i - . , ,H- .... .. ' I. ' . II -- . , : '. Bi V . - ' ' .. . - . !;!! t . : . V, . , - -1 - " - . . -" . . ." :. sUi . ' . : t " . - ,.-,- - ' , , ' s ' 1 ' .. -.1 .. . ' s . - Pi: i-1 4M II rill II III if 4 -. 1 WILMINGTON, N. C, SAiTUItDAYjNOVEMBElt 12, 1898. - I'Rtel-: 5 cents ' . ----- 'A A" -"AAV; , AAA' A A - A", A' j.; ' A- j-.' '. "': i;'i"'fv -i i A'-.-'- : "':; " f 4.' V..-., ' ' - "-A . . - : . ,' . f - - V.-- . 1 - X , I - - ill ill I II l Y II I vr II I II l II - II lift. Hisii i i I I I '.,,-,-, i .''. '" ' : ' 1 . ;vqii. No. 2.so. 2 ;. . - - -.- " -y ' -- ' - ; - l. ' : : ; v. C:"' T-TT : ? ' -" ' " : -Vrl!l . -y v - .. I-- . 1 , v x a t Trr nrv Vt Irlc 1 jUilNl Of the Peace Commissioners Again Postponed . by Spain's Representatives. THE:- PHILIPPINE. ANNEXATION. picussion of, this Question Opposed pv the Spanish Commissioners. ' They Ask Until Monday to Prepare fin Answer to the Last Paper i ' ' , 5 '" ' ' ' A , t - - )f the Americans on4his Subject The Government Re- ,x , . r . solved not .to Abandon Her' Sov'ereigntj'. Over the . -v A . Islands Mutiny of the Police of Havana. . ; l'rompt Action 1'arirf, So embT -11 It, -is generally tuulersCood that, the- joint session Xhc'J' pearrtv, crommissionera "'which was -arraniU-.for Saturday wiUko 'vpost- Ton'f-d ruhtiV Mondayi next. . - A t t he., jorn ft session of. Wednesday Jast, it vv'a.s aKiet3 that the session fi x-t-'d for Saturday : mifrht be postponed -until-' Monday if the Spanish tomrnis- Moricrs lounu inerojves una-Die to fciioj j t. tu ntatiort .on4 .Saturday morning-, jand, there! oj-e -their proper embodiment lntV"th Spanish , . . T . t ' ! .. , : 10 meniorandum cannot be .accomplished ltfrn Monday. " ' ' Thy next communication from ifte ypajiisn commissioners .will ideal with" the rights of either x-omrnissiOn vto dis--cuss tfiianish sovereignty, over .the Phil jppjne islands, and with. thAmericaun . -con ten Hon -thy. t .the re ten t Ion of public ,. moneys and customs- collections at- Ma- mla- is. justified by the fact of militarv'l occupayon.iOt tnat place by the Ainer- Ran forces, and warranted by the pro . tocol, evenif faulty, as claimed by Spain, -because suh jaetion commenced ..after the suensibn of hostilities. - There is. no "truthAin the statement .printed .here -this -I morning that the : Spaniards have decided ' tor refuse en tirely at. the' next session, - to - discuss the cession of the Philippine" islands. thl.; wm"" L.uy , troducing- their record -of certain ver- -AUfCMTTf - P-ent sSfiKiniey waavav. j - iou aL - bur; . LltlJtr xll" y protocol was. framed and signed, tend .ing, . the"Spaniards jclaim, - to ..indicate ,f absence "-of purpose on -Ihe part of .the United Stateh to. take the Philippine . islands, in the absence of which, it ia . - further, contended, Spain, consented to - sign the protocol. , -r "Madrid, November ll.-The Ileraldo . ilhis morning asserts that the Spanish 'government has , resolved to maintain Spain's- sovereignty ; inrhe r Philippine'- islands,--and it' adds that' it has : been '" .suggested .that Emperor William, of Germany,- Avho us exlpeeted to visit Ca ;d.iz and Madridsoon, ort his way back . -to' Germany from, the Holy . Land, be J asked -to-afbitrate the questions in dis- pute "between Spain and the United States,, in the event1 of the peace com-J missions- of "the . respective co how m session in s Paris, fail . come to an agreement upon the - The newspainprs assert that the gov- ernment-of Spain is sending instruc- . .tionto' Its., commissioners -at Paris not . I .. .... V. . ' V. V . ..... r. : v --.-. i;i v hmu .pai 1 1-0 11 au V - ereignty over -the Philippine islands, . which is asserted to be entirely outside : jt inc -1 inuiit ns nererwre ine com . missioners., ar'ej; not authorized to d is- ciiss it. , It Is. fiurther, asserted that the Spanish., government will- declare that ' it has not . bden authorized: by the" - cortes to .negotiate theression of the Philippine islands. : : . a,') 4 "!t.i. :-aji v i-ses ine cpanisn peace commissioners rto : leave, Paris Atte lodging a protest- against the ( -of the Americans. . nas . j - The Spanish !-.. heWspapeysare "anWrv ;t the maiquisfof SMisbury's speech at -the , Guild Hall) lnquet on.' Wednesday v , i v l, I'll. v euu night." . TT, y itaelare it io have lay v "merely , -a alorifSaTi -strength .an "1' j d t denial of the rights ,o"t. .-tut viiKrr a j v,; - ' . MWfLNY" OF, IfkraLXA .POLICE. Havana, November 41. Following 'the example of the . Third eompany, -paru,f the I-irst and Fourth rompan ijPs ol -the orutn publico (polioe) have demai.ded . tneir pay;- now evri rmonthes oyer- 1ue. As a result of this -attitude upon - the part o;f the noli-P STvegalar Spanis"n troops: ai-e now ouar- l : ,;terHm' the' streets ; and Generaj -Aro-...1as.-,.atv the heaa of twiv hsT(i)ii.in had ni'tri jnisxoi ling .the ..main thorough s anoxtra. t.ecaution, in ordtr to -prevent k" possjie , demonstration by - 'the jnounted di'iWr. of the -'wdeni'vub- crearn; of tartar. -: IL- Saurds the food against alum N L . - Alum fftfctngr powdArs are the rreatot menacers to health of the present day,, i BOYAL BAkJMQ POWDER GO. NGW YO"Nk. ' i nrepart . vt reiily for prose Saturday and is-now-! -appears Ihe .Span- ' protest .in rto vvise, affecting the" tarri's ffm'rrf! ir np.ee, ... and fuier of the chy. " . m. r J,-" - - The s;teasmer A lava, -.which m "'' leeurua u-.nw-n can- terday for Neuvitas,. carried 1150; moL rt-ach Ifaris -.before JO 'o.'clock: on - , -pay troops about to embark at Bakloa Powderl ION oi tne uovernor. t H co,. General Arolas" stationed Jwo field f t )ieces m iiuhi oi- uifii uarravKS una momnip. i n is ar ternoon ine enure force .'accepted a peaceful solution of the. difficulty and laid'down theiT.arms. The ordenM-bhco'j.will b"e disarmed and dlss-olved immediately, ; - At the palace it 'is asserted- that the' measures adopted by the military go ernor General Arolas, are merely "evi dence of his zeal to guarantee absolute order find quiet, in1 the city" the atti- ud iff the grden publico .being de scribed eas "simply in the nature of i a order left yes- 000 to that Point for- Spain. The government also I raefl h? Payment of $13,000 each' to 1 seventeri battalions of regular soldiers, - ' . . x A cough Is not like a fever." It does I not have to run a certain course. tCure i It"' quickly and i effectually with One Mifiute Cough Ctire the best remedy for all ages and for the most severe cases. - We recommehd it because iVs good. R. Hi Bellamy.- -' - TIIK THOIHLE OVER iKtportoi uie Kiienit to cue f.overnor of Sou tli Carolina tliat ITIatterw are Xulet lu tlie PIkpuIx Nels;lborliood . ,' Washington, November 11. A,spe- eia) to Jhe Post 'from-Columbia, ' SVC., gives 'the following "story of today's developments in the" race riots in that Btate -Sheriff' Sheriff McCaslan, of Greenwood j tounty in which Phoenix is located L wired the 1 governor today; "Things perfectly quiet and excitement all gone. VftiT nnntfnt rplv"nnnn cuncatinnal'm mors." 4. ' Late-news from the '-scenexof. the re cent lyhchings indicated that tire- angry passions "of the people are subsiding and.no further' bloodshed, is jaow to be expected unless two negroes, Circuit and White, or Henderson; a white man, SESS all of whom the crowds wisb to secure, commission jurisdiction over . .tBse " ..iAta iate Koiise this ! afternoon '-Mr I are found. There is every reason to f. be4nd Tolbert, fccAS believe that all tbfee have made good J St!0fJ0t " un1Li5SP' JMpeW -eral Rirds,fof the department of jus their escape. ; " ' JeoeifrSfl fSJnUJon??!6 tiCe' cal,ed the wnite house and had ;The feeling ' againsU-the Tolberts Zn lJZW Ll1! ?n extendedinterview with President seems to he intense An imnartiai man -. :. 1 .: . r" v ' ably foiiowrtneir r presence . -. --. , in the neighborhood, -which for some ''' time to 'come, if ever, will not be" a' safe - place for themv They are looked upon as n;ne inciters or tne trauDie. - it is generally thougbt dangerous to allow the two Tolberts to .come here. ."This. morning notice , was 'given Jas. Tolbert, whose wife, is postmaster . -at MjpCormick, that he would be allowed thirty-six hours-to- leave but that his wife and children, will be cared for and protected. Although James A. l"e tkt !- frtre?ret 'newHl&ot possible and tt wouid then be determin Tolbert is not known to have-ha'd any- JlLieZJ. tinAt?n hat- if t nything. would be done. 4 . . m . . ... . - - .i- ?-m& . . ry - y,- . v,,-, vc ov.cfi : 1 yf .. - lthinrr trt rtrt tit 1 - thn rnoAri r wmi h qc it is saiu mai. ne leit. goiug 110 one Knows wnere. iiufs. 1 oioei Lj. if as suu-m ed; is- making! preparations to leave. It is supposed that James was accom- panied to a point of " safety by armed negroes, . a-band of them being reported in the country' today, . . A NEW DEVELOPMENT. . c Atlanta, Ga., November 11. A Jour nal special fronx' Greenwoodr S. C. says:. Everything Jwas believed ;' to have sejjled into": its normal state at PhoenixvCTity today, A but a telegram frnm f Via, va core,' Tr-jr.rT? . xi'n a on 4- r Cojumbli'to hold 'John K: Tolbert and iiis son Slney -who are in the peniten- tiary: "nThe. telegram said ' . affidavits impiicatmjj the Tolbe-lts in7the yrecent race troubles were oir-the way to Co- iumbiVand it is now .believed it is the intention to bring, th Tolberts back - . - - - . . .. . . t:ity. 1 i AM IS iUJIIr IS fM.,.nrf- wc-v, ' tciv, 4....4 .r,! - ----- - - - luufcgii 4tauixi5 ciiiitiia aif uri'irciiuug i . . -.v. :, j t .i . '. I . I any further violence. f ilings of II. 15. Plant New York, ZVovember 1L President Henry B. Plant, tof the Plant railroads and thepwnex of the Plart Line steam- I ers, .who vas i taken . ill yesterday at tbe PenrTsyhviniarjrailroad station A Jersey CityyJtfll in his -private ear at the Atgfrt. tod-ay. He arrived , yesterday rnrng from Florida, in : his private car over tre Pennsylvania road. He j was -getting reaay.to leave nis car wnen hej'-'waf taken' with thei Vertigo. His son,' M.-R' -PlanW who aec'pmpanied him had Mrl T3nnt tint tr lp.i- in hii f sr. - Then the con notified the family' in Net Yorki and also-surpxnoned the; family physician. Tlie latfer remained with tho-cilr- mnv, jnivht Thi' morning Mr. Plant was, -no better.. -Mr. Plant is 'about SO years old. - IllSVKLL U OST TA LR lie Kofhlus to Say About tbe MJu- atlon In WlItnijistonTtvo KetH of the Klectlon -oult Aeinvt Italetsb. aodGattoa lUllwaf . Messenger Bureau, ," ' Raleigh, N. C, November... Interest in tlxrnews frmi -Wilmington was intense here, yesterdaj', . imd tuday eerV'ne asktnl the question, iris it quiet there?" Many white men frpm vhere would have gone there at the lejast intimation of need fqr them. ' ' Governor lltussell. declined to yilk about theW'ilmington affair. He as in his offlire..-until quite late, and so as Major Charles L. Davis, U. S. A., St ing adjutant general - , The election here was one of die quietest ever - known, unmarked by a fight or1 ev'eJi a quarrel, and so it has been ever since.: The".fusionEsts tjjke their defea.t very good- naturedly. i A ' '. .There is a general expression amng' the white republicans and the popu lists who" talk that the negro question 1sforever settled in North Carolina! J. IS. P'ortune,' clerk of the-United States district court: a republican, "says': "Isou can say from nSe that' this election kas. - settled two things in this .state, lhe negro in politics and the populist pir- . - - i. . Special invitations were today s'int by the-committee on invitation to he seven democratic congressmen-elefst Small," Thomas, Atwater, Kitchin, .; r!lel- lamy, : Kluttz and Crawford to be : hre at the'democratic jubilee next Tues(iav "night and mak speeches. ;. ? Governor- RusSell . orders ter.m of FrankUn superaor' roiit tbe- cember 5th, to try ,a. man fOr' burglary . Railway. Commissioners Caldwell nd Pearson were here' taiday 'as witnesses before the Wake county commissiojn ers; in the' case of the latter . against' the Italeigh . and tGaston ra-ilway. In this case the- com'missioners seek ft to' p'lace on the tax lists $1,000,000 of boryis. which it was developed in a recent 3j it before the railway commission the rad CI I1UL ".ve a "pun.un nis per holds, the bonds being those. of another i J.: ,. ' A', ' , " : '.... division ;of the Seaboard Air Uhe. Tolbert. said that .he .was at Ab, which iwp tflksn-hv thp FJn lpip-Vi. Mnfl fla'Qtnn.'ih rpfnrn fnr n lnn -S f the .ShOOting HtS ' fath " Tt is. now settled that thp SpahnSMv rtas at ferdrey, perate and no dotabt equip with rolling-stock the new J'siWt cut" from " Ridgeway to Richm:-nd. Fourdivisions of the Seaboard kir Line 'have endorsed that arrangement : and. there is no doubt the Carolina Cen tral and the Georgia, Carolina And Northern, the two remaining divisiciis. will take the same a'ction. .. : " At the meetings., of the Raleigh, nd j Gaston, Raleigh and Augusta and 1 Durham 'and Northern divisions af ihe . Seaboard Air Line here - yesterday.fi a good showing was made as to bisj- fiefts,, wiiufi a gain aiiv aiong tne line Yesterday" Congressman-elect ?4t- J-'1! t Air r.inp ,vifi hnaro a rv ri Jiiw v nen the el(?er Tolbert. -- - V. V i. i . I. U11V4 AlV i&.rilkWt, "-' Sttrirt Sv nSrrnS f!2tl -- so.badly wounded, R." TftT t t hBfl Si tJSJ E?3o Zl P Tolbert proctred a doctor, who attend that rire had been told by a friendi,of tn tKo Anfl0 r mi .. Tr,Vl-.V V,!c i. . ."1 W " f S'i v p , 1 in Johnston county. AUvater rtdlced .4marf l J"ntk,nfS n0,S' Sly-S 'V'coZ'cnrstateTrr' the' in- ! ZZnrt? r-TT. . V"U"'P; lv nonr-.w7t, -.T 1 ' IS p M. - s-also under the supergns- ion of the commissfon reports hat u- t A r,- --e IJAWW1-I1S ic senq an messages. 3 A.iitr aujutaiur general nas enureiyjai- terfed the formation of the state guard. ,x nere nave been- four regimentas of , eight -companies each.- ow there ire to be, three two of ten and one of SMne j companies, each company with tlj-ee officers, and sixty men i - State Chairman F. M. Simmons frlls'' f luwiiv v- ,j. w.,ivia 111C11L. ' '' inviiift -iDuuiej iact that he has to be at- Kin stow to 1 defend a man, (one of bis bonds&en wuen ne was revenue collector). . 'ho killed his nephew. This man is an sold r rrieno oj .Mr. himmons. t. 15. Aycfck, hi, t'iM utf, -. j , steps to obtain f official information .. . ' : : . . ,' 1 j bearing -up the -trouble in South Car- When. you. ask . for DeWitt's Wjtch; olina and itf is' said to be entirely-Un-Hazel Salve 'don't - accent a counlpr- like.lv that . rr thp ahwnop nf cnoH in. feit or imitation. There are more cses of Piles being cured by this, thansfail others combined. R. R. Bellamy. g- A T-.':: A .- nansrliters of the Confederacy Hot Springs,- Ark., November f.r- ; The- convention- of .Fhe National CT&p-" j ter of ttle United Daughters of. Ahe ' Confederacy -opened this-morning, vjith Ka. full attendance. The report. from;Ahe i 'Mary Curtis Lee Chapter," of Ale.tan dria.rVa.; regarding the organization of a juvenile chapter, was adopted? i m ... , . . A .fJWL-ussiun ensueu as to-rne evnernr viv ? . . . . Oo ntlO t l.ln nf -hU n. i. . .. '- 1 - .""" ' uv,ii i-napire.-inmun AIU thA OOiSt).. nJ l . . . . . : S " " ..nit; soutn and the m.H-crrwnt ?r. ceived the' sanction "of the convention. An amendment to the constitution , authorizing the. Association to receive' acquirer and own- property, perscial and real, - waw adopted. Aj resoliitjon to the effectthat each chapter own nd' preserve a confederate flag to be ved at ' ifs d-tsc.re.tion, passed ..Dn-animougty. . : : Late to bed and early to- rise, pre pares a man for his home Jn.-thcsfcles. a Little E4rly f I Riser,, the pit! that makes lifeMongcr , ""TZ " " U1S ' -1 . - ' Jtpubllcau Carry Nevada Rend, v Nevada., November ! 1.La.est returns' show that McMillan. repu?Ii- 3 can.' has txeen elected. gove.rnor of ,;.e- vada. --.Careul -comDilation of the rxt legislature shows : tbat it;; g-tands or United States senator on joint balld ' asrainst StPWPrt tnr Stewart JS- . doubtful 4.' with one couL'ty' awemlfyr - man stilr to hear from. ; A ; f - v.. THE HMOKMX IHOTSi IL. II. Tolber lUoea to Vaulnston to Sero re Federal Aid 111 Vertloa of lheAffalrfConference With Prel ' dent and At wrnef ieneral Washingtosll November 11. IX. It- Tolbert, whos? father and brother were killed in theiceit raer- war at Phoe nix, S. C, wajsi-at the -department of Justice today )Lo secure an Investiga tion of the ri$ by the federal author ities. : He w-. accompanied bv some of the ' repuilfican politicians of - the state.' The etiler -Tolbert is now in the state" peniten'iiary Yor wafety. Mx. Tdf bert. says thit the true facts of the riot -have ncf oeen given. Ther facts are, he said, 5as' follow s: "I.. was nominated for congress by the. republicaris of my district. For the purpose of making a contest before-the house my brother, T. P. Tolbert, agreed to be. present at the polling place at Phoenix for the purpose of witnessing the affidavits -of colored nien'who were rejected as voters - be cause of their inability to comply -with the requirements of, the .constitution. My brother took' no part in the man agement of the polling place,' which f -1 J. m. . . 1 m 'Ji t .. 'k . -m -w -was In the hands of the democrats. He simply sat on the piazza of Mr. -Lee's5 house and witnessed - the affidavits' given him, depositing. these affidavits in a. box prepared fo'the purpose."1 "Mr. Etherjdge,- the- .white man who was killed, . Vv&s aty election' manager' at a precinctstwo' miles iway He left - lFnen' went tc, Phoenix.. He walked up- .wUh. hls V&tty towhere my brother the table an bx ,in which the cer tificates wert ' Then he -assaulted my brother. " -"In a -shorft. while the democratic- Voters who vere in the same house, rushed out nd" commenced shooting Mnto the crowd. The negroes lied. My brother, who (s probably dead by now, i told me that? Etheridge was skilled bj shots from h?V own friends. "My broth- , ,. i.. . .... . ;. . ,-. wci.jut:, tncih,j-rll.vc II111CS away If 4)111 er. J. It. Tol- another precinct. learned of the riot, , he starred, for, Uhe scne :in his buggy, accompanied by a" 10-year-old nephewr. Before he reached the scene he was met by a mob w hich' riddled the buggy wth bullets, "an'd;-wounded him and the3 little oy a -number of times.. - i J-- - T. P. Tolbert, -who- was first shot, by the-mob, wa aided to his home, some distance awCy, and was pursued by fhe mob. Willie lyiignn bed in a "dying condition' -thei mob attempted to make him, give theHname of. the person who had. killed Etneridge. He said he could . . .J, , . ,..". ,.,77 because thendge had been killed 'i "--",Wv v. . iut, uuu uvui niiiuu V t-h.e- democrats themselVesv ,On find- : cu 'iup ,wuuu,ui tne sen or l.Ol- bert " After Iplaeing .nis family in a Vr wl V.. fi,,, . KiK that soi far as he uM ' l;vio ZT McK.nley. Je, related o the president. . tne- srorv nt.ih s pvnor onoc in- r,iifi above of the The presi ; but gave, nondication of what actkmj if any, migrH be taken. However, he requested Mr. Tolbert to see the at. 1 torngy general and make to him i full' .t .statement of. the situation as he view- ed it Rptiuf-hinp- tri tho iloiwrtmant -i . intir.p tr- . rriv,T. v.ot r, 5-,.sj Just returned t-o the city from New ,T; J?rsev. At the- rrtneln!on" nf thP-intJ view ::the attorney ' general sa'id' he i wouia nav a conference . with the A !' Aonignt 1 ittornev (Jen era Jre-ffs spent' sorre Uime with the rireident, but. so far Js. could be ascertained no decision of t he question presented by Mr Tolbert Uvas reaciid. A '.-: " 1 : 1 The department of justice has taken formation; he president- would, .take any -action m the matteri . In- addition,: Mov ever, to, tbe effort of the depart ment to secf re definite and official in-'for-nation concerning Tuesday's n'ot ingsteps. Ifive been taken to afford ample protection , to the .elder Tolbert. vho is collector of customs at the port of (Jharlestoi. It : is said that, as , n gverrment -offtcer in vth'e .e.xrise ' of . his individuil rights, and in the "per- fnrmanee." of lis -official duti.es the fed . ?rr-govern fluent will not permit: him to be interfel"ed with. A prorninentvof , fj'ial-of the administration said to night: ' "ColSector Tolbert's right will be-, maintainf-d, even though an effort be made umler the' guise of law to trench upon, them." , -. .... Overcome , evil with gomd. Overcome your,coughSi and colds with One Min ute Cough dbre. ' It is so good: children cry for it tt cures croun. "bronchitis, pneumonia, trinne and all throat arc" lung disease's. R. R. Bellamys 'A 1 A . .- - AKf: ',f ltpnblcau I'lainu a to Coojrei I'n- Savannah. Ga.. November II; Gen T . dmv 111 vannan mis mornmg: tor rejom the beventh army corps after an absence of three w.feks. iHe was accompanied by Governor 'J. Hoge Tyler. of'Virgini: and three hVs staff, CoSoneUTennant. Colonel W. O. Skellon a e d Colonel C.. O'l?. Co war din. The Fourth .Virginia regiment, rrtet the party a! the "Plant- s,vstem depot and escorted? ithem to tbre Desoto hotel, In tbe- afteraoonGovernor, Tyler and Ikar.iy wre ren a review or tfie bee ond brigades of the Second divbsion-i t the A von dale tract" Genial H ' C Jiarbrouckcommaridin, h " jA FEDERAL As to the Situation at wood Discussed THE CRUISER The Legal Status of the Derelict: Investig-nti'd bylour OftUirtlsHcr 'v; -:'. ':'-' '' - '- :r ",'-. 'I' . - - Abandonment to be Investigated bv a Cm&trf Induir --AllminU " .-' . :";,."'- ';'-.. ' .;".,":. '--'-:-. .- - ' -- Schley Arrives with the Report of tte Porto Hican Coin- missionTwo Men of the at Havana Die of Yellow oi uma Washington, November -1L The cab inet meeting today lasted over two hours. While a large amount . of routine business was transacted - con siderable attention' was devoted to the race trouble in the Carolinas. The president expressed deep concern over the situation, but it was -.decided that the developnaents up to this time did not warrant federal interference The. conditions in these two statf- will, hpyeve.r, be kept under close "Surveil lance, with a view to action should it be deemed necessary.. - The president-will confer withAt torney General Griggs, concerning"the condition, in the Carollnas upon . the latter's return to the city.i' . Beyond the 'newspaper -reports, no information from Wilmington or Greenwood has reached-the administration Nfroni any source, but there is little doubt that the .w.hole "matter-will" be looked into by the officers of the department of justice. This -action -was decided upon a.t today's meting and unless-the"riot-ing , is resumed it 1 is.-p'rcbale 'that nothing will be done pendingf the re turn of Attorney General Griggs.. There was a prolonged discussion of the sanitary conditions at Havana, largery brought out by a dispatch which was read announcing .two yellow, fever cases in the army. The situation at Havana is.jeoncded ; to be very se rious and the" administration is' cognU zant of the necessity - of a' thorough : saiiltaTjToverhaultng of the -city beiore its occupation by our troops .is safe. Elsewhere than Havana-there is alBok,nVr,UYr uatneother need of assistance .istance of this government i or ,tnis government . along these lines and it is asserted a chartered steamer of the' government will soon be dispatched to the island laden with supplies, including food. . j.-, ine toiiowmg cablegram trom,uen- ine iouowmg caoiegram irom.uen- i r ., - 4v cio.1. yv.aur, iuutuiu. ui , lub y v uuau evacuation commission was read at the meeting: -"From our. arrival' Spanish authori ties her have, I believe,' oarried out the est o abilitv Shins arriving ' hav hen ips arriving- nave been nd fully loaded and dis- . oAfAVA-i '. , . have been promptly a patched, about our. zu.uuu- soiaiers navmg gone. Lack of transportation and money to pay troops is giving serious trouble. The governor general seems able to deal with conditions as they- arise. Accounts from here are so sen- mise. Accounxs irom nere are so sen - sational I desire to'inform you of true state of affairs A nf IT? A T '! OCUT FVO DCTTTDV New Ynrk VnvfcTnw 11' n. United" States cruiser kewaVk Tr command of ' Commander C. F. Good- rich and fiviner iho ' flap nf Rear- 4 w . 6th. On board the Newark with Rear Armiral. Schley were his staff. , The rear admiraJL had with himthe report" vyr mi. vuuivmtcE .u.tz- iji cbiucu i( in sisting of tnree bulky parcels,, in which "the documentary evidence, and' esti mated to contain at least 60,000 words. '( which he is to take' with him to Wash ington "this afternoon He looked well and said. 'he.-felt-well,-though.-in need of. rest.. He said the meetings of the commission with the Spaniards had been ;very harmonious. The instruc tions which the . American commis sioners could not deviate from were gracefully submitted "to by. them and before the meetings ceased the Span iards, had a very much'' higher respect for Americans than before. The report contains a full statement of the finan ces, the revenues and the debts, the govern conditions of Porto Rico iwv.vw inhabitants. Aamirai bcniey said that Porto Rico had a- great fu ture and has. advantages fully equal to Cuba's, i The people, are very docile and amenable .to law, and just-rrow carried away with love for . the United States and showing intense loyalty. TWO DEATHS FROM YELLOW ' FEVER. Havana, November ll.-W, A; Wil liams., the chief- quartermaster, who has been suffering from fever for some time past, died at 9 o'clock this morn ing. F. T.i Stewart, the clerk, attached to the quartermaster's department, who was also prostrated with fever for several days past, died at 6 o'clock this morning. The condition of J.B. Caldwell,r.the third of, tne American 'party, who has been suff erin g vf rom - fever, A is un-' changed. . . V- The body of CoIonel rWilliams will be embalmed and will be carried direct ly on board -the Ward Line steamer, Zeguranca, which is expected here this ties ner nave, i oeiieve,' oarried'out tne taintwUw-Ai: vatn silk terms of evacuation to 'the. best of their L3h the storm and the prob- Auuiiitti vv, o. ucn4e arrivea nere to j--coun.'.-orn1'' ,aay-rrom ban Juan, Porto Rico, from j cannq,t ra which port she sailed on November i to elMitt a .1 I Li', "i WiimMgton aiid Green-J by hfe;Cabinet. HI Kir I m ' MaIm'tERESA. K..4 3 W tiilr Staffs Cr Commission Mi- l'e v f -lvacuation tjoing v a u s. . afterns jn from Vera Cruz, for ihip ment in.,l The remain of Mr. Sti-w- . art wd-bjfcuried hert thin aftcmoon' The- Jetft has caused a profound sensatj3n.,pt is a strange coincidenco that tip 5ny case of yellow -fever " ainonfor teners here lately have been those f t t& members of the Aibericaa comnlHsirtnand staff. - - WaininiHbn, Nov. mber II. Alja- ' tant CrneiaICorbin received a mesago' this mornrgg from General Wadn chairman eVf the Cuban earuation ' . eammi.sioyi!at Havana im,.n,.i- the death .5!! , wu t i uf j -jin yelow fever of Lieu- : tenant Co deputy qu el Charles W. Williams, f ermastcr, general rAti. tenant Col6l Williamwah'eVouns arnuf ls-1n.-r .i ...... . ' r. v jr)T-jkA oi i.. nnr ut!hi r,,ni.,.i as certain Jf becoming quartermaster ' general Mntjie couraef a few years jj' Irfna, PV,ve f K'lY and was t ST'XE fe,h-Military ademy 5 - i h . ;TIH:'MARIA TERESA. ' Omcisls K the navy department wi" - identifying pearly, themsTfTrIy, rif f1iiDd as tbe Maria L !gaIJtus of tHe vessel has been Lnited'Sts. to her is unimpaired notwifbxAlnsr the fact thatA it i .necessary ;t&-abandon h. t, ! Theresa 3e some question involvet! as tohjyment of salvage to the Baharr ffollermen, but that LnnV ,! ha laiH ' Y, THPSlira nr ,W i. . i 'j ..Ti 1 iney navo fnf haVe B.' lut ing tyj v$ajfel. then not oniyrtnrr not itid-'to salvage, but the- gooda 2L S nnen who horH t:-o.i : "Z. . rrv" aLi if thiir - ooxn water, and . -yj- "v ouj cauravnr t.i hr n her inr gnbably thev, would hava . good ida; for salvage.'. The vessel bowever,.iift;not 'subject to -detention" '0n ia dhJUi,r -iJl ",r- U""UUU1 ra l13 V count, international liw T emnf Sn p- !h Mi A i -.',- . r 7-Qfru,"1 veBBeis rrom seizure on any stor;e in the time of peace - ' pZ!tCOUntceive1' 11 18 ar. eu iirat tnetdamapp. -v.o. , . - Is "Pn th cbral reefs out- iVin' CaS f, jV- 1W1S "Ul"" ' jf-J ffJJS a d' added to the wounds" recei w-l ft-b5s the shin .-in -'-! -i.-. - Ri,A ..a L . , ' " wuen she if; '&'uiuy -are sufficient to ;r: asrtf-ntirelv valiiPia xtai I rendfei ul an ?,Pj?aeiinatfnn s . . . . -linatlon. can (laA.mi.. hoitif U LATvV. . mine this already rt their tne Aierritt experts ar tnaf gi; , r " ' vat. island, - U ti , so be deefded. inat v. court nf ini. .l..... to drmifle whether tha .VfrN mpntfii,. the abandon- i:.abIe7Sil ! nat!fa The kletJili'for thp nrt,,S r!?p0n? bppn'aniWAjv . i. : . 8 yet W. is? '. '"urai naji fha formally annofntPH t- ii. St rhe testimony necessary J& facts '.urn II , , J who : recKer T, jf, f v u lo uat is'and return S fnt of the conditions th lOUnda A Urt'JnA 1-.. K'.J )Unf aoad- the Teresa. 3 rlddl"tf 4jr1reVe,nt" the dy "from the ti-ou.oleand cure kI?it It V' . r ''.f-v! inactive Liver pnd-r-in.. Ilave I'uiii r.n to.j lhe llllt . Nfct: '?& Member ll.-Through ' the ipl: offd for, mpulsiveneSH and . ' stup.diH-oChis brother jAtk Da fcumj- J te ,itt,e Irish -pugilist. ,Vt bo lh Geo. Dixon. the.colcJ feathtrViAt champion ,ni-K. - -re at 1 his aS'Alryf an outpoints Iixo"r I uri i. : e" hand hook from -head i'lnfo1huatUg, 'SuJhvan oiTh ' to th ,S0? inAsaei ' together only to gain hl8 3?K " ?rying to r the rx.r?LJa5k Jum in through . : y . " C) "I up-" fJ4mmi (vi' m 15 PV "Time Js -a., rS2S5 spoke t'o the ?rt0"'J who who ftaJd fTlTV A the time kejepr. iVaPi hi- i,:r; r wL' ,tulIivan was -not ufidontitfiir k,' I ",,cu dIlu- would, royn fi.,' ri . ivi, w vera i. l Dixon had snh o - tt Kf.fFif. .. . . one. sucn sn hav hJ. ?f at tne asion wouW ment and other !nnatr 0? r.". V and its nearly . iV V- A' e"iynve rounds f ! -) A.il r! I 1 Sr.' .- 4-i - V -mi- -a ' ' .'t:iA-i. 'i Ap-v; m r r - I J. , , :.4' .!..- 1 ' ; '': ' 1 U4. . A 1 iV-sii" i ' ' - .' -A--'"-' . ' : O 'I - .' . . ; i .- '1 .'-..: t . . ' it F '

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