1. '?;-V-:v;-' - y:-y:yy'X-yy:X'r::y;y:'-Xiy- - ;;"v' : -::.:r'-,'" :; -; ::C ' .-VV" ':-:': ;r . '.,:-.:, :;r;.":; -.. y- 'rf:' ' l. vfv. '- : ' .'-''-. .V ':--. 'i : K.: ' .... v' :-Oy-X - - ''4 v " .: . - i-'r;r-rVf? - f VOT.. Til. NO. 231. WIUMIXGTON, C SUNDAY, NOVEMBER J3, 18U8' t'UICK 5 CENTS ft 4 :- ' r .-i u i : spain-(;hr.maxy The Spaniards Anxious ' -shipof tlie German Emperor. ' SPAIR'S LAST ISLANDS FOR SALE . SJic V,'Sshc!t Sell -Them to Germany The Spanish Queen Sends ail Autograplj Letter to tlie Kaiser Inviting Him to Visit Madrid 'lrcvc,nod ffoni Accepiing by Fcar.uf Woundins; Amen- " can Public Feelins True (Cause of Emperor Wil-$ " ' liani'.s Visit to "the Holy hand--Germany's' -I SuJden Friendship to England. -trffiir In d,jpl-m.'ttJc CM f I-s her.- - that Hpdin. ifUjr th1. C"nr lu-Non f a' trtaty . t . .r.. ,.it. ihi. Pit,-M sir in?-- vill u.-,..r; fulni-s.- iK)iixhy th. .Mariana WanUs, ..... ,u... . ..t-u: fn- remaining' tin1 t'aroiinq .Uacd"and T'ala l.slariJ.s -'and it i.-, rtnu tnM th.; Sfi.injs.h kov- -.-rnnn-ntlui- aln.nly b.-c-ii auti iy. ' appro i h"I b tiuniiany for th.- pur- . ;iws-c if ,!'rtumnjr Imw mu h theso 74'r iup--' .would" w wonn.ri no oni--a-i vf-th fitr.fift.il Jtfllcj here afnut that the ;h ijUivHion of th"-i" Sjiaiuh , n'oloiiif s Sould 1 of ( rii-nb;i able alut- loOcr-, many,' m of Their ptoxniniy to IeJll.tU Aii-l' ala-.iin jus-.s-,ii.nvI Jut ,ltuy ft,iv.: ih niKiinj, .is io im-ii m- tHitioii! in V' mater. .... . , ,..-.,- -'The liiiitDum'CHiriu that i:mpir4ir William will rail ar Spanish .ports. un- 'his wv hMine f rom the Holy Land has Kivt-'n ri. to nlJ sot-tK of politicai'spec- -5jlationtfvHHxiaUv in viov.f the state- WnOhaY the' queen regl-iu of Spam- t,;- .ui.w.i n.Lih, ,inwe of Sot. JML.vor. with .rn au;ogiaidi lyttw , .to , fleM to(ay notified shernf Davenport ' Bradshaw did not do any work, but ('aithaKcna ,iitinK the n" ;n- that the remaining tro-ps guarding the marched his convict force back to , jtror-ti visit ".Madrid and to rejoin the Chicago-Virden Coaf Company's, shafts' camp and then .came here and arrang .'. 'lmjitfrial, yacht lloheiizollern later t- at Virden should be removed. , Since ed for a hearing. , ', Cad iz . Hueh an tm-itatrorv, however, - -the differences between the coal com- 4 The fact was developed ' that last : culd only be-made in accordance with ; court etiquette if its 'aewptance " had been previously secured; and it is cer -i -. 1 i t n vl, t f thii Ttr...i3.Ti t f h o I tbic I , epiance has-riot, been obtainedOn th ojj tl'ai. ;y line 1L rSi eviucn u mat opaiu i. as keenly, desirous, that the emperor:! "i-houid isjt Madrid, "and in fact, -at- tempts "are already being- made to I . V riTrX ' h he. will visit Sp-amsh-ports, the foreign . office her is doing everything to throw 1 -old water cn the idea that his majeS t5' had i any political end in view in t . touching at. Spanish ports. .The for-.! . eit?n. oitice appears to De- anxtous'X to ' avoid any steps calculated .to wound.-' pulIic feeling in -the j U-nited - States, wlaich it is full y; recognized here.would resent a. visit- f ; the emperor'to . the Spanislvpxrts vvhilenthe" peace negotia- lions are ivtil un'copcluded. - It has now become known that Em jeror William, aiming. othr objects in . view, desired .toi'utihze- hj.s itrip to 'je-j-u-salvni to 'reunite German .Protestant? ism. nowvsplifc into a-score of factions, and -estiiblish : his- office f Summus "J-?picopis. .now held merely j over the vanfteli'al church of I'riisia, overtthe vhole- I'rotestanv Germany.' The em .jeri.ir tirmly believed -he could realize: - His plan- but nevertheJess. the project : utterly, miscarried: The grand -duke of , 3 iaden. represented to the- enireror that exiAting'circumsMnt es made it tmpos-.f1,u- fu-" the other Protestant princes "f euliaiv.v to yield to tlie' emperor s 'whes , It is saul .tha'tl Fmpefor- William, dur intr lus v?sj t to J.erusalem was jgreatly stru' k by, the .manf French llagA -fly- "iiii-.; and remarked : rFraiKe '-has a grera inanv buiMingsl Uere,' b-ut there is - roo in t'o'r. others', . .. . -r- It tf anspi,res uh'at an- exiraordinary Ainetdent-wrrod when the .empercr 'letf INintantmople The TuJtan -a rt-iiiriiii,'-,i:i(.m biddinir farev 11 to. his A - : guests when a 'man rushed ihrouch th ' e-j(J.rt and .pLuvd a large linea -bundle. in (the t ai:r-tge a 'th.j -sultan's feet. - Prince AUiel Kadt-r, the second son of , 'the sultan. who ,is Avith the witter in the can iage. jumne'd t hjs feet and . -ho'uTeH: . "Thvy are goijig . to murder niv r.-uhiT' Tivre Aasa scene 'of in--.'-..tensef excrtemeiu -until an aide-dc-camp '. - ?n a t eh ed th e bund 1 e- ou t if the oa rria are and foyiuf that.' instead of explosives. - it cVntaiud a baby. The' man' who . plticed t he-tundle in the carriigewas v arrested. tl--lared -jhe-vas-.a poor 'U"r1a'. tlV-ri, he .hd "not received anv ".11.1 TornK-ntu-s and ,ihat he was on the 5.-nrt ot taMafuiR and threw .the - Child into tlie carn-tge n .order to diaw the Fultrm's ateution to hi5 condition. ; : The , .suit an on -'hearing ' of the man's r,.rv ordered -his .salary to be paid .. V h ether-, if t, S4ilel or pa v t i a 1 1 v vjue fu the Ansflo-Gersian understanding, it . . i.s an .unde-niabie faV't" that tHere fs "--a -'' d-dlU-- .f.r.ie.nllv-j fet-ling, 'for Ore it v tf vfain , m thv; -lending .circles here, - nor -; 1 -or.i y . "a n i on g , gj v ern m ent- official . bin iiTtio'ng.- the r.a- and ; :armV officers. ;.; XeAertheless, a .ensatiori was t reated " tne coprtte nght about turn ufcon n,, ,Mlt The.Kient Ztnc. J.nhV ro the mo!t venHiou foe of ii.r i liri' . v.v K,, ,i.v,:i,: i, . .(-.. . t. .. . i . j ea to be helpful ,to ii. Tin- ni-. i.i-, o, cr' T " niu"."' m asia Detter an tf, wiser. .R. It. Bellamy Ij.. -Il ?i 55ii-ll I - - - - . 1 . -..'.": :"".( . . y ' , . . J . ' J' V'V hve fr yers ."past ert1 s M ; " - . V- . - . " - i re.-i t. - gi t ng as .-on-'' tr. -.; ci, - ' lorn, .Novernr,;' . , ine waek- ..an-u IS not St ronsr en ,-11,0-1-, : iA: o-iniv sLaieii.eilL Siliows.ine IGHow . - . '.- - st,i il .ifU ii. - I iry i - anets have - fundamentallv changed :- ' y r-Alara has made: rextraordiharvef- ' ,rr?th armJ"and navy" and i- - '" 1 n hndan-nina:irn.-.-T j c-,; wl t- T . ... - - ' Mdl i-Mp. to t.-r-d hfPwn,m. - i-ian.oe". ine -panics; now hold. 115.011. Wirn ?'''eh 'n' mn,i ' ft in e?cs of the requ:rcnents of the The fe-'.l U;t m .,o hu---p, Srf Wh,le havo 'r ! -fO.in'tj- .-ck fn- r trestv. we -orM. one '.o approve, of an ijM.'pr.-t-ir.i . oVe, ,f a.n M"-.if"er5tnnrd'---. .- 'i b.... , .-..-:-.-. ... -.1 .' . 'X r i1;1-."1.0-?--51-':4. rar of a pew s- I ,ni,ner -w-iuch h.s tH.'.-Trt!n er r?jathns:j deeply-sig-, ih the court and arr.iv i ...J- 1's s.-ifd the exemftre.4i of Germanv to Secure the Friend ' was made acquainted by the emperwr : before h- left fur the Holy Land with, -hi-s resolution . to . resume .-nei-tiations H'Lh Great rlJwtain'-.for the purpose-of - bnadenihi? a nd''K tending- tht ' AnrJ-- 1 (iermanv undcrttandins. Th- (jermin , '. jriinisfteY-'-.of fjroirn affairs, vhu,,.uf all tht, membt.rh of tne cabinet,, exerts the , ,rr.t.r 4Vunf ir the cmiicror. warm is?: sut-Mrts the pro-Kritish policy as;an offf.-t to th"f) lrt "f Itu,a- ldness . .ut.n. tht i - T-h Vlrdeu 711uer-Vli .V i--..wU. .-.ui,.. -x'X wi A i ti, . i i differemes- between the Chicago- r- den toaJ l. ompany at irtien,and au- burn and th s'triking miners "have lof'n settled and the- shafts will soon be in operation. The company agreed , tf) pay the j.tate scaje pf 40 sentg per tombutdid n.ot want 'to tear down the ' : staekade; Finally the company a'c- ! rcepte tire offer of the miners that they '' w ould take it. down and charge the", .'company nothing for the lalxnv ; ; ; j 1 St- Louis, JMo., November 12. A special to the Post Dispatch from Car,-, "inait' IinvilTe, IllsV says: Adjutant General Reese, of Spring- ?Ipany and the miners have been" settled, troops are no longer needed. ; -i i. . Trhck crann inrv '.anmnrnprl tn day: until 'Monday. Great pressure i'ls .being brought to. bear by influential fvia.uuo .juul auu""(3 l h Its investigations. - A prominent mem- i)er of the jury admitted today thar AVh thea?e Me in'dismantlv de- clared tnat it was tue intention or tne - a , ' i . rand no to' be atTepted by any outside pressure. - :-: ; .- ): . -. r. !' ;. Ickluley Will e in Atlanta v;! : Atlanta, GojNovember 12.The At lanta peace jubilee citizens committee today received; formal telegraphic, nor rce Ifam j President McKinley ,an nouncing approval of the 'prpgramme submitted to him -for the. peace juhilae celebratian fixed ' for December 14th' arid 15th. The president w dl' reach Au lanta by special train Wednesday mvtrning, December. 14th. i; f -The: entertainment wilt- be one of the mot elaborate . social j functaoTis ever held -in the south.' At 9 o'clock Wed nesday evening & banquet will be ten 'derecr Xo the president.' On! Thursday, .; Beoember 15th..'"the president- will re- j .vrew-the military and civil pageant, in , .w-hicft it is. believed that not less than :f Snf.000'ieoriie w ill be in line, ilric hiding 12.0i1 schirol -children. Immediately af i Carolina made, nine touchdow:ns and ten the procession a public' meeting will , Gregory only" missed one go&l Caro be held in the. auditorium at the,expo- .. . , "Ua v. f.tion paik, at which the president will bna- plaed great ball arid the stu deliver ,an address.' -' . r , - -; dents1 are proud of them. Two- years i : .- : -. :: ago Georgia defeated us by 22 to 16, : Overcome evil with good. Overcome but , Carolina wiped out the old score your.' coughs and. colds with. One Min- , , , T . . rute Cough Cure. It is so good children cry for it. It cures, croup, bronchitis, pneumonia, grippe and all throat and lung d iseases.; R. R. Bellamy. A : 1 i -Consul f.fi4kvn lit A i.nirtil n tl . - Washington. November -r 12. The president' has made the following ap pointments: Richard- Guenther of Wisconsin., to be consul general of the United. States at; FrankfortGerman-; f Frank H. Mason, of Ohio, to be con- ; sul general of.,", -the United States-.'at v Berlin. -German. - . ' Wlieri yfoii- ask for DQWittU? Witch i Hazed Salve... don't accept a counter-l.J feit or -imitation. Thefe are more cases of Pi.es bemgvcured by this.r -than all oiiiers couiuiweu, . 11. n. . iseiiamy. iIore Troop Start South Camp Meade. Middleton. Penna.. vpmhpr 1-TiKa Toth nm --r,i? Tenth 0io Fourth New Jersev It ft today for the ir, the .....i. . Jvuuir;i .,aaia auti t. tilt: . r UuI LWllLU PennsvlvaniA.. and Che Ninth- Ohi-o,1 col- i ured battalion.. wilj start tomorrow: with the headquarters, of General?Ames bljgade.. . -. - :rt ,1 Tr.fr. V,,. -,1 . pares aan foc'hi. itone in thTskV I nUi- M(.t,.., ki - - ti..t, ; "! v!-o- v'M'j iu ,mvu nu it, jitiie .anv ; I. AllCLl LillT: ' 1 ll ! . Ill fl 1 1. all rt n r 14 1 I ..- 111! (rivj- ;me chancres: Surplus reserve. deor-esed $4,Oli;,0; loans, increased SM22.3CK); specie: , decreased $L022,SOO;- lesral ten ders, decrease ?2,061.1D0: deposits, : ' in creased 5. ,921.fS00; circulation.; increase Str cent. ruje. ' . ' ' . TIip rr4.s.f--Priv j v - v-. !, - . - - - I' V .'...v.- x ill il a anci fevtr is a bottle d r n ve's T acta 1 less 'Chill Tonle. Never fails to rurp; I then , why: esperiment'; : w;th : -worthless i imitations?-' Price' 50 idents back if it fails to-cufe, - - ' T1IK TKOI? AT ILTIIXiTOV Ordered I tojltixialn to Aid Cill An - tbontle-l'roipolioo fa VA oluniee'r IVejrvlce Lesal Flsbt K-ptw-eu Illtal 1 SiKr0al to Th Messenger ) Raleih", N. C.r November 12. The governor, toJ-ay- received the following telegram from Wilmington;. , : -' No probability of further rac con flict.: Military needed for -.some days to aKl- civil" authorities, in restoring peace and order. WALKER TAYLOR. "Lieutenant Colonel Commanding." The adjutant, general 'immediately telegraphed Taylor to keep the mili tary (in Wilmington . as long as neces sary! and as . soon as he i''.deems their prfsnce-. unnecessary., to- immediately arrange for their transportation and send them home. ' .. . V The governor commissions John A.. Wagner, who was captain, of Company H, ; Second regiment, of volunteesr, captain of Company F, of First regi ment of volunteers, novr at- Savannah. , Iioth companies are from Asheville. . The governor .promotes First Ser geant W. W. Jones, of Company Firsj;-regiment, from Shelby,: to. " be second lieutenant of ; the same .com- pan.;, . . .- r ' - 'r An interesting' .x-ase came . ui before 1 r-s-v- Plr.bT n m Krti ti i c? Dron lA C ' i. ijr- auuios ami -mo sou, i-.ui.un". farmers living seventeen miles south of herp 'ere arrested for seizing the j. tools of aonvict force of eighty men which is grading the Raleigh and Cape Fear railway and also for threatening tr kill the ronvicts and their eniards. The Sleigh and Cape Fear railway , has'a de to the right of way through Enniss' land, and yesterday the con-- victs were at.worR there, grading, and left their tools: This morning .when Saperintendent- Bradshaw - went back to the place to resume workhe was met by. Enniss and bis son who, with loaded shotguns, forbade any of them w come any nearer. to They had also. taken the tools and removed them night that John C. Anger, 'of Durham, '-president of the Cape Fear and -North-: hi-n nAn a .v5Vi i flrrVi tnVr Ti T?o. lei eh and CaDe Fear rallwav' had slept ,in, Enniss' house. Enniss v claimed he uui uul. kuuw lie iiau sigueu liic uccvii but thought it was an options He said he wanfed counsel and desiredH. E. Cape Fear-and Northern. -Counsel Tor the,. Raleigh, and Cape Fear, asserted I that Enniss' action . w:as inspired by Angier.. '.'.': ."'iy-- -y: Judge Clark required Enniss to sur render the tools, but said he was com pelled to continue the case until Mon day morning, owing to Ennis.s' request for .counsel. So the two men with shotguns stopped, the road building for two days. ' i.i olives iuctt.ci , jit, vvi4i tsaumc 1113 position as' cashier in-? Revenue Col lector Duncan's office' here. ... (- : ,! ' Carolina Defeats Georgia . - .. 1 (Special to The-Messenger.) . ' 'Chapel Hill, N. C., November 12. Our university defeated the university of Georgia today at Macon v by the handsome scope of 44 by the Georgia sc.ore and.oJto 0 by the regular, score. . flu"d)- iUU 1IUiU often, the feature being Howell's fifty- five yard run for a touchdown. This is the seventh victory of the season.' They;, . p-lay, Alabama- Polvtecnic o;n Monday at Auourii. The whole tea,m played a star game. .The students ar.e proud and happy. Conld Not Ki Twenty iirls -St. - Louis, Mo,. November 12. A spe---. ciai to The .Post-Dispatch from Sttfaf't.i'J'-,-l.-ne' f umor,nas; Deen.iCircujatea an aur Iowa, 'says: " ' ' - 1 ing the. day that - thef Tenth ..cavalry Osborn Deignan, one of the men of Merrimac . fame;- arrived ' here today ar.vi vaS rr,e.T-.vv- n.trf- -v rt: t . ed him" home." ' Eighteen'' or twenty i hipiris iirVmirHC:'v.ivrr.- o ti,i pot and attempted to kiss' him.: but he pushed, all back, saying' there were handsomer men in the crowd than he. No-rrhf municipal authorities presented eignau uun a swora anu oovernur I IVl "".i.1"1 K1"11"" ns i-iaue --peet-u ies. ieignan ' ran awa-y f.oni . his home here- years ago. ' Jutitiable Homicide .Fi-ankforU Ky., November 12 -tTnuh- - V Wnrtcro '!,-w-. a .IieVn.icc'a1 . -A ' - k chat sre - a a?f in sr. crp-Mnt Prl-inc' ' kl,J 'hlS " J-' V- ton. Thnrsdav- nurht I'.ifnrv n ttnmov v i - --r--r. '.. Pcjlsg.-"ve made a statement that 'proof V showed that Newton betrayed his wife before marrying h-i r;f"dLrecTtn.tfy be'r g ster. Polsgrove J t rayed her you n said he - would mU prosecute, any man ! under sL-mlar circumstances. The la r?p t crow attorney and when J udge Moore aid that the' case was pfeinly justifiable; homicide; and tod Perkins to go to his family a free man. Constipation 'prevents the 'body from ridding:- itsvdf "of -waste .matter. De Witt's Little Earlr Risers -as ill remove the tmnWe and outa Sick ir-dar-h Billiousnes the complc Inactive Xfver and clear complexion.. -Small, tnj gar cozi -d. u t, V"" v. j win., iitrtrreu une !--.. V, Sig r. . I . - , f : '."i.MaMrr, I ;-:,.,v : . t.; when he made- his statement U1 LV HSni.aueriea now at- uunts- ;. -" vv' i 1 " : Tour money i don't gripe or e uuse "nausea J?, B,-Bellamy. , - i pottrrivE itiiitt.ion-s For Our I'rarr ( ommfMloa mm lo thf - PhlIIpine-m tflorl to Iletalu Them Washington Noveb1"'. Tn" cabinet held a vp-cial at which instructions uqdrstool to bysof a positive charctfr bearing on the Philippine question. ...were-! drafted for dispatch tp th;e American commis sioners in - Fans., thl: instructions were the- outcome of! the conf$rec held early in th day. and. instruct -th?. American repTesentatves to 'admit of nofuTthjer?d?!cussion as to th. right tr consider the dispo'bUion of the is lands, and state that pn "the point the instructions already sent must stand, the, only matter for discussion f r.om -the Anj'erican- vivw . being the - manner of giving over t4e island; . . . . Paris, Nofmbr 12. It is- now be lieved that ishe; next meeting of the pee.ee commissioners may be- postpon ed until Tuesday through no definite decision, has been . arrived at on .the subject. i 'The .'Spanish - commissioners are still busily engaged in?, the preparation of the .document's, which the'y will submit at the next selasion of ttte commissions unl it"is un44rstood thiJx their presen-. - . - . .. :..-,, ..f. ... - ..i. :..t, laiion wan rij vei vjaxivi ' " " i-cu-uci , i their carefatl 'Drenaratioh unusually tnnnnnt I i i luiyui : -( Some of till- original v papers . and transrrinr nk'pssarv I for the - hext !i' . o J. TrrY . i ably not 'arjiile ' here uutil too late on Monday- to 3rmit of j a meeting yhsit day which, -of course woxild necessi tate tlje postponement f the meeting of the" commission until Tuesday,. Spain 'has? held and may still insist that she effectual reserved. -her-Philips pine sovereignty from discussion .or .disturbance -bv the. United States in a note from DyCe Almodovar de Rio, the Spanish minister of fbreign affairs, to Judge Day. t- R then lnited States; sec retary, of sta le, dated Madrid, on ,1Aut gust 7thN It1 by this message that Sp-ain presurSibly accepted the terms of peace which, at Spain's request had been: sett forth by President McKinley through Secretary Dajy, under date of July 3DtH. Ahd it is by this message of Duke Almpdovar de Rio and by the response oecretary Day that Spain seek to prQip to the! United - States peace Tomrnissionvandsto the 'tribunal of nations that Spain's sovereignty over the Philippine islands, was reserv ed from any iscussio-here and with out protests fjrom thel'United Statesr- f Foot Ball Princeton. J., November 12. The Princeton Tigers defeated the Sons of Eli 6n Brokaw field tfiis -afternoon by a score, of 6 i-to 0. -While- it wjas'.one of the' most jbitterly contested games ever witnessed on a -Ifootball . field; ; it was at the. ssjne time one of the most unsatisfactory, not -alone-to- the-;Yale team and thr supporters, but also-to the wearers of the orange -and .."black and those, who cheereq them on to' .vic tory. The solitary -touchdown .ova's made on a miserable 'fumble by Tight half back: Beitjamin wjiea the ball w as I v iLiiiu. uiLecaia ) &i us u: uue. riiuccvu a goal, ; - ' I; . - - : Harv-ard, 175! Br0wnF6t ' .':: ' ' " . . Pennsylvansja. 35;' Carlisle 5. . -Chicago '-I'Wisconsin 0. " " UniVersityvibf Michigan 12 Univer- sity of Illinois' 5. Universityiof Cincinnati D I Ohio Wesleyan 0. Cornell 47$ Lafayette 0 Franklin and Marshall 11-, Bucknell 11 i, t IVegro Soldjler Killed by a.-'TVegro " Huntsville.fcf Ala.; November 12.-- Private Jackson. trooplH, was instantly ' . . , - Mil t - i . -- killed, and Corpora -Garret, -troop Hv moitally wotVided late- .last, night by. v t . - ' . Horse" Douglass, a jnegro tough of this city. Bcslh. inen belonged "to-;. the. Tenth cavalrj1. t No oie sawTJ'th? kill ing. .Do.uglasji 'was seen, with the two soldiers in thj? tough part of.the city and his- pistoj had thiree empty ; shells -He is in .'jaili but.-deln.ies the crime. rT"i ... 1 ' ( - i - , v i i wouia lyncn ife prisoner, out tne sner- i-irf fears no sush'. violence: : . ... t ' . igioV like a fever". It does A cough is not hav--. to ran a certain course, .Qure it. quickly ad effectually With One j Minute CougH - Cur, the best remedy, j for all -ages and for the mot se-.eie cases-. - We . retoDrrimend it . because it's'; 'good. R. -Rj Bellamy. - - :. .Troop to Oo to Cuba V Washipgtonfj Novemfbej '"12.. With- -a view' to their r subsequent . transfer to dufv in Cuban! the followins- named .. -: -. '..f;i " ., :. i - - ' troops, no w--0ji their fway from Porto Rico, have 'beri -ordered to go into c- ' X. -A y ' . A camp.at savannah... Ga: Batteries C and F of th J Trird tartillery ; B of the Fourth artillery; D' of the Fifth artiileryf trfM B of the: Second -cav- aIry' andTrlwp'H of the Sixth cav- airy , . Wash:ngto2.; Nbve;mbr 12. The Qorps. Nearly, all of jthis regiment is tow stationed in different poniOr.s of the northern states, i ' ' -"'" '!:- n -- -:.-' 4-- -J i .--.--:: Guns from " rcfeod Sjianlh Wir'.IiSp Norfolk; A'a.jN.av.ember T2.--T-ia.e- Ger-" man steamshtp! &eni(v ,from Santiago with guns taken off the Spanish cruis ers. Teresa. A1j-f ay a. -a n Oquendo- and the. Colon: aristyed. here- t.oday -and en tered at tne ctora "h-juse. RACE CONMICTS In, the Carolinas Again Officials at W In tli4 (ireenwotxt Affair as ; Federal WW kV h V I W il ' I A I 1 I- I .V I - H fv H .W 1 INjLUI JLLi 1 1 U lL(Uvi u iblVl L1VU ith Official Information Sought LV the Attorney (General, v I J- C -:':.-' .::"' -'.iVi-'l'.-. .i.;S!:: ;:,:f-.' "I'-.V.:- '-v-;f :;' '?' .'xoi':i; Com'mander Craven Ordered to Iif;Ve Utnrge of the IMaria Tere4a--A Special Cabinet Mce;ingUeport of the ', ... "r- Portb.Rican Co n mission IVctissed-South ,' , ! - - ' " Carolina Republicans at IVashington ) ' I AVahinson. November -1-. ileg;ir.u- in-':hJ- uiilooked for et f th,ra o riotuift m -the Cambria. H i- alloc Ti er improbible that" the g ermn-ru will interfile by force or .;hefyi Atorney "Hnt-iat tSntrcs ha'i ,'ahoth -r conference with the -pr.-ia m tru ui. .rim in i. regard ao "the- nutiter anM ih'e i ohclu-1'm a.- prompt " t --aclw S. That, s-, tne. den.. rt ions v, . re jv ' dit -.Tefl aUin-t th- iolhctor of . tis-'" i ,t'!ti in the perfi'imant e' o4 hit dutrt as such, the' 'ffOAVTunient . had-aU thorn to t'' under the cwnstitUtJo.il ,oi Ja-ws t l-e f-'d. rad a,uth.iit 'of- lt tui Tolbert. wi hot shle away troin his home, and. on bu-in.-ss entire-' 1 dis-wbniiec fed fiom that of hi otlue. and and-r th-' circuiustanc s the gmonlfirntj it is aid, has' not a shaiioxf of a right .to int.-rtei:e., If th;Cl (.llettir had been shot m th- Ji,- Uaig- of .-hjs-lorticiiil. duties.; and '.in ani .-ff or' to eiifbr.ee - the law " of; the United States t-he .-ase wouid have bet;ti ery. dilteujiv and the duty of the J nient.jould hae been .clear -in the tres-nt vite. how e-er, -at is saia-mat the 'law le-ss acts "of the mob were not diieet-etd against the execution of the laws of tft'e rl5nited States, but agfUtbt the ,hidi ldual. The case would ha t bee'rl- the" same had Tolbert been shot on. the highw ay by a robber.- Admin--, is'tratin officia!.-; have . no sympathy with; the- Carolina rioters and , Feg: r.i K t h e i ir1 a1 c t's w i t h ' a bh o r rent- e, . b ut U p . t his- i time, it .is said, t here 1 s . nu - e Vi dence that- '".vould warrant aity inter ference by the-Tgovernmentj ?. - r-.-The attorney, general late laj-t rug lit sent 'the following telegram to th"? -a s-r sistant Uriited States attorney at Ar dersont near Phoe-nlx. S. C. '"Department of Jusitoi, r . j "Washington. T: C. November-11, . , IJVt Ji .... (Alt,. . .IIIUJOUM) "Yiou will i at ,' once take : energetic steps, incurring the: necessary expen'se, to ascertain the exact situation in .Greenwood and adjacept counties, and report the same immediately by wire to me, - with a view - of ' advising v. me whether' any such condition St in?ur r'eetion or . disturbance exists "as justir fies the federalf auhtontiesin interfer-. mg to suppress if. -f VJOHN W. GRIGGS " ."Attorney General." To: the above. the following response has been received'. .. - , - ' . : :"Anderson, S. C.. November il. "The -Attorney'-General, Washington: :-"M.v. m format ion', is ,'that there 'was m'uch rioting near Green-w.ocsdat Phoe j-nix Tuesday-" and Wednesday. Several negroes Kiiieu ana wounded, one white man, -. kil,led and several wounded: Thursday: the r was also some rioting, but . confitibn "quieter: My information is it is quiet, there now, though .the community is very: much exalted. From all information I have. I ' think 'fleral iint rv ention-; too late-.now. -It. sterns the -mobs were esperually anxious to get the Tolberts.-.and I 'ant . informed that . they -are now , all safely,- out of -rhein reach. , Intense excitement- . t i "t I' -prevails "there, but no vlidenr-e now Will, vwire -.further -tomorrow1:;-.:-': ;. 'TR.NEPT W COCTIRA.V :. '-'As.sistanx Uv S. AttorriV-y.'" ,- JO TAKE CHARGE OF THE IARJ-V-TEUKSA. - . " The official ' report to th nat y de partment of the Finding of r theMaria. Ttrea was contaihed in the fallowing cablegram from Commander ''raven, of, the wrecking t-ug Potomac, "whirh had been - ordered . to-vCa't- isian3- . from Santiago: . - ...'.. -.; "To Secretary ."f -th Navy; --Washing-. 'ton:. . .. . f .-: - . . ..- , ".Pox ojri a 0 Arrived. Miirta Teresa "hear lord rroint, ,Ca.t ' r-land, on- mile off shore-, -n twi-fa-ih orris' of . warer.. Tide". i rising. ad . ialjing fnside. "Temporary ,i. ni,... -.,.-.' . iaif liln. JJ I . t ' J ' : " r t I. " I 1 j der.k broken; up. M-tvable articles re- moeii bv fiativf- uhan not XafTes att w.'rt ,.nce Saturday." Th-, PotomiK A a. ordered at oner back to Cat :.vardwith inru tior. to fmmaj)(lt-'' (raen to take p&f$ s.on'of ,the 'Te-e-a an- drive off th wr'erkers who are- lootj-.g the ship. He replied , by cable that hepv-uld leave immediately:! and would -'aYriv- at th wrer-k :in - the morning. Thf, far;t that the ..Teresa.-, a vessel drawing in -trim fe-et of i w'ater. and . ;.. jvateiiog ; ge-i. as sne -twas i wneji :: ananofmi .and ;. p-obab!v drawing narlv tmrty feet. should hat.ejbeen 4 riven, ih' -twelve fe-rt ' ff v atr is regarded hvrsaval fficer , ..u..., Jftf ,hHwV, .r-h ge-j a thr s-torm vihjrh5 tauf.l hr'rw to led.e hr. i- ' V - .r'. - - - .'iPPllriA'lJ 'C'i'RtvnT 'MPFTTVft." . ial-rab.net rr.-n.r.z. h.cS ( rail-(r hv r.r!.!'rI rru lasted T o'flo'k. It is 'de-.oted. n of .i pearU report' . .-. -r 1 by -Adrriral Shky. . Owirg v'r ,fa.r that -i cabirt mating-on Satu-- d-v m qu't' unuual. many conje--;tural r-rort1 w - an-at as to. tr. urgni ar4-l i-riticy character of th suT-j-ir-ts "rj-:d-r- d but the ne-r hr?' of th- r.ih-ref jf rd ft po;tiv-lv cloc of th,e session tha.tx nothing- c? critical ori disturbing character had developed at; Paris. vor had -hn , under eo-n-aidr-ratijort. The" Ipxf of a MbW gramto b- s ent bo the peace :eornrnis- Discussed by Federar Washingtou. - F h1 - Authority has not' I teen InteHercd! - t - - - -. - - '-."--;- Ju.dftti Day. iwAs fri;nd.r in v t eU iv i n';" .or lnuiudiat,e . n. Th Sp.iK l.sh .mmissliin ws h.int , ;iskiil !mn !! . i - 0i fKxt wefk.m w ho h to -'naKe lr.-s- -t wer U, the iitte reintiy Mitt-iiitf-d by .the iericiip- AHh hik h th- adnnnu--. traf-t.p- Iwi-.-o'iiiiig -.jHi' uh.t! inv;--v-tieMt'f the dias tJ( t b w--k- of fh. co-nn-rsioners, occa-siuned lv: the . o eras ui.at Ion bf the" -paniar.-L-!, th" !" lay. it? this ' instance t uijl i-i U- Vib- , -j f l.to. though if niay iut,et uatli an ; -inti!!uion rjhat the .liscu 1h h.is "" 'r-a hfl a prrtut whero- d 'ii,.tf j -w.ts are -.n..t iectr.d j-withoiKi further uiinv( ,.', sary. ,KVs. of iHme.- i ' -' - A'firal S,hl " ,isit J: U4lit .up. the P,rto RHo jue-tn. Th,-( admiral. -w h o- hj a ? a d om pa n Ud I S r t . ry Lor.Ki'nas .nvite-1 to' p.irticp t,t in h di-v u-i,on: The r iurt wvm intT! Uts" rItal r. all of th- -o fum-itaru ?s ' of A -Jen-cans .yuiiUor; bu; th- -r -P-rt ;4-elf w.i. ji4t gtn out. v.itl-rniPK ('iitu ai .b-Jmu-' o.iilu--'t'-rr :'. (as a rrfcved.'at- 1V- t he abrte t ' to .' oltell i iort i on I he. k ur( i-n . c.j tiif.,: .if ... , - i . .... ... . ...... - the if -land, . t'-r'itf-ibiyj at "ietifu' a -land, . p.ro.oaoiy-1 at ( ier.fu'g4ii.: about- Decemiber Lst.-'ln eider to tttiVrW : the larger, planter: it get in their m'ai- j Ihjm'V .an..- begin work ..u Ui- ikW, jr,.,- rt,v I ' The-situati n Jn thv Ua.nJlnas -vaii r- Cefrd to. itnly inr Idtntally, the rat-4-orr"-,'" penenaj m.-iklg the vtatmV-nt v that -o evid-fnce had1 jet rea hed him w hi woul.l, warrant the -federal gdv-errimiit- in lnterfeinrrg----.- ; DISC'SSING JUK PIIOKNI RlOtg " Po.-r;master General - Emory: Spilth "-'t t.cdayjvh'ad. a; call.,frcmi the; delegation f -of So tth Carolina republic ans -who are -i , m city to lay before the I depart-'- meirr;of justice' the "facts $n: the-'fasa; of rent election rit?ng at- Phoenix, in tliTt state., They Included II. 1L Tol-. bertii the republican caivildate. whose .. brother and father wre both woiwdcd; Nati hal Committeeman E. ' H. Ieas, One it the colored leaxlefB. - The- bjet of th i call simply w;afs to talk over the matter , of : recomrttendatLons for ap- V4 poinfiViertls to poptofflea vacant and- i abouj to become so. I Joeidentally . the' .! matter; of the la.tef riots w:as; disefl-ssed, but tie department of justhe-say there " is n -hjng for them -to do. fan th't qocs-. ; ition n entirely inrthe-liands of the at- f tbrn'.y general. feature of 'rh-v riots-W as the driving nway of tht! depu i y p st master at M cf'o rmick.' which lentn additional feature of. fnler'-t to th- rerital of the Istory of the deb' gati'in to the postal offlc ial.- ,.v St:PFEUJ FOII ?I.1NLEV'SMH A Nrrro Snpioed to be. .Tlanly ! flealu - byM I'arty of Indignant .Tien-In iSor ' foil i '-. 'J:- -:A ", -.'-; ' '. I."j V '- :f ". j-'".-'"' ii'-'. : Ni .f oik, Va., -November 12.; negro. givir. r the name of Georgh W Urtiw ri, who arrived here tjday r. from; WU-. ton, ,' Nj C, Via New Bern and Rlizjrbeth City, was att?cjd and badly bea-tfh In th' potoffJf tfiis afternoon iy several ypurig mri, ivvjio,. it said, -took vhfm , to 1 b- Manly, i-t he,: negro- edl- tor, sl ho w ag;-. dr..vehl::0ut -of Wilmlng- t 'ton Thursday: A spiali tifflcerr, went . to the negro's res-cue. Tie- patrol t wage s .was, ; dispatched- to the .--jw'en'e and -Krown was carried to police head- quarters for safe kej-ping..' He claiilrifi New. York as, his hom-t and will be c nt ither tonight. Brow a say? that he rame to Norfolk today on thV'sam- . tramPwith the aSM-tant ch-f ';f 1o J jutice of th Skut f and anoth er wH- malh:J who . we.r compt-1K1 to' J lea Wilmington. 1 1 '.... It -V'as statel toda.y that; Manly was in Norfolk, ut .the po.lK-e. department madman investigatiomnd found tbas to b'" untnin. Ile-'is paul to le ,in As- ,. bury .Park,.X. 'J.'-, s hle . , to COmmaud j tliet Eatteru Squadron Wa ;h i ngton . ' No vem hj r 1 2. Ad m I ral Schle having askejl again for sea 1ee )ias be'H prnmisl the command of th eastern gquafiroti'.w hie h will h rp.f.stkblishe4 .in a ' "short time with someW thinnest -cruisers -in the navy to exhibit, the American lag creditably to tl; European ijatiojns. ; ' i ? 'Made from pure cream of i tartar. Sifegtiards; the food ? against dunu ' ''"' :'i ' ' - ' :- i - - " ' 1 1 ' J : - "V ! -- ' ' I' '. ' '. -i- -" . ' . -"""-- -- . v . - j , . r.-- .. - . - ! 1 I I .:-.!-: ;. j. AZxmi baiting powders are the greatest mfXxacm to hhthh of the present day. - - - . - -il I - '.'-. XL y: -f- Sir '- .V' .- I moval e-jano o-ocj ea, "ew vonn- ' Bikinq Powder f -tf iA A", i -4-- t 'H ' ; k -I. - ' ' I - - ''- i-j o t , . t feJ::::?::';':1 a" ,.v--:t:k' -' :" -. .v. i: 0

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