5 S the wiLMiKGToij MESfeENcnii, "wedkesj 'Ay, jtjl 17, lttoi. JACKSON BELL COMPACT. TEKM8 OF SUBSCRIPTION POSTAGE PREPAID. THE DAILY MESSENGER by mail on year IT. 00. lx month IJ-W. thr.- muollit $1-75. on month 40 cents. Served la tb cJty at 0 cent a month; om week 15 cent; UTS for t hrei month, or 17.00 a year. THE SEMI-WEEKLY MESSPNCKK Itwu S-page paper), by mall on y.-ar H00. sis month. 60 cent In a J !. WKDNirsPAY. Jl'I.Y I. AH IO INDI'HTIIUI. THAI M Mi. r . r.tur, .! t- !-i lh.it 1 !: rial tra::-. :r-.g .- X 1 1 1 will to rti - , .f t h.- . .uth T b.'tli i;n--.! l:i th.- us- ' th 1. 1 ,i . .:. I f.ut t. mu h . in t- .1. It H to i-Jjiat' ! r--;--r! but so far .u l:-.lu.- il . 'Ilk atioti t- t o:u rr.. ;r.l ( ill t'lCfW. Uat ; triki- u. Th-r- t. no a . i.i .ml l,.r-.K beg'.nr.:r.c with I' Wa.ihin.-t.'n. for :ioktc lritiustrt.i : f th- : r ;a 1 II in W. thir.k that It is b-tt-r ru-.- than th-- . -"Unary ul'.-i;. r ih !.- . tior. Th- h:! :.ii'.J I r. : - 1 lustnal -lu at!..-i r.o Joi:W It : opinion of .n able a r-ior.thly J nil i th.- i'h.itt.in''i;i Tra. t h it 1.-th r.v- -s :. ! :t. if. ! t h-l-rli.i; :lm"t as ruu- h .it lor r.i - It .-i No whit. .;';! i ' Sri r.- ' tn ti ir.-l; : if', .if.-1 th- a; i .i-! o J. al s. l-r.. - t ha :-. ! th- lnt. la-:it .H:;h. r:i firtf.-rs af. chant i'ur l)' ar- ut t r at or".- ; r-f-s-'f. f .r ar- .:' of i hush ho. .. a, a I.-rr. W.- ar- tr i m-v haru. --U' h a ar; -f.t- : n-t rr.a'n- r. n-.a. h : f . rs t . af-1 ' or th- l;t Th- ..';th-rr. . has f. i cr-; t t k ' htte ; : I L K I: ' w hsi.- fath-rs vr- not ; v r 'i-.on- .'i;-rt t r. t h- r- .ntlrcly I tut th- r f i- : r-t-- ';: our .otith-rn -a hi'- t . f c - ; :n.m w h i t in anl ..ni- -.Juatun t to :n.-. ha:.;, a I. r'.r A to ? s of th. n- -at-! :n Th- Tr i : tn th- foil, t h- -r is. of t..t h r i i: . i:-I with f i ! . Tr.i l-.n-.-ir. H - ! -. i v iuf. - , r ; th-.- iri or. I . -rv.s. . :: , ar'i t . - . - . . r w hit- !i" .tr. ill r- turn to th- i :-. t i a " -tr - -f. -.' me I assaiC- i f. ' ' i . h ir - .i ' t .T-. t .. ! :- ' - -! ru-. ! f t - XT. a s no but t a:i t- rra n'.an : Shout.:.: n t ...Is - x - ! i th- !ar ma S. ho, , !o n-ra 1- i'. iv : ; r '. - n-v W h . '. ' ty k--5.tr.r .:; a n th- sub: '. t An.- tolU .lo'lht ;t V-un h li'ii a :. -v ho ; r. i mjni to .-'ur- nl trh t -r.ti If is H'- r- !:: to t !- h in;' h- ' s. - n -If 1 h.s pro;. his fr. or i t i k i n Thai--1 t ; la.-, i ;-u !-f t ! b th. h. t h. h : r. , st r r i ! i . t h : sr f- N 1. n sm - M-s...-:-.. r-! to th f.-'A. or th r t t hat but . or--. ; i ho af-:-. b nt- " ' of ir b- -rs -v -al lf t - i h trr i ' - .r th-;-r-! i tht s,.uth t- h a r- K w t- of 'h- "j; :1s of , : on s :i-.a r. b :: : 1 '.vork-r-s : r. aft-r t -. T- hnol.-y or . 1.1-ntifii-I !n.!ustr1-s Hut : t s. h'Is of !(Trb-uit .. s.-r-l -viu-a t-.l. "k -. -. W- w -r- i ni ; r ;f. Th. -h- n-..wf th. th i f ... t : th. - i'.-l !T-.-n ill r i r nt s? it-m-r.t If. th is N'-w s Its r-n-.arks i: .r - : t t r-. It s.i vs Th- f irm- rs ar th- -:. N ho la i i la.s tax for t h- u. at. on f'jf-1 Th- tax . :: : turn larc- sums ir.f . th- - h. -ach y-ar for th- -lucat;or-. h!Mr-n of th- wh-lc ;--o; !-farm-rs. -onst 1 1 u t in iz thr-. ' t h t h. .rt hs th- i.-puIa-bT. ar.r-.ot f.n-l :-' an ir i.u! t ural h.; -rth th- "itf.-Th- stat- -ts from th- f !-rii fi.'tr. n-.-nt . a. h y-nr Tarif- sums 1 :i : -n-!- ! for acrii ultural -duration Th- nr.-t.-rs.' n m.l-l Urm al Ath-r.s was rri ltv thoroughly n;-ott I th Hon for- r.rown a car or ... a;o ir-.l at on- tlm- It s-nie.l llk-'.v tint ho asitxtlon uoub! r-sult In son: -him: !u! h- s,.ms to hav- -all- ! off th !o:s wh-n his fri-n.l -a - : t , h.in. -Uor of th- ur.iv-rsitv Th- r- h i b n a sul'ntiin of r-u!'';- ; itiinr sin. - rh.in.'.'llor Hill w-nt bit !:- - ii -ins.- .-v-rvN-i.! - thought it fur to tiv- him tlm- to .io om.-thl-: Isn't It aN-iut tim somthinn was !-lf.K .Ion for th- farmers'" ;t Is a fart that the farm !t-'.f Is an excellent ool. Hut to tram outh r'.ftht th hea.l mut W fullv ril; i"- ! with enllichten 1 hralns x; n-n. -. ami Industry Th- nr-at-s; fob o . rals-r ever known In th- T'rit 1 St it- was the late IVr.nls TUb of . ;ra:-.IIle He was very nearly on illlt-rit- H . averas 1 hlh-r r-turr.s for his rot.n . o than any other farm-r of r or 1 Hut he understood, the art of nnklr. th-fln-st tobacco, better than any .-xtrt fach-r ever known In any l-iil'in' . h.ol He U-(trned it by Industrious application and sound Judgment Some year h- avera-d from 11 t :k) to -vry employee or hand h- work-d Hut a jf'nuine acricuJtural . ollese of the b.-t kind one that teach-s the b-st way to firm, ho' to enrl. h lands, pro duce manures- obtain the b-st r.-ul-s Is Indited a (Cr-at desideratum iT-or-ClA haj a new clsancellor In charr- of the allefred Agricultural ...11-- H ha done but little to lrrrrov- upn an Incompetent predecessor Th- Fv.-nmu News wishes) to know on--thir and asks "Now the question arises m the minds of the farmers, will Chancellor Hill tolerate th- same old fraud th hollow pretense of a mod-1 farm when there wa nosae and the fl tion of an agricultural colleire which has no ex istence except In so far as th- general work of aclenc bsnefits agriculture'" srrci i..tion axi itot.rixs. X Washington sj'lal to nn .mil Hryan pr-r telLs of Hrvan s growing Isolation." The same special nnnouns that Mwlon Sutler says he is tir-d of free silTer." Senator Jones says th battle In 1H will be waged on new UnsMi. Henry Watterson. who much In jured Bryan's prospects in l'O. says that "Bryan has had his day " The F 1 Heistiell's Ointment Mm FsiM. Trr 11 oa an ooati oal cm of II pas, Ukws, &in Worm. Rtotch ' aar Skin IX Ask roar ron-lst lor IX. Br mall S0c a box. lisa.airi Soap, tor f skla. Sta. outlook la rot now favorable to hU nomination In 190s He has been con- latent ana laitnxul and deserved r better fat. Bryan no doubt sees the nanawritin on the wall, and like a wise man Is not now seeking the Im possible Ho should not countenance any effort to divide and disintegrate the democratic party. We do not look for sui h a -ours- from him W.itt-rson r.ith. r unstable nnd Infirm in his tl.-al principles, and seeking to be a prophet often fails to be pro- ph-tb- In fait. says, and It Is much a i--. r tiian many of his d-.I.iration Now. as in days Rune by. it i t h- t..ys In the trenches on whom the party and th- country must rely. If Mr Itry.in Is . ise he w ill fall In with the r.st Ail that he can do by staying out will b- to sow seeds of future trouble to discreanixe and disgruntle. and in the , rid to lose mu. h of the ( red- It he has won Hr-s.-ntly th- tramp th- 1-ki..:is will b- hean' t r-a. 1 i n u dow n all b-fore It." We regret to se. that the Itryar. sup port, rs in c'l- el. nl hio. have b ltiHl and are trying to organ:z- a new party Th- bolt-rs will hold a -tat riven f.n at ''l-.land u:i th- I.i-t day of Ju! It is interesting to h-ur from th- al l-g. -j t-a lers It is reported that ' they want greater Issues to th- front" than sil.r is now It is given out. true or false, that the d-mcHratn hulld-rs of th.- national platforms of h: and 19. are r.ot in taor of for. nig fi- e silver ::.to the state platforms this year, ot to rer-o-.v th- tight on that Issue in th near future I hat is plain common s. ::-. That iur ould not be car ried Th- Washington correspondent of th l It in, ore un. a staun. h gold bil" i all along, writes on the H;h n:.-t : The mo'! ridii.il loU.-at-s of fl -ll-r believe It wollll be unwise, if viewed from no other point than thai o; in- interest hi suv.-r Its.-i.. to tone it !:.;-. th- fight inopportunely Mor over, nthi r Issued are regarded as of too grave Important e in admit of their b-ing jeopardized by dispute within th- party ov.-i diff-r.-n. es impossibl of s-rtletr.ent at this t:u:-" ' i ..urse there ar-- fns of thousands f true u nbla no h. d democrats all around th- country who are bini-tal ist.s t.ut ar-.-l out. and a ill . v-r remain so. and who are for pressing the tiht farther. They l. heve that Cleveland's light hand man Svu.-t.irv C.itli-1 vjs right w h. n 1:1 his great sjn-.-ch in h. I n i ted States senate m i, h. so t-itt-ilv and b i.i s t Ingi v d-iiou:. . 1 th rime against th- Am-rban p. .u i- m .monetizing silver In su. !i a ra-.ally t-althv .vav. ilii l.u mi; that it u.iH '-re disastrous than w.n-. p. -til-n.. ml fa III n - 1 b ; t t h- d-mov I a t s at iai g .vhib- remaining I'.rm and liv-d as to Iv.r ar- riot 1 m prai 1 1 a ble and UI1 ;s.- i-r.uiish to pr.-ss the tight noa tor it.s re-establishing, -afttir two defeats a:id the .ours- c.f th. I'nu.-d Stales gress. The Sun's 1-tti-r -tales ihis i.",J if true, it i? imi.-rtant The half doz-n or more men who r-. ognixcd throughout th- lountry the head and front of the movement vhi.h mad- free . inag- of silver th. at!le-ir ..f bS .ii-l w h.i. h ilad t h o:I paramount before th- i--u- ot :it i - .:ni - : i.iioir. in 1 . ti I .- d i - i n -I h- situation fully and frankly with I u n . -.. ::. has iv -r I. -Id g 1 1 n. I I h - or. d; irresis.nderlT and ra xpr- ! th- d. -ire up it this tiiii-- to !. 1 - t !i. realize it w O.ons u n f 1 or a bb- to one o I., hav. batt.-r- .uld b- tli.it is t hi. :o w a re. and w ith oih-r it t. Th.- s -n. -re pr. ssi :.g t'.ght w ill b.- -inn iy portion..! v 1 1 h t anv d. nial of truth and f.u is !.! -uiliiebr of prltuipl--- I.-t the rats fight the . ;..us. r.-. k'o ppr-ssu -. unp'lrp. ipb-d r-pubr.. an par- v and its js.su.-s now at th- frotj. I- t th-- tariff war and th- trust war h r-ss.-l to th- sternest coinlusioiis. Th un says that m.-n referred to ar. 'or iiii.ly pr I in i pies f or d--mo. ratio prln- ; I 1-- 1 n-1 ar- riot w illing that t hi artv rga n i.a t Ion should I..- turn- I over to an . l.-m.-nt in svmp.ithy a ith th.- th.-orv that trusts and monopoii.-s 1 things. (hit . .00 '-n 1 1 .1 I'd I 'v-r if . apit.il and . om no-r. la 1 ism r. , r. -s. t'-e p.- and fi :t th- ir-.tellig.-tn e and soul of pi.- and that the 1 .institution . institutions may be r.-pudi- at bl I w h.-n It stems financially profita- to o so Th. Is a v.-r. .it plenty of i urr.-n. now. and a gr.-.it display of ib-magocy in 1 serious ib pirtur.-s from the funda mental prin. iples of a true d.-ino. rath republican government of the peopb ! f..r Hi.- p.-ople a s. ntirn.nt stolen by Lincoln and used in his short C.etfvsburg lddn ss There will be no on no. 1 1 1. n -r o' ili-nim r.its who ar r.-.illv -lem.xrats. with trus: monopoly or Hannaism in any of its forms and corruptions. The demo, rats will make no allianie with fraud. ..irruption and oligarchy. The demo. rats. so-called. who desire this can K" to the party that represents them. It Saved III-. lA'H. F. A. Oanforth. of LaGranfoe, G. suffered Intensely for six months wiU a frightful runnlnr jre on his lejr. be writes that Rurklen's Arnica SaJVe whollr cured it In ten days. For Ul cers, s ound9. Hums. Boils. Pain or IIU-s It's the lwt waive In the world. cure R-uaranted. Only 2oc. S't bj H. L IteliAmy DrULffgrlst- riKIni IAWSAM) I,O.N(,Klt LIFE. In the time of John Milton- 11i-'.mi "-i" human life In Knijland was but ?i e.irs average. Men of fifty were consldere-1 old men Now under the advantages and advan. es In medical science In hygiene, in chemistry the life of man. In these Fnlted Mates. Is more than Z3 vears and probably in North Carolina, fully 35 years average among the whites. A great advance surely for the race In Great F.rltaln It Is ascertained that human life has steadily enlarge! nnd It Is not guess work. The actuaries have made a close stud They have examined carefully the mortality records of over 6V0O0 people The knowledge of deaths In Impure water, the understanding of the vast benefits from a good construct ed system of sewage, the advance In communitlen of letter work in sanita tion all these have combined lo make human life safer and longer. In a luarter of a century probably 2. OX) peo- ! have died In Wilmington who ought not to have died It is so in all the southern citi-s In Augusta. Ga.. in Mobile. In Memphis In New Orleans. In other places, by riicld sanitation and purf water the death rate has fallen fully 3) p-r cent, and p-erhaps more. That Is JO people live who would have lied under the old life-destroying sys tem. Impure water brings on typhoid and other fevers and kills. Wherever there la an excellent system of sanitary laws a constant use of personal hy gienethere la sure to be less fevers, less sickness, less deaths. To live ra tionally, with due obervance of clean liness, always drinking pure and not poisoned water, is certain to lessen sick ness, reduce mortality and make life better living It Is not to enable the old to live longer, but tor the average person In childhood and manhood to hare a. much better chance for living The Philadelphia Record says that "the lengthening of human life by the ad dition ot a tew years at the end the ' " '-.- z - - A Bahy'a BMh is very much like the blossom ing of a flower. Its leauty and perfection depends entirHy upon the oarc lestowed upon its parent. Kxpeetant mothers should have the tenderest care. They should be spared all worry and anxiety. They should eat plenty of good nourishing food and take eentle exercises. This w ill go a long way toward preserv ing their health and their beauty as well as that of the little one to come. But to te absolutely sure of s-. short and painless labor they should use Mother's Friend reg-u'.arlr daring the months of gesta tion This I a simple liniment, which i to be ar-nlled esternally. It gives strength an 1 vigor to the musCies and prrvants ;i of the discomforts of rri'ff r.sncy, wh.ch women used to think one ah.:u:r!y necessary. When M ther I i -. nJ is used there is no ilunrr v h iii-vtT. Get M..:ht-i's Kriend at the drag storr,l per bottle. THL DfUDHELD RFGL'l AT0R CO ATLANTA. OA. Wrll. r. .or 'r.- b.-l." 1-f.n. '.Ul-r Borm."" t.rolonrr.-itlon of the h'-lbl-ssness and pains i.f mindless old age could hardly he regarded as a blessing. The increase In the average length of ill- m-ans something better th in this. ( ld age as well as death has Im-. h pushed farther iway. Vouth Iasf longer than fo m.-r lv . Th.-fe are Hons Uh- pine barrens) ii North ( aro lna v n. re no n-o-i m r . . . t any K 1 ml was ever Known. i mi e ,iie itioiis in the Western counties of this stab- where the average H:o ' 1-1 nap lontr. r than anv where els.- in the smith xept n the Piedmont set tion of some th. r state We would not bo surprised to barn that 1101. w.-re socuon.- in tiii-; stab whir- the average life was i.i v.- .rs Von . annot violate a la w of health Wbhollt I'.-tVUlg the pelKllt.V IOT th- .-aine. So it i- highly nee.-ssary th.it people t- eciiiial-d in the piama- ri'-s ul nvgi-mc siuu. ITKMS Of IN I KItKST t ''hi-.igo. s. v-ial girls ai t . .rm 1 n g nn union. 1 he prim- oi.j.- i is 1 11 noil in'-.-..mi ell day, but ed to b- that girls should 1. ,1 to work 16 to 2 hours a should have o,-t hours and time iff for ainusem.-nl a h-1 1 ioihoi hp i . .. 1. same cupa - d.-ath sa v s s w 1 .m.-n .11: .;... d in other t ions. lion. I .i id Mills v. 1 ,p.- of t h m N.-vv Kngl.ind of . luldr-n II If l.-fi to 1 lv -mselv .-s. the ,-xist. -ru .1 deS. ell-lll.t of the I ' i I T i H I K.llllo! olll 1 1 .- as i n S s II ! - .IS the gre It .'Ilk I sll lie the fate of tlb th- ra- d.-lo " lb.ok. r Washington's w If.- faib- I ti 1 1-. t ,1 president o' th.- n.-:io ' so. i.ttiou at I '.ii ff a io. N V mans a p.-gro nam.-.i ui S defeated ll-r. Modi, al Journ il that It is s.iid by the u.nr.i some times sui-erindn Id.- It mentions three reieni u r fences the o.-ains or in ..uein md th-- li.v. Mr. I tab. o. k. n .New irk in ,,f nr William H. Paly, of bore hv Sill. 1. e .aff.-f all alllKK ilib-nza Th. r.- w.-re :.n P". casualties last om m.-rii an railroads;. I he Kllleu re of these .'. r.r.i' w.-re empio'es Th. Karl of posslvn Is a orumm for . a 1 1 ake firm Th. n. trro in York State asserts him Self. At Hudson, a white man a r.eirro tor a matin, i.ianuaw reply pi.: Ihk,-: I II Rive vou a iiiavco -i t. sti.i il. s i i.ui tv;.-' Ill 111' - . i i. . i - . . . . i - i . . - ; ,i t i . . tin'ii- ach. Me was lUKen n ine in'-1'"'" . , . . I. . . ... . 1 1 1 i .1 a critical condition The Cuban debt amounts to but Jl-'-. 4 Two necroes are Identified and In Jail at Kansas city ior so iiurnj .. . . , .ii. I lav is inc a yoiin.K i-i'i- ..- in.. A furious mob wants their blood STATE IMtESS. i.-r-on-i ill ciirts of the ptate come re ports of more personal proper i . r-pt , iallv solvent credits having been lisi- ,1 for taxation this year than ever b fore. This is one of the good enecis ot the much criticised revenue and ma chinery laws enacted by the last legis lature. In nearly every county men have listed a larger amount ot solvent redits than ever before. Pittsboro He- cord. Nothing can be more inexplicicable than the continued and virulent attacks on Pryan by some of our leading demo iratic papers. A casual remark, art in terview or a speech by him. furnishes fresh incentive for jest, sneer, cartoon. or open abuse, individual democrats take their cue from the paper, and wh. n conversation Is dull for dearth of topics, cuss Pryan just to fill in. Mean time, republicans and republican papers are having holiday over our internecine party strife. We are forging thunder bolts for the enemy's hand. Do we want the party to win in 1904? Morgan ton Herald NOIt fl! CAROLINA. I'itsshoro Record : IMiring a storm, a few days ago. lightning struck the levelling of Mi A. P. T.rry at thi. place. It damaged the window facing and knocked down some of the plaster ing in one of the rooms, in which the family were seated, but no one was hurt. It was a narrow escape. Haleigh News and observer: Mr. II. If. Ierry. a farmer who lives five miles northeast of Haleigh, had three quar ters of an acre In strawberries this year. He gathered thirty-live oarreis and sold them for JW9.M. This was not. mind you. In that section of east ern North Carolina where straw berries ripen early enough to be In demand for the tables of the metropolitan epicure. but In the higher altitude around Ha leigh where berries ripen too late for the northerr demand. Statesville Landmark: When Judge Robinson nt Id court in Iredell he tried one Marion H! kett. colored, for the larceny of a bottle of liquor from a bar room. Martin had no lawyer and his honor examined him. Martin became very much mixed In his evidence and told several conflicting stories. to Judge Robinsons great disgust. His honor Intimated to the jury that they could say guilty" without leaving their seats which fhey did. and then Judge Robinson drawled: "Lt him go to the roads for twelve months. Mr. Clerk for lying." Prevented a Tragedy. Timely information given Mrs. George Long, of New Straltsvilte. Ohio, pre vented a dreadful tragedy and saved two live. A frirntful cough had long kept her awake every night. She had tried many remedies and doctors but Leadlly grew worse until urged to try Dr. King's New Discovery. One bottle wholly cured her, and she writes this marvelolus medicine cured Mr Long of a severe attack of Pneumonia. Such cures are positive proof of the match less merit of this grand, remedy for cur ing all throat, cheat and lung troubles. Only 60c and tt.OO. Every bottle guar anteed. Trial bottles free at R- R- Bel lamy's rnuc Scots. i A BIG FRESHET EXPH i The Cape fear Tlireatenlnc-Pleasaiit Entertainment Liocal News Bulle tin. i C '-i rr 1. 1 . .n m I . ry . o. Tlirt f. c s . . y.. .yr.r v 1 . v . , j, .... . .. ; ... . .. ...., Fayett ? Ml-, X. C. .T jly if.. At ! o'clock this morning iho stat;.- of water In the Cape Fear was 41'i; feel. During the day. ap to parly afternoon, th.-te was little r no rise, but a great increase in the volume o' v. n t :-r is fear ed by tomorrow morning, as heavy rains are reported north and northwest of this place, in the Deep and Haw river sections. Much drift wood vas sweeping down the stream all day yes terday, indicating Hoods above. Last evening, at the Hotel LaFayette, Misses Mary Warren and Pauline Cam eron, with Mrs. M. li. Kirkland as ehfp eron. gave a delightful entertainment, complimentary to Misses Lyda Smith, f Florida, to the following guest.-: Misses Margaret and Bessie McNeill, Mamie Alexander. Maud Halgh, Fan nie Williams: Captain A. H. Mc- Ceachey, Dr. A. S. Rose, Messrs. J. C. Thomson. K. If. Williamson, John Rose, 11. I". FJliott. If. H. McDuffle. L. V.'. Mc I'herson. J. K. Strange, Claude Haigh, J. S. McNeill. An elegant supper was served to the young ladies, and later in the evening the young gentlemen pre sented themselves in the parlor, where fine vocal and instrumental music con tributed to the pleasure of the evening- Professor J. A. Jones, the superinten dent-elect 'f the city graded school, is lure and yesterday met the executive committee of the board of trustees to map out the work for the next scholas tic y.-ar. The fall session opens on the li'.th of September,: and before that time the three substitute teachers will nn looted. Our people (lie much pleased with Professor Jones, and feel confident that the right man has been secured for the important position. The oi'iclals have notified the con demned negro, Louis Council, that the we.-k s respite granted Dv covernoi' Ay- k is only for'his religious piepara- I1..11 .i.i.! I In Mil l-oo-o-i.i nr.i hi 1 1 - ll'-o. I,. .11 ' I ' 1 '"'ll.'li., ' do will be executed next Monday. Th -luTiff s oilieei'H say that they cannot defect anv weakening of his nerve. The inspection of the steamer Hawes was made vesterdav bv Messrs. Hloe and Iiorden, of the Charleston district. and was entirely satifactory. The Hawes. which has hitherto been eontin- .1 to the freight business, will now omfortablv accommodate passengers. Mrs. M. It. Kirkland nnd her daugh ters. Misses Miiry Warren and Pauline Cameron, of Lake Waccamaw, who have been spending some time at the Hotel LaFavett-. will pass the remain der of the summer at the Harris Lithia springs, Hetidersonville, Asheville and Waynesville. They will return hele in November, and as Uu-y and Fayettevill folks like one another much, Mrs. Kirk land may decide to purchase or build a home here. Miss Loula Hawley, sister of Mrs. Punting, of Wilmington, and daughter if Mr. I. P. Hawley. of this city, now- residing m .Newark, .n. j., was run over hv a horseman at Fast i 'range. N. J.. m Sunday last, receiving very serious Injuries Mrs. c. W. Froadfoot and Mrs. Mary- Hinsdale are visiting Dr. and Mrs. Will Join s in Wilson. The recently published address of Mr. J. A. dates, editor of The North Carolina H.u tist. on the occasion of the riier-ston- laying of th- new Pule's ("reek Academy building. Is a valuable turibution to the educational litera tim- of the state The Fay.tteville. knitting mill has been obliged to close down today on ac- innt of high water. Mr. J. P. Cook, manager, stat.-s that the rresiiet lacks fo.it ..f being up to the dam. but the p..v. . r is retideii uaavaiia n:-. l her. has b.-. n a fall of a few inches since look this morning Free Trade wit ti Porto lilco Washington. July lfi.w Secretary Hay- has received by mail an official report from Coy. -mor Allen, of Porto Kieo. en- losintr tin- resolution adopted by the I'..:!., lii.an legislature, providing for fr-.- trad.- between the I "nit o.l States and Porte Pico, after July LT.th n.-xt. Promptly on Mr. Allen's arrival in this ..entry, a proclamation will be fram .1 -o u-iif effect to this resolution. It is expected that th-- document will be purely formal in terms, simply reciting the proper section of the Foraker art and declaring free trade. Storv of a Slave. To be bound hand and foot for years by the chains ot disease is the worst form of slavery. Georpe D. William?, of Manchester, Mich., tells how such a slave was made free. He says- "My wife has boon so helpless for five years that she could not turn over in beet alone. After using two bottles of Elec tric Fitters, she is wonderfully im proved and able to do her own work." This supreme remedy for female dis eases quickly cures nervousness, sleep lessness, melancholy, headache, backache-, fainting and dizzy spells. This miracle working: medicine Is a godsend to weak, sickly, run down people. Every bottle guaranteed. Only 50 cents. Sold by H. It. Bellamy, Druggist. ha-M' of Train Robbers Abandoned St. Paul. Minn.. July lfi. Dispatches from Malta. Mont., indicate that the sheriff's posse who have been in pur pult of th Great Northern express rob bers nearly a fortnight are returning to their homes, having- given up the chase, only a few remain on guard along the southern boundary of the bad lands. Coke Dandruff Cure "My, but it feels good Use it and be rid of that itching. J. HICJCS BUNTING. Wilmington. jf. C. oaw 30 we su. NOW FOR THE SPRING TRADE WE ARE SOLE AGENTS HERE FOR Genuine Dixie, Stonewall, Carolina, and Clipper Flows ! lloes, Hakes, Forks. Cotton Planters, &c. These are the genuine brand and can only be secured from us. There la rone other as good. We have a large line of seasonable goods, such as Window Screens, Garden Hose, Refrigerators. Ice Cream Freezers In ALL SIZES and at PRICES TO SUIT. Send u yor orders and w will look out for your Interest. J. W. Murchison & Co s as... IMJ Jdd I I Harris Lithia Water Strongest Natural Lithia Spring Water on the Market. A Perfect Prescrip tion From Nature For All Diseases of the LIVER, KIDNEYS, BLADDER AND BLOOD. Especially recommended and prescribed by prominent physicians everywhere for BRIGBT'S DISEASE, ALBUMINURIA, CYSTITIS & GRAVEL Sufferers from RHEUMATISM, GOUT, and all Uric Acid Poisoning will find "HARRIS LITHIA" the most effec tive remedy. Testimonials from phy sicians and patients that eliminate all questions of doubt, sent to any address. AS A TABLE WATER HARRIS LITHIA IS UNEXCELLED It is clear, pure, odorless and slightly acid. Still: Carboys and Demijohns. Cases of 12 half-gallon bottles. Spark ling: Pints and quarts. Sold by all dealers. J. HICKS BUNTING, Wilmington, N. C, Local Distiibutor. my H 3m we su , . , M i 5 ATC IMCTTTTTTC Raleigh, i intjiiiuijL; n. c. and Conservatory of Music. A select and thorough school for girls. It will pay you to ask for Its catalogue. The Leschetizky system of music. J. II. BRAWLEY, Director. JAS. DINVVIDDIE. M.A., Principal Jo 1-' till se 11 MEDICAL COLLEGE OF VIRGINIA, . Established 1838. The Sixty-Fourth Session will Commence October 1st, 1901. Department of Medicine, three years course, fees ..63.00 per session. Department of Dentistry, three years' course, fees $65.00 per session. Department of Pharmacy, two years' course, fees $G0.OO per session. Xo extras for laboratory work or dissections. For further particulars and .ataloguo address CIIRISTC PHER TOMPKINS, M.D., Dean. Richmond, Va. HORNER MILITARY SCHOOL OXFORD, 1ST. C ELEGANT BUILDINGS HEATED SECURING PERFECT VENTILATION. Sixteen new rooms for two boys each to be added for the fall term. Engagements should be made early. Annual attendance up to the capacity and many turned away each Pest athletic field with quarter mile Faculty-" of specialists with special best college or university education. the school, as students not preparing FALL TERM BEGINS SEPTEMBER 3rd. THE NORTH CAROLINA State Normal and Industrial College, Literary, Classical, Scientific, Commercial Industrial. Annual expenses $100 to $40; for non residents of the state $160. Faculty of 30 members. Practice and Obser vation School of about 250 pupils. To secure board in the dormitories all free-tuition applications should be made before July 15th. Session opens September 19th. Correspondence invited from those desiring competent teachers and stenographers. For Catalogue and other information address X Pedagogical, y Musical. 3 & Nashville Foreman 6IN68 THE PRAISES OF Dr. Carlstedt's GERMAN LIVER POWDER Kead the following voluntary testimony cod eernlng this marvelous remedy: Cari.stkdt Med. Co.: Gentlemen I wish to state to you anil the pub Me, at large, tliat I have been a suflerer fur over a year with stomaci: Wouble. After eating I felt as though I would hur st, and could not bear to liavo my clothes fastened or even buttoned. last summer and fall I was so thin and broken down tliat the folks all thought I was going to die. l,ast year! had to travel a ftood deal, and every place that I vis ited I tried different medicines to relieve ine of my trouble, but V ITH L.ITTI.K KKL.IEF Finally Pr. Carlstedt's A. 8. WEBSTER. was rti i nimended to mo by a druggist who said that Judging from the amount sold there surely must 1-e merit In Ger man Liver I'owder. After using the medicine I Improved at once, and it gave me strength and a good ruddy complexion. Thesa are the facts In my case, and I am so thank- srsr ful to the gentlemen who BSfc ,-; -ssaeJ make German Liver Pow der that I cannot express my thanks as I wish 1 could. My wife has taken the Pow der for the last two weeks and It has built heb right up. and she la gain ing In weight every day. She had used many medicines Srevloua to taking the Pow er bat found none eaual to It. IT 13 THE B EST ME1- J Ml a A. OUUSTEDT-J I CINE ON. EAKTH. and I bare recommended It to many. Yours respectfully, UI0 PCIB3 a. b. w kbstsr, Jt ouceman, n aauTwe, Jt enn. Dr. Carlstedt's German Liver Powder Is sold by all I druggists and dealers gener-1 ally or by mall on receipt of ' price, 2b cents; & Domes si .oo. W CAELSTEDT MED. C0.Evvlu Ind. For Bale by ROBERT R. BELLAMY, Wilmington. N. C. Jan 18 2aw 6m we fr w'y oaw MIA CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH Pennyroyal pills II V Oriflatl mmi Only Geaalne. V?VtBArE. Al-.Ti rll.bl. I.Brflnt, k Drnrrlrt kit i.nii.iif.ii Co, B ,'- --'.-In KED and Void metallic boxes, wnlti wltn bin ribbon. Take other. Refana II nan Sahatltatluan and Iaita tiaan. Bj ot jonr Drauut, or and 4-a. la atamps tor Particular. Teattanaalaa and " K RrllrC for Ladlea," WHr. br tnra Mali. I O.etHt Testimonial. n n .-.. nLi.Lu nkl. lean. I (fell paper. Madla 8aw, P1LUW h Bi? la a non-poIsoBOOl remedr for Gonorrhffia- -OnBBaV'C I S-t. SkiermatorrhflBa. 'la t at 6 darn. I VHita, Dinttirtl diav cnerges, or ear lnummmav liea, ii-ittion or ulcera tion of m n c o b anem THtfYMSCHEMICnCo. tnea. Kon-antrit Jent. .COKUnUTUO rv. a a. or aent in plaio wrapper, by ezpr-MB, prepaid, to) fi.oo. or 3 tottis, tin. r r aw.t oa riuimiat repaid, lot i mS" r- T a.t OD rillllWIat BY THE BUFFALO FAN S VSTKM full session for lack of room. track in the south. work. Curriculum preparatory lo the An atmosphere of high Ideals surrounds for higher education are excluded. T. C. HORNER. 3 i 5 President CHARLES D. McIVER, Greensboro, N. C. HOTEL CALEDONIA, WILKESBOKO, N. C, On the Picturesque Yadki Nestled In the foot-hiils of the Greci Brushes and Blue Ridge. Spacious and Neat Apartments. Cuisine the Best. The pa-tronaco of Tourists. Pleasure Seekers and Commercial Travelers solicited. For terms and booklet, apply to A. R WcLACIILAN, men 17. 6m Proprietor. Mount Airv White Sulphur Springs MT. AIRY, N. C. This Popular Resort will be Open June the First. For want of room we were com pelled last season to turn away pevral of our guests and patrons. We are now building an annex Io the hotel 150 feet long-, which will add much to the appearance of )he place and greatly increase its capacity. This building will be finished and nice ly furnished by the last week in June. Other improvements have been made. Prices same pt last season $25 to $30 per month; "7 to $S per week. Write for one of our folders, which pives analysis of the water and other lnfc'Anation. J. K. REYNOLDS, my 28 tf Mt. Airy, N. C. Dyspepsia Cure Digests what yon eat. It artificially digests the ft Jd and aids Naturo ia etrengtbenlng and recon structing the exhausted digestive or gans. It is the latest discovered digest ant and tonic No other preparation can approach It In efficiency. It in stantly relieves and permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, Sick Headache, Gastralgia,Crampsand all other results of imperfect digestion. Price 50c. and $L Large sie contain! SV4 time small slsa. Book aU about dyspepsia maifedfre Prtpared by E. c. OaWlTT A CO.. Cbieaflo B. R. BELLAMY. Wllmlnwton. N CXolt'DncheaaTblc)tna.reaT25W8fuHj. used monthly by over 10.OX) ladles. Price. L$l. Br mall. IKK) Stmd 4 emu frw ample and particular a. Tb Oook Qj, t5i Woodward ava.. Detroit. Mich. I. HICKS BUNTING. W1XMINQTON CM KM If You are Laboring under the Impression that your "out of town" frienda will not visit you during the Encampment come out from under the cloud and fit up the "Company room." A guarantee that you will have need of It goes with every suite. N. F. PARKER, Furniture & Furniture Novelties 111 Market Street. Bell Phone 613. Injerttatt 21 CANDY CUKE PILES. and all rectal disorders. Pleasant, Not a Physic. Results or money refunded, 60c. WM. H. GREEN & CO.. Wilmington. J. HICKS BUNTING, Wilmington. JAMES C. MUNDS, Wilmington. J. H. HARDIN. WUmnigrton. (Etta Drug Cr . Philadelphia, Mfr.) nor 28 ly OUR SPECIALTY But vre are rushing things In other de partments. Whatever you want, call for It HERE, before Rolng elsewhere. OUR PRICES ARE UNIFORM on everything. We do not sell SOME THINGS under cost, then cnargo uvuisiatt- l'lUCKS on OTHER THINGS, to make good the loss. This Is worth remember ing. WE INVITE EVERYBODY TO CALL on us for cash service. RESPECTFULLY. Mercer&Evffns Go 63 1-2 Steps. THE JOHN L. BOATWRIGHT CO 15 South Front St. DEVILED CRABS SALMON. LOBSTER, CLAMS. SHELLED PECANS. SHELLED ALMONDS OLIVE OI IN ALL SIZES AND BULKS. MANGROVE PICKLES BEST ON MARKET. Everything that any hostess mlgh wish for a reception. We make a spe cial effort to please and we have fa cilities to do so. Call on ua. The Jno. L. Boatwright Co 15 South Front Stree Phones No. 14-. Double Daily Service BETWEEN NEW YORK, TAMPA, ATLANTA, NEW ORLEANS AND POINTS SOUTH! AND WEST S'IIKDL'LE IN EI-IT EOT MAY. M li01. i HAi.N weaves Wilmington JiUi p. m.. 41 arrives Lumbeirtoti r,:l'o i. m. l'cmbroke 6:4u p. in.. Max ton 6:1S p. m., Hamlet 7:10 p. in, Char- lotte10-16 p. m. TRAIN Leaves Charlotte fi:20 a. m. 3S Hamlet 8:10 a. m., arrives Maxton 8:52 a. m., Pembroke 9:20 a. m., Lumberton 9:44 a m., Wilmington 12:05 noon. Vi:STI')i;.l) KKOM HAM LET. Lv II am lot I 1I)W p m 12 20 a m 7 23 a in Ar Monroe Ar Charlotte Ar Chestoir Ar Greenwood Ar Athena Ar Atlanta 9 05 n. m 10 01 am 10 20 a m 12 22 p m 1 42 a in 3 40 aro C 28 a ni 2 40 p m 8 00 a ml 3 56 p m Close comnieetlon at Atlanta for Mont gomery, Mobile. Now Orleans and all points In Texas. Mexico and California: also for Chattanooga, Nashville. Ixuls- viile, St. Ivouis. CincinLattl. Olucago and ucsteni tintl JNorthwostorn points SOI'Tl 1 1 'a d "N I PROM HAMLET. SHOES V..S2.ni IK'. MM WfaaV.n.l.MMelU mm? trains Lv Hamlet JO 50 p nil 7 2o a Ar Columbia j 1 05 a m 10 35 a Ar Savannah j 4(2 am 1 47 p Ar Jacksonville j y 15 a m C 10 i Ar Tampa i 6 40 p m 6 15 a NORTIIHOTWD PROM HAM LET Iv Hamlet Ar Raleigh ! 10 35 p m I 1 24 a m 8 00 a n 10 37 a ni Ar Norlina Ar Portsmouth 3 18 a m 7 00 a m 7 00 a m 10 35 p m 124am 3 IS a m 5 43 am 12 23 n nr. 6 60 p m 5 60 i i in 8 00a ni 10 37 a m 12 23 p m Ar Norfolk Lv Hamlet Ar lialoigh Ar Norlinei Ar Petersburg Ar Richmond Ar Washington Ar Raltimoro Ar New Y'ork 2 4w, p id I e 32 a m 3 31 p r, I io io a m 7 06 pm I 11 25 a m 11 26 p m I 425pm 630am Through Tullman sleepers from llamltt to an ixints .North. South and South west. Train 3S Leaving Hamlet at 8:10 a i taxes passengers from Train No. 31 leaving .New York at 12:55 p. m., Haltl- moro at b:ij p. m.. Washington 6:56 p. m.. liichmond 10:40 p. m. Portsmouth 9:30 p. m.. Norfolk 9:20 p. m., Ralede-h 4:iu a. m.. amviog at Hamlet at 7:00 a. m. From Train 38 leaving AUanta at 8:00 p. m., Athens 11:23 p. m.. Chester 4:10 a. m.. Charlotto 5:20 a. m.. Monroe b:o-j a. m.t arriving at Hamlet at 7:40 a. m. Prom Train No. 66. leaving Jackson- vine at p. m.. savanmaih 11:45 p. m. Columbia 3:35 a. m., arriving at Hamlet at 7:40 a. m . For tickets, Pullman reservations etc. apply to Thomas D. Meares. General Agent Wilmington. N. C R. K. L. PUNCH. Gonral Passenger Agent. JAS. M. BARR. 1st V. P. and General Manager. ATLANTIC 4 NORTH CAROLINA R. R. Time Table In Effect June 18. 1901. iPass'ger . U'ass'ger. r.itsmuuiiii i rains. .Dally. Only. T.r.O!'-. r.f.Mt.l.rt. I r-.tn i - 71 .w.-u., uuiu.Tt.ui u .. o.v p rn am xeave Winston .... 6:32 p m 8:30 a m icave iew iiern... 7:50 p m 9:50 a m Arrive jtiorenead . . . 9:02 p mll:02 a m iPass'ger. iPaBdger. vveMLpouna iraina. Dally. Only. Leave Morehead . . . . 7:27 ami 5:37 p m Leave iNew liern.. 9:00 a m 7:00 d m Leave Kinston 10:12 a m 8:02 d m Arrive Goldsboro. .. 11:05 a ml 8:55 d m S. L. DILL, Superintendent. THE CLYDE jSTEASISHIP CO NEW YORK. WILMINGTON N C AND GEORGETOWN. S. C. LINES. NEW YORK FOR WILMINGTON S. S. Saginaw Saturday, July 13th s. 9 neida Saturday. July 20lh WILMINGTON. N .C. FOR NEW S. 'S. Saginaw Saturday. Julv 20tH S. Oneida Saturday, July 27th FROM WILMINGTON. N. C. FOR GEORGETOWN. S. C. S. Saginaw Satunlav Tni S. S. Oneida Satunlnv ini o.i , w . J i-O l ej S. S. Oneida des not carry passengers. Through bills of lading Bta i 1 through rates guaranteed t points In North and South Carolina, H. G. SMALLBONES, THEO. G. JCGER. QenTraJ Sr, Ma. A. . m. v aui;e (street, n. t. TLANTIC COAST LINE P. U CO. Schedule In effect July l.t, 101. g Iei)aTtU(PC from Wilmington NORTHBOUND. DAILY NO. 4S. Taaaenjrfr Ij.. 8:30 A- M. nolla 11:05 o.m., Wiui.nv 11 21 a m. (tahlaboi-o 12 :i i m WU son 1:18 p. m.. Jttx ky Mount 1 4 p. m.. Tarboro 2.31 i tn . don 4:5 p. ni .Ti-n tulnim C ii p. xn., lUolirittwi.l 7 Z2 i in . Norfolk 6:6& p m . s '.mhiiKt..n 11:20 p. m.. Halllmri' 1 (U a m I'htladclphU J:W) n in N. . York 6:63 a. in. t H.-i-.n :: n p. m. DAILY NO. 40 IaJHn;iT. Iu Vi 7:l0 1". M. noMa 6:30 p. ni.. V.i.rK.i u p. m.. Goldsboro 37 p in w 1, tHn 1:30 p. tn. tTarlr.i 1, 11, u. m. Rocky Mount 11 2 j. m Woldon 1:SS a. m.. tN'f 10:25 a.m.. Petersburg 2 4.' 1 m.. Richmond 3:20 a tn. Wiifh 1nrtoj 7:01 a. in . n.ill im i . b:J0 a. ni . Phll.-ul. Iphl.i 10 Xt 11. m . New York 1 i3 p in . 1 ton ton 9:00 p rn DAILY Nl. ful . I'nmKxnKvr D""' J-k- except COTivllto 4.13 p. III.. Ni w J I. 11 8unJiy r.:40 p. m. 2:2o p. ni H")rTinu)rNi DAILY NO X, fnamvlier - Ii" I.ik'' 3:4f I'. M a.-i.mi.iw 4 ...,s y m 'liil bourn t:S0 p. m , Morion fei p rn . J-'lornnixi 7 2i p m . Huml. 1 S 12 p. m . (ilumbtn P X J . in 1 11 iiiti r k f'.io n. rn . Auku1'" 7:fj .1 ni . Mocooi 11 l.' n m l.uit.i 12 3.r. p.m. Chut b-fton II I I. tn.. H ivaruinti ! 4j a tn . 4 :" l 3onlll.- g 30 a.m., Kt. Auku.iIi' 10.50 a tn Tampa in h p m 'J:ST i:olNl DAILY NO. t.I I ii.m-ntror Iu ln 8:00 A. M. tittovlllf 12 ". p 111 Ii .1 vi-e 1 N ) -t t-ii 12 2. p in ii'rlxu Sanford 1 43 j. in AHHIVAIJ AT WII.MlNii I N I'lf'M T1II0 NollTII DAILY NO 4? P.LSMeniK.T- , n,. tH- 6.15 P.M. ton 1 "O p. in, Ni u Vmk j. in . 'tilJal-iMl.i i: 'M -i in liaitlmoro 2 a in i M i ton 4:30 . in . J 1 1 . U in. 1 1. 1 i a. m . IN'trrnixiiic H 4 n m Norfolk 'J no a . m U H.lui m . a. ni.. lrlpn 1 TI p i XiK-ky Moant 12 T.2 p in i HOII 2 40 p. Ill . 4 ;!! I " ii p. m , NVaiHa .v 4 I ' in . M u nolla 4:40 p. in DAILY' NO. 41 - I .i - t. I...v,- 9.R A. M. Itoiton 12 .00 ine(,t n . x H.Xi ii. tn . l'hll.iiWphi . i: :;i n m . ll.xltlniw 1.4fi p m w :i.ii lllKtiMl 3 12 p til itl.-lim .r,.l C . 7 J, in . 1 'rtfrelnir if ', 4. p in.. INct fulk :: J'l . in . . I I. .ti . lo ! 111 . -Tat Lin .. r, p in itc ky M. n i nt t. :.. . i in lin Wiiri-ri (. '.' ii m i 1 iiro c 4.", .i in . ii" hi 7 'i . tn . M 1 1.- in ! M , .. ; .i in DAILY Ni (.1 l-.u ::! I, . w xc pt r.iTu 'j oi ii in .i e k I.;. Sun.Liy 10. a; ti rn 12. 1.1 ii. in. i'i: M ti 1 1: H ii ti i I A I LY N" M I'.i. vio-i ; I - . . T .in 1 : 2.1 1 '. M . l ..i ' 0(i a in . S . 1 1 1 f . i 1 I . . . Ill . J .1 1 kHiOi v 1 II" ' ; . in . 11-II. I II 1 3'l 11 III I !i i I I. I , .11 C 4.1 a in . A I In " t i . : o a in . M. ii-oii '.i oi a tn A u- ii-.i i . ". i p in 1 .Mini ii k 4 2' p in IuililO.i C 40 n m S .tn'. i p. Ill . )rl--i,i ,. 'i V, ., ,,, M , rlon 10 ,3f. a in , ' ii.i .1 1 1. , ,i i i, ii ii a. m . Lako i . in I : I a. in. ICA.ST IMIMi DAILY No t,2 - -I'.xs.him1-.. 1 ,. 7 11 M ford 2 0.1 p.ii . ;u 1 1 .. l".i.. ip vlllo 4 2") p in I. I r. , . vlll 4 30 p. rn Hoinnct tsvllo Hnui,-!i -Tr.iln . . - p.. . nettsville 8:10 a. m . .M.nt.ni : :, i in Red Springs 9:32a.m., l'ailil. m pi ... . ni, . nrrlvi- 1-'a j-x-t t . i 11 11 in .i in l( turning leave I'.i y i-l p I i ie 4 '. i m llop.1 Mills fi.no p. m. l;,-i i.r.i.,:, u li. rn.. Maxlon f, 10 u in mi. v.- tiot Isvlllo 7:15 il in . nu.-otlns at Pay : I . i ; !. ; i, : ,,, No. 7S. lit Jl.lXtiiM With I he I ';i 1. 1, I ii i . 1ral rallmvi.l. at Kil S.nio mho ii,. Kul Sirlnt,-- ami I' mtn.ir.. Itii.i .i l ,; San ford with thu Hi-.i lo.ir. An l.nu- .n,. Snitliirn Railway, al '.u:f : ii id. j . . bam and 'barloi i lt,illr.,i.l Train lxtw-ini l!.kv M..u n l ( nioii.l Kiv- X.wky .M.un,: '," :, ,. n, , run Ulon K . 1 7 ii in miivi. P. . i i. ., i n:lS a. tn.. an , v.. Hi. I ii i .r . . 1 11 ; . ., n, XrairiM on Ih.i S.vil 1 i.nl ,N'. . ' l:i.m i, Itad Iimvo W i-M.m -,. in 1 1 . 1 1 , r i a 4:17 p. ni.. nrri'e S-.! I.in.l N. . k .n : 'i p.m.. Iricii i 1 1.- 7 .14 pin. Kii.--ii.il i .ii p. m. K'-tiiriiini; l.'.n. Kin- tmi . .." i m.. ( ; rei n i 1 li- s ;io a . m . it i i i i m: 1 1 . 1 1 fax 1 1 ii.l a. in . W. M. ni l 1 .ii a in 1 1 1 1 xi i'pt Snii'l iy. TTalnn on Va!iln:!or, I'.i.iu :. Washington s nn a.m . an. I :n p in . n live l'iuini le S .1.1 a in , .ni l 4 p m . i turning leave I 'a i nne n a m .ami , . ., p. in., arriv,. Wauli 1 1 ir I . n II ' . in .'.. H.20 p. in. Dally .x..pt Suivl.n Train b-avcH Tallinn N lulv 'i i-i-pt Sunday f,.:!n p in . SuihI i 4 .. p m . nrrivi's I 'l vim n 1 1 li j., p in . an i 1 1 111 Returning Imvi s I'.yn I pt Sun. lay T.JIO a III . ami Siid.I a. m.. !uriiH T.irl.iu '.i ,'.n a i. 11 :( a . in . Train loav.i ( ;iM 1 m .ln, Sunday f. :i) a in., ni i ivlin- Sunt t.tl I a. m. ll.'liiniliiK Jeai' Hrill.le a in., arrivt.i at ;.il.KIoi . .. Train on Na-hvllle I'.i u.- Roi-ky Mount at t :u a ni .' I" arrlvw N.t li vi 1 ) In 2"i n in 1 : Spring Hojx- ll no a rn 4 p i turnliu; Inivm HprJ-ng Hop.- .1 .' 4:5.1 ji. in.. Na lt I , : 1! (., m in. arrlvin a I Ho. kv .T.i-. 6:il p. m. dally ex.ep' S,ii..la Train on I'linton lii.tn. !. .. ., Haw for Union il-ally x . pi H a. m . and 4 .21 p in l-inr; 'linton 6 45 n. m . and in i i 'lYainn liv. i'. e lie.- in r: rive Ijatta 10.31 a in . i,,i,.i, I I.' RowUatKl i) M a in r.-! ni ii.io- , lOowlund 6:10 in (Urlvm ! i.. p. m.. Litt i 6 41 p in I'. I : m.. ikUJy. Tralnn on I'onway lii.tni-li imt .. . bourn 11:50 a. nt .mac i .niv. n l rn. . rctiiTTklng lt-i i 'on way i vi i arrive Ohadlpoiirn '., 2i i in !. ,,, . tiuni 6:35 p. ni nrrlvi- larol w pi p m returning Iimv" Mr.l 4" a m i-i . "h:ulloiirn II .26 a m I .ill . -. i.t San- iay. Trains leave Sumter 4 .': p m . Man ning 5 08 p. in., iirtlvi h 1,'iiie" :. '. : p m . leayi) Itnis H 37 a in Minim. t ' iT n m.. arrive Sumli r '.' M n tn 1ii! OVorKtow n n ml V t -k i . r r i li. ro.l loaves 1a.ni.ei S 40 a ni t 7 ' p tn .n-tua I-oOTgotown Jft-iai a. m 1 j, m im. Geora-erowii C ?, a ni 1 4 I . p m a i n Ii no It : 00 a m t 5 3.1 p m Trains iivp PVorroin lai v i ! Hu-, day !:fiO a. m . irrlv. I.ir:m-! on in I . m.. HarliivlUe 9:1j r. in 'tii-ia II In , .. WanlealKiro 12 3.1 ii m l.,-ivi. I -io- en co dally exnpi Sun. lav k m p tn ..r rlvo Iarllntrtoii fe.21. p rn 1 '. iiik i i . 9:22 p. m . ;ilin 0 2i t, Tt) Itim. r.,,r enco Sunday only B fiO a in nrr). i,r Hngton 10. 16 a. rn Ieavo Gibson dally i xcopt Pundix 1. a. m . IJennot tsvllle. 7.15 a m i.nh'n larIlnt-ton 8:1.1 a. m . livivi, I i.-ri!nt- :50 u. m. arrive Plorenei. : p, i, m Iyeavo Wiulenboro ilnllv I'lccn! Hun.lii 4:10 p. m.. Oheraw 6:16 p ni llariiii- i:20 a. m . I or line-ton C 2'. n in (in iiT PK)ronew 7:00 p. m . Ixtavi I .irlmirt n S::10 n. m . arrlvo Fhiri'ticc '. 1.1 a m Wilson awl Pavvt1evli:i Itr.in. h I. a i- Wllwon 1 p. m . 10 40 p m nrt Ui h. ma, z:4S p. m.. il ls p. rn Hinli hfl ). : ... p. tn. Hurm 3:4V p tn.. K.i v! i villo 4 r. n m.. 12:32 a. m Rowland f. n tn i. turning leavo Rowktir.1 10 !,s a tn T n ettcvlllo 12.20 1. m . i0.rj j, ni . Inno, 1:04 p. m.. Hmlthflekl 1 4! ti tn S Im i 1:60 p. m. 11:35 p. ni rrii ....n ; :, p. m.. 11:12 wl. tn. Train loav Humlir 4 12 a m ft. . ton 4:f.l a. m nrivo I totiTti.it k ' 4 m. Returning Icavo lnmark 4 2i p tn :restoti i:io p. tn.. twmlir r, ffi i, m Iltally. lllaily except Sunday. Sunday ml 11. M KM KMH )N Oenrai I 'ajiawiiror Af tii J. R KF-W-y. OVtieral Miunnr T M KMERSON. Tnafflc Manti-t Southern Railway THE STANDARD RAILWAY OF THE 80DTH the direct line to ill points Tcxjis, California, Florida, Cuba, and Porto Rico. Strictly flrt-cla-- equipment on nil through and local train: iviliman Palace Sleeping cnr on all night trains; fast and safe schedule. Travel by the Southern and you aro assured a safe, comfortable and ru--dUlousjourney. Apply to ticket agents for time tabl rate and general Information, or ad dress R, L VEMOI, F. R. DARBY, T. P. A C. P, A T A Charlotte. N. C. A,hit( n c. No trouble to answer question. ). H. HHOWICI, UA, WIJHIItTOI, 0.C I f c1 r .1 r -