7 il n iiy :". :u-y ? y i. A T l I v I V I I I I I I I : , ,i7 77H,B 17.:. ::! :.7 IM77 .-i , 77 j7 7 ;; j, ,;. ';7 . - . J!'-- J . T -..' ' - J. - . . 7 ..... S . , .-. - . . V. - - -s . , . Ji. - . - I :ll7i-:iV''; lv :7r7-i 1;' :J.-i .:;-V : r--lv-f H She is Again Placed ia .-y:'i--:-:7iSi States of THE UEGISLATliRE NEARLY SOLID The Democrats Sweep the State :y .- -I - .. - : - -y-,-rii----: i y White 31en Lift their State from the Depths of Political Degrada- -' wr!- 7- ' 1:-,.-!h.. ;'-77lf. y7,"i: i !? j". ,"-,-.:--- - 'l1l-l "f fl -7-- 1': - tion to Which She! Had Been Sunk by the Negroes and r.--- 1.1 : "-. -y' .'11 :':i .1 :' - ''.' -7 1 ' I i ':.-.'-'' "j-: - '. - '-.'j'.- ' " ' '(:,. --i:-. Their So-Called White Allies-rCounties Heretofore 1 Republican Roll up, Big Democratic Majori- .f i 1 , ties- -Our Judicial Ticket and Eight ' , ..Aiyiwi'-i-j.:!'' -i v'v -i---'y'-7 ; - T - -i; ; i- - :: - kf -? .'.;-it . :!; Congressmen Elected. ri :yi7-7 -yyili t-yy:- '- y I yi i'-r. '-r;- -yy yy ' i .- v- !; ! . -lyi' ; Raleigh; N C, November 8. The ire publican state chairman gave out news that-at Palmyra precinet.Halifax coun-j ty Claude Kitchin and! Harry White hatd seized the registration books and defied the pollholders to hold an election The democratic state chairman soon lire-1 ceivjed a; repoj-t which showed the fa6t to be that the- republican registrar at Palmyra beeime angry t." -because i le could not vote twice and be chairman of the election' board. I i . 1 r K ' I ' i -., The-.-republicans, .also-" gave out ' la story that Oliver Dockery, I Jr., had ben rotten egged and boro and chased into mobbed at Golds a- hotel. Thle democrats got news that Dockery! in-1 suited spme democrats at the polls Sand was slapped :in the face an'd took1 refuge in-a, "hotel-, whence two: policemen i eg- corted him to ,the train. He arrived -. r f -!7 r- here late, this Enthusiasm afternoon. . I . here among the dem-!-. J crats is lunbourided; It has been years sime democrats have had such a jubj-r lee. Many white1 republicans here vo ed" ihe white man's ticket and thee are sharing Li the joy of success. One of the most interesting tex tile day. was from -NeiVf Mayor Dennison and all grams during! Berng. sayingi .the :white aldermen- voted rhe demtf- crati,c ticket; hiit Robert Hancock and Seymour Hancock - scratched the ne groes .on the ticJket; that only four white ' men voted' the .republican tick-: et, -and .that they tvere disoiiarged; also that democratk may elect t2ie membeijs of the legislature, us therp are thre 1. sets of Raniidates. t-- The election in th if? city ws. as quiat ':----''.. i . "Si- .. - S i as was ever held. I& only meded the ringing of ch rch bells to mike it like vote 3r)o!leJd is heavjf. 1 h e - s 1 igli t es t dis,t u r ba nee Sunday. .The Ttri was not at Xhe polls. Fusionist- managers be gran early in tne day to .show how bad ly they wr hacked-. TiepybUcan Chairman Hoi Ion said hie" return were very, meagre."" Upto 7 oclock oq? of his counsel, Jphh! W. Gra ham, ; svdsj with- hira-and United States Cheering . of so was Claude! BereiaTd,- . -7f- i - V. ..-.. i . - f 7 ? - 77. j j district attorney. , bulletins began 1; at 7 o'clock by democrats and the j news flew rapidly that there was k rgula landslide in the state. Chairmap S"tmi mons said at that nour: "Reports n show i that the state has gone jdemq-( Line With Her Sister :;.;.'i:-'v'l..'vf!.----"s. the South, - , from Mountain to" Sea The United :-:-7- y i - -- v -,y --.-i I cratic by a tremendous majority:' Republican Chairman Holton's peo ple telegraph him Cumberland, is dem-; ocratic by at least 100. . ' r News received by the l democratic chairman up, to 8 o'clock says . DUplin gives a safe -democratic majority for jthe .whole ticket. - Cumberland's three members of the legislature 'are demo cratic. ' - f i The whole democratic ticket is elect ed in Alamance. There are Ijig gains in Surry. Cleveland has exceeded all -expectations. New . Hanqver is demo cratic. Bellamy is elected by"' a; sate majority. Duplin gives a ' majority of i 300 for the democrats. Richmond and Sampson are democratic. The republi cans concede Davidson. ? Democrats 'carry; Richmond by 1,000, a ' democratic igain iof 1,500; Robeson by 300;,'Walyne iby 750; Franklin by 500, and the sena- itorial ticket is safe there. i Harnett is 'safe by" 700. I . Jule Car telegraphs : i "We have swept the : deck in Durham town and bufned I- " - ' - I 7". . - .. . .7 -I ... ! '! ..... I' the broom 700 democratic.' i , - '-:-''Kl".7 ..-':-1..' !-'- 7 M l-v-r ' i Union gives 700- majority. Reports say Halifax has gone democratic. Wil li , i -i t . .'. ' son "is conceded to the democrats by ,500, including a senator. Wayne gives jthe, si-ate picket 600 majori tyj" Robeson 400 to 500. Democrats gain a victory in Granville. There is a big democratic gain in Craven, election quiet ' there and senatorial ticket :safe.i Following are more democratic majorities: Ro wan 1,000 to 1,200, Gaston 400; Rocking ham 400. ' ! Chairman Simmons .says at 9 o'clock: "We will have the, house by a three fourths and the senate, by- two-thirds majority. Indication are we: have elect ed seven, possibly eight ictmgressmen. White is elected in the Second, per haps Lanney in the ,;Eighth. Fountain was not voted for generally "in the Sec ond.1 His name wlas . not on tlie demo cratic ticket; owing to thei lateness of his candidacy. If the section of the state t not yet heard ffrora ; does half as well as the remainder of the state, Jour injudicial ticket will, have 25, 000 majority." ' ' J General Cox says there was a .demo cratic 'gain of 2,300 votes in Edgeco mbe. There is great pleasure ati'news t.hat W. jJ Dsivis is elected senator fro.m New -iianover sfnd Brunswick, and .It.-- ...'i. ::!' - that Buntfite' el-ects twio s-?nator. I FX'stJNISTS -HACKED, h , Vt 9:20 ci clock your I CorTeiKJtndnt lkd at'rtjt- "tavei 4f 1 Gloom" re - publican a.tid populist hfadquarterr-. a hii asked :fo,r .news. . At! the populift;- nfaaquanei-s tnajrman Thompsotj Hal Ayer -said he. hadjnothing tojtaj. si id- they -had no. returns save .those -. tike democrats got. He; added: . "Vc; are diseounlfng: it pretty la rg-ely, stw- v Ing thab -the' counties the democrats aVe aiming we had conceded to fhem, ov- to con djtio ns-prevailing, somedaysv before ;elec:on. We shall hold to the ( belief that 1ve Wl control the enate' and house.'' V ' 1-"- . - ! -. A There was ;e.ver seen a sadder factK. owd han tise pbpulists, except th'cC' 'the nt-xjiace .visited, which vvasff publican lad"iuarter:J. Chairman olton saivi): 'The republicans haveL '- - .- ,: '. - i i - 7 . - it- ;! librtie by! d."y;. Harnett. I is y safe . fiyrl- tliern. also 'anvjlle. Warren by ir,--: efeased majs'?itv while I Vance eee, -s republican member." i ' ,yi I It is quite ?easy to seei, that the ir i publicans knew they rwere utterly stamped. Major John W. Graham, hoMs at republican headquarters as counsel for llolton, was asked if there -lere,,any elation suits dnd said-there ere no suits 'or cases ofla-ny kind. 'hairmariv 'Simmons has news that (litawba is Safe by aOO, UVIcDowell &00, Itjlumbus- 3'. at Jeast.i Bladen 230; wtiile Edge- uilford by" probably 3q, mbe elects' the legislative ticket by ap". overwhelming- majority. Granville dives a majityv on ,.the congressional IlU iegisiai ,e uciveL.- i vv iftnc r nhated major-ty is 600.. p i:.- - - . Returns, frohv the First congressional Lstrict ' did ' not begin to arrive until late. Chairman Simmons was. advised 'df the following democratic i majorities tjhere: Beaufort 200, Martin 5 150,' Pitt iJ, - Green' abo"Ut 25. Other, reports which have?come in are the following democratic - ; majorities. - Wayne 800-, Johnston 1,800, Harriett';.' 300, Glulford 5100, ' JTnion "1,200, Gaston '550, Halifax lUopy ' Vanue' 500 fo state and county tjickets. Fforyth is reporte'd; as V35Q re publican. 'Henderson ; is j250 republican. lit seems entirely ; reasonable . to say' j i i said to Ifcje iclose perhaps democratic ' eind Robeson iat least! 1,050. Raleigh,-N. C, November s, 3'a. m- j Raleigh . township gives j Jones,, fusio.n- ijst, for sl-riff, -1,784 and " Adams, gu- 4ionist,: f or the senate, only T,333. Ppu, for solicito,. led the dein ocratic ticket w ith 2,068. All the democratic ticket is elected-by from 500 to 800 majority. There is rivalry beiween Rowan and Johnston- fcr' the democratic .banpev Johnston will win iU J j . I 1 W. E. Fountain,: independent popu list, would; doubtless ; ha,ve been elect ed in the Second district if he had been in thei field in iime to haye had his; namef -on! the democratic ticket. lit is said, that Charles B. Aycoc'k saved Ollie :Dockery (from - being mob bed at Goldsboro today Ollie' tells " in a tearful! wa of his Goldsboro expe- ;: i.r :. ?- ' . - . : I :. vi. - : :- . ..: rience. -. I I i- y . . '.-. v j Democrats have not only (elected ev- e!ry judge, but also- jevejry sgiipitor. j At populisti headquarters .at 1 o'clock .it was claimed they had carried ui- teen counties. Chairman! Thompson, re marked in his dryestiway that he jyas glad they .'$ad carried that many. -Republicans and populists (together miade a bluff to the effect that thekr had ckr- ried Henderson by 400, j Person, W ar reh, Granville, Pamlico,! Durham, An- son, Gates, Bladen, JChatham, Moore, Craven, Forsyth, Harnett, Northamp- ton, Vance and .Warren- The- fact is Chatham is 300 democratic, Bladen is democratic .by 300, Columbus 400, Beau 1 fort 300, Catawba 400, Johnston nearly L800 Rowan official) 1,450, Buncombe 300, Beaufort 500, (two years ago it was 600 for fusion). Granville elects all the democratic ticket, Perquimans- ISO, Sampson is very close, Iredell S57, Ala-, mance 200 to 300. . v -" j 1 1 It .was' amusing toi hear Republican Chairman Holton at 1 o'clock this morning draw .a long breath and sky: "I think the senate will be republican any way. Really" I d6n'tj know enough fi-om my meagre re.turn$ to. make any estimates." , - i .. !- . ' There is talk - of Charles Ay cock for the next1 governor, Simmons for khe senate and ; Lee overman for speaker of the'hous'e. ' (. I iJThe general impression is that the legislature will impeach Governor ,r Rus- selL 1 Jle anticipates efforts have been to tes result. His keep control of the: senate. He basViknowix for sixty days that the house Pwould be deno-, cratic. . ' At 1:30 leaving ; ,1 .- .1 -777- I P o'clock tonight as he . was headquarters J I- Democratic State Chairman Simmons said: "We have elected 40 senators and -90 mem - 7TF7i ..' : 7.r..-ii - -I i ., - -1 biers of the lower house; Selected ; S congressmen and -carried tee state py- r : 'ir" - " V rt -! --1 ' i. . CUMBERLAND. m - y. Fayetteville, November S.-Eureka precinct .gives 35. ilempcrtic . -gain ; Gray'? i Crt-kj ',77 g:ain ; Iliac k , River, heretofor republican, gos demctcr'atic: at Hay's ' precinct de-mocratk' loss of "5 votes; counting: Black River, net democratic r t -in civ : titnr' nrM cinctR is 74$. News from the country jii far shows 1 large democratic-gains.' The majority-, in Crosscreek (Fayette ville) is 3S4, a gain of more than1 250; gain, of over SO in .Pearce'a Mill 'town ship; large gain Flea Hill;, nearly l&S in' Hope Mills; Rockflsb township shows large gains. " , Reliable figures so farj obtained in dicate the election of the whole demoi cratic county tickret by a small major ity. Black River township is .not democratic but a gain of about fifty for democrats, So far as heard . from the election was very quiet through out the county.- ' ' Blue Sand Hill tfen-ds"--peavy demo cratic vote. Great falling-j oft In negro vote in Flea. Hilt. 'Returns imake it rea sonably certain the cpunty vis' carried by from '150 to 250 majority. BRUXSWICKj.- ' ' ' ; Southport, X. C, , November S. The vote of this precinct, for loongressman Bellamy 19S, Dockery 147, -McNeill 1SS, W.y.' Drew 146, W. J. Davis 197, R. B. Davis 151. Register of Deeds Brooks defeated by nine : votes. ' - COLUMBI'S AVhiteville, ' November 8. Returns from five townships give a democratic, majority of 55p, The" same' townships two -years ago gave a-democitLtic ma- jority of orily sion majority SS. Columbus, gave a' fu two years ago of 350. In- dicatipns are jthat- the democratic ma jority will, reach that figure. The de feat of th'e fusion ticket is virtually acknowledged. GRANVILLE. "Oxford, November 8. Indications are that part of the county ticket is elett- " ' i - ed. The county is claimed ; for the democratic ticket. A large Vote Avas polled; . It was the ; quietest election ever held in I -Granville. rThe negroes voted almost rsolid.- v s . '. , Greenville, -'N. C, November 8. In dic.aons At close of pU are thatl Pltt elects democratic: legislative and conn- ty tieket by about 250. majority, a dem ocratic gain .of 800 in' the county. i 1 HALIFAX.: Weldon, 1 N.j C. November. Weldon (township gives about 250 majority .for the white man's ticket. Indications , : 7- - A . . U - 7V-. .. ... i are that Halifax county is good demo cratic. Election : passed . oft quietly. FusionistS are utterly, routed. Halifax county overcomes a negro majority of 2,000! ' ROBESONJ Lumberton N. C. November 8. Robeson' safely- democratic by 400 ma jority or more; Lumberton, N. C., November- 8t- Robeson county fa! . democratic majority of 912, as taken from actdal official reports' received here "by tele phone and telegraph from all the town ships. The Fifteenth senatorial dis trict is s&veq. . , Laurinburg N. C, November 8. The election wasj quiet, the (work having been i done effectively before today r ;. Wayne. i Goldsboro,. i N. C, N love m be r 8j- Wayne county is democratic, by SoO majority. Senatorial, district safely democratic. t Everything jquiet 'up toi 9 o'clock tonight. N j MARTIN. Williamsto'n, N. C, N ovember- 8.i Martin county, is again in the' demo cratic column.. The- entire stite, legib-i lative and county ticket I Is elected ' by 150 majority,! . - ' ' ' , WILSON. Wilson, N. C., Novemtfer $. Wilsqn county is safely democratio by 500 ma jority, being; a gain, of "about 1,500 over fast election;: all quiet.. 'Person, Rus sell's candidate for the. legislature, wiil run behind, his ticket. Populists gave the election up early in the 'day. , ' ONSLOW, j v .Jacksonville, N. C, November' 8 Onslow is democratic by 325 majority Judge Robeson says the state-has gonie democratic. : : SAMPSON.! . Clinton, N. C November-& :Th& vote jn Sampson lis verypltjrse. Thje democrats made tremendous gains. The county is yet' in -doubt'y1 -' LENOfR. Kinston, N. C, No-emt)er 8. Lenoi r county's entire democratSc ticket IB j elected from 250 to 300 majority, a gain .over' last election of 400 to 500. s ORANGE. I Chapel Hill, N. C, November 8.- I-are democratic gains! in Orange : county,' which goes democratic byJafc J - ..: V:- ;.' ; .-7. : :1 , least 00 majority CARTERET" Becufcrt, N. C, tNoveraber t.Th$ democrats' carry this ceuttty ,by 200 t.i 300. Candidates for fiouse tot representa lives elected ;by 100 to 150, Congress and jsertftt4rlapckets soo..-j '-f .i-y.y yfC , , Iun5 rt claims It-w iieet-d by 250 to 111 'take- o!nclal vo efWidey 1 .j?"" Associate Rrrss.) Ralebrh,IN. C. November fc- Re turns indicat ijfiat the dem fvcrats have, car Had1 tHvjFirst. Third Fifth, Sixth. Seven i'imd Ninth did tricts.. CLinney- is --cit-ut -T" .:" V"e -i-igntp.-. AtWiirvr, pp unst, e?ursea Dy democrats, is r.rub aoiy ejctea in the I SeCond-Jt Is uncertaiij tain, pt tiUlist, support . r "i -i . i . . .- -,1 - I- ourth, In the whether Koun- d bydemi.-rats. ofWh'?j?. coloreU repibllci edJ Xt?Wks like Fo4ritaii liegislar ,is de-mil rati. ttl.. is eleCt- ti has won. ratic - in IwMh. branches k by two-thirds 'majority Iemocf'Mff Judicial t keJt elected -try Th .6crat8 hav . ci i tainlv , won in thef-Jfita, Sixthiahd, Scwnth Slts- u m ih. , turns not c practic51f certain tha niplete. make it they. ha e won In the Uifct. 'Third an 1 Ninth. In the Second JtBd Fourth tl e two rotuliti - who v&&. endorsed by the demtcrAl ar elef,!.- The rt-pul Means re-elected .... Linnyyn the -Kighth - It looks now ... mat trv4 gmoc.rata .have- made a clean. sweep feS.T't theil:ighKh district, w herr tne injrigiiy S rvduc ture isrjthirds doriiocratle-on joint oaivt,-.u the ieinocratic judicial iicKet titvtt-u by no leys th:ut ftiMtfl Twor'tJrs ago 'th ljusiomistH carriwl the ,tf te by 40.0'tO Th , Vote todav shows Ahat there ha been a revolu-- 'lion. . - I i'hut 'U N. C.. N )V)ml)er 8. The- ekctjx Jkin -Nrjh Caifolina reultei In uie gi-nen iemocTUt' victory ' on recoru 'vn the state. G fronr :ry county, es i j n saTtr-riiptjr ( el peclally from tlvff easterfvftIon.' Thtrfj- Mere no dtatur banceA any consequence. - The V'3niocratlc jd di.cial ticket Is elected.-py a about 30. tXl majority. The legtsia '.-Jizpi is overw ihelmingly ,-demo- cratic, WS The- i? owing c-ongress men are ehct- tfu.,. -: r.wm r;uisirici -jonn it. rsmaii. nem ocrat. f JV'Con'd distrir t, Oeo. II, Whlt (colortj'ai republican ! Third, district. Charlel?,! I. Thomas, t emorrat. Fourth aistricv. J. VV. Anvter, Independent popun!f $ Hfth idistrlCt. William W. KitchfJ, jdemocrat. Sixth district, Jno, J D. RpaSiy, dem I Tic' Teo -i' democrai.i Seventh . dis- Kluttz. democrat. Eightfri lH?trict. Romolus ' Z. Linney, repubrrn.i Ninth district, W. T. Crawl, trui democrat. Atwitft was endorjseth by the demo crats vi may oe-creaitea to that coj I "V ' . m ! . . . " ' umn. . p3 tne republicans get only two out ' o' vdoine congressmen from thl state.'. Andel :ifmm as Jlefore Supreme Conrt ; 1 WTiigton, Novebaber 8. The ap-? plicatf ot John Anderson under sen-. . tence Ube hanged for murder commit- j v Sl "--'i ii?- ' - ' i ' . ted orithe schooner Olive Pecker, for .- I - 7 : '. , . i . , i - - . i. ..: -.. - J - 7 : -' ': a habeas corpus was argued in the UKd' States supreme. cour,t tolay. I Andftson's - execution was ,i to have takenIace. during) August, btit tho applieifOn argued today operated aa: . a stajl f ile will be resentenced if the court "feCides against- hiirf. 1 ! P. J- Kforris and H. G. Hill'represent- " ed Ai 3?fs6n at todayls hearing of' tho Unite States district attorney for? the eastei'Vjistrlbt.ot Virginia represented the gtli ffnment.' The argument lasted a11 iHand the court tilen took the.. case r-jupr auvisement. j - I An iron's plea for! habeas corpus is has, a Ion the claim ;that he was not rep-ren Qed hy counse arbitrHJy named by thus i paying him right f-feounseKof h by himself, but the trial court, I---- constitutional s own choice . Pari" November , 8. The Uniied States tace commissKoners had fo'r-,SpaIn,8V.olull ipous;?; tgentme'n-t 'of ,Fridaylast, but the wV:.k of typewriting this reply was too -grij'to be finished before 2 o'clock p m.rKlay, the timefixed .for tho timek imeetingiiof the joint c4ramfs--slonix his facfe yWas communlcatedt today k the Spaniards, with a . request -that tsliS; meeting occur at 4 o'clock , today.Ef his request, however, -was de clined;'.' Jhe Spaniards on the ground that F .-had some,other engagements for 4 tt fck today. Consequently, the meetinil?ot the joint commissions "was dleferrt5 until 2 o'clock tomorrow' Be king Powder from pure t ycrcam of . ! tartar. Sa guards the foodl nagafnst alum Alt taking powden are the greatest moot tr to health of! the present day. yy-yi' -V i.: ;1 A f - - ( i t f- 1 ; .. II 1 .. f 7 .-..-' ':--.:i'i . ,' , 7,7'.,.. -. ;1 - - : j ",- t - I; T r i f.-'-l -