- k " THE WILMINGTON MESSENGER, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER" ' 14, 1901. IN THE COUNTRY t h. re We a vh an- v.- ho is to That'p t rri.l-Wh.th h.-i i- r.o better cattle than the relet t for our butchering. o tb.e b'-t because we find it fclve cur customers the best, i-.v '.V-- keep 'em and pet ncr .r 1 1 I i .v .uit V.-nl . yi.u'Il Hr.. r Umb. the b.-st Remember Our Lambs. No 6oats Bah ! RHODES &HINTZE At the Front Street Market. rPPER CAPK FEAR NEWS. Gllniore and Barns Carried to Raleigh- Prominent People Ph Away, Pleasant Card Party. The Best Scfioof'Sfioes on Earths 4- 1 1 ! 1 1 :: i ; 1 1 ; : ; : : : : : ? For all the children in the city, will be distributed at GEO. R. FRENCH & SONS' SHOE STORE Beginning September 1st, at prices to please Mother and Father and make all the dear little ones smile. Come early for choice. GEO. R. FRENCH & SONS "WILLOW RUN BUTTER We furnish the QUALITY that will Build Up Your Bii , i ! fir ,f iiiiics 99 Huv Wholesale from WM. E.WORTH & CO HOMES MILITARY SCHOOL OXFORD- 1ST. O. full KLI; T l;riI.IIN".'..- HEATED BY THE BUFFAIO FAN SI-nT.IN'!; PERFECT VENTILATION". Sixteen netv n.irr-.f for two boy? e.-u u to be added Tor the fall term, en iremer-.f hnuM be made early. Annual attendance up to the e-p., :ty a- '. r.ir.y t'.:rr.M a way o.-.t h pession for lack of room. !:-t athl ti - r'.el 1 with ;uart- r rr.ile track In the south. faculty of ?;.v!.l::s with spc I.U work. Curriculum prr juratory lo the bet colb-tje or university education. An atmoirhcre of hl(;h Ideals lurrmnls th schoe!, as tu ientr not pr-; ar::is for higher education are excluded I" A I.I. IT. KM mcilNS SIPli.MKF.K Srd Th I. UUKbK. ' ! r s ". ' iCorrcfonJcni . e of The Messenger.) Fayettevllle. September 13. Yesterday Sheriff Burn? and officer Monairhan carried to Rab igh John Burn? sentenced nt li.-.: court f -r tho kl'.llnc of Watcon Cameron, and Alex ll'.mur.-, the cs( aped ionvf. raptured on the east Mde of the fip. Fear river h few davs nco. illlinoie p iys that he has been -i .1,., k hand cn ocean steani- :s l.,-tw.-.-n th'- tw j comment? for a sear or two. It may bp for he Is a daring negro; but for all that, colored men who are trustworthy declare that thev have s.-, ri him more than once in this town and county inco bn cscap e 1 from the penitentiary. Mr. ('.Tier Parker died at his home In the r.'irthen part of Cumberland on the 11th Inst., full of years and usefulness. He was fur a lot;,' time one of the r.iur.ty commissioners, an uptight citi zen and a ;ro?;.eious farmer- Yesterday Miss Belle Williams died at her residence In the vicinity of Little Rivir academy. fifteen miles north of this city. She was the daugh ter of the late Captain Jack Williams, and sister of Mrs. S. W. Tlllinffhast. nn Mrs. J. H Huske. of Fayettville. A youmr workman. Mr. George Mc Iuf!ln. while emi'loyed at the machin ery In the Rankin fur.ilture factory in the southwest suburb's of this cltv, was bidly hurt In the hand and arm by the planer. Mr. E- Smith. of Bladen county, brought his son. only 12 years of age, to this city a f.-w davs nco for treat ment In the Marsh-IllKhsmlth sani tarium on Croon street. Yesterday the boy became vi .b-ntly lmano one of the rare cases of lunacy in children. Last evening Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Lilly entertained a number of guests at their beautiful residence on Haymount Mr.-, t. In honor of Mr. Ceorge H.. and Miss P.osalie Calvert, o" Cot l j Park. Md. Miss Lillian Slot ..nib won the ;rlz" In th" card contest. Mr A. S. Huske. a prominent grccer fhiravj the writer rome Interesting flgur s yesterday with regard to the scupernung business, the greater art of w hk h he controls, and w hich omen chleily from Bordeaux vineyard, of which Mr. J. M. Pearce Is proprietor. For the local market the grape is pick ed singly, but for shipment it 13 care fully clipped in bunches and handled :th care, and put in convenient pack age?. Mr. Huske has legular custom ers in .-very large town in North Caro lina, with buyers clear on out to Cin . innatl. Mr. V.. I. Kyle. solleltMpK agent of the Atlat.tie f...".st Line K. R. Company, transfers h!. field of work from here to J.u ksonville. Fla.. with much regret In this fomniunitv at the departure of his family. Miss Carrie Nimocks has gone to re sume her duties as instructor In the deaf and dumb intttut-' In Morganton. Mrs. H. A. London. Jr.. of Charlotte, is islting her sister. Mrs. J. B. Broad- AFTER HIS BURIAL. ( -r. the Messenger re in Irom the south Mr. J. A present a t i v sp rday. Captain T. C. James, of Wi..:dngt Is retrlstered at the Hotel Lafayette 1 1 , tine , n the Sunday wa.crnie.on civ or. in yestei day's letter, was : J". Th" mistake was the cor r.t s not the wliUr'?. i ; w II A- I v. CJobl-tboro (ios-lp. . :;,! :, e . :' the Messenger.') .b.ldb..:.. S. ptember bi :t . ur p- op'.e are deeply . ; 1 1... , : 1 1 1 1 . .:i of President bulletins M,;'.:ini( In noting rr. . ar nival held at the - .:: :: i -st night under the f the I... ;., s of the First Bap a '.a; a b: illlar.t affair, much : . 1 i Hnar.c ial su . : t . :. Emma HolL r Se Walk-Over Shoes AT PETERSON & RULFS I s 1. 1 ' 1 St . in b w be Ian. F. r 11 se- d prettiest. :";n-.r.iest. Jessie i ;. o Waters. The ys . n the grounds ...ml d hardly have --I.oro boys ( ould . would have de : rii. and cut th- y .e .. suspend'-d. lome Trouble to CoDTlnee Foll That He Wasn't a Ghoit. Colonel Prentiss Ingraham, novelist, former Confederate officer, hero of sev eral wars and an adventurous spirit generally, had the floor, gays the Wash ington Star. "Yes," he said In response to an Inqui ry, "I was buried just iack of a little church la Marietta. Ga." "Alive?'' asked a horrified listener. "Tiiey dida't think I was a the tinio," laughed the colonel. "But let me explain. I was soldiering then for tho lost cause, and in the course of my du ties I slipped away one night quite un beknownst, as it were, to do some secret service work. J. he next morning a snen from a Federal cannon camo over our way and exploded right in front of a mau on my horse, with tho result that there were only scraps of Lini left. Nat urally enough, my friends thought it was me, as the horse was still recogniza ble, and they had a funeral at which I was a leading character, but did not even do a thinking part- My sisters were no tified of my death, ami just back of the little church was a grave with a head stone bearing an inscription, including my name and a date or two, which was a good deal more than most soldiers got at that tlmo. Of course, I didn't know anything about all this, and when my woik wan finished, which was in about ten days, I returned to camp. I got there about dusk and headed for a tent whoro we did our eating, such as it was, and the first man I met was Jake, our colored boy, who was going into the tent with a two bushel basin of soup occupy ing both his hands. " 'Hello, Jake, says I, never thinking about anything but the soup s savory smll. "But Jake didn't say a word. lie just just stared at me for an instant, turned a giavish white and dived headforemost Into the tent, hurling the soup basin be fore him and scattering its contents over a half dozen officers sitting around a ta ble. I was close on his heels, and as they looked up in surprise at tho sudden show er of soup and tho unceremonious entry of Jake they saw me. and, with a smoth ored sort of yell, they began tumbling over each cither, upset the table and the tent, and for tho next ten minutes there was tho blamcdost mis up you ever saw. I couldn't understand what it all meant, but I had sense enough to know that somebody would bo hurt in tho wreck un less help came pretty soon, and I took a hand at getting matters into ehnpo. By doing this I had a chance to catch hold of an officer or two who couldn't get away, and when they fonnd I wasn't a ghost they grew calmer and began to explain. That was easy enough, you know, when things were quieter and we had pulled Jake from the bottom and restored him to consciousness, for the darky had collaps ed entirely. You know, darkies have no use for ghosts. "They told me the story of the man be ing killed en my horse, and, thinking it was me. they had burled me and had a real funeral sermon by a preacher who lived in Marietta. Next day they showed me my grave, and it made me feel a little bit queer to look at it, but I wasn't sorry I was able to do so. I wrote to my sis ters explaining that the report of my death was a mistake, and they wrote me thnt they had gone into mourning for mo, but I noedn't worry on that account, as the black dresses could be trimmed in colors and ttill be useful. You see, they were disposed to have fnn with mo when they found I was all right. What news papers were l:i existence had nice notices of me. and the pleasant things said about mo in letters of condolence to the family really ma le mo quite satisfied that some thing Lad happened to call forth such expressions." WILMINGTON MARKETS Friday. September 18. Receipts of cotton today 309 bales. Receipts same day last year 2.4J8 bales. This season's receipts to date 1,833 bales. Receipt to same day last year 22.474 bales. The quotations posted at 4 o'clock today at the exchange: COTTON Firm. Ordinary 6 13-11 Good ordinary 7 3-16 Low middling 7 13-15 Middling S4 Good middling 8 a-16 Same days last yea: 103ic. NAVAL STORES. SPIRITS TURPENTINE Machine barrels steady at 33 Vic; nothing doing in country barrels. ROSIN Firm 95c and SI. 00. TAR Firm at $1.35. CRUDE TURPENTINE Firm; hard $1.00; soft $1.10. Prices same day last year Spirits turpentine 34c and S3c; rosin $1.15 and $1.20; tar $1-40; crude turpentine hard $1.10 and $2.10. Receipts today 65 casks of spirits turpentine 231 barrels of rosin, 26s bar rels of tar, 07 barrels of crude turpen tine. Receipts came day last year 11 casks of spirits turpentine. 220 barrels of rosin. S7 barrels of tar. 217 barrels of crude turpentine. PRODUCE. SALT 100's 45c; ISO's 80c, 200's oi F. F. $1.35; in less than car lots. DRY SALTED SIDES OVISTS. BUTTER 24 to 26g. COFFEE 7 (3 10c. FLOUR Straights $S-75; 2nd ptents $4.00: full $4.75. MOLASSES S. House. 15c. New Or leans Brights, 23 to 25c; Tor to Rico 80 to 35c: Cuba. 23 to 40c. SUGAR Granulated $5.45; W.X.C. No. 5, $4.95; No. 9, $4.60; No- 11. $4.50. COUNTRY PRODUCE. PEANUTS North Carolina 65 to 70c; Virginia 50 to 55c; Spanish 70c. CORN 77"4 to SOc. CORN MEAL 72 to 75c. N. C. BACON Hams 13c, shoulders 9c; sides 10 to 11c. CHICKENS Dull; hens 20 to Hc; roosters 20c; spring 8 to ISc. EGGS Steady at 1 to 17c. SHINGLES Per 1,000. o-incn saps $1-60; 5-inch hearts, $2.25; 6-inch saps $2.50; 6-inch hearts, $3.50. TIMBER: Per M feet Shipping $8.00(39.00 Mill prime $6.507.E0 Mill, fair $5.006.00 Common mill $4.00(35.00 Inferior to ordinary $3.504-50 100 lbs I . . ft 42U, I .9.40 9.45 ..9.15 9.15 per 100 lbs S.C21. s.10 9 40 9.12 S-57U 8.07 ft.42 9.42 9.15 8.55 S.60 MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH. FINANCIAL. New York, September 13- Money on call Aim at 5 to 10 Der cent. Last loan 6 per cent. Ruling rate 6 per cent. Prime mercantile paper 5?f5 per cent. Sterling exchange . heavy with actual business in bankers' bill at 4.85 for demand and at 4.S23i for sixty dayp. Posted rates 4.S3'f4.S4 and i.WU.ht;. commercial bills 4.S1?4:4.4-S2; bar sil ver oj; Mexican dollars 45; govern ment gonds weak: state bonds Inac tive; railroad bonds weak. STOCKS. Atchison Baltimor e and Ohio Chesapeake and Ohio Chicago. Reck Island and raclfle Colorado Southern Delaware and Hudson Illinois Central Louisville and Nashville Manhattan L 72 97 42 135 12- 159 142 100 114 160 23 13, 1C0 149 51 ST) ...OCTOBER FIRST... rth that r... in per a., t!: Tt . 1 ti'.-' , Ot t Oil I Top Wayr... county, r.t v. hile t.. the ... vi. ld will !.. to Settle tho Strike September 13. It was from 1 iellabl" quarter f..r a settlement of the acaln und"i const, br ity. It was also stat'd Sh 1. ffei is exiec t.-l here M. p. .sib I 4 Per Cent Per Annum, Compounded Quarterly THP.irt: M' 'N iber - -..-. 1st. start an no all. It will b Proposal s' ew York, b an:- 1 tod.iy that pro; ..sals Pt-'ei strik" a: at!..-. In th it Pr.-sid. at t...; 1 tomorrow-, tnu that his com ing is i.ot the result of any communica tion from this city. Jolb t. Ills. September 13 Although !-. ofri' lailv sanctioned bv a Joint con-f.-rc n. - ,.f "th-- l-.des. the steel strike at Jolb t Is at an end. An order from Pr- si ! r.t ShafT- r Is nn the w . y, d -. la ring the strike off. The mills stirt- 1 up this itft-n-.nr.n and m.in of the Ftilk-. rs alr'-ady have gone to wt:k. THE PEOPLE'S SAVINGS BANK H C. rQUEES, PRES T J0H.1 S. 1PMSTR0NG. VICE-PRES'T. OPPOSITE THE POSTOPFICE F. W DICK. CASH R OVER $25,000 GIVEN AWAY! M ir. l i nil 1. :'..:-. savlr.es an 1 Trust TWENTY-FIVE TH"l c. 1 ,. 1 phar. of th'- n ar ir-.t- rest from c VP .: it 1 The Wilmington Saving and Trust Co., C. E TAYLOR. JR., CISH'F 108 Princess Mrect. J 133300. PRES T H WALTERS VICE-PRES'T. : w D IT. J"IIN S AKMiTRONO. VU e Trs't. Atlantic National Bank WILMINGTON. N. C. ASSETS, - - $2,000,000. . FINANCIAL STRENGTH PaiJ out to Stockdiol Jcrs miicc organization, in 18'. 2, (',;, 25 . I ihcrality. Promptness. .MoJerii .Methods. ' - -i ATiiS A - - t c.ih;..r ANPIIKW M'MIELA N"I. Cashier. t h-I.. Ill Llfo Sared by Mongoose. Mr Jac b Newman massed through !:y list i.icht op. his way to St. !s. Mr. Ncw where he has rlr.ir work, and Anion? his nd- has pa: a n :.- Is Just from India, b'-.-n er.krnK- d ir. nelnO! he talks . r.t. rt ilmnci rtorb-o l;e related an exciting . ture with a i . .bra . 'We had Just finish- " a hard day's work and w . r-- pr-oarinc: to take a kM d rest. "We ver-- far from a village, aril took sh.lt! r In a deserted hut. We lid r.et retch th-- hut until after mid-.-.:rl.t and oi.se. pj-. ntlv w e slept late into the n- xt day. The Hrst thing I '.:r.emb- r upon openmc my eyes was od of liktht through the j,.or. I nearest, and mv two companions behind me. On a second glance V. w a s u r r. m v The Murchison National Bankf" OF WILMINGTON. ) C. M QUEEN, Preside at V. GRAINGER, CaiMer. ASSETS, 81,000,000.00 blood almost froze'. There on the r of the hut. r.r.d l.-ss than two feet from tr.e w -.s a lirco cobra, the larg- st I have , vr seen. It was coiled to strike and its venomous neck swelled with poison. The little eve? glittered iike beads I never mo. 0.1 a limb, but siz. I at it in h rror Mv perfect stlll probably saved my life, for if I Vid made a move thv snake would Lave struck. As it was. It seemed to te enjoylntr the trlumih. and slowly n...vd its head backward and forward. I dare not utter a sound, ns I knew It w 1 ;;l I seal m v fate. I was Just res lvir.s In my mind what to do and had determined to mike ,;u:ck leap, when there was a ruvh from a far corner. A small ani tv.. il e.bout the size of rat darted out from behind the snake. and like a ."ash seized It by the neck Just above the ho-.d. And then commenced the rb r. est struggle I have ever witnessed. Tie- sr. ike lur.kred. writhed and twlst . ! but the little animal clung to It. At I- r.eth Its struggles grew weaker and I was . nabled to dispatch It with a stick. The little animal ivaa a mon goose. the famous India cobra tighter. A F.x.n as the snake was dead It fled to Its hiding placf and wo could n n coax It out If ever I felt grateful to man or beast It was to the little mon goose that saved mv- life." Louisville Courier-Journal. Xasglngr Before Qnesta. "Visiting about as I do every summer," remarked a popular woman, "I cannot holp being struck by certain faults of manner nod, I might almost say, breed ing, w hich ore common among the nicest people, who would bo tho first to dotect and criticise sucb solecisms la others. One habit Is talking with each other to mako conversation at the table Instead of to tho guest. Thla L3 very common, although ono would not thiak it possible, and tho people who do it would be great ly astonished If they thought I referred to them. It la generally done with tho idea of amusing the visitor, no doubt, but it is always annoying. "Another habit, and this Is much worse, is fault Ondlng on tho pert of the mistress or master of tho houses People should make it a rule, never to blame a child or a servant or criticise each oth er's actions before a guest. A third per son Is always made uncomfortablo by it and fcols almost as If he himself were included In tho reprimand. But what is tailed 'nagging' between husband and wife Is the worst of all. I know a cou ple who arc otherwise, perfectly charming and who are really fond of each other, but wL'i are 50 continually squabbling and wrangling that I have stopped going there for no other reason. I simply can not tand It. It is too depressing." Chi cago .Ncwi. DnpHnjj In Germany. It Is nnnouuJGd from IScrlin that on the invitation of Prince I.e. wenstein 140 rep resentatives of tho (Jell,. an nobility, for the most part the heads of old Roman Catholic families, have signed a declara tion against dueling. The declaration sets forth that the usage, although it receives a pi"H;v r iH'ourageuH'iit, purely as a means of i.inlr.tnlning the military spirit, from the heads of the army, is clearly contrary to intelligence, religion, culture and law and to social and statu order. The signatories bind themselves to work for Its aliolition, stating that It is false and unjust to qualify a man as a coward who refuses to fight, and they regard any man as worthy of all respect who by con scientious m-ruplos Ignores a challenge. In consideration of tho present Ptatc of affairs they reserve the right to demand satisfaction according to the old usage if honor is at stako. but at tho same time ask that tribunals of honor bo created, which would give a much moro real satis faction than that obtained on the so call ed field of honor. 1; P rompt an J Reliable Service. Security. Every Possible Facility. United Stat es. State and City Depository bnu-XTur.s. o A. n. NICHOLS. T. M. EMERSON. J- A. SIMUNGER. H. C. McQLTEEN. i K M Mtr.'-HISON. J V C. ILAI.VCKIl. M J RHErT. w i! - pki:. N. JACOB I. J C STKVKN'SON. It W. WALLACE. J NO. V. McNAIR. HUGH MacRAE & CO., BANKERS, WILMINGTON. N. C. COTTON MILL STOCKS A SPECIALTY I1YLST1EIT SECURITIES. BUY AJD SELL RAILWAY STOCKS. (Co4t Line, Southern. Seaboard Air Line, Cheapcake ft. Otkto, I-ouidTille and Naahville, and Norfolk X WwternJ sxax. AtrrmiT a stats, con ft. mmcrrAi. Air XATXWAT B0ID9 ANNOUNCEMENT. I HAVE rCHCHASED THE INTEREST OF John V. McMillan. Jr., in the Shoe Busi ness heretofore conducted at Fourth and Campbell Street under the firm name of Levi McMillan & Co. The business will be continued by me without change of firm name. Trusting for a continuance of your valued patronage. 1 am. Yours Truly. 9elw LEVI MeMILLAN. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind Yea Hare Alwajs Bought Boars the Signature of mar U C0,tti.5at and s-w Rtmorlng Ilia Objection. President Tucker of Dartmouth has been In the habit of spending his sum mers on a rew Hampshire farm, lhe family becoming dissatisfied with cer tain details the proximity of tho pigpen to the house and the manners of the serv ant girl he wrote to the farmer that ho could come no more and mentioned these objections. In a few days he re ceived the following conciliatory reply: "Dear Bir There ain't tx-en no hog luce you left, and Flannah has went." Anecdotes. The Coffee Market. New York. September 13. The coffee futures mark.-t opened steady nt last nlghts's closing flgxires in the absence of any Influencing factors of Importance and ruled featureless most of the sea slon. In view of the critical condition of the president, traders were not In clined to take on new business and transactions f c r the most part consis ted of an evening up of accounts. To wards the close of the day. room cov ering advanced prices a partial 5 points. Futures closed 6teady, with prices net unchanged to 5 points high er. Total rales were 29,000 bags. Spot Rip No. 7 invoice S1. Jobann Most Held to Ball New York, September 13. John Most who was arrested last night on the charge of circulating Incendiary litera ture calculated to Incite unlawful acts. was arrlalgned In police court today. At the prisoner's request, his examina tion was 6et for Monday, September 16th. The assistant district attorney asked that Most be held in $2,500 ball, but the magistrate said the prisoner was only charged with a misdemeanor and fixed the ball at J1.000. Most was locked up In default of ball. Metropolitan Street Railway . Mexican Central Mexican National New erscy Central New York Central Norfolk and Western Norfolk and Western tfd Northern Tacinc pfd Reading St. Paul Southern Pacific Southern Railway Southern Railway pfd Texas Pacific 40 Cnlon Pacific Union Pacific pfd S1 EXPRESS COMPANIES. Adams Express 175 American Express Iy0 United States &. Wells Fargo 10 MISCELLANEOUS. American Ttobarco Company .... 131 Brooklyn Rapid Transit P2 ('ontinr netal Tobacco C', Continental Tobacco ofd Ill General Electric 2."3 People's Gas 107 14 Pullman Palace Car 20 Sugar 12uVs Tennesoe Coal and Iron 59 United Stattes Steel 4S United States Steel ofd &0 Virginia Carolina Ch 53 Virginia Carolina Ch pfd 120 Western Union $0 COTTON. Liverpool. September 13. Cotton Spot, limited demand; prices 3-32d low er: middling 4 19-32d: sales c..00o bales, Including 4,300 bales American. Receipts none. Futures closed barelv steady; Sep- j tember 4 25-G4g4 26-64d sellers; Oeto- j her 4 15-64-f? 4 16-C4d sellers; net oner . and November 6 12-64 4 13-C4d sellers;! November and December 4 10-C4d sell- , ers: December and January 4 )-P4'tf4 i 10-64d: Januarv and February 4 9-64 4 10-64d; February and March 4 9-64'34 10-64d; March and April 4 10-64d; April and May 4 10-64d. PORT P.ECEIPTS. Galveston nulet at l-16c; net re ceipts 4-939 bales. Norfolk dull at SVic; net receipts SO bales. Baltimore nominal at SHc; net re ceipts 10 bales. Boston quiet at 8Mc; net receipts S9 bales. Wilmington firm nt S'c: net receipts 209 bales. Savannah quiet at 75so; net receipts 2,624 bales. New Orleans firm at 7 15-10c; net re ceipts 4,745 bales. Mobile nominal at 6c: net receipt 33.r bales. Memphis steady al 8c; net reel; -6 no bales. Augusta stead j- at 7c: net re ceipts 863 bales. Charleston steady at 7ic; net re ceipts 63 bales. Cincinnati quiet and nominal t Sc. Lousiville (weekly) firm at SVic; net receipts S2 bales- St. Louis quiet at Sc. Houston quiet 8 l-i6c: net receipts 9.092 bales. New York. September 13. The fol lowing are the total net receipts of cot ton at all seaport towns: Galveston 52.37 bales; New Orleans 21.812 bales; Mobile 2.136 bales: Savannah 15.164 bales; Charleston 2.S23 bales: Wil mington 1.253 bales: Norfolk 7.63S bales; Baltimore 77 bales; New York 2.S72 bales: Boston 691 bales; Newport News 5 bales; Philadelphia 663 bales; Bruns wick 1,141 bales; total 10S.66S bales THE NEW YORK MARKET New York Cotton aulet at fes&e'. net receipts 528 bales; Rross 1,973 bales; sales 2.573 bales; stock 103.311 bales. Total todav Net receipts 13.5S3 bales; exports to Great Britain 237 bib-., stock 222.709 bales. Consolidated Net receipts 60,639 bales; exports to Great Britain 33,225 bales; to France 2.000 bales; to con tinent 15,231 bales. Total since September 1 Net receipts 10S.66S bales; exports to Great . Britain 5S.4S5 bales; to France 11.243 bales; to continent 23.572 bales. Futures closed steady. September 7.37; October 7.37; November 7.41; De cember 7.43; January 7.44; February 7.45; March 7.47; April 7.47: May 7.49. Spot cotton closed auiet at He net decline: middling uplands 8c; mid dling gulf 6c; sales 773 bales GRAIN AND PROVISION MARKET Chicago. September 13. The leading futures rang-ed as follows: Open. HIrh. Low. Clos. Lard, per Sep Oct Jan.. Short ribs Sept Oct S.62H Jan.. S.072 Cash quotations are as follows: Flour steady; No. 3 spring wheat 65 Vj 67c: No. 2 red 70c: No. 2 oats 3536c; .o. 2 white r6,337Vic : No. 3 white SltZ'c; No. 2 rye 55f55-e: r porn per noi.. fli.,: 14. SO; lard per 100 lbc. J9.4259.45: shoit ribs sides (loose) $S.50igS.55; dry salted shoulders (boxed) 7'27-c; short clear slde (boxed) ?9.259.30; whiskey Jl 30 New iork. September 13. FLOUR Unsettled and quiet, closing eay WIIEAT Spot easy; No. 2 red 7:,c; options were affected all day by the unfavorable news from Buffalo. They ruled generally weak and very dull, trade being in fact at a standstill' Cables were lower and northwest re ceipts continued large. Closed easy at srfc net decline. Mav closed at 79c; September closed at 71c: October clos ed at 73c; December closed at 75-ic. CORN Easy; No. 2 61C. Options market declined moderately under news of the president's condition, small clearances, unfavorable weather news and the wheat break. Closed easy at Vc net lower. May closed at 62-,c: Sep tember closed at ClHc. j OATS Sot firm- Vn O.itlnno quiet and easy with other markets. LARD Steady. PORK Steady. TALLOW Steady. RICE Steady. BUTTER Steady: creamery 15 v3 20Uc; state dairy 14?i ISUo. CHEESE Steady; Fancy large white 9ic; fancy small white 0.e. EGGS Steady ; state and Pennsyl vania ISfalOo. POTATOES Quiet: Jerseys $1. 75'?? 2.50 Long Island $2.50(2.75: Jersey sweets yellow $2.00'i72.50. PEANUTS Steady; fancy handpkk od 4'-.c; other domestic 21tf(4c-. CABBAGES Steady. COTTON SEED OIL Very Flow and fairly steady; prime summer yellow 41c; off summer yellow 37V23Sc; prime white 44c; prime winter yellow 44c; prime me al $25. NAVAL STORES Charleston Spirits turpentine firm nt 53c; rosin firm and unchanged. New York Rosin steady; turpentine steady. Savannah Spirits turpentine firm nt 34c; receipts 1,243 casks: sales 1.479 casks; exports 237 casks. Rosin firm; receipts 3,900 barrels ; sales 4,784 barrels exports 2,608 barrels. Quote: ABC 95c; D $1.00; E $1.05; F $1.10: O $1.15; H $1.20; I $1.25; K $1.75; M $2.20; N $2.70, W a $3.10; WW $3.50. Grain nnil IVuvNIoih. Chleago. s ; t' mh. r 11- Tr i board of trad" was generally ,1, because f the un fa v..ra 1.1. 1, p the preside nt'K i erelitl,,,, i ,. w heat i losi cl . i- ,,,v,.r th.in y. December com was als.. i-., while Dei e::;b.r (,ats were r.iti,. closing V- 1 gher. Precisions 2S to 5c' lo wi de nn rested rts of 1 mln r : ei-day. down. 1 Hi 111. The Dry Good Market New YoiV, September 13 -The m u -kct today has ihuivn quiet. T lit 1.., generally, the unfavorable report n corning the t.i esid. nt i.i.. .,.. i,..,.. demand. T! ere has been no change tone, houoer. an,! 111 111 101 uoiii Maple loUotl goo.l fancies. Intc lot lis hav.- ,. . ., lit full prices TLA NTT C CO AWT UHW It II W 30 a M. the in .-1 1 : I MO. t SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. VESSELS IN PORT. SCHOONERS. Calawamteak (Am.) 119 tons, Brown, New York, Geo. Harriss. Son & Co- C. C. Wehrum, (Am.) 875 tons, Cava lier, New York, Go. Harriss, Son A Company. STEAMERS. Torgorm (Br.) 1059 tons. Hall, Dem- arara, Alex Sprunt & Son. Roxby, (Br.) 1964 tons. Shield, Lelth, Alex Sprunt & Son. New York Stock Market New York, September 13. The shock of the president's relapse fell upon tho stock market with almost greater force than ditl that of the first attack upon him. The measure of this effect Is seen in the tact that prices as a rule fell today below the low level of last night. The laborious course of restoration of prices during tho week had carried the average level well back to that ruling at the close of last Friday be fore the news of the shooting was known in Wall street. A false report of the president's death had cir culated in London today and tho panicky selling from that centre was thrown upo.i the opening market here. The condition of the money market md some of 'he developments of yes terday left the market vulnerable even to a normal course of events. Disap pointment over yesterday's dividend action on St. Paul was keen and heavy selling of that stock was inevitable in j any event. Amalgamated Copper also ! continued under pressure, owing to as- ' sertions that enormous stocks of copper ! were being ao umulatoil and that tho ! maintenance of the price product was bt ' oming diflbult. Republic Steel was i acut-lv affected by the comments on its pour shoA.ng of earnings for tno year. The amount of offerings of govern ment bonds brought out by Secretary Gage's pi iq orals was disappointing, the total re idling only about $7,500. Ooo, compared with $20,000,000 invited, but as payments made for these In cash upon presentation at the sub treasury today, most of the offered bonds being scld in New York, this became a very Important Incident of the day, pouring an abundant stream of cash into the market at the very moment of greatest need. Railroad bonds were weak, but not so acutely so as stocks. Total sab s par value, were $3,S50.0o0. United Sfites old 4's and the 5's de clined i-s. the 3'p 94 and the new 4's l1. per cent on the last call. The total sales of stocks today were l,305.3i.i0 shares. IDEAL TRIP TO CALIFORNIA. On account of the general t .mv. n(l 01 of tho Episcopal church, win. h will as semble in San Francisco, ("al.. on .m tober 3rd, widespread interest has 1 n created In regard to a visit to the pa cific Coast, for whiih a rare opportun ity has been provided pv the gen. ions Offer of the Seaboard Air 1 !. way to those who wish to avail them. selves of this opportunity. The tickets will be pl.0 , ,1 ,,,, ,1,. in North Carolina, on th- 1Mb day of ,.,. tember for $H.".2."i for the num.! tiio with the privilege of ,',,.. ,i, route ard returning via an.it li. i. Tour 1SI Mooperwill lie placed pi Cil. Igh provided requisite number of passen gerseighteen can be sc. in, d. The price for double berth from Kal.-litU to Denver, Colorado, will he $' t at- will pass over the S. aboard ,u .,,,. railway to Atlanta. Ga.. th. noe to Chattanooga, Nashville and St I,oiihc Mo., and over the Burlington mute to ienyer. l-rnm I env. r the party w ill proceed via the Denver and Rio Crand. Railway through to famous "Sc. nl. Route" of Colorado to Salt Like fit. anu inrougn the cordial invitation of Lishop Leonard they will sp. nd Sun day there. The sleep. r will be lesumed at Ogden, making total co t for Pull man accommodations about $7.ii from Raleigh and points in North Carollrii to San Francisco. The advantage of this route will be evident to all. w hen It Is r. in. ml., red the Journey westward will be made through the Rocky Mountains while th. weather Is warm In the uouth and the return Journey will be made through tho south when the weather is whu.. In tho mountains. It is to be th iiuin'l, ly understood that persons accompany ing this party can return home via n,i regular ticketing route they ma sire. Further particulars in regard to ad ditional expenses while en route ,u,d facilities for entertainment while in San Francisco can be had on npplh .iln.n to Rev. Dr. I. McK. Pitt- nger. Raleigh. N. C- For schedules, rates etc., writ" or apply to THUS. D. MEARES. General Agent II. 8. LEARD. T. P. A.. Raleigh. N. VII V 1 SAL .Vestibuuo IIMITED Trains Double Daily Service BETWEEN NEW YORK. lAlfiPA, ATLANTA, NEW ORLEANS AND POINTS SOUTH ANDWEST SCHF.DULE IN EFFECT MAY. 'X. v.. ; TRAIN Ix-aves Wilmington '. p in . , 41 arrives Lumber;. m r,..M .. in Pembroke 5:4'. p m.. M,i.i..ii t; if. p. in., Hamlet 7:1:, p. m i li.u lotte 10:15 p. m. TRAIN Leaves Charlotte 5:20 a. m 3s Hamlet 8:10 a. m., arrive Maxton 8:52 a. m., Pembroke 9:20 a. m., Luraberton 9:41 a. m., Wilmington 12:05 noon. I'llOM IIAMI.HT Schedule In effect Aug. Uli. HWL CORRECTED. IaaJ1ur fry un vt Umlnclon NonniuoUNb DAILY NO. iV-ruMn u nolla 11:05 A.m., YV&raaw 11. ft in liokUUtiro u.xi j, m W. . on 1:11 p. m . Korkj Uouiil I m P- m., T.irUrt I Sl p. m v,, don 4.2.' Ill I'oltmbuil l.i P. m., i.i.-htiMnl 7:U j n . .NtiTfolii . (. m VVlilno i 11:20 p. id . p ilti,,,,,,, 1 oj , l'hlltlii.hl.i 'mi ni N l ork i U n . , f Hopton I i. in. N'ci t r- . , .. ....... ..... .... . VI . . . .. . . M ' f i, ,,J i' m t.oi.j.u,..., it ,u V oil 10 .30 P III t T:i r Kfirn A Hocky Moinii Z3 u n. 1 -TJ n. 111 4 nj.f ... 1.00 p. in., p, tei n,ui K 2 i2 ft m., Ulclimoii'l .1 I'll n I,. u .i. ' 7.01 4i. in n ili;m..t m.. I'hll.Kli iphi.i n :u Now Ytwk l in itontoti 9.00 i m NO. W.- JVIMMIST fonvUJo 4 13 p. n u o v. m. m . tJOUTHIWR'Nli A NO. 56 - PaMtu.i-... ri... ?-... Wur.tun.iK 4 t. ... .-(., . hourn 6 : ;m v , M.,,1.,,,' c i (. m S')o:-i .. 7.2.. p rn , Hiiidi.i 9-1J , rn . I'olaml.ln 10 X, p ti. lVnninrk f. !.i n m Auiui.i ' t a. Ui . kfcMi ll .lJi. in A i laiitu 12 3i p m.Chni Imlon 11 i ., p. in.. Hovnnwih : 4.'. rn J ., k nonvl!l- 8 20 n.rn., ,t Aui;utb 10:60 a. m.. Tnmp.i io (Hi p m WI08T IIOI'NI) N . f3 l'iim.i;:, r 1 me I'.ii encvuio 1 2 ur. p ni ).. n. in. WcM.m Inrtuii :J0 il ii. n.. I 'A 1 I.V ''i" JMl I ni. 1 . Z, jc s i., I - la. Nt .1 i. . M I i I 3 ' A Cld i M """Ui" IZ & p in .M.xnfor.l :4J ic m M:l.l IS AT WII.MINCToN T1IIJ NORTH. I'AILV No. 49.-lii.-iKr- 1 fit., fi.l.i P.M. ton 1 o p. in., Ni w Ymk ; v- "i.. i-nu,Ml()ii.i i: a a , JlUt1nioro 2 Ui . rn Y;ii,p,, ton 4:30 a . m.. J, imioicl k u. i. rn. 1 St era tin ri; K i a tll Norfolk 00 a. in. ,.,o..t. ii (K, u. ni.. 'IrixrM i; 2 p m Itocky ilount 12 i.2 p. rn fon 40 p. rn., (Jolddbo. ., j . , P. rn , Warsaw 4 21 p rn . Mnn nolla 4:40 r. rn. I'AILY no. 41. - Pa.,niB..r Ixv.vn - A M lt,ton 12 00 riljiht. Nctw York i.uC n. tn.. 'illiulhla II II m.. Jialtlmn l:4fl p. m VVa-li bortoji 3 12 p m.. JUchn.o,. ' . J't.trm!njir 7 46 n m.. JNorfolk 3.30 p.m.. VJoi. 3:10 p. m . JTnrboro r,3 p m Jky Mount fc u ,' boro 6:4s a. m . a. in.. Magnolia I 1 LY NO. CI -Ptuncriir except lUvn V 00 i, ,,, Sun.l.iv 10:3; a rn 12 r. l. in. FItoM TIL1: HOITJI DAILY No. U -lu.v,;i,tor U-.o.. Tin. 12o P. M. pa X OO n. in.. S.uifor.1 2u p. in.. Jackivl J ti (10 p in Hu vaiumli 1.30 n.. rn . Charl.'-ion C 45 a. ni., Atlanta Ma n ru . Miron :00 n. m . AtJKiiaiw : P m.. lionmark 4 3d ji. rn V lumlila :40 a. rn , Humiir k (t P in.. KkaxHiro V :. ,i in Ma rlon 0:.Tfi n. ni . 'ha.limurii II u u m . L.Lko Waccjimnw 12 ) - m . l.AST Ho IN I) , l- VO. f'2--l"-a'wu:T- Imhi, rt.i.- t L I' M fonl Z.O'j p.m , nn Ivi. Kiiyr lie illt 4: p. in leuvn l'.i.MIe vlllo 4:30 p. ni. Henri, .t tji-l Ilravli-Tmln ti..,, nettMvIlle 8.10 n. in.. Mnilun y oj m Red Spririgt j Z2u.. in., p.-ukton in oj in.. iirrUti l'.i j--t jj w (l , l urriini; J-av 1'u.j u vl. .. 4 ,, tn Jiojx) AllliH 6:(k) 11. rn . K,i Horn,.- r. 11 "' I'll"! l lli I in an, v., 11.-, . ni . i.l.u V,ir.iw 7 it 7 1.3 a. in. r I mi N'e Jack n vlllt p. in. IK t I Vila : 1 j v in . Con. N,, 7 tra. 1 1 : . . 1 .-'..inf., . 1 . 1 I , Cotton Futures. New Yorli. September 13. It has been a gloomy, nervous, uncertain day on the cotton exchange. The market for futures opened weak and lower by 9 to 14 points under very active and feverish Felling by tired out bulls, as well as under short selling for local account. liquidation by Wall street, pressure through foreign houses and selling by the south against cotton. There was some reaction after the call with the market at one time within 4 points of last night's closing flgnres; but before midday the market again turned very weak and broke to 7.43 for January under fresh selling for all ac counts, brought out by the news from Buffalo that the belief was that thfl president would not survive the day. In fact, at one time rumor had It that the sufferer was dead; but while faith was later restored by the official bul letins the trade was pessimistic and trading gradually simmered down to a narrow evening up business. A pro nounced break in Liverpool and reports that southern spot markets were going to pieces under heavy offerings, added to the heaviness of the market here. The weaken: period of the day was reached at 2 '30 p. m. o'clock, when January sank to 7.41 under final liqui dation of remaining long interest. Re fore the close the market had rallied several poits on room covering. The market was finally steady with prices 13 to 17 points lower. WESTItt '1 Nil L Ibunlet Ar Monroe Ar Charlotte Ar Chester Ar Greenwood, Ar Athens A r A tbuita I 10 M p m U 20 .1 ni 1 42 a in S , a m C 2S a m H 00 a m 7 12 cl in D ai u m 10 01 a m 10 2a a m 12 22 p m 2 40 11 m 3 fi6 p m dully Close c-ormt-etlon at Atlanta for Mont gomery. Mobile. Now Wiearc-s ainl all points In Texas. Mexico an.l California; O-Lso for Chattanooga. Nashville. Ioiji.-v-ville, St. IjouJs. 'Incinn.it 1 1. Chicago and Western antl Northwiiirn points SOL'TMIlOI'Nh Clt'iM HAMLET. Lv ll.'unlot Ar Columbia Ar Savannah Ar Jacksonville Ar Tampa M ,ri p in I 7 -1) a in I Ou ami 10 .Vi a ni 4 ;.2 ami 1 47 p ni II 15 a ni, 1; 10 p in f. 4'i p ml C 1:7 a m NORTI II'.' 1 1 ' N I ) I'K'i.M HAMLET Lv Ha.mlot Ar Raleigh Ar Norlina Ar Portsmouth Ar Norfolk Lv Hamlet Ar Raleigh Ar NoriLna. Ar Petersburg Ar nichmond Ar Wa-shlngtori Ar lialtimoro Ar New York , 10 30 i ni ' 1 24 a ml , 3 IS .1 tn I I 7 00 a in j 1 7 00 a m! 1 10 37j p m I 1 24 a m I S 11 a ni MS a ni I 6 32 a in 1 io 10 a m i 1 1 V, a in I 1 4 2i r m I h ') a I" 10 37 a 11. 1 2 2S p n. fi r.o p m ICO p m H ') a 111 10 37 a m 12 2.1 p in 2 4.1 p m 3 31 p r.. 7 U7 in 1 1 2:7 i rn C 30 a m Through Pullman pa-cpora from Hamlet to all points North, South and South west. Train 3S Loavina; Hamlet at S:10 a m . takes passengers from Train No. SI leaving Now York at 12:50 p. m.. I'.altl moro at 5:45 p. m.. Washing:. n 6:55 p. m.. Iiichmond 10:40 p. in. Portsmouth 9:."W p. m.. Norfolk 9:20 i. m.. Raloltrh 4:10 a. m.. arriving at Hamlet at 7:00 a. m. From Train 3. leaving Atlanta at S:00 p. m.. Athene 11:23 p. m., Chtor 4:10 a. m.. Charlotte :2o a. in.. Monroo 6:05 a. m., arriving at Hamlet at 7:40 h. m. From Train No. 06. l.Aavlntr .larksci- rille at 3:5o p. m.. Savannah 1I:4j p. m Columbia 3:35 a. m.. arriving at Ham lft a.t 7:40 a. m. For tickets. Pullma-n reservations, ot apply to Thomas I. Mcarc-.n. (Jonoral Asrent Wllmlnirton. N. C. R. K. L. lU'N'-H. Cronral risscoipcT Agunt JAS. M. BARR. 1st V. V. and. General Manaiior. ru in . I. . 'i . oufhern Railway To those who drink whiskey for pleas ure; Harper wmsicey adds zest to exist ence. To those who drink whiskey for health's sake; Harper whiskey makes life worth living'. Sold by all leading Wheat No. Sept 63 6714 677s Dec 70Vi 70 '0 7014 May 73 Vi Zii 73 "3? Corn No 2 Dec 57 571. 56 57 May 5S 5S oS; Oats No Sept 33 34i4 83 34 Dec 35 So 35 35 May 37 S7 37 87 Ifess pork, per bbl " Sept 14-2tt Oct 14.70 14.73 14.67 14.72 Jaa.. ., .,15.70 , 1575.. 15.70 .15.75 Murphy fc Co'a. Cotton Letter New York. September 13. The more serious condition of the president when the market opened brought many sell ing orders and prices in consequence suffered to the extent of 10 to 15 points. The intrinsic Value of cotton was ad mitted, but fear of unsettled condi tions in the financial world made hold ers who believe in a much higher mar ket nervous and the consequence was general selling by people who not only think well of the market, but believe that muci higher prices are in ortfer. Liverpool was weak on hammering by Importers who saw a favorable oppor tunity to secure fresh supplies at more seasonable prices and -were active In spreading reports of better crop pros pects. Palestine, Texas, reports 3.10 Inches of rain today. This excited lit tle attention In view of the lateness of the season. Other sec.icns In Texas also reported heavy rains. The market rallied after the execu tion of numerous stop orders on buying for southern .nd western account and a more cheerful feeling followed. The weekly report of the statistical situa tion at Liverpool, which was Issued to day indicated further shrinkage In the stock for the week of 42,000 bales of all kinds and 35,000 In the American. This uninterrupted falling off, it is con tended, can't fail to have a decided ef fect as the season advances. The stock of certified cctton at New York is also dwindling, much to the surprise of many who had calculated on an in crease and the prevailing prices of the raw material fre now so low, compared with last year that any opposition to a higher level of prices is being dis couraged. It is well It should be. .- - . - .MURPHT & CO, (inc.)., THE STANDARD RAILWAY . ... OF TBE SOOTH THE DIRECT LINE TO ALL POINTS. Texas, California, Florida, Cuba, and Porto Hico. Strictly flrst-clasB equipment on nil through and local trains; Pullman Palace Sleeping cars on all night trains; fast and safe scheduled. Travel by the Southern and you are assured a safe, comfortable and expe ditious Journey. Apply to ticket agents for tlmo tables, rate and general Information, or ad dress R. L. VERNON, F. R. DARBY. T- P A. C P. Sc T A Charlotte,' N." C. Aahevllle, N. C. No trouble to answer questions. J.N. HIROWICK, CP ' W1SHIRGT0N O.C ATLANTIC & NORTH CAROLINA R. R. Time Table In Effect Aug. 5, 1901. Pass'ger.Pass'grer. Eastbound Trains. I Dally. Only. Leave Goldsboro 3:40 p m Leave KInston 4:32 p m Leave New Bern...; 6:50 p m Arrive Morehead.,.1 7:02 p m 8 00 am 8:53 a m 10:05 a m 11:17 a m iPaas'ger.lPasa'Ker. Westbound Trains. I Dally. Only. Leave Morehead ... . 7:27 am 4:37 pm Leave New Bern... 9:00 a m 6:05 p m Leave KInston 10:12 a m 7:04 p rn Arrive Goldsboro... 11:05 a m 8:00 p m . . b. i. dHjX ' - BBPttiateadent - una nt Pa ..( :..VJ.,.. win, trir Max Ion Willi I m 'mm. .Ilia 'ni . -kI. nt K-1 .Sj,r, ni, the Kit unl 1 u.wni.rr.i l( ilr.Ri.l ul Itli Iho Hvilku, Air I .tin- int.! Hallway. 11 1 ;u,f w ,, , , 1 ,u, 1 li.irlo- VJinilro.-i.i 11 i,.,wmti ICovkv M.Mir.r -.t,.l '"! 1 '" Rocky Miiun 7 1:, n ti, , lv. U , ,.,.:i h . 7 i tn nrrlw. I 1, ii,,, 1" I" .1 in . nrrlvo Rlchm,ul 11 in .1 in Train ,,n lli.i HM(l.ai.l N'.x k llmnoli Roa.J l.a.. H.PJ,,,, j ,, ,,, JloMf..,, p in ...rrlv S ..tl.-n,, s- k at 4 10 bin.. ;i .-. n 111- Hi pm. Kli, Mi. 11 r, li p. m. I b turiiliiif loavi-n KI11M..11 7 .1(1 u m.. (in-' nvlllo 8.30 a. m . nrrivliiK 1 1 it i I - i ix il Uj a. in . i I , 11 11 20 n 111 xpt Sunday. Traill -mi WanhUiKl'-n Iln.n.-r, l.i, W ashlr.Ktou 8 00 a. in , nnd : n p m mi rlvc pai m H.I', a. in . ut,,i 4 I'i p m '. i,-. turuiiiK have- 1 'a riiil- H 10 n 111,'nn.l !.22 p. m . nrilv.- War.Jil ni: t mi 12:30 . m . ami C . 1 5 p. m. lally rxr. pt .Sunday Tra.li l.-avca TnrlMro. N . tr ' ' j t Sunday 4 .? p m . Sun lay 4 li p in airl. f l'Jyin.iutli c p 111 . an.l i, 10 p I" U.-turiiitiK Mum I ' flu. 11 1 !i ..,r r ccpt .Sund.iy 7:30 a. m., nn.) Sun, lay y ( a. in.. uiiivH Taiborii V 'mj n 111, 1. ml 11:'1 .1. in. Trains l.-.ivc ;. I stnr. 1 .la'..) ,it Sunday f..ix .1 m . urrlvlnn Him 1 t, fi. 1:1 1, ig a. ni. Rolurnlinc loiivi HiiiliMUl.l 7 i, a. in.. nrrivcH t ( ))-, n A, 11 m Train m Nantivlllo I'.ranr-li i.-avi . m. j rtiumn hi i'..;i n. 111 j 411 j. u.rrlv N.ihvIIlo 10 30 n. rn 4 n3 p rrin; IIopo 11.(0 a. .ni. 4 p rn turnliiK loav KpriiiK n i ., ( p. rn.. NnjthvlUo 11:4.'. m t, m.. iirriv-.;, nt llorky Alount 12 hi .1 o.'ju p. in. iauy xo.t HuruLiy. Train on "llnton Itrnjicli knvm War Paw for Clinton dally except Suinlny, 11:40 a :n.. an 1 4.2o p. m. Krturnlri leave Clinton C:4j a. m., and 2.10 p rn. Trains Imvn Pio ,-., 10.IJ n tn ar rive Ixilla 10:31 a. rn . DUkm lo 42 a rn. i tow land iocs .. ni . roturrUiiK l-v. Row kin. 1 6.10 p. m qjtJ v- Inllon c 11 I', m.. Italia 6 44 p m J'., 1 ., ', un t. in.. .kOJy. Traiiw on (,'ynnay Ilr.inr Ii :iv 'Mini bourn ll:M'n. m arrlvo '.nw..) 1 :ui p. ni.. rciurnlng Jmv.i oiiwc.) 2 j. rn arrlvn "hadlwjurii f, y p rn l.n,. "h.ul lourii f,:li p. rn nrrlvo l-..f.x 1,1 p rn ret urn I iik l.vivo Kiro. t 4" n m nrrlv t.'h.ullMiuni 11.21 11. in 1.lI!v ii,i.i Hun. day. Trains b avo Kumlrr f. 08 1. m . Mat. "iiiK 0 4j;i. m , nrrivfi umin f. 2H p.m.. bav- Iini-B 8.37 n m . M.xiti1j. 17 tt'. m.. arriv- .Sumter W W) a. m Imllry. (iMircnlown nn.l V'rirn IUiU-mki,! leuvim Ixltk-s 8:41 11. m ,t 7 ) p rn . nm (iowKulown 10:00 a. rn.. 1H:2U p. m Imva (;efirloii t 30 a, rn . f4 li p rn nrrlva IrLnen 8:00 a m.. t t 36 p. m. Triniut iav FlnM ,laiiy x- pt Hun day 9:10 a. rn.. arrivo r:irllriMoii lu .1:. . in.. HarinvtUo 8:li p. tn (.'hxraw 11 l a in.. W.-ulcaboro 12:31 p. m Jcwv Jic--ni ilully oxcopt Huruliy K x p tn . nr rlvc li.xrllngton 8 2T. p. in J :rvu,ei 1 vtii 'J.22 p. in.. (Jlbmwi 0 : p. rn Ixxiv KKir mco Hurwlny only il !0 a. ui arrlva par llnton 10.16 a m. I-rfviva (llhaon d.xily ptrq.l Fun.ljr L a. m.. Honnnttnvliln 7:16 a. m . axrlva I.-i r 1 1 r. ift 011 8:11 a., m, Inava 1 nrllnirtai H:lo a. m . arrlva l'Trtiica P.li a. m., l-av. a.lrwtxiro daily txrv,irt Kiuxbiy 4.10 p. in . Ohraw D li. p. n . llartarlll" 7:20 n. in . Iorlln4rtoi C .24 p' m jr1 v l''lorio. 7 00 p. rn . Inavn I .xrl I nrt n :U a. in., a-rrlva Klorano t 11 a. ni . WilHon .iii.l Kayt tovlllo Hr.xnr li innvr Wilson l:l p. rn . 10:4 p ni . cirrlvo Krl ma. 2:4S p. m.. 11.18 p. rn . Hmll liflol.l 3 p. tn.. Hurin ::4J p tn . Kn 01 tfv lllo 4 2.. p rn.. 12:32 .1. m , Rowland ( ( p rn re UirmriK live RowkLiid 10 :.s n . I"ay ( t-viil. 12:2) p. rn . j0 22 p ' . 1 uki 1:04 p. in . Kmlthflold 1 4J p. rn M-rna 1:10 p. m.. 11:31 l. in axiivii VYi.xi 2 11 P- ni.. 12:12 a. m. Trnlria 1jv iumlf-r 4 2 a. m Crm ton 4 f.l n . m n.rl lnrariuk I 4 a. m. Returning lvo Ixnunuk 4 20 p m ("r'tori t, 16 p m.. Humlw C (W p rn.' Ial!y. in.illy cxiept Sunday. Sunday only II. M. I'M l-Tl t ( v CUvitrl I'ajfoxurrr Acr-ni. J !( Kl NLY. (-nrI Ma.-inc lllusoN TraXnc itimp- 1HL OLfDE 8TEAQ8HIP CO NEW YORK. WILMINGTON. N. C, AND GEORQETOWN. B. C. LJNEH. 'y ? : tct -.r NEW YORK FOR WILMINGTON, s. s i; v. ciyd.. K4-pt. :it S. S S.iRlnaiv Saturd.iv. Sept "Mh WILMINGTON. N .C . FR NITW YORK. S. S. KhkIi'iiw . Saturday. S-p(. Tim'. S. S ( '. W Clyb- Salurday S. pt :Mh FR)M WILMINdTON, N. C. FOn GEORGETOWN. 8. C. S S. Saplnaw Tueadny. K pt. 1 Tt H S. S. G. W Clyde. Tuaday. K-pt 24h S. 8. Oneida drs not carry p&a acne arc. Through bills of U-dlnc and loweal throuch rates fruaxaatoed to and frora points In North and Bouth Carolina. IL O. BMAXJJJ0NE3, SDDrl ntandant. THJSO, O. JCaOl. General Manaxr. If C'.t t'.rri. ir. T. t ,K

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