i -:; ! ' : . . - . : . : - " . - . ' '. . - . ' " ' - - - - - ' ll" f i- - " i KVOL. XI. NO. 297.; WILMINGTON N. C, FRIDAY, DECEMBER: 2, 1898. PRICE 5 1 CENTS; P L 0 E 13 EE E R R E 13 4 .Spanish Treaty not tp be Arranged so Speed ily as Once Supposed. SPAIN . MAKES 4M0RE DEMANDS. :' r-"'" -I :'-' '"'-'- " She W-ants I avorcd (-.onuiiwrcia.1 Terms for Trade with. Cuba and Porto KicoJ he (.arolinc Island Question also Causes Delay Strong Opposition of th'e I'hilipplfjc Insurgents to Cession of the ., " IsIaiids--.More-Troops Heach 3IaniIa--Cluiia Wants an LxtraditionI reaty so Slie can -Manage the"Ilig1ibinders. I It IS pi i and Tli-' 1 r .-1 V .11.1 .. partnieii ; depart tn- "I'.t u rub ' 1' .iJ-.Af'l !.r- ' " ' Manitoba.'' ' m- . 1- ouri ;i I . I ij 1 1.,, k i i I'. Willi tie: :,i.T.,n. I Jet-ember " 1.- Ceneril r r.t .nr'i today' to Xh$ ward" s. limn -Manila that this trans lian.i, with the hea.dciua.rteijs ir.tLiitiiDriM-uf the Kansas v.o arrived there tliis ' iiiuirtin; i-p.- no deaths during, the v.. y luu l.lui- .s:km-ss ab'-aid. '-ir f .U !..-, 'commanding si b, has 'fcl--'SraiIi.:l-ltnrai i . flollibwa' - respecting: I "thl tt-aa.-i-jrlii 'Mauil- ni r -1 i i a" - --in i -kiv' 1 I! j. Mi.- wuirt i it I.N A . wit ( Hit. d v :.n. i ii mi w-lUmgin .-s cxt r.or oioti : l iril I IKI I :-. I I --.l' II - I liu t.i'Hity li,i. I.tr v. t. Ii i i.ii t V 1 1--: i .iflli.-'flilij i ..unuv u t In- .LU -II i .1 It.'- t 'him-Si against, tfi" :ii-r i .'ij .1 y " Vv i t i i t ruui (.. i.i . v ' ' . - - i i ti t i-i iit-i'ai; -Sny d--r .and -!,!: ' i- .11 il in-ri-' at i.-' Hi' 'I 'bitig. .'l'h''' t,'lie.'j-'.!'t- . :.t.-i infaiHry., - Ifl't . x .ii-ri-.l-luW itiv Clty ii- .y aiid is ld'f'baijiy' (In: fj-.t KuliiiK for V11" "uii- b-.'i-n at tbjljjjt- h.t4i 'Jlic out VIM ifaV ! . i ,i ii aina ijj still ii.-:f' iN BXTUA I i jj '' i i:i:atv: ' . ; iiiijitjiit, th'ruugh iu 4i 'Iihk l-'u-hg, lias. an i hofltivs in-1 tne i l to j-Heyutlale an a l -i-l ii able to . ail l - ii d t ; il iH . partii.-ulur to 1 1 1 1 1 1 is.'.'. Tins M'ra-' id iTioV ihrotiKb tU t imh-si.- Kuvei liiricriL i to take eoiriiiz.iK:e i lb.- aKitJ-lions- in -tliis i. it. d niiitt- its much atrainst dilii: l liilii-tit; . and agiutist y.y .'rilinelit itself as .it did ..irtier to the secretxrimes.r i ( it. 1 tie I ieir.eseiUed, t.) tb.e. .is the hiebljihdets a dillietilt class tor i.ri ties' in tbis'coun- I'-.il with. h'liia svotild assume i.i . ii -..f t he detection and iiun- lt Wast; III. I'rfi.liv ,o!i. l. iv thai b.fl .r.. - d siii n ; be Jj .i ,i I M &f--.au t I I V t . ill- bu ishnieiit it an extradition treaty could be iiefoii.i t. d. 1 he jiuriiostv it, was suk-est--.. lia t- China assume .all tin- ..if 1. 1 a!r'h.fnilUi and trans liorthVK th--utnlty tiarties. AVhUe will- .i hi,' .to K'-C rid of 'hiuese -'hiBhbinderi" itid nil . .-rie r (,'liinese. criminals, the cnttfiiii it ii.-s lit I .- loi esaw -serious legal injections to si-fclir a treaty.- The m-th-imI.s of tri.i-l and imnishnietftt In l'hihar :ue ve-i C .-iuiiiii.ii'v. The riroposul, "thetetoie was oen t the objection tfhaf this . ciuntrv was . suTrttndt-rinK persons domiciled wi.t,hin its borders to ':i roreii.:n countrv. tor harsh land tm- usual .rosii-tiuon arid 'punis-hrnent. Iat-" tle doubt was entertaitle'd hi.-r"'- that, if t'hina once secured possession .-.of the ''liitrhbindej s - short w ork would. , be nnade of the-m. owhir ti th iircjuillce Hiev have brontrht tij'on " t Fh .wowm tuent. lutfa -v as ready- to overcome this obe(-tijiii as- far as - - ''e by .pividm; yr a tuJl henrin t rial, in this fimiitl'v bt tore the parties -were turned over (o the Ohi,nese officials for. - iepo'rtatioir bone. This, how ever, did Aof fully meet .' the ..lejral objections it Ion. Moreov .-it. asja-mst t n.v pn .j was lieli. v.ed -t hat t hW senatf-; . to wTiom ; -s-iii. fp a ' t rea t v wmibT h'ave to fH ff furred -f.r r.t; itica t ion. would -not art favor-tih-'v "a it :Hn! that it woyld stir ur: ini7'islti''s and agitations on the Chi jiee nJi.'siion m pcnecal. rather than ne.-omrilish iinv sjuvial frnod in the. di-re- tion .lesirel. The hinese authori- ilies )i;j.-V:f- not. therefore-, prone farther; than -to broach the subject to the of :lk'Uils' lt.'r and learn how i such a. Ire-itr v..ubl be viewed, althouch .they stanfl'rfa.lv at anv tFrne to resume the. lurd.-ii or dfaliror with the "hisThbind Ts" and .n her Chin.rse crimina.Is it ii 'Ycitiir:ili7ati.m treaty should give thern jurisdiction ovff the offenders. .MOrj-" l'Ri rOlTlf)N .FROM' SPAIN 'iris liecemb.-r '1. Alt hough -both ' ,,r anxious to complete their- work. i iTiiteil, states and Spanish peace ccmm'i sl;,1? dt.l riot hold ad joint se-"-. j,,n t,..U' V.: Then- next meU ins. will i. , hel l it - " cUu'k tot'nurriw aftei'- fl I PJ y k oe. I l Olll 1 ITIIT 1.11:1 t1(. ' v. nn:-sti - conmissiiiners at ..hsi.m ouei ea, several ur-iti-ins v i;;ch ( ailed fot5 spe- i ii (It-l'lierat ion upon, i ne ; fiai i oi, ine -American.. . I'.un aslka the: United 'oi-itix to iinim for a term of rive years -i in i n - carryihsj l . is . I II --'tilvi th.-i isain vesse I" eifka.uv . Vin e IWlii . slie ... ,,,..,.'i.o ih.it tti-aile. l'l'iVilcsfS''bi( i.,.,,...! to Cuba Iso K'US .4 tl' J-nt JS lloljlintllll. i-'U'l sipport of rhlS Teij'ue'st missior-i;s fay.unat I ish their work as soon as had been, expected. It Is probable that the ner tr'.ttatloris w'ill last t ornsiderably longer. . ... Madi.id has instructed ' the Spanish oinnilssioners on three pointa. to w liK-b the Americans attach much im portanee: ''hese are vt'he ceasion of an lsland'in tlvc- "arolines. the granting of reliyious freedom over the1 whole of tlu- Carolines and the cession of 4 cable arid coaling station at Ceuta. The Spanish government, has instruct ed "Seiiorj Montero Iiios to grant none of theW and while- Spain, may 'ulti mately yield to them all, it Is admit ' 'ted that , the- American oomrniHsioners have in, power to enforce their de rnari'ls on points not covered by tre protocol. Hefort Spain does yield, the negotiations are likely to be prolonged and the United States -ifnay haveVtO -Kive substantial quid pro quo. U INSUUGK-XTS .OPPOSE PHILIP-' - '-' i I 'INK CESSION, ; ' Madrid, iJi-cember 1. Advices from the Philippine islands - say the insur gents there have decided not. -to recognize the cession of the1 islands to the United States and that they will resist to the last. It is also claimed that the United States will require 70.-' ow l troops to put down the rebellion, aiid il is alleged that ; the -insurgents ' bold 10, WO Spani-sh prisoners,- iwhon -th.-y, viii force to serve against the Americans-. ... The .1'hTlippine .insurgents demand. 7,tM)0,000- pesetas for the release of the frjtty friars imprisoned since the com 'meiicementHif - the war. ' ."An olficial dispatch' from General Kios, U'ib Spanish commander sctHUoilo. island of Panay. Philippine islands, sayg ihe Spanish' troops there have madiM a successful- sortie against the f ru-my, indicting heavy losses upon the insurgents. The insurrection, it is add ed, is spreading In the .Visayas, and It is asserted that the movement .Is : not directed against the: Spaniards, but against the Americans. ' The premier, i?ehor Sagasta, denies the report" that General Rois is. nego tiating 'vjjth the insurgents for the sur render -rff'Iloilo to them. . Jfanila, December 1. The-independent party of the Filippinos is not dis ' poH'd to, accept the result of the de liberations ti thij peace commissioners at Paris,, judging .from the tone of the native press. Thei Independerfcia pub lishes a particulaWy tnimbastic leading irtiele to the effect that, the Philip pines will decline t permit their homes to be bought-and sold like merchan dise. It then repeats that the Philip pines are ready to fight in defence of ih-eyr rights and asserts that the' gov ernment and people are unanimous in claming nothing less than independ ence. The paper also. -claims that the Philippines., have incontestible claims "upon the island of Luzon, part of the Visayas islands and the island of Mi-ndan. by. right fif conquest. It con cedes tbuit the Americans helped the insurgents "indirectly by, blockinging. Manila." Put. The Independencia claims tngt even without help the rev olutonists mnsj have ultimately won. Finally, The- Independencia - holds that Fpain -TaTTnot "ced-e the Philip pine archipelago, "because it was ner er hers." '. 1 :Two -compa-nies of, " Pennslyvanians have been transferred to Corrigedor is 1100 that M-steryay s gent .prop..: THE .MV.4L tlALITIA the Sheriffs.; LARGE FUND NEEDED Commander George . .'Horton Heeler itd to Tbat PoiilnJy ibe Line Ofli-t-era of ttie Norib Carolina Naral Uat- tallou Veaterdajr : - I In accordance with the recent gen- ' -Jy StlltC TreHSlirCr Oil erai orders or me adjutant general or North vGarolin4 authorizing the ruor ganization of; the: state guard, the line officers of the North -iCarolina Navai Pattaliah met .in this city yesterday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock for the pur pose of electing field officers. .' The following officers, representing fo'ur of the five .divisions of the bat talion, were in attendance. LJeutenant V. Ii. Colerrian, of the Klnston Divisions . Lieutenant T.-C. Ijaniels, of the New. Behn Division, j ; ' lieutenant. Junior Grade, Percy Canaday, of the Southport Division. Lieutenant H. H. Mcllhenny, Lieu tenant Junior, :Grade R. H. McKoy and Knsinn H. L. Miller, of the Wil mington Division. The Elizabeth City Division had no representative present. It was repre-' sented by proxies, and absent officers of the other divfsions also sent proxies. The senior officer Lieutenant Mc llhenny, presided, and Lieutenant Dan iels acted as secretary. I , After routine . business, : the meeting entered into the k-l"ction of field, offi cers. ' - Lieutenant Coleman nominated Com mander George , L. Morton, of Wil mington, -fpr- commander of the bat talion, and he j was unanimously re- elected by acclamation. On motion the-election of a lieuten ant commander was jiroposed. Lieutenant Cahalday nominated Nav igator T. M., Morse, of the Southport Division.; for nfLvigator, and he was unanimously re-elected4 by acclama tion. . . . After the election. Commander Mor ton appeared before the meeting and was greeted with applaus. He ad dressed the meeting, expressing his thanks for the honor arid this renewal of trust and confidence. He. assured the battalion that he would use his utmost endeavor's in behalj of the n-u-val militia, and officially informed the officers that he , had ' secured for the use of the battalion as. a. training' ship the United States steamship Hornet, which was one of the converted yachts used as an auxiliary cruiser during the war with. Spain. lie stated that the Hornet was.expected to arrive in Wii mington in ten days or two weeks'. . He also stated that' We. was making ef forts to secure small steamers for the use of each of the divisions.. He an nounced that he would appoint his staff officers, sonie eighteen in number, at some future time, selecting thern 'equally from the different divisions in the battalion. Hif,remarks Were heart ily applauded. ;;'. Gornrhander Morton also read a let ter from Taeiite'nnnt K. 1 A. Anderson of the United States steamshin Sander in; his recommendations to the legisla val.'which letter appears In full in tne ture urge the establishment of, a tex- proceedings of the Chamber of Com- tile school. At-one time it was pro- merce in another column of The Mes- l'sed to establish one in connection senger.'this morning. Lieutenant Aff- -vi-th the Agricultural and - Mechanical derson 'informs f Commander Morton college here. that he-will be liere in about ten days Sheriff .Ellington,- of Johnston coun- with the Sandoval ah'd bring with him ty. today made full payment of state To Pay Several Special Demands Soou Fall lug Uue-A Wouiau Flared. In the Henlteullarjr for the !Iurder of Hen Svu Stubborn Federal Prisoner. . E.fglalature ITged to Kstabllsb a Tex tile School Itepublleana DlSer llb I'rlubard on Ills Negro Vote Views. Messenger Bureau, Raleigh, N. C, December 1. Tht? slate treasurer today sent to atll the Sheriffs a letter in which he asks them to remit the state taxes for 1SSS at an early day, in order to meet the demands uixm the treasury during the next few- 'weeks. Today the auditor is sues pension warrants aggregating $1J0;'&00. On January 1st $6,0o0 will, have to be paid for interest on the 4 per CeYit. bonded debt. It will reauire about $70,000 to' meet the expenses of the next legislative session. The' treas urer asks sheriffs and tax collectors to forward taxes without delay, and to forward what is collected "in amounts of JOoo or. more and so on as rapidly, as collected. The treasurer says the receipts on .partial payments are -00 less than at this time last year. j A- whute woman 35 years old was played in the penitentiary today, from i'oik count-y, tor the inurder of her y-year-old son. She shot him with a pistol.- , . Two of the tventy.-eight desperate federal convicts in the penitentiary7 still hold out in revolt. They are tied by : the hands to' their cell doors, and are fed on bread and water. They swear Resulting from the He ceiStiDtorTji. - : S- - - FHEPOHEAND. WRECK Stm an rnsorVaSjstery-UaUblnai; the Shore for 2&tMes-JIer Uath Boll . M . ' . . . SowThoaihriroei up We Uuu .1 dred and Fitt-iJ''o Sebooners K.ost llrowndrUUitr of Llle. and all on Vesse 1 s l re ' w I lb Lo-ss ' ft ,Tbe tiate Cttj, " f' " Philedalphi 1 lJf 'ber, '1- tihn was rt'i-vi4l-tiere MJay st ht wrier Lrfant H" liL-ebe, ,frl atlelphia" for fAi Mas. bet wrecked off ItlK h k, . Mis r-i s gf the- c tnforrna- that the ln Phil- ti totally and it-.-w were that ail the im S'i irow ried. BaLtimore, - Ih js b r 1. Tht- Elack- SliL-ridan-WiN' ryttal t.'inif4ny, of th"is( yity,-- rect.vjiajf from E. It.. NoS, the Host of the firm, v3ig the company left till: tons of undered lighland chooner, .Kingfjlliv which n.rt Noyenibc r 5y 1 1 w lfh .l,7i had leiegrapii, ioday- in agent jiort Aojeniuti coal for I'orUaJ 5"I. in the gale Sun4K:mkht off light that all were The King masted vessel 11. the M?i-7huseits cast, and was a ine four tifS w a'i owneli by the 9 -1 31-1 l: lac k - S her i d.rn -S W- Coal and was vat uerM-0W.. b commanded ly.ttStain A.. A. of I'ortia'nd, tt tlwl S l)).- ti: port also hailed. M . ?H S t.ularly Maitiiuore and m ports ing her naun III' liWfjTf d ,i nil i ashore gave the tidm, -a htr'loss. The they they will "not, give in and work. other twenty-six confessed, that had acted badly. Congressman-Elect Charles R.- Thorn as. of the -Third district, is here. Victor II. Royden resigns as one of the clerks in the revenue office here and 1-. H. Ieatoh succeeds him. W. A. Mc Donald, of Richmond county, succeeds Deaton as deputy collector. The Inter-State Telephone Company now has 425 telephones in use here. Among today's arrivals is Martin Willard, member-elect of the lower house from New Hanover. t The state- Tabor commissioner will the Iaie wai taj Spain Pnilip' maJe - S4-?1I . voyagl with. coal for wifi-fYip'. Her sisted of tweljpi all told. sel and cargo fully insured v.ineyara na- $t .ias.,- tet la-jii5. -The. schoon. t iftii lia G. ,Ir Portland. Me w 1 :-kod night near theifty Head li The cfc-a&a station. .an,. mate seamen from thfaVett vvetje drown ed. The captaigjptiate and 1 men of the Iriij were- saK' one man came ax",t. front tli on wreckage. r Barnstable, Ma-4 Dec'em.be masses of wr. t Le have btjen j ....1-- -. 1 . jri. i-l. .. : .1 .' -e I ... . PECDLIAB POISONS, GENERATED IN THE HCJIAN BODY d . .to Porto RicOj Spanish iri ilcKcs 's Anieri.can d in the samje afadt' (iijalitlcs mu? reque i?iii.;vs g'Veino -tin- isitind. In l(ie M.'atush j-:liain cannot, w Mediatiiv abr.no r -latk.iis so iot and may t by . ex- lilted bout 'vital .brum; 11IT- n nr cut the! business inaiiiuaihed .bety.-een mother .coiuJtry aid the Vestdh Ji if :itS terrS tones. It'll l v ti. - m 1 tsf". afi"airs!of tJ-a.. ct-nt ' cjui: 1 lliev m i'"-e tin 1SP- bv . w Inch I oVer l-'inrid a f 1 arti-cle 'of' '-' " I K.'lvi' vears tit Ki;"ds.ind pro. Sliliw terjtllS : t - thither' woods '.nited tatct: Vhti - di-cLtre, ' that ia 1 " rt-1.1 1 iotis. addeii 111 a t n tai h -j! t h rough gradual dso;t!tion. terms .of the jtt;eaty jf ie " United iStdtes took n Spain; t!he 'fifteenth !l Pl anted -Sjpaiir for right to- send ! her several trophies? captured from the Spaniards during'the war and whicjh will beiiresented to the naval militia of North Carolina. Commander Mor ton also' announced the - appointment of. jLietitenant Hi H. Mellnenny. Lieu tenant Junior Grade R.' H. McKoy anI Ensign H. L. Miller as a committee fjo make arrangements for a formal acs ceptance . bf the 1 trophies and makie preparations for the entertainment of Lieutenant - Anderson and Lieiitenait Blue, " who . will , accoiripany him to Wilmington.:' The me3itt? then adjourned. Commander Morton and all the line officer who attended the meeti'nev ex cept Lieutenant Canaday and Ensign Miller, left . Iast;.;night at 7:15 o'clock for Philadelphia1 to attend the meeting of the National Association of the Na val Militia. of th-e several states, which wiil be held in that city today and.toi morrow. ". r ! ing ashore on Uf-tijjxiside gf since fcundaj 7- liiwe 01 marked E tonnage Neck, near Lir S3ible light night thnoe bodC'KSffere found the bea.clr "Emma; jliladelphia of l,6u0fjie ashore . COTTON' AND NAVAL STOUKS The Larseat Heeelpts and Exportsot Cotton in tbe History of the Port ol tlmlngUn-The Keeeipta Nearl lll.OOO .Bales Larser Tban Last Inr By r-fernce to the- tabulated state ment of receipts of cotton and naval stores, to be found in the commercial columns on the ,thirjj page of The Meis ,?er.Ker this morning, It will be notel Pthat the receipts and exports of cotton 'f'T Wilmington surpass anything in thV "history .of the vUy for a correjnd;ng I.eriod: . " Sine- the ltft of September and up to November .".Olh, the receipts have been 2-J4.120 bales against .210,515- bales during the corresponding period last year, I-ast year the receipts were the largest in the history' of the port, but .up to- this time this year's receipts exceed the record of last season by 13, 65 bales. The receipts in November w ere 7. 679 -bah1, against- 65,256 bales in November.' 1S97. . an' increase of 1,:. 423 bales or fthe month. Mnc SeptenuTt-r the total foreighj and domestic exports have bevn 212,-' ?M bales against ISO. 142! bales the cor responding peri.Hl last year. For the complete statistics -of re ceipts and 'exju-is of cotton ari l na val stores for the month of. November tind f..r ih.- cotton and naval stores y.-ars up to date'. ' see the tabulated statement referred to. - o m pan y ie was Duncan, her crew between vith .coal hnd thus During he King south row fun- The ves- einber 1. land,of Clara-. Leitvett. of aturda'y e saving land; four iur sea ed and "Jeavett -Great COIll- '.ape Cod vessel with a at Sandy and 'ladt there on kage. ap- taxes to the treasury, the amount be ing $9,532.52'. 'It is the fourth year in succession in which he has been the first sheriff to nirake full settlement. The directors of the state normal and indiistrinl oolleire ar Cirertsfanro met to- 1 Og iinv to nrenare the biennial renorf to : ancI tiara . I Z-T- wnt to the legislature.' - ' the rocks off Ga'tfead, whert Mr ami Air's 4 F Pace of bef- u Columl,us pfeSfebed sorne Jtears. ago. deen. returned today from a -two weeks The life Savinj-tiUon eref, during bridal tour. forty-eight houiy unceasing and un- Manv repubWcans here sav oben'fv i broken- e-fftrts Jeded, in launching they do not at all agree with Senator the'r u b(,at tftK n 'trips critcnard s views as to the negro vote: . ouviu, MiKT'Tf tho'WTei pea,rs tobe th-aJ fishing -scthooners-. Buzzarjls Bayijiss , Deeinber L A member of : tj mfe savihy.l'erew at Gays HeaJ ha -Reached Here- this morning;, report.sjpj.-iii on Sunday morn- scnoonery;iieen i-l ester, v lvian pieces on the City i that, as the. Arabs say, "it is written," j that thenegro is to retire from politi- ! cal life and that "force bills" are only j so much paper. 1 The commission of "Andrew D. j Coyk-s as citjitain -of the Durham com- ; panyr .of the- First regiment, was sent ; the colonel of the reeiment today. It i is dated December 1st. j There is; no longer . any denial of ; your corresiiondent's statement- that , J; C. L. Harris will be adjutant gen- i era!. - ; y.j leacutng to vessels nineteen however, ts' to FUw-kUi .oit the the .ship's . jcarilyfng mi proiladvs L of j. .the The Sp.ariikh J.oomniiB'- -Moaers cite, furtu.ei.- uif-uMOMi i.ie ireatv of isM. with Frano-ejfor. the ces ' - ji. .iv of-l-ou:sianaTgr:intea-Frcnch :and "Spanish goods and ;.radu-is. the. same terms as A-mfrtcan ' )'.n NVw Orleans ' and other port's hr th' t't'tled t rnto: y. FinaliySpain poifits to .the- Ame.cican: j , , -vropost'd "oi't-n iwriT" policy in the ' ii htitppines. and asks a guarin.Jte of ' the sanie ..-idvaiiiaires in her. lrtte -7V?t )n , Mil " 1 t 1 - untir tra'i-" J'clat'on cn jV denrees accustom. theniselvfS 1 1., me. t hane i-f. sovereisr.iy. - ' The 11 imposition and the arguments 1 ty which' was supported are consid-e-ed s'r."-'g'v stated, and the American fT7nuni-n '", " siretf time' for delib erition Tin v.. though busy until nearry o'clock this jitlermionr Judge Day mt a nuwe to genor M6nte.ro Rios H'tiueting that th -p"oint session fixed " for the afternoon T. postponed until -V tomorrow. , . ' , . rv. .. M.JB Meanwhile the tSpanitb orFimtssion- N-em had been preparing a ?lt of jsubf jects for negotiation; suppletiut'ted by sugeejtions counter! to and' ani-jndar tory of the. subject the Aroerw;is submitted yesterday. 1 nis came iu American commissioners " todayl ih 3 Spanish, rendering it even more dgsir-' ' , able to postpone the joint session in -order to give time for .-translation and 1 'consideration. xThe translatiorj. is be " ing made this evening and the subject will be laid before the American com jnissioners tomorrow morning,' w Now that the first, gusli of giief anp 1 c-h!C grin has passed, the Spanish comi- " inis8'oners are Meeting the Afnericans n a e-ank spirit that is Irelpful to an arly coP'611011 of tne negotiations, f Midnight-From Information which comes t thO correspondent of: the As - itorl Press" from, a .well authenti cated sonrce late this evening. It seemp j -- ,,i i tv.nt- ho ..immissiona will fin-T . UDJ1B.C1JT j The Result of Imperfect DlsetIon of . . Food. "'."".;.'.' Every, living thing, plant or animal, contains within Itself the -. germs of certain df?cay and death. . In the' .human body these germs of disease'and death (called .by scientists Ptomaines), are unusually jth result of imperfect digestion of food; the re sult of .indigestion or dyspeppia. The stomach, from-abuse, Wwakness, does not promptly and thoroughly digest the food. The.result-isja heavy, sodden: mass Which ferments "(the first process of decay), poisoning the blood, making it thin, weak and lacking tn ted corpuscles;, poisoning the' brain causing headaches and pain in the eyes. - .'' ;, -'. ' :fl . .- - .:" j Bad ' disruption irritates the heart, tausing r -citation arid finally bring ing on d.eciase of This very important Ors-an. '. . I Poor digestion poisons the kidneys, .causing Brlght's disease and diabetes; I 'And this is so because every organ. I every "nerve depends upon the stomach alone -for nourishment and renewal, ajpi; weak digestion shows . itself not ottlyl in, loss of appetite and flesh, bat iiil "f"eal3 nerves and muddy complexion. : jThe great English scientist, Huxley, said! the -best start in - life lis a sound stomach. Weak stomachs-fail to digest food -properly, because they' lack the proper -.quantity of digestive acids -THu-tic and hydrochloric) and peptoge ;nic piO'ihctsr the most sensible remedy j In all casej of indigestion, is to take i-after each meat, one or two-of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets, because they sup- ply in a pleasant, narrniess lorm an "he elements that weak stomachs lack, 4 The regular use of Stuart'-s Dyspep sia Tablets will cure every form of stomach trouble . except cancer, of the stomach. They increase - flesh, insure pure blood, strong nerves, a bright eye and clear complexio.n, because all these resuLt only; from wholesofne food w'e'll digested. ' Nearly: ail druggists sell- S,tuaiTs Dyspepsia Tablets at 50 cents full -ipd package or by mail by-enclosing ofic to Stuart Co., Marsball, Mich., but as -yQUj druggist. first. , . -' 1 A little bowji on stomach diseases mailed free. AddrwS F. A. Stuart Co., Marshall. Mich. 4 THEY HAD FINE SPORT Solicitor DnflTy to:rlove to Wllnilnston XVOUOipili L.UIIJ-, Jj.ll-, ... U cl. irOU III - j . Onslow . county, the democratic solici- 0vercome evil wltn good. Overcome tor-elect, in this judicial district, came . your coughs and colds with One Min pver to the city yesterday to make ar. ' ute Cough Cure. It is so good children rangements to remove his ''.family to - cry for it. It cures croup, bronchitis. Wilmington: ije will remove toouri fT and . .: A"l6 uiscaocs. J. .1.1. uciiainj. cixy in oruer .10 oe in a central posi tion in the district. Solicitor Duffy-received his commis-r sion yesterday., and will first assume his duties in Wilmington on the 2nd of January, when the circuit criminal court of' New,; Hanover county con,-vt'-nes. . -- . ; Jude Dossey Battle, the sterling demorcat wfo--was elected over Judg Thomas H. Sutton, as judge of the eir-j-cuit criminal '-court, will also hold h: first court, in Wilmington' on the date mentioned. . 1 ' 1 Both Judge Battle and Solicitor fluf fy have hosts of friends in Wilmington., and they will have a-' most cordial wel come w hen " they come here. All of Mr. Duffy's rienfds will be glad ti know- that He. ana .Mrs. J)uny .ar. make their home here. . .' men of the c-refeSB; Several. perished bfefoie Jstance-coMld reach them. .'.' , -r Jl Provincetow n, ,Ms , .Deernber -1 Another day ha.ES-s, d and tery of the stt 4. j-js1 has not lejn srtr"t?LUi bv th was a day of. -.'i4fetant - wal ching :of coastline and the sea, gr-tfgiiigly'' . held tims. vielding- WSSinlv fi-ve..' five bodies ha''er.'i;i,n recover the mys- Portlanld wreck (- sea. It its vic-Tweruty-d out of the entire T'as5"r5 and. .-ere list, fhe exact' number iv-fiihich .is still un known. The ntfro-i- tit .people who Portland w.-nt to their d-Ujt in the. w ill never be knMY. but almost hour ly . persons are "j38irted ' missing- from tit now 11 seemsjSKoisiDie mat - rnl4 ber was over . Philadelphia. .fiijj;'mber 1. nas been learn. jAtt' the rpai Tbe Ifletbod 1st Confejrene '.Elizabeth. City, ;C., December 1. The second day's session of the North Carolina M.J E. Conference opened with Ijishop Fitzgerald presiding. Revs. W. M. Norman, S. E. Under wood, R. B.. John and . Laymen H. .'. Wall and L. L. Smith were named as the special committee on publishing house claims. Rev. W. B. Moore was transferred to. the A'irginia conference. "T. A. ,B. Crumpler and Edward Kelly, local lip.' chers, were re4srted as hav ing -d-ithdia-n from the rninistry and membership and surrendering their credentials. Rev. Mr. .l?rTimpler, who leaves' the church,' is the aggressive sancitrfieation leader in North Cati' lina. He-has tvithih the, past, two years divided many etiurch. congregations- of different denominations anq has a large following. Election of Officer At the regular meeting 'last night of Live Oak Camp No. 6. Woodmen o'fthe World, the . follovy ing officers were electeii for the ensuing term: , ' " - Past Consul Commander Thomas Ii. Post. . - . - Consul ' Commander j. J. Fowler. Advisory " Lieutenant W. G. A. .Ot tersen. ' : f ' . Banker H. T, Wilder. . j Clerk George" C. Jackson. Camp Physician Dr. . C. D. Bell. AVat chni a n A. J.' Yopp. :' j Serrtry W. W.' King. - -Escort W. L. Holden.. . Managers E- Borden.. W N. E. Bunting. : ' ! George LeGrand and T. R. Post were ; elected delegates to represent Live Oak'i Camp .at the meeting of the Grartd ; Camp' of the Woodmen of the World : to be h. r.l ;u Richmond. Aa..; during ! Febj-uary. '.':- .-' I . I H. Howell, The Cleveland Party Wind up their Hunt with a Suceessful Deer Drive Charleston, S. C. December 1. A special to the News and Courier from Georgetown, S. C says:. The bunting party of ex-President" Cleveland ended .their sporting trip this morning with ; a big deer drive on South island -and .several fine deer were brought intothe club. Commodore Benedict and Mr. Huntington did not join the hunt, but c-a-me to the city and spent the morn- j : iug in visiting the historic points of' interest in and around Georgetown. J After' getting the noon -mail they. . went down the bay",. to Onei'da, anchor i ecf at the EsthervjJ,le canal and so6n afterward were joined on board by Mr. j Cleveland and Captain Rabley D. j Evans. The yacht passed down be j twen the islands and a. 3:50 o'clock ' crossed Georgetown bar "h the return trip to New York. The Oneida wll f put in- at Cape -Henry where Captain ;: Eyans will' leave the party and go to j Washington, while, the others will go iwith the Kcommodofe To New York, j Captain S! N. Ackerly and General Anson D. McCook came up from I Santee this after'nooii on the launch -Water Lily, and took the 3 -o'clock train for the north. : They brought ten bags of game with them, which were sent away by express. The entire party are jubilant over, their reception . and stay at the hospitable Sa.ntee club. a- change here, of Enos Soule. wh tow, the Oriijn fate of parted - Sunday hooner City 0Jtsrusta, vvljich part ed her haws er i.1 was blovl are n VxlTj fears .ijltv of the both craft, as n.'iSS'r has bee 4 to sea en$er- crews of. h seen by Ski." on Monday. tlVi" tained for the,a.J3 incorriiner vessel - i ne city ot A h?ts al crew- eight men and, tt aTnor Soulej had .four men on boaii v "bj,x - . . Savannah, . G&.j M1t.cernbeij 1. The Ocean :.Steamh pany'sl steamer Gate City. Cit ti. ;nJ,ogah's. torn Bos ..u . 1 nr..l. :A ??L i'.- -.i':l- i owi. j.rfeu i I'V jyuiriy Liil: The Gate .Citv 15. irtia. rough: the nuni' I Nothing maritime ex- he barge from her or the myrning. time after she struck the tr f?ard Satumay night. he was badlv"v4hed by- the wavs- ahd shows the &"&t -of' the. storm-- She lost some sails.--sliseyer'arl small boats No passenrers VJe injured..1 Captain Gogans report-9-.M;sng eight sunken.-" vessels and etasxaren. stranded era around y,irievar't'Jlsi,v'en. Hr - -. Did'nl Huow il was Loaded Wilmington.' N. C. December ,1: Editors Messenger: "' " We, the undersigned, beg to say that the endorsement of Dr.- Zaehary as res ident, physician j at the city hospital, published in his letter of this morning, has seemed to place us in a false light in regard to ithe hospital controversy. In signing the endorsement, we un derstood' that it was not to be -used . Late to bed and early to rise, pre pares a man for his home in the skies. But early to bed and a Little Early Riser, the 'pill that makes life longer and better and wiser. R. R. Bellamy. Grant V. tilllett Captnred Constipation PES-Sents the teody from ridding itself of! avaste ..majtter. De Witt's Little Ear' t Risers will remove the trouble dfrnStfare SicR Headache, Billiousness, Iry-sive Liver iand cler the complexion w&nall sugaf coct -d dOn't gTipe or -vi nacaea. R. Bel- Troops,.. jjffje 1 r'om .Pofttce- Savannah, C- December l.---The transport Mioh ja' a'rrived Sere today from Ponce, jffising- 50y regular troops which h1fheen in Porto Rico with General Dioe's' command: The troops which .iV-fcd Qhtha --Michigan -A Few N.tit to be Cracked . Wilmi.ngto'rt..' -N" C., Decern br ' i..' To' the Publip: '' I ask the ouhiie to please read, again, the article in The Messenger of November 30th. which applies to the City Hospital and, myself. r Dr. Wertenbaker says, he d-tailed me to act as manager and resident physi sian and if I was satisfactory he w ould make: "the appointment permanent; and says he tried hie several weeks and that I proved unsatisfactory to the board of mangj-rs, the board of "regents and hirrjSelf. .'-.." i Dr. Wertepbaker -took charge Octo ber. 2nd. I had. a higii fever on the 7th. Sth and 9th and on about the 12th had a hard chill and was in bed one week. On the- first day that I was able to leave my'.room. Dr. Wertenbaker in formed me that he and the chairman of the board of managers had decided that I could not fill both positions, hav ing given me sufficient trial, and that he had already suggested Dr. Burwell to fill the position. In the: meantime, not one of the board of "managers had been to the hospital and not one of the regents except Dr. Love, 5 w ho come after I was 'unable to w ork.. .He says Dr. Burwell had trouble with nie and. voluntarily resigned. Dr. Burwell insulted the. ladies as well .as myself: at the supper table and I re sented th" insult. Dr. Burbank said I ought to ' haye slapjied ' him in the. mouth. Please -ask any one of the board why Dr. Burwell was sent home. Ask Dr. Wertenbaker if I ever had trouble with Dr. Burwell until I re sented an insult , to ladies and to my self at the suppe table. ... Ask Dr. Wertenbaker if I have ever had. trouble with Dr. Fife until No vember 29th, -when he . said he cared nothing for Wilmington news, for Wil mington people and Wilmington were nothing to him. I did not . resent hav ing either of these gentlemen 'over me. Ask the board of managers or " board, of regents individually why my ser vices were unsatisfactory. How could they know this without having been at the hospital? Ask Dr. Wertenbaker who advised me in the kindest manner to resign. Ask him a thousand other questions which he cannot answer. He says he knew neither Drs. Burwell or Fife. Dr. Burwell was a personal friend of Dr Wertenbakep's. Dr. Fife arid Dr. Wer tenbaker eamejrnm Charlottesville, a small town in A'irginia. Ask Dr. Wer tenbaker if he knew Dr. Fife's father personally. Ask Dr. Werthbaker how many necessary .things he bought for the hospital in October and especially in November?. Ask Dr. Wertenbaker If the large amount of money, spent for ambulances was necessary? Ask Dr. Wertenbaker if he did not advise me to go down town and apply for posi tion as drug clerk?, Ask him if he ever offered to assist : me until he offered to "assist" me out of the hospital? Ask him why I was unable to fill the posi tion of chief officer of the hospital. Ask him to compare for you the ex penses in October with those in Sep tember and, then note the difference in the amount of taxes. . Ask him, ask him, ask him! Ask Dr. Lpve rr Dr. Burbank why it took them eighteen month to find out that I was incompetent. Ask Dn Burbank if he did not, say I -was doing toV much work at the hospital. Ask e'i.ther of them if they ever found fault in any way, with"me until. Dr. Wer tenbaker ' came t.oi the hospital. Ask them . why they , did not : Inform me if they, found me Incompetent. Ask either of therri if -we have not been the best of friends until now, and ask them if not away down in their hearts they have not the same feeling of friend ship for me. Ask them, ask them, ask them! ,' c ' Ask Captain Jiio. L. Boatwright if he did not tell -me he and T were no longer friends. Ask him In what I was incompetent. Ask him how many days he and: Dr. C P. Wertenbaker spent in trying to find out whether -or not I could be discharged. Ask him, ask him, ask him! t R. E. ZACHARY. Do You Wish; to Attend Theatre at the Expense ol Till: OETTIZKGER CO. this Season ?. I. Save. vcur tratfl mark's trom the wrappers of SOAP exchange then. PERFECT BORAX and S. A. Schloss and Co., ?4 -'.North Fro at. str-et, will for tickets when presenteti in 'quantities of ,53, loo.ito or joo. "Xht more trde marks, Uie better the scat. Cr you can send them to the manufacturers for other prVsenis. 'I'car'in mind that I'KRFECT BORAX SOAIv is the 1 '.''", . .', """.j -'"-' . Finest Piece of Goids Ever Offered in fhi Market. -)i.t f-s nior e t"?otlVsoine tl'.an , ullce' of Uns old North- Cjtroifn torn. Fed Ham" A e bay.- jut recn iveii a Kmalf b't hi. h we ar- .$rHng Hi 12Ho pr p.u'nd. ajvd 11 ..w 1 f nice , fat jrht.-kei H it hu iH-t-n i.-v.f as fine u lot ilf u lotiK. loner U t!i' Way flHifU our pledstire to" ban while Pri.'.-s rant,-.' .t .S-.T 1-Sv.- and wfjiknow tlu- qu alii y w ill p!e,,s,. you I t iu? si-iit you a Ham anili .i l'hk k. ii as a .tt ial crdefi-. ' THE KING GROCERY GO.. - Phone 'm B. F. KJNGr Mnicer, Fourth Street Brldf" AT M UKSONS' Mothers will find a . splendid stock of "N015HV i SUITS for children, sizes ;? to 9 yrs., from $2 to $1. Boys' and Youths' Overcoats, Gloves and Neckwear." c - . I-.' ' WE CALL ATTENTION to our stock of Seasona ble Overcoats fop Men. New styles, fresh supply. i Fofc UNDERWEAR The Celebrated Luzerne ; Hygienic, Elastic and Derby Ribbed, Wool v Fleeced, &c, ! Foster's Kid Gloves, White and Colored. THE FALL AND WINTER IS THE SEASON -...- - of gaiety. Dancing is lti order, and. .our dancing shoes are just the Idea for tripping the light fanTastic agree-: ably and gracefully. ; The test of a Shoe or"' slipper is .oil the floifif. Tijr ours that way,, .hnd' you'll be fonvlnc ed -of th.-ir many claims toj" favor. Whether for business j or pleasure, for . indoor or otit'fTior wear, we sh.w; band soinely, ecorionib ally and - satisfacto rily. Style, Ht, wear, : ease, beauty of appearance. tA'l th.-se ,-niJ mure are combined ' in our footwear. . (.'!.''' -i. GEO, R FRENCH: & SONS '-'..- !-!-..; 108 NORjrU FRONT STREET. - i T , TOILET ARTICLES IN STERLING SILVER !' , ." , j j A i - BRUSHES, COMBS, MIRRORS; ETC. Goods that wilWstand use ! j " Goods that will wear ! ! K are light batte$kC of the Third ar tiilery, D of tlpFJfth .F offthe Third arid B of the ,K4iih. Troop.6 H of the ; Sixth cavalry.lbf- the Second and . Company F ot.-j (ffa Eightn, infantry, i The : infantry aiilravalry lift tonight j for Huntsville.?iif , -"vher-ef they will ro into camn . -f.ihrti lie-hr haiferies will Kansas City, Mo,, December 1. ft ia j encamp here etporariiyi but will stated here tonight that Grant G. Gil- probably accon -say the '5venth army lett.The Kansas City, cattleman; whose rps to Cubai q ucrauuu uiai u r.oi 10 oe-usea . , fa ef week reveale.1 in this controversy, but was, intended I nnancial collapse last week reyeaied - Chamberlain's Colic,! Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy can always be de pended upon and Is pleasant arid safe to take. Sold by R. R, Beilamj to help Dr. Zaehary after he left here". We are iri thorough accord with the present management of the hospital, and take pleasure :n so 'testifyiner.- FRANK H. RUSSELL, M; D. tvV. iX MCMILLAN. M. D.' let .There be Uglit Recognizing that.very.l: little ;is ac- conapliehed ; by individual effort and the fact that in less than-three years he has piled up an indebtedness of, more than J1.500;000. . is under arresr somewhere' in the southwest. Charles A.' Schaffer, president of the George Holmes Commission Company swore out a warrant here today charg ing Gillet with having, obtained $19,000 by false pretenses. The warrant was tbat aa. Improvement can be made in ! piacea in ,ine nanas or an omcer, ana r thrt rrn nar lofr tic &itxr tnni crV f rhe lectric ligbp as furnished by the Street Railway 'GoinjiaBy I would sog- gest that a meeting of jhe paJrongl of this company be held to leariiiif Uei.it r service cannot be given. The incan descent larrips are , of 16-candle power and ;;a, glance .-will ; convince any one familiar with such light as furnished other cities that we do not get that for wUi."3 we are paying. -t" ' ' I N. J. BURCH. Tbe Best Prescription for .Chili pd fever is a bottle of Grove's Taste le$a Cftill Tonic. Never fails to cure; then why experiment with worthless Imitations ? Frice 9 cents. Your money back It It falls to curf. M. A. Fyke. -attorney for the Holme Company, tonight made this state ment: "Gillett-ls under arrest in SJexico. An officer has gone for him and we will get tim pack, we. hope,' at a veryeariy date. In other quarters it is stated almost as postively that Gniett is not in Mex ico, but that he is in custody' on Amer ican soil, that he has a large sum of money in. his possession and that his cantors are negotiating vith his' cred itors here to exact a stated percentage of the money as their price for turn ing Gillett and tbe funds over to his creditor. ' ' When you ior DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve (Jhp accept a counter feit or imlti!!it-inere are rnore cases of Piles be. nziXSi others combing-: BglrAtgiUi Oil' to Cuba Two Ke Savannah, iff December 1. The transpost Ch. carrying ' the Fif teenth T-Un it l& te3 infant T to 'Neu vitas, 'Cuba, tfth was;, twice run aground by heV-Tot, once to avoid a collision with Manitobi and the second time on'4-ount of a fog, went to sea7-today. Chester drew 24 feet 9 inches aftassed out with ease. Crossing the bf, '. hours Lafter high water. She v 'Mlcrwed bt the Man itoba, carry in X$ Fourth Tennessee regiment to c&iraegos. d by. this,- than all R. Bellamy, A cough is t AUke a fevier. It does not have to rvJf ;ffcertain course. Cure it ;quickly andr'Cectually with One Minute Cough Jj&ke, the best remedy for all ages- a 4 -.for the most severe tases. yt: r. 4i,jiena It Because U 8 food. R. p, Beljpf ' I i 2" s v . J -.- A Sesion of S'pauUh Cabinet Madrid, December. 1. A long cabi net meeting at which the queen regent presided was ield today and a reply was framed to'-.Senor Montero Rios.l president of the Spanish peace com mission, relative t6 a number of point in the treaty of peace upon which he had requested instructions. The premier; 'Senor Sagasta. after the council said: ,"Toitjorrow's meet ing .of the, commissioners will not-be the last." The minister of the interior, Senor Capdepon, announced that there were several domiciliary Visits at Barcelona yesterday but that .otherwise the coun try was absolutely- quiet. ' . - . f I Demurrers in Quay indirtnimi Overruled- Philadelphia. December 1. In the court of quarter sessions today, in the conspiracyi case of TJnited States vs. Senator Quay and others, Judge Fin aletter dismissed all the; motions' en tered by the defendants' counsel against the five indictmejits found by the grand jury and fixed December 12th as the date for the -beginning .of .the triaL - - TJHsTCS-ETLHOEI'F'S 123 market street. . Capes, Cloaks and Jaekets. Ladies' Shirt Waists and Undefwear.' Ladies' Hats and Trimmings. Children's Hats and Baby Caps, all on sale at special low prices -at the lar gest Department Store, in the city. We are pushing Wraps of all kinds; Capes, with fur trimming, from 49c to $1.45 up to fine Astracart fur trimmed Capes; some all wool cloth, large sweqp, vell made, at $1.98 each. Velvet - Capes-, -trimmed with fur collars and bead trimming, at $2.23 each. Fine Capes, all styles,, from ' 11.50 up to $6.50; each. 'We! carl -sell you. a nice Jacket forj $2.,50; nice nvv g-arjbe-nx with large bujttons, made ',30.1 . nice Beaver Cloth. , Better goods,'('band"sdme Coats, at $5.p0 to $3100. . .. j- . .. ' ' j ' Skirts'.of all kinds. We sell Worsted. Skirts, slightly, damaged, at 50c!; ntce Worsted. Skirts for ,$1.00, -$1.25, jup to beautiful.', all :wool Skirts at $2.00 ind up to $5:00., . ' We have a beautiful line of nifle Kllk and. Satin Skirts -we can sell youjj from $4.75 to'$3J00 each. We carry. alli slzes I of Merino Underskirts at! $1.50 each; Waists in fine flannel at i $1.50 each; ,ifv ,i i oiii fc..civ to .vv trucu. r We carry a big line of fine White Un derwear for Ladies; Gowns from 50c up to $2.52 each; Pants, all prices, from 25c to $1.00 a pair; Shirts for 52 and 5c, all 'at special prices..! -J- f ; We have just recei'vefl.a big supply o new Millinery: Ladies' Hats by the thousand; everything S'fjUrnay ball for. Big; line of new KamiM-s at less than, wholesale .prices. The ' finest j line of Baby Caps in white and colors. In Silfc : All kinds of cjloaks and Caps for boyn and girl3 In Tarns, In - Flannels, antf Leather Caps. , : Our big stock of fine Embroideries, about 350 jiatterns, claims" the ladies' attention. Bring your card and get It punched1 with every cash purchase at Wilmington s Big Racket Store and get a valuable present free. GEO. O. GAYLORD, Proprietor. Of the Racket Store on Frtjnt Street,' opposite the Orton Hotel. ; Baking Powder Made from pure cream of tartar. Safeguards the food against alum . T t Alum ains pewden are me greatest meaaeen to health of the present day. sowm. muam wwoesea. sew tftwc " An Even I Temperature N THE HOUSE DEPENDS TO CERTAIN EXTENT; OF COURSE. UPON THE ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE FtJRNACES AND STOVES, but THE QUALITY OP THE: COAL EN TERS INTO. THE MATTER JUST JUDGMENT IX SUCIlj MATTERS FREELY. THESE ARE j THE DIF FERENT"' KINDS OP COAL . TOD HAVE TO SELECT FROM IN OUR YARDS; Red and Wnite Asli Egg, Stove Chestnut," Fur nace, Jellico and several other Kinds. , Our prices are made tsuit these hardjtimes. U. A, Springer & Co. !': . : V - -