1 4 " : THE WiLMlKGOK MESSENGER; WEDNESr AY, JULY 31, 1901. Is !;: cjhc gflessr-ngcr, JACKSON & BKLL COMPANY. TKRSad OF SUBSCRIPTION POSTAOE PREPAID THE DAILY MESSENGER . mll on jr 17 00; six months f "-' r months ' "" :t ' trv.-i .n th- ity i: vm ironth. jn. .. f-k lj i-ii - n.'j thr 'Ti-.nth. -r t. t : ) ar. THK SKM 1 WKKK I v' ' t w . i t.i..-r. Li .jilTr-'" 11.00. six month. W c?nts In . WF.DNtl'.VT. Jfl.V 1 : " l EDl'( ATtON AND IT DIKKIt t I. T1K.H IN TIIK "KM'TU. A( !' th-- r.'Tth ir th-- --!T -rt l--t v rv t.t t . i . 1 " i . ! Kr rr-.- n n r I i :.. - th-- x. h' 'i.t h.l '. k--l t ui t ut rr..r- .T.::itht-ri. ! in. . !:i : irr.;rik- th-- truth 11 t. .uth-r:i whites uti r t !.. r.-.- r!ri u:ii 1" -" ir, 1 . !. it- ((:- r.-' I r. . i llr.g of .. h.-i f--r . i 1 t h.-rri'- .ir.-l h 1 w. f.-.iit In th-- -'i.tli ! Not only th- ..:i.:tv. . - n ( ri ! . r- I';'-th- y h iv-- .rr 1 ! 1 i tin r..v--.j Whi'.-- thi hi in l t-.i:-- .in 1 .lr.m r. u;-r. th-" tirti- a f. rk- r. 1 th. . ti.''l i'--W::-r t " -l M' v . - - 1 I- h 1 I-r -this ,,f . .u -.it..'f. h i t -n vnt r ir. ! 4'iU;r..-l N '' rrlti.!". blinl-'l utr.or.in if. 1 i ln f.iruiii. im m.i) f ill t .in.! to ?!.; r-h-f.-l th-- t-ii . ' t h-- p. rf .rTii.i:-- u " k.T ti--i jin-l ith. .ilni't 1: - : ca -t-H t:i th-- a .i I"!--- ..uth a h h.i ' '! twil.-.i if. tt'.-Uh a ith.--a: i'. Ki.-,.. . t r.-ni-jr.- rati.'r.. ' : t ! it' Urn- I 1 r. 1 a . : pror-- n : in,') class t derMir-.g an-1 iv h..-prais- .1 . - th- .1 J.iuratwr. il ,.f all W::-l-i t-.r-.vork-r if. hha'.r a , rl I t r Th- r - r u-i-an 1 h 11 - t- - :. r-.f.. t-j a h-r. not .l-i -.Ir. - hurUr. ir.nu- f. 1- - .1 1 f. . iri rl - th- fictr-s ff pe.nl-- '.!- tend t- ' sine-r. '. 'hurt 1. o:r. the short r-aliy i:- , f far I - t . th- y ar-- .1 if- Tf.-r- n ot.j. - 1 ;wus t i? ; - l at -.vhy cssa Kr-at-r th t .;i-:.i::t;v i-Itrtlti- a - i.-.:. ..:.! i r . r t .. -M.I- to vi a ;th a Jlt-o -f. 1 a H-hl 1 ho a k-r-.it ar- r: h-s .1; l;ttl- pr'j-Tt ...1:-. Th..'. - . riti- is:?; : :. r :i of i::t--m; !..shi.e. !; a-!:-.-- f: n.t of s. -;th.- if. birth I a;'. I rut;:; t-l t '. tf-tcratifi 1- an ! -to ano'.h-r ' fa'- --r- 1 ar. t J t- s.-cliof. Th.-- s..e;t:i I. -1 lUrvar t ! or I'ni-.o-lo;: o.' I'lu.-ii-j of and a h. ' I'- aas- r.. sou t !i- : f. tutlons ha-.- er. ! rx:-T.'s hih tf.t th- rr.;:iior.s. But . ' t:. is t-h.:t 1 th- cr-at. ru h. I ir- . tror.U.-l f.:-:r.ost of north-: f lea ruin it it ha I r.l erslt:--s ..f an I fci-at f an 1 a 1 ir-t- of lis t ;-. ! rr. t r I- u la t s 1' t -rsity . f N.i t;i vr. . th v-rsity of V:r-r.U. Tu'.a--.e ar.d . In Jolm.s ll-n 'mr..i. it ha 1 past Vi.s rf.-il. th- : s tt r a . uat- u:u -rsit y of 'I'vri It has a co , r. u:it h- r of COU--.C-S of -.a 1 I -! f-'"1 ' rr.-n'.s. an i lib- genuine r.: -r:V ties. a:vl er-al pat r' :-. u" not com n . x I of itro v ;. f n ! th- south i" 1 li -it '. h-se things ol th- Wind sot. s; I-r.i'.e.n ! r- ir-r- a ! ! - :--'t t.W -1 . a; - r-.r.l ' ' '" : s 1 ' a h 1 1 I ' 1 s : . 1 ..- .-- ' . 1 r 1 i ;. .1 ; 1 t he tat- ;:i : h 1 In it . -un zi - t-.ool ), ! -hartcr-d th-- i f.! n.jA1 a; pr--. 1.1 1 .0:1 and da itiof i'r.'f- ssor .. f '',rir.vil..- u:.t f th- Hal t'.t c.. ;;j-- in t iWif. a ; . i-st 1 !-. -J.-hr.s lt d W.f. ! : ' : i -.. f :f. h . - on in his natl N : t h !ht--nth . - H--Istht ears i th i ' h- particular f r North ' ' a r -h-a 1 of i-..- 1 : great s. et;- system I ' v -rsi t v : . 1 dilute:-.- ,:: Smit h. a nit: N. ' ' . f o v 1 Miss.mrl a h ate . ours.- a t sity pr-v ar---! est on .- d li .1 1 ' roli r-.a : ', :: told us s. 1--. ...! e -1 a 1 ' r. 1 : -. 1 t h l W . c. . .1."-. :. 1- tt-rs rtorn ; :. , th--rs :: M is 1 !:.- '-' '. i h.s 1 -I. .:.-t: o t 1 V e A o r W TT-e-re r- -Ao th'.ffc-s : r-'-l-ti in con-.parin a rt h '.! '- it-' like M isa hus'-tts A.th 1 ' rti stat-- Th- ar-a .-f th- YmW - t t - is v-ry mu-'h sr.. U--r than N .a. ' ir oi.na or i',.vrfli. and a tat .-om;ai--d with ifr-at T-ias. T-n th-r- is th--grrat wealth if th- N'-a i:ni.and stt-. n hlch rat.'' It . I.e. t 'U!: 1 -1' i. hucli Then aj-aln th- p v;l 1 ' lot-. s.11 over the south Is sparse V ilnl s.jine statistics In an address d-li -r.-l in Hj. t-y a Virginian w ht- h shoa bw the P'VuIat ions run an 1 h-A i 1 ly s. att-rl ir- th-- school children If. the south. This fxct Int-n'.:1- th--difflcuiity in pro!Jlnr su.':';. :ef -h l hou.s.-s and teachers and sch-H.ls The Mifur-s) arp New Knlar.d his 71 p.-o;-'.- t th-s.juar.- mile, th- Middle states. 121. the southern state!. 22. Massachusetts. :Tv. ajl i'lrftnU only 41. Connecticut, l-'c and 1 IrvrfU only 31. Pennsylvania. 117 and Alabama only :t As It is neces sary to maintain throughout the vast territory of the south separate s. hds for the two races. th for--om . om -partsonsj which are based on th- totil lpulatlon do not fairly represent the serious obstacle f ncount-r-'-l in tiialn talnlnc ICd schools by r- of th-- prs-ness of pipulatlon the south For Instance. Alabama, with 1 total population of l.olJ.'HT has. 1 - hive said, an average of Z'i t--i!-- t- th s.juare n-.lle. but Alabama has ..:.! 71-. whit-- ;e.ple. or 1 to the s-iuar- mile; and i7i :'. colored people of is to the sjuarr ml makln Is pmctlcaliy two states. s fr s the maintenance of schools ar- concerned, with the excep tion of th cost of superintendence. These are the flcures of IVesldent Dreher of Roanoke ".-vl!.-j i He thinks the I'nlverslty of drjinia Is "th bst In the south. ' Hut Is !t It Is at lejt debatable. North 'aro;!naj rrovld.! a University I'M years ar. 1 It has educated thousands It has I fin record of ilistlnfulshe.! matricu lates It lacks funds, but it Is doinc a very Important work. North Caro lina leads th south In providing for a system of common schools. Thanks to th forJ;ht of the energy, and d.vo. tlon of the late Rv Calvin H Wiley. D. D. It was oefore the war. remem ber, and br several years. We r tfrati3sd to find another stat-- Dr. Lyon's PERFECT Tooth Powder Used hy pcpl of. refinement tor orer a quarter of & century. f 2X w IT at- . . - - mnt made by Dr. Dreher that tn high ly honorable and creditable to the south. Dr. Dreher Is not a special eulofist of the southern educational 1 condition. but makes unfavorable comparliom with the north. But he says this, and so far as we are Inform ' el it Is correct: 'When the free school 5?tem was established throughout the south, af ter the war. the state had t t-ar the burden of maintaining the common . hiHl. and the state universities also. A piroj.rlatlons had to be made, tixi for Institutions of hiirhcr -ducatlon for the colored tple ; so that now the southern states are undertuKine to do more than Is done (,v th-- wealthy states of the north but what the jros jwrous western states are doinp huc- --s-nfully Cf course. It Is imisslble that all this should tw well done nt the uth '" 'ne other brief ijuofatlon that 19 pfc- is.-I In line with wh.lt the Messenger has stated more than once lie k.D's 'To the ere. lit of the south It should h said that. In proportion to .is.cian1 valuation, the southern states n re .In Ins as much as th- r.otth-rn Mates for the supcort of put. lie s, h'ols." It Is time that th- r-ssinnsis and rh- torlral high fly-rs and key-hold ob servers of passtr. r evr.ts should hold tip In criticism until thev had 1- ain-d o.imethlnir true an 1 s..lid as to this k f irt-.-d nn l despised southland Itl'KIriKH I'HACTK FI IN SOlTn AKIIK V HV TIIF ItRITWII. I Mr William f St-ad. on- of th- b.-st , kr.o-. n of i:ncl:sj Journalists, has pul Itsh-'d a pamphlet bearlr.K th- title , M--tho.l. of Itarbarism. the i ause for t nt-rv .-r.tion ' It show s th- very soi l us and awful ll;ht of th- I!vr a omen at- 1 . h:l Ir -. It brings t-rribU- . hirs.-s , n; Hy practiced bv th It!.t.h so id 1 em. In the ' 1 ..r- . ntra t.on 1 amps th- .olilitlons are most pitiable, tno.-t Inhuman, itiost outrage ous Hi- ld- ne- is iht-Ily KnKllsh Miss n.,bhou- Hon Mr. Hrodrnk. In th- parham. r.t. and oth- rs Th- latter Alifully misrepresented th- existing on.iitions an j sai l most of th- women bid Kor.e of their own free will Mr. -ad states Kvery sj.irlc statement was also. For months past systematic razzias had been made in all parts of the Kree tat- and S.'uth African Kepubllc and thousands of women and hildren had b --n taken by lore- from th- lr homos irt-d .11 ru.. th.- veldt ic.d thrown iicatr.st their v. ill a r.-l vlol-nt rotost. i:;t.. . a:ni s Ah-:- they did not receive a -ut?l. l-nt all., vai.it' where they were :.- ith- r sat:.;ied r.or comfortable. It is .; ec. ssary to i harui t--rii- furlh su. h a nasi, adif.i: of the rcpresi-n la -t;v-s of th- nation. th- majority of a horn a -re o-.ly too Klad to swallow -.:-. faiseho.,d that mijtht blind tl-.-n t the r-al i-.ature of th- devil's work Ah- h is tven-K done if. their nan..-' m 1 -south a f rica ' ' Th- i.ami.hl-l arraitiis I-lngland at th -. aids tribunal of Justice-. There are lA.lve lamps, and the mortality has- ! e.-n rj-.ewt awful. The death rates p. t li.i.um ar- lira n i fort. 74.61 . Yrod-fort Uoad. IS J. N-rvais p(nt. 2i2. Kroou st.id:. liJ. J;. Ll'"-mfontotn. li3.16 Wlr.burit. Vj2 2. t-..r,nBforiteiri. 177 H--iltorn. '.: Alr.val North. Zi.:2. Harrlstiiith. U-thuii- 4 nil. Kimborloy, 165.S. and ' The average fo: all . a in ; s that ir. 1.: ' fro: a a s 1 66 7 5 If oil rem-mbi-r linartly healthful North t- n has a a hit- d-ath rat 14. Vou w ill s. .- 1-... A . r.o: -:..; s ;t :s .1 th-- can: i s vv h- r-- 1- - : w . .. m 1 nil Jr.-n ar- for. .-I bv th r.r.-i-h t.. remain. Th- U..n 1-n imiiv N ---V s ; ublish-d statistics of th- death rat-- m Johannesburg iamp for tl . a e.-ks ending M.irdi 13 Th- numbers re 1 . 1;.. 10. : or in th-- !l a 'ks which is ciiui vab-r-.t to a death raf- of 1:4 p. 1 l.t per annum. An Kniish woman writes to the W.-stminster 'lazotte that she 1-ft Pre torii on jjrd May last, and that there w - re ;.'; -p in the camp at Ir- ue. of a horn 1. 00.) were report-'d sick. House burning still tr-s on. Sh- says Wh. n I l.-f; iT.-toria It was already- very odd. even Inside my ..wri house What It must have iveen outside In the t-t-.ts on th- bleak hlllsi b- I shudder tol,,1na money peopl tn:r.K. 1 - t that a as only the t.-srin n I mt of a 1 n t ' r . Th- number of deaths occcurlng anionic th- children is appalling I'r. 1-ss th-- d-ath rat.- is ch-cked there will l.- no . hildren in the , amp when th-- winter is . .r Th-' women and children sl-..-p on straw mattresses on th- bar-- Krour-.d.' A most revolting heart-moving plc- t u r t h- i .irli ii;t and persecution d- i h:ilr- n. sr.-- sav s i:. l li-- Th-- .i ,,. k cf d- stru :-.t:i'.-i- s f,.r It is still ir.t. I Th- i:r-..;lish lady a. Lis Tin drar. amps. ther-fiT". Were filled bv uMi; th-- w.m.-n nr-.d . hi'dren .vlthin th- bwl-d wir-- In. losi.ir- s uf t-r rtivimr burned th-lr housed and d-strov 1 all th-ir m--ans of sut.sist- en- - They aie t- inc -mpti--d by the di-s- i-. si a hi. h have be.-n indue, d bv th- unsanitirv conditions and priva i- ns a hi. h they have ufT-r.-. -r.f 'i.ldwi.i S.-rdlh. th- eminent Knirlish h,lsrorual writer and essayist is . i.rr-- t .v h- n h de, lares that thelOure guaranteid. Sold by R. R f-d- war In Africa will b-ar a stain on Great Until-, til it will t- dark and dunning in-1 onlv eou.ll-.! tv th- burning of J. -in of Arc ,v th- :r;t:h In Fram A I'owiler Mill Fiplotluu Removes ev.-ry thine In sight, so do drastic min.-r.il pills. but both are mighty lang-rous Ifcn't dynamit-th ! li. ate ma. h.nery of your bdy w ith I cal-.mei. cr. ton ml o al.s pills, when l'r Kings N'.-w I. if- Pills. whlh are gent!- as a summer breeze, do the work perfectly. Cures Headache. Constlpa tioti. lnly 25c at R. R. Bellamy- drug .tore. ouxpiiic ouursEs. The !r-.trr. il revenue system paid t vi'V v! and more to th.- federal I government for fiscal y--r -id ing :'."th June 1M The question .-.sk.-d senouly Is Ad miral Sampson ray'-' The .N'.-w Vork Journal says that the more oppr- tunlties Admiral Sampson givs hi; countrvmen .o know him as he is the mm-K i-n.-en hiv. fhov to con cr.i t u 1 a t o lhm-h on f-m h.ivinc !',. n ih.-nt I from th." b-ittl of San t laK'", n h-rr Sfhly commanded." A cartoon leprfsnt." th'" grand olJ Spanish Commander Cervera. as he ra.ls the ula nd'-rs upon Schley, as ay ln " Well 1 was there at the time, and It diJn t impress me that way. " Daring th-? sea rtsht at Santiago. Mc'lure s Majrarine said this oceurrvd: "A bl fellow cried. Thrct" cheon for S-hley.- and there were thret roars that drowned even the Colon gun thunder." The i lebrr.te.' IV Robert Kch h. cf Rerlln. said at the recent health con gress in trxifrla.nl that malaria did not emanate from swamps, but wan caused by the Inoculation of mosquitoes and ftnats. He further saM that malailA paraslten could b" stamped out wil.i quinine treatment Democratic Chairman Jones suggests that th democrats nominate for 1W1 some otucur business man."' The pith of this lies in the application. Who ta the fellow? The following l strictly In the line of truth. Th democratic Cincinnati Kn.julrer ur: "8oro Try poor men are making history nowadays and wors ones axe wrlUnclt." . Every woman in the country ougbt to know alv Joiner's Friend Thois who lo know about it w.-tider how thev rvi-r fjot along without it. It hiis robboil child birth f its terrors for many a your,.; v. ifo. It has pri-sc-r vi 1 her girlish : ;ure an ! -.av i d her much saffcitn It is an . .crnal lini ment and cariii-s with it therefore, als .lute! no danger '.f njctting the syst :a as drugs taken ii t.rii allv are apt to do. It is to le r-. .'n-.l int.. the abdomen to soften ami strcr. ;t hen the muscles which are to N ar the strain This means much less jain. it also prevents morning sicknosis and nil of the other discomforts of pregnancy. A druggist of Macon, Ga., says: I have sold a large quantity of Mother's Friend and have never known an instance where it has failed to product; the g"(d results claimed tor it." A prominent lady of Lam bcrton. Ark . writes: " With my fiit six lii'. Ven 1 was in lal-or from 2 to 30 hours. AfU r using Mother's Friend; my seventh was bom in 4 ours. Get Mi. "... r's Friend t th- 1 rng t... t. Mi .OO 1 t-r I i.t 1 1... thf eiu&nnn '. iator co. aium. e. COTTON MILLING IN SOUTH LAXP. Kr.oueh has appeared In American n-wsp.ip.-rs concerning southern devel opment ar.d the great increase In tex tiles to nil volumes If gathered into thnt form. Every few days the straw is thrashed over in pome southern newspaper or commercial monthly. The growth has be.-n most marked and continues. Thus far fifteen new cotton mills hav e l- e n chart-red In North I'arolinu for this year. The Boston Textile World gives figures as to textile maihltu-ry. It considers cotton, wool, knit and silk manufai tures for l'.'Ol. Tb.- South shows decline In wool and Aorst-d looms. and woolen cards. Increase In knitting mills yu per cent. f.a the country at large. f T.L'" ma 1 bin. s added. J. SCO are in the touth. Th- south shows no increase In silk mills, but has l.bC5 looms and 6'U00 fpindl-s. In cotton milling the south leads. The increase In the country is 7 p. r 1 t lit- for looms and T'-j tor spin dles. The i mi ease in looias is ol.il and in spindle? l.oTS.047. for 1WI over l'..'. Th- south shows Increase 61 per cent. Tin- increase of 7.5 per cent, it is? not J. if continued, would double the spinning capacity of the country in less than ten years. The southern rate of in. re.ts- would double the number in f..ur and one-half years. Th-- following tables will inform 113 t.. th- s- . tionul divisions 01 states: i'TTiN SIMNLLES. tut. s l..o T.'"l Inc 4C.l'.- 1 -.541. 547. -7J.4:57 Eastern 1 Middle 1..-.11.--4 ."..74J. ::.", "j4. J'J lo.'.s.tl'1 -17. lMf! ;.7i4.:..'i '.'.". 166 50.7jS'i .-'-"i ' 1 1 t 1 - I I . s -. , n :l. -V.e.3 2-.601."7' l.r7S."y.' ' 'TT' N Lot iMS. 1'Vhj l'lOl K.ist-rn States .. .3".-46 321, T"6 Middle States . ... 3J.74J 34.441 South.-rn States ...141.3D4 17j'.i.7i'6 Western Mat. s 6. "16 6.7.3'J In, 13. 46" 1 .': Is 1"J 4S.33S h22. 4.3 34. "t It is interesting to know that our neighbor to the south (the other r.iro- lin.i.) b ads bravely the south, .ino u is mu. h to its ciedit. Cotton milling has taken severely hold of the South Car- Its figures and in- reas". with e'hr states, as we nmi them In the Charleston -now auo url-r. are th- following: South I'aro- . -. . . i - ir..M lma. Fpindles In V." I .'.m.'j.... hi i-"". l ."."-''.' . loomc. in 19O0. 47.72.".. in I9.l. V.'t'o. I ne nKUres ioi .M'uii ire. Spindles in 1'.m'C. 1. 4.9. 54"; in I9"l. l.C'.'.. 333. L..mf, In K'. J4...i.. in i-"'i. is Th.- figures for Georgia are. Spin. II. s. m l'j'-J. l.l'ls.5"4. in IWl, l.3"3.- '.17. Looms. In l'.w. 20.033; In l-'d. a 30.1. The two Carollnas are at the head f the ilass. our iv n state being second ; Voli-imli- KiMiptlous Are grand, but Skin Eruption rob I life of Joy. Hucklen s Arnica salve cures them; also om, nuniiniK aou Fever Sores. Fleers. Boils. Felons, Corns. War us. Cuts. Bruises, Burns, Scalds. Chapped Hands, Chilblain. Best Rile cure on irth. Urivea out I'a.ns and Aches, (inly 25 cents box. 1 'i uggist. STATK IMtKSS. The wage-earner will have to leave he r.-publiciin party before he can make the courts recoirnir.e the fact that he has any rights where capital is cm- erne. I. Tarboro Southerner. I.et every man who is a friend to his peopi,. stand nrm ami iio nis pari in helping to achieve a grand victory. It no "sneak deceptions" allure you iway from your duty and your princi ples. Louisburg Times. Th- governor shows that he is look ing closely arter tnings wnen ne promptly made inquiries into the harges made against one of the In sane asylums and nan tnc management: to explain. Aycock has the ability to make one of the best governors the state has ever had and as he does not Intend to pave the way for future poll tical honors he will probably do it. Durham Herald. The New England cotton mill men have seen the hand-writing on the wall and are preparing to abandon the oarse g.H)ds production to the south. The Wampanoag Mills has decided to change Its machinery for the produc tion of finer fabrics, and Its lead will Iprobab v b eenerally followed. In a snort time tn' kuuui iu.ij uv rAt-.itru to bo up with New England even in the production of the finest grades of goods. -Charlotte Observer. Britain's Fato The two most powerful forces In the new- century will be Kussia and tne North American republic, and to a great extent the fate or the h.ngnsn empire will depend on what these countries do or do not do. Of these two colossal empires, the American re public iHcupie n favored position, it is like a michty island, and as sucn it will be almost beyond attack from the day when it shall hnve a navy that can cope- with the vessels of Cngland. and that day Is sure to come in tne near future Munich Allgemelne Zeitung. Ills Life Was Save!. Mr J. E. Lilly, a prominent citizen of Hannibal. Mo., lately had a wonder ful d-Miveranoe from a frightful death. In t411nr of it he says: "I was taken with Typhoid Fever, that ran into Pneumonia. My lungs became hard ened. I was so weak I couldn't even sit up in bed. Nothing helped me. I expected to soon die of Consumption, when I heard of Dr. King New Dis covery. One bottle gave great relief. I continued to use it. and now am well and strong. I can't say too much in Its praise." This marvellous medicine ts the surest and quickest cure In the world for all Throat and Lung Trouble. Regular sizes 50 cents and $1.00. Trial bottles) fre at R. It. Bellamy's Drug Store; every bottle guaraatetd. . ---... ; - ..... KOItTTI CA.ROr.INA. Kins ton Free Press: The first brick for the rebuilding of St4 Mary's Epis- copal church Tvaa laid yesterday by, Master Alfred A. Haskitt and Missed Eugenia Griffith and HUdah Haskitt. Durham Herald; The noted Gattls-Kllgc- case la on the calendar of the Grajivllle county coin;, which will be In session at Oxford. This case is ex- 1 pected to come up Wednesday- In this ' cafe Rev. T. J. Gattis is suing J. C. Kilgo for $100,000 damages. Monroe Enquirer: Mr. Martin James son of Rev. R. H. James, of Wlngate, had a leg broken Just below the knee last Friday. Mr. James was in a wag on and the mule he was driving ran away and the young man Jumped out, breaking his leg as above stated. There was a very interesting trial in the court house last Tuesday and yes terday. Mr. Emsley Griffin. Jr., now of Hillsboro. Ark., was tried for the se duction of Priscilla Thomas, a young lady living near Wingate, six miles east of here. Griffin is charged with committing the crime in the year 1S94. The prosecution put up a number of witnesses. Jack Robinson, who at tempted to assassinate Mr. E. A. Rog ers, in Vance township, a report of which was given In our last issue, was arrested at Blair. S. C-, a few days ago a nil is being tried before Esq. M. L. Flow. A Missionary Baptist church was organized at Mountain Spring, lght miles southeast of Monroe, last Friday. There are 27 members. Rev. A. Ii. Caudle, presided at the organi zation of the church. Cervera'g Tribute to Schley Admiral Cervera, the commander of the Spanish fleet which was destroyed n.-ar Santiago, impressed the American people as a 1 hivalrous officer and a gen tleman of high character. That he Is competent to judge of the conduct of Admiral Schley in the greatest sea fight in the war with Spain goes without saying. The Spanish admiral, in an interview printed in the New York Journal yesterday, pays a graceful trib ute to Admiral Schley, who he pro nounces "a gallant oflicer and a high minded gentleman." Admiral Cervera is an officer of tried courage, who led a forlorn hope and acquitted himself like a hero. His tribute to a former foe will win him the respect of all Ameri cans who admire true nobility of char acter. "Admiral Schley,'- says the dis tinguished Spaniard, "accomplished ful ly the work allotted to him, and, there fore, it does not seem to me that there is any reason for adverse criticism at l.-ast from the American side. Admiral Rchl--y showed ability and thorough ness." Baltimore Sun. Xo lllcht to UkIIuoss. The woman who is lovely in face, form and temper will always have fiends, but one who would be attractive must ke-ep her health. If she is weak, sickly and all run down, she will be nervous and irritable. If she has con stipation or kidney trouble, her impure blood will cause pimples, blotches, skin eruptions and a wretched complexion. Electric Bitters is the medicine in the world to regulate stomach, liver and kidneys and to purify the blood. It gives strong nerves, bright eyes, smooth, velvety skin, rich complexion. It will make a good-looking, charming woman of a run-down invalid. Only 60 cents at R. R Bellamy's Drug Store. Four Great Sewers. -r-r- Every human body is equipped with a -Jtj most elaborate sew- - r age system compos ed of the Lungs, Skin, Kidneys and Bowels. To enjoy per fect health each sewer must be acting properly; failure on the part of any one results In disease and death. When the Bowels re fuse to do their part in relieving the I system of the decaying elements in the j body you must assist nature. i Nothing has yet been discovered that Is more valuable for this purpose than OR. CARLSTEDT'O GERMAN LIVER POWDER. One bottlo will pro duce a result, its good effects will be realized at once. Give it a trial and you will also sing its praises. Sold by all druggists and dealers generally or by mail on receipt of price, 25 cents ; 5 bottles 81.00. Made Only By The CARLSTEDT MED. CO., Evansville, lad. For sale by ROBERT R. BELLAMY, Wilmington, N. C. Jan IS 2aw 6m we f r w'y oaw PIPKIN'S -EXCURSION -TO Norfolk.Washington and Baltimore Wild. UE HUN ON Tuesday, Aug. 6, 1901 Fare from Wilmington to Norfolk and return, only $3.00. From Wilmington to Washington and return, only $6.00. From Wilmington to Baltimore and r.-turn. only $G Mi. Train leaves Wilmington Tuesday morning. August fith. 1901, at 7:43 a m. Baggage 2.V extra. S.-nd your orders in for staterooms at once. Staterooms extra to Washington or Baltimore. For further particulars, write to R. E. PIPKIN, Manager, jy 16 tf Ooldshoro, N. C. Mount Airv White Sulphur Springs MT. AIRY. N. C. This Popular Resort will be Open June the First. For want of room we were com pelled last season to turn away several of our guests and patrons. We are now building an annex lo the hotel 150 feet long, which will add much to the appearance of )he place and greatly increase its capacity. This building will be finished and nice ly furnished by the last week In June. Other improvemerts have been made. Prices same rl last season $25 to $30 per month; '7 to $S per week. Write for one of our folders, which gives analysis of tne water and other lnfr'Viatlon. J. K. REYNOLDS, my 28 tf Mt. Airy, N. C. Dig H in t non-potoonoot romoily for Gonorrhoea, Ulxrt, Surrmttorthott, .... . . j - )tdym. null, annmri uu CIJrr, i l ,uj iuu.iii miy tioo, ii. -station or nlcera- P iiiiu wemi tion or uncoil SMm. THmlCHDTCUCa branc. Mon-artril Jent. or wot in plain wrapper, by uprm, prepaid, fol 1.00. or 3 bottla, f2.7S. - r r B't on regnesi aug,lLly,we..fr..rc CHICHESTER'S CSJGUSIf PILLS Oritiul mm Only OaaalM ibr i iillii i r.n n nuura la HKD ud awtmllia kana. ! iia wm ribboa. Take m aUiar. Uutmmm Parra Haibatlttlaa u4 laattai timmm Say of yonr Dradtrt. ar mmA 4V ta a ar l-artteauara. lalliaaniy M4 " Kfflc' far lawllr," lr,7t lara Hail. 1 . a Dniflm. Cktrhaatcar C'aliaaH fljl LvJI o. a. ouiuriDrt p LiraTifja PENNYROYAL II TL Ask for our New Paris Shapes THtr Ae kOWBUST. STRAIGHT FRONT & LONG HIP. Styles 55052-440.441-445-447- rv for Sale at all leadinc retailers Harris Lithia Water Strongest Natural Lithia Spring Water on the Market. A Perfect Prescrip tion From Nature For All Diseases of the LIVER KIDNEYS, BLADDER AND BLOOD. Especially recommended and prescribed by prominent physicians everywhere for BRIGHT'S DISEASE, ALBUMINURIA, CYSTITIS & GRAVEL Sufferers from RHEUMATISM, GOUT, and all Uric Acid Poisoning will find "HARRIS LITHIA' ' the most effec tive remedy. Testimonials from phy sicians and patients theft eliminate all questions of doubt, sent to any address. AS A TABLE WATER HARRIS LITHIA IS UNEXCELLED It is clear, pure, odorless and slightly acid. Still: Carboys and Demijohns. Cases of 12 half-gallon bottles. Spark ling: Pints and quarts. Sold by all dealers. J. HICKS BUNTING, Wilmington, N. C, Local Distributor. my H 3m we su Carolina BeachHiSouthport Lv. Wilmington for Carolina Beach. Lv. Wilmington for Southport. :15 a.m. Monday . .fi:00, 9:1") a.m., 2:45, 5:15, -;M p.m. Tuesday Wed , lav. " Thursday " Friday " " " Sat urday.2:30, 5:15 p.m. Sunday ..9:45 a.m., 2:30 T:.") p.m. 5:00 a.m., 2:30 p.m. 9:45 a.m., 2:30 p.m. Fare on 5:15 and 7:30 p. m. Boats, 15c to Pier. HOMER MILITARY SCHOOL OXFORD, 1ST. O ELEGANT BUILDINGS HEATED BY THE BUFFALO FAN SYSTEM SECURING PERFECT VENTILATION. Sixteen new rooms for two boys each to be added for the fall term. Engagements should be made early. Annual attendance up to the full capacity and many turned away each session for lack of room. Best athletic field with quarter mile track In the south. Faculty of specialists with special work. Curriculum preparatory lo the best college or university education. An atmosphere of high idesls surrounds the school, as students not preparing for higher education are excluded. FALL TERM BEGINS SEPTEMBER 3rd. THE NORTH CAROLINA State Normal and Industrial College, Literary, Classical, Annual expenses $100 to $40; for non residents of the state $160. Faculty of 30 members. Practice and Obser vation School of about 250 pupils. To secure board In the dormitories all free-tuition applications should be made before July 15th. Session opens September 19th. Correspondence invited from those desiring competent teachers and stenographers. For Catalogue and other information address President CHARLES D. McIVER, Greensboro, N. C. Scientific, Commercial Industrial, Pedagogical, Musical. 3 8 PEACE INSTITUTE and Conservatory of Music. A girls. It will pay you to ask for system of music. II. BRAVVLEY, Director. 1e 12 till se 11 Executor's Notice. T HAVE THIS DAY QUALIFIED AS EX. L ecutrix of the last will and testament of Patrick Donlan, late of the County of New Hanover, deceased, and nereny request an persons indebted to my said testator to make early payment, and all persons having claims aifainst nis estate to present tne same to me, duly authenticated, on or before the 20th day of July. 1902, or this notice will be pleadea in bar of their recovery. This the 16th day of July, 1901. MARGARET M. DONLAN, Executrix of the last Will and Testament of Patrick Donlan, Jy 17 oaw 6t we Administrator's Notice I HAVE THIS DAY QUALIFIED AS THE administrator of Joseph Silvy before the Clerk of the Superior Court of New Hanover County, and hereby request all persons in debted to my intestate to make immediate payment, and all persons having claims afrainst his estate to present the same to me, duly authenticated, on or before the 20th day of July, 1903, or this notice will be plead ed in bar of their recovery. This the 16th day of July, 1901. J. J. HOPKINS, Administrator of Joseph 8ilvy. jy 17 oaw ut we Mahomet and the Mountain HIGH-GRADE MANUFACTUREBS DON'T have to send out "Drummers." and the dealers who want to handle their goods must f-o to them. Hence, as a member of the N.T. furniture Exchange, I make my annual pil grimage to the "Exposition," where it will be my privilege to inspect the products of more than 500 of the leading factories in the world. During my absence Mr, Dosher will be glad to entertain any seeker after Stylish, Honest-Made, Long-Lasting Furniture. N. F. PARKER, Furniture & Furniture Koreltles 111 Market Street. Bell Faoae ax, Interstate 42 m 'arg it Ml 1 Lv. Carolina Beach for Lv. Southport for Wilmington. Wilmington. 7.-00 a.m., 1:00, 3:30, G.-00, i 8:30 p.m. 12;00 m. H:45 a.m.. fi:l5 p.m. 12:30, 0:00, X;30 p.m. 8.-00 a.m., 5:00 p.m." 12:00 m., 5:00 p.m. T, C. HORNER. Raleigh, N. C. select and thorough school for Its catalogue. The Leschetizky JAS. DINWIDDIE. A.M., Pri ncipa THE JOHN L. BOATWRIGHT CO 15 South Front St. DEVILED CRABS SALMON, LOBSTER. CLAMS, SHELLED PECANS. SHELLED ALMOND3 OLIVE OIL IN ALL SIZES AND BULKS. MANGROVE PICKLES BEST ON MARKET. Everything that any hostess miga wish for a reception. We make a spe cial effort to please and we have fa cilities to do so. Cal! on us. The Jno. L. Boatwright Co 15 South Front Stree Phones No. 1. HOTEL CALEDONIA, WILKESBOKO, N. C., On the Picturesque Yadkin Nestled In the foot-hills of the Great Brushes and Blue Ridge. Spacious and, Neat Apartments. Cuisine the Best. The patronage of Tourists, Pleasure Seekers and Commercial Travelers solicited. For terms and booklet, apply to A. R WacLACIILAN, men 17 6m . Proprietor, OU on Bagging, Ties, Salt, Molasses, Flour, Etc., Etc., Before Placing Your Orders ! A few bags COW PEAS Low to Close Out. HALL & PEARSALL, INCORPORATED. Wholesale Grocers. CANDY CURE PILES. and all rectal disorders. Pleasant, Not a Physic. Results or money refunded, 60c. Wli. H. GREEN A CO., Wilmington. J. HICKS BUNTING, Wilmington. JAMES C. MUNDS, Wilmington. J. H. HARDIN, WLlmnlgton (EtU Drug Cr. Philadelphia. Mf.) dot 28 It NOW FOR THE SPRING TRADE WE ARE SOLE AGENTS HERE FOR Geftuine Dixie, Stonewall, Carolina, and Clipper Plows ! Hoes, Rakes, Forks. Cotton Planters, &c. These are the genuine brand and can only be secured from us. There Is none other as good. We have a large line of seasonable goods, such as Window Screens, Garden Hose, Refrigerators. Ice C? earn Freezers In ALL SIZES and at PRICES TO SUIT. Send rim your orders and we will look out for your lnterewtm. J. W. Murchison & Co Cook's Duchnsr. l nieTP prpnueensrullj ased montbly bv .-r i O Indira. I'rico, $1 By mail, li i-s S-.ud 4 eenta for sample and panu ularg. TbeOookOa- 263 Woodward a ve . Detroit Mich. I HICKS BUNTING. WILMINGTON Double Daily Service BETWEEN NEW YORK. TAMPA, ATLANTA, NEW ORLEANS AND POINTS SOUTH AND WEST SCTIKDIT.K IN KFFECT MAY. 2C 1901. TRAIN Leaves Wilmington 3:0;'. p. m., 41 arrives Lumberton b-.'M j. m.. Pembroke 5:4a p. m.. Maxlun 6:15 p. m., Hamlet 7:15 p. m. Char lotte 10:15 p. m. xAiiN weaves unariotte 5:20 a. m 38 Hamlet 8:10 a. m., arrives Maxton 8:52 a. m., Pembroke 9:20 a. m., Lumberton 9:44 m., Wilmington 12:05 noon. WESTBOUND FROM HAMLET. Lv Hamlet 110 00pm 723am Ar Monroe 1220am 9 05am Ar Charlotte 10 01 a m Ar Chester j 142am 10 20 a m Ar Cfreenwood 3 46 a m 12 22 p m Ar Athens 628a mi 240pm Ar Atlanta 8 00 a m 3 55 pm Close conmeotion at Atlanta for Mont gomery. Mobile. Now Orleans aixl all points in Texas. Mexico and California also far Chattanoogu. Nashville. Louis ville, St. Louis. CinclruiaUi. Chicago and western and Northwestern points SOUTHBOUND FROM HAMLET. Lv Hamlet Ar Columbia Ar Savannah Ar Jacksonville Ar Tampa 10 60pm! 7 20am 106am 10 3o a m 4 62 am 915am 540 pm 1 47 p m 6 10 p in 6 10 a m NORTIIIIOUND FROM HAMLET Lv Hamlet Ar Raleigh Ar Narlinu Ar Portsmouth Ar Norfolk: 10 35 p m 124 am 3 18 a m 7 00 a m 700 am 8 (Jo a r 10 37 a n. 12 23 p m 5 60 p m 660 pm 8 00 a rn Lv Hamleft Ar Raleigh Ar Narlino. Ar Petersburg Ar Richmond Ar Washlngtoin Ar Bal timore Ar Now York I 10 35 p m 1 24 a m 3 18am i 5 43 a m I 6 32 a m I 10 10 a m I 11 25 a m I 4 25 pm 10 37 a m 12 23 p m 2 45 p ro 3 31 p ik. 705 pm 11 26 pm 6 30 n. m Throug-h Pullman sleepers from Hamlet to an points worth, outh and South west. Train 38 Leaving Hamlet at 8:10 a m takes passengers from Train No. 31 leaving Now York at 12:55 p. m.. Haiti more at 5:45 p. m.. Washington 6:55 p m.. Richmond 10:40 p. m. Portsmouth 9:30 p. m.. Norfolk 9:20 p. m., Raleigh 4:10 a. m.. arriving at Hamlet at 7:00 a. m . From Train 38. leaving Atlanta at 8:00 p. m.. Athene 11:23 p. m.. Chester 4:10 a. m.. Charlotte 5:20 a. m.. Monno b:05 a. m.. arriving at Hamlet at 7:40 a m. l-'rwn Train "No. 66, leaving J ark son vine ax 3:to p. m.. savanmah 11:40 p. m. Columbia 3:35 a. m., arriving at Hamlet at 7:40 a. m. For tickets, Pullman reeerval ions, etc apply to Thomas D. Mearea, Goinral Agent Wilmington. N. C. R. E. L. BUNCH. Gonial Passonger Agent JAS. M. BARR, : 1st V. P. and General Manager. ATLANTIC & NORTH CAROLINA R. R. Time Table In Effect June 16. 1901. iPass'ger. (Paas'ger. jh;astDounq Trams. Dally. Only, Leave Goldsboro Leave Kinston .. 5:40 p m 7:45 a m 6:32 p m 7:50 p m 9:02 p m 8:30 a m 9:50 a m Leave New Bern. Arrive Morehead. 11:02 a m IPass'ger. iPas.i'ger. westbound Trains. Dally. Only. Leave Morehead.. Leave New Bern. I 7:27 a ml 5:37 p m 9:00 a m 7:00 p m 10:12 a m 8:02 p m 11:05 a m 8:65 p m Leave Kinston Arrive Goldsboro.. S. L. DILL, Superintendent. THE CLYDE 8TE AD SHIP CO NEW y6rK. WILMINGTON. N. C, AND GEORGETOWN. S. C, LINES. NEW TORK FOR WILMINGTON, S. S. Oneida Saturday, August 3rd S. S. Saginaw. ..Saturday, August 10th WILMINGTON. N .C, FOR NEW YORK. S. S. Saginaw Saturday, August 3rd o. neiaa Saturday, August 10th FROM WILMINGTON, N. C. FOn GEORGETOWN. S. C. S. S. Saginaw Tuesdav. Julv aftth S. S. Oneida Sueaday, August 6th S. S. Onsida des not carry passengers. Through bills of lad 1 no- an 1TSr Aa t through rates guaranteed to And frnm points in North and South Carolina. H. Q. SMALLBONES, Superintendent. THEO. G. JCGER. General Manager, io state street, IN. T. Let Us. Prices c TLANTTC COAgT LINE R iX. CO. Schedule In effect July 2th, im. Departurea from Wilmington. f NORTUBOUNTJ. DAILY NO. 48. ruMOfw Iu Ur 9:30 A. M. nolla 11:05 a.m., Warnaw 11X1 a m loldboro 13:21 p. m.. WU non 1 : 1 Sp . m.. Rocky Mount 1 :4 p. m., Tarboro 1:31 p. m.. Wl don 4:32 p. m..letralrurr I a p. m. RiohtnoTMl 7:23 p. m , Norfolk p. m., Whlnrin 11:20 p. in.. BalUmortj 1:3 m Philadelphia 1:00 . m . N York t:U a. m . 1ltoiii : p. rn. DAILY NO. 40. Paaonvr. lu 7:00 1. M. nolla :30 p. m.. Wonw k 4 p. m.. OoWaboro 1.T1 p. m . Wii von 1:30 p. m. fTnrNnxi r, 4 a. m.. Rooky Mount 11:23 y. m Wftldon 1:39 a. tn.. tNorf.k 10:25 a.m.. Petersburg I 42 a m., Richmond 3:20 n.m . Wn kIi Ington 7:01 a. m.. n.iltlin 8:20 a. m. Philadelphia lo li a. m.. New York 1:3 P rn . Boeron 9 00 p m. DAILY NO. 50. IMjtKjngtsr Do J.irk except sonvlllo 4:13 p. m.. Nw l-m Sunday 6:40 p. m. 2:25 p. m. aOlTTHBOUND. DAILY NO. 55. rngfr.-Tu ! . 3:45 I'. M. Waooamaw 4:58 t. m . tiru). bourn 6:30 p. m. Mirln 4 p m., l-laroni- 7:25 p. m . Humtct t:12 p. m.. Oolunibla 10. S. p. n.. Ionmnrk 6:55 n. in . Auuu 7:56 a. m., Macon 11:15 ft. m . A1 lnnta 12:35 p.m. ChnrlJtori 1 1 If, p. m.. HavJuiDah 2:45 a.m.. JuaIi sonvlllo 8:30 a.m., Ht. AUKU-llrK-10:50 a. m. Tampa 10 0o v n wi-rr noirND. DAILY NO. 63. Paaacfian-. Duo V - :00 A. M. ottevlllo 12:0fi p. m . lo.ivin hiy- fttovlllo 1Z:26 p. m . nmv Wanford 1:43 p. tn ARRIVALS AT WTTMINOTt N PHOM THE NORTH. DATLY NO. 49 raaKwinr l-.-iv tl- 6:15 I'.M. ton 1?0 p. m.. New Yoik .iu p. m.. I'hllndulphla i2 20 n ni lkiltlmoro 2:55 a. in Wax hint: ton 4:30 a. m. IUciniion.1 V a. m. IVtorsburg It ii a. in . Norfolk 9:00 a. m.. Wldoi 11 1 a. m.. Tortxwv 12 21 p m . Rocky Mount 12:62 p. m . AVI1 hon 2.40 p. m., c;oidbi.. ,i :', p. m.. War Raw 4:2.r. p in.. Mag nolia 4:40 i. in. DAILY NO. 41. uti-r A 9:25 A. M. lkwton 12.00 nlht N.-w ,,tk 8:55 n. m.. I'lllnll;hl.i 11.13 m.. BoJUmor J:45 j. in . ih ln-ton 3:12 p. m . lUrlini.Mi-l 6:67 p. m . I Ytorlu.r.r 7 i in.. JNorfolk 3:30 p.m.. V ld..n 9:10 l. nv. tTaiboro 6.5.1 p in . H"'ky Mount 6 li n in Loeivo Wiln 6 ;,7 n in I. ).! boro 6:45 n. m , W.uiu 7 3D n. ni.. Mnguolin 7 ...1 a m DAILY NO 61. r.i-iiir t a- i v. N.o ieoi)t Born 9: no n in J i k .n ill.. unlay 10:3i; a. m. 12:15 v. m. FROM T11K HOI T1I DAILY NO. 64. I'a'iir Tim 1:25 I. M. pa 8:00 a. in.. Snf.r. i:: p m.. J.-vck!onvlUi h ii ni Si varuali 1:30 n. in. ( 'h.irl, tu 6:45 n ni., Atlanta 7 . :.o n m . Maooii 9:00 ri. m . Autiuilj 1' M p. m.. lHsnm.rk l.)i p in . lumbla C:4i) m . Hunilfr p. m , Klwonro ! ."." a in Ma rlon 10:30 a. m , Vi.-idl.urn II l a. rn . Lak Wiioainiiw i:ll a. tn . KAST ItOt'Nl) DAILY NO. 62. l'axsoiigiT- I..iv.. Km 713 li M ford 2.03 p.m.. nri!' Fiy il-- vlll 4:30 p. rtl lr:ivr i t I . vlllo 4:30 X'- m. Bonnottsvllo Braiurh -Train Ii-.ivm 1 '.. n nettsvillo 8:10 a. in.. Maxton J 'o n m . Red Springs 9:32 n.m.. 1'iiiklnu in n: i m.. arrive Fa yvt U-vlllo 11 10 .i m It." turning loavort I'.iycl t 111,. 4 V. p in Hopo Mills 6:("J p. m . 1C1 S.iln;, !. .l p. m.. Mnilon :16 p ni.. Mrrlv- 1 1 -1 1 nttsvlllo 7:15 p. m. Oonmootlons at F.iyt ( vi 11- with (rlr No. TS. at Mnxton with I ho ;rilin.i ' n tral railroad, nt ltl Hprlri; wnii tim Rcl Springs unI lhwnnr- Itillr.M.I it Sanford w-ILh the Hoalxnir.l Alt 1 .1 n- .in. I Southorn Railway, at tlnlf i:h i h. Inn hnm and 'harlot in lt.illr.n.l IValn beLWM-n Rx-ky Mount m l Rn h momd leavo Rooky Mount 7 1. i rn . .it rive Weldon 8:17 i. rn iirtlv' P, t. mhh( 10:18 a. m.. arrlvo Hli-hrnot.,1 11 in i m TrtLlns on llm S(Mt la.n.1 N'..k I'.r-.m. Rwul Iimvo W'Klun 3:5Ti p in ll.ii.fii 4:17 p. m.. arrive Holland Nr. k .. i : p.m.. (Jrcenvillc 7.34 pin. Kit. "ton h .u p. in . It--lurnlng b-avi-f Kln-ton 7 :in a. in.. (Jnu'iivillf 8 30 a. in . a t i i I n k 1 1 i It fax 11 :05 a. in . WMoti ; L'o :, m dally except Sunday. Tralru n S .l.hMhk : on I'ln, ;...ivi Washington H .00 a.m.. .-tin! j .; p in , ;it rive I'aniK ! g.f.j a. in., and 4 i p rn . i turning leave I'arnn h 'j . ;', a to .and . . .:, p. ni.. arrive Valiing1n 11 an i in in.l 8:20 p. in. Daily -xeept Sunday. 'IValn lc.ives Tai Ixm-o. N ' .Lilly -i cept Sunday C:30 p.m.. Smiliy 4 1.'. p m , arrivc-B I'lyniouih N .'15 p m . and f. la p m Rt'turnlnx Ntiv.H I'iwiiouMi cept Sunday 7:30 a. m , and Sunday -j 04) n. m., arrives Tarboro y io a in . nn l 11:00 a. m. Train lavo Ooldshoro daily .i.t Sunday 6:00 a in., arriving Hrn4t it (U-ld I, iu a. m. ItotuniiriK Joav.-n Smlt h fl.l.) , ii a. m . . arrives fit ( J)dilr. s ' u in Train on Na.sli-111 Itr.m. ii i Rocky 'Mount at y .: a tn . .'! 4'i m rtrrlv-OR Nahvllle Ki.1'0 n rn 4 n:t t, m Spring llow 11:00 n. ni 4 L'." p in It. turning leave Hprl-nK ll.ix- il Jn i tn 4:65 p. m.. NahvlU ll.t'i a in f, r. i m. arrlwa at Rocky Mount l ; li a m C:00 p. ni. dally cxepi Sunday Train on Clinton ltr.-ui h l.-.in V ,t saw for Clinton dally rx..t Siinl.i. 11:40 a. :rt , and 4.25 p. in ltituii.ini leav" Clinton C : 4.3 n in . and :.u p tu Trahva Jeuvo I'ee I lo " n m ir. rlVO Latta 10:31 a. in . mil.m M J i tn llow laaid 10:6.S a. in.. rMurtiii.n v Rowland 6:10 p. m . airlv-n iniinn . :u p. m.. Iatta C 44 p. in. 1V. l--' ' p m-, Klally. Train on Oonway Branch Imvn 'hi1 bourn 11:G0 a. m. arrlvo 'iiwuv 1 i m., returning ki Cuti-wuy 2 ) m arrlvo ?hndtourn 6.2i p in . lnv.. 'I1...1 bourn 6:35 p. m.. nrrive Klro.1 x in p m roturnlng lxv I01rol a rn mtha Ch-ul bourn 11:25 a. m D.-Uly ' pt Hun day. Trains leave Fumtcr r:fin p rn . Man nlng 5:43 p. m.. arrives Iati. s r. : h p m . leave Lanes 8.37 a. tn.. M.innU) ! 17 u m., nrrive Sumter l..3i n. in Ii.iIPn Gxargotown nnd Wcnirrn It.llioi.J U.vea Ij(uii 8:40 a. m t 7 :'t p in n?-r!v 0orgotown 10:00 n. m . . t 3u v m l 1 Oorsretorwn 6:30 a. m . (I K, p m aitu Ln.nes 8:00 a m .. t 6:-V p. ni Traimn loavo JHrrmnt dally X'x pt Hun day 9:50 a. m . nrrive Darlini;iii in 1'. a m.. lUvrtnvllJo 9:15 t m 'hf-r.iw 11 :'.u 1 m., Waileilxxro 12:3.. i. m lvivo I'l.n once drtlly except Hund-iy s on , tn . tlr rivo Darllrnrton S:X p. m I t.MiTiet tax .1 it. 9:22 1?. tn.. ;ilXKn 10 30 p. In Ixivi. )"l..r wico Sunday only 9.50 a ni . urtivo 1 it Mngton 10.15 a m. Leave (llbson dally ncopl Htinduy f, 1 '., a. m.. BonnottxvUlo 7:16 n. m., nnlrn larlhigton 8:15 a. m. lonvo I rlliirtn 8:60 a. m.. arrlvo l"Toripno 9 il n m Iavo Woilw brjro la11y -xcept HuiMlay 4:10 p. m., Choraw 6:15 p. in . 1 ortuvlll.. 7:25 e. m. Iarllngton f:29 p tn airrlv Floreinoo 7:00 p. tn.. Ixiv 1 .ir-ll 114.-1 m 8:50 n. m.. arrlvo FKuro.nco ir. a. ni . Wilson and FayWtrvl1lo Hr.-L.-n li lvr Wilson 1:69 p. m.. 10:40 T rn arrlvo H I ma, 3:48 p. m.. 11:18 p. m Hmlthflold .1 o? p. m ., Dunn 3:40 p. m . Fnyot tvm 4 Z. n m.. 12:32 n. m. Row-Inn,! 6 or, p. m r.. turning loavo Rowln.ntil 10:t.S n. rti . Kay ettevtlle 12:2 p. ni . 1O 22 p. in . Dun.11 1:04 p. m.. Snilthn-ld 1:43 T. tn.. H-Hn 1:50 p. m.. 11:30 p. ni.. orrlv WHmhi 2 p. Tn.. 12:12 a. m . Trtalrm loave Bumtir 4:01 a. m . r'r- ton 41 ft. m.. atriv Iivtmrmrk 6 4K m. Returning Iotivo Ixnvmirk 4:30 ft m OivBton 6:15 p. m. RamlT K.m n m Dally. tDally except Sunday Sunday only H. M KM I IIIHoN. O emrtr.U I 'niin fr'-r AB-tit J R K FNLY -nvnl M a.i nK rr . T. M. K.MKRSoN. Tra-ftlc Mutiny Southern Railway THE 8TABDAED EAUWAT OF THE BOOTH THE DIRECT LIRE TO ILL POINTS. Texas, California. Florida, Guba and Porto Rico. Strictly nret-elasn equipment on all through and local trains; Pullman Palace Sleeping cam on all night train); fast and safe schedule. Travel by the Southern and you arc assured a safe, comfortable and expe ditious Journey. Apply to ticket agents for time table, ate and general Information, or ad dress R. L YERHOH, F R. DARBY. T. P. A.. C. p. A T. A. Charlotte. H. C. AaheyUle, N. C. No troubla to answer queations. . H. HIRDWICI, G.P.1, WISHII6T01, D C. y 4 I' 1

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