WILMINGTON MHl8s4iN(iiJR, TUIlSD AY$ JULY 10, 1900 m. . ; ; -i" s , :: .-.'".1;-f r ; :i : .-.,-: : 'F;A -AA; -!.;;;; AM 1., VI r -1'';- V TSwT BELL COMPANY. r,! , j POSTAGE PREPAY- ; ft-r, : j -' .. ZericuBR t'y m..n .u-"ear;fr-onth. 60 cents. mont ' ia the . city at i 60 ' cents A '"" 2?; one-week, 15 cents; $L75 tor monthB, or' $7.00 a year. j THE SEMI-WEEKLY MESSENGER ( tw 8-page papers), by mall, one ;year U.00; six months, 60 cents, in advance, ' ' .... - ; I ; WILMIN TUESDAY; JULY fi, it, QTON, N. C. 'DEMOCRATIC NATIONAL T CKETJ I ; f OR PRESIDF.VT. WILLIAM J. BRYAN. FOR VICE PRESIDENT, .'. ADLAI E. STEVENSON. STATE lTIC TICKET. FOR GOVERNOR: CHARLES B. AYCOCK, of Wajiie. LIEUTENANT GOVERNPR: WILFRED 0. TURNER, of Iredell. SECRETARY OF STATE. J. BRYAN 6RIMES, of fitl. TREASURER: BENJAMIN R. LACY, of Wale. AUDITOR: Bi F, DIXON, of Cleveland. ATTORNEY, GENERAL:; ROBERT D. 6ILMER, of Haywood. COMMIS NR LABOR & PRNTINi'; H. B. YARNER, of Davidson. J . CORPORATION COMMISSI!: yy, FRANKLIN McNEILL, of New Hanover . SAMUEL L. ROGbRS, ot Macon. SUPT. jPUBLK rSTRUCTION: Meson, COMMISSIONER OF AG-RICtl'tjf SAMUEL 1. PATTERSON, ot Caldwell. JUDGE TENTH DISTltlCT ; W. B. COUNCILL, of Wautaaga. A PLAIN QUESTION 1 I What have been the1 effects oft negi"ol j i suffrage 1' North etaxdlina? ITorj odd years the negroes have v ite thirty an0 manor of them illegallyi -arnd, niorjb than In the same" election. Ha$ tnei eSercise-jOC the voting privilege oenejit ed them :loHhe whites, ' or .the:! stale.; Has any -pody Gpteat-suckers.-rKi ple-huniters ever been benefited by ne gro votes? ; Every White malrHJot com i scienceless and not- obllviousj offaui . and trutht must-answer that iiegi o suf frage" has been calamitous to all con-1 cernedr It has done vast wrong to tht i whites, an(d inflicted great Injury, uppn the state at large. It is not ijinKin4 oi Inimical to the negroes to sayj this, but vit "is the simple truth. . Candor and truth are prefei'abre always , o deeep- .- tion and lies. ; lou may natier.ana ae ceive, butj generally it is' at the expense of truth; and manhood. . ' , 1 ) ' ' i. - ' - . -' - ' ' i If votinjg on the part . of the. ne groes hasj done such great ha-rm-put- tiner in inbomDetent. reckless, bad men" and! helplps torin up the stale's in debtedness to $33,000,000 and jhcreaismg greatly the i expenditures jwhenevei; hei,r tools are in place and power "that will be the result o their not voting. Will it ; A be a great protection to , tht peopte, a great, faving, nmm ,yv-. i It will relieve North Carolina bf. a great Incubus and repfoacht Every jbofv " ' ' toreathe ) freert including. . the foolish ; greedy hot heads who are now striving 1 to continuie the reign of the lawless. ne groes inistiead of - the I reign, of law and order. ; j" , : -. .1 v We sincerely believe it will betterment of both races to j , - . . i- be for "tm have the amendmemt adopted. Whilst it cuts of! but a part the illiterates it opens the way for ,wider, more -uniyersal 1 educa tion ankipthe creating ofljart educated electorate. . It , will aid the negroes very much by incehtives to" industry in stead of giylng" nights and days to po- ,j()i wiiroa ami rinb and Ho the ser- lltlcal lodges an-O ClUDS, anu l- ine;wi vile attitude of stjr.ikers for ; mean, sel- fish, unprincipled -white men wh'o an h-part -" do ribt V have over half as muqh respect ana- noniii Vood. feellner for them ; as tht whrtesiwlio tax themselves for the ben- 'efrt of the negro children,' and give con ' jstant patronage and employment to he- gro men and women. ' ; i , i Good government is a blessed -thing for any people, and jmore. particularly for people who live "In a republic, Hhat is basedt - oh character on the virtue, Jndustry and intelligence of Jthe people. Eliminatei these great qualities so, pos itively f undamental-and ' you would as well be -umder a half-way erelighteried Everybody kpows that i. the negro ;has none of the Qualities and eapaclties necessary for government. They neither govern" themselves nor any thing else..; Look at the magis trates'; xoiirts andl the criminal court and see Who fill them, Eix-Governoi Jarvis' wtlng of the amendment some Ume ago said tms: . a . "Neltheij.the .negro inor his corrupt - white : allies can again dominate our local government's' and! re-enact - the scenes of strife and riot and ruin of 1868 and 1 1869.1 Good government Is aii absolute eseaitlal to the peace and pros oerlty of ia state. This is too plain tc need argument. ;We hav.e seen it in our own -state. The negro has de monstratett the fact t that he cannot govern. It is likewise true that tlu man who is dependent upom the negrc for his ptace and Who is. dominated and oTirvllpii hv him is eaually tinfit tc govern: TTie adoption of this amend ment - eltihirnates that class :of. whit men as well as the negro from promij rwncft in bolitlcal matters in the staH nnfl Insures to the Intelligent, wor t white mei the management of public affairs," ! ; '. -.. ,J: : " I .- f x ix-111 'rh-ovf a. ereat heln land benefit . to all racig ajid conditions, io have the amendment beome a law. - i. THK DESPERATION i OF wniTE f..':-.t i 1 TTAViTTrS. - the flection' approaches the hot-! v,, -.UtnAt hunerv fanatical wnltf leaders of jthe negroes in North Carolina ire more iydrophoDic ana peni h "H- Tnex areWng aaviceana irymg thi negroes to desperate ana cHeedsJ It is. to clean up the trars And t,o rorce registra Nil "tatheVxsonfev evidence V whitenWs early at help 0 ajausegeneral t Moiganjon the rascals 1 ..W,,lf III broke into a room lnl e but of the1 jpet5--r-- books had for- been rerov- negrr0 threatened the . A wttt Are and murder. J "A special P'jreenboro to the Raleigh News amd Observer says: ; ' j i - "A negrro named Eli. UTharton made a boasts in the- presence -.of reputable w-hite men at WhitSett, N. th?t i' tne amenameM was i ca;rried,every housie iri' Whitsett would be burned and that white men would"5e called oUt and shot and that women and children would be put to death. This conversa- .-tlon was overheard by Messrs. J. D OldhamL Creoreef . T)iavpmxirt. T. O Boone and O. M. Ingold; all' responsible and trustworthy xentlemenv . . At Greenville, Pitt) county,, two 'ho- grroes madel a deadly , assault upon Chairman Blow, of, the democratic county conlmittee,lsirig, savagely bru tal knucks. A- dispatch tp the News and Observer says: l i . V- "The police captured one "negro. The deputy sheriff chased the other home and shot at him while running Reaching ms house, the negro brotliJrdrew -a gunrand' forbade . tlie officer entering.; (Jiuzens witn . rines and g uns followed and surrounded th house, which, was searched, but the ne gro had gone through a back door 4nd escaped. . - . '-, i "The negro , who stopped the .officer. and the one arrested by the pojice.'i were tried before the "mayor- and. sent 3an- in Weiau... lor bond, 'inere is much j Indignation 1 ajmong the eitizens and threats among 'the negroes. Other trouble may follow." : Chkirman Holton, f the . negro, party, at "Vinston went to 4 registration place with a lot of his associates, hegroes. jA dispatch to the Nefwg and Observer gives the sequel "When the registrar asked questions, the republican chairman would tell the negro what-to. say. ceed lone, however, before the registrar gafe Mr'. Holton to understand' that he could not run) his business, and the xstate chaiTman went away." ; The same paper states thatv one TCnight, of Wake county, Gill of Vance. McNeil of Wilkes, "!and other fusion leaders are givir? advice . to. negroes .to murder aha beat the .regUtar - ap- pointted democratic Registrars, It pub lisLSr 1 cartoon that! fits 'the case show ing the, desired results of the devilish advice Ji. the wicked white deceivers. Abe MidUioton is in all of his" glory and grins eveiil a more gjhastly, smile than a few sveeki. ago. Abe is happy at the prospect.'. 'j . j ' ' " . The News and Observer.gives'an ac count of Flamboyant "Adams, black- radical .candidate fpr governor, while at "recent - republican national - conven tion at- Philadelphia: " A republican . I of state . promtnenjee says he has it on the best of authority that at the, national convention Spencer Adamsv the republican .candidate for eoernor. . had Cheatham and several -other negroes im his room, .and he was riwkimg and frateriniizing wtn. tnem. 8 Virginia cod ns sought to regis- ter atKlnstoni but f ailed.: They pre J. G, Cox, the reg pared to aisault Mrj butj they istrar, failed as four white niem appearedf- opportunely: and the 'would be murderers K-anished; They; will hang if caught in all probabilityj i Mr. John A. Bus h, registrar at Ca tawba county, was assaulted by. a no ted radical named W. "J. Bean, A dis Datch from the tovfri of Lenoir to the News and Observer 1 tell,, of what fol lowed and It is disgraceful and yjolenv r "Mr. Bush moved his position from the place-he first opened his books to a small store a quarter, oi a mne iiia tan1( and was followed byj Bean and some others. Beart!thtii thrtew a scoop from a pair j of scales at Bush, v.'hich le dodged, the scoop breaking some ar tiMest on the- shelf. He tnen -ii weignSon Bush, andli was about to strike-1 hifhw'hen Bush 'made a mbtion as if drawintr a weapoh and Bean lef him. .Not having4anything-to defend himself with, iie lelfrfor home. li:.. appeaed to a republicans magistrate present for protection and he refused to preserve the peace; land to issueawar r'ant. ' Bush acted With great prudence during the excitement. Bean was ar rested by the sheriff yesterday, under a warrant isfbded bMaj. J, G. Balien." -r.i-. M TIOM E FOLKS '; Butler is not -only- a sorry-politician but is a very sorrowful demagogue and his record now being overhauled, makes this misreable trickster and time-server more sorrowful daily. On 2nd of July, 1892,; he published in his Clinton dirty sheet with the absurd misnomer an editorial on '.'Pure Democracy and' White . Supremacy." He opposed : fu sion, he' favored the democracy, he im plored the .populists to support the democratic nomine for governor. Here is aji extract, that ji shows that once Butle'r had some sense, some prescir ence, and was nojjj below,- a- patriotic desire to serve North Carolina. But how fallen now! lie then wrote: "Wha'f is there U be gained; for re form by defeating the democratic state ticket? Nothing, but muchto Ipse, let the result be what it may. If you elect your -ticket, you do it at the suf ferance of the republican party, and you are at their mercy now and in the future. If you aire t ho cause of the re publican party capturing the state you nave given a neavy ,diow to toe cause rofrtrm rint thp manarnnt of stfl-t in unworihv and incaoable hands. Lef not those' who want office more than they dp reform precipitate. you into taking such unwise action Judge Robinson, of Goldsboro, lately said to solicitor Harshaw, and wjt an evident lingering recollection bf good: , things gone forever: ;"Fix to takfrlcare of yourself Moses: "we. are now. gnawingour list bone,- Sage and timely. "The places thafnow know us -shaH'know us no mjore foreVr'"' "Where. will Moses be when the light goes out?" "Sweet old boy-is the mernory.": of the Jat offices .we have hejd. ! They come over us like spice-laidened zephyrs from the lands of Qoshen in which we kickea ana rouea ana na such a rol licking time. ' .' i' ' -. . . i - " It is pleasant to i sees it announced that the old landmark jof- the state, "Turner's North Carolina Almanac," is not. to cease with' the death of its highly esteemed publisher, Mr. James H. Enniss. His sons, P C and T. C. Enniss have purchased it, and it will be continued and enlarged. .Marion Butler is at his old tricks He spoke for four; hours at StatesviMe and lied like a trooper. The Landmark exposed "his usual bitter ppeech of de nunciation, equivocation and straight- out misstatementi of fact$. He put in a good part of. his four hburi' time .talking about-democrats not meeting him in Joint discussion and incidentally boasting ot his own TKwers as- a "de bater." , E Aycock, t A. M. Wa bater." i His attack upon Mrl CV B Hon." John Bellamy s and Col addell, was tool beastly and false to. be repeated': We givel this from the Landmark: v ' ' i "The. idea of I the Gulteau-iaeed thing talking about cowards when hfe is too big: a coward to eo to Wilminerton or anywhere else there Is danger, ahd have the talk he had here. But But ler's Statesville speech will do the dem ocrats more good than harm. It made the democrats who heard so mad that they will exert themselves as they nev i er naye Derore. it j :'': ; Workim? Jlght and Day. -' The busiest and1 mightiest little hln that ever was made is Dr." King's New Life Pills. Every pill is a sugar-coaited biooule of health, that changes weak ness into strength. Jistlessness into en ergy. orain-ias: into mental oower. They're wonderful in building up the health." only 25c per Dox. Sold by R. R. ueuamy, .Druggist.: ' 1- Vegotablo i Compound oures tho Ills peculiar to women i ! it tones up their general health, eases do wifx overwrought nerves, cures tnose awf ul backaches and reg- vju I ates menstruation. it does this because it acts directly on j the fe male organism and makes it healthy, relieving and curing all Inflammation and displacements. ' Nothing else, Is Just as good and many things that may be suggested are dangerous. This great medicine has a constant record of cur em I; Thou sands of women testify to it. Read their letters con stantly appearing In this paperm , lr NEWS I"ROI THE 3FIRING LINE. . The1 Messenger long ago ford old just what is happening: all around that the Butler pbpsj arid the Pritchard gamg of .pfflee-ihojldeirs and feed-trough t readers would get S together In loving embrace before the election The eame of huff-I ging has begun witn intense vigor, i ne slobbering ha also ,a 'marked . incident between the negroes' and the conspira- tor$ Abe Middleton and the dough faced whites. , Claude Kitchin is now in the' W st making .a canvass for honest govern ment 'arid white 'man's rule. He has been in the mountains already but is resuming his canvass. Jtiis speeen -a.i i Jackson ; lifted his crowd. ; . Dr. W. .P, Exum, who ran in 1892, as the populist candidate for governor, is olit in favor, of the amendment and will canvass in its: advocacy. i Judge II. R. Starbuck Is one of the -foremost republicans in Guilford coun ty, and he is ;upporting the so much needed amendment to the constitution: He has been in favor of it for months as wo recall. J That old war horse oif the democracy, fx-Governor .Jarvis, i still engaged in prosecuting his laborious and effective canvass.' ,!He tells theT Reflector' in a i.-tterf how it Is in the " nOrtions of "the I E-te n iwhich he has been canvassing: , r-v , , . . , . i I find conditions decidedly improved lit the middle section of the -state and growing better every day. I feel con fident .that by the -day "of election ; the people will fully .understand the amend ment, .that ; the', misrepresentation put put by those who look to the negro voite for. office, Will be cleared up and that the white i people will be nearly solid for jthe amendment and the democratic ticket, u t "The amendment when properly uh-1 ,ertooaimust convince tnougxitiui, un- -ii.Hc ' fo!-rrln1W1 rwxrU that its v,.tv( ' ' r- -- - T- tificaAion will be for the good ot aiti isses. : .i-. .1 - v . - j He is a 1 cool-headed observer ordi narily and his report, is encouraging. The ;Sanford Express gives account of favorable changes in its county. If -: - . Says; .. i - . - Before the legislature made some changes i in the proposed constitutional amendme(nt,there were a jfew uemocrar in. T-vrr(i pmintv who were'ODDOSed tO the measure. We are glad to know that aDout an or -uvem' pave- (fmuigeu . tnvu minds' and will support tne amena'eni as all democrats snouia. y . BREVITIES In 'Florida county, Ga a brute of a negro assaulted a white woman. He was guarded; by. .the military, put on; trial, he confessing his. guilt, and was sen tenced to twenty ' years in the peniten- tlary. '. - ,: . Atlanta was in ai flx on a hot day last week: For ten Ihoiirs its Water supply was gone. . Dewey's name w as not . heard inthe convention jn last great democratic week. "Are. we so soonj-forgotten, is the pathetic oruestoti asked by. Jo Jef ferson in "Old Rip," ; . New York gold democrats are already predicting the re-election of- McKinley. Of course. . v-f . - The Chicago Record . fires -between the limes in the followihg: I f , ; J "Peoole w-ho like to. keep their money should remain on the outside and watch tlie. bulls and bears play the Kansas wheat crop against the Dakota failure for"-a few weeks." - ; .' ' -. - h Russia, gives jn to Japan it appears, and the Mikado will be allowed a free Hand in China. But why should Japan ie so anxious "to mess with" ' the Chinese, '; . : ' ..; '. ... I ' North Carolina nominated; Stevenson by taming. to him in the knick of time. 'Three people died from the effects of intense heat in Richmond on 'rjaay last. Many ; others were pVostrated. That is- a hot old town. ' - - j Red Hot From tne Gan Was the ball that hit G. B. Steadman, of INewardi Mich., in the Civil War. it caused horrible Ulcers that no treat ment helped for 20 years. Then Buck leys Arnica Salve cured mm. '-cu res Cuts, Bruises, Burns, BoJlS, Felons, Cotns, Skin Eruptions, liest fiie cure on earth. 25 cts. a box. Cure guarant eed. Sold by R. R. Bellamy, Druggist STATE PRESS. Daniel Russell is about the only of-. fice-holding politician in thej state who is not botnering nimseii auuui pymita, Durham Herald. 'H The string money corporations, of which the republican party is the fos ter mother, are now at work to enslave the farmers and laborers in all tne United States. Davis Times. . . j t Never before have we seen so many, ladies at political speaking . as were here j yesterday. We learn, that they , are turning out to Kear t democratic speaking everywhere and iare all for the amendment. That means that the amendment will be carried. Monroe Enquirer.- : ; '. - : -j :'-f--' i They have ; appealed to the machin ery of the United States courts to pre vent a state officer from discharging his duty under the state law. The pro ceeding is instigated by Blackburn and was issued by a North Carolina com missioner, The affidavit was sworn out by a negro federal office holder and all the witnesses are negroes. It will thus -be seen that it is a proceed ing brought by federal office holders 'and negroes and proves what we have been charging: That the federal ior- flce holders iare running this campaign on the part jof the fusionists, and that this is-'ia fight between the people and the federal office holders and between the white man and the negro, led and instigated byf federal office holders. Raleigh News and IQbserver. 17 .j - i 1 . i ' i' j '' .-;' . K Photographs! Special rates for Tour nament! Everybody come. U. CV Ellis, 114 Market street. . , . AYCOCK'S CAMPAIGN He Has Spoken In Every County West bf Greensboro, Save Two -Ho 1s Pleased i With, the Condition 'West. Republicans Declaring for the Con-! stltutlonal Amendment. . . iMesssenger Bureau. j i. : Raleigh, N. C, July 9. , h Charles EB. Aycock was here todays for the first" .time in over a month, on his way to Louistourg to epeak. He looks very well. Wheri asked how he was standing the arduous campaign he replied: '"I am very well, but have lost ten pounds in weight. I am very greatly pleased With i, the- oondicions in Western (North Carolina. I have spok en in-every county west of "Greensboro, except Clay and tolk. In several of these counties I spoke twice, j. nave made eighty-five speeches so far during the campaign. The labor is Immense, especially in view of the intensely hot the'r. T will now speak in! the cen-. tral counties land will go to I some of the extreme eastern counties,: such as CartereU Onslow and Jones. i -A term of ithe criminal court for. this county j l)egan here yesterday, Judee Bowriiah presiding-! There is hot a eapitallcase on the docket. " ? Dr. Joel fWhi taker, of the j Raleigh Athletic AssociaUon, ; returned . from Baltimore last night, t havingr secured four base ball players for the Raleigh team, a pitcher named Home, a base man and two outhetaer. - There is some mitigation of the in tense' reat, radn''having fallen hear here yesterday afternoon. The temperature yesterday was 99. The heat i has not hurt ithe crops. Cotton is remarkably fine; f- '' ' .'--'--. I :' ji: Representative "Jack" Reinhardt, of Lincoln .county; who last year and this va,r in the i legislature voted against the franchise amendment . to, tho fmnst. tnition. lias at IUSI ueuaiw for it publicly at a speech in Denver, 1 Vila Vlim t V - '. r- L, c Caldwell, who! was the populist member of the railway commisi'on ap- .Russell is here. tjt v.Aa -qMrAf! "himself in favor OI ilC I VC-C vv. - the franchise-amendment.; ; v KORTH-.CA lU N A: -: ' '. ' - - '' t Greenville Reflectors We have been iT,fnm,i "thai the old -Marshall house nn fhPi old nlank road, about siix:miles flrnm fVrpenvillp and known" as "Balti- m-p" was burned one day this week: 4 John H. -Sermons, negro, was put in jail tnis morning in uauu ui ."w .' A vrnnc ' hat from Mr, W, M. Lang, nilTlllIP I I I I 1 1 I rl I Ulf I1U . V 1 uV of Farmville. Unfortunately t the ne- grd is not twenty-one years of age. Henderson Gild . Leaf: - How much larger is Henderson in 1900 than it was ten vears aero when the census gave Us a oQi i -Mr. Eusrene . iThorne is something of a genius in the line of in HV has several .which may bring him fortune if not fame Among other thiners Mr Thbrne has invented a pomnut ns; scale or to De.more accu rate several of them wnicn are among the best things of the kind we , have ever seen. They weigh as other" scales and at the same time designate the amount far any given quantity at any stated price.... : ,j: " Tarborc- Southerner: The i populists of Martin county met in Williamston in convention on the 4th. No republi cans or negroes affiliated in the nomi nations, "but i several - places I on the ticket were lef t open. Theses will be filled by the ; republicans. While the smokestack to-the dying works was ber jng taken down' yesterday, a ladder on which some workmen were standing to hold it in, position,, broke. Seeing the stack must fall, ftll got out of the way except a colored man. . Bi.H John Moere. It f eil on him across his legs 4nd-'back crush ing hirii to the. earthy Several I hastened to his aid and lifted it so he I coud b(? dragged out He Was then taken home in much pain and bleedinf at the ears. : i : -.1.1 I Secret of Beauty ; 1S health. I he secret ot health IS , -, - J v the oower to digest nnd assim- ' - f ; i . f. . c t " x i naie a proper uuaiiny j iyyy. I - A ' 1 . . i I IM . 1 J I, l niS Can never UOJUiic yvcji the liver does not act it's part. Doyou know this? Tutt s' "Liver Pills are Ian abso- luteure for tick headachedvs- epsia, sour stomach I.COnstipatlCn, tOrpl d i . ' j 1 r i iduiiuitc, ujuuud -j , , ' i- - Iieb ClllU K111U1.1-CI -tiD-.iO-3.. idr Liv Pills ?Atr Atlantla Coastline Railroad Company, - yf . Richmond, VaJ, July 3rd, 1900: SCALED . PROPOSALS ARE 'INVITED for the gradingof three miles of single track railroad in Greenville cOunty. Vir- gmia, on the Atlantio Coast Liuci The work tjm oravus auoui. xw,uw tuuiu , ama ui civn vation and the same Of embankment, with especially long haul. '.',.' . ' Bids will be received until 12" o'clock noon of the 21st instant: Ttaja; company reservea the right to reject any or all bids. . i I E. T. D. MfEftS, deneral Superintendent, Byrd street station, Richmond, Va.. -Atrantic Coast Line BaUroad Company, 1 ; Wilmington, N. C.; July 5ttf, 1900, ' Office of the Gexehat, Manager. S EAtED PROPOSALS ARE HEREBY SO- lioited forthe erection of a three story brick addition to the General Office Build-ins- Of this Company at Wilmington, N. C. Bids are to include all labor and materials. Plans and specifications can be seen at tne office of Engineer xrf Koadway, Wilmington, N. C. The Company reserves te right to reject any or all bids. The bids will be opened on July 21st, 1900. , R. KENtY. jy4,10t General Manager. TRY ERATED MILKl i6 ats. $1.00. FAIRVIEW DAIRY, Purity, and Cleanliness, jne 14. Genuine Carter's Little Liver Pillsl Must Be' signature of rapper Below. Tery aad-a easy y. : to take as anAS. -i : i .... -, . ' FOI HEADACHE F0S DIZZINESS. FORB!U0USKES FOR TORPID LIVEHa PC COMSTIPATICJ FOii SALLOW SUH. CARTERS m PILLS. 1 : F&RTKECOMPLEXICl tTclZto j Purely VeetaWe.bvW5J 0URE 8ICK HEADACHE. t .Lmaiana, d liver, piles. frr. HillMIC- 1. SECUBiTY. 5ee FacS? ;: 'V arolina BeatJi and Southnort - In Effe June 12th. fa ' FOR CAR&INA REACH. Rnat leaves Wilmington for Caro lina Beach at ;U m., 9:15 a. m., 2:45 m., 5:15 p. m sna 'can p. m. . t FOR WMINGTpN. Trains leave 3ssh at 7:00 a. m., 1:00 . m., 3:3u p. ifi-46:00 p. m. and 8:30 ,-m.- ' Fare to the Fl-'ir and return, on ' the :15 and 7:30 boil, 15 cents. No 7:30 boat i rom Wilmington ana no 8:20 train ,tr m Beach- on Monday and Saturday, t & Leave Wilmington Sunday at 10:00 a. m., 2:30 p. m. nd 7:30 p. m. i Leave- Beach S ijnday at 12:30 p. m.. 6:00 p. m., and S 80 p. m. FOR' UTHPORT. Boat leaves , Wilmington at 9:15 a,m. .- FORii WILMINGTON. Boatt leaves,' Sojthport at 12:00 m. Tw6 Hundred Prickets given awav everyl week for? Saturday trips only. Apply lp S. : W i Corner" - J. ,W. HARPER. Inn 10 tf lort ami cm :lf The Most htful Route " .to N YORK and iVorfheriiand Eastern Siimpir Resorts ; Old Doninion Line .And RamConnectibns. ' Express steawihips .leave ' Norfolk, Vi., daily, excefej Sunday,, at 7:30 p.m. for New York T$et,.,affording oppor tunity for. through passengers from the South, Susriwest and i. West to visit Richmond fold Point5 Comfort, and -Virginia Bfetpb eh route. For tickets and j?ftral information apjplyi to railroad tiketl tents; or to M. B. CRO WELL General ;A? nt, Norfolk, Va.; J. F. MAYEB, Agents lmMain St., Rfchmond, Va. H. B-. WALKER, iffii? Maiager, J.J. BR0WH, Ge&'l Passenger A?t." juo u. -i- flew tors, a. I, 3l . ! FLOUR, HI 1 , -aa-n ri-.T CORN, MEA COFFEE, .ETC., AT ROCK iOTTDMPpiCES. D. Mc-ACHERU Wholesa itter & Naval Stores. o Nat Delay ! BUT'Y6feftCbRATIONS NOW -'' '- U tR THE '.; !' - : FIREMrVN'SlTOURNAMENT. FLAGS. FESTOONING WREATHS. ; HORSE pi:,uUies,. STARS. IS i ' "'' TISSWi FLOWERS, CREI B; TISSUE, :. :. ALJf COLORS TISSUE . P iPERi DECORATIVE PAINTS,. JAP- iNESE PARASOLS, ' LANpRNS, fcc. & CO. BOOK SELLEt f AH1 STATI01TERS, ' - --vW" rr J. E; MINN ANT, No. 6 Sou F'rqirtisJ.t Wilmington; N. C. if: First class; ReTiurant, where meals cprrwl at. - a1.' hours, and at mod- lerate prices Frfi js6upr from eleven a. m to one p,an g july4,tf I , Statement of THE MliROHISON , j- ? 1 OF WILMINT0N, Si nn i " ilriris EiAVE 7 v - ;- 5. ,fCt the Closd oi Business,1 June" 29th, 1900, -54'f Beganrbusiness At ,-$B3ltJROI3S.. F " - '., Loans and disc up ts.:..,.,;? 374,141 07 3,135 00 U. S. Bonds Utl.u, ....... y Premium on,!U.Hi. jBonds ... , Five ' p e r een4;redemption fund. .v54v--Li..' ........ Revenue Stamps 1 4- Office Furnltuti.is . . . .. Cash on hand' SHdkln banks 195,100 00 6,572 00 7,400 00 456 00 750 00 182,337 24 Total lair. .;. . j .-, . ? 7M,m si r'vOtf WE SOLICIT We can Furhisf ;you Every Aecommodation.Cobsistent with Safe Banking Statemiilf the Wilmington Savings arid Trust Co At the 6i isc of Business June 30th, 1900, Condensed from Report to ' '' - ' : A : tl ' Corporation Commission. . I . : RESOURCES Loans and I Discn ts-. . . . 678;232 43 Real Estate l .assJ... U. ... 3,000 00 100 00 ioo oo 65,827 00 20,105 40 Furniture arid JMtures.,. . .. Burglar sate, an posit Boxes Due from GltyV Due y from. . f Q ht-i .Banks J. W. KOR0qDitresident. m - C E. TAYLOR, osaaiety oe- anks and . ..-..'. .. p f-t o w n i'lilHl'' S 767,364 83 ' 1 itm , ' '. "-. .- -v. THE NIV SAVINGS BANK - ; 1 ' .! Front Street, Opposite the Post Office. Tbe duirdfan Security, Trust and Deposit Co., OF WILMINGTON, N. C. DIRECTORS : J. !S. ARMSTRONG. M. W. DIVINE. W. G. WHITEHEAD. la. c MCQUEEN, d R C HOLT. J. H. CHADBOUlt :i'..l.: Dpnnaita mad -with us will draw CENT, par anhWnl, for every, entire of month suecjfefeUng deposit. - We invite yowjfti) open an account best SERiVICKd SECURITY.; Report 'ot the Condition ' OF THE- i Atlantic National Bank,j At Wilmington. In the State of Nortn 5 Carolina; at the close of Busi r "ness, June 29, 1900. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts......; .L. rm,i79 73 Overdrafts, secured and unsecur ed.....;-. '282 50 ! U. 8. Bonds to secure circulation. . U. 8. Bonds to secure U. 8. deposits Banking-house, furniture, and - 65.000 eo 150,500 eo I 10,000 00 I fixtures .-' - TtiiA from National Banks not l Reserve Aarents . . ooacj is Due from State Banks andBankers 100,137 . 66 Due - from approved reserve . agents..-. .v.. .. 127,965 57 Checks, and other cash - ' items.. Liw e - Notes of other National Banks. IfioOW Fractional paper cur- ; reacy,- nicseis ana . cents..... 844 23 - , Lawful Monet Res- v . XBVX IN BANK, Tit: Specie ........... ..$33,000 Legal tender notes.45,000. . .78,000' 00 $87,593 09 3.380 00 Redemption fundwithU. S. Treas urer (5 per cent, of circulation (Total... .1 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in $1,388,001 28 ... $125,000 eo Burwus tuna... ,. Undilvided profits, - less expenses ana taxes paid National Bank notes outstanding. Due to other National ; Banks..,..,;.... , . 55,060 30 Due to State Banks and - Bankers . : . 68,974 47 Dividends Unpaid .- . 3,123 00 Individual deposits sub ject to oheck. ,.,,,:. 839,571 68 Cashier's checks out standing -. 1,834 00 50,000 00 57,963 78 B0,6UU UU United States deposits. .; 130,875 00 1,089,437 45 : ' '- -.'!'-' : - y Total.l...I.v...J.;, .$1,388,001 28 State or North Carolina, i 1 County of New Hanover, f ss I, J. W. Norwood, president of the above-named bank, do. solemnly swear that the above statement' is -true to the best of my knowledge and belief. J.W. NOUWOOO, . ' V President,- . Subscribed and sworn to before me this 7th day. of July, 190Q, . . - , W. J. TOOMER, ' ! 1 .Notary Public, Correct Attest: . S. P. McNAlR. ; - H. L. VOLLERS, ! WM. E. SPRINGER. ' Directors Report of the ( .ondition r OF TH?? Dl 'V At Wilmington, la tbf State of Ndtth : Carolina, at' the close of busi ness, Jun- 29, 1900. RESOURCES, Boana and discoisnta.... ..-I.$ 352,380 8 verdrafts, secured and unsecur- . ed--, ...... v.... ..C ....... , 447 96 XT. S. BondSto secure circulation.. 50,000 00 U. S. Bonds to secure U. S. deposits 50,000 00 stocK securities, etc.. . .. .. 1,000 uu Banking-house, furniture abd UXtures.;.. ............ .......... 23,000 00 Other real estate, Owned.... . .. A... 3,-918 88 Due. frOm National Banks (not Re- . serve Agents. 4i,ziu a : ue frdm State Banks and Bankers 19.468 44 Due from approved reserve agents 4,731 82 Internal-Revenue-stamps t 243 63 Checks and other cash items. ...... i 3,520 33 Notesof other National Banks.... 2,490 00 rj.agt qnai paper currency, mcKejs and cents'... 138 41 Lawful Money Reserve in Bank, Specie ....... L....r... 8,109 00 iegai-tender notes ......... 7,000 00 Redemption fund, wth. U. S. Treasr- (5 per cent, of -circula-, . tion......... . . .... . I 15,109 00 2,497 50 Total. V .$ 569,756 19 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in.. :,.. .. 100.000 'OO Surplus fund.... 80.-000 00 Undivided' profits, less expenses " " ' -and taxes paid..: . . . 2.353 83 National Bank nptes outstanding 4,4950 00 D,Ue to oth er Nati qia.1 Banks. '. v . . ia.308 04 ! flue to State Baijks and Bankers. , 5,79185 inue iq -4'rust companies ana av- I inns Banks j., ,,.,,.?, fh videnda unpaid ',.-.. ndividual j deposits subject ' to check i'. . , .... ...... T.762 59 .663 00 243,914 02 Certified checks Cashier's checks outstanding United States deposits.. Notes and bills rediscounted Bills payable i 3,359 87 47,500 00 35,000 00 50 (uo qo Tptalr;. ...1... 569,754 19 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. i County of New Hanover. f -J : '' r i I, J. W.i - Yates, . cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear - that the above statement is true to the best of my-knowledge-, and belief. ., " " ".,"': j . . J. W. YATES, " ! I-' . U Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me tnis vtn aay or JUiy, law. i W. p,, ARMSTRONG, . Notary Public. Correct Attest: j J. G.'L. GIESCHEN,. C. W, YATES. - -r JNO. " S. ARMSTRONG. ' I . " '". - . Directors. Try Fairview Dairv 7ERATE0 I 1 ' '- 16 ats. $1.00. PURITY AND CLEANLINESS, jnel4v ! " .' Condition of ' : NATIONAL BANK, NORTH CAROLINA. March 1st, 1899). LIABILITIES. Capital Stock' .......... .. . Profits less expenses . -. Circulation j;. ., Deposits .: 1 :: . . ' . . . .. 200,000,00 , 27,818 54 147,950 00 394,122 77 Total ..$.769,891 31 YOUR ACCOUNT. LIABILITIES Capital Stock .........7... .$ 25,000 00 Profits less taxes and. ex penses paid Deposits . . .: 25,672 03 716,692 80 $ -767,364 83 H. WALTERS! Vice Presldeni Jr.. Cashier. WM. CALDER. ISAAC BEAR. M. J. CORBETT. INTEREST at the rate of - POUR PER calendar month, computing from the first t ; ' -., K- ' - : with us and guarantee - you the very . - 11 on II 11111IIIU I VII I MILK 10,000 SACKS AMERICAN ' FINE SALT NOW; LANDING. Orders Filled Promptly. GroceriesdndProvisions i In Great Variety. I Hall & Pearsall, j WHOLESALE GROCERS, (. NUTT & MULBERRY STREETS. The One Among Many. The one make of instruments that holds its tone through a generation of usefulness. ' . STIEFF PIANOS. Are not .built for show they are con structed with experienced - can last a lifetime and more, yet their cost is very moderate; considering their quality. Send us your address . and you'll immediately get any illustratec! Catalogue and Book of Suggestions. Accommodating Terms . . j i Pianos of other makes to suit most economical. 1 CHARLES M. STIEFF, WAREROOMS LIBERTY ST., Factories, Block of East Laayette Ave., Alkenand Lanvale Sts., :!.',:. Baltimore. Md. - RESTAURANT AND BAR. WILI BE GLAD TO WELCOME myold Friends and Customers to my : now Kestaurant j ana .tsar, just op4ned at Old Hewlett Place, on Ocean Viewj Beach. "Meals a all hours. Good service. Respectfully, - jMiyi.tf f. P. Hard wick, i VESTlBUlEa Double Daily Service BETWEEN NEW YORK, TAMPA, ATLANTA, NEW ORLEANS and POINTS SOUTH and WEST. Schedule in Effect June 3rd, 1900. Train Leaves Wilmington 3:05 p. m., ar- 41. rives Lumber ton 5:14 p. m., Pem broke 5:35 p. m.. Maxton 6:06 p. ;. m., Hamlet 7:05 p. m., Wadesboro ' 8:20 p. m., Monroe 9:20 p: m., Char . lotte 10:20 p. m., Athens. Ga., 3:4c ' a', m., Atlanta 6:05 a.'.m. ' Close connection at Atlanta for- Mont- gomery, Mobile, New Orleans anc all points in Texas. "Mexico an3 California; also for Chattanooga, . Nashville,' Louisyllle. St. Louis, Cincinnati, Chicago,, and western and northwestern points. . Connects at Hamlet with train No. 27 foi Columbia, Savannah, Jacksonville, Tampa and other Florida points: . also with train No. 44 for Raleigh, V Petersburg, Richmond, Washing ton, Baltimore, and New York. - Other trains leav Hamlet as follows: Train No. 31 (Florida Limited) for Columbia and points south at 6:51 a. m. Train. No. 403 for . Monroe, i . . i Charlotte. Llneolnton. Shelby and Rutherford ton, Athens. Atlanta and all points southwest at 6:50 a. m. Train No. 33 for Raleigh, Norfolk and. points north t 9:0." a. va. Train No. 66 for Raleigh Richmond, and point? north at 9:2( a. m. 1 Through Pullman sleepers from Hamlei . . . 1 1 i ... -. , - iu u pujiusf norm, aouin anc southwest. i Train Leaves Hamlet at 8:20. a. m., ar 3S. rives Maxton 9:05 a. m.. Pembrokt 9:31 a. m., ,1umberton 9:53 a. m., Wilmington 12:05 noon. . This train fakes passengers at Hamlet from train No. 31 (Florida Limited) leaving Richmond at 10:40. p. m. and arriving at Hamlet at 6:45 a. m. Frem train No. 403 leaving Norfolk at 9:30 p. m., arriving al -Hamlet at 7:10 a.'m. From train No. 38 leaving Atlanta at 9:00 p. m. and, Charlotte at 5:45 a. m.r ar J n nvms ai namiet at Ilia a. m. I Other trains arrive at Hamlet as fol- i! lows: Train 402 Se AUaiS. riving at Hamlet at 7:45 a. m. Rutherrordton, i Shelby, ' Lincoln- ton, Charlotte and Monroe at 9:0C p. m. Train No. 41 from Ports mouth at 7:10 p. m. Train No. 2, from Richmond and oQlcts north at 10:27 t. m. . Triiin No. 44 fraai Columbia' and Doints coutn at -:i)i Dr m.. and train No from Columbia and points south i at 9:00 a. m. Tor Tickets, Sleepers' Etc.. aDDly to I - ! , . THOS. D. MEARES, i Gen'l Agent. Wilmington, N. C. E. ST. JOHN, - Vice President and General Manager H. W. B. GLOVER, Traffic Manager. V- E. MeBEE, General Superintendent Lu "S. ALLEN, Gen'l Pass. Agent. General Offices, Portsmouth, Va f ERN RAILWA the: IAND4RD KAILWAT ii-- - .' : rK SOUTH J In Oirect Linoio Ail Pint. 1 TEXAS ; : . CALIFORNIA FLORIDA. V' ; '( : .'..'.. i - ' " ; I- OUBA AND ; PORTO RICO: i SritlCl LY FIRST-CLASS KQUIP. merit on all Tbroaeh and Local Trains; Pullman Palace sleeping Cars un an mign.i J. rains; r'akt ana (sare i Hcneanies- ' -? 1 ravel by the Southern and yon are assured a safe, comfortable . ana expeditious journey, . j Apply: to ticket agents for time tables I i rate and general information,- i or adaresa R. L. VERNON, ; F. RJ DARBY,; ; - ' j T. P. "A., u C. P. & T. A, Charlotte. N. C. Asheville. NT l- ..--.' - i I No fouble to Answer Questions FRANK S GANNON, J H CULP, W A TURK 3d V.P. & Gen. Man. Traf. Man. G.P.A I Woart1nrtATi T ATLANTIC & NORTH CAROLINA! R. R. d: r '- Time Table in Effect March U, 1900 .1 &SX5ar53?9Ztm mnntAn Iff" f- I i Pass'ger Pasa'ger. Eastbound Trains. Daily. Sunday ' -'.I'" -, - - ' ' - -v -'Only. - Leave Goldsboro .... 3:40pm 7:40am Leave .Kinston ...... 4:32 pm 8:30 am Leave: New Bern ... 5:50 p m 9:50 am Arrive Morehead .... 7:02 p m 1102 a m 1 - - -. ' - ; . Pass'gerlPaaa'ger. Westbound Trains. - Daily. Sunday '- ; . - : ; ' ' . . . : Only. Leave Morehead .... 7:27 a m 4:27 p m Leave New Bern 9:00 am 5:45 pm Leave Kinston 10:12 a m 6:47pm Arriva Goldaboro ... 11:06 am 7:40 pm t : ; 6. L. DLLU mar IS. " Superintendent, eo; .! Schedule In Effect1 May 27tb. 1900. i- Departures from Wilmington, t 1 NORTHBOUND. ' ' . DAILY NO. 48. Passenger Due Mag 9:35 A.,IM. nolla 11:10 a. m.,-. Warsaw .11:24 a. m., Goldsboro 12:21 p. m.j . i Wilson 1:18 p. m., Rocky Mount I 1:48 p. m.. Tarboro 2:31 p. m., - i ' . Weldon 4:32 p. m.. Petersburg i i 6:28 p. m.. Richmond 7:25 pm.. ; 1 Norfolk 6:55 p. m.. Washington i 11:20 p. m., Baltimore l:03a- m., Philadelphia 3:50 a. m New . r York 6:63 a., m., fBoston 3:00 ' i - p.m... .. v -- DAILY NO. 40. Passnger.-Jue TMag 7)0 P. M. nolia 8:30 p.- m.. Warsaw 8:43 . .! . p. m.. Goldsboro 9:37 p. m., Wil ! on j0:30 p. m., ATarboro 66 -a. m.. Rocky Mount 11:15 p. m.. - . Weldon 1:00 a. L. fNorfolk 10:25 1 ' 2:. m- Petersburg 2:37 a. nw - Richmond 3:2ST a. m., Washlng- .ton 7 Htt aiym,. Baltimore 8:20i a. ui., x-uiio.aeiD'nia io:35 a. m - (New TLotk 1:03 "p. m., Boston : DAILY NO. B0-Passenger Due Jack- except sonvillar 4:13 p. m. New Bern Sunday 8:40 p m. , St2K n m.i ' DAILY W. 65. Passenger Due Lake raccamaw 1 4:44 p. m., ; Chad- urn 5:25 p. m., iManon 6:29 p. Florence vuo p. m., Sumter 8:67 p. m., Columbia 10:20 p; m.. Denmark 5:55 a. m.. Augus- - 45.7:65 a. m., Macon . 11 : 15 a. m., Atlanta 12:3a p. m., Charleston , 10 ;65 p. m.. Savannah 1:50 a. m.. "Jacksonville 7:30 a. m., Sti Au-i gustlne 10:30 a. m., Tamp 10:00 : v.- m. - i - --1 I ' WEST BOUND. DAILY NO. 53. Passenger Due Fay; 900 A, M. etteville 12:05 p. m., leaves Fay i etteville 12:25 p. m.. arrive 1 ... Sanford 1:43 p. , m. ; ? , ARRIVALS AT WTLMINGTON. F"R'O.Vt j ; .; , , THE NORTH, i - ' 1 DAILY NO. 49. Passeng-er Leave Bos 6KJ0 P. M. ton? 1:C3 p. m New York 9:3C p. ia., Pnuadelphla T2:20 a. m., Baltimore 2:65 a. m., Washing- r ton 4:30 a. m., Richmond -9:05. a. m., Petersburg 9:48 a. " m. Norfolk 9:00 a. m., Weldon 11:5Q a. m., Tarboro 121 p. m.. . Rocky Mount 12 p. m., Wil son 2:40 p.. m., Goldsboro -3:30 ' p. m.. Warsaw 4:22 pj m.. .Mag nolia 45 p. m. 1 DAILY NO. 41. Passenger. Leave Bos 9:20 A. M. ton 12:00 night. New York 9:00 a. m., .fmiadeipma 11:33 a. m., Baltimore 1:46 p. m., Washing ton 3:07 p. m.. Richmond 6:5 . m., Petersburg 7:33 p, ifc., tNorfolk 2:20 p. m., Weldon 9:06 p. m. frarDoro 6:00 p. m. Rocky ; ; ! Mount 6:25 a. m., leave Wilson j . - 5:57 a. m., Goldsboro 6:45 a. m., Warsaw 7:38. a. m.. Magnolia ' 1 7:51 a. m. 1 ' , - ' j DAILY NO. 61. Passenger. Leave New j except Bern9:00,a.'m, Jacksonville 10:24 1 Sunday a. m. ' 12:15 p. m. i ' j j FROM THE SOUTH. ! DAILY NO. 64 Passenger Leave Tami 1:20 P. M.-pa 7:00 a. m., Sanford 12:05 p; . '. I j m., Jacksonville 8:30 p. m.Sa- r ! vannah 2ri0 a, m.. Charleston ; t i- e: a. m., Atlanta 7:60 a. m.i Macon 9:00 a. m.. Augusta 2:3 . ft. m- Denmark 4:24 p, jn; Co umbia 6:40 a, m., Sumter 8:05 p. m., Florence 9:50 a. m.i Marion 10:39 a., m., Chadbourn 11:41 a. m.- Lake Waccamaw 12:08 a. m. -i - ,- I EAST BOUND. ! DAILY.! NO. . R!P.'i.pn?pT.1 6:40 A. M. Sanford 2:30 p. m., arrive Fay. etteville 3:41 p.jm., leave Fhy-i. I ; etteville 3:46 p. m. y Behnettsvllle Branch Train leaves, Bennettsville 8:05 a. m.. Maxton 9:10 a. m. ; Red Springs 9:46 a. m:. Hope Mills 10:32 a, m., arrive Fayettevllle 10:55 a; m.;i ; Returning leaves Fayettevllle 4 :i P-oJ11-' Hope Mills 4:55 p. in.. Red Springs 5:35 p. m., Maxton 6:15 p. m.. arrive-Ben-nettsvUle 7:15. p. m. . v TCpnnecaons at Fayettevllle 'with train J NOj 78, at Maxton with the Carolina Cen-' $?ai Railroad, at RedJ Springs with the Red Springs and BQmore Railroad, at Sanford With the SeatmnrH Air T.in or,. Southern .Railway, at Gulf with th Dur-, ham and i Oharlott" : Rflllrnn 1 -r ham and j Charlotte Railroad. T)"ain between Rocky Mount Uu.a mond leave Rocky Mount 7:15 'a. m. ari rive Weldon 8:17 a. m.. arrive " Peters, -bufg" 10:18, a. m.. arrivfe Richmoiul 11 u a m. .1 .-f 1 . T Trains on the Scotland Neck Bran'h Road leave Weldon 3:55 p: ra., Halifax 4:1? p. m.. arrives Scotland Neck at 5-u p.; m.. Greenville 6:57 p. m., Kinston 7.:55 p.; .;m. Returning leavea Kihstoh 7:50 a! m.,! Greenville 8:52 a.. m:. -arriving Halii fax .11:18 a. m.. Weldon 11:33 a. m. daiHi except Sunday. ... i " ' ' . -n?rl,.ns Kshlnton Branch- laave Washington 8:10 a. m.. and 2:30 n. m" arrive Parmele 9:10 a. m. and 4:QQ n m" i?4Uf,nIl leSZe parmele 9:35 . m." and 6,35 J"-' arrive Washington U:00 a m . ' and 7:30 p. m. Daily except Sunday. . &Ln 'av'es Tarbwra. N.'!., dally ex- cept Sunday 6:30 pi w.. Sunday 4:15 p. mj arrives Plymouth 7:40 p. m.. and 6:10 p.' ' LilRlturnl,ls,1ives Plymouth daily ex cept Sunday 7:50 a. m.. and Sunday 9 06 a. ra arrives Tarboro 10:10 a. m and tt' a- m: t - -'-";" i'- i Trains leave Sunday 5:30 a. Goldsboro daily exeejii 6:40 a. m. Returning lomr i c- 7.0- . 1 ------ o , eg, ! UIII! .- , , 3a a. mJ arrives at GoMsboroi 9:00 a. m Tjlfin -,r0n - Nashville- Branch -'leaves arrives ivashville 10:20 a. m.. .4:03 p. ml Spring HoDe 11:00 a. m -ok .Jr i'v turning-" Immo Bn.u ti 455 DSm aiffg,,He 11:20 a- " i;T L? ?,astt IV.45. A ?. 5:25 p. STAR " ; j r, -""ajf JW.0U111 iz:iu a. m.. 6:00 p. m.j -dally except Sunday. " fnuPJ?1!0,11 Brancn leaves Warsaw Ht?lilir' except Sunday. 7:45 c'linMn: 4;2 p- mS Returning, leaves Clinton 6:45 a., m.. and 10:50 a.) m. 1 . riTIaTn9leart, Pee Dee 10:13 a. m.. ar ? i058 a'- m- returning leavea .!&Uftta 6:35 P-; m" pee Dee 7:00- P4 V JJt3011 S4"1? Branch leave Board man 3:00 p. m.. Chadbourn 6:35 p. m r- tLJ?Z f0" W-50 a ,m.. arrive" Boardman 12:25 p. m. Daily except Sun- iTama j leave Sumter 5;35 p.i m: Man-i o:u p. m.. arrive Lanes 6:42 . i :09 m., i arrive Sumter 9:40 a. m ra?i a. I ."Georgetown and Western -RaiirnaA leaves Lanes 9:3 a. m.. 7:40 p. m.. arrive Georgetown 12:00 a,, m.. S:00 V m. leave Georgetown 7:00 a. m.. 3:30 pTm' arrive Trains leave Florence dally except Sun-' ay 9:50 a. to., arrive Darlington 10:13 a - m.,;;iartsvllle 9:15 p. m.. Cheraw n-sa a. ' m. Wadesboro. 12:35 p. m. Leave Flor ' ence daily except Sunday 7:55 p. ta., ar-i riye Darlington 8:20 p. m.. Bennettsv41e; 9:171 p. m Gibson 10:20 p. ra. Leave -Florence Sunday, only 9:30 a.; m., arrive uaruiisivu xu.uu a. ra. . t . : Xieave-Gibson dany exeunt Suridav' n'-.tMi a. ;m.; Bennettsville 7:00 a. m.. arrive Darlington 8:00 a. m.. leave Darlington -8:60 a. m., arrive -Florence 9:15 a. m. ire Wadesboro . dally except Sunday ; 4:10p. m.. Cheraw 5:1a p. m., HartsviUe f 7:0Q a. nr, Darlington '6:29 p. m., arrive Florence 7:00 -p. m. Leave": Darlington. Sunday, only 8:50 a. m.. arrive Florence 9:18 a. mi. - - ,.-.-' Wilsonand .Fayettevllle Beanch leave" Wlteon 1:59 p. m.; 10:40 p..m.. arrive Sel ' mas-2:4i p. an.. U:24 p. m.. Smithfleld 3:02 p. m., Dunn3:40 p. m., Fayettevllle 4:25 p. m.j 12:19 a. m.. Rowland 6:00 p. m., return-' lng; leave Rowland 10:58 a, m., Fayette4 vllie 12:20 p. ni.. 9:41 p. mT. Dunn 1:04 p.r mJf Smithfleld 4:43 p. m.. Selma 1:50 n .m.l04 :p.- m., 'arrive Wilson 2:35 p. m,.L 11:33 a. m. V -- ' - , ITralns leave Sumter 4:05 a. m.. Cre ton 4:54 a. m.. arrive Denmark 5:5V a. m.. Returning, leave Denmark 4:34 p.: m. Creston 6:22 p. m.. Sumter 6:10 m.! Dally. T . . .- --'., . " - j- 'Trains Heave Creston 5:45 a.! m.. arrive Pregnolls 9:15 a. m. Returning, leav Pregnalls 10:00 a. m.. arrives Creston. 8:50--, p. m. i Daily except Sunday. i Trains leave Elliott 10:35 a. ta.. ana ar-i rive Lucltnow 12:15 p. m. Returning, leave i.ucKncw lay p. m.. arrive Euiotts 3 30 p. m. Dally except Snday. ' ,Ttaiiy (except Sunday. Sunday only. H. !M. EMEP.SOf I. Gen'l Passenger Agent . J. R..KENLT, Gen'l Manager. T. M. EMERSON. r7-tks Mxhaa- ',1. CLYDE STEAMSHIP CO YORK, WILMINGTON, N. C,: NEW AND GEORGETOWN. S. C LINIS. NTEW YORK. FORriWTLMINQTON. : j '.. ;: ,;. v. N.'.q.-;V; f :V.-' S. S. Oneid.. ....Saturday,-' July 7th S. . Sagfnaw...., Saturday, f July 14th WTLMINGTON, N. FOR NEW J ;- ' -:V';; ' ' ' YORK.: :'.f:':: I- , 8. SajSnaw.. V.; Saturday, t July Tth S. S. Oneida ..Saturday, July 14th FROM WILMINGTON. N.. C, FOR; I ji -j . GEORGETOWN. S. C.,- 8. 8. Oneida...!. .Tuesday, July 10th S- S. Saginaw.. ... Tuesday, July 17th i Oneida -does not carry passengers. I Through bins of lading and 1 loweat through rates guaranteed to, and frpm polnita in North and South Carolina. Fjo freight or passage, apply to r - .H. G. SMALLBONES. ! :- Superintendent, j EGER, General Manager.- ' W ffta's Street. N. 1, THEO. G, TLANTIC COAST LINE R. R. V 1 r vk A' ;:- r: III ; ; ' ', t " ; -''-'ii -A ' ; AA:f:4 A t-A ' ( r