' II 1 . I '.. ! - : . i V ! . . ;. . t ...-.-. ... . . . ...-.-.-.!-..- : ! '.. . . i V ..- - it . ... - - 2- -is AW X.' WILMINGTON, X. C, FEIDAY, NOVKMIiERWU 189S. 1 CENTS I V V, 111! -feu xi.' Kb.: 279. 0!minSlQTAs Bred Fear Realized. BLW-HKEvGOHELIGT. f KrakV Out ditl Ulille it Fourth and S'roip "KHIVdf and Three Mortally , on uded Three 'tiite Shot Th lteord Wiped Iay of Horrors aud a Nfsfjhtsij Wild- Ala Fin. it v.in b- r nii-mbrff. that on Wed rn-May at 11 o'eljc"i; a riinarka btt maF9 i:ur'-tnj :of ' WUirH niton's leading rciti 7S:-i i v. ae i(-Il -iat, 1h wHlch thf foMovinir jk court house . one of. a set at of ' hbliitionsadjTiU d: L-,JtJ'Tli-U thf whtejrjn oxp(-.l to iiv jrv-ilijis ctTnmuriity i-a eably; to Jiav. jiniisfpru-vid absolute protection for : t frf'Ji.VfarnilH'.H, v. ho .Khali Lbc- saf.v from insiUit j or injuj-j- from i all p.HK.on", -vI;ti!Fo-'riT. n ar' 'iJi t-parcd to tr "it1 tye iK-fe'i-c-'s with justici1' anJ con- fcirahnn in al mutters "which lo not InxfolVf "'.sa.nfif-& of tho jntTests-Of thi ifitfAliv?cut: and-proi-ossive portion or nrs" ' pGtijt.'jr.f-d of fltlici- community.-' Hut are equally 1 now and Immediately to en- hMt we know to be-j.tflir" rights. That .w--- have , bt.-en, irtmur: -desire frix' hyr-Tiony, and peace, blinded both to our Interests and our- rights. 'A cli max was reached Avhen the negro1 pa per i of this eity published - an article o Vile and slanderous that it "would fcn inijist communities have - resulted in the'ljnchirsr of ;the erlitor. "We.jilepre rat liync hlnj? arnd yet there is no pun-: iphmerit,. provided by the courts, ade quate for this offence." We, therefore, owcfc.it to the people of this community and of this city, as a -protection against suci-; license in the luture, that the pa jri known as "The Recrord'" "cease to be published:' and that :its ditor be banished -from this community. '"Vicf:mand that he-ea.ve this city jforyj-j -witliin twenty-four hours af ter at he issuance of this, proclamation. " Secpmld.- that; tHd prihting,- press from whk-H The Record . has been issued be packed and shipped from the city vithoJut . delay, . that , we- be .notified AVithJp twelve "hours of the , acceptaiice or "if ejection' of-this demand. ' - i "St the demand iagreed to, within) A - 8. .'.' . ; .i: .'- A--..''.-- - - - O0aran t on .-the-part of lallv white- men. Ifthe v'demand' Isrefusedor if no answer is ' triven. within the time mentioned , then :v thej-editor,- Manly,, will be expelled by loroe.r j j In accordance with the action" of the maw meeting; the lion. A. M. waaaell. haSrfrian of the meeting, appointed v the! fpllowing committee, to carry out lheriT)Urnosi)rfHt--tne meetings to wit.: 1'ssrsV James iFllis, Rev.,J. W. Kra? itiVi Frank Maunder, F. P. Skipper, C. " L. tSij-enceK , Hugh MacR'ae; J. Allen TasDorr-K. S. Lathrop, F. II. Fechtig, -W. h. Northrop," Sr., 'A. B. Skeldihg," . F. . AXMontgHTiery, B. F. King, Rev. " J. AW K; Harvey, Jo's. R. Davis, Dr. JiV. -p. Clallow, Jos: D. Smith, John E. row,"Fr.II. Stedman, Gabe Holmes, JunfiiH Davis, -Iredell Meares, P. L. ,Bridgers,Mv'. F. Robertson and C. W- WoTtn.- "X - The! committee mef at the rooms of the? Merchants'- Jvssociation at 3:30 o'clock Wednesday- afternoon "and adopted .measures tovcarry out the pur posg c . the meeting. They then Invited a ' invoer of colored citizens .to Vneet - with itheTnrat the roomsof-.the Meri chaniH'' Association at. -6 o-'clock Wed nesday evening.- A number; ofx colored ministers and others met ,the t?ommit 'teeE.at : the hour 'appointed' and they wcire acquainted with the purpose . to ovit the resolutions and -were to use their -influence in having ttrord' sus-iiendecl, rttve press and c argy -nsKc.B 11 -npiLerial shipped from .the city, and Ahk.M.mly, the editoi who wrote the . article defaming white women to leave the c .tioil . : zens ty, if he were -here. Tlie resolu ;vas, laid before- the'-colored citi- hs vn ultimatum, and they were req.itii fd'-vo- give -an -answer -r-ut 7;-30 o'clpck ypiterdqj' morning',' 'no- sooner. no ai woulc 'Useso er, 3 to whether the resolutions be co m pi i ed with ext? erne find harsh nfrie thf deteirmnatroit-of the mass -;meti bg 11 colored citizens .weare- notified, to. ..oeiisv - thee . reply to colonel Yvaddell 'ft m. 1 at his residence, on "Fifth betwn en Market and'Princess, street and ae w.as in turn to -make kiioxvn the rfply 'of- the colored, citizens at- S t-i. in. at the armory t.f the Wllming lght Intantry, on Market street. rton -uetwden Founh and-Fifth streets. : - On N-ediTescHry night t. he. colored cit- "fcKeii5HVrio met with the white citizens t-onan lttee met" at the V ruber shop of 'orli.nt.T David- Jacobs, . .- colored, on y.i.1 iri, ecu r in.u'aim Hiei .smetjS, After ttiseussing the matter, ' feht'i-r'.f rnulated.tc.heXollm.-ing reply - to - )the hite--citizeriiV comrittteer vHonJ A. M. WsR'den.Ovjialrman'.'Cit'i- " zerS" Committee, ' WilmiVtgton. N. C.: lieir Sir: We, the coWed citizens to "jvnom was retired thV matter of expnJmn-i'mrfx-thi5 community"-of the perSiWii and .-.press vot - A. L. Manly, beg ; most rrtispectvurty' to say- tbt Ave are In no .vrrse'i responsible for, iwr in any Avay' ctri-done tlie' obnoxious an.icle that . -called! orth ; your , actxvns,- Neither are ,Ave .uthortzed 'to act for him. in this-4 iwatteh' Jut in the inteitof pVace we -wsll rnost willingly use. our imluenee Jo jlive your wishes carrid out." . ' i -f- ,. ' Very res poctf 'ally, : 5 r wu-fTht drnmlftee of Colored Cjtizets.'' t .' The above reply, was. placed in the vhanjs'of A..( W: Scott, a? Grans' crtor edrTawyr. to be delivered" Coliei Wacideil. The rjeply w as put m -an tm velOfef addressed as follows: V I . "lioji.' A, M. Waddell. - , 'Wilmington, N. C. ' :-.-:--'''!p';ease'.'deii'ver'a-t:.,.IIo.use;" V. ; ' Instead 'of ." delivering the reply at Colonel WadctPH s residence, Scott lhrout;"h crlmJjiat negligence, which has 1 at 1:3 r'.uUH in awful fatality for his raec, rnai.f-d tbe letter.. Colonel Waddell waittd tn . suspense tctt the- reply., but it .failed to eome. Ile- ---nt to theUght Infantry armory at o'cloc k. when he - was to, retxjrt to she white citizen?. rl, i .- THl;.aKfOIlD PLANT WIPEli'OUT. efor,v o'clock 'the .citfaen begran to gather at '.the armory to ltarn' the an swer from the committee!, of negroes. Kv-ry man brought his rille'and many had pistols alsj. Itwas an orderly, as - pemblage and there were no evidences of diFordir, although some , impatience was manifept'ed at -th1, delay In .hearing from 'the committer. When the hour of fc:30 o'clock arrived and ni report.: was received, the order was given to march to : the off ic e of The itecord. The men "formed by fours" and ,w1ttt.Cbl6nel "Wad- d-ll and some, members of ithe commit ter; of twenty-five at the 'head of tne cofumn. the procession moved out Mar ket street. Other .citizeni joined the marchers' as .the line movj-d on. ' The ItW-ord "plant was lodated in Free Love Hall, on .Seventh", street "between Nun- and Church. AVhen the hall was reached the main, body of t'hf marchers halted,' pickets were thrown ""out and a number of: men broke into the; hall. The-fixtures of, the printing office w ere quickly -. thrown out and demolished, the material on both floor.4 being thus treated." About: this time it was found that thfebuildmg was on fire sin tbe second story. Thn was very much re grot ted as it was not. proposed to fini the" buildi.ng. It w'as thought- that an overturned lamp may .' have 'started the fat'. An alarm was immediately trun ed in from box fi, at the corner of Sev enth and. Nun streets, and; the fire de partmntU rt'sponded , proihptly. . The fire ha(g,ained-BUGh headway, however.' that thf budding was dttoiyed, ) al though the1 adjacent property '.vas saveV.. 'Onlythe charred frame of the buildtng; . a two fstorj,; frame structure, was left , standing , arid it was after wards pulTwd' down by the firemen. When the fire i department - arrived some of the men discharged their, fire ,arms in th( air and. t1iechildren in' the rigro school nearly' were thrown into ajptate'of great alarm. ; - BLODDY RACE CONFLICT. ..! After the Record plant ha"d been wip ed out of existence i the marchers re turned to -the armory and sqon after wards dispersed. The white men left with . . their guns to ' go home., The men tf rom the northern part of th; , city, known as Brooklyn, went- out Fourth street In the. meantime the negroes in various parts -of the. city learned of the destruction of The Itecord establishment i and crowds of them assembled in many sections . of the. city; and there was mucrrvrinc-endiary talk and threaten- ing-s. Some of and were in North Fourth the negroes wer? armed a bad temper.' street; there were Along" quite a, number of negroes standing on corners. At ; the, southwest corner the of Fourth street at street at Air. dohn ?Brunjes' "Wr ax-t4yentynve - negrocw were standing , as; the Brooklyn men came by with" their gunsrAs the white men 'passed through the f negroes- , on the street they made insulting remarks' about .the white men and their) guns. The whites, suspected am attack and ordered the negroes, away. 'They refus ed 'to'go.. Norman Lindsay, colored, addressed the men of his race and ap pealed to them to dispersev "In : the name of God,'' he said, "for the sake of, your4 lives, -your family, you.r chil- Mren- and your country, i go; -home." They hissed ?ajt,him.r He said: "I am s brave as any of t you, jbut -we are powerless." ' Th-e negroes moved 'dog gedly over to the northeast corner of Fourth and Harnett! streetsand stood about thestorevof Mr. Wj A. Walker, diagonally 'across the. street from, their first , position. The i crowd of whites consisted of about eight men and they; occupiedNa. position on the west side of Fourth street, - between - Mtt Brunjes'' store apd St. Matthew's - English Lu theran church, " a few feet f rom. the negroes' first place. Policeman Aron Lockamy saw that trouble was : brew ing.and he went to the other corner among the. negroes; urging them to leavex He told them not Ho bring on any trouble and that it Would .be bet 4er for them to go home.! .The crowd moved back a -.shoft -distance and one of the negroes drew a pistol and -fired deliberately at the whites, who had meanwhile been joined by severalnoth er armed men.- The pstoli shot caused the whites to fire a volley from shot guns,., Winchester rifles and revolvers. Several negro.es felt under a- galling fire,' but all ' but two jumped up and . they fled ; Jn all directions.. Many of them . were wpaiirded. Two men-fell in their tca-e-ks, instantly . killed. Two othei who were shot, ran into a Ycfsna. house -at .11 Harnett street a Jew leetv away inom the corner. One of them fell on the floor, and died in a few minutes. The other,- George Hen ry Davis, who resided in-the house; Was shot in the small. of the back, ,had tx shot rn the "left thigh, and a ball had struck him 'behind the ..fft shoulder, and Icrdged in his chest just 'beneath the skin so that it could be felt,, just' above the heart. ' !' .A RTJNNING FIGHT. Some - of the. negroes ran --west on Harnett street firing ''back . as they went, ard as. the white men, -ran from their residences along the street the negroes wiere On.-the negroes would .turn , .their guns on them. The . whites 'nad run. out with their guns 1 upon hearing the shooting at theconier, and they returned the fire -ofneviie-groes. At Fmrth and HarnetL5reets none of the-whites- were hit. ibut. as the negroes passed down to Tiiird and Harnett streets, theV fired at the w-hhes in the. streets, hoot4ng Jdr. WiH May,) v through and : through with"" a 44calibre Yinchester balli. The bullet f truck him in the left breast -near the arm (hid .came-ont on the -fight breast,.' Viercin-g both Vungjs. Mr. George Piner aiso received a-wound from a-44-cali-1 b-reallrwhich struck him in the abdo men anS passed under the skin and came out at his right side.' Mr; "N. B. Chadwick was shot through the mussle of' the right arm just below the shoul der. The-ballwhieh wounded him was also a 44-cah.bre, but is passed througa without breaking his arm. In, the fighting at. Third and Harnett streets the negroes - ran do wn Third trefet. One negrp whose name is. Sam Gregory,-ran up Third .street, and fell dead between Harnett anL Swann streets. : A ' number of negnxes who evidently worked on the river front ran up Har- nett street towards th? scene of the -, .. ".', , .';... - . f f.ght wh-n th shooting wa gfung on." vera! 'whit- mn'at Svcojnd an g Harnetttrcets warned . th:m back but thy cam on and fired sev-ii -ral shots. Th. whites shot back, an f-catterc-d' the black, sending them back: towards thr railroad. An unknowi negro who was wounded ran a. far a-T the Carolina Omral ra.lra, driT'e? tnere ana aiei. . THE MILITARY CALLKD OUT k whi-n th. shufitmrr btan at Fourth who keeps 'a drug -store on the northuy w?t cornrr of Fourth and Harnett jf the corner opposite the position of th-j negroes, telephoned-to the armories t thy-AYiImlngton, Light Infantry' and Wilmington'. : DivisionV' North CaroHnlt Naval Batalion. othpompan i4 V er.L out to Brooklyn- immediately, and cari ried .with them the rapid fire Colt gur recently bought by the citizens of Wil- mintrton. It was mounted in a 'horse" waon. When 'the . military ar rived at Fourth and Harnett streets the Whites" had' possession, and excite ment was running ifigh. The soldier.- lined up on Fourth street and patrolled; in two' battalions, company front. Mea III IK Hie lillfcf . J 11 II Mil tXH Liv",X L iifc; J j ... tf i ! ,' -Ti i the city turned, t out to ueienu ineir?; -htjmes. They--patrolled the blocks ajri: afl negroes passed on any street and a A; who' went towards -Iiroklyn avere heliSj tup at the muzzle of guns.. Those, who;; ! ihad. no arms were allowed to go onfti Thosfe .who Jr u-hn ihaH arms Wf-rr- Ylicarmot' ei nd told . to go. In Brooklyn the sol-' diers and, citizens h'-ld up all negroes? who passed -m the streets - i. ;j MAYO'S ASSAILANT SHOT;' ' Indignation ' was highi; over i th shooting ot Mr.. W. . II. 3Iayo, and a.s the negro who shpt him was known b s e veral . and the; cro w as - began to-, nun ft i him-. His name ihe r.esi.ded in a i street between "A crowd of men found all the was Dan Wright .-an "small house, on Thir-V Harnett and" Blader-ir v en t t -"In s house a n 1 ! doors - and window. went -in" and founf closed. They ! Wright sitting in front, of av hot-fireji; :r They seized ' "him and told hirr him what they didit--forr-He denied' that he had shot Mr. Mayo and de4s dared he-had no"' gun... IIislJi6seBiaaf searched and 'in a closet a .double bar- rel shot gun and a forty-four qalibre' Winchester. rifle. were found. The. Win-! Chester had a shell in it which had 'justfu beeh fired. The .man who shot .Mr.r Mayo" was described as having on-4 thumb off, and it was found that one of Wright's thumbs was missing. Thereof were also other circumstances, and asj several saw him with Ta .gun shooting from Third and Bladen streets, .he waa dragged out Of the house and told tots run. Twenty or more Winchesters were leveled on him and a terriffic vol -0 ley was sent ..aft-er him. He -tumbledi: p?r, : 'fairly .riddled with , Dullets.j i was. thought, he- w:as dead but it wa discovered that he was alive and afterf he had lain in' the street half an hou(s he was taken up and carried to the city hospital. He w;as pierced by - thirteenf; bullets, five., nf . wWic'h . entered Tff shoulders and back. It. -is impossibles f for him to life. Ij After the shooting the ambulance; from "the hospital with the , Red Crosr banner on it was --being galloped all 1 1- around the neighborhod of the picking up ; the wounded who taken to the city, hospitah fighr wfereS ,. . E ! r When the fight began af Fourth an65 ' Harnett streets Dr. John Sconwald waj an eye "winess of the tragedy. He had, made a call at the residence of Mr. Jnoj Quinn on Fourth between Harnett -and; Bladen streets, and was at the gate$ Messrs. Mayo, Piner -and Chadvvicki whT) .were shot wrere assisted to Dr. -Bj ! C, Moore's drug store, pn one of . th(i corners where the fighting eommencedii! J and Dr. Sconwald went there and dressi ) ed their wounds. He states that all j were wounded by a forty-four calibre; j ball; Drv Sconwald also visited and give his profesional services to several negro men. Dr. C.'"D; Bell Was sent-for and fouhd. a negro badly wounded a-i 'his home on Davis street. ' between ! Second andThird streets. , He was sholi ' in the rignt side ana rignt arm, - tie oiq not learn his name. ' " :, J ANOTHER. MAN RIDDLED. After, things quited.down to . soms extent mahy. 'white citizens employetl themselves as peace makers. Severaf law abiding colored citizens .also did' their utmost to pacify: their race. Th ; .Rev. 1.' S. Lee, colored, pastor of SUhj Stephens' A.-M. E. church, made comj mendable effort's in that direction., I$J was necessary for him to have a whit; guard, while he was making his roundl' and Colonel W. C-Jones and Mr. Si P ' Adams;' two of our best known citizens;,' accompanied him. At 2:15 p. m. whil J the colored; minister and these tw ejj gentlejnen were on the northeast' corr ner of Sixth and Bladen streets, a shofj was fired at them from a. -small shantyi ; on tbei southeast-corner of Sixth and! : Bladen streets, -diagonally across. th "stfeet. whe'i-f1 a disrenutahle 'nesru i dance hall is run by a negro named) Henry Nichols. The two gentlemeiifi Jiredint-Q the house but no one ran outi The firing brought a number of arme men and the military to the scene an believing- that the promises were oc cupied"by a number of negroes in ami bush, they made a raid on it. A negri ran ouv the back-way and Jumped th.4; fence and ran .'out .down Bladen;-street-' He was hailed but paid no atftl tention and a volley w as fired at -him He was instantly killed, and fell on th$ pavement on the southside of BladerSi street, near Seventh. It is,, believed h4 was the man who fired the 'shot frorr the little shanty. The men tore dowftf a high -fence around the s'hanty bursl! in the doors, and arrested whom? they sent . to jail six negroelai "Henry Nichols, Tom Lane, . Wisconsin! Edwards. James, Hill, S. T. Knight an Wiiilam Tate. - . v , ANOTHER RASH MAN -KILLED. At 4 m. while a crowa w-as orp u.u t c lift a - 11(3) , rw -v - of the Atlantic Coast Line, ,- a negr.f r .rerl a.f shot from the railroad vard at i a. position near Third street, a littl easit"of the railroad car shop. He wa& instantly riddled with bullets, and WaC l3trg' "dead last night. where he fell, f, Alter this incident there were variou alarms but things grew quiet toward night. The approaching darkmvs anJ a threatening storm added to the3reai and hfrrjr of the situation, . and xtr?( j precau'tJojis -were taken. The military; J rerrfitmed ; on duty, and 4)0 specLIj , policemen were put on duty. Abouil4 200 men who came- from Fayettevftljr " and intermediate points, Goldsboro, an.) intermediate points, and other places put i'u duty iiizrn.- bloc k?. frieavil-y armed. patroll-d The ciiy was a,- furmiJafo-le ortre?. ed, f.-rth rumored kn.d vf-ry few Tiegros vrntSr- About ' CO oVlcx k It V&s that ott: l.ad be-'n kiliedmt Fourth- ar, J Orad" streets. but It turtn-d out tu. b a falsi- r iort, .c ?ime tlemen L.o went "ver t told U; 9 n-t run- .if t : not rt-iKrStrr of the .uy lu men- at ev;fy Th- striet-t cars .were nightv.-. Th e "M t-Hse netr's had to rniake1 his rounds foot He pa?e1 armed corn-T but all rtprf' things as q &:d returning by Third -and Cm ptrvts. hlas just In time to jjee a crowd for Mr.: of, armed men make a, amti ilohn Fi Garrell's new hoifie. t which street. is nearly I completedon . Thltd near Red iCross. While the mk were on. jtne: we$t sMeor Third strg'jet a large rock wa$ hurled from the y-rd of Mr. Gaxrell house and it cam vjry near. striking un of the men. TLt?y searched house bu all through;, and . under 1 yh : could 'find ho one.' Whwyk it was esca caped. . - -. . e v IK BODIES 3IOVED. al BODIES .MOVED Coroner David Jacobs, colored, son conflict at Fourth- and H,ir- after the! hett stre etsT was notified and he wtlnt over to he scene of the traeedv... file had several bodies moved to the unifr. taking establishment of - D. C. Eva on bcond street, near Princess, and will - hold ing at 10 lay 'last, an . inquest there this moi-h-. o'clock.- Some; of the tbodirs night where- the mrt 'wi- re shot dowln - WHO FIRED THE FIRST When i lyn worn scene in streets l" he shooting; began jn Bnijk- '- . J .- w : T j . . - ; , .! . A.. . rt M'ituu i:iunHu ii.tfj' ir(jim- line terror. They were oh all .'ad ing down town, seeking places ffj safety. Colored 'women alrsd children lied to the woods, and parties who- came into itown state that t tie iU roads we re uneq, - with the distress people, including! menwho were Xscf- ror. stric en. It is said that a. crrtid of at ledst 500 men women ancjcll on the- road ,. and" tnt"jsie dren Ave e Avoods be yond-kpith's ci eek brfdgftl--. ilk - ' N-' r.i. TTta ... Shortly. arter the riot u "i-e iv p rirae mePSge :the city- fromNaivasa was receivetin jthat a mob of 300 armed ne groes were coming- to the- city f rOm that, quarter.,' andi it was suggested bv tne. persotn 10 sent the messaere tbnt the draw order to' in. Hilto'p bridge be opened;: in 1 l)roYent Mneir i entrance ipfo . the city. i.ne araiv was ctmseiiueiniiy but-no mob appeared, hr left open, else W-aa detfi-rrra by th distressing news from the citv.. - Who was responsible- for this awfjul affair? -A W. Scott, the; negro lawyer, primarily! but whb fired the first sht? While a Messengejr rerwrter was on his : .way to t he scene of the riot, " he met i Mr. William McAllister and his distressed- yife fleeing . from, the scene. The street cars were not running and they wer walkiiig. , Mr, McAllister is night yardmaster for .the Atlantic Coast. Line and . he had been on duty in the railway yard the previous night, , When th fighting-began ' he had only a sliort 'vhil bef ore reached his home on Fourth street - near i Harnett.. His house, is I next door to St. Matthew's .church, almost in iirievof'the shots fired -by the negroes at j the whites who were between his house . and . the negroes. -Mr. MeAilister- .fnade- the following statement to the reporter: "At ll'o'clock I'-sta:rted to go to" bed (he sleeps during! the day,) when my wife called me to ;the window. "Billy,' she said, i ''there's! going; to be trouble out. therel' I jumped up and hurried t .othe w indow, arid saw- a white man (evidently po3icerran Lockamy) on the northeast! corner of Fourth and Htr- "nett- str ets. "ayinj .remonstrating with both hantls, "aying- them', off rapidly, to "a negro. 1 jhearq the white man say. "Go on now, it will be better for you." The negro went jibout -ten paces , and pointed a pistol at 'the white men. I saw the negro shoot. When the negro shot,-1' noticed a "delay of k few seconds and .heard another shot from the. same direction but I did not, see. it fired. My wife isa'id: 'There is a .white, man killed.' I lpoked and 'Saw Blood oozing from -a vyhitetriian's right arm. After, the two'-jshots had' been fired, by the negroes -Uvo white men; fired and three rvegroes c ropped. . I suppose two w hite men fired as I heard jthe report of Only two guns i Then the; negroes' dispersed tor-some extent, but they commenced firing at Jhe houses. MV wife screamed J and: fainted, arid! the-Tcpple in the street hoillowed. When the negroes ran from Fourth ,and Harnett streets, four or jfive volleys o n Th i rd - the ' -rea(r!- of the' houses - on we heard street in 'Fourth street The' volleys were fired by negroes. : -i . . ; - ;..,- . -When i he Messienger - representative reached the scene, two i negroes were lying deah, one on! the broad pavement under the 'awning1, at Mr. Walkers store, and one in thie gutter . just ' in front of tjhe stomj He was toid that a wounded man-wasl seen to-run into the house at 411 Harne,tt street. The -newspaper main 'went ito the '. house and knocked Dn the dopr. but there was no answer.. jHe.then (went to, the rear of -the hous , and went' in. There .wefe three women in the house; A man was lying dead an. th. floor and one w as .in bed.-.He gave his name as George Henry Davis, Hej was the man who had the. bullet near." his heart and it 'as felt by the tep.orter He stated that the white men fireel the Yirst shot Several iqther eye witissss. hfiwevr, verified mx. - McAllister's- statement without knowing he had made it.- RIOT NOTES." The oity for several nights has been guarded b!y armed sentries and for past three nights the number of guard's was gely iricreased. On some blocks there were two or more men with Win chesters Or riot guns, and., it was im-. possible flor any one. to pass without challenge. Last night. in," mimj;ous instances, j colored men - going -home from .their, work being found unarmed were safety, conducted to "their homes. As a jpresautionary measure the mayor last night had the tugs Marion and JNTaKass4" in service '' as ar water patrol, to Igu4rd . against fire on the water- front, r The regular j i-ne regular nre depart- ment was strengthened of . several i experienced by the addition firemen. j The Workmen at the cotton oil mills f. were so frightened last nierht that the would noij start : for their home?. When It became knovn' to the city authorities a etachmjent of special police, was seftt and each Workman was safely-'esV corted to his hbme. This lis good evil dence-that the, present administration will guarantee protection to" all whlt w r- ai' -whj are 4 wvrihy Then-, are about 150 soldurs hcri?,td day, under orders, of th grovefnr. a.nd Cuicfcl : Waliycr Taylor- miuests thai lhj Lidiea' prt-pau- breakfast and din ner Tjr them and snd it in to th ar- xnrv- Th iimmgion iUigni inunirj, and Naal Itcscrt-3 have d-r.e faithful service in the effort to restof? ordr ajidza free compliance; .with this rer quest will be accepted as an evidence of appreciation of serict-s rendered, Yesterday afternoon -a fp-cial train ofi .the C F. and Y-. V railway br-Hight 6 men from Fayettevtlle to render as sistance to restore order, Most of them are members of the Fayettvilie, Inde pendent Light Infantry. Last night a ?ieial brought the Max ton" Guards, about 0 strong and at 3.30 o'clock' this, morning thirty of the Kipston Naval Reserves came in. The Clinton companj". . with about -40 men. also, came in. - -. ; . ' :.- .... - - r Yjsterday duripg the not. the schools wre let out, the s'tores. saloons, com presses, ahd drug stores closed, and all business w as suspended in calamity. . ' , fac the A telephone' message from the city hospital last night states 'that the fol lowing vjctims, of the riot were takt-n to the hospital yesterday, in addition to William Mayxv I. W. Plner. to wU" Dan Wright, colored, shot in. 13. places,, ieo.r Henry Davis, .-shot in fhree idaces; John Davis..? shot'ln six. Tlaes; -George Millt-n'-c-olort-d. .shot rin to places. John Dow. colored sh)t Tn two iIacc- I will i Thj many frind of Mr, Mayo be gratified to learn' that hopes ar--' tertaintjd of his recovery, --i ' ' ' . en-; i- Yesterday during'. the excitement.--James Irghhn, white clerk of . Front street market; T. C- Miller. Atl Brysimr R. B. Picken's and I. J. .Bell.-the four j latter colored, Wf-re arrested and put in ' jail' on the 'charge of usi!r language -alcu1ated to incite the negroes. Tien?' was talk of taking. them- irom-j.au. and lynching thern and. a,; crowd- gathered about Fourth and Princess streets yast night about lCr:30 ;0"e-kck'-and made threats, but they wre dispersed. jA. guard of atnrut sixty men were on duty to. protect the jail. , - :i ;. .. Carter lVamon Killed .- Yesterday during the riot, Carter Peamon, - the negro -barber. .who ha":s made himself objectiQnableand since the recent political excitement was caught by a crow-d of white men who intended to kill. him. White Messrs. M. F. H. Gouverneir,,. and Captain James I; Metts .were on the, rounds, as' peacemakers, Peamon accompanied them to some negroes who had their guns . drawn on . them .and wrpuld have "killed them but for pWmon's entreaties- For this reason. (Mr. Gounenvur begged Peamon off from the vengeance of the men. . .. After: Peamon had been put in' jaik he was taken out andsent.'out of the city by. the Wilmington, Columbia and Augusta Railroad. , A rumor reaches here that he jumped off the train to come Dacic" ana mat some . men nrea on him and killed him. , ; Tflie Tlurderer of the finipre of Ail ft- - : trla Sentenced i Geneva,. Switerland, November 10:' - The Italian anarchist, Lugi Lucohenl, 1 'was convicted todav of killing Emnress' Fl'izabethof'Austra, on September 10th 1 , r , -. . . - . - r last in tnis'-city ana .was gentencea to rigorous imprisonment, for life, the full penalty allowed by the Swiss taw. Luccheni' admitted that he camev to Geneva in order to kill the Duke of Orleans, ;but,"4ie added, he -arrived too late. The prisoner' then remarked that in spite of this,; the Duke " of Orleans would be killed ; within, a year. The prisoner also, said that if he had pos sessed fifty frances "on the. morning .of the assassination, insteav(i. of killing kijjed King Humbert. - He added: "It J does not matter.Thowe vef -,-V as anpther-.l will kill Hubert1 shortly." . '1 When sentence was passed .Luccheni i laughed and cried Idudly "LongLiv Anarchy" and. "death tooths aristocra cy. He -declared that his found i in human . suffering "Myv-Hoev trine" he frequently reiterated, "is that no one who does not. work should be allpwed to live." Fuiouii Elected Guveruor in ? brakka . . Omaha. Nebraska November Unofficial returns f rom Nebraska i.- 10.- cate the election of Pynton, the fus-ion (.ttiiujaic iui, 6" c uyi . u j : A.,y vv y yi , Havward innhlicfln .-Th vl ha 1 a ha of ' The.balan-ce of", me lusiuu state iicKet wui uafeatoui the same pi ura 1 i ty . ' The state -I e glsla- ! tu rev will be republican on joint ballot j by from six to eight, insuring the elec- ! lion of" a republican tp succeed Senator. I Allen,; in the senate , - ' BakingPowder ,t . J . Made from pure cream cf tartar. :Safeguards the fqod , against alum ' ft, ; , ..-i. Alum, fcakin f powders arc' the greatest ealthof the present day, menacers to WOTAL EAKIXQ POWQEH CO.. MEW VOWK. or blau-k- t ti ;i..--f -v . - ' . ,; - 4b)e Cjliansf Ib the City Ut ;t; V-T'5 itrpbii-u ytmror 'n aii l Clilrl pf I'ollr F1pI Hrma! ernm ; . AlUe; Oat iJf .bmcV ol. added Klerttnt nj.;V jnd liicbt IWiofUr-4lJer ruru m- .IJ 8 ' '- - '. waotv-thi rtire- conr.icl -oc- turr-.'djtf - . 'A . - : . I . -.. i o : r, n.r 1 U "a $ p i n t ed by a v th-5 n iin r.sj ni rnetlnif- on W4l ,?day and empwvrd to car ry out' t f" pu-sp. of Hhc metlcB"a8 exrrefrje: In te rettolutlons. took 1m mediate tep? to carry fcuf the witshca of the nfetln: exrs"5-l 'in the rcsolii tlo. ca5hg u5n Mayvr P. Wright, the boa'l Jude rrmln ahd Chief Of '? thcitL; prtervc 1 IVlloe R 'Melton, ljliu-- weakn- A andjj !rveff!cb-n law anjrdt'l In the Tr The cvSnmJtB ari'intd y rs. I. II. tstcsfjjan a.d C- W. Wirlh a eorri- mlttee go call-j on M.iyi r Wricht and his ass plates to resign 'They did o. Mayor right' expressed a w ilUngnt-ss-to resisi but tsaldj-he-woUM prefer" not to do ; T;'in the face of t Kis crisis. Chief OPoliel Milton cxpuVi'ed v his willingjjssesljtrn if h' H hl. his salary ffr th'g balance f hiK term. Te cdSfrmlHie'of twent-tle nut at ji-tliM erf i antsi .Association a t 3 i nu to .hear -ie reftort-Jpf Messrs. S ted man and Woih. Ifiey made thtitr iVportH and: prerlurc 'laving; Uvn broucht to bar on Khe if ayor, i hWt nd ahler men tft-1 resign, fche y ciiis-nt- d to do po. ihe cCrnmitteu then" s.dttttd- candi dates "jOtj may'yr. aldf rir en and chief t bf -pQlt'sj; hereinafter mentioned. MayQr Wrlgrit carled a. meeting of? . the bonf4- at 4s!n. m. and at ' that hour fhey smblcl. ' Thertr wMre present" .. Mayor , "Tright.and Ahrjncn Gore, Tinfg;Ben.pi,, Hcwletj.- and Kfr whx1, " JmlKri'tji Absent. 1 Aldermen Keith, Xornll jnd-'Green, Colored. The MJyor bjatetf that-th?. object of the meting wJJs. to fill twi "vTicancies on the rpoardj-ortt frn' the Second ward ail one h from the Fifth, ward.. He saiCit waif in order to elect . memberfor thil Fifth Aviird. Aldcrian Goe nominated Mr. C. II. Ganzet", -nd hJ was unanimously elec- te'I- ','4 ' J".". - Alde.-sjl-ian Gojfe nomlpated iIx,H. P. West k vi j.aldeijinan from the 'Second "ward f -r;J he wusnnanlmouslV elected. Eachf-jthe nt4v aldermen were sworn; In by maygr as they were elected. Aide? jan H'Al'tUof the Fourth' ; Wardv j sien rc&lerned. ' and Mr. cr W. - r'Worth;v4s uriafnlmously ejected in his steadi ,- 531 sworji m. - : - Aldela'n Gore, 'of the Fourth, next resign:, and" r. 1 L. Bridgers, w as unanlrt" fjslv .eM'Cted in-i his nlace and was 8y( 'n Jn. ' 1 " Aide, k&n Benson, of the Fifth ward, air, u. r ed in I Al'e while 1 fully man i; H. Spr his sue. Aldei ward, r Krarni I King iivas unanimously elect- Isteadii and sworn... In. an. Nfif'rNvood, colored, said ijhave your Iron hot I respect Ale'r my resignation as alder- St the ! Second ward. Mr. W. was bnanlmously elected a"s jsor and was sworn In. - lan Twining, of the FIrgt -jsigned:! and the Rev. . J.' 'W. was Unanimously '-elected in his sffft.i . Ami n Gnjeji, colored, of the Fifth ward, 5 i cams in - and resigned. .Mr. ding ;was unanimously elect- ed anT ' orn in as his -successor. h - . .' r- . ' m ' - . V rtgl5L s.tad ih,?t .Keith s outi of the: city Alderman and 'that - Alderf jtijMorriIl .was sick al:home. Jno. Jt . ieiton;.vvas thn-read and ac cepted The biard thereupon elected Mr. l) )t Iartlele as chief of polke. His m.rof. $000 was". given on the spot I jjNessms George Itr)untr--, Os car Il-rJ -ill arid Martin Newman. . Maf$ Wrigfeft th.ni' stated to the boantfrft as fjhe". business mt-n had expr dissatisfaction with the ad- '. ion any requested him to tep j.U??ignat5on, he would take this ppon f?t' to.j;tender hl. resignation as mf. Healled , Alderman Wnt to thi ?jiiair. aftV on motion of Alder. .-n -t e - u . . - - man v. A II. . ' tKe ' mayor s , resignation Wed Ala. iVtiti .ett announrr-d that electh a mayor wvas in order. thQ Amu iti an King nominated the Horn A- f:.Yaddeil for- raayr, and the -ment.. his :namv H c-nu tb zt storm . W1 iivt f;t7ii vMihi.iiiiKe-n --ai (i ;j -. nt. rir th ;n: alderiil-tn, .voted1 for Colonel yaH tl; . He 'ivaH, declared- elerteij ray'oj.' totd 'a &rreat demonstration. f m t-.-iiV-.lWu ,T,i .jlfil - TP O Cf " HI wt ' e . I A V. - T . - '- . i r II J-Vii i -wr in rv' t tlt rr v r. . I V- , 1. f a 1 airldr.fi-wJ :the- Hoard.--- He said afl : thf-. rmemM of -th'board no doubt ff.lt 1-ikfl 'lh di4(1i-this tHsis.-Whlle he thanked, the b rv. for tlje honor conferred upon ""J" ' J1J "r""1;,"1. position, ana I h'd'l-s-n to be .relieved, as he ac i rt.'llf lHiy 8.S a GUly In this grav '-: rli'. ) l-j. fu-is. ) J i conjured the "members to ii .wjtrji him -In the most' ei-' trJ raord-n.ry. cxn(!itIons which us. 4 If.iiajlled Sod to witness that he would,er,Rtoy hti efforts t,o -stennly-en-forre trcx'V andjsuppress violence. H dosed nHh anjapplause Trom all in th- roonl". j jl On m4'Vion of Alderman Worth .'th" board .adopted f. vote of" 'thanks to mayof-Weight and the.others who bad ieided j ,ihe rlht spirit and resigned the ciy government. The motion was unaniinosly ad&ptedrv Cm fac lion- of! -Alderman King, the mayor,. ,ts. authorized' to flwear in 2Z0 spcia, i p JUcem'4 t,o serve last night. xr tl-H? o'VWerrpan Sprunt, Mr." -i: .H ,f Oouvcrnur w as -eltd 'as-' sistant 'cjlief of fcolice to serve during the plas of j.he board. - . ' ' - ThAlbcrd thjin adjourned, and af tervVd;held a private meeting in the mavoK-fc sfftna .!!,. -.-- . . -' (T Aldctrrrk C.'tt. Morrill, of the'Third Jf ward, -sst-iit in b?s. resignation, but no action' w.-s takein on it. On mo- ,'on the&mayor was authorfzed to emplt.fi twehty-five mounted men to patrr. pie rty on horseback and twenty-ftf e, merron bicycles for similar duty las.Xrtight4 ' j. MyorVaddell, announced that -he j wanted to specially be made known to WhiteSand Kfacks that Sill 19w!-bs- .tfes.s. anf3ft disorder In the cite- win t.o 4J . . ! and ourn- j .stirr.naarc- and if ternly suppressed. After f "itcnssi:fii- a ' fiw TYiattora i itdvms idem over, tne board adl ed, gybJ to.tBecall of the Mayor. v i 4 A a, : I TE3SS r- s