-ft PRlfcK 5 CENTS WILMINGTON, N. C SUNDAY,;N)yMPER2;lS98 VOL. XL NO. 237. .1 DEATH M Alt It A X SIGNED; SEPiHATEMliU" FOIt THE ACE 1:A1L OF Th e -Present Royal Family to Cease to Sit on the Spanish Throne. - DON CARLOS TO BE MADE-KING. . - -,: (' . ' ' ! ; . ... ' - " . . ; l)on Carlos then t? Abdicate in Favor of JIJs Son-Aftitation Among the l'liilipfmios in Kurore-They Express Indignation at Statements : V of (ieneral Merritt-Connicting Statements as to Situation - in Philippine Islands-Mort; Spanish Troops Sail "'.' , - - i v. - .,'.;-..' i' ir. - ! ' " . ; " from Cuba A merfcxin Soldiers .Stabbed by Pliilippinos-'News from Havana. ' ; London November 19. A curious re- -Madrid for authority tq establish a . -i ' Ji t. rirT.'K futiir rnv Spanish .chamber of commerce after port in regard to Spain future go ;uatian bf the island by the .ornmvnt is current in diplomatic cir' Spaniards.- the Spanish chamber to. be Clt'S, Willi ij hnh . a'j,ujcv,(io . - tl' jl to weight, th;rt there will be a 'change of dynasty; but, a peaceful " cnanse. 'The r.ieen recent is paid to be convinced - of' the. . Iibpeles'sness of her ' on ever ia jailing and has, upm the . evidence' of 'the emperor of Austria, . decided, soon I'fter the peace treaty is" signed in '.'.Paris,' (and e-yery--one r'j gards this asvonly a question of. days), to quit Spam with her family, and Don Carlo.- will b'e proclaimed king. iverr thing. is reported ,;to:;.. be already; ar rangtd and the armyi and clejgy: 'are alk ged to be nager for the . change.' According to the . programme; Don ' Carlos, as soon as things are running smoothly. wiH abdicate in favor of his son. Jaime. r v i - -) -. There as much',, agitation; among the ' Filippino' .representatives ' irL Europe" over the Philippine situation. Ajgoncil 1 tlux reTireseirtative of ' A'lru'ifltfido.. ii'hrt li'iu liuon in Tinvis walfhirii? 'tin- 4,14.1 . ' V . . . - . , I . . proceedings, of the peace comnssions," starts for Washington today., '' It is learned that , on Wednesday last he called a meetingj of all jthcr Kilippinos in I'aris anfl Londoh to t meet him in . I'aris, when a committee was, formed V., w ith the object of doing everything possible to induce Franc: to reciognize - the-so-called filippino republic. A tel " cgram was sent to Aguinaldo askj'ng for iiistructiorts, and the foiimving, re-1 ply is said to, have been received: ,v "Insist. lupon-'" absolute.' - Independence Otherwise fiuht -to 'the,deaH:h. We ar iill united and the government is pr.i- gressing smoothly, ah tne inuepena- , ent tribes of the mountains are - sub mitting to Aguinaldo and the chiefs are bringing, i.ftp,resents of gold." The : statemetits maiifij by General Wesley Merritt in reply to the appeal of t-he Filippuio junta of ilong liong to the American people have catrsed " indignation among the, Filippinos. They are specially incensed at the r suggestion that they would loot and ; at the idea of being governed as a colony. . -' ; ' ! ' 1 - - Madrid, o'vembef i 19. Ah official I dispatch from Iloilo 'says the-situation 1 in the Viscayas islands Is less grave than alleged. -The rinsurgents attacU on -lloilo is denied.' , 1 ; : - Count' Von Itadowitz, the German ambassador, has off iciaUy ' notified the Spanish, government that emperor Wril i .jJiam has abondoned his intended visit " to Spanish ports, "owing to the change :n temperature, in the Mediterranean." ' ; Manila, November 19. It .'is- reported -that Jloilo,, capital of the island of Pa nay, is in tho han'ds of- the insur gents. The, United -States cruiser Charleston, arid the United States gun boat Concord .have gone there. , The Spanish gunboats; Isla de Cuba and Isla de, Luzon, w!hich were sunk during the battle of Manila, have been lloated and clocked at Cavite. . ' . : ' Pont a Del Gado, . November 19. The 1 Spanish transport AndeS'-thas-. arrived here-' frorYr- Cuban ports; with a number of repatriated Spanish troops. During - the voyage the're were twelve deaths on board the steamer ami ma'riy of the ' soldiers were"-dangerously ill on arriy- "ing here. ' : - .' Manila! ; November 9. Three Filip-piito-natives last night! hired a carriage and afterward bwame; engaged in a: dispute with the driver r-garding the fare. Some members, of the Ame.rican military police- attempted-to arrest the natives, but the latter resisted and j Sergeant Price,, of th.e Minnesota reg- ime'nt, was' stabbed -"and: skilled and three other American soldiers, Maher, Montgomery and Iloy't, were wound'e. . Maher shot 'one native dead. Theeth- . . -crs were ' arrested. - Havana, November 19. The battal- ion of municipal firemejv-'which form-. : ed part of the reserve Spanish, army and - which serveirduring -the entire three. -years 'eajjvpaign- has been disfeolv rtl. The entye? brigade with the en: gines -and fire equipment will be: tunv o over to t he municipality j on Mon- " day. ',;. 1 : . ; ' . - ' ' The. Jiavana cTiamber of commerce has cabled lo tht minister of slate at Madcvfrom pars cream of tartar. against alum Altn bafcic powders are the greatest trznJctz to health of the present day. ROY.t BAKIKQ POWSER CO., NEWVORK. A II I R( )N E prt'Mueu ovei u. mc t'i3U '-""ou The police reports show an aTaxming increase of crime in this city, and the local newspapers, report twenty to thirty hold-ups in broad daylight daily. Organised : gangs of thugs and footpads .terrorize the '.neighborhoods on the outskirts of town.:. The police are doing their utmost to suppress the lawlessness, but ' they; are -handicapped ; by the recent disbandment ; of , the Or den 1'ublico. - CliIIUrn Kuriied to Deatli by Tramp Jacksonville IFIju, November 19. A special to- thOlmes. Union and Citizen from River Jirnction, -Fla., says: This afternoon about 4 o'clock three un known white men went to the house of AndrewSchakleford, a farmer living ' about five miles above, here in uecamr county, Georgia ajid demanded . food from f his wife. She was alone with, her three little children, and offered bread SUJ'ing it was all she had. , They de manded meat with an oath. "She be came frightened and fled to the .woods. The! tramps .caught the three little children and set fire to their house, roasting; the little ones to death. Sheriff Patterson', of Bainridge, Ga., has been wired -to come at once with blood hounds and strong hopes are felt that the 'fiends will he apprehended' Kstcrhazy's Sensational IJook Paris,. Nove'mber '20. La Liberte pub- lishes thisraprnins'. '.extrkcts.frOmv the. . - aljvance sheets ,;of .the first part of f Count 'Esterhazys book entitled "L'Af-j faire Dreyfus nj whicn tne writer ae- clares Himself the victim of Cataignac, t, . . , ! v . .(recently minister of war) whose en- mity for him, he says.rises from the fact that their fathers ; were political eSeazyreasserts tnit he was the to.ol- of. the general staff; that it; was the general staff who always dictated his conduct; that by' their orders he i,T,khatT:M $XZ& selected his;1 seconds when he chal- lenged Picqurart and furnished him with - "exceptional aiidH irregular means" xt defending himself. He left France, Jie asserts, to "escape assassi- luiiiun vi uetiig unven tu uiuur i Lieutenant Colonel Henry. : . Foot Ball Yesterday Ahnapolis, "Md., November 19. rThe nayal cadets today defeated the Uni- versity of ; Virginia i 6 to 0. Cannon scored the touch down lor the cuddies and Freyer kicked v.a goal, New Haven. Conn., November 19. The Harvard freshmen - eleven' this morning aeieate(a tne ,i;aie rresnmen, with "the score of 6 to 0. The winning triiin.li rlrwn c -rSio rlci-- xv-i'r ri in :tVo Tnct. two minutes or me game oy. aaij, "ieit half-back.' who had scarcely got into the ravine--, t.n.kins- niAn's nio The. field jvas a du'ck pond and the playing was characterized throughout by much punting arfd furhbliingj on both sides. ; -Providence, R. I.; ! November 19. The Brown-Dartmouth foetball game scedi- uled for . today 'has" . been postponed until .Monday beeauseyoi rain. ... When 6u ask for DeWitt's Witch Ilazet-'Salve don't accept a." counter feit iSr imitation. There' are more cases Piles being cured by this, than all others combined. . It. F. Bellamy. Cleveland Takes a Buck Hunt Charleston. S. C., ; November 19. A special to ; the News arjd Courier from Georgetown says: Captain1 Tiobley D. Evans, Captain S. M. Ackley, General Anson McCook and , Mr. and Mrs. G. S. McAlpine arrived iri; the city this morning at . 6; 30 o'clock on a special train over "the Georgetown and West ern railroad . and boarded the govern ment launch ;:Water Lily, which was in waiting For them -and 'proceeded down to. the Murphy - island : shooting pre serves on 'the Sant.ee, where they will, be the guests of: the club. Ex-President Cleveland, and Commodore E. C. Berfedict are expected here in the morning in the latter's 3'acht Oneida." from" New .York to join the party. - .', -'---"- . '; ' ; 4 .; ' 1 A Shipyard Burned New York November. 19. A fire which broke out in the ship yards of John jH. Siarin at West New Brighton, s-. I., "their today,' burned seven Tsuildings and contents andi. Caused ia 'damage estimated to . be about $400,000. The' Wowihg of the -wind , from the shore prevented the1 destruction of several of the steamboats of "the Starin Company Which were tied up at the drydock. Cbarlotte Crane Xot to be Iarrled .'Fprlngfieid,' Fll., November 19. The mother of Charlotte. Crane, the actress; resides in Springfield. She said today the report that- her 'daughter was to marry Coxswain Peterson, o the Uni ted Stales navy, was without .founda tion. - . For a Wake Couoiy 51 u rd re r-r-Federal Irloner ItfiW lo Eat or Work, neatli of Ir. Ianl F. Falon '. (Special to The Messenger.) Raleigh, N. C. November 19. Gov ernor Russell issues his warrant for the execution here. January l$tlx ot Jim Chavis, alias; Booker, who j.two years ago murdered Mahalia White, colored, near Raleigh. I Twenty-eight federal prisoners in the penitentiary here today refused to eat or work. They are placed in'clbse confinement and on bread and water. The State charters the Greensboro Iron Company,- capital $185,000. It will smelt irpn and operate coal mines) and railways. i '. . ; I. ' Mrs. Annie Faison, of Raleigh, relict of, Colonel Paul F. Faison, died at Hickory today. She was a daughter of ; the late Hon. Geprge E. Badger, Her husband died two years ago while an Indian agent in Indian territory. i -. One Democrat and One FuionUt j - . Fjleeted j; '. . . - .j " (Special : to The; Messenger.) !, -Clinton, N. C, November 19. The official vote of the Fourteenth senator ial district was not . canvassed until today on account of. the failure of Har nett county to meet the sheriffs of Sampson and Bladen yesterday. -: The count shows that Mr. J,;W. S. Robinson;- democrat" was elected by 27 major ity and F. M. White, fusionist, by 24. majority. Both senators are from Sampstm:- The vote: was very close in the district. SOME FIE!SD INCAUNATE Cominitfiia Horrible Crime on and tlien. iHiirders a Little Boy I In tireenvllle, South Carofiua . " Columbia, S. C, November 19 A special to the' State from Greenville,' S- C.,: ja:ys: ; Weaver Smith, a little white boy beggar was most fouly .mur dered Thursday night in the heart of. town and the mutilated body was not found . until; nearly twenty-four hours later. , 'A more horrible crime than the murder had preceded the butchery of the .boy".and.' the fiend incarnite :Who did, the deed is "unknown. A long ogh in the bOv's stomach caused his .dcath and the entrails were, protrud- :'. - . . , . ing for the body. - - . Weaver Smith Was about 8 years old an(j was a notorious beggar artiund ' town, having a skillfully worded story 0f distress. When last seen by citir zens ne was at J. W. Ricer's, sexton of Springwood cemetery, Main street, by yhT, h! was given . some food Aout , 7 o'clock Wednesday night. From there he went towards the, first brigade 1 'camp. He secured some ' money -and- food I there and .visited the Fourth ;New .jers4y regiment' last. ' . Late yesterday afternoon, a negro wUt, ArA 1vw amnn. weeds on Elford street, which ;is a -side street, one block north of the con- j federate monument. The boy was ly ! ing on the south sidewalk, which is rarely used. ;. When discovered, he ray - nT1 v,i fneP i. nil on bpine-tnrnpd hver. the .cut in v the stomach was revealed. The physician .' found ' unmistakable evidence of a more fiendish crime com- j mitted betore ueatH ana tne ooy was ' doubtlessly killed to prevent the d is- ' ' " "iV " ' ' Z V a camp to town Thursday, night heard T,t'-- "Vtt "V-t1?' cr1 r i tc nftm ? n rr' firvm cries on Elford street and approach ing,!, found ; anotner soldier unknown to them, .with a boy, who, the soldier claimed, had lost his way. The un- ! . known soldier's command is riot known and the New York soldiers; left! him standing near the cjiild. It is believed the boy was Weaver Smith; arid the soldier his assailant and murderer. The .crime has "aroused the greatest indignation among citizens and sol diers a.njd if the guilty "man " is caught ana proves to be a soldier his com rades will endeavor to make short work of him. ; j Attempted Train Robbery; f San Bernardino, Cal., November 19; "the westbound overland - passenger train was-held up by four robbers' about 1 o'clock this morning between Daggett and Barstow. Express Mes--senger Hutchinson drove them off with a shotgun and the train pu,lld out for. Los Angeles. At Barstow . the train 'mfc serft a .posse back to- the scene of the holdup. ; where the body of one of the robbers was found perforated with shot. A special train with Sheriff Hol corhb has left this city for the seefieTof t'he holdup. . - I i-r: - - . - - ;. .;. Tliauksgiving . Dinner lor Seventh Army Corpj - a Savannah; Ga., .November 19; The laclies of Savannah are endeavoring to give the soldiers of the: Seventh; army corps a Thanksgiving dinner. There are 12,000 men in the corps arid the undertaking is a large one. Contribu tions of any kind expressed .to the ladies thanksgiving committee, Savan nah,, Ga., Monday .will be carefully distributed. , v - 1 ' V Constipation prevents: the body from ridding itse?f of waste matter.; De jWitt's Little Early Risers will remove the trouble and cure Sick' Headache, Billiousness, Inactive Liver and ! cler the complexion. Small, sugar eoc -d, dori't gripe or cause pauses. JL lir Bel lamy. ' ; - i . .- - - ThU ioaetr4i to be Taken I"p by tor-;ovefijr' Ilnell Decline to - Talk ou Kl(ul Et ent. 3 '. '-''v.-. a ":S;-M.pssener:: Bureau .. : - Ralpi, C.,:' iCoeinber .-19. . : The attoriii general Is now complet ing the annptl report oia .the criminal statistics 'ote state. t witl be more oomnlete tl.i6ri theretofore, as it will; ' -tot . " . - 1 cover alcries. . It is stateSithat at iU next meeting the railwaSa; commissi! up the mattM of separate railway cars for whitei; negroes:- It is said1 its joris'dic'tioM- ample , to permit this. It seems to reasonably certain, that if it does-3 so act be' legislature will take thsstep. Many if not most of the negr leaders do not like the idea Of sepaliie cars-, fan.'i. have said so; but the ' wh "people ike the idea and it has fMn the pafet two years grown . gTeSg' in favori . ' . .The sup r4'-court wfll devote next week to'tbfepearing' off appeals from the Ninth :jfiFiet.. t ' ihe fusio&tf elected 'two solicitors Out of -the, -ti&lve, it is-pow; ascertain ed. M. L. ;ft :and Mosfs N. Harshaw, the latter -Wfthe Tenth district. The official fefcims of the election in Mitchell coiKfty . did not arrive unti the 17th..-.- TBesghow Hars'haw's election i by a small-ljority and, also the elec tion Of the!v'o fusion: senators. One district is iyW in. doubt 'ndthe. senate stands 39, tigocrats, 9 f isionists and 2 doubtful. Tfil. democratic claimed, two days ;afer.'Mi elctjion was 41. .' - Senator 8itlers;i newspaper, The CaucasiarivSkif :be. in future published at GoldsboMnd not he"e. : Wiliamr:fpiBarker. of Enfield, has filed a v61tiftary 't-tition: in bank--! riiptcy . ih .tfnited) States district court here.. liabiMties approxi'- mate $15.0a4l . -JW- The statyibor, commisisoner is- re ceiving 'ii&inatjipn. ". regarding the wrater-poWpin about twenty-of the western ariflp'ied.monf counties, to be furnishejithe Bostcn people who plan a $5,(fDO0 ihvestniept in North Carolina- .. ; - 7 Goyernoflitussell returned today from ' AsheMe after ; a five days' stay there, duririwbich time he haa con4 ference,.:'witi.Sgnatpr IPritchad and other repubMiansot prc minencje. : The governor hdeelined tcf talk any poli tics here siyjfe ;the. election or to. be in terviewed l-iHrding. the .affair at .Wil-' mingtoh Kjhas; however, intimat ed that heriifty have'soraethlng to say. Alex . M.,'awell is . fto be elected mayor.of REigh,Decem;ber l'stlp serve until the tifeft cegiilar flection, .Mayor? Russ then lcom'ing r'a county officer. The ; outfiic ; is that jthe state fair this yekr pa;an ; expenses and prem iums and a fear's interest on its $40. 000'of bond ;..- ,". Captain Tc'Xld, the muster-out Officer for the Se'd regiment, will be here next .T1i4its8M and muster put the field; and staff ahlS band. ;The eastern com---panies:of jt ;regimenthaye behaved . well, buVspffe -of the extreme' western ones beha'v . putrageobsly. 'It was thesei wetdra' men whp behaved so outrageousiyiwheh.; furloughed here in September .and they repeated tneir bad conductlafter their Nashville:-'' ". muster-out at A CASE;MF IELLO A Man froMJllcara'jua. Die oi Yellow Fever injfffclilrigtbuIli Co 111 pa n ion Sick orraie Dioeasie in I'ittstpn, rennsyivgfrta - 1 . . WashingK?ri; . .November , 19. Archie S. Miller. tf civil . engineer, aged 32 years,-. sihM, died in at hotel fn' this city yestenjy afternoon from what the physicls have projnounced to b yellow fevei; He; had been in Washr ington t woftdays, having come t rom Ne-v Yo"rky .; where 1m j. arrived Mori-, da y fromcafagua, 'vhere he hal been sincepisti pril. ".ITe left theyf; about tweifeetiks ago on a ste.arr.fr bound forfp'w York; b it wihich stop ped at Pp"Lirpon, Cos; a Rica, an in fected poVtfniler's ! whereabouts from the time Whis . arrival in" New York up to thes IQme' Of his registration a't the - .hoteHlpre on Wednesday morn ing. are hH0kroyn. After registering he went.QUnd was brpught back un conscious in 'the afternbori. Th-1 case was ' belied to: be) an ordinary 'Mriihk'' i.he man was not dis turbed unlfl parly Fr day morning, when an itfiate' of a ne ighboriiig. room heard a - n?ijie from the ipariment. oc cuiped by filterancl a physician w;'s summonedlp'Tlie. natiertt 'died : in itfe afternoon 'lvithout ; recovering eorl-' sciousness.lAn Autopsy" was performed, which Dr.f, Woodward.; - the district health -officer, says leases no question as to the; Jpitrire of( th ? disease. The body; wassff rapped in an antiseptic sheet' and;:ke"ed in a qoffn filled with quieklime.;ifr. burial. After Mr. Mil ler's deathirM letter reafched the hotel addressed m him. It .was from a .orn,- j panion.whSfiadr been with him on the way from jraijearagua, amd showed that j ' , r'vrV. steam - er and thfcf -the writeri of the letter, then in ISftston. Penrt.. w as at the time of wiling, the l'Tth instant, him self siiffer -from symptoms which. Dr. Wood'rd says, to $. well informed physician sfjjould .a.Pne'ar susnicidus. Miller wa-srlffhiployed byl the Nicaragua.' Canal rcorieiiisf-ion and came; here by order of thjEOgfate department. There is no, -oecAsrte for . alarmf here, as the cold wea pip ?pr and trie precautions taken rendj the. Jikelihrtiod of a spread very;remdgU ; . j, : ; , ihe onifis ot the- itanne hospital service, alttihyestigatel the case and' af t er ; Sfl rn a be r a t q r y tpsts tor.io.hf I pronounceait ; tre 'yellow- fever, 0n 1 - - - 1 1 V learning fClfethe. Illness p f-the man at . fittstrtn,' l: Lee,; pf th Pennsylvania state boertlfiof health Hvas communi- eated wftlf 'nd at his request one of the maririfet hospital ! ye low fever perts:left fy Pittston. NEAR NG The Spanish Peace Negotiations Likely to be' Soon Terminated. PREPARING LAST STATEMENT The LastSpanish Communication Liiid Itefore tu'c Cabinet The Answer Thereto to be' Made by the, Americans The Spanish Commis sioners Overreach ThemselvesThe Negotiations IJkelv to Break blT Without Any - Reached- Our Final Proposition Before tlie Spanish.- Paris, November 19. The American peace commissioners today have been closely engaged in . formulating theC terms of the important communication to be'made to -the Spanish commission- ers next week. It is impossible -at present, .however, to.; detrmine whether the work wil be completed for presen- tation on Monday or Tnesday, though' it is believed the Americans will be" reddy on Monday. While the Ameri- cans, fully appreciate- the necessity of ma'king progress they are also 'under the necessity of great care in the pre paration of what may possibly be the conclusive record of these negotiations. The; Spanish commissioners consumed a Week in the preparation of the last .memorandum, but the Americans will not;require so long a "time 'tb eo.mplete the work in hand. There was no meet ing of the joint peace commission to day. .. . .-. " . : , vv '' - Was-hington, November 19. It was not until a lat hour last evening- that the last paragraphs of the. "long trans lation of the Spanish which was; pre- 1 sented to the American peace commis sioners last Wednesday were decipher ed at the " state department, and most of the 'members of the cabinet were not aware of the full contents of the docu ment until today, when they called at. the White house. It appeared that in addition to the long argument which was intended to show that the word "disposition" used in relation' to the Philippine meant something else, the Spanish note did include a proposition to submit the Philippine clause of the protocol to the interpretation of an arbitrator. ' " r ; Another cablegram followed the first long message, this time directly from Judge Day, seeking instructions defi nitely on some points to be made in the American answrer which is yet to be presented.- These . instructions have ' been sent forward, and it may be stat ed, without going into details, that they are precisely' in line with ' the policy which the American commis sioners" have been pursuing:, up to this point in the negotiations. .There are several matters of teal im- v portance though not ranking .with the Philippine question to be treated by the commissioners, but the.-instructions, to "' - the Americans are not to call up these 1. i. ill 1 t . i 1 ; at pieseut or until tue mam peuuuig issue relative to the Philippines -has - been settled- in .order to avoid' compli cating the proceedings. In the event that the commissioners disagree total ly at th&ir next meeting' on the Phil- :: ippines, therefore, there will lie no dis- i cuss ion of any of these sfibsidiary ! questions, but in-the. other, event; ! namely, that an agreement shalL be reached on the principle of the Phil ippine disposition, these matters may oe expected to consume, at least -one or two additional sessions of the com mission.; One of these subjects con cerns the restoration of trade relations between -the United" States and' Spain. At the beginning of the war Spain ter-, minated all of her treaties with the United tSates and, if the two countries' are to get along amicably, even after the declaration of peace, there must" be working arrangements in treaty .form for the, protection of trade interests, the equalization . Of tariff charges, the regulation of extradition and such sub jects as areusually included in treat ies of trade and commerce and amity. So far the" commissioners have given no consideration to these matters in their exchanges. It is believed that the peace negotia tions are hearing an end, and' it is conpidered not improbable' that by the end of the present week all of the main features of the . treaty will have been forly agreed to or the effort to reach an amicable settlement abandoned. With ' a view to bring"; matters to a speedy conclusion. - "our. . commis sioners by direction of the presi- dent earIy the coming: week will lav n t,of v,rt ' - . ; . ac aw.tue .UUdi ana ,ir revocable demands of thi3 country, al lowing a specified time in which our conditions may be accepted or rejected. This ultimatum. It is understood, in volves all that, has thus far , been con tended, for including thei, surrender to the.Lnited States of the entire Philip pine group and also names tne amount -of 'cash;; which this 'government will ; pay Spain in consideration of her ex- nnditi'ira - nn aAimt n,, ".rnti ' a!A .muj uu- tile ,and of Luzon- The amount of this oash paymeht is not known, but there is a basis for the belief that it is aD- proximately $40,000,000 SPAIN OVERREACHES HERSELF I Paris; November 19. The first prop- THE EN 1 1 Cncliislon I la viui; Been o be Laid osition her? from the Unltl Stat commission o the Spaniards r g.irdinft he - islands was tiiot avde 1-1! brinfc. th subjxtt I under discussion the Americans merfcbf sub- mitted a piioposal to take . oyr tbo the am'ount fpent by her there o.a pr; manent bet frments. .-. ; -. ' ' lined the terms and tho Spain de proposal its tfie United Hf. Had she stopptl thero States would, have bHrt compel b d to ' repeat the' i)rop.?.il aa an; ultimatum or to tender new terms " Spain, howjver, put fitt consideration, of the ternis ;by declaring; 1 lint tb . j United States had no right to imrm&n ; her sovereijgnty in the Pbttrppinos;. ; pass, the mortgages she had placed on the Philippine revenue must be under-. writt-pn-.nndlMi.it. hr dicnitv forba'flr her to heed! anv nuestion as t hov she had steht thf loans so k-cuhmI . The Americans patiently, replfotl that the peace, conference was charged! with the disposition of the ITrirlpplneSi ; and the Bpttreignty tlierei TbeJ laid down the bjoad principles that the er penses incuirred in afiittle attempt at subjugatloni j shall not be loaddd' rupont the colony jseeking freedom. ; Finally" they affirmjl their rght to inquire aa v to the destination of moneys; raised, b All thlo nifctnnncil. a fl i c-icc I rtnvf th . main question but in their next memo-, randum the American commissioner will go tcj notice wi.la the vital point. Definito. be given that the United' States ..wilW4ke over all the Philippinea and Spain will unquestionably i learrr the terms fjrpm which there will bo nt deviation, it is more than likely that the Americans will flatly ! summorr . Spain to affect immediate amicabl ad- ustments; 1 iShould she refuse to malro a treaty ceding Uie Philippines to: the United States; -the instant alternatlvo for Americ will be the? conquest ot that ' territory at an increased cost to Spain in the final settlement and poa- sibly with los.s of life.: . . , I AGAINST PHlLlPI'iNn PROTEST ANNEXATION. Boston, November 1 9. The organ izer. of the moy ent against the annexa- tion. of the j today; A Philjpipnes met in 'this city constitution was adopted :f officers wero elected and a 10ng addrem was JssUedjto the people ofHhe I'nitetl States, urgjihg prompt co-operation iri aing signatures to a protest against the annexation of the Philippine.' T .1 . 1 . : , , . . . ... ruwiiru .-iiKinson presKiea. Ueforo the 'meeting he received ' a telegram from AhdrW Carnegie that he had sent him a chejcVfor $1,000 for he :use or the movement. Funds have already been subscribed liberally.. L , ," .... lul IuvlteJ th Tiotitx omerr Muntgnnji-ry, Ala., November j 19; The . Alabina Hena'te' today passed -.-r joint resolajtion vinvlting President "Mc-, Kinley Mi4j the; -name pf the general assembly ,hd the people of Alabama ,: tofextend h'is visit to Montgomery anl to; be pre-nt in Montgomery n the loth of , December as the , state s guefct ' or; at sqch jother-time as! fnay Hint hk pleasure arid convenience. - f Ovcjrcome evil with good. Overcome your boughs and . colds with One MId qte Cough SCure. It' ia so good children cry, for It. p it cures croup, bronchltK pneumonia! grippe and all vthroat and lung diseases. It R. Bellamy. 1 : Ituili Ordrri on'tl'inliin - Boston, November 19. Rush j onU tH for the several war, vessels.: no wr- Wfntr repaired at; the. Charleston navy yardt were received today. Three. vessr-ia rnpnitor A rji phi trite,, the cruiser Detroit and. the gunboat Castine were especial nirmiuiim in tne order. 1 ' - -!- -1 ' I Late to bed and early to- riff, prr pares a-man for his home in the HklK. But- early ito bed and -a Little Tvar I y Pi'ser, thelpin that makes life longer and better and wiser. R. R. Bellamy. ;"; Foot Ball on Tliankfgl vlug Day -. The 'High; school eleven will meet:a teamrpicke from the O. U D, Chest-, nut street and C' F. A teams, at i'lfl--ton Park, j. Thursday November 24th promptly at 4 o'clock.' The High' school, eleven is making quite a fine record"' ,U!CU -ais season and will strive to ep itup. The Picked tears are compos 1 of the bfest class players in the city Some of the players that wil partlcll ?atUn of triat date wtn be for High sthool, Foster, Wiegs fLn tain.) Smallbones. Gaue, SZ Iughlin.-Ewfng. Armst mock, ing, etc. The admission will b Jo cents. Ladies free. There will be policemen .on hand to preserved ooysV;betnnd 'f;M-; sestet'-. it-.