PRlICK 5 -CENTS VOL. A. WILMINGTON, N. C.j MONDAY, NOVEMBER 44v 1898. REMARKABLE MEETING. The N"egrplO(iitor Banished From th , City. A JIassmeeting erly a Thousand Citizens oi tlieJcgr-i LailyMayor Wright, Chief of Aldermen Asrfed toVaeate. fFrom Daily "Me5-,sngf r, Not'. '10th ) t i , 1 ..." ' . . ' j Fallowing1 closely upon Tuesday's, as tounding Victory for white supremacy, , the most -r jr'irkable- rnasS" meeting , in. . the historyf f Wilmington assembled '. yesterday morning at- thej court- house. The jneetJ'jig. was only .bjra'ched Tues day nigh t, but court house was crow uea, : . standing-- r room, i was the., crowd overflowed into ' Tnec.or riuor. a hers were at .. least a thoilsaiid. pbctyl in attendance,, and,. they w;ere Wilmington's Very best cit- r j'JzVjif, ' including' workiri' ' tr , "" ministers. men,' l.iwyers, doctors me; chants and ' -all ca&M-s -of our people. ' , - ! i . . ., r . , , , . blaV. the Hon. A. M? Aaddll, who , so, : ably represented : This , district An .cojigress n' the yc'ars gne . by', '. vas called to the chnir an.l on motion of Ooloncl- John Wilder- Atkin&uh the rep- i resentatives of the j-rt-S's weie riade secretaries."." . ' : Upon taking the-ctianr amid the most .-: , i .,.! rnthustastic demonstration, Cdonel i u,: , ,. . v , ; . ; - tU I Wadde.ll said -when he came to the .r ' d , ' - ! .v..,,-'. v,.. of duty from-tU people of Wilmington. I (Applause.) lie said, since he had ar- .riveu ai-ijie meeinig, a set or resoiu- j itAria Viod Henri t.1 o in liio Vomlo I he -most heartily approved of" them. ""(Applauses.) IjLe then read the following resolutions which Iliad been handed td liim: j ' J ... . .- i Believing that the constitution of the - United States - contemplated a govern- ! ijient to. be carried on by an, enlight : onod. people l believing that its framers did not anticipate the enfranchisement nt population of Jf rican ; beiTevintnat-:-th'ose men ' Ul J1U. (X11U UCiiU V iUK 111V.11 t -sti.fdKoTth' T- -Carolina, Vh6 ' olut'ions -Avithput' referring them-to a jolned-jriJ. forming .the union, did not'' ctimmittee.;; He said for his .part he . contemplate for their decendants sub-j had recently hadx enough-, of commit iection to an inferior race: ' V tees, and . after a while it 'would be We, the undersigned citizens of the found necessary to" appoint i compait ity of Wilmington and county of New y tee to run the town. '-'j1 ; Hanover, do hereby declare that we j Mr Rountree said in repiyi briefly to i again be ruled, by men or African on ' pin v .. :.! This condition we : have in part en dured because we f elt; that the conse quences of Hhe war; of secession . werer to .deptiVe us- of.1 the fail qon-r sidoraiion of many, of our countrymen. , 1 We believe that,k-affr- more than 'thirtv vpflV thi! is no lonerer the case. :- fTh stand Ave now pledge-ourselves to is -jorcea upon us suuueniy uy a. Tact -that We -must act now or leave - our'decendants to a fate too glo6my toj le borne. " - ' v S While we recognize the authority of , ine-unuea iaies, auu viu " if exerted. We would not- for a moment r neaove-ftnai it is me yurpuse 01. muie than- 60.000,000 of our own race to sub jeet us permanently to a fate to which no Aliglo-Saxon has ever-been forced -to submit. ,. -x i . : "We," therefore, believing that-,w'e rep ' resent .uneouivocally the sentiments of k-ow nr.iv and 'r. v-i . j.. ' -- a a a- w 7 . - v -i - - j : - - . . .. . . , . . i . . resentinir them".- proclaim : 1. That the time has passed for the Intelligent . citizens of "thit community owning AJ5 per cent. of. ihe property 'nd paylnj? taxes, irt like proportion, ' to be t ruled by negroes. 2. That we will not .tolei ate the ac- : tioE, of unscrupulous white-men in .af- filiating with the tiegroes -so that, by means of their votes they can domir 'nate the -intelligenf and thrifty element -iu tbe, thus causing busil jne?s '. to stagnate and progress tObe a. ;rnat tne negro nas uemonsiraieu by antagoniung our interest -iiti-every 'way, and. specially Ty. Iris ballot, that he Is incapable of -realizing thav-'his in , terests araanvj should be identical w;ith thos-Of khe eommuiVity. . ..-r 4. That the progressive ' element in a,ny community is the .'white popula tion anfl that the giving of neatly all .,tha bmnlflTmpnt' tn tipern laborers has -been against -the be$t interests -rrf thjs f ..county and city and is sufficienn-rea, A been Liiomihated and: elected :,to con-son-why the 'City of WVmington :with i- , , . . - its natural -advantages: has not '.be- ss- a great (hor for nYe a city of 'at least 50,000..inTrtj:i- tants. .7. ,That Ave propose in future to give J xo-wJiite -rtiert a large -pari, of the em tvlmWut i hoi-otofnrn erive.ri to. nesrrbes i b'ocause we realize that wLite families - .nt'J opportuTiities fo-. the. em-ployment , of he different1 members o.f taid fami v..- , . . ...V . ' - i -Iies. k - - S 6.-That .the white men e,xpe;t to live ' In this CQrrimunityi?eaceably; to- have and provide, absolnte protection for their' f amiHes. who shanbe' sae from Siisult- or Injury from alK vrsons,. whomsoever- i We are prepared to- treat the negroes with justice ajineon-r ideration in all ' matters 'which do not. involve suj lilted . "'v t"i.vii,uw the intelligent and .progressive portion f the community. ,; Xiut are equaiiy. repared- now. and ( immediately to en- . r.V.o.t i3 Irnnw tr V)p our risrliTR.A '1 ttf ,-v iiai v v'..' - V. 7. That we have oeen, in our. ties in? - u.ntAn.r '.aii1. iipaf. biindf-n- botH l liailllUHJ uim our interests ana our nsiHs. ui- was reacnea vnen ine negro pa.- ManderoiiS that it would' .Meet and Settle the Fatc Melton and thcfBoar'd in most communities have (resulted in the lynching of ' the editor. We depre cate lynching and -yet there iaino punr. ishmenf. provided: by ; the courts, ade--auaie for tb.isv offence. ; "We- : therefore, owe it to the people of this Community and of this' city, as a protection, against such license in the future tvat the pa pe rknoivn as "The Record", cease to be published and that Itsj editor be, banished from this community c -junmuu limine iwv.? :ny. i inrever w unin iwenty-iourf nours ai-- ter the .issuance or this proclamation. Second, that the, printing press from which he Keeorq n-as oeerj issued De packed and .- shipped from f the city. withrnit m1piv that vv( ' lie ' notified within ,tv, elye hours of the acceptance or ction of this demand!, r, If the demand is atrreed- to. 'within twelve hours,, we i counsel forbearance- op tJje part of'aU whIte en.. If the demand is. refused' or if ho' ahs-wer is given, within the time mentioned then in'- euiuor, jwih) m oe i.n.tu force. 'The reading of ithe resolutions v. as l , finiste'd m the mjtlst ': of -a I wonderful !. scene. The assemblage roseto its feet as one man cheering and. applauding, - . . , 1; - , with -a chorus of! "Right!" "Right!" - . , , Ricrht! ' ' ' " v Ex-Mayor Filhblate moved as an that Alayor Whf anP Chief of Police J' ! R., Melton and the entire; board of, al- ! dermen be notified to vacate imme- ... 'diately. . George Rountree, Esq., nioied ,that the" resolutions, and "amendrrjent be Pre ferred to a commiUee of . five to take them under consideration fcnd report them back as. soon as possible- with: such changes or. 'recommendations, as they .see fit. - . - ' . r . - . i' The- motion vas , seconded. . .....- X. Iredell Metres, Esq., rnpve as-a sub- stitute the meeting proceed to OTisideJe resolutions, sjthe meetr wau?-Spabie passing 4 the resr Mr. Meares that the crowTJ? was - evi dently not in favor. of va discussion as there Were pries of tion." 'Question," i"Ques- .. Mr. Meares started to say skxme'thing, I.b there r-ed cries? of "ques- , , , i s i-i tion, "question. . ? ' . The motion of; Mr. Rounhree ; was :inen-p.ut an adopted. Chairrhai Wad- feiV - f."; V'PTO'. iuiuvviu6 committee to whom the resolutions TWQre rto be committed: Messrs.; George Rountree, Iredell Itfeares, Hiigh Vlac- Rae, Walker Taylor, and S. It Fish'- ' ' ! ' 1 p i -' - . . . - ; - . -t T , The commit teeM-hen- retired With the resolution?. $ ! - 'While the committee was Out the. ineeting called for, a speech tfrqm Col onel Waddell. He said that Judging irom the' feeling manitestea ,tne pot- needed no more fuel t6 set lit boiling. Our duty t was to quietly 'and-'i firmely consider the question. It was -not nec eesary to vgilatethe law and lilnneccs sary to (ulor)t 'violent measures', as the editor ofth'e Record w ould , be dealt with. I z jyoice.:j-ied out "Fumigate Ihe city uwith The Record ' r : : There were shouts of "Bellamy! .Bel lamy," -and the democratic ! c&ngress-man.-elect in Ihis district, bajbie for vrard lamid a wild demonstration . and dealeiting applause, lie said! he heart .ily approved the resolutions! (tremen dous applause,) He; said his -heart over ilowed with gratitude At "trie. support which his nativa city had given him for congress. He said he was' the only native Wilmingtonian that had ever Avhich rhe. thanked , the ft?o)lj! (Ap plause.) He said it was.propprrtfor- this meeting to take some-action s about the vile defamer of white wonvjmvand he was heart and -S-oul in whateVeir it was mendous applause.) -He said iwliile in '. ' ' - . v , , j jt,- , the cnmnaien fif alluded tft3thf df- - . r ' T f amatory editorial i of Te Record. and the crowd arose in its 134310 and aiS,. '"Why didn't you7 lyrfcrl 5ikn!" ain't no soraej ohe 3aid. He said he thoughtthe meernfe,oght to- act in moderation '.and f otblarance. KHe. saH he hoped there, would be ; no luriict:, uul noiic fcnouMi; dj given the scoundrel;- Alex "Manly.f t le'av. this cityimmediately.' (Applause.) "He's grme nowsome one i?hputed. . Wei , then, said sIr. Bellamy. WH-: Vnington' has bcn rid of (.hey vilegt slanderer in North; Carolina "le "said , he hoped there would be rui vtolence as -that would-reflect u'ikhi our cause and characxer as a. people "I counsel moderation," hi said,- "and may jGod bl-s" every one jof- you." (Applau.4?.) There were etithus-iasric calls I for. IIon.-Frank sMcKeill. He said it-was not necessary for him to make a speiech. AH " were -united in-.the"' one purpose, - and jhe heartily concurred in it." (Applause.) -. . v - r , ' There were Joud calls 'for. "Borne mann," "Bornemann' and in response Juste G. W, B6rnemann iook the. stand and made a few remarks, saying he .was .with the meeting in its purpose. (Applause.) 4 ' " . Junius , Davis, Esq., said som ac . .... - tion should be taken ras soonas the- committee makes - its report and ', lie ' . r .-. v r thought the meeting would adopt such i resolutions as th.ey adopt. He. said the ! negro defamer should no longer be al- j lowed to disgrace? the soil of ' Netf Hanover. .(Applause.) He,- ;however, opposed the amendment ofMr. Fish blateiasNvhat he suggested was not catted for at: this time. What i done' should be done in calmness -and. mod eration. : . , i - : . P.VM. Manning,, Esq., said -the 6ne duty , of the men of Wilmington Was to rise as one man and say that the mis- ' erable wretch who slandered the, wo- ! men of - North .'Carolina should live no ! longer m xur county. (Applause.) lie 1. was satisfied, that whatever was done at this meeting would be approved by the world. rHe -also opposed the- afhend rnen t of Mr. Fishblate,- as" it would not be long before the legislature would meet and clean out Mayor Wright and his crowd. (Applause.)- : The committee on resolutions then ; came: in and: Mr. " Rountree said they ' .would report the resolutions back without any change, as they suited Jl , ' - i the case. He urged that -we Use : our ; victory in a : wjse, . moderate and dig- .'. nified manner, and that we should not . . r ' " -4,11 be carried away with a paroxism ot passion. He urged .the adoption of the resolutions as the. expression of- a: de- j termined purpbse. (Applause.)' " ' ' The resolutions, were read. again and unanimously aaoptea in tne miast or " the manifestation of tl;e -most earnest approval'- and determined purpose. MAYOR AND CHIEF ASKED. TO . ! VACATE. . ''.. - -: . . ; . : f " '-!. :- . !.'-:' Mr. Rountree said : "the committee considered that the wretched misgov ernment of the city and that they would report a substitute : for .Mrv Fishblate's motion; He then submit-' ted. the following which was unani mously adopted: ? . : "It is the sense of this meeting that' Mayor'S. P. Wright and. Chief of Po lice J. R. Melton, having demonstrated their, incapacity to give the city a de cent government and to keep order therein, their continuance in office be ing a constant menace to;, the peace and welfare' of this" Community, ouglit forthwith:: to resign." . Colonel.' Thomas W. Strange, chair-v man of the democratic executive com mittee of New Hanover county, said he wished:to say as chairman of -the party in this ; county, . he1" heartily ap proved all the resolutions. (Applause.). : The . substitute for Mr. Fishblate's motion was then put andt unanimously adopted. '-. . , - - V . Colonel Waddell said the great vic tory achieved was largely due ' to the newspapers and he- moved that this meeting tender, rtsi cordial thanks to the demote ratic. press. (Applause.) - ' The motion was unanimously adopt ed. . : . -... i - - "- '' : : . Mr. N. referredto the resolu tion about Mayor Wrhjbt- Chief of Police lelton and the aldermen, ' and said he thought it did not go far enuogh. They should be commande to resign one; by one. t " ' Mr. Rountree said that matter would be attended to'. - . ; ; Iredell Meares,- Esq., move' that a. committee of twenty-five bey "appointed at the leisure of the chairmaji to Car- A ry out the resolutions 'consider and .-ways and means to carry out- the -purpose" of , this "meeting The motion' was unanimously i adopted. . On motion; . Chairman Waddell' was made 'ex-officitf chairman of thecorh mittee. ' , " On moticm "of Mr, W A. Frerti. J", the , thanlis of the meeting-. w teii deredytothe members of the repre sentatives of the northern and;.south erc press 'who have been here and V given, such fair reports.-of the situa j tion' during the campaign. 5 . . On motion i of Colonel Roger Moored the thanks of the meeting were terr deised to our county executive commit tee and the campaign committee who have so 'successfully conducted this magnificent campaign. " , '. - On motion of Mr. G. J. Eohey, thanks -were extended tcr Chairman Simmons and the state executive committee- for their glorious work v On motion of. Mr. J. W. Reilly, th thanks of-the meeting were extended to Colonel - Waddell for the masterful way be presided over' thisXmeeting. The sne'ting then adjournedx - THE RESOLUTIONS SIGNED . . . . . -. ' ' ... . ;-: ' .. After the meeting. adjourned the fol lowing signet? the resolutions: R. Hi Northrop., T. C. Mcllhentiy.Jr I E. S. Lathrop, W, fP. Toomer, rWMiMM-ittyiii'MMura.jiitiiiti i i;n.irn .1. ,i ii 11 1 1 , n.nw-nm Tiniw '-ii in nirn Jim . MmimniiMii in -jihiitt k"- tLS. French, 5-t" J." 5 Cito. P. CotcbJ T -J. G. JIarshall ' y . 1 Grehrh. M. E. Keathit-, yll. WL anRlrJ. Jr. W. R. Frtucif F. J.j Haywood,. Jr j. a- layior i C. D. V. FrfnCi, Chas. U.JIv, tr v W. L. JarsleyV E.FTJavidv K' W S. Johnsoii1 It, A.,Parsley,s. J. A. Orrell, . ' Iivdell Mearef Go. Rountre.' Brooke Frenf H. R.'Sa.vage,? T. L. Huggln? D. J. Pressoji;-f M. F. Dowling?" . BF. TurHngtn, PJ. F. Tilley,- C, D. Jacobs, ftr E.- A.l Ilrowh,' L. Ci Jlichartlsdti James Kyle: , S. , H!" Fishblat, J. S Yates jr. A. Hugbv MacRae, Owen! 'Fennell, Walkjeh Taylor' P. 'L. J. Jr II. L. J.'W Lbwis, '.Smith, FennelL, Plummer, 'Jr J. Lippitt, D. D. Cameron, J. F. Garrell, Jr., Martifi Newman, J. ;W. Barnes,' Jr., E. ' F. - Johnson, ' W. B.-.Bowden, A. MJ waddell,. J". Di Bellamy, - 1 W. J.-Pogue, ., G. H Smith, E. Ti Swann, ' Jno. V. Gafford, E. P. Parker, 1 R. Vf. Prince, P. B. Manning, W. B: Cooper, J- D. Bellamy, Jr,, B. F. King, i 'A: A, Brown, .. Henr;r;-Savage, Nath'S Jacobi,- -Jno. M. Gazaux, W. ' C Peterson, Jno. UY. Reilly,,, . . S, llooperj O. MJ Fillyaw W, S, H eTring, ' W. Gl Pulliam, S.t Hill Terry, Joseph IX Smith, E. C. Sutton, C. L. Mason, ' J. H. Bunting, C. C. McKinney, v E. G. Hall, - . :W. L.' Sm'ith, J. S. Worth, J.' V. 1 Bunting, , Wright '-Meares, 4 W. Flj Robertson, . A, DJWessell, v Josiah West, . , W.. Ml Creasy, . - R, N.i Penny, " " J. B.- iDempsey, W. X)'- Willoughby, Geo. H: Howell, :' . J., H. i. Waiters, y, H I -E.f Borden, ' W. M Cuniming, T. A. Eove, ' N.. M. Cuthbreth, M.' W. Divine, -'. Hugh I la. Miller, W.D.Ct Richardson, H. 'i Jj Bierman, C. D.fBell. 4 J15 t S (j tt White"-' jj jei Greet ' R'tr Moore; i t , W. A. Martinv "Jel; R. P. McClamiy, R: W. Vincenf: E. S. Martin,;''; . ' E. Boushee, f R R. BeHamT J. II, Berry, ; J. 1. Grafflin, ij J..A. Everett' v. v Itobertf ' v.. at E. L. Hart; CC, CoyingtO; 'hos WVrigit rp C. Dickinsd?' ' jn. M.-Branct; E. C. Woodbury, - Geo. L. LeGra'dj E. G..Bonitz, .t -B G. Empie, p - Junius G. Lto-f Lewis Gordon,'' 1 H. C. LumsdefC , Carl Mugge, X I F.H, Stedma " R -Kenan a, D. Cazaiix; ; Harold M. Chase-, 't?-Ie?lhe"?iy' A. B. Skeldingi 'j. H. Thoihas, A.: A. Nathtn.p .'' T Scott, CUto Branch, ' p Rising ' Ct'abriel Ilolmf, M. E. Gray, .'.; A'p" rbtt,p j. Bone5r If j. s. Cannady' Andrew Smith" " . Thos. W. Strange; W. H. Shol'ar, .T. N. Simmons . D. WBulluekT PsL. Bridgersi'i GO W, Bomem';$nn, Jno. Hardwric -y T. Dieksey,-, O.-W. SKeppagj, M: H; Curran,y ' M. O'Brien; . TftosfT. Bell, & ' J.'fmith, :i- H:MH?oard, ; 2 Thos. C. Jame5 ' A. J. Marshall, Walls, W. J. F. W Wester-man, C. E. Gordon, R. E.1 Smith, Tonald MacRae W; II. Alderman, J. Elsbach, "W.- Tt Johnson,: .B. F.uHall, T. H.1 McKoy,. S: H. Penny, J. R.- Davis, W. L. DeRoss4, Jr., G. W Mills, L;.XlHL Vqllers, W. T. Croom, X C ; "L.. Mason, .Junius Davis,. E. Hl-Sneed, , : . E. G: Yopp, : 'J. B. iFarrer, -y . C. WJ Woodward, J: R. Marshall- J. M. Solky,, W. D. McMillCvi, H. C. Porter, v S. W. WestbfcVk, E. Hardison, i'' S. T. Bryan, F. W. Harriss Jno. A; Barney E. M. Mott, ;l Wm. Ezzell,..',-' H. I. Cooksey, N. E. Bunting Walter Rudd? "k, J. T. Gordon,. Hugh Sweene' .M. W. Jacob! , Wm. ' Sheehan, Jvf, H. Ci Neilson, ' Robt.f M. King, W. C.j Jerel,' . ' R. S. PeaCe, . J. Hicks Btinting, 'C. B..I .MFadyen, Wm. lAi' Bryan, C. Ci-itedd.1 .HenfyL. Hewett, Jas W. Kramer, W. W. Eane, M. SJ WTillard, I. E.: Greenewald, A. J. Yopp, L. B. Sasseri J. W. BranchJ T, W. Cla-sov" G. W. Birdie, '4 ' E. B. Pleasanr, J. FjPost, ffrlt W H. Ybpp, fi? IV A. Rowan,, v J. W Wright, , J. ' Hill, Geo. Haar, Gr C. Simmons, F. H.! Fechtlg: We Witt C.ove, W. T.i H.rker, - J. W,-i Miarchison, H. Dilahn, W.xHl Rqberts, 1 Ei'ank Herbst, -John jDyer, 1 - - M. N. Davis, r Joe. Craig, - Jno. L. BoatWSghf; D. E J., Mathhews Bailey . Geo.-TTPTs:h-!ur E. P. W. A. Whitehead, E. Z. Parker,"-: Herb't McClammy Jno. C. Benfeon,' Jas. Ii. Parham, S. T, 'Ashe,; ' . J. C. jBowen, J, J.. Jordan, E. WJ Manning.Sr. B:-'C iMoore. W.-F, F.ewln,' V anc exN o r wxdE -d , Walter Bell, H W. Rt Rarkse-ile, E. Balrzer?' Benj Bell, ": W. H. Ii: Tiitfi. J. H. BrbWn.l H. R. KuhJLJ; J. W. E. T. B. F Carmichael, Mason,.' Bnttain, Cowan, Evans, - J. R. TurrentLSie; ;R. H. J. R.Turrefttitv Jr. D. .L. D. C. Littleton W. G. Whi tetrad, Haywood Cla": Ic. V T. C, Oldharn J. D. Biggs. ' 4 G. Wf Eranch. Ed wini A. McKoy", O. A. W. R A. W. Wiggins, Murray, ' Watson. . , It. C. McQuee jr. Archie S.: King.1 F. A.. Mon tgovjueryy J. -'Cotchett-, Toe Curtis "'Clayton Giles: Calvin S.Blaci.'well, T, Heinsbefjgr, V . XL.. 'XOPP,'. G. M. Summ'ell, W. R. Stewagl; D. E. TaylorA ' W. A. French Jr,., Henry Tietgej S. Neil Terry$e Jv S. Russ, r. H. For-.. 4 ' J. W. LaMoh!, A. D. Black, . Geo. HonnetCf ' , Jno. F. Divinf, R. L. Salter 'tl J. W. Pressor? 4 ' . Wm: Sheehani Sr. V?f J. Warren -Jno. 0"Brlen, t : N. Paul, J. J., LeGwin. , J. E. Bloodwcf 'th. . W: A.I McGowan. ' Zack. S. Ltwnleyt C..W, Westbrook. J. D.JNutt, S. P. Collier, Jr., C.-..A.-1 Leslie, . -Luther Greer, C C. Burriss; -G.'W. Worth, ' Ja. Reilly. B. A. JJone. J. E.. Farrell, Jas. CjalderJ'. W. .H.I Northrop, G. W- iPiner. ' J. BMland.; '. P. H. Hosre. J. yr. St. John. . Ed'w ard M u'rr 1 n , A. L. Jones.t W. A.j-J'renich, Sr.', Fred. Herbert, C. W..;Bidgodd, -Jas. 'W. JacliscJl, -G. Wrl Mijlis. L.' E, Kayer- C H. Ganzer,.' IT. M. Emersiji, v,'. H. Wright; T. J. Fergus, L3 HE. Bonitzrv V : . ...... . 8' rm tit .ieo.u. farsiigrjr,"- - :jjls.- a. ore, Jas, A. Kellly,5S Sheppard, G. W. CameroV Li Duke, W.-O Evrisl' ' W J1 Morris E. P. Buivnght, Wm. E. Wcrt; TI. T. Prater. - . T. M. Turrent:ne. 'J. M. Forsho-e,, , J H. Iard.n. John AS Martin, Philander .Pear&all; ' Jno. B. Crov M. Ii: IVltam( G. W. flugtris. M. T.: Taylor. Sr.. W. IL Iiardin., L. F-. Harper, T. J Ftncu .an. Preston Cuniming Archie. Mafine, J. J. Windiey., -Geo.- Ii. Morten, .HarolJ-iTbild. ' - t . -t.1. Itobnonv L.S J.XStubt. N. J. WUItam-,-C. C. Rr.)wn. W, L. lhllxi, Geol ;T. Johouv 'A. K. Lynch.' " W. C. Smith' s , Geo? Harriss, Jr.,, "William Caider, f O. P. Cazaux, ; VaUer r MacRae. W. H...tutts. "W. M"cR. Smith. UxJ- Smith,' G. J. McClammy, Wmll. Green. i;oDrt yi, cam, t'has.ii -Anderson -V. G. Redd, W. L. Thorp; E. S,-Capxs -C. T.. Croom. W. W. Hodges, J. F. Ker(.lU P Collier, - S. AXMtthews, I J; Tjlne, . . E.- C 'Warren.- -1 t J. R. MK'arthf y, Is. F. lir.enbafk.. r W. S. Walker J. A. Montgomery. W. F Parker. ' Robt. C. Smiih. '' W. v!f4alloway, C. II ihrtman.' J.. C.?-Hfvanmor . W. E.Burkhimer R.,T. Craig, W. E. .Watson; A. G.- Han kins; J. t MRee.. S Jr Davis. W. McMillan , ,- J. O. (rmsby,, J. S. Putter. . TSwarTn. "r H. H Kvncr. Jr,,W. J. "Martin. ' 'J- C. Stout. " , J. It. Wat"on.' Alfred A?J-rman, , ' W. I., Brown,," ' l .:.J T. J; Pre?on M. T.-Jarm-s, Jn.i ,fD. "Taylor. Pa. Madden. A.' G . Ellis. . J. U-U ilkins. T,. D. Mean'..' -N.. Mflntosh, ,'. Jl, H Mrrritt. J. -Wv Atkinson, S . A'.. So honk. F.nv. Kerch ner, TT T! v- : I. V. , ,G. K 'Gaskill, ' P. H Gilligan SarnJ. Northrop;.. J.. Ml McGowan, W. A, Whitehead. E. P. Bailev, G. Walker. 11.' McClammy. j 'FURTHER ACTION, ' Afier adjournment Chairman Wad dell appointed the following committee of twenty-five to carry out the purpose of the meeting, to wit.: Messrs. James Ellis, Rev. J.. W. Kramerf Frank Maunder,- F; P. Skipper, C.- -L. Spenl cef.vHugh MacRae;- Jv Allen Taylor, E: S. Lathrop, F.i II. Fee h tig, W. II. Northrop, Sr., A B. kelding F: A. Montgomery' B. F. King, Revt j. W. S. Harvey, Jos. R;. Davis, t pr. W. C." Galloway, Jos.' D. Smith, John , E. Crow, F. II. Stedfnan, Gab. Holmes, J uin'us Davis, Iredell Meares, - P. -?L. Bridgers,- Wv F Robertson and C; W. Worthy 1 The cpTOmitteeVrnet- yesterday after noon, at. 3: CO o'clock in th? Merchants' Association rooms,-with' Colonel Wad-? dell in the chair.' The" committee took steps -r to" vigorously carry,- out the tion of tne meeting and after discuss ing tbe plans, formulated and.sentout the 'following: " - . , November 9, 1S98, S'p'f'Tn. . : The following: -named colored citi zens' Of Wilmington are requested- "to; meet a committee of 'citizenSvappointed'; by authority of the meeting of business men; and taxpayers held, this morning, at . 6 o'clock this evening at the Mer-r chants' rooms, Seaboard Air Line, byfltding, on, Front, street; to 'consider a "xnatter of grave .consequence to the ne -groes of .Wilmington: Dan Howarfd, Jno.! H. Howe, Laiwyer Henderson.'Jnct Holloway, Lawyer Scott, J.- TlIowe( Tom '-Rivera, Elijah Green, Tyc' Mil-' r ler, Rev.. Leeof St. Stephens church," David Jacobs,' Carter Peamon. Wm. A.. Moore, :H. C. Green, D. T R. Mask, Henry -3reen, Jno.. Going, R.' B. Pick ens.rJno. H. BrownJno."-Carroll, J. W. Lee,f Brown t&- Pearson .Robert Rear don,' Isham Ojuicli James- Green, Alex. Mallett. Re.vvj'.-, W.' Telfair, J?icharfl Ashe Josh : Jfreenj : David .Jones, Fred Satlg-war, Dr.rJ.. H. Alston. : ' By order of the committee' r- ' , A.I M. .WADDELL. , - t .' - Chairman. . - The committee : . adiourned till 6 L-oelook , and ' met at that hour. , A number of colored, citizens attend ed the meeting. Colonel--Waddell 'in- formed them of thaction of the citi zens!' mass .meeting., and presented - the resolutions as- the- ultimatum. Her firmly explained-, the purpose of the. nieeting i an,d annoanced that- the- ulti matum 'was an ultimatum and that no .discussion would be allowed.' The col - 'ored citizens -were told that th-y.c1uld' exercise their-innuence in carryjngjout the--resolutions.. :. . ; f- Th e ; .-Rev, " Lee sa id : he; wdtil d ad vise the Manlys to comply with 'the" rf solu tion. . and Lawyer iV. E.. .Henderson s'aid he thought The, Record -Company could be; previled, upon ;to move. out.-He sand he wodld see them and he. thought the answer iwoultl be favorable.-. They, "-were told 'that -the r-ornmlttee would "gjve thern till l-AO o'clock-this morning"! to bring in a reply, .as: to whether the resolutions will be comrli ed y. ith "without s the use p'f strong measures.. . '. .. .. ' v j The meeting then- adjourned." " . . v " ! From New Zealaud . Refton, New Zealand, Njjv. 23, 1S95. - I am very pleased tq state that since I- took- the agency?, of ' Chamberlain's medicines the sale "has been very large, more especially .of r-the 'Cough Remedy. In twp years I have sold more of thlA particular remedy.', than, of all -other makes of Jthe1 previous five years; As J. J. Hedrick. -(Ie-3 ('. Jak?. J. K. WHlUmi.-, IL Nv, Turrr.tih. U f. iJJin, ' IS F. Himme. ' to its efficacy, I have been informed by I MI;, n . ck, ' 1 ' . .' , . - , 3 j Thefight for the democratic nomina- scores of persons of the good results.! tion fftr. PI,akr will not be the rip they; have received from, it, and inow j roaring affatir-some people expected. ' ts Value! from the iuse of it in my-own -j 1 If Tom Piatt is"'ayk-ise inan.' he will household. 'I is so pleasant to take- -f.onvce begip taking lessons in hapd ., v 1 . . - ' . -. , - - . Lrrg bucking bronchos. that we-h'ave to place the, bottle beyond the reach of the children, ( ' E. SCANTLEEURY For sale by R. R Bellamy. They istill have hopes of capturing LtrT-ele ..T5ean.nlay yeH becomeithe' Dorsey Foultz of the sea. r..isn-l Atd M(htft WaJdrll the Jadr l:j th WflmingrVti cruadc f e whitt -aupr nuy, an 4 th-r nfwly elect . inay.Ti . tti that city, "iv a man -to;-. w ho? . couraf? tht iople-of tixls ills- ' vtrictonc.e : ltfore .-api-valttl succ fuViy. It wnls Jt m&, h,h' 'KlrVV ' gang "trrorut-! , tho utat and tth j. . th Judiciarjf oelns: exhausted. Urnrf head court -martial w re-.the onlrr of " -the day, that "cry nf tho Tti4e frr : La leader was an$wred from WHmins- ton by the 'vjhroor Waddl! Oliver IV Pvxrkery.w as then th?? lt tinir mNr Of . conRre!, -and- w as it candidate- ffr Xe-etecti6r) Thoe wert th daj-of ' reCrtnstni.cUbri and In UrrfSjac-morallxHi ' condition f t he country ,irikmcl a v reckless undertaking' for a 4emormt, to enter the. field ajralrint Jckery. yet with the mairnlfirent couraffe of hl nature- Waddt2l .met 'Iwkery on the ptumiH-met him ;imd ,riiUtl him," ami. defeated him at the polK ColonH Wail-v", dell was relr tesl to conigress In lf7? ' 174. and np,d - his entire rTirriI tere l! a si'lendinl on. Am a mlnortly; member oL the Ku- Klux-cimmltte. lir rr-n.lrr.'d the ;people Vf lilrf state A brll 1.1 ant nd . heroic Mrlc.e.,.'. - ColonM WaddlJ-. sej-ved In the war s ;as lj-ut.rnarit:colour-l of the Fin-ty-firnt North (arohraa -regiment" (Third chv-' alry "and doei ' hot- know u'hHt . Tear if. Hi hajactf-r Is the personlfl- cation of bravrj-vtruth and honor. I(f is an elegant p-Jjtl nlati of the old school, 'a we) l-rouhd-scholar and an" cKMjuent orator. aTH cwuld have tMm -elected mayor ot Wilmington time anil 7 time.agaln.: and., Vevknw nough of -him to voice the asumm-fr. Rmt In ac cepting the post tin which the fwople of WUmlngton yesterday -.elected, hlrn. lv, ' ai rinimated by no p reoal nmtitivii or private a)m. but !"! ly to s:if"-cuard- the -cityf arr"! to protecthla el- . low citizeRs. their rwiv .v.. children n?ul their "propertv." As. the --people , cT thl ' section needed a leader In .170,-. w liiu . Wjlmingfnn needli m-io tn'tht;inst few. days, and .thah, AVaddeH an -ible.r mld not have lKen ralsr?l.. . Honorable F 71. Miiiinnon This gentleman ! who has clone -no : much for the people of -.North Garoll- ;. na as ehaimian of the democratic state cqmmlttee. Was tip ' New'-'m on Fri- " -day night and at a; meeting of tfieCrlt izens made a speech- to them-. - l - ..-"-,.,Mr. .Simmons related how the -cam-, paigfi was gone into and that hi Ik;-, lieved that if the, evidence of the coiir diti'on -of affairs in eastern Carolina ould "be piacedr? before the teople as before-a jury, th"e verdict would bo "ruilty." He then told of the number of papers sent out to the doubtful- voters, of the, enormous number of supplements - sent out which tie edit ed himself. In. fact he was -about of . ,the opinion thai he was a pretty eootf eauor nimseu. is narrauoa i ine securing of the pictures of the Craven-: . countyv officials created great merri ment. "When I found Gerock could, not " get . their pictures, because they were . ashamed of them, , sent Jennett. lie went to see . Isaac Smith . to -borrow , some moneyfrorn bini; and while Isaac was-, calculating the Interest he took his picture." "L Mr. Simmons then came to what par ticularly interested his listeners. . He s'poke of the " recent trouble, in Wil mington. He deplored the tragedy that : had occurred, there,: but he thought. the time had probable. come there when t -employ force was probably .the only course. . ' ' .. - ",' . ."I don't advise-those harsh'and dras tic measures,, but I-would suffer my right arm. to be cut off before I would . say one word against the good men of , that city. With you the conditions havo been horrible (voice "they aret Jhorrible. now"),- Yes they are horrible now, but if you can stand tt until the legislature- .1 meets. .1 pledge the good faith of tho . democratic raFty. erf Nifirth Carolina, that they w ill' pask Jaws that- w ill - end ' it forever. I wisti "our-good friends-In Wilmington .could, have waited a littlf longer, rbut T. have been there and I don't . see .how .they could have de- .. layed the day of retribution. But I trust- that inNew Rem by the excr-v CfSe of forbearance you will-. be ablo ito--wait-until the legiftlaturexts-'aswm-bled.. . " ' "It will nrrt be a temporary dtspKisf tion. but a -permanent one. I do not know what -measures will be udopU-d. I do not speak for the lej?ulature. Imt . ' I know that the -white, men of Nortfi Carolina will settle the' problem, for all time to come and no:.ptlltlcal pj.-ir-' ty-wiir ever again" dare attempt to put; the n-gro over the- white man." " . ' . - - - . .' . t- ". .1 IVakhlnztou Pot Sqntb . North Carolina can now lay aside it3. red sTiirt and put on one of the "brk-d1-' varietyv .. The North Carolina ballot was chap peroned" -by---.the "bullet, as' per -.. prt. gramme. '-, -. . - -An examination . of the ' debris ' this- morntnjg will show: -a number of signedf cinches. ' A Philadelphia councilman nas re- signed because- he .is too honest. Jt wxiuld be interesting t9 know how he r made : the -disco veryv ' . - 1, ..- Colonel Bryan's ease Of military loe-k.- jaw w-ill probably yield- to treatment. il'airie, Vermont and Oregon were out In "tne poll ii caJ - cold yes terday . v They' should change their dates'1 and get into the national melees. ' Escaping gas, alwaj'e has caused more or less trouble at' tlji capitol. ( . An inspection of Mr. Croker's necli. 'will s-how where he got it this trip., -' It seems- that the: war hero,. business came home to roost in the case of Hob. Lemuel Eli Quigg. 1 . . The combination of- Dick Croker andr . Carl S.churz was too; much for the" other The democratic leaders probably on dertand by this ttme that it is not safe to, monkey with war issues. ' Mr. Croker may manage . 'Jo pull through the winter: He has saved, a judge or two -from the wrecks. .; tion to make considerable-trouble far his esteemed contemporaries. 4.V -

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