'-VOL. XIV., No. l-2. WILMINGTON, N. C, TUJSSDAY, AUGUST 13, 1901. PRICE 5 CENTS TBI.HiltAPHM si MM VltV r-1 . Th- xr-.rwih ' ' ! TV... -r l u TV. u; ;: first day of strike (strikers disafpointed at number OF MEN GOING OUT. Ex V..LV.' I i. ! :k M i: A r: I i-ir. i TV. -N V T V. SOME MEN DISOBEY ORDERS I'nlor Men tt sprprsl Wedtorn .Mill KoIuho to .o Ont-tluly Alwiut lit Thounn.l Men on ..t r! ki - Add 1 1 ion to Thin Number Dnrlnif the We. Kip. tcil-Th htrlkorn Make GnlLN Point Not Anticipated-! heir Stubborn K!bt - Appl for AU. II ctv I f : : l.iu- I r. ire A h-1 -. t h th- rv- 1 :cu.t i; Tho r. 171 .1 :. u f 1 1 ' ' -1 1 : r I -" 1 on IV.- fust van ta tf l- r : i r . 1 1 strike . . ..' struggl j r 1 .it'.. . i f . t . i hf. o with t V. . r I r 1 !; tv. il I- I.- r. : r . th M K- .1 f.i: ... t. v ai ha - 1 i 1 ral Ul.Cliftll'lin PAl'K- M V A: v : 1- . tlv and 1 ' j 1.1:,- : it-.- TV.- ! : ; - c . . J. : v:-k; ; .it .. n a ..nl ! . t - v - M 1- ( :.I ' : M ' r v ! ' M l-jtli .-r Mr. Th"ram Mae lonnM . - i N - I! M a : t h a::.i: .1:. l :hl- 1 ! at! f-lt V1.I Frllovr' r.- 1 : v. OrphD4 Ontlcg tV. i '. ! iv.: .'-'.'.. I V.: r:: : n a:-. i : S-.'j, A 5 v h ; 1 t .1 k- . . ri tV-ir .1 : A ti t r and all . "1 sn ' ti V v t h at the Y. M h.irK- for a !r wll lb.- taken t )n Thur'!.iy P a. m.. train here t he y M.in:UT J II t h- ". t h I". : V.vin th- ; uV W.-'.r. TV.--rv 1 an.! r. 'lay : 1..II-, V. bo I". o t i.in tho tarty u'.il r.i cn the ti th-1 ?a.hore h.tel vilt en t-rtat n"il bv Illntnn. Thy -wilt give an entertain J p. m .a n ! th 8 p. m.. On Frl-lay m-nt In th? ball nxm at -. :U return to the ilty on train. th . hll.iren vlll th? atirbts of our i-ity an.! at night will bo entrtAin-il by L.-t!tio. I!(fe. Daugh tora of nbo-ca at tho nms of Han oVt LoiK-. Front strtt. to which OM Fellows ar Invlt--! Saturday mornln thy will return homo. On arcoutit of tho visit of tho or phans th-rt vi ill bo aa excursion to Houthjvort on We.lr.fsJay The fare will bo Zj Cf-.K (or tho round trip Jamos White Pryantsv!I. Tn l . aays DVltt' Witrh Haxet SaIvo hoaled runnlnr aorrs on both tops. Ho had maKerrri t run. Doctor falloJ to help bJm. Oet DeWltt'a. Accept no Imlta tlon.R. R. BeUsxnT. tt - .1 ha 1 :i ::i:ll . it M K 1 Mlba h ... : k : - 1 i.V t V- ...ill t- 1 where local lo'lpes hal b.r-n fornud an.l where the nu n w. to very Jepirous i.f Iw-inK union men an.l ' t- now out on strike for recognition. "In the lonf'T'iiKJ whih were hel'l by th- r-i'i esetitativt s of the I'nite l Stat-s Corporation an.l the Amal- Kamate-1 Association the representa tives of the l'mt-1 States Steel Com pany's th- only arguments were that tli. y 1 1 -1 n..t il-sire th- Amalgamated Ass... iation to become too powerful and that they should hold the balance of power. Iater 1 .inferences were h.-M with the heads of the l'nit-d Stales Steel Company who submitted a ptop- o.:iion that e only sikh l'"f the mills I smr.ed last car. with the exception of j the She- t mills .n Saltsburn and Si ..tt-il.il-. which w-re siiftied for the year prt lously. Th- ir proposition was re J t 1 . as it meant tha: the Anialh mated Assoiiitioti would iihi. ly have to r-ma.n 111 a .uies, .nt state wlnl-l they were expaiidinif and e x t n . i 1 ng- th-ir non-union possessions. They are .u-iiiK a liht for the ex- unatioi. ..f th-- Amalifamate.i Asso- 1 . 1 t h- workmen to com - 1 ip.e vv V.: '- tux e d'-m- I l tlt- J.eopb- of th.- I'm : . .I ; ! sire th-niselves. and so I refuse to i;ra n t us. Th i I l-.r... dir. t-d at th- Amal- I ... 1.1 : .it. but at nafa m 1 J r 1:1 k'- :.- tal and siiould th- y uc L m ! f- a lit.if th- A malif.i ma 1 . d . iation i- will effe. t e.ry oi.in-l.-l in th-- I'nite.l S'.it. s s'.i. .! In :1ns struttrl- it Mill . -s. ry t . . k the aid f 1 y I b-.!y a-; w-ll as th- if-'-n. ral ; ;:..:' . h"- mpat h.- kt.-.'. are w . h u 1:1 th- pre.-, r.t strtiBKl-- To - n '. we : !;.it .u u;-. us ..ir - tl and Mn.us. :al aid A liberal r.-!.- !'; :i a r. . '. 1 1 i w . 1 i m it- na.ly a s - :s ; Us in . . n ! ii t.r.if a v i t - ! . a s . ,imp.,:i;:i f.-ra jrin. 1;;- whb h is th- mall-nab!- m-ri. a n f re. man. -.- to all t!i- .!na!if" :..n m th- pt st:-.:- .:: all ni-.!i- y should 1... j J :: Williams. : I : y .: v. 11 IV.-- I I '!' ".. 1'it! -bine. 1'a " , p BURNED AT THE STAKE i THE EXCAMl'MEST CHAMPIONS AGAIN LOSE ANOTHER NEGRO PAYS THIS PENALTY FOR HIS CRIME. Flaurs at Camp Aycoek Half-Masted ou Account of the Death of the Govern or's Son Tho Governor Can't Visit the Camp. MEETS DEATH WITHOUT PEAR Near Savauua h n Noirro who has Com- ; mlttod a criminal As-.anlr, Alter Ideiitlflcatlon and Con f'osslou . Is Tied to n Stake ami Hurucd- Execution ! Perloi mod Orderly nuil by a Dozen ( Men, the Crowd of Four Hundred j Present Helnir Kept nt a Distance, j teun-idU-rest-their t : -t.-ci and ' 1 t ! in onstrate.l t States tli.y I .. r 1.- t.-n 1 1 y 1 ... .v is r. : ei-llt-d A S.ivaim.ih, ;a inil-s s.cath of . ' ill- S- I . .0 . I'd e ha 1 I e'l r ivl all that -m.-iins dreadful iia-ed' August 11. Kight.-en avannah. on the lino ii Line Ilailwav. th- 1 of Mrs. J. J. Clark, is to tell the story of the of last ni"ht. Wash- A - ' 1 ' - 1 - t . 1 r mitt, d 1 'lark. th.- r. proof Th- hi. h i II - v. w ho id pro v. h of cuili n. pi ..ptui'e.l at Way Station, la liN .rim- was ., ,m-a- carried before Mis. . - !U i h. d him 1 -osi t i e y as had assaulted h-r. The .a- Mb-olut- lv ( Otl. '.L1- l.i- 111 : V. t If of e o-.J A-- .1 r. : 1 : to . I. tin; b of I l:l"e but t) b.-rinif les- - 1 11 1 i. h .1 f.-r s posltlv- Identification by - ah . I his fiite. Then- wa. rn.'U who clamor--..! fLII- Mis leaders of th-- mob. nurn- zeti, carried into Vengeance they of th. mob va.- is not ri!.VXI)KI) OFF CAPE SAIU.E The Hark I)runiall- (.'oes Aliorc-Tlic ( re w a veil - than a 111- plans of I. Th-. r.-st .. .1 a oa-iai;. .. -,as not p. r- d to ,,rn. within b" yards o!' the .h.ve Washington met his death. ! Tins .'.as at a spot a f-w feet fl'onl th-'- : iil.'.cy n.i, I. and 1 : . t yards from th- house 1:1 whah th.- lakisher inm- 1 .' , rime p.i wnuli h- paid so a d fill a p-r.a 1 1 y. H-- w.'.lked to his death without Hal Th n r of it r and 1 1 : L it a i 1 11..1: t a pi a y. p.al t'..r i.T-i a H-- a ..In 1 i 1 1 . -. i of in:.-.- in. id--111 to the prim Ihit t" th- end h- stubbornly a 1 or his ipal I. - d P I I ay I ii.lv s w a - amd Mrs ! v...-. 1 run.' h- a : a- th ai sh WV.a :- l.lkll.i Wl1.1l m-n f th- .- a.. t .1. th. ;.- s!i.. .nd i and till. ;i n alls w a - n. a k 1 J 1 . 1 . 1 r - d : . hari;- ! 11 his . . TV.-- first ..rd boat s- ..nd m -diird i until da ;!ll w a t tin. k and - u.ltil' fa lit tli- th! on- 1 "iit.i mat- to .nd four;. at- and : k 1 1 i-.h Hi- 1 know b-. 1 t-d Mrs 'l.,rk. n-; tic si 1- of -bar '.'. a - d 1 i tin- Wa bound t t th.at lie had a? -V. th- rail .'. ay track n into t h- . arth. i!Vat..;i was forced, and it in a sinintr position, d-d -trai-dit in front of ns on it h. r s,... ,,f ,)U. bar. A . hair II lum bo 1 around th- waist, while l.- a'.y -lair, led th-- bar and his i:l a i W.. k V- T a-hin-i h- I.-an Ii to t h leV-it- d and w.i .-hi:. -.ten - of I 'la! k ;ppl til- n's a t i ni had b'-cn askc. 1 : s (.f th.- mob to a 1 .pi y t h pvi... 1, in at ihis otl'ne her I .and she declined. Her - s.-le. t.-d in Iv r st- ad. 1 ...k-d straight into the the lap r stciopcl down 11 1 '. 1. Ill t r a t I". . i ; 1 1 11 t !; 1 !-.-; I t... it ..ff ;u This nil.s from :ks harbor, rn..... an. P-ad! Th-- 1,0.11- .. nd th- n Til. boat- w ;!h t!i . 1 in., : r -a. h- d Car -.. . k th:- inor n.a, .'.isa.-;. 1 Th-- b. at : t a n ! 1". .uri--n m- n ..:h-rs and tried to mother p la. .. bti ; a--h an i th. y v. , : -a:n. with tin- bo.it b, ..1 1 w as pi. ked sh. .re and tow -d by th- life boat ;1. Th t -ll. . r I W h la A -IK.VI.Ol'S hi -i;am III-. V Hi- and Her ( om pan io ti In Druid 1III1 Park :i 1 :-. t-d re TV.- th ai ' ol k 1 M K t Th- lV. 1 : st- -1 . w a rn. 1 1 i.ib d 1 a '.- lii.it w a s ; t h a t ; r a . ti.-: w : j. the .'.! iliarc--.. b.an: H'h. -d J I'ote.- d ;n-nr 1 1 s- - tat 1 'lark' with It - r m il mann- d by r- r. had start- d up --nt'.nac a pain of M iv N. r H. , Tube . -'.ashed A 1 th I I r ; : : . . r.cvd of -Tik w arks has n.. ts int- r- : w a v to th- m o :t-ni- nt and th that : V.- .r ra- n I a".d :n dantr. 1 M.iy-r iv.a.k r. i ; rot- v t lh.- n h- vv mi'. ! only ..il r.ot ntr and nN vvr" rr.ad' ...rr.lrc. but Ii-- - r i'.i :'f. r of r--A 1 -.nh-r-l :u- n w . r- 1- avi - th.- work-rs w vas off- r--! 1 k rs Ami, Well J th- r. 1 '. in lay n. f-r r.or uss-mb'i-'d nt- rnin.c .1 tub- w -rk- rs s Th-re w a? iTV.ll . .:!!.' rs w - re Ix'-ir.tf r of vol-n ;.. l-'.ir th" Th- may. Int-.rfere t assault. Two to him later insisted tha an outbreak at r.oori wh- t r.ir th-- pi. 1 r.t. . ! je. r.-d. n a r rs s.iv th t:;r..- wh 1 th-- tub. is b.-li. i-i'ious tr- it It is ofdy 1 n niat-ri.il wi". men must quit v-d that there uble In MiKe s fr. tha P.. 1 . r- :'.:. bb- th r- TV.-- A ma if 1 :n mak-- .;n h- actio i.wnh 1 'h efusir.p to 'harT-r has b.-.-n urp. i..-r. .na! ly in v. st ipat. t is unlikely that he ; are t h- tiirif f-r th A ra li. al . ! ni- n; 1 rn 'h th-re el;r.p and Hel mav be tr 'U- emmittee ef th -. iation will probablv- itnv Investipation of bv the lodpes at Uti'. i-" d As . x h 111 t.ik. r apo. P.ay View and Joliet In ik- th.- .-tnko. President 1 to ro west the matter. will bo ah!. - pres.-n;. i th- local 1" and but . p a ! tterly d-nour.ces th- w. -t-rn niem rs ar.d insists that th- r.- was some unp irr-pu'.ar about the matt-r. th - Ir t.niat-- that influen.es that would t b-ar '.nvestipation u. r- -.:s.-d on the It : claimed that a . anvass a ! a -a , ek nifo showed a majority ..r of strlkmp and that no r.as.m xrda r.at ion of the chanp- of front fa ha- ! n m.i 'resi b nt sharler ro- : from any dire- t riti. asm of th-' act of western men. but it is known hat he deeply regrets the loss of their up-port. Pittsburg1, Aufrust 12. Secretary Wil l.ims t'Klay jravo out copies of a call to tho peneral public for financial aid. It reads: To the Members of Organized Labor: Brethren: As you are undoubted y aware, tho t'nited States Steel Cor or.ition Is now waging a war against orpanizevl lab-r by making the Amalga mate.! Association tho subject on which to begin operations. At our last con vention It was unanimously decided to ask the United States Steel Corpora tion, when nettling their annual scale with the Amalgamated Association that they sign or recognize the scale of the Amalgamated Association In all heir mills. When he matter was broached, tha was peremptorily refused. After the holding of several conferences the demand of our organization was modi fled eo as to take In only the mills of three of their constituent companies viz: The American Sheet Steel Compa ny; the American Tin Plate and toe the American Steel Hoop Company ban the int. I fa H.e i :s: r'.r-. v- v. a 1 na : I. has na- v a an. an n till..' took ( th- p. 1 b- p... : -. k W h 1 1: th: ,b .s t la r and I A j-.ai" .. :: 1 tl d li.-:: ! .in- 1 i hi- :: h I t! ph : ir rk to Cha: 1-s 1 ! . d Hi.! nk man sir- . t w;ih- h:;--. : . of otic 1 I.ca . a H- ath 1 i ; ah rh- l- ...i .1 k ..f th. ad b 11 b .He i. i" y wa,t in w i tli' .at. . i s Ilan ;nm.. s '. p 1 . s hav a i.'1'i ut a of th h. The saturate. I- S 1- ap n s i.,)v in bis - -uiT-i'.. w . id was with k-r-l hunpiily Th.. man ace of the i. and met minplv h" h. If th lh . ithoiit noise . i t -ni-nt . t li. t ra ire 1 y in w h 1 .-nt in i lipui e . ilh all th-' s. : 1 - 1 ha i a. . i r .. X. p: o . oil 11 1 v in w !' aim. v :" in 1 1 lb- mob . lie' of V it w hi .-t a li.it mob wa telle. I the ini-s until Washinpton's upon his shoulders and ion..- few minutes longer around the stake, and 1 shot having I- in fired, and without undue ex dispersed. The dreadful ieh Washinpton was the was -na. t- d throughout mbl.ua - of d-. oriim that . ..ni l permit. .- of th-- section of Pryari h th.- trap-dy took plac- unit in approving it. and th- m w . re m-mb. rs of ai i i- d int.. , --cuiion the i in t'. f- II 1 thine.. r. latus n- If u; r.t 1 a 1 I t Iihi- ad. ; : i . i ' h sh. - Hot; ur I ; .11 a . t " b- h.iild st I'll- k :p th.-- A. ns d V II ' 1 h A h r 1 1 I ' - -Ad and la with h.--- : . : .. r . a ai..:-.. a' st re. t 1 ... - k 1 n p but :: not V. p bat p r a 1 1 : is pla - t 1 r . 1 at X ... P. '. K. ::- w 1 f- ' '. li- w. a - I w . . ,n 1 f. ur . hildr. n li ' No. I-'". K.ist Tw : II wis v . a 1 s old . Hi Spit- Of the ;'.,, J. I h.. 1- p and w a 1 k-d with 11- Is said to hav - b. -n , t, li.s w : :'- ,1 short tun.- nto. I P 1 e I e - j - 11 !. told a h li- . x 1 1 o p. years old tt st.-, -t v - is l:;s '. 1 k i 1 nt v -S.xlh and po. t h-. h: THE 'TP II A EI. EN C Kit Sliiiinrni li II Arrive I'oceptlon by t-s . ' . I von a Itotislna 1 - 1 11 t bo Harbor X' A A 1 1 1 1 1 a la at a n 1 a - t n i p 1 : a k. e 11 p h..f d up 1 n l-!a to lai A u pus t halleliP -arly bay She t-i r . n -I h-r rut. Ii- I fr.- The Veteran' Pea ky Point. ..r M- s-- np-r. u: .a: y will Kni'u mpnient X ' -.. Aupust l. b- pith- a 1 w I- 1 w i 1 fr p- .- th.- c.a-a.n ,.f th-- reunion of Veterans, owir.p to the low rat-s n 1-v tli-- railroad. A pr.-at many rans w.il att- n.d wh" ar.- n .' 111-111- .f a .amp. :i nd who '.'.ill i...t b. with 1 - rtiricat-s ti'i.ni th- su- ;.-i:..r court . !-i k. Why n-t have li- a : pia r t r- at some piomiu.-n; pl.o . -, I'ront .-r Mark, t streets m thatp . f s.-me p. rson L. t him have th-ro-t-r of N.-rth Carolina tr...,; s and any stranp- !' -an stablish his inphl : ,11 th-- priv il- pes of th- . imp. Soin d 1 s 1 1 npu : .-h m P mark, a kn-'t of iibbon. a to-, it,-. ..r soni. th.inp of that sort imph.t v. s-appl.- d : eat h "veteran" to I.- pinned on his cat. that lie mipht carry to his ham.- and preserve as a m- in- nt.. of the occasion. Ail that has b.-.-n written above mav hav.- suppest- ed It-elf and been .. l L ! 1 fol' t'V -'.; r la al . amp. but nothinp like ;t ha be. n s- .-n In y.iiir papers by the w-rit-r, a ho is proud to sign himself. "A VFTF.IIANV The Alabama Couvontlou Montgomery. Ala.. August 12. The institutional convention today adopt I a j rovision that Alabama sh-riffs may succeed themselves foi on..- term. r.der the present constitution sheriffs in only s rv.- on-- t-rm of four years. The i "invention also refused to repeal an ordlname heretofore adopted pro viding that the p.vernor mav suspend i sheriff, pending impeachment p fo ldings for p. rmittinp a prisoner to taken lro in him and lyn.hed. TV,.- artitl.-s 0:1 impeat hment a . re -omplete.f today and artii It s ..n Judi. i- iry and taxation were read a third time .and adopted finally. Mr. Burns, of Dallas, today introduced an ordinance which seeks to uisiran chlse persons of illegitimate birth. Her sp d-ia t rirm Th, lv an . .. f t rally -1 1 i : 1 K 1J. Th- r. Shaniri". k 1 1. :dy lick lip-htship this morning w,i to Tt .m pki n.sv i lie. w ill b- taken at where sh- will be irp mast and lli.'i' li- r int. PI " ill be ueing hall- np. I 1 .nil in th. aisi ha 1 I or' P"1 stir w.lc r. as s ret t-iv ome from li-- came u 1 a liv- v-rv . the l.a.V i-l '.OA "f 111- tU.P it"' belt 11 ll 1 1 d 11 . It was at h-r an-hoiap-- overlooking th,- ii. Id -.vh.-re she is t.. piv.- battle in S-plelllber to tile I I. f IL 1-T "f tllf flip t li., i tli- y ai lit i up sharps had t hi ir first glimpse ,.f tli-- new challenger by day light. TV.- pra. and beauty in lines of h-r si- nd- r body w-ie miirred by hoi . timbrt-ii- rip and . onfusion on her d-, k as hot .lew ware preparing to w.-iph an, h..r. r.ut on.- glance was siiMi, i- ni to o.niin.r th-- experts that Wat-t.n had built a much handsomer i...at than th- old Shamro. k. She looks th- fast- si boat ev-r turned out in I ii it ish w a t-rs. Camp Aycoek. Wrlghtsvi'Ile. August 12 Yesterday and today have been very beautiful and pleasant days on the coast and the soldiers in cam; have thoroughly enjoyed themselves, day was passed in comparative ness. and it was a very welcome Ing- period" for the men after hard work of the previous week. After guard mount, early Sunday j morning, the required duties of the day I were over until dress-parade in the af t ternoon. j The chaplain of the regiment. Dr. I Caldwell, of Charlotte, conducted very J interesting Divine services in the ev't-n-I ing at 8:30 o"clock in the pavilion and they were largely attended. While his sermon was very short, it was a strong effort and was thoroughly enjoyed The band played several beautiful sacred selections. All the a 1 ternoon. the camp was thronged with a great crowd of visitors I l ney greatly enjoyel what thoy saw and all were made very welcomi by the men. At dress-parade an immense crowd 6f visitors was present anil the troops seemed to do even better than usual Their drilling was very highly compli mented and the visitors were profuse in their praise of the work of the regi mint. All the flags In camp were at half mast Sunday out of respect to Gover nor Aycoek on account of the death of his son and namesake. Charles H Aycoek, Jr. Many expressions of sym pathy and sorrow were heard for the governor and his family m this tim of their very sore trial ami deep be toavement. YESTERDAY IN CAMP. Today has passed much like all other days here. The accustomed routine of roll calls, drills and narades have been performed, but nothing of unusual in t-rest has happened. At the dress-parade this afternoon. the new formation, "column of companies was used. As each company marched in r-view past the colonel ami his staff, they were given very hearty cheers by tho spectators, for about eveiy com pany had a perfect front. Today's dross-parade was the best of any yet held by either of the regiments. Tomorrow will be the last day in camp. Early Wednesday morning, the companies will pack up and leave for home. The official inspection and review of the troops will be eondifcted today. In the absence of Governor Aycoek this function will be performed by Colonel Haiti, of the Governor's staff. Inspec tor General of the Slate Guard. In the morning at H o'clock he will offici ally inspect the camp and in tho after noon will review the troops at ai-O o'clock. Everybody is invited to be Ill-sent at the exercises. CAMP PICKING. Surgeon General Young left last night for his homo at Concord. Lieutenant Colon.-! Rutzlcr has re turned to camp after a short business trip to Charlotte. Dr. E- Y. L?oyte. of Mount Holly, has been appointed hospital steward in place of Wm. Hughes, who has re cently moved away from the state. Charles M. Setzer, of Charlotte, has boon appointed sergeant majoj- of the Second battalion vice P. F. Dixon, re cently promoted to battalion adjutant. At till the drills tomorrow and dur ing the review of the troops the entile battery will be mounted on horse back This will be some-thing new and will no doubt b" vt ry interesting. The state has ordered for the battery one Catling Gun and a Colt's Rapid Fire gun. Th-v will take with them to Charlotte the Howitzer which they have been using here. Captain Resant. of Company J. ac ted as major of the Second battalion today In place ot .Major Kobertsan who was . ailed to his home in Charlotte on i mint of sickness in his family. The officer of the day was Captain Chidester. of Company F. officer of th guard. L,ieutenant Pendleton, of Com pany K.. junior officer of the guard Lieutenant Skinner, of Company D. Colonel Mii hie, of the Engineer Corps who was captain of Company T. In the Spanish war and Captain Waddoll cap tain of Company F. of the Second Regi ment, who w.-is lieutenant of Company I in the vpanish war. were welcome visitors at camp yesterday and today. Lieutenant E. T. Golds, of Concord has joined his company. TARBOoO WALKS AWAY WITH FIRST GAME OF THE SERIES. mim th E SCENES I AN UNINTERESTING CONTEST A VorltableliilutrgluK Match TwolBaso Hits tho Order ot tho Day Stewart Lets Down Hetoro tho Game is Over. Xo ( ati-c to be Disheartened Look on ltrlifht SIdo and Glvo tho Players Eiicourapeinent - Two Games Today. ( harlotto Defeat Ralelah. Tho first game of the present series between Wilmington and Tarboro play ed yesterday afternoon at Hilton park, resulted in a decisive victory for the visitors by the score of ten to two. The game lacked "snap" and was characterized by loose- and uninterest ing playing. Tho visitors played good ball and outclassed the locals at every point. Stewart could not have been In his usual form as he yielded twelve hits and gave three bases on balls, thougli at times he was very effective and struck out eight men: but a pitcher naturally cannot do his best when the support given him is ragged. Now it is not The Messenger's pur pose to adversely critize the team- It has seemed, we know, to all, that lately the team has not been playing the ball they are capable of playing, but we must remember that all teams have days off and runs of several days of bad luck. Tarboro had her season of misfortune, and Charlotte anil AVil minggton seem to be now in the midst of theirs. We have no doubt but what luck will change in a day or two and then our boys will go on a victorious trip and please their supporters. The people are becoming a little dis satisfied and discouraged, but they should not do so. The team will line up and do their best. They are far more anxious to win. than we are to see them win. Now don't go and critisize tho the men and "cuss" them out. It will do no good, but will only serve to add discourage- 1111 in i.itvic ii.v j uu vj j u i, aged enough. The Messenger bespeaks for the playeVs confidence and continued sup port. All will come out right in the end. Wilmington scored her runs yester day in the first anil ninth. Tarboro scored one in tho first, four in the iourth. tour m the seventh and one in the ninth. Tho story of these lining's would not be interesting. De-low follows the score. WLMIXGTON. FOR THE PAST TEN DA I have been studyinu tho mcthodx and prices of the Kelall I nt ui tu re Dealers of New York City, particularly the Large Hcparl. ment Stores. Bac ked, not only by years of oxp. r I stores In tiie South, but with the AI'.Si goods cost, my conclusions are FA T. tho profits they do celling th.- quantity have my business after a few veais; i their "Bargain'- " as advertised. 1 ia:i reliable party who occupied the position ( the largest stoics in New York that a ill a. e as Ian r for Home l.l'Ti: KNi ) LEI Mil) Snl!. . ,i (,, n.,y that of Pi io IS ,o. Nolllebt 1 h of t In- pi t -( of what th' ...ill. I I ly . I9. i cul l , liouj'h to ouit I PaKal -II ni you . lift ii ma t It m obtain. I from a f Furniture Sto, k C. i k In on.- ui coin i nee you t ha t It is to Your Interest in Every Way anu particularly so tar as pertains to tin C ST (breaking In transit, drayago, unp.it good order msiue your house not t on-td. ie LOCAL DEALER. Inter.ste.1 panics m S I' 1 1ST A NT I A I , FAt 'TS. In order to make room for Fall Goods A 'Tl ' AL HA V I NG IN Flit si kin-, i t ailing iind pultliiM ul' '" I y I., l.uy ..f hi o i 1 1 i I hi oun 1 1 on i be i h i fully . nllplit. nt ! vv lib I will h. II certain line.. :,t 10 DISCOUNT FROM MY which are mark ami give Fit EE Ry tiiKing a. needs at th. expenses in d in plain figures on ovary p STORAGE until October 1st vantage of this offer country LOWEST SPOT CASH PRICE low n and a trip to tho R caches. SPOT-CASH of Furniture PRICES In 1 1 1 y S t i c us t omr rs : a nd nav e can eupply iioiilih to pity their Hi. li Furniture and Furniture Novelties O Bell Phone J1:l Int erst ale 121. An nyn Pnlnnr tn Plnon 1JD CUD UUIIIK IU UIUOC -J Our Summer Stock of.. Men's and Boys' IF PRICES WILL DO IT Clothing f,U Men's Suits f.i) In broke n pIz-s. valued at from $12..r.o to ". for .,ul $10. 00. Roys' Suits nt f 2. .r.'. $:!., $ n. reduced from J:i .,"). ti iki nnd IT, mi. . x...iil values. Sacrificing goods on account of lat. -in s- of r.-nson The best ."no K nl. lo-rboi k.-r to bo fount Negligee Shirts our best -goliiK n ( $1.im. Our Merchant Tailoring Lvpartm. nt i , ,,p, mixed suitings at J.lu. no. 1 iOushs V. TIi- k,. j.iI,.m i-.Iui S12.30. I 1 1 1 low it. You r -I fit. ii ( bob No. 100 North Front Street. MUNSON & CO AJ3. R. H. P.O. A. E Clayton, ss 2 1 1 1 1 o Devlin, lb 4 0 " 9 0 1 Warren. 3b 4 ) U 1 3 1 Frost. 2b 3 1 1 3 3 3 Allen. If 4 0 0 0 0 1 McGinnis, of 4 0 0 1 3 0 Thaekera, c 4 0 0 10 2 1 Cranston, rf 3 0 0 2 0 0 Stewart, p 3 0 1 0 5 2 82 2 3 27 IT 9 BEWARE OF CHEAP PIANOS! A NOT II Kit COTTON FACTORY Mill at Clayton Starts Fp-I'x-Treas-urer Worth's Houdsmen Pny In More Money. AN KXCITING RACK Columbia-Constitution Contest Won bv Less than Allowance Time Laf ton . noon. i Special to the M.-ssengt r.) igh. N. C. August 12. The Clay tion mill started up this after It is a live- thousand spindle Savannah Street Car Strike Savannah. Ga., August 12. Tho strik ing motormon and conductors of tho Savannah, Thunderbolt and Isle of Hope railway, the consolidate! system of street lines In Savannah, have made no riotous demonstrations since their strike was Inaugurated last. There is talk of violence, but it has not mate rialized. The police seem to have the situation well in hand. The company lalms that it is in no way inconven ienced by the strike. Decide to Reduce Wages Fall River. Mass.. August 12. The manufacturers' association today voted to reduce the price of weaving from 19. S to 17 cents per cut, vhlch Is- practically cut down in wages of 14 per cent. The vote taken on the matter wa.-. unani mous- The cut goes Into effect Sep tember 3rd. miil and will make yarns. Ashley Horne is president of the company, ami S'.vannanoa Home pressed the button which started the machinery. The Houthein railway today paid Into the Stat- tr.-a.ury its privilege tax amounting to J.",.2S5. More money was paid into the state treasury today by ex-Treasurer Worth's honcsmen. bringing the amount so paid towards meeting the stealings of Clerk Martin up to $12,400. Commissions were issued today to Quint. H. Smith, captain, and Joseph Hill, first lieutenant of Company L, First regiment, of Concord. Adjutant General Koyster arrived h.-r.- this afternoon. The members of his family are sick and this prevents him from going to camp and seeing the first regiment. Speaking of the en campments this year, he sani: i ney are very satisfactory in all respects." The governor and Mrs. Aycoek ex pected to arrive this afternoon but did not reach here until nearly midnight. Stock DylnK of Blind Staggers (Special to the Messenger.) Raleigh. N. C August 12. The agri cultural department is advised of an outbreak of blind staggers at Fairfield, Hyde county, which has in the past few days killed reventy-flve horses and mules. It today sent a veterinarian there. O. O. Buck, Beirne, Ark., says: I was troubled with constipation until I bought DeWitt's Little Early Risers. Since then have been entirely cured of my old complaint. I recommend them. F- R. Bellamy. In cases of cough or croup give the lit tle one One Minute Cough Cure. Then rest easy and have no fear. The child will be all right In a little while. It never fails. Pleasant to take, always safe, sure and amost instantaneous in effect. R. R. Bellamy. New port, u. .. August 12. The Con stitution c ovarcd the triangula course of thirty miles today in "3 seer ids less time than th Columbia. T' cham I 'ion of '00, however, wins theV. ice on time allowance by about 30 seconds. No corrected time can be given, as the boats have not yet been re-measured, as required. In previous races" the Constitution had allowed the Columbia 1 minute, 17 seconds. What changes in measurement the new rig of the Constitution has made it is not known, but it is 'estimated she allows the old boat only a few seconds less time, if any. The finish today was the note worthy and only exciting feature of the contest. When within a mile of the line the Constitution made a shoi t tack that undoubtedly lost her the race. Captain Rhodes put the Consti tution about on a port tack, crossed the Columbia's bow and tacked again. While the new boat's sails were twice shaken in stays, the Columbia, with a good full, still on starboard tack, was bowling along at good speed, headed only a few hundred yards to the lee of the line. The short time that the Con stitution was gathering headway, after the last tack, the Columbia reached through her and went ahead, though still slightly in the lee of the new boat. It was an exciting moment and every eye was strained to watch what promised to be a finish full of sensa tion. The Constitution put about and made for the line. The Columbia fol lowed a l once but the new boat, hav ing a better iced at the time, was : quicker in stays and was well away while the old boat was tacking. She luffed under the bow- of the commit tee boat exactly one minute ahead of the Columbia: but she had started 27 seconds ahead and thus in actual time only beat the old boat 33 seconds. Policeman Co re convicted of Official rnptlon New Tork, August 12. George E. Bissert. the police wardman who was convicted recently on an indictment charging that he had accepted a bribe as potection money from the keeper of a disorderly house, was sentenced today to five and one-half years imprison ment and to pay a fine of $1,000. Bis sert's attorney gave notice of an appeal. Eruptions, cuts, burns, scalds and sores of all kinds quickly healed by DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. Certain cure for piles. Beware of Counterfeits. Be-sure you get the original DeWitt's. R. R. Bellamy. To those who drink whiskey for pleas ure; Harper whiskey adds zest to ex istence. To those who drink whiskey for health's sake; Harper whiskey makes life worth living. Sold by all leading dealers, "Wilmington, N. C. Martin, rf . . . ulsifor. If.. Kemmer, lb. H'-mpleman. Morrisey, cf. Spratt. .".h Lehma n. c . . Gill iga n . i-s . . Hush, p TARBORO. AB. R. G 2 f. 1 r, o 2b.... r. l 4 o . . . . . . ' 1 3 2 r. i II. P.O. 1 2 Mimmary: Stewart. Pu! (2) and P. us Devlin: base 42 10 Two base sif. r Hempl h : on 12 1 13 4 0 1 4 A. 0 0 0 6 0 r. 0 o 0 11 HTIEFF PIANOS nr.- construc ted to enduie the s. axhon- Climate t.f Wll mington, and have stood tin- test for veais. Some others w III not .nduie II If RETAIL DEALERS would consult the inP r.-t of the p.-opb nod not altogether then own. the Piano Business In Wilmington would be mi a higher plane". Buy the STIEFF dli' t t from the Fa t bu v and nave money CHAS. M. STIEFF, Piano Manufacturer, Baltimore, Md. North and South Carolina Branch Wareroom, 213 N. Tryon Street, Charlotti, I. C. C. II . WILMOTII, Manager hits, Frost man Spratt louble play, Frost to ball, by Stewart 3, by Bush 3: struck out, by Stewart 8. by Bush .": time 1:4": umpire Mr. Mace. NOTES OF THE GAME. There were seven two base-hits made yesterday, two by our men and five by the vltors. Morriss.-y will pitch for Tarboro In the first game today ami Wolfe will do the honors in the second. Now man., Wilmington's new pitcher, wires Manager Cowan that he can re port to the club in Raleigh on Saturday in time for that day's game. Frost was nni in good condition yes terday. He usually plays a fast and errorless game. He has three errors to his credit for yesterday's work. Mace was umpire yesterday and his decisions were fair- Weeks who um pired very good games last week, left for Charlotte to umpire the games there. The '-Red Birds" went down before tho "Hornets" at Charlotte yesterday. We hope Charlotte's luck has changed and that Wilmington will start things "rolling her way" this afternoon- A double-header this afternoon. The first will bo called at 2:30 and the sec ond at 4:30. Hopkins and Allen will be the pitchers for Wilmington. One ad mission fee admits to both games. Manager Cowan has signed Dom mel, of Lancaster, Pa., who has a fine record in base ball circules. A ticket was sent him Saturday and he should arrive tonight. Go out today, everybody. See two games and cheer up the locals and help them win out, They need encourage ment. The proverbial "knocker" of which Wilmington is more freely sup plied than other league towns will lh: there, but let everybody drown his "kick" with words of encouragement for the men. CHARLOTTE-RALEIGH GAME. At Charlotte- Charlotte 3 0 001000 x 4 9 1 Raleigh 0001 0 000 01 5 2 P.atteries: Hooker and Oa tes ; Stocks- dale and Curran. STANDING OF THE CL.FBS. Won. Lost. Per CI. Raleigh 19 10 .fir.fj Tarboro 14 13 .519 Wilmington 12 18 .429 Charlotte 12 18 .400 'ing but' Hie The Comforts of Life me of i he fl i l k- .1 1 1 ii a f . and thl I all .1 t 1 1 i-nr t h Th.- n , . 1 1 II L NT. F. S in. ' . tailing a 1 w a v f i . a i i ndltlon We i. II bee t 111' a t of . v I y ii I 1.- . ii t l.oth Win! : Remember Our Lambs. No Boats Bah ! RHODES &HINTZE At the Front Street Market. IBIPIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIllllllllllllllll For Sale or Rent A Nice Ocean For Sale New V iew Siv-.. ll.llch m oltnue North laid Two I,ot- on Nun. a in I int Near Tli i rd. poll i t Ii St n-ct , N r n i ly a ..a Will ii ii t St reel . W. M. CUM MING-, Real Estate Acent and Notary Public. BHBBIBBI II ! Redemption of Stamped Bank Checks Washington, August 12. Commission er lerkes, of the internal revenue bu reau today gave out a statement re garding the return to bankers of Im printed checks and drafts that have been sent to his bureau In order that the stamp thereon might be refunded. The statement says that these instru ments will be canceled in such a way as not -to destroy their usefulness and will be stored pending action by congress permitting their return to their owners. Deafness Cannot he Cnred by local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure Deafness and that Is by constitutional remedies. Deafness Is caused by an Inflamed con dition of he muscous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube gets inflamed you have a rumbling sound or Imperfect hearing, and when it is entirely closed Deafness is the re sult, and unless the inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to Its normal condition, hearing: will be destroyed forever; nine cases out of ten are caused by catarrh, which is nothing but an Inflamed condition of the muscuous en rf aces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (Caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for clrculars.free. P. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggiscts, 75c, Hall's Family Pills ar the best THE REMINGTON STANDARD TYPEWRITER Every Improvement that skill can devise nnd capital Hooiiro , nfir-. thorough practical demonstration of Its value, embodied In th machine. thl Is why It maintains it:; unquestioned supremac y. Operators all over the country are Its best friends. OLD TYPEWRITERS OF ALL KINDS TAKEN IN EXc'HANCF.. NEW MACHINE.; SOLD F( R CASH or on EASY INSTALLMENTS C. W. YATES & CO. "WILLOW RUN BUTTER We furnish the QUALITY that will liuild Up Your DiiotnaLic JjUolllCoo 99 Buy Wholesale from WM. E.WORTH & CO Mosquito Nets ! S. & B. SOLOMON. W - m. -V v , .

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