'a;,,-.. f . .. ... I f T I f-J ' I ' : A'Youii-Naval OHIXake s JJjCfvt el foW F IJV, 1 j ' ' '."H Vi ' 1 V - I ' V 1 1 I -':.. V .7 1 1 1 VJXW JL XJ X. JL - :Ire?A-hIlek-ufaVrIuz - 1 ', . . ' " Vsi-:- " .'--'it . v':i:;';i.:; ' '"'' :M i-.:- - ? Baltffnore oV-ember 14.--I-ieut..rit' r ' l:lrK.:i';.vW.w.i rt:!-. , - .. . . ' .' :'7 : : ''.: :,. :.:':: ':r; . .:. .r. '--:, ,'- ,v-' ,. - , .r ' , ' .-.V. ' ' . ' --': ;:- ! o. 262, J3 I ' I .7.1 ; v mm f 1, ,-:'i ': ''"- ' ? .- " "t " it t -';.'-"' ' " "". -"-ii- " -. "". ' - i ixig tlie; BhiU ' M od Stim on inish O)mmi.ssion;rs Ask. -Spanish. 'Troops It is Premised ThemThe i c it Session II u fuse to Obey tlie Governonof the City Regulars 'c t i .V -. -x : -! 7 Ordered Out- They, Police fieperal Pair is' ; Ibvtmler, 14. Tliere was jip " session of the peace, commissions , Secrot aryMooref of the "United states om mission, i-Teceiyea from Sec ret? yy QjKla of. the- Spanish cpmmjs : feionla - no'-fe savin g -ttuit the' Spanish -commissioners hU ipuntir it;4mpossi.Die : ko:-pj:epa re their" :men3orandumfo pre- -sentniion iouay, ami : asKing u I'nitfd.StatVs commissioners would be v jln e o irve'nienced,; if, ' owing to th e . late farrljUl fiOra ;iradrid.of 'expeetfed data, ' iu laniards fhojjld "refiuest that the '; n ext m e e t i n k Ijc d efcrrc-d-.un til We d.ries- ...wiayj ; l--v,-- -: ' ; Secretary Moore' replied that" tW.Amer , ican :o'mmissiohers were ready ,to ac ' .icoinhiodate the Sr-uyish commi'ssion--: rs jin thismalier and the joint session; jiwas-;leferred iintrt Wednesday next,1 '" . t .. : .. '..4 : . .1 j. . l, .". ,ii,r ;rt, oemg regarueu as lnaicating marine .today '. "' Spanish ' commissioners are- preparing . i for' a final stand in these negotiations la n d i t. rij ay n ow -- lie defln i te ly - stated V l:mv.- Id: dofl n t f '- Stt) t Pll that.. they will, not. sign a treaty of i peace which yields to. Spain - n(3- more :for tr. .Philiprimc? .islanc s than has if hna fair iiDivn nfinrni inrlioatpn riV f"V; -v!,"w .- J, theAmericans. . Should" the laUer an- -poum2e that, thebnited States M -only pviiiixig to .umBa im . nei t ific expenditures in the Phalippihc i- ;; --vilands., . the. Spanish commissioners v) t '-:- VJl1 theiIi :missi05 is finished 'iijso smuggest a , suspensibn -of the nego kiatioris f through he comrnissionvarid; - i esuiiipLjuu jui nie&y:iyaLiuiis; uet wet u The attitude of ItRe-pa- s. is .ex- . - .Jainrd by the-fact that the m?m - ;' ..of the Spanish commission-have Polui- ; . .-' . cctl.al.iances and j-erspnatponsib 1 - ViltoPiistituencie i,;rjr.eaitprpt Spainw . M certain lines whtclt aras far, aihe i poirited Gut rthat V ifr - the. "five Spanish' : commissioners here " signed a-, treaty , yielding the Philippine islands- to tfre , ;r'TJmted S - ;' deb.t;in an: ;: appreciable degree,: they 'cuiuld npt return horiiQ with the- pjos '.v.Pf t't' of any polttieal future jeforehem . ran '. '.'. i'ence at the hatidsTof .'niobs. ,. , , r 'V :;: At -the nexit-meeting of' the commis- sionei'Si tne Americans wi 1 1 learn den-- nitely theattittide off pain.on any proposition -thus, far iriade. The Span iards, hpvvever,:' in Ihis .f presentation,', i;: -vviU 'npt'deelare all negotiations closed,. 'Thgy will insist- that :the sovereignty of Spain over th e "Ph i 1 i p p i ne -islands; is; f beyond i question'.; butwill v announce ; T Spaiji'sj readiness1 to yield that soyer 'ijetgnt y fbr. anit a deq u a t e qui va I e n t an d :yill then invite riegptiation' under, the . LcprVs-' ruction Of - the. protocol. " The; American cpmriiissiorier !raay then .'communicate - their final , a'ttitmle- tp- ? v ' Hvard- Spaim but he AmericanSi ate ex r v'.;; jjecte'df at a f ufure meeting; .to presieint; careipllypreparefl eoncLusipn of their 'eonten'tion and ..coudltions. , Should vi' ?; v they ; be,.riot Vdifftrent fbrii those al .. ready xresen ted,- trie time wrll then -0 a iiave a rri ve'ct when- Spajp- w il V deel are i:e.rselfiielplessTithouhi5teadfast - rwiu awair.the. next step of the United ' ' i J ScaGs:V( IWhicrie'ver. it nniy:be' sheVwill . . - : lie aule able jo :sa y to her eiwditoirs that she 13" --(.we: ikv utmost and .that, the issue' .: J i niUKt rest: etween them, ttnd .the 1'nit ; .' - : Vil Susies. '.--'.. ; , '' ' ' y. A' dispatcL to the Teni'is.jfromi Mad-' " ! -rid &ays': tlu- officials there da not be7 . -.;' '- lieve eice-'ngotiations will : be' broken - v; ?off.- J.t jwlds: ; "- If the T)nited States v persist 5ri trie p resent c la. fius S pa i n w i 1 1 ' i , ; avcejt trie ' conditions- "aXjvr formally ; :2 f arinouneirigii ;riessi0n etjf the -esm-f; " i mission in ja-'i.Fcnlar-.to;-t'h:e;-prs: ; '- that .She yields .to force, and owing t! ';' :' : !;he impcssiJi'bility pf reriewhi trie - war .... ' . Hvithout ntitibtairiing ass'istaii e'- in do ' ,.-3.i nce of Wr rights.'. ' .. . '. : . ' - ..Berlin, Xovexnber l-A hiig'b offi'cjta of the Geririari : foreign office asserts p-iiut ito communications, or. negbtia ; tipiv-' liaveoiceuedfiietweeT eri; 'i egard i rig trie ' ritilipp i ne qiHrf tion. -Geriiiiariyv;f h.e' sayns, ; hv only : (rimer ,cia,l iutet ests .jp protei't there. ' ', ' .MIITIK Y OK SPAKISJX SOLDIERS. Kev West. Fin :." Koverh her. 14.-TVf- I, . xrifr v from iTjerto tTi nci ne nriA that seir eri ttousa n d i;eg- demarid5ng trie ir paj' ba- g for Spatii. : A bout, four: soldiers,' the reports mselvj&s ;ft-if font, of v . ,. .-.: ., v - tri9 -mil itary gpv- .for tlieif icivei due J leral, March drew d them to' disband. r, refused tp: obej: J a.med. with, loaded hel'tfe of the'gen- d his . swpra - to its l '- v - .. - - mr- 1 1 r x J 1 1 1 r 1 j 1 1 M 1 .i,t.i ; ,h .';- ;y;;.l--:;V,; .-.-f.'v-;V-"'i-l " .:--'-"'.'.:v".:"- 'I -lfclt.r!iife ..-mocnln-g-. , . -Xy ..E.ii.ojtrn-g: ,.Ta4e.a-yrf-Qy.rifeHr: ii4rest. .r 'V"' - ''-: ' ;:"' X ' i': ':i--- -w - ' :- ' : ' r.-'-'" '-- "i"-' v . V" ''.''". ''.''- :''.. ' '-it - . ' the Next .'. ;' . . '. - ' f Or (he I tys t p r n e nie n t ot Mutiny and Demand their Pay. Police of Havana Revolt-.-TheV : Re fuse to I'jre 011 the Arolas Rage scabbard, crying1 Soiit: "Do , y to kiiP me? Well, kill me:" oil wish: Tlie, sokliers in reply shoned;: no, we" only want, our pay be bark in g for ' Spain - r -: ore em- General March ; promised them that they would" be pal fl a:nd th sold ier s: re turned ! to .their quarters, peaceably. y The steamer Alavat. left Havana four dayslgo wiSh $1M,0) ,Uh whla to' . pay those soldiers; who we re tt efnuark' immedi;ateij4Qr. spam-. -i , . !; : " Tlie ! cruiser Alfonso XII I,' and. the gunlKlats. t XabeiJf v proc Neuvltas tplcompp' thesol d iem-;to: em " bark, af ter wbiebij tlfeyviU ' proceed -to Gibara for ,a like 'purpose and will then go o Spajn unless new 'orders are re- ceived. " ' ' ' It i: VO LT OP PC) LICK Olv IIAVANA'1 Havana, November. Via Kfy West November 14. The mutiny of tlie or- uen pubiKO,-; . wnici tor two aays f hrpa fp.n&rl - thft' rtt'-Jkcn ff .' th is ritv' ' TP- ' r" v"rT" T- ' in. the-disiolutiontof -that body i tn;i-,v M trwlav whvn flfterfithp nnvment nf'somp , ''.. rn itr,,: i (l!Hr,n . ihi.i n.nnminn tvon, iid ..' s.1 . uown tneir arms. captain uenerai ,,1?in,; ti, ' nrrWPd nil tho' fnoi-nnd ; Counted Regiment slot thfeordeT"bu (f) l( ensnrtla ,lhat; organizatip'n . - . . f -, . . i , ' . v.- i ceasing to: exist trom.'tnis date, v - Th(? Havami mutiny, .which, started . .yestflr(lay( .was pnx iPited by General -... ArolS(. the rfeilltarv-Vgoyernor of the cjty; "whoso fiery teiper and' . brutal 1. of ()(rirs is tJie s6urce UaiIy . s,)rea(Hng 1 'discon:fentment. of At' imidnight on" XlWedriesday v General Arolas, 'at' the head of the : battalion of regular .''ih,.faritryhia.yin;gJfce'enVapprized': of the intention of thfj troops': to join iri the mutiny-and demand their pay, - ing the Santa Clara and Reina Chorro" ,: - thiratepmpany; df -the Pithl numbering about 15(5 men; drew' up be fore, the captain' general's, palace, in'the Pla7a. de Aririas.,?.and demanded: their overdue . nay:' ' The riien were-4 ordered to.jetire, but refused. Geheral-Arplas who arrived oil the scene almost sim ultaneously in an; excess of,. rage, lifted his baton of oflicef arid savagely attack ed some .of the (onlookers, seriously hurting, a government, employe who had rushed jorit of- the ; palace, from curiosity. - . . ' ' tBy this time fhe Plaza' de Armas was ; rilled 'with Wildly excited crowds, who " loudly . cofidemned and l cursed pen'eral 'Ar6lasi.fe':Tliey were Quieted ':py General Solano, Captain Creriea BJari n'sehipf of staff r ' il ' co's'chief of staff. I'he mutinous prden publico learned later thaf General Arolas -had- called over 4,0i)0 regulars in the suburbs Be lieving .'General Arolas ; meant ftp; dis arm them; the orden publico agiri left their. ; quarters,-' '-eat-h man with ; 150 founds, of, "amttiijttipn '-in:lils-"lil t' arid' lined tip in' the "street opposite' .he ar- raSrv; nooflw tr riirfor too iof a r riJ if no' f r ;. sortlv aftor Wfeh'tfa'!! Gen- t l uuW,-,nJ and preceded by a band. of musc play" Irig natipna iai, arrived ; bef tre the order ptiblieo readquarters Avlere, he' '.iialtecK-, .''efbre''i:!.titf6d, tlie-iip-ti'ncius triifd company, g-im and sulleji. - . ;. . Generlil : Arohis mad with, ruge, or dered his -men to charge, -but they re fttsed to doso.-; Heythen ordered thern' to fire, which they also refused; to. d6. i General Arolasi then, realized ifte "had lost h is moi-al rnfluence oveif tle men and. aTter -calliH . the ofiicers I aside anti conferring wifh them, fof ia .few miny es he left tor .the palace.'; accom panied by his 'staff -'arid-- seven qfficers. A boat two; blocks front the scfene of the idutmyVgenei -Arolas parjEy came Upon I an 1 innocerii and - unsuspecting memr of "the'ipriien publico, ho was. uuarineu.iau wnn iury, uenerai Arpi as - lrt w his sword ti.nd . savagely .at tacked' the man, Infiic ting-on lim se vere urid& froin; .mprnjn'g.' "" , - r - i- .-'''.. t.' 1 n : jt ht .. " mix-tr ieu t en a ri t Ma t fa , General Arolas aide-de-camp, pad : bis liand cut, supposedly by General Arol- tyl sw ord as it was trie only ones drawn. 'Town rA. fTriid niSh t . rtincr' .f the rcci: ? ?: xSly r?- " v- --v ; y.i.ucu ; puunw,; uutu (ta; alrj and inian try1. throughout t;lie : city, had ;; mutinwd ' ' arid ;;turney outj:iV fully armed; ; General . Arolas witli the . reg- l uiars met xneur ine;-va.izea!ua uet Monta wriere & iejpefition;of the earlier, ineldejnis . : Ipccrir .d the tlopps 'p. gain Teiuslng to pbev"" otxlers to fire, when' com ma nded to o so. ' A' . cpnference then 'tock; place 2etwwrithe officers, and the rati t i n iers d isbanded .and re tired for' the night. TJie night passed without any further untoward?; inci- V dent, bringing-abcuti? today theresult o;entioned; .nanielv,' 'the'; disbr.ndrae.nt:' of the ortlen publico forces. '.--""'. ' . - .- ' . :. ' ' ': :-- caTroion notiei tms .euvrcsnoruy aiier, lv o'clock s rms; mocning,r: py sJiotmg:, hirns-l.C- ift the head. . : Li-utenant a "Drezel, its- .is thought, JghV reached this city" some time this morn ing and repaired- to the Carrolton did not register, but after lingering abopine lopoy ior .a-, snort, time, went - to the toilet roofft and looked the door? house and a ;S.earch feA-ealed :the fact ioi snw a.iarmei uie . tmuioyes. oi me shiit alarmwl thp rhrVnvf4." rifV the i that.Urezei was dead, in one or the j- pockets of his coal was. found an . or der from; Secretary of the- Naivy Long, dated November lith, detachingrthe unfortunate man from the- United States ship Essex and ordering hirrt to repair to San Francisco, .from where: he was to go to Hong Kong and thence toMatiila to join the Zafin. A tele gr'irn addressed to Llieutenant' Falep; Washington, ; and signed by -i Drezel, wtiien, Jwas f ov(nd on .the dead man, -re-quested Pales to exchagfeorders. yith thev, writer and it Aas evjjdemly: the intention of Drezel' to have gt-nt this. He . is ''.'supposed to have eornrnitted. the 'deed, during ja't'of.. melanc holy. , , Dieutenantl'Drezel was ?v;b:r 40 y&nrs" He enteVetf -the navyn. Ser.tc.rnber ,, 18S6 vtit An'mipolis. haviaig be-:.ao pointed' -from: Ohio. On" I'aV C lSOG." he was - made . a! lieutenant: .frurinV the Spanish- A in f it an - war"vIii served oil ' board. the Puritaii. : Foiiojvv?-Xn'g ' t!he!:i w-'ar,;!: he was.1 trjahsfet.re'do thessex." : . Annapolis, !Md,,X'oypmle.r 14,.-7-TJieu-tenant Drezel .'Cvas .well known here, 'having" been .stationed here, before the. Avar'-with Snain. lie. was: under t-t.reat- meat several ;'time tr mental derange--merit. H imagined that he, was ,iu a .state, of physical and mental collapse 'andiSnfit' for further duty; Ife -leaVes a wife And two children Constipation prevents the body from ridding itself of waste ' matter. ..-De Witt's Little Early .nisei's will . remove the - trouble -and cure Sick,. Headache, Billiousness, Inactive Liver and, clear, the complexion. "Small, sugar eocd, don't gripe: or ,ca,use pause:- 'r. 'R., Bel lamy. ' : r ' - coN'riNivKi la vLijfcsNi':s.v Iii. Edgefield onnty, S. C A Negro , AVoiiiaii AVoiviided AVlilte iTlau and egfoShot, Kacli by ii 3Ian pi" tile ..Otlier Color ,- 'r ;; .;. Charleston. S, C., November 14! A . special to Trie News and Courier from ur,eenyooa, s. as., says : . a teiepnone message wa!s received .he're this nHr-ri-' ing triat : a negro woman ws" Shot, probably fatally, near ;.Pin.eV. . Grove church, by a partyot white, men who; j . Were on their way hfre js o . particu lars' are obtainable except that her h'oue wasv fired jntp by a passing kfrOwd and; one "balb .struck '-her ein- trie. abdomen. ',;;". : 'i :; ' V;. About the same time mesLsage ,as received .frpm Troythat 'Mr.? Ivennedy 4 McCastan arid a negro on his place in; Abbeville county,' "had a persona dif ficulty in which the negro,--wlhose name Vo'uld ;.nptv.: be learned, shot . McCastijtn in the face with a. shotgun and ri&d fled, into the; direction pf Abbeville. 7A'--little later frieV.-riew'S'Carrie from Venderoy that Mr.J John Fell had shot. a, negro .near that plaee : in' Abbeville county while.ehgaged in a personal dif- iicuiiy ;As 11.1 uie .case . 01 uinav, no particuLars: bey'ond the main facts can be obtained. -It . is known, . how ever, that none of the"lawless,nes's re? ported today except the scooting of the woman has the remotest v'orinecA tion w itri trie Phoenix riot. . . ? ; , ; A dispatch' from Abbeville saysi that. the negro Who shot McCastrin was pursued to the coirt house -square in Abbeville, where he' was caught ad ct)mmitted to. jail. vTriere is no feat of his being, lynched. ' -.:." .,?; , - Overcome evil with good.- Overcome your coughs 'and c old s wit h - On e ! Mi n -..ute Cough Cure. It is so good children er for it. '' It cures croup, bronchitis, pneumonia," grippe . and' all - throat aud iting diseases. R. II. Bellamy,; ,; ? . Peculiar Status of West Virginia Legi! '- la tu re ' ' ';';?;.:? ' -; Cincinnati,' 1' November 14. As' specii'l to The ? ..Corhmereial Triburife?" from Charleston, Vv Vee., .gays: The 'politi cal complexion of the West Virginia legislature 011 joint 4 ballot 'depends upon contested seats and will? not be settled "until the two houses are 01-' ganizettf " The republicans will organ ize .the senate and the democrats the house. The two contested seats in the senate; will be decided ? by the courts anxl the' same decision will settle both; trie, question being w-betrierya . senator loses; his attby- accepting a commis sion in the army: The ijouse Will pass on trie eligibility- of its members and several seats;, will' be contested .The c,ff icial returns will amount to.. nothing' morevthan. to furnish daita upon ?whith; tte? two parties can work ; ATBi Fire in lavson City :? : Skaguay, ; November 7, Via Victoria B. C November :l4.Rethrnine - 'Klon - dykfcrs. arriveei in this city . today put-53 ug liie new s tuai, tue . ClEy 0,1 Dawson has ?beem-; visited with a ?50tO,- 000 R re, in which- forty buil d ings were j iwwi.tj : si-. i-J.a. wiiiamg . anu some ot - tne.Dest plaGe onfae, morning p?f October 16thJ the result of a row between two women j of the town. ; ? liayaAis:, Vn lice Sit?lwaT: . ? TIavana. "2'mbri-i battalion of "trie; orderi 'jmblico Avas shipped this morning on bcani the steart.er Alicante with: its-officers sitioriTmac Regrilal- troops .. x nere- was no oppo- pv, rnlvntt T-m eTr'p ii-rrta n Ahwr-.tT! tcri' rr , and '.all -wasriciet here, n-',, ? 'iii 1 ' ix:- Jwa were. stationeJ arong v. , jir -.-V T . v the streets from the Plaza' de Arm a; :to ,tije wbarf. - ; ? f . " . ' . ' A, lf . ? -i .. ' : .;'' '-: :' ;- :;f'. away sere OTayp;, vte retary... t-ad savs:nSsroVeril6r ii.dArest. Ju'g.tice; t iQ&n a6t: .c ham bers' J the vasel.f-h Ulills- iiga-inst;'- H;;j;;v :vie-."W6rk.W::.ii&ra' Caie- Harj.: .ra-asfy fiddint them "to -entc-r on' his - landafWiUed U irk - .Knniss .Kimissy 'iv.jri Had an irptioi'v ; t1s - llli'ijiiis - .bhiy t - - . . . r- . foKaHegeaiyf proecut . . i ; r' Carlua- A sqal u XV 1 erig-er.) Ghapel lit Ct, .oTovemb.-r. 1 4. overaber.: I : i v v r s i.t y "' : 'Nofllfs. r l i n a (1 r f a t r ed Alabama IfilynlcjLiiburn: to- lav-- ijV . a of H ro W' T ." 20- minte ' halvere., rjajyed. : ; Qur ' plaj ers were,iisi; up f ijom , the f Georgia, game-nMsailay. ; ' isothrtearns-played pretty ball. iJ.iis .mm y.Whe.nvyouSiask'.f6t eWitt Witch Hazel' -SalveJ don't " accept; a counter feit or, imita won-, There are; more cases b this;- than -all f "tZ!rMiUI -0thS0mb!ltV H4 KBHlam. : lfi!f..;ii !' - - :1,ItOO8S'-M.0l!Mf? SOIZTI'I Several I2cui-iH'i:t IfassiTIttougli Iol-eigJi-7-XWQ?IauHlttiirtiig ' H'onrpa ulesi liaft&d-rOiiie ICepiiblfcau So licitor icrat-eti Wjiiy. . i .'iairy '..- - i Mesiserieer Bureau- -T. ITS . .- . " K ' ' Raleigh. in. u., ivoyemuer i The secret fy of. skate" today, gr-anted two cJJfirteTsd-eor'ptira'tiririsf the Levi eott on,-ijm 1 is 4 r 7 - nut h erfordton capital- $50?ff? the other 'to the South- ern-Card Clpihing arid Reed Company, "of Charlottecpitar$25,000. .. Theatl ter- compan."wrill . furnish- cotton and n 00 1 en in 1 1 1. h u p pa le s. The Thing .: Pennsylvania - regiment was here tod-4y for t!wp, hours or" more, on its way totUgustVvWTri-lrd-Neir Jersey wa's 'tere Satjiifda'y night. " -Up ta;:th4 dae-si i:eriX'Ompaie'.-,of the Seepndjpftli Carolina' -regiihent have bri -mustered but,i;' It will re quire; abdrit.llOQ.OOO tp; pay pff the en tire regiment. : ; '; - . '...' .; ;-, '; Th(l'-':ne6li:'e'giie5itv.-ttie. Thlrr now at; Kripxv;illeS ; has?-' ii095 pfficers arid men. It hast lost since last- May only fiy riien, al&f tliesjat Kripxyilie.: f ; , The secretjiry of- state grants five Hoy ail iExehijjn ge A&! urarice ; Co tripariy Pf Ixmdori- censes.? to ;;d6? btfstriess. in' .this state. I ' . ' -. .- ' :-? :-'?;, '? ' Today before Justice ?' John Niehpls there . was ' contintarice until Friday of the: hearig pf the. case against Rev. Dr. Irii-ns,' peeper of; the. capitol. who is charged ''ith ; p'oisprftng dogs ;with strychnine: .; '' ? ; ? ' 'i. ?. .". ' ":. v???;: ; : '; It how turns out thaVMarshall Motf, . son of. Dr. J.J. Mott.f is re-elected solic itor in the .fTilkes : district: He is .trie onlv fusioniif . to ;ere!t. in. He Von' bv 64 inajority There .?pill be.nd contest?" ':'Vpemocrathedqarters; .have :. been closed; ?Thjeifjects?iare??paeked awaf , ready for.4 use?iri the 'great campaign ot 1900. ' ; ' . .-, " . ' ? Judge PuneH pf he United? States district -cou- isa, .lie "does npt know, "whether; it ."kill be' .Necessary f or-him. to go to Wlmmgtpri'. on -trie l.Ctn to -firiish .trie docket .Of the dispiot? court. . There , is. oilS"! .on-e c ase ie!t over for trial. " This j jhe .positblficp safe-e'rack-ing case iti ch S.r V: Maibryy Pf ?Ha"l 'ifax,1 'is, indMtd for cracking trie .saffe at-Maxton. sThe're a-oe: about forty wit- ! nesses. IrPttrne 3' has information that the-go'irhmeht has riotsufficient evideneei.'thJII jtrieyeVMeric tseurcum stantia.L. :an so he has ...ordered; the -cler?k; -tp'vtiowy tlie diry?-npt; to' returji: aim me wif esses -npt. 10 a Menu ."ana. for a not- pgS$i? to bei retUvrtied .. against. trie prisprieiflahe 'latter to .iie discharg ed. MabryMefente is ari alibi arid, it Is said he c;pr6ver.he.Wa's a$ax. lotte when tlfe?rpbbeity.wa:S' fonim rtted; U- - uat.e tof bwj; and- early to rise, -.-pre' pares a. rrianSonr .his borne In ' the skilss:' -ITut early bed- and a. LittLe Early Risen the "wlf that makes 1'i.fe. longer ! and-BJittei 95$. w-iser.fR. R; Bellamy To Iir ud tli e. ubau . rin Havana, 'iVt'ml.'er .14.' f 1,-rv-ral . Gar-- ciar,- his stafehd the .other Jelegates-i -f rom t.'he. il):4calfe'd: .' Cuban ?ass.mblv; ' .. ' . . --. will r-main;:at theirf Mariano hkf-v quarters unJs.Wedn ??Tiay,. wh.n: they wili ?le:a-:o; fPWaslrijngtrv. ' . The dele- ?a t es e.x pe c tj,a sa t i sf. rctVi ry out c- , in . . .f. heir g&if e.r &ic e , w' i t'l 1-: the-. j v es ifie nt I o f. he, rnffited ..ates '.. ' '.. ' ;?. ' . tneir th Thr Cubadeiegates at th-ei'r- last - session at?'S via Cruz? del- Sur-resolved ' '!' dischargeflil. men who have enlisted 1, since Auguljltth. i h , date f of the -j f,n'd to f-grive an; - u i . ijtr. v.-.ueiijeu aii oo.icei s ; an(i,men drous-Qfi rrom . tne Vgpan 'ar-my.:-. provifjeu -they. , "lr" I-j3rf,-c. -wit .ipm-uve- uatu- case - thev are eaife uoori .todsd. lCinci'iinarti :M$tif&0$t' Will? firivefcti j ,CncinnatIJ;?:Nriyd The j"Methpdistrlrife j resoJution tay, to tave ,a Vommi ttee ? i.'.a-ppibirted f41'iVestiat.e'. 'certain, "out- ! rages- aiiegifytpjhae' J) 4 ,ree eri tl y up eaS?c Pi or e d? eitizenstef- North L report and ingest remedies.'. . j xiieiey a ftfmiii.ee so i.uvesilsaie acq jikcj Q ncla iis Consoqticjicc of t!ic Peace Treaty no vv Uctii; Scti- ' . ;; ' ' : ':"'. ' '.".. . ' tiatcd with SpainThe Crew of Na v v Yard No rurther News r . . .-. .. , . : Report fCUiniinissjirv f f - The Army in Cuha . .." - i tv of :.!' - AVahSngtori. XoyVmbt-r' t4.Tliv: port pf Charles 1'.! Kagan, commissary ub si s t e ri c e of. ivle a rmv, hs ' b.vn' "jiubmlwd'to the j ecreXafy of war.,. , N -. - It ih 1$ 'sho w -b .enditjiire- of footi :lancev.?229 ;ti tthls off the bureau; AHf" tailing-Ih ahM' "iV. the:-'Cotrtm!2y.'dej.trfniip4 :ra1. irganaujm tfh Saixti "A hgix ;cari3rpa igi','.. op; w hieh-he v-qrv.. periousj;treignt , oioeKaae arid m tn.. m-ignoiurnooa;, 01 ;i anna ivi-ay ; fei'rid. June, l;tst s " caused' t he - k 1 er i t y ,. w i h ' x h i c h . t h e; . t roo p -iw i .txjev supplies .-weje coriceiii lilted t". in that Place in. prepariftion .for th e- 4 JO' -. i. . 7. ' a. r . :,..- L. 1 V. '.... T.. 'f"k. : .vasion .01 . uie; usiawu . ui k- u vo.. ji tits blockridie' was- a :?rriatter ? of -:grajs:e??ciu: t:ern?io the subsistprice .departixrt nt u1 nd' it waK'-only" after v.'fhe mo'st-.peK?ni)tory ordtrs of the- copfmissary;?geUfral :4Xf ? :sibg-i.4t!ence? to .Uiilbrid ?thv. ears jiiid tbT hive 'warehousesV'if: necessary, thaC the otbcef4;bf -thed.eiikrtirient on -trie;s-pot V.erven.a'bleiLUlif. uiillagging zva1 and untirjlhg eiavrgy,? td, relieve: the" pressure so'- asi to' permit ' tlfie taking of yrations HU'tlicient to last t he com ma nl uf.- W.'.'O . erf'l is t'e d men for ' fjo u r " iu"iit hs a nd 't h- sending -on ; Juhe- HCth,. 2iTlri ah'd -Mh ?of further .; su pp rie s " j ??. -:' ;-' ' ' .. '- ' Aflt r; giving in detail w hat supplies were split .to Cuba, Genef al - lvaab says: ? ' .?, ' : "j - ::.' ''J1 ';" ."It .w ilt thus 1m see n that all due dil igence was. used by the c.unmissai-y general of subsistence in. p.la.eing 'Sub sistence stores' - - -vitHrri .reach of?-. ';he troopfei operating against; ? Santiago, -jLlporij landing' in-iuba ' these ?s tores ox;, the -eixpeditipn, Wete. subject, to the t)r-? de'rS' of the general commanding who ; was In param oun t c on t rol . Of the m U . tary.bperations ini-fhat quarter: :i,- After quoting a nunvber, of ollicial ir-:l dersthe ,g?neja4 ;ys: . ; v Vot ments that the supplies of s.ubsisttnee, ?lna'"f;. fae.WWS; ih.V uoa nave oee ac( cess' of -Immediate needs. Beside ;b,e "i n g ' a v a i 1 abl e f or ; u r own troops. , they afforded relief t. the .Cuban army and Co the-'-destitute pemle, which abandon- i ed the, city: of Santi a go" w h en prei'i -a-tjons 'for its destruction -had '-be4?Ti made Y;The official' returns ",f r;inu Cu' a. sh7v-'ing" In ..'detail ' the Issues, made to . thes :rai;:class. of . others pontemplated by law, -have.not-j -bee-j-received and thery is not in tjiis Atari 1 r. r 1 . . I a.v. 1 .V; uvJ office. .''any informa.tion;-.thPOwing light.'! federal-.rourt.pntjnto. thehands oTtRv -on -the.su bjeej of the provision of i W j 'serurk v aiid Title ' Com'pa 11 v. bf." ' Ch'i- anfv ycY&? -l?S as. reciveps. The , comitni bark t, .Montauk , Pomt. fnrtlvr than. u,j.r,. ani;j tl. , ,a ?t th;U , .,.r theVe was anbtindance; of subset-. y..,.,.,, ,. .lfl(,,fhh (.oar .flM. , Th( jf . encfe stores-. i;n : Santiago. and . vtcimt ' NO NEWS DP:THE TEllKSA. ?' j 17 .. it h the. gj-.-at oal strike. Tiv- .Lieutenari.t 'Commander Harris; u was In command- ot s theSpani.sh- crurs er Maria :at. the,, time-1 of ? -ft v, .abandonment, hag jbefn ordered to pro- ceed- fritri Charleston with the -e-nlist-- -ed men formerly attached v the X fiesa;' to the navy .j-ard? at' Norfjik.. No add it lon-at d e ta 1 ! s tv ere. . rece 1 ve'd at - t n e - departme-nt to.day lconcerning the, coil- ditlon 'of the-.Rraraisb 'Warshff.:- hut fit' is assumed that tri. ships, Poihrnae arid - Vulcan,: which were: sent to? her' relFrf. are usiug th-lr. utmost .--eiideayors to-: draw .her": off? the .beach at. Cat island into?deepi?wateP: vefth a view .of towing her- to ;i place of safety In the .l"nitj-il ; State?1 The reporit: that the ?tide- ffe an-1 f e 1 1" w 1 thin th e. w-ne c k rW o irtj -?se e m to indicate"' thatshe. is'. in need ;. .f pk.- t ensiye repa.i rs ' lefore.. sher-an lie mad'1 f o fl oat. - Whet ri erft he 1 ea k a ge;. ca n bo ?t:pred whlle .she'lies In chei reseht p;fsition in two :ia.t.noms o.r w.at-r n mains to He s-en. .The Vub-an W equip- i Prid with, all ' the .tools, and ;-mao-hire for the- ordinary .., repair -of -shiriV; 4 ! war. a'i unless the Ter-va-,'is damagel . to- greater extent.; man .is neiievejij. i-be the ca.se. the; facilities' at -hari.fi suffif-int?-to -.-pii't? h-r-irr; rondftioh Rot i.e. ? t o Wel . to a; T'hi veil. States" j,ort. . -wh en-. t.hf'.wii;.. and tide arv . fa vorab'e. . .When , th ? ' v-ef.kir' ' :j --.l-it'rim tnrhs ttf the- Cni-d States. ?-V'ii-t-h ' Witfu-iUt.th Ter'Sia. - d,n ?rn vestjgatL On wil! be instituted ''ltf rmine , thf n f i 5 ? ' 1 S 1 r """S Pon fib SI ity for the R-b a p fionmen.t nf .-tm I tFesa. oil ,vai alila- dor.- ? . ? V ? ' . ' ': ' . ? v. - ; : NfV TARIFF REVISION. ' ' The- WiJirigto-p! ' Pos t '.jrfJJ -ay -morrow 'thi. .'t-heAvaR tax-Z-wilf riot; a;bvi!fh'ed "at ' th-' c.-ming shoYt sess: of f-. n'T"?s ; 1 1 ha U th epe v,il b- nor." vision of the tarii w h at "e ve r. - ,1 1 bas ., f - t H a n fo u n r- e m e r;i on the, staterhHr. i. itAv ,v ' Cif-airmar) T)ire-leVv: of wars and :mt-rins committee. Wfo. i. itt an -inter v t e w sa i d : --"?:.:: : - Tri:e.goverrimenit;:wilb: ne&d -,-r'Vpiwe time- atn .t'n''reve.ri.Q.e-.pro'du.f-?b.v. tri- 'w;.r t;'X"-. . :7,l;!rii.thV.ym:ri t fiber; the' vwsf'r , expenditures :-exfifed' ;f?- war revemift'Juy $4,f)'(W.aRd?:tiifs rpih th.y.wiUbfi S10.060,o60i tn exfe:i . Tree sv$b b nocfeahje.s, - at least this -y-ear. The war reverie fi.ct. v.il'' eoritt-nue ?iri for e. an.l ,ttrichafes'eji:? v ;?brit. .perhaps. Jn "a :f.''m'inor-;(iirinr.'' i-'strp tly-e. i-fat'uTsivf or ' at' Je??st a . year j ffer, " ' '..-" ." ' .. : , "It ; s hardly. n -'-ec-ssa ry .to add;-' coi t ; 7vu ed -"- Tr-. v- Di'r.gUy. ;. "that : t hr f , -will" ro -rryiiiVrn ' of ? f hV tariS;. .-rtriiiif?jV T- i-pjj. coTre'-:stri f ? -rent .to f he et - feet tha - -iin . a l.revISion ..is'-.corite-fri- plated.? ThCssvn?'3sii.mitej3?t,j;thre months an2 tharshbrE perod-?will be the Teresa Ordered t Norfolk froiu the Stranded Crui'er. SiihSistencc of tha Army. .. .: X. -;-"'-' . :'' ' -. ,'. , FurnLilted with Pn- : , Stores.' mainly tc i-.tirrkd Jn ' pit-sat nj; rtf-'app.ro pria-tiori bil!.s; .trj.'enae tln. new )a. for the regular army' anif in W elding up;u the legislation :?beco!?ap-for ; Ha-w4i'U-' I a addition Jt3!thej-,v: i'-fpiVrliirf-i ques tions, the usual;routfnj" of -riiatter"A-til? arise, ? Frp.i--'t.fee.';.ii--jt.i -"ittlivk;-?lh -session ; will be? ejl fv?l? wayr bVfor e . . ..'tti;'" treaty- of peace writ -vlri wiiV be ' ifti d' bef o r e -i h & : spn;a t? -a nd t hV r A fi fie a -tion. of,', that docum--nf -ma---ndbtv- ac cnmTisbed 'i loig --tivf. ? -tb b'-"oC , ?Maneh arri.yesV' ' ;--:' v-s- ' ":.'.- , N ? 'Wili- tha.t?;.riecesl rate? ait' ?stT'a 'it is ..6f :fourse.,-?i-,fisjias?.t?rt.el'- 'p.iid. ' .betTcVri 'Dfinber ;lt ?&rid la'teb.. tb . . iiext;trtj so far as the prcccitoutlooW' . -ea-n forrav-"''' rias?.-.fSr.-''jud-jiiui'nt. ? I slfould ' sayXlt'rio t.ra':;-ses $n , vi 1 1 -le necessanrC-de?irab'r?.? ynJ? suiuc new question h0vd Jri1'- ' ' F 1 r m y par t;' jjUdjfj' M r T"vin plv; '.. "I; .hojve' that.the ternary; added '? w;il l. be ttt la rjf or thaV . Ji'bVhrU-tv ; necessary, -f realize thafln s tiv cu?,' 3' it may? be eiisier to hold tfSt it 'will' Lo- -tn. let fro..-bu.r at; the " sarne tlm I hoi.o ihat the truaty- vhen'lt..J j?rcntti tiv the Sfnalp v!iTt t.ii-ii1T.' f .-Vt juisition tvrritory. of ;a; miniriiurii amount- ITai?is, November l:r. The court Of V' 'tassat ioh Ytoday ' examioAl f l(-rVeraJs Zurliiid-t-n and- Chan.ine,' uho' reeeiitly :. resigned..' ;uec.-siyety the? "portfolio . of . niinist er if 'war and it i; .said; liia t t heir .evidericH." was .hiKhty? important iri up-' . hold f ng t he a il t inb.-- they ha wy .-t a kt-u , throughout, that. D.reifus is guilty anl 'that. a ei mitriuriica.tion ot. the.seire't? dos-'. sie,r would . eYimproniise the safety of the -sfatW. arid the. go.otl relations ? ot France-with! foreign nations. nor nf rn, has decided - 11 ' ir- nrt,3,i , ZnAAin c,,i1;,mm,:. ,art , f( court ihartlal mi ?v th eounsel . -M. Lebl.us, a chapter' .'.f : the Dreyfus dossier contalntog th : detter , about' that! Ca.r?iiiU': D-ince known to be a fo rgjer j"? th foygH ; t h e co n f ess i o n j! of the lat' .L'ie'tttenaritd6ne.I ' Henry, :..inemnati, Novernber 14.--The Tuf'i.- ' "ani J(m'es .1tiai Cjmpany, of 'Colum-' . bus. 'Ohio, -and ithe Pennsylvania and . . . . . ; - - -i j in Chicago, wt-r'e i to!ay by. the lbilfti-'S ; ainount ,to $l.lW,QMii. .Tki onijia iiiv's c Sai-nV. tivy -v i U pav.t b' li.';!. b Hi ties . i.n,; fullifithe assets at- catr-.f-iil)y ha leiled. ; ; : ' ' '' . l Ilealli .of rclthf lioi fro4 '- . ' n.a!limo.r":''rnem Hickley CJrosSy archbjshop -of - iretron,! -Rn.ra'an;? 'at h' die chunii, .died at . Ht.l .-, jf;s-j;h?s hfVspit al; , trii$ cifyv tf biy o, hef t-'disease? " Arcbbrshoi- Gross Carnf- tp this city, to -attf Tid a" 5;lt'bmti'n at -St;criarlecoIget? KHoot-Cit y4 ;M'l.:, ; and ' was. taken siik-U?"ovc;mber tb. sino??: w hich time ie has Ihii f finfinTed 'jtfc his bed"?- 'Sj:;. -Joj'e:pR'- hospital. ; 1 1. SV-.ns-' thlughK'-.until "this' , mornii'ig lba'tv ' his cohdijion w as irjnpVos ing ami that heSypuld cecoVer,. bat a sudden change for the w orse regulteVi in his deat)j:. '"A'H if er luarauilue Ialfl y Washingtpri, , Noyerriber W.-trTho state of Texas raised the Row fey er -quarantine today , and, the quarantine inspectors and guards were. , witbdfa.wriv Tomorrow all existing quarantine ' in: ; the South against the? fever so- far an it extends' to dismfeetionr and deten "t'ipn . will be raised, trioih tb'e usuai regular inspection -at r)rt-suwin be con- ti'niK'd the. year round. ' . ' -. Made froqi; pure cream of tartar. r. ' Safeguards the food j? Alum powders are the greatest menacers to health ;of the present day., ftowAi bam mo Poxa ea, rw vonx. 1 jagainst aluixu : - - -w: - --- ! . ----- -t . - - 1 - - : ' - -.- - .v.-.-r-v-. , -: z in ,-: '' .? . :' ; 7,-..,; Ov-f . : -.-.-''.; - 'l ': "' 1;