WILMINGTON, N. C., THURSDAY, NOVEM15I5R 10, 1898. Pit ICE 5 CENTS VQL. .XL; No. 278. HUBS Hi Latest Return From 'State Election. A 'SOLID DELEGATION In ("ou;jfpi 4non:r"he IolbMItie. Eight ( onciefttmen I Certainly Eleet- edAwrlr all the Senator Denio- '-J - v: V. "'1. ; i i . ; .. v.' -rat-Ouly About a Score of Fiikion- i i : iota I'.U-t-tod ( the Lower Ilouw. . Battle Elected Judge of the Criminal i- yi ;- ':.-';! it'i"?: vi! l , "' . ', i,."--v 2.'-: Cireult ;:i- '::;:'j;'" i j rj - I '-' '- w.PP ''.Raleigh, N- C,.XNovemtfr 9. At . 2 o'clock Chairman Simmons ways: " erj, lik'oly Lovell, j democrat, "is electerto congress In the Kighth.f This will make all dfrnocrallc pave White, negro u in V.u' SecWd' district. 4 vvtfe. appear to? Jiave - ninety.-three m"mfi"rs if ih" huust sure, and it ludkM'Tike ovl'r "forty senators. It 'is in fact !hafd to find any Prpublican sena tors .in thk east.-i save in Bertie and 'Noriihartnpton arid - Warden, ! where ve had ht-vt-r vry seriously Specials say., ciemocra Hertford. Ashe' elects! hoped" to win' 3 R-ciin "CO'J in all the demo L.. Cowan elects .enoir is demo rrell is demo-; xr-th- ttrkt-t by 100 to COO a 'democratic senator era t if hy 400 to '573; Tjl era tic' I by- a femall maj brity; Mrtchejt county jfrlves-.-only 1,000 tepublican ma pority, k' falling off of "00; Clay "gives JCpa-wfo.rl, democrats r !l32 - majority, 'statetitiket 70; J'asquotank and Ca.m dn f Ieijt .the democratic! .ticket; Jones, I jl all democrats elected by 14 majority; Iates )y 20; p.urke by, 00. llaleiKh, N.'.C, 'Noyeniber 9. At 6 J o'c lock- Democratic State Chairman PimmoiTs said: I beli eye we have r I Elected fountain .to Congress , in thp .j Second ."district by 600 t 900. Linney, llrepubiican, i's elected in the Eighth." , . . -If -A careful review of the congression- lal result made tonignt at democratic J 4-.. 'I : f -I - r- I VI ' v !hea'ditiartefrs "fthws: that in the First I i district, i when Pasfjuotank, the Taiggest j.-1 republican; county, gavej Skinner only one majority. the i election of Small - - s i t -v -.. s-- -; -i - J; "vvas apsured'. ; htU f 4 i , Thti Second' 'district is in doubt. ' If flthe" Fountairti pickets reached various 'kr',.TpR;"m' time White! Is heatef hv I a' small! majority.1 : It depends- on the vote "jin -Halifai. . Tie: district is "count ed doubtful. ' , v Fowler Is bAdly beaten vby Thomas, in the Third. Fowler has -a - slender majority in . only two counties Samp son and Moore. i - ' At water - Is elected to congress in thjs district y r,20tf. 7 ' ( Kitchinhad a. walk-over in .the Fifth, IcarrymgA nearly every county; His mAjoritv'is -nearly 1000.' " Bellamy' is elected by an immense majority, Said; to- be 6,000 "or more. Linney is derated by Lovel in the Eighth. . . Crawford has defeated 'Pearson by COO without a' doubL ' 1 . Alii the aemocratJjc -solicitors , seem ': . v , r- ... i: -1 ..- -. v . .- .ficcrtaSn.lv elected. Mo'tt is the only one who may.pjll through, y Wake jcounty's vpte was summarized. fhls' la'ftf rnVon Atwater for congress T s"ot: Sioy.'. Je-nkins, jfurionist, 59; demo- l era tie .county ticket all elected by av- .4 . : .''.. I . v r '' 'i ;,i " I "' "- ' M ' iteftublican" headquarters broke ".up I ttds:af t-rn,oon... Chairman Holton going '"f Lto Winston-. -He; 1 jke i Ayer, gives up - the entire outfit and makes no claim. I Tctfiv jis' great pleasure at- thenews i that IJossey Battle haff; defeated "Thbm m '.ps. Ili SUtton Sir ' judge of the eastern ; i ieriml.Ttal i circuit by "at .least 3,000. 1,J. V LHyd's only comment oe the : :i yote -in th.-. SecOTid'distrtot is: "I .guess' -U I -gQt! asi nsany votes as; Fountain." . j Leajding 'publicans say 25,000 tvhite , epubhfans vot-nl the democratic .'-i tickei," and that many ot them as s0f.-populSste ,'Totea : it. : i; . t -1 .Estimate tf the legislato.-e by Cl-feir- v. ma"Ji "i?umrn.iis at i o'clock is 41 se-na-'y Ivors' and ijS'l fixembei s of tht house Cvr- tainlb-'. , r " A- . ' , ! Chairman i?itiimonr, has rt ceived the : 'following .additional returns many tfl - licial: FraDklm democratic tOO to 500; SuiIfOr d 1251; -31itrlvlenburg l.Tfr); Bladec 250;" Bertie, de.moera tic .county andIeg- V islative ticket tiictedj state;- ticket a tie; Iasquotaj5k dem?crafTc, except regis tfr-xiF deelsfyinhtr beat mall 1 - .Vote; i "ChovyanTJnvacYaltic member -of v-. the hou'se; Jdecombe,) county an.d "'. J-- "' .li i' '. r - " ' j -' ' L.-U . " itatprficliota iiflO FonntJl'tn far . fo; ptpsjs 250 ; lAlam-ince, 48 deinocrai ic ; tau v fa,'250; Alexander 100; Carteret, 250; . Surry i goes only 30 republican;- ftar- Rett 270 democratic; Wilson 500 demq- cratic,, giving Fountain 2,14S, White 11511 and Lloyd 5S9; Lenoir, democratic; Oj reenj' 18' democratic; ; Wayne, 1.050 for democ;ratic legislative.: .tickets; Hert-. . . f j)rdfi 315 republican; Anson, 500 demo . eatic; Granville, 100N democratiq for - .legislature and'Kitchiii 9; New ' Bern, '840 republican' on' state J ticket; North arapton,' 325 on congressiondl; .Durham, v C26 democratic; Montgomery 200 demo : cjtic -.Chatham, democratic, figures ' :jKf, given; . Pender democraiic ticket safef - Iieaufort, 300; M&crtf-f 2Sft.- demo cratic;; Xash democratic, figTiren not Rivt-n -.umbrlan3p! 3 ,democrauc?r Pamjwin, 230 fusion"; Washlnttinr 41S fusion; Hutherford.s. T-Jemocratic; Person, 11 demoj?rfifticyadkin, GOiJ fusion; Swa'uRfAO 'democratic;, Lenoir, 21.? pIUFfrtTty for Fountain'; jej-een, OS Xiurality for Fountain; Chrroke.- ,132 democratic; ! Camden, entire -(democratic f it ke.t -kfC'ted;: Perquimans 182 demo cratic; Iieaufort, 500; Wayire. 1,100 democratic; Jones, i 14 - democfatic; Stokes. 2521 republican;. . LlncsolnV 230 democratic;! Randolph, republican by jnajorities from 99 upwards,; 'Iredell, 700 democratic; Ca'tatvba, 300i democrat ic; Forsythe. 100 fusion; Greene, fu sionists win by majorities of l to 19, contest wlll',r be made. Ohslow, . 500 demoehatic, being a gain of 40(1; Rock-ingha-m, . democratic,V200;tanlyS53; Burke, 123; Untonr 100; Robeson. 630; Pender, 63 --alt counties in the Ninth dstricrr save Madison" PolkJ Hender- grjti-; and 'Antchell, democratic!; Martfn, 250; Granville, 70; Orange, 1 366; Mc Dowell, 2C0; Caldwell, 094; Yani cey, 150; ( Buncombe, S30; P.tt, 500; McDowell, 250; Harnett,' 2S3; Martin, 250. j Small defeated jSklnner for congress (420 votes- in Piit. Fusion majorities: ' Washington, .345;," Ilende r On, 645; Warren, ' 1,000; Wilkfp, 763; Pav.Ie.JJ5a; in Halifax, WhJt !l30 over Ftlntain; Madison, 600-,: Stpks.A 250; Caswell 200 J Pamlico, 25; Northamp- ton, 317. W-r. Ji ' :vi:, f- rj ONSLOW. . . Jacksonville, November. j3.4-OnsIow gives the state democratic ! tifket 540 ' majfjrity, a gain over 1S9G of 4'30. SAMPSON. X Clinton, November "9. Sampson gives an average fusion majority .qf 500. 1 , ' CUMBERLAND, 'j - Fayetteville, November 9. The av erage majority . for the county demo cratic ticket' is nearly;300. Theregister of deeds has : about 400 majority. No majority is lower than 200. -This1 is a happy; community" and it thanks God for Wilmington. M V: KU'lPITT Greenville, -i November "9. Pitfc county officiaj majorities are: Judgiejs 490", con gress 435; solicitor 428, senate"! 455, legis lature 396, county ticket 171 to :46. -CARTERET. r ' Beaufort, November 9.-Elee.tion re turns for Carteret county:. Stat tick et, democratic ; vote, 1,300; fusion,n,015. Two democratic senators; J. A. Bryan and J. J.. Jackson, 1,300; house, John 'Rusell 1,24. Fusion senatej -Alexan1 der HrKoofice and Robert :E.f Dunn 1,061; house, Cicero Gillikin, 1,071. Con gress, J, H. Small, 1,297; jrHarry : Skin-' ner- fusionist, l,050ic Sta'ticket elected by 246: Legislature 215. ;. , s ; '(By" Associated Pa-ess,) Raleigh1, N,tC, November' 9.1 It look ed today likes the democrats had made a clean sweep of ccntgressmen.; . They have certainly carried the First, Third, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth,' ' Seventh and Ninth.' Fountain, . populist, i endorsed by democrats, has 1,300 majority in the -Second;- with two counties to hear from. His election is concedjed .by some republicans. In the Eighth! district,: Linney, republican,! is probably elect ed by a small majority; ' t r( ' . ; When . you. ask for DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salver don't accept; a- counter feit or imitation. There are more cases of Piles- being cured ; by this, than all others combined R. R. Bellamy... ii t . Lottie Collins Attempts Suicide - London, November 9. Lottie Col lins, thV music hall singer attempted to conrrmit suicide today by i ' opening veins in .'her' throat and wrist I with a penknife. She was taken to p. hospital where it was found that her . wounds' : . . !.-.. - -.. i . -i a- i :. ..-u '. were not ' serious. and she was removed to 4ier home. i Miss Collins' attempt at self destruc tion, is attributed to the fact: that do mestic troubles have, been! -preying upqn her mind.' v , ' j I , A cough is not like a fever. - It does riot have to run a certain course. Cure 'it auickly and i effectually with One Minute Cough Cure, the best remedy for all ages i arid for the moist.-- severe cases. We recommend it because it's good.' R. ' R. Bellamy. r . , Latest tf a vana Dispatches - . Havana. November 9. Carlosj: Carrio and Manuel jPola, ownersx and ' editors of El Noticiero.iUnive.rsaU an evening papef, were arrested and Vodged in Ca banas fortress or publisfiingj ain arti-. cle offensii! ton, the United .! fStates, which' was printed in spite of .the fact that it,.hftd been red penciled -;fcy the -censtor. The- paper -has- been suspended. -TThe disinfection of .-the ! sewers and drains by the rnunicipal j authorities was begun today, and the washing and cleaning" of the streets by .be flre bri gade was again up. Th.g spread ;of ma larial and other - fevers has : necessi tated immediate rattention ito the mat aer of street), cleaning and eewer and drain disinfecting, which ivork hss : been much negelcted. ; J j 1 - : -' A "dispatch . from Cierifuegos an-nwe-irices-the arrival there 6f.60 Spanish-troops from the Jucaro trocha. . . Overcome evil i with . good. Overcome -your coughs and colds with One Min ute Cough-Cure. I It is. so-good; children cry for.it. It cures , croup; bronchitis,-! pneumonia, grippe and all throat and luner Lseases. R. R. Bellamy 1 t. - Wisli to Lease the Philippines London. November 9. The Madrid correspondent ofi The Dally Mail says: "A Belgian syndicate, under the: presi- dency of King Leopold, tt Belgium, has offered to lease the Philippines un- 1 der . Spanislu'sovereignty, paying? Spain , a large amount. I - A RIOT By the Prompt, and Determined Action ofjtie i ' Men of the Town, of? Wilson. ! THE VALUE OF nd the Persuasive Power of the Winchesttsr Illustrate& Jby the Qiaick Abandonment of their Intentions bv the Negroes who Ca.iised the I.-.;-;.':: i vv. .. ; v --Mi : ivi i - .-. .V !i. :. - ' ".V.- . ' ) 1 J t; Distiirbance"(lbvernor Russell's Experience with the ReU ; Shirts at Maxton Congratulation to .Chairman i i Simmons from the Atlanta Cogiiititutian on Vt : y'H '' '?'''' ' -" v ' -i''- ' ' ' '-i ,v '.' -I '!' ' ;'.". r " . :?-H!i .' ' ''' -i .- i -: . . . -. ... . ; r t; .' m4iLiSt"t ;.' '- ' i ''' ''' OVCWfllJg V1WIU1J..: i :'. : i : ; (Special to The Messenger.) ' Wilson, 1ST. C, November 9. The cheering of the! victorious whiles over their. recent glorious victory was brought to an. abrupt close this after noon at 5: 30 .o'clock when suddenly the preconcerted danger signal pealed forth., ! It seems that an altercation arose between Mr. Jno.' L. Hare and a negro which resulted in Mr. Hare being knocked, down with a; chair." -'As sbon as the blow was..struck the negro fled hotly pursued' by a I policeman keeping up a-fusillade as he ran.! The negro was duickly joined by a number of others" all well armed and' the Officer! was djeiied. : Finding himself so . badly v; outmatched1 .Tie soundedj the alarm, and in an instant, the streets were dark with scurring men, each having deadly "Winchesters toward the rendezvous. The tension -was t increasedi by the! Report; that thie negroes armed and in 'force were moving upon the town 'by of the back streets. ;Those first upon the scene addei to the; conf usioji knd'ina.de; painful the ten- . sion by discharging several sho in quick succelioni to hurry their slower companions to their posts. A'most before thoifl n(t understanding the ' signals could realize what had tfiken place two huJlired men under the lead ersliip of Captain S. M. Bobbitt had forn4 and 5rere proceeding dowjjt the v street at a double quick dropping fourmti it each Rrner to stop all negroes and prevent those in the city fr?m joining forces' with those in "Nigger toVn.7-' It was not mote than ten minutes before -Captain Bobbitt now leadibg ' the military company reinforce! by an orderly .an compactpody of oo armed citizens was standing before the house in whic 4,he fugitive had talten , refuge. "and demanding his-surrender. ; ,(V " -! i p It is hardly: worth, while mentioning.. the .fact tttat a their appearande Ihe' guns, of the negroes disappeared'! as if. by magicand with, them the fugitive and his supporters. After making lacircuit throfir;h the districts Ithe march -:---'" 'v-v i v J - ' - .J 1 v -:i -j : . : j v.-.l'' . ; . . V i was taken, up to headquarters wjhich was reacheil oyer deserted streets. The. guards at the street corners were relieved a id; all who had been detain ed by former guards who had no pistols were allowed to go home. At this hour; everything is apparently quiet,, but strongpktrol are guarding every -street and out in every direction while the main' tiojly of the forces "are ready to respond. to the first tap of the signal bell; JuJt previous to the sounding V)f the signal there had j been! narrowly averted ai ugly encounter betwien some democrats and prominent populists and evjety one jumped tt the con clusion that this, trouble had broken out afresh. and tiat the anticibaed riot was upon us. Fortunately puch was not ttjecase. In their, present (x cited,:condition it would be hardto stop trouble it once start;' : f i RUSSELL XD THE RED SHIRTS. . Raleigh, N. C., ' November 9 Executive Clerk Fowle, who was with, G6v ernof Russell at Maxton last niht says: "About 100 Red Shirts were thre. ,They were mostly good natured.T They did not atUtnpt any violence or attack on the governor." In fact they appeared to be in for a good time. The zhv- - ernor .took their visit good, naturedly." sf ' : " Private Secretary Cade said: ' '.'The governor iells me that there" was mo assault on him at all." S S j ! , 3 .Judge MacRae says the same" thing. - i"-"' " " I ' - Editor Clark .Howell, 6 the ivtlanta Constiton, sends Chairman sm mons' the following telegram; -: -Hearty congrattintions- of. The Constitiitlbn on the brilliant democratic victory, which Is !altiumph for civilizatioh sgi'd a personal achievement which will be your everlasting : monument!. "j, " , . THE EDGEFIELD RIOT - ; Vt.;;.v:': V' 'VA .y-yly ' -.. "' :i. -"'- ' ,f '! A:' - ' ' All -Quiet, but ITTore Trouble Feared. I - ' Four of tile Kioters I. fuelled. ' Augusta, Ga.,- November 9. A 1sje eial to the Chronicle fro pi Greenwood S. C.v ,says: A telephone message f ronj the Scene of the race riot in jthis county, at 9 o'clock tonight reports all qi34eC at that hour. About forty amed men are ;on duty here, i . Four; netrroes were 'lynched near Phoenix abCkit 2 o'clock this afternoon.; Positive fevi- deirce -was secured that they were sim- 1 plicated iri the shooting of the wiite men-yesterdays About 100 white taen participated in the lynching and tilers 'as no attempt at disguise or concial- uient. J , 1 ; . i' -" ' AU isjquiet here at this hour, though more .trouble is expected' in the, Ptfoe nix -a section.. The efforts that . liWe been maiTe to prevent bloodshed Iifive j so far. beer of no avail Public snti: ment- here; ' unanimously endorses i )the - p.r lynching; -'v fir A,. 5v -will rrfv ri , . ... .i,v... , . , t PRRESSED i v: ' : . 4 !,.-. . ( . - ' . v - - - t- t, - J v i ORGANIZATION 1 i Emperor oi Gcrmany to Visit Spain Madrid,! - November- 9; Inquiries made here concerning the; proposed visit of, the emperor of Germany to Spain sho, that the Spanish govern- j. c -J.-- r', . . .: ; , . , i - A jyf . : s v7 l emperor ajd empress of Germany-on , , - .1(r ". i board, will ..arrive at Cadiz on Novjm- ber 20th;. lut, it ,is claimed, . it is fnot yet. Known whether the visit- or tseir majesties lis ?of a -Drivate rrbfan ffi Cial charaL:?7r ,Tt irtwi at thpmr- eign officl Ithis evening that Emperor W iham an Empress Augussa ictona, aitct viaiiui-g auiz win.isjit anua-, ena. Thesqueen regent ill invite them to visit Madrid. ' ' ' i ir ' - I . . I . ! SpanUT Gunboats at Key Vet J Key--..WsJ,-'i Fla.. November 9. The .Spanish- giiiboats Alvarado land SSiri- t tt -- , n s d -vai: Whlf.fi wpVp taken nrire tnr-) , ... ,o.. : : :. ,r i undergo s. t-iorough overhauling, foe vessels miuto'this port for the pW- - Vf -u.MVMe. yfU4avB .u yii mg lupi igtp war, nave arriveu1, nire-.- tronstipation prevents the body jromS from' Gua&tijnamo, Cuba, 'en. route ffor ridding itself ; of ' waste matter." De Porti? .mouth! N. H.. where 'thev lirilf 1 Witt's Little Early Risers will' remove THE BOND i:i'l IATlCi r.iSK The DetUton of tU Soprrme Conrt lp turn, tUm Couutr llallwar Sufi iKiiptlori (Special to The Messenger.) Raleigh, N. C, November 9. The tq preme court files an important opinion in the "tease of i the Commissionfrs Wilkes bgain'st Call. This .is a suit tj repudiate 100,(K0 to the capital' stock of the North Western, North "Caroling railway! Justice Dougrass delivered the opinion Justice Furches. filed a dis senting! opinion for himself and Chief Justice Faircloth. . The opinion of Furches1 is a strong one and takes ttr sue with Douglass on the grounds estoppel and illigility'of the act au thorizing'the issue. of the bonds by the commissioners.. He :-iald stress upoto the fact that the charter of the North Western "North Carolina and . the At lantic and North; Carolina railway?, both by an -ordinance othe constitu tional convention of lS6S,are one and th Rnme Hoth iustices affree- the case can be- reviewed properly only; pv the United States supreme court Jus tice Furches states that' the manner of repudiating was not allowed to con trol his' decision, and, quoting this, ex pression.: Furches adds that he hopds .his enmity and hatred of repudiatiop has not ' influenced him in making up his opinion in the. case. ; ' ' - v Supreme oiirt IeelsIon (Special to The Messenger.) ' Raleigh, N. C, November, 9,-The su preme i court files the following; opin ions: Commissioners vs. Call, -from Wilkes, I affirmed;' Best vs: Hardy, from GreneM reversed; Meares" vs.- Duncari, from. Carteret, error; Hill .vs. Jonei, from Lenoir, affirmed ;? State ys. Bland, from Pender, no error;- Strothef vs Railroad, ffrom Guilford, error; Bair vs. Winstead, from Person no error; Perkinsi vs. Thompson, from Orange, new trial; -Watkins vs. Williams, fr4m Chatham, affirmed State vs," Whitlyi (appeal! by Williams, prosecutor), no error; Ellis vs. Hampton from, Dur ' .in ham. new trial; Pully vs. Pass, from Person.' new trial-; , Hobbs vs. : H obbsi from Sampson, mention to docket arid dismiss I defendant's- appeal ; allowed Mallardi vs. Carr, f rOm iVplin, motlpn tn drwlfet and dismiss-dpflndflnt's nr4 peal allowed; .Walker vs. (Mercer, irom! ,Nw Hanover, affirmed b:per curiam order; Jordan v vs Furnacf' Company,! from Guilford,' affirmed b per curiam! order. 1 . v ? ' . Late to ' bed and early to rise,- pre-j pares, a man for his home in the'skies; But early to bed and a. Little Batly Riser, the pill that makes life -longer and better andwiser. R. R. Bellamy.-, : i 1 THE NEX r CONGKESK :l : - v: - -. - ?' fif Changes Brought About by Tuesday' Election Both Branches to be Uidet- j ' Control of Kepublleans -l, r , Washington, November 9. The reP publicans will control the senate after ... ....... . j March 4th next. The present .party di vision of the senate isv Republicans 43, democrats 34, populists 6t silver repub licans 61 Prior td yesterday's eleetldn. these figures werd changed by-a re publican gain of2, Viz.: McCom's, of, Maryland, who . will succeed Gor--man, and Simon, of Oregon, who ws elected to fill a vacancy: .This increases the republican -tota . to 45. rThe ter;ms of seven . -rep.ublica'n-.'senators expire. Mgrreh 4th next, leaving 38 1 hold-over republicans. - The- elections 'of . yester day made certain the choice of ten ad ditional repuhlica-n-senators- This gives a total of 48 or 2 more than a majority over the democrats, populists and si I ver republicans. In addition yester day's .voting" probably. will result in the election' of three 'more republicai an-sena- . ! . --I! ...... ;. :... ; .. . : -I tors. , There i are 12 democratic" hold-over senators.) To this -number yewterday's elections! will result in adding .4 cerf tainly and 1, probably, making a,' total of 25.'. The populists and silver republii can ho.ldjovers number 8. . This was in creased yesterday by 1. , ' J , ' THE HOUSE. i, " i'i ----- . . . : In a statement t to he -Associated Press this evening. Chairman Bab cock, of fth-republican congressional committee,- said: "Oun advices.-, show the certain' erection -of 1SJ. republicans six morehthan enough' t give t us con trol. These are straight renubllcansj 4 and our maioritv will be over the 'nam 4 bined opposition : Our information in4 ! doubt." i '. ' j -At the 1 headquarters of the' demo- f "Cratic congressional committee. confl- dence is expressed that the democrats i.-vuirui tu iieAi iiuuse oi- represen tatives. "It seems certain," said.Secre4 ar' Kerr to a representative of the - fs,3atea ?es5 ,"at we lh ve ekLlt ed 1SJ members. pf the next house, the; . wpublIcam, ui and that elev en dis-i tricts are in doubt." " ' . . ; A list of congressmen electedieompli ; ed from returns- to the Associ'atedPresa i if -- Jiu-uiiigiiL iij Ulan, iijt; ireiiuuii- cans nave eieciea isz memoers, wnne the. democrats, silver .republicans, ; fu4 . ....... i : . r r. . .,...! -. fcJuin&Ls, itnu ixn uuiers nave eiet-ieri imi members.' There are nine districts lyet Xo be hean3 from LfcflttroubIe aTnd 'c.ure ,Sfck Headache, 1 PTT llVllL Slea,r, ; doti t gripe or cause nausea. R. ,Bejr 111 III v ... i- ; ; -( .;. Vk josl vcl t 's Plurality in New York! Bill" demogratig; 'GAINS, 1m.'-:-VParo-n.- relegatoo Front ' -N : rk and un) UautaK4lld . llpmbliratt !-leeii tlou From Tllnne- Il)lin" BiC TlMjorlt) lu iTenuee, Nfrata :jVr nif and Mill lu -lHbtf The v York Le&wratur NW 'York. NovembVr 9 -The latent figiies obtainable .show' that R otise- ; vel plurality in tho stateis not far froti 2010 Only ten counties in tho stati gaveVan Wyck pluralities' and the& wefie air localiUes. swayed by ctt-, Erfh The falling off in Roiwcvrlt'a , 18$d;ls 'diue-104 a1 decrease iii. the rvmib-J--: licatji vofe up the state -of; 61.003 and": i in at?jr ffew York pf 62,000.' AgainsE ! thlsJVa vyckgained 20,000 abovo the" " H4l)m Jnd 53,000 below itj as cornpar-. 1 edjx tlh J'oHer two year ago. In that yeai:lh4 , democrats carririd only' ono " cou ty . jicnoharte) which gav Por-rt ter flg iiplurality. This year It -gavo i VanVykJlg.-- ' j I -ihe result on congressmen in this state sems to have sqrprised even the democrats themselves. Nineteen of theif" candidates were elected, the ro publican's getting but 15. In the pres en hou.se the New York' delegation' stands I 27 republicans to G democrats. In tre Greater New York all the demo-; i cratfc candidates were elected. Thff i mosnpteworthy change beihg the de- r feat' 4fIlemuel p..Quigg, "in the Four- ' teenii district b Captain Wm. As torl ;iianler, where a plurality for Qu'i ttiwo years ago3f-l 1.200 was over- comc by; Captain Chanler with from avou iq,w to spare.- v . . .. ; At. vrj; he gubernationaiN con test, as muq $ interest was taken invthe stato r lefstjule ' as in anything e. The closf'jriendship known to' exist be- tw eJ'Ir. Croker and Senator Murphy casf 3 1 general belief that , the Tarn m&tijfA Ijejler woud do all ta hi? power , t toisf;J'urt-the legislatupe"'fn order that i jvir? jti)ny mignt retain nis seat in thf ff iate, and the result, shows he did 1 m$ Notwithstanding- this, how-. ! 'evlrlMljd state senate- will be renublin: i caw IVi arid the assembly by 20. , otjl'Cftl interest from now on will j ceiit ! a)oui the senatorship, andfal- ! reeflf;liicussion as to the probahle asLi pfjrti as begun. So far, i there Is no '; an.:ov?ncfd candidate, and the republl-. -caii :l4;rE:anization""has not declarefl it- i self.i ; 1 Mr. I Piatt was; asked today wJbeVeror not he would etpresa him-! seff, ?;'a i;the subject but, he declined, safi! ' , the eeriatorshinwas a matter ., fof: legislature to settlei 'i , -jlecrted 1 .returns received up to: m&& -"ijhji show Roosevelt's, plurality,; alljd i'sfrlp of Greater Ifew York, 107,- . 781'jfrt' Wyck's pluralities in Albany, j Cheiihn'?, Clinton, Erie, iRenssalaerr f anhJSchjoharie counties and Greater; NwVqf-k, 86,450. Roosevelt's-plural- h j NEW JERSEY.. j W.OTK 'November 9. The New' JeyLst-jT Returns with a few' " districts! mf jsj'igjjshow a plurality for-Voorhees,! r4iii ."lican, of 5,002. t , . j ' j , WjEST ,'VI RGINIA. -, 1 -ieiing.1 .West Ta., November 9. T6 publicans have, elected two con- grf.5ffii in west Virginia,- Il.ovener, inptf V.;First (Wheeling) district' by lfpmia3ority and--Freer; in the Fourth! by&$ffl majo'rity. Both parties claim H thkiSdnd and' Third. Orjpan Dawson of therepublican. :sta4?Qpmittee tonight, claims thei eleftn .Jof. 7 republicans arid 6 demo craltthe state senate and -40 repub-i Me&bh Vnd. 31 democrats to1 the house of 'eve-gates. With the hold over sen atorm:tfeis will give the republicans a ! maioritj; on joint ballot of 13, and in- I sure th . ejection or a repabllcan; as k ccjpssor 10 oenaior ,r auiftuer, ueroo - crafK !' ' ..-Chairman Ohley,of the democratic j com mi ttre" llaims, 'the" legislature pa i jointt ballot. - . " . . j (Continued on Foujtti Page.) flaking Powder AS.IMaae froth-pure i;fi!icream of tartar. tht iood j! against aluni ''-' ;f K " ' ' ;v ; ' :' -;-;iJ i bl: - - ' t - - ' :::y ';t'"r Asfim Ixiluns: powders are' the greatest : td raaclrs to health of the present day i ?VAI. BAIOMO KMVOCN CO., MEW VOftK. ' M 1 . '. i.tll-i-.:i areuaras 1 I- yyi v.-t -t$y-iiy - - i .1: hi .- - i4 . v!l 1 n nr .'- -' ...."-IK i - -, ,,vr. : - V, H j -i 1 P'- vi . i"i-seISif-i: r s I