THE "WTLMTN GTUM MBSS3SNGBB, 3?KIDAyxs, 1 1 T!i.- Ivin.l Von Have Always Bought, and which has been w for orr :0 3 rar, has borno the Flprnatnr of and has bwn made under his per- s ' M)nal supervision since its infancy. s ;..:zs.. Allow no one todeceivo yon in this. ,1 o r.i U. Imitations -M" : i "t- t'.at tritle with and endancer the health of -1 C'liikLren Cipericuco against Ilxpcrinient What is G2STORIA C'.i-ti.ri 1 U a lirtrmlo-i" substitute for Castor Oil, Pare-:--ii., -i, and sroihinpf Syrups. It is Pleasant. It (iit iin iirithi r Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic ii.-t rn .-. lt- :iizo is its puarantee. It destroys Wonns "i .ill tv- ! V r riinr. It vures Diarrhoea and "Wind i . it. r. lit i'-i Teething Troubles, cures Coustipatiou '"I ! !.t : 11 1. n . It a-imilateH the Food, regulates tho ni 1. "i ;imJ iJourl-., giving healthy and natural sleep. 1 1 li MrviiN Panacea The Mother's Friend. C .-M ... CASTOR 1 A ALWAYS Bears the Tiie Kind You Have Always Bougjit In Use For Over 30 Years. C CC COMKT, TT MU 1 -X. frl and -w A FEW GOOD - BUGGIES AT COST (owan Livery Co. I'll F" FALL AND WINTER SUITS Imported Suiting FASIONAELE WMEfi MILITARY SCHOOL OXFORD, 1ST- O. i :s ni:.Ti:i) r.v thk iuffalo fan1 system .: ; :; ! :n : "T V;:nti!,t1"N'. . .v- ,r t ...- - i. h ti b a.JJ-M for tho fall tor its 4 -: . ! ! ' tr - -irly. Annual attendance up to the fui . t 1 .ivv :y -ah s sion for lack of room. . : v..::; ,:.:: r track tn tho south. i . : h : v. ork. I 'urrlculum preparatory to tho .:. r' ; .-. - - .: . : : it.ors. An atmosphere of high surrounds . . ; ... r..-t t r-; arir.c for htghr education are excluded. I M.I. 11 KM 1.1 (.INS SI l I r MllK.K Isrd. Atlantic National Bank Capital. $125.000 Surplus'0 175,000 1(58 . 0! , The Murchison National BankK3ir OF N II.MIMiTON. ASSETS, l':-.Miirt .ni l Reliable Seriee. Seeurtt I'nitcJ N .: .'! : : ." '." i .; N . r M : WANTED ! Ve want your business and will pay 4 Per Cent. Per Annum on all deposits ot $5.00 and above, same being subject to your check at any time. ABSOLUTE SECURITY GUARANTEED ! WILMINGTON SAVINGS & TRUST CO., lcS I'RINCFSS H FILTERS V1CE INTEREST For the .u.irter ending September :Ulth is now due and paable Depositors who have had as much us SS.OO on depo.i: for three months or more are reques4ed to brins in their hooks at their convenience to have, interest en tered. THE PEOPLE'S SAVINGS BANK H C JTQUEEH. PRES'T. JOH $. APWSTROWG. VICE-PRES'T. 5. W. DICK, CASH'R COTTON HUGH MacRAE & CO., HANKERS, w; LM I Nr. T N. N. C. IM VESTMENT SECURITIES. D yon ii and Just-as-pood " are but Signature of MAT tTVCCT, M tW VO CfTT. " 111 I) U W "I1 and Pants Goods fr- h TAILOR, 27 MarkctStrcct. Near Front. T. C. HOUNF.R. J N' AUMSTK' N Vi.'--lT' S't. Deposits W.. w x:.-. vour a --ur.t - Loans Collections A ;....:. ir.i l- tlirouii dlox t --ti. ::- .-v.-ry.vh'-r.' Exchange iirht ar.4 F'.M. Safetv Boxes ANI'UKW M' .l:l-:UNI. Cashr. Cashier. $1,000,000.00 . i very Possible Facility. States. State and City Depository -it A H. XK'HOL?, T M KN' KKN. j. a. v:.isr.:n. 11. M.'tin'KN. .1 . v "K. N.M K. S I" R F FT PRES T. C. E. TAYLOR. JR., CASH'R . OPPOSITE THE POSTOFFICE MILL STOCKS A SPKCIALTY BUY AND SELL RAILWAY STOCKS. (Coat Lin-. Southern. S-boartl A'rJLIne, Chesarcakr X Ohio, IxuTillc and Navflhvillo, anil Norfolk A WeteJ n.) dial AcrmLT a stati. corwrT. mtjiictpal Ar rahwat Bom j. UKKORESTING OF VALLEYS InreittatIon ot It Effect on Froh- Nototl Hor Thief Captured. N irlh Carolina ly tu Public Sh'oI. M.--5-nr-r Bureau. I'.al-!krh. N. -'.. ' " ttv r 3. Ni -.vs i oni s .f th- taj'luri- of Vi' t-'T Il.lliird. th- f'.'.r.-. thi.-f. w h. hi - ia i -t' -a as h'.wr.K l;"r.s. drKii.t,' th-i: 1' :-.(? distant .-h ar.d u.-liint; th-m to rs Th'- t-tat- k-.I'-'fHt Is h;..-. lally lr.v-s-tiijatlr.K the t-f- t of Tr-h-ta ui":i all-yd unf.r ot-i t-d by tr -m and th".? of the same siz- and i-oniitfurati"n uh:ih ar- irot-(t-d. H- fliulf a git.ti dlfl-rviik- H- fays tho a ba ndoim.-1. 1 (( tiKricultural lowlands in tho south durlnK th- iast t a n t y - ft vt y.-ars sh'j thv (.an-ful offtri. ts of d-f.jr-stir.K- It: tfi su; Ten;- ourt y.-st-r'lay th-v-ry in-. i( ir ta n t daiiiatj- caso of ii ' ' nduvt'T 'il. y vs. th- f-'.juth-rn rail road '. as r-.iiru-d. This iri th- cafe Ahii h -a as ij. . i d-d at last tt-rrn. but in a hi. h Justi. l..uKla:- k;iv.- li-ivc :'ui r a: fun,, r. t. Th- fact this stale a iil und'. r th- ausj rs d:rt-cti.n of th- State- I, it. rary and Historical Association . -l-! -. i:..::n'ik- Island r.-xt yi-at v. ill :. ruus- K-n-ral int-rst. It is pro I -s i t. h.ivc a pr.-at Kath-rin.K th-ic p. rhaps July p',th For s..'tnc unkn j'An r-as..n th-r- u;t r....t In lb54 and ub- r ar.i- nf th- t r! -cc:: t-n r.lal of thu t.r-t landt:-. .it Koan-k.-. It. Hut rt A Koyst. r, a v.-ll known yi.-.i::j physnian h-r-. is t t- married this in . nth to Miss Iouise Pag.: f Vrif.i -ss At'.n-. Md. T):.- 1 Air has inauffU t I a v.'-xv s st-m. that of d-int rlts. It no 1 'iiK-r su-p-nds cnitdoy.-s but tdvos th- in d-ni-i.t?. and th m c;iu?c d:. h,iii:- I 'apt.un Ivi .oinl K. (Jayl-. Second ar tillery t'r.if l Statos army, stationed at H.n at-.a. is Ii -r and l-a -- tomorrow f..r I'ort-m.-uth ith the body of his a if-, w h w a a daughter of th- la to ( ; , ! K. vn H. Ayr-P. 1'nit-d arn-.y. Sh- di-d two fn-nths ago and !.- r t.odv '.vas plaf-d in a r-c-i ins v f.itt Th- b-.irial Hl be at Ports mouth. Th- stat- sU; . !nt-nd-r.t of publi. in stru. li'c; :. -Is to th- various cunty P;p -rir.t. r.d- r.ts a stigg.-sted prerammo f,r . -i- !:-.! :.. :. f X-r:h t'.indma day. (..;.! : t:h This 1- :a.t to .lis: la--. :r arr.u'.g. tr. :.t or ex-r is-s f'-i:.:.- '.. hut tr. i ly f -r us- if d-sn -d. T.".- v ,,r- u:--. ! ! . nd-av..r lw int-r.-st ir. ..f tt :r . h- ..Is as possitd- and r, ..-: -,.v a r-t distribution of this ,. .... . lt;, ,f th. ir ..-An suj-'srestion. W)-. : : ;s :r:-.r-ra. t'.. abl- to , -lebrat" X. r:i; .,--! i :. a .;.iy - .n tic- 11th. l!.-- day jr-s ! i . 1 by l.r.v. it i sugK- st-1 by th.. t :t-- L'.t-iary and Hist -ri- al As.i-rh-it!-:". thit th- .(l-bration be h-ld on K::la a't. r Tha r.ksk'ivine day. as th-. r- I- '.. -thit-. s" ir. th- law v hich f-"r-h! '.s ; tp..:.- tr.- r.ts f r - .n -ni-n- I Th al ,r;t! th- ir r 1 1 : In may ; l-.isui T in the mat t. r M ,j. -r t ;ral:..!;i Lav. SUgK-StS that i the l:ti.r. Our Fath. r Cod to Th-. Auth-r of I.ib.-rty-I - 1 ir. - a ! of -My ' unity 'tis of Th-- " 1 1, ,.r ! r to c.irry . .M ij--r 1 avs s :ec--s'i..n th- sup-r!r.t- :. 1-r.t of pubj;.' !;. :i his had it irir.t-d o:i .trips t- t th-. .ii; .rir.t- :.i-r.ts -Aith th.- i .!-: f i : . f -rm a t : i: n--w b. if. ST m 1 I'M- !li:.l:V WHISKKY. .Vei . !: , : t- iti 1 : : , quality or measure. Thf Mo'.ter With KnRland. Miss Mary MePowell of the Univer sity . f ( 'hi. si tt!e:-i nt. w ho is in I.:;! n i:. v. : j the social se'tle i:.. at w-rk of t! r.t ci'y. s:iy: "N .'with- st.i:. P: si I, ! a. t: .: y . d 1 1. t t!:.i.'. t'..i -ie r.u-r.. y - f - ! : ..i::v c I r. I a sin- the ;i. at- 1 I t.'. . t 1 : 1; ..: II ill 1 ia : . , . . . , . - v :t!i i peculiar (-:'.- ; - ..- : . : 1 . MiC- . . : i .. t ha.. . 1. .. i a --ifea.eiit , ; . -.. it !: o - :: : : - i..r ; . . I;:. I have 1. ! .;t..': :. .:.:.: the charities ; '' - . .'. !...;.. .- la! iii- iveiv part ,-f t .- ;. i ; - '.i.c so ! -.!. -y of the innate -. :,. i:y ,-f Pi it 's!i heart, accom- ji:-.!i I ia: f !:::! ..1. Tiny make the di;- ---.! Ci--es stop lo-kiiig for ;. i ( '. (iiaiideiiance and onngo n-: : i a 1 ! y ia alms seeking. If I were a.-kid to say in one word what was the ir.atur with England, I should reply 'Druuketiaess.' Women Rowen. The Ea-iish papers report a rowing match for w ni. 11 at the tfa'.tash regatta , :i t:.e liv.r Taiii.ii-: "Although the wi ::t ! 1 v. v ; y I. i; erous, 011a h t Mi"- Matt't.. :ii d .-. .-ii.d . ! 7 '. . 'a, ! -. - ia. -1 SC. 1 . t v. 1 liiell. p. ', ! -a i:i t ' a' c; 0 w of . :. . !.- 1: :i f :i cent t; ry a ! v . . -- a- In ;;. ,r Ca, ; 1 and . . ;. a,-:..:.. .- l!a y heat :. Mr..-:.. !:.! i.t: ' lie co . a .1 pi ! ;-d crew of . .:; I . v. t ; - ! I ; ai ii a Had y. ! ,. . i 1'. p-. - r'. ! ! . I ;. i 1 i:: ... ..: ! ail . ' 1 i; Pi.-iii - i ! . t- . i . . . . I . . . :., i . i i ;i i 1 i in his turu, u : - i M:-. I t!:e -a M : - S.ii -a - . 1 t . t.-i-- t'-r -il ilia:: :l It i..- i.-:i'.;:i body . . : i :: a of Lail et- ! b!o.!. etc. 1! Driroiliy. .r i . ra ts, Doro- 1" !. r I.' tie da ugh .1 a t I.. 1 to a ; , ; t -. a ak-d. iiiu.a," an i d.a't v. j go." -II. t t- ! o ' S 1 ,,.1 dul ket. N-'.v York, o.-tob-r 3. Spot Rio ciulet; mild mark-t qui-t; Cordova T1- to 11c. Th-- e..fYee mark-t opened steady lrt ton-h with pi'a-s :, points lower undec iio ii la t ion of room character, prompt- - 1 by w.-akn-'ss abroad and tremendous i rm-.arv receipts. Within a minute af;-r. liMW.-v.-r, the feeling among trad- rs chane-d for the b.-tter and demand fr. m both 1... al and foreign house price.-,- to almost the 1,-vol of ir-M-us .lay's close by midday, al though trading was not particularly aotiv- at any time. Th- close was un changed to r points net lower, with si.i'.. s of 17.250 bags. - G rut 11 and Provision. cheat:.. October 3. Bulls made at weak t fTort tn control a bearish mar ket to, lay and December corn closnl V- hitth.-r. December wheat S to d-pr.-ss.-d and December oats higher. RroviHions closed 5 to 20c up. OPD HKNRY AnilSKBY for- sale by all leading dealers. Take no sub OLD DOMINION and CLOVER LEAF PORTLAND CEMENT I. X. L. Rosendale Cement, Plaster Paris and Hair. ALSO SOLE SELLING AGENTS FOR Imoerial Cement, Hard Wall Plaster and White Rock Calcined Plaster These articles are being used on the Exposition at Charleston to the ex tent or Fifteen Hundred Tons on outside and Inside work. It Is also being used on the New Argyle Hotel at Charleston, and many other Jobs We rec ommend Its use. Try it. Write for our Catalogue. THE GOAL, CEMENT AND SUPPLY CO.. AGENTS, WILMINGTON. N. C. Bell Telephone 645. ew York Stoct Market New Vork, October 3. Th? opportuni ty was taken today for an overhauling and a readjustment generally of cur rent quotations for industrial stocks. An extensive assortment came under the public review of the professional traders on the exchange who went sys tematically through the whule list with a testing process of what is ;-alled offer ing down. If no purchaser was forth coming Tor a stock at the last quoted price it was offered at successively lower pricts until the making of a pur chase tlxed th- new price level. The r-sults of this process demonstrated a barrenness of the public t.ppetite for these securities which is a. revelation to many persons who have been im pressed with the quoted prices ruling tn the market. These pric-s in many oases were made during the period of active speculation, when purchasers lould be attracted by the device of a sudden advance in market quotations. Actual transactions in a nu Tiber of the securities have been few md far be tween for many months past. Today's operations revealed the fact that the supporting orders which were kept in these stoc ks while thi-re was any hope of outside purchases h id been en tirely withdrawn, and the quotations crumbled away into fragments under the offering down process above de scribed. Some of the sufferers in the various movements were affected by specific developments, such as declining earn ings and actual or threatened new com petition, but the whole cla.';s of stocks was too generally affected for any ex planation to suilice except ne of gen eral application. Of course the results amount to a clear demonstration that ruling prices have been tr.e result of llagrant manipulation. In stocks to which this applies the mere fact of the cessation of the manipulat.on is suffi cient explanation, -without regard to development effecting the actual value of the properties. The severe speculative losses caused bv the recent collapse in the price of Amalgamated Copper is p-obably the immediate cause of the spirit of dis trust engendered against the industri als as a class, and especially against the most notable offenders i i the policy of concealment of earning., expenses and even of assets. The action of the United States Steel corporations must folio woi suffer loss a statement of monthly n?t earnings ' in lured a feeling that otner inausinui corporations mut follow or suner loss of confident e. Sentiment v as affected also bv some recent destructive criti cism or" the plans of organization and capitalization of a number of minor industrial companies. Drei d of legis lative attack and the general appre hension of excessive over-ec pitalization as a rule wore elements in the result. statement of the extreme declines re'orded will serve to complete the storv of the dav. These were: National Salt no sales of the pi eferred but quoted at 55 to CO at the closing, com pared with the previous sile of .o1-. International Power 12TB; New "iork ir Prake TV- Glucose 63; Bergen County Gas and United Stf tes Rubber I r ferred 5, National ieac. preLeneu Ame,-i-in Wool preferred and United States Hubber cemmoq Zl-. American Smelting 3a, Ten lessee Coal, Twin Citv Rapid Transit ami i-eopie a ! Gas ;;. The list of industrial stocks ' which declined from one tc two is too long for specification here. I The railroad list was extremely dull i and rather sluggish, but it is signficant of th- spirit of the speculation that New ! York Chicago and St. Lcuis second i relapsed 5'2 points, and the I Vamb-rbiltfi 1 to -J. after their re- ent manipulation. The whol- rnark-t closed active and resistance w-ak. aft during th- fe. t Of th K.lllroac t il sal-s. r showing some day to th industrials bonds wer par value we ikening ca irn gular. Tower- $1.9y0.u00. re a.l unchang- d states bond 1 the last call. w . d Th total sales of ks today were 411. 3e0 shires. The tlantic Coast Line has on s?.le round trip tickets to Buffalo, on ac count Pan-American exposition witn .rcit limit of five days in each direc tiAn-nnd final limit 20 day; at rate of r, fnt-e nlus $1.00- Rate from Wil- mintrton $23.50. Stop-overs allowed within transit limit, These tickets sold vi-, TMiiladelDhia and Pjnnsylvania railroad, as well as via dire:t route. Cotton Futures. New York. October 3. The cotton market opened steady, with prices 4 points higher to 1 point lower. The early firmness was chieily in the nearer positions as they had a spe-ial demand In the way of covering. Later, the market gave way and price sold off 10 to 11 points, with January leclining to 7 Gv The decline was sulle i and slow, not much business was done at the low figures. At noon January cotton, the speculative favorite, was dragging at 7.6S to 7.6'.. , The the government report was read, giving the condition as 61.1. Immedi at. lv the wildest cxcitemei t prevailed as this made a decline of 1) points for the month and the lowest showing for 1 t.-rm of vears. Knormou: blocks o. cotton were" bid for. The up.vard move ment did not stop until Janwry touch ed 11 The selling -was in most cases by parties who had profits in sight and were willing to secure them. There was some selling, however, for short account. The market eased off only a tritle at the close and was finally steady In tone at a net rise of 21 to 24 points. Trading was very active all the after noon ,with total sales estimated atoO, bales. or the largest In som 1 months. October Cotton Crop Ileport Washington, October 3. The follow ing monthly report on the condition of the cotton crop was issue 1 today by the statistician of the department of agriculture: The monthlv report of the statistician of the department of agriculture shows the average condition of cotton on September 25th to have been 61-4 as compared with 71.4 on the 24th day of the preceding month. 67 or October 1, 1900. 62.4 at the corresponding date in lb99 and 70.3 the mean of tho October average of the last ten years. Rarely has so general an impairment of condition been reported as the depart ment's various crop reporting agencies unite in bearing witness to this montTJ. There Is a decline of 9 points in Vir ginia and North Carolina, 13 in South Carolina, Florida and Tennessee, 8 in Georgia and Louisiana, 10 In Alabama and Arkansas, 22 in Mississippi, o m Texas 11 In Oklahoma, 15 ir Indian ter ritory' and 14" in Missouri. While the condition in Georgia and Louisiana is still one abo e the tin v.-ar average of these states, the re ports from every other cot .on growing state and territory compare unfavora bly with th- average October conditions for iinv considerable series of years. The extent to which the various stat-s fall below their respective ten vear averages is as follows: Yirgina 3 points. South Carolina 2, North Caro lina and Florida S. Alabama 7, Missis sippi 4. Tennessee 11, and Texas and Arkansas each 1?. The condlton in In dian trritory is 9 points and In Oklaho ma 16 points below the mean of th9 October averages of the last five years and that in Missouri 19 points below the mean of the last eight years. The averages of condit on in the states are reported as follows: Vir ginia 73. North Carolina 63. South Caro lina 67, Georgia 73, Florida '35, Alabama 65 Mississsippi 66. Louisiana 72, Texas 51. Arkansas 51, Tennessee 60. Missouri 61. Oklahoma 57, Indian territory 61. WILMINGTON MARKETS Thursday, October 3. Receipts of cotton today 2.72S bales. Receipts same day last year 4,134 bales. This season's receipts to date 2r;,lSS bales. Receipts to same day last year Sl-046 bales. The quotations posted at 4 o'clock today at the exchange: COTTON Firm. Ordinary 6 7-16 Good ordinary 5 11-16 Low middling 7 7-16 Middling S Good middling S 5-16 Same day last year 10Uc NAVAL STORES SPIRITS TL'RPKNTIN'E Machine barrels steady at 33-4c: nothing doing in. country barrels. ROSIN Firm 90 to 93c bid. TAR Steady at $1.30. CRUDE TURPENTINE Steady ; hard J1.00; soft $1.90. Prices same day last vear Spirits turpentine 3GVic and 36c; rosin $1.15 and $1.20; tar $1.40; crude turpentine hard $1.10; and $2.10. Receipts today 47 casks of spirits turpentine. 152 barrels of rosin, 144 bar rels of tar, D3 barrels of crude turpen tine. Receipts same day last year 49 casks of spirits turpentine, 241 barrels of rosin, 71 barrels of tar, 71 barrels f crude turpentine. PRODUCE. SALT 100's 45c; ISO's SOc. 200 s ..e: F. F. $1.35; in less than car lets. DRY SALTED SIDES 9, to 9rc. BUTTER 24 to 26c. COFFEE 7 to 10c. FLOUR Straights 3.75; 2nd patents $4.00; full $4-75. MOLASSES S. House. 15c. New Or leans Brights. 23 to 25c: Porto lileo SO to 35c; Cuba. 28 to 40c. SUGAR Granulated $5.43; W.X.O No. 5. $4.95; No. 9, $4-60, No. 11, $4.50, COUNTRY PROJDUCB. PEANUTS North Carolina 65 to 70c, Virginia 60 to 55c; Spanish 70c. CORN 77 to SOc. CORN MEAL 72 to 75c. N. C. BACON Hams 13c; shoulders 9c; side 19 to 11c. CHICKENS Dull; hens 20 to 22c; roosters 20c; spring 8 to 18c. EGGS Steady at 17 to ISc. SHINGLES Per 1000. 6 inch saps, $1.60; 5 inch hearts, $2-25; 6 inch saps, $2.50; 6 inch hearts, $3.50. TIMBER: Per M feet Shipping.... $S.00 9.00 Mill, prime $6.50 7.50 Mill, fair $5.00' Gau Common mill $4,900 5.00 Inferior to ordinary $3.50 4-50 MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH. FINANCIAL. New York, October 3. Money on call steady at 3 to 4 per cent.: last loan at 2 per cent.; ruling rate per cent.; prime mercantile paper 4 to 5 per cent.; sterling exchange steadier with actual business in bankers' bills at 4.55 for demand and at 4.S3U to 4.S3 for sixty days; posted rates 4.S4 and 4-S4: commercial bills 4.214 to 4.S2-74; bar silver 3S; Mexican dollars 45; gov ernment bunds steady; railroad bonds irregular; state bonds inactive. STOCKS. Atchison Baltimore an Ohio Chesapeake and Ohio Chicago, Rock Island anrt Pacific Colorado Southern Delaware and Hudson Illinois Central Louisville and Nashville Manhattan L Metropolitan Street Railway .... Mexican Central Mexican National New Jersey Central New York Central Norfolk ami Western Norfolk and Western pfd Northern Pacific pfd Reading 99 44 1; 13 164 1434 102 119 ! 162 j 22 I 162 i 1 55 ' 53 Vi ! S9 ! 39 St. Paul Southern Pacific Southern Railway Southern Railway pfd Texas and Pacific T'nion Pacific Union Pacific pfd EXPRESS COMPANIE! Adams Express American Express United States Wlls Fargo MISCELLANEOUS. Amalgamated Copper American Tobacco Company .. Brooklyn Rapid Transit Continental. Tobacco Continental Tobacco pfd General Electric People's Gas , Pullman Palace Car Sugar Tennessee Coal and Iron United States Steel United States Steel pfd Virginia Carolina Ch Virginia Carolina ch pfd Western Union BONDS. 159 55 32 85 39 93 87 ISO j DO i 160 ! 89! CO I 115 255 103 .212 117 59 43 93 59 120 90 H United States- refunding 2's reg.. 109 United States refunding 2's cou United States 3's reg L'nited States 3's cou United States new 4's reg United States new 4's cou United States- old 4's 1 eg United States old 4's cou United States 5's reg United States 5's cou 109 107 10? 13S 13S 112 113 107 107 L. and N. unl. 4's 101 New Jersey Central gen 5's 130 Southern Railway 5's 116 COTTON. Liverpool, October 3, 4 p. m. Cotton: Good business done: American middling 5 3-32d: good middling 4 27-32d; mid dling 4 5-Sd: low middling 4 7-16d; good ordinary 4 7-32d; ordinary 3 31-32d. The sales of the day were 15.000 bales, of which 1,000 were for speculation and export and included 12,900 American. Receipts 3. 000 bales, no Amerian. Futures opened quiet and closed bare ly steadv. American middling L Mi C: October 4 26-64d sellers; October and November 4 19-64d sellers; November and December 4 16-64.1 buyers; Decem ber and January 4 15-64d buyers; Jan uary and February 4 15-64d sellers; February and March 4 15-64d sellers; March and April 4 15-64d buyers; April and May 4 15-64fa4 16-64d sellers; May and June 4 15-644 16-64d value. PORT RECEIPTS. Galveston steady at Sc; net receipts 11,914 bales. Norfolk quiet at 7c: net receipts S73 nominal at 8 3-16c. Boston quiet at S 3-16c; net receipts 59 bales. Wilmington firm at Sc; net receipts 2.72S bales. Philadelphia firm, a I S 9-16c; net re ceipts 150 bales. Savannah firm at ' ll-16c; net re ceipts 4.3S7 bales. New Orleans firm a l S l-16c; net re ceipts 8,436 bales. Mobile firm at 7 ll-16e; net receipts 1.2S2 bales. Memphis steady at 7c; net receipts 1.714 bales. Augusta steady at Sc; net receipts 8.197 bales. Charleston firm at 7 11 -16c: net re ceipts 2.024 bales. Cincinnati easy at 8c; net receipts 40 bales. Louisville firm at 8c. St. Louis quiet at 7c; net receipts 762 bales. Houston easy at 7 15-16c; net receipts 8,506 bales. TUB ItETW YORK MARKBT New York Cotton steady at 8 5-16c; sales 50 bales; stock 76,552 bales. Total today Net receipts 31,853 bales; exports to France 1,239 bales; to conti nent 10,786 bales; stock 319,785 bales. Consoliated Net receipts 190,235 bales exports to Great Britain 43,758 bales; to France 10,899 bales; to continent 106,192 bales. Total since September 1 Net receipts 553.560 bales; exports to Great Britain 134 964 bales; to France 44.3S4 bales; to continent 214,357 bales. Futures closed steady. October .91; November 7.92; December 7.97; January 7.98; February 7.97; March 7.96; April 7.96; May 7.98. Spot cotton close steady He higher; middling uplands 8 5-16c; middllnv gulf 8 9-16o ; sales 50 bales. GRAIN AND PROTISIOK MARKET. Chicago. October 3. The leading fu tures vrero as follows: Opn. In.. Low. Clos. Wheat No. Oct Dec .... May., ., 67 694 72 67 69 72 C7 68 72 67 68 72 Corn No Oct 55 56 58 Dec. . May. . Oats Oct.. . Dec. . May.. Mms Oct .. Jan . . May .. Lard. Oct .. Nov .. 66 57 58 594 n a 34 34 35 35 37 37 ork. per bbl .. 14.37 14.S7 .. 15.52 15.62 .. 15.67 15.75 per 1W lb .. .. 9-SO 9.S0 .. .. 9.62 9.62 9.72 9.60 9.20 9.20 9.77 9.62 9.22 Jan 9.22 9.25 May 9.20 9.: Short ribs per 100 lb Oct 8.50 8.50 8.50 8.50 Jan S.02 8.07 8.02 8.07 May 8-12 8.15 S.10 8.15 Cash quotations were as follows: No. 3 spring wheat 66 to 667se: No. 2 re', 6S to 69c; corn No. 2 yel low 57c; No. 2 oats 35 to 37c; No. 2 white 37 to 3?c; No. 3 white 36 to 36c; No. 2 rye 55c; mess pork per bar rel $14.40 to $14.43; lard per hundred pounds $9.82 to $9.S5; short rib sides (loose) $8-45 to $8.65; dry salted should ers (boxed) 7 to 7&4c; short clear sides (boxed) $9.30 to $9.40; whiskey $1.30. New York. October 3. FLOUR Was barelv steadv. Rye four dull. WHEAT Spot dull; No. 1 red. 75c. Options opened firm and for a time were sustained in sympathy with a strong corn market but eventually weakened under realizing and closed easy at c net decline. May closed 77c; October closed Y2c; December 74 c. CORN Spot steady. No. 2. 62c. Op tion market had a stiong opening and an advance on good outside buying, a room covering and big shipments from Chicago: then it was weakened by un loading. Finally rallying on late de mand from shorts, it closed barely steady. May closed 62c: October closed eigc; December closed 61c. OATS Spot steadier ; No. 2, 3SC Options irregular, at first advancing and later weakening with corn. LARD Steady. PORK Steady. SUGR Raw quiet, refined steady. BUTTER Firm; creamery 15 to 22c state dairy 14 to 21c. CHEESE Firm; fancy large white Si'-.c; fancv small white 10c. EGGS Firm; state and Pennsylvania 21 to 22c. POTATOES Quiet; Jerseys $1.7a to $2.12; New York $2 J2.23; Long Island $2.25 to $2.50: Jersey Sheets $1.75 to $2.25 CABBAGE Steady ; Long Island flat Dutch, per 100, $4 to $3. COTTON SEED OIL Firm; prime summer yellow 43c; off summer yellow 40c; prime white 46c; prime winter yel low 46c: prime meal $25. NAVAL STORES- New York, October S. Rosin steady; strained common to good $1.42. Tur pentine quiet. Savannah, October 3. Spirits turpen tine firm at 34c; receipts 960 casks; sales 696 casks; exports none. Rosin firm and unchanged; receipts 1,403 bar rels; sales 1.S21 barrels; exports none. Charleston. October 3. Spjirita tur . pentine dull, nothing doing. Rosin firm and unchanged. SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. ARRIVED YESTERDAY. British steamship Haxby, Upperton, West Hartlepool, Alex Sprunt. & Son. VESSELS IN PORT. STEAMERS. Haxby (Br.) 2,252 tons, Upperton, West Hartlepool. Alex Sprunt & Son. Naparima (Br.) 1,043 tons, Smltk, Trinidad. Alex Sprunt & Son. Ethelaida (Br.) 1,705 tone, Clarkson, St. Vincent, J. H. Sloan. Crathmore (Br.) 1,695 tons, Softer, Los Palmas, Alex Sprunt & Son- Athen (Ger.) 1.411 tons, Puck, Ham burg. Heide & Co. - Tenby, (Br.) 2.558 tons. Campbell, Bt. Lucia, Alex Sprunt & Son. SCHOONERS- John R- Fell (Am.) 109- tons, DxxH, Ner York, Geo. Harris-?, Son & Co. Henry W. Haynes (Am.) 261 ton, Goodwin, New York, Geo. Harrlss, Son & Company. C C. Lister (Am.) 889 tons, Momi, New York, Geo. Harris. Son A Co. Eva. A. Danenhower, (Am.; jh vo", Johnson. New York, lh master. DARKS. Concordia. (Nor.) 62S tons, Sarre, Tray port, Scotland, Heide & Co. Murphy it Co's. Cottou Letter New York, October 3. Uncertainty as to the character of the bureau re port put the trade in a state of sus pense this morning. First prices wen? at an advance of 2 to 4 points. This wa based on the very good showing at Liverpool where the increased spot demand of vesterday and the day be fore vs further in evidence in spot Fales of 15.000 bales at higher prices. Low temperature at St. Louis mado shorts nervous, although the range was far from the freezing point in the cot ton belt, proper. Receipts are keeping at a point too low to warrant high crop estimates, the port receipts today being about 30.000 bales, against 40,000 last year. Numerous sellin orders appeare 1 towards noon and prices lost 5 to 6 points from yesterday. The bureau figures of 61 4 versus 67 last year caus ed general surprise and the market again started up. The receipts sinca September 1st, are 525,000 bales, against 724 000 last year. Fair weather prevail ed all over the south today. The tem perature was 64 at Augusta, 6S at Charleston 56 at Vicksburg, 58 at Mont gomery; OS at Atlanta and 74 at New Orleans. The forecast is for fair weather in the southwest. MURPHY & CO., (Inc.) ran-Amerlcan Kxpositlon to Close Oc tober 3 1 st. Those who have not yet visited this marvelous wonderland are reminded that the time is growing short. In or der to permit every citizen in the ter ritory traversed by its lines to take this trip, the Seaboard Air Line rail way has placed in effect a rate of prac tically one fare for the round trip to Buffalo and return. Tickets will be on sale Sentember 3rd to October 20th. in clusive," tickets good to return within twenty days from date of sale. Tliin liberal concession should meet with a hearty response on the part of the traveling public, and many will doubt less avail themselves of the opportuni ty of attending this last and largest of national expositions. Notice of Sale. RY VIRTUE OF THE POWER VESTED IN tho nmlersiu-ned executors, will eYnose'for sale by public auction, for cash. , .!, i,ireiit l.ut.Ier Ht the Court, House- door of New Hanover County, on W ednes dav, the 9th day of October, A. D. 1901, at 12 o'clock ni., the following described tract. T,u.,a rf QitiiMte. Ivintr and being-in tlie County of New Hanover, State of North Carolina, and on A riKhtsville Sound, and bounded and described as fol- imc t,wit lleu-iiininir nt a stone at low wnti'r mark in the sound known as Wrights ,-iii.. Sound on the dividing line between i,a, .-..,. l-inil nnil the bind formerly owned bv Stacey 'unAmrinpre ami known as the Burr Summer Place, and running t hence n.i, ,i..n,i,a -cst l.-2t-4Ui feet, thence .-tli 4:", rle.rrees C.ISt L'-v ICC't. tnen"0 SOUlll 45 degrees east 1,302 1-10 feet to lew water 1 thenco with the Sound front 25x feet to the beginning, being a part ..f t ,, i Lnnu-n ns rucumitu .ruin, iinu .On.n.r olinilt. 7 (15-100 HCTCS. AlSO tilt ricrhtnf inc-ress to and from the above-de scribed tract of bind over and through the lands in tne rear inereoi i menus i a iwn.. ,.i,ri.t foet wide, the location of the hr Rf-lortrd. located and laid off as the deed to Roger Moore by Jacob S.Allen. opcAR PEARSALL, FRED. L. PEARSALL, gelOlm Executors. FORECLOSURE. Y VIRTUE OF A POWER OF SALE CON 1-1 ;,i n rortnln mortirasre deed ex f,a Robert Brunson and wife, Ella Tcn to Thu Mechanics' Home Associa tion, recorded in Book No. 16, page 46 et sen in the office of Register of Deeds of New Hanover County, the undersigned attorney c i. m .r .rod Thn Moehnnics' Home Association, will, on Monday, the 14th day of October, A. D. 1901, at 12 o'clock m., at the Court House door of the County of New Hanover, sell at public auction for cash, to the highest bidder, the following- described land and premises, tho same situate in the State of North Carolina. County of New ... 1 r Wilmino-ton. and in Block No. 162, and bounded and described as f ol loWB t, n the wpstorn line of Twelfth street at its intersection with the northern line of Dock street, thence running north along the said western line of Twelfth street . , . . . -". f , u . . thfinna wnefirfflrHlv anil , with anwl northern bnt of Dock street sixty (CO) feet, thence in a lirfe paral lel with the said line of Twelfth street south wardly thirty-five (35) feet, to the northern lino of Dock street sixty (tiO) feet to the be- giaUiD8- W. B. MCKOY, AttV for The Mechanics' Home Ass'n. September 16th, 1901. se 17 d'y till and inc. oc 14 55 66 33 34 j i 35 353, : fi I 37 37 : j 14.35 14-35 15.52 15.62 15.65 15.75 I SEPTEMBER ULLETS i-k-:--h-h-:-2-:-:-:-:-i- FRESH PACKED, Inst in from the Fisheries. Orders given prompt attention. Bagging and Ties, SALT, ETC., ETC HALL & PEARSALL, INCORPORATED, Wholc-iik C-roccr- Cape Fear Academy Will Open Its 29th Session Sept. 16th. Thirty years- exp.-r: :i. in t 1 1 boys, and tin ful in con: a i . . r i v. : v Li i.-ndatl pupils at collee nd r. of business are th. the school. Careful assita t s will v. i- individual attention to pupils. Prepares for Rusim Shorthand an.'. Typ Apply to V. CA'M.lil I s or ,vri! i ru Ilege. taufch lVincipal, l-M N. Firth Street. Wilmington, N. ('., Au. 2.M Ii, been much p!cnse.l with the nr.. I have cress miule bv my sou whil. at your mi n.lf l or t ht I'leiise outer liis mime on t h. .tt h session. II. M KMI-KSON (ien'l Fit. anil Paes. Atrt. A nu 1 Cm C. b. a , Trains D-'fut: Diiv Service BETWEEN NEW lOHX, UlflPA, ATLANTA, NEW ORLEANS AND POINTS SOUTH AND WEST SCIIKDCLE IN EFFECT MAY, 26. 1901. TRAIN Leaves Wilmington 41 arrives Lumberton Pembroke 6:45 p. m.. p. m., Hamlet 7:15 kitte 10:15 p. m. 3:ji p. m., 6:20 p. m.. Maxton 6:15 p. m, Char- TRAIN Leaves Charlotte 5:20 a. m., 38 Hamlet 8:10 a. m., arrive! Maxton 8:52 a. m., Pembroke 9:20 a. m., Lurnberton 9:44 a m.. Wilmington 12:05 noon. WKSTUOl'.ND FROM HAM LET. Lv Hamlet Ar Monroe Ar Charlotte Ar Chester Ar Greenwood Ar Athens Ar Atlanta 10 50 p in 12 'A) a ml 7 -3 a ia 9 a", u in b) 01 a m io 1:0 .1 III 12 22 V 2 40 p in 3 .V. p m 'i 42 Vi'nil 3 4.3 a ml U 2S a m 00 a ml dose connection at n-r.m.r- Mrhilf. Now Atlanta far M al Orleans and Minis in Texas Mexico and California : also for Chattanooga, Nashville, b.en--vllle, St. Loul.s. ClncLnnattl Chicaa,.. .mj Western and Northwestern paims Si -ITI I I'. H X I :-: 1 M IIAMl.KT Lv Hamlet" ; 10 p 111 7 .1 in Ar Columbia I 1 05 a m M i. a m Ar Savannah I 4 52 a ml 1 47 p m Ar Jacksonville I 9 15 a mj 6 10 p in Ar Tarn pa I K 40 p ml 6 15 a rn NORTH r.OVNI FROM HAMLET Lv Hamlet Ar Rnleic-h " I 10 35 p 1 24 a m 8 1X1 a m 10 37 a n. 12 2 P n. i. f.iT j) m r r.o 1 1 m H ..) a m 10 ;t; a m 12 23 i m 2 45 p m 3 31 p r. 7 U". p in 1 1 25 p m 5 30 a rn a m a m a in a m Ar Norlina I 3 IS Ar Portsmouth i 7 00 Ar Norfolk I 7 00 Lv Hamlet I b 35 p in I a m I a in a m a ml a m I a m t m Ar Raleigh 1 24 A r N'oriinn o IS A r Petersburg 0 4S Ar Richmond I 6 ,'!2 Ar Washington I 10 10 Ar Baltimore I 1'- 2- Ar New York I 4 2.. Through Pullman sa-. per fr m n.l Hamlet Saul h- to ail points North. .'-)Utli west. Train "3 Leaving Hamlet a: S:10 a m n No 31 in.. 1 : . 1 1 : 1 -:..n f,:;V, . takes passengers from I r.i lvivine- New Yark ai 12 .."". i. more at 5:45 p. m.. Wa.-hiiiK m. Richmond 10:4" p. m.. i ui i mh.jui . 9:30 p. m.. Norfolk 9:20 . m.. Kaleiirii 410 a. m. arriving at Hamlet at 7:00 a m From Train 3 leaving Atlanta at 8:00 p. m.. Athene ll:-.( p. m . ' ne.- 4:10 a. m. Charlotte i:20 a m . .Moiirjo 6:05 a. m .. arriving at Haml' .it . 40 a. m From Train No. r,G. leaving Jackson ville at 3:55 n. m.. Savannah ll:fc p. m.. Columbia 3:35 a. m.. arriving at Mimln at 7:40 ai m. , For tickets. Pullman roserva i ion, eo apply to Thomas I). Meares. .'-nrai Agent Wilminirton. N. C. R. E. L. Itt N.'H. Gem-al Passenger An. nl JAS. M. BARR. , w 1st V. P. and Minajrer. Southern ailway THE STANDARD RAILWAY .... OF THE SODTH THE DIRECT LINE TO ALL POINTS. Texas, California, .Florida, Cuba, and Porto J&ico Strictly first-class equipment on an through and local trains; Pullman Fnlnro sleeninc cars on all night trains; fast and safe schedules. Travel by the Southern and you ai assured a safe, comfortable and expe ditious Journey. Apply to ticket agents for time tables, ite unl general information, or ad dress R. L VERNON, F. R. DARBY, - T. P A. I - 1 -v Charlotte," N. C. Asheville. N. C No trouble to answer questions. J.H. HARD'A'iCK, G.P ' WASHlblb u i A 5 LANTIC & NORTH CAHULIHA K. K. Time Table In Effect Aug j, 1Mb I'ass'ger. IPass'gc-r Eastbound Trains. 1 Dally. I Only. Leave Goldsboro I 3:40 Leave Kinston I 4:32 p mj 8 00 a m p m 8:f.3 a m p niil0:05 a m p mll:17 a m Leave New Bern.... t:u Arrive Morehead...! i :0J IPass'ger. Pasa ger. Westbound Trains. I Dallyl Only. Leave Morehead .... I 7:27 a m 4:37 p nr. Leave New Bern... y:w a m d.u?- v m Leave Kinston 10:12 a m 7:04 P m Arrive Goldsboro. ill :oa a m a w v S. L. DILL. Superintendent. WILMINGTON SEA-COAST R. R. QN AND AITEIt MONDAY, SE1TF.M HF.K ilrd, the Schedule on the W. S.-C. H. . will be as follows : DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. rLv. Wilminii-ton- 1 JtO p. m. 6:30 p. m. . YVriirhtBYlllc- S:1S a. m. 5:15 p. m. Tit A IN. r Wriirhtsvllle &: 1 .r p. m. SUNDAY r-L.v. Wilmington--, 2:-10 p. m. P.-JtO n m. Freight'must be prepaiy, and will Ik- car ried on 2:30 train only. R. O GRANT, Sup't. - TLA NTT C OOABT LlffK It. R. Of Schedule In effect Auf 4th. K. CORRECTED DoiMJ-tureN from w limit jt ton NOItTHBOUNIi. DAILY NO. H -rmTuiT Dut Ma 30 A. M. nolia 11:05 a.m . Warn.iw 1 1 : XI a m iloMslwro 1J.I1 p in . W.' oon 1:H p. m . Itochy Mmcnt I V p. m , Tiirboro J 31 i m l don 4.32 p ni l' n i lili I O p. m.. Hletimini,l 7 Z2 p n . N'oTfolk .''. u rn V(uhliwrin II :M p ii. l'hllAd..,.i York i U u. m. Malilriiorr I (O a m (I !..ln 1 ' Pill 1 NO 40 T" T tur Mi ii r pit w 4 M il... in h l m ;!. I I' I., , T7 l. ni i Hon 10.30 ii m I : . i. in 1 1 t Tarboro 6 4 ; i ! ii 1 N.rfo k . i, ..i I 1 . 00 p. in , I V t . r ii I , u r k m., RU bmon 1 3 20 ii m 2 il a Vni lluri.iii i HI I L1 "I lnjrton 7 ('1 i m n m. I'lili.-i.l. : a. m.. lUmton NO. K). H.MlVllIO N, :) p rn -PnonR r 4 13 I n 1 U M 1 . Y l.-.-pt j miii -2i p. 1 J l. & 40 p. m m . eorTiinoi'Np Sit U, raiMj.Kii M a. .vuna w 4 I l. I l.ik hiul III bourn 1:30 m . ,-'l.- r 9 12 ,i m . I H ntnn i k 7 a in . l.inta 12 X'i P M.i 1 1. , 2.. . l a in i , . H u ml i p m ii I f 1 Ml Mil .e, 1 1 1 .. in A i p In I h. 1 1 l . I n 11 II ;i ,.i h 2 4.. n. . J .i p in .--wiv.-i:o -oiivl'le 8 .10 a m.. bt A Hi. U-tlnt 1 1 f , 0 II in . Tn tn p: vi:st p., H Nl no - r.iBntr- et tl Vllle 13 U . in . Ilrvlllc 12 2.'. ! .-.iJiforil 1 43 I ii I.S AT II. MIM. pi mi . i.. I I I lO lr-l i )" y a i rt , I ; , : 1 I . . N I -1 1 V TH I NollTII I I i. I' Nil 43 Paan-wuri.i 1 a i - tb,. ton 1 ?0 p. in.. New V.nk 110 p in . l'hlln.loli.lil.i .2 ti i m IlfUllmorfl 3: to n in WhpI.Ii. too 4 30 n. tn III. hmoii.l '.' it C. 1 tn. lVtnliiirt 41 Noifulk H it W .-id... ii. in., 'Ir1ir. ltocky llount 12 ' f-on 2 40 p. in . 1 p. m , Wat rrn w 4 2 12 :i i- l Ml 1,... . I' Ill . nolla 4.40 p. rn. -All. . A NO. 41 r.m.-n; 1 i M 1! 12 "i nlch' New Vnrli m a. m. Philadelphia II .13 n m . I t.i 1 1 Imoil. 1 46 p in . Watli !n.-ton 3 12 p m I il. Ii irun: I, 1.7 p. Ill . I'ctoi if 7 4,". i in.. 3 Norfolk 3 .31 p in . Welder. ' 10 p. mi . ITarhoro f, 1.3 p tn., 1 1 " k y M . u M t f. I .. tn i.ii. i. ..rn (, r,7 a m . ;.ii ''"io C 4i a. in. UfiTFim 7 3D i. in.. M.-iKiiolla 7.1,3 n rn. N t,l 1 '.-umi'inc -r Ixiv- Na I turn ti 'l .i. in. Jrk.Miv11lf 10.2 u in I a i : . I'XCI m Su I i.l. i y 12:1 J p in FROM Til: HolTll I A 1 1 A NO. Ii I'atuvaicor lnvw T.m 1:25 P. M. pa h 00 a ni Skinfold 12 21. ii m.. JuckaiMivliJo H:00 p m . H varuiuh 1.30 a. m . ' Im rii-tluu 8 45 a in.. Atlanta 7 .'.() a. rii.. il icon l'.OO a in . Autuiln I X iN.nm.irk 4 i in V- P m unil'la (, 4.1 im rluinli r 1 '.i it ii iii Ma- "h idlK.iirn 11 .41 P in.. Fli em i rlon lth.TTi a . in . in Lnkn 'i .i m n w 12.11 a . in . F.AHT HOI'ND NO. t,2.- 1 'ajiw IiK'1 (4in ford TO.', p.fl.. ill live Fayettr- DA I I.Y Vj " M vllle 4:20 ;i in l.axe i'.i ! I - ill.. 4:30 i. in. lieiiii. ( t.svilo Kran. h- Train i.siv.n IUti- nettsville 8:10 a. in.. Maxton '. 05 n 11... lie, m. I in I II.. I Spi IngH 'J.Z2 .ii rive Fayi'ti II1K' le.lVl-M 1- n. in , 'evil I. ay.-l t 1 m . P 1 1 i M 10 l 4 n 10 02 a. in ,H- I,,. It.-I Ml;l ,.."! i H.l 1 k I 41 p. nt. M :i x ..n , .16 p r I 1 tin IH't ISV.llO c '..ii ik-c : N... 7. ni t r.i : 1 1. 1 H.1 Si-t Sanf.-r,: -Sollt I ) . : i ham .ii.. I 15 p. iu . ins at 1 '.i -. 1 . 1 1 v M a x 1 .n 1 1 I Ik- '.. : Mil. (It (l .1 Spi I l.j-S I 1 11 lid I low 111, -1 ,' II i i i Ii I Im S.-.i l m r .1 Air I i.i 1 1 w ,i y a t i ; a ; f mill lih .ma i 'i-ti I I 1 1 lll .il I ,lli- ,ilu I tho Pill- . harlot ! It.illnr.i.l aix-n Ro.-ki Mi.uiii iin.l Rli h Tr lt. ky M-.j.'.' 7 I i m . r s i r ii in a 1 1 1 . i '. 1 1 1 i, ii i a i i r i I vo 1 1 1 1 1 in . ii ..I II ', a in III.. S.-..1 1.1.1,, I N.-, k llliiiirli , eld, ,11 ,i 1., p 111 . Il.lllf II ,i t ihi i S . .1 I.i ni N k a I 4 10 , n 1 1 le 0.4," p iii , K I in I mi (, 4i. u i n I ng leae KliiNton 7 .'Id a. n I lie H .'!0 a III . a 1 I I 1 lig I a 1 1 - I I. P n . 2K 111. . 1 1 in.. I 1 1 fax 11 .05 a. in . d. m 1 1 20 a in , drill)' ex i pt Sunday. Tr.iln .1. Wii li I !.: I a Ili.-u.. h ln.iv W'ashli-.Ktoii S 00 a in . and 2 45 p In , u I -rive paitn I.- 8:5'. a tn . and 4 i p in . n -turning l. .ie PhiiihI. 11 10 a m . and 5:22 p. in . arrive a Ii '. titt on 1 2 30 a m., and C 15 p. ni Dally x. pt Hunda Train l.avcn 'IjiiIwito. N' i' .lally u i. ept Sunday 4 25 p tn . Sunday 4 15 p u. ni lives Plymouth (, pin. and fl 10 p in 1 I u i ii in: l.uv.-o I'll i iih it cent Sun lav 7 .'10 a m . and Sun. lay K a. in., aiiivis Tiiil.oi.i li !,o a In. 1 I :'. .'l in Tr,. o. I. .a., i I., .1 .. .1a , V I a lid i io Sii:i.l.i .' a in . mi, It i; Smli i.'I a. rn It. lurnliiK J.- iven HinH liln ;i m ai r iV.H n t ;il.!ln.r,i i 2. ii el .1 U it Train ..I. Nunli villi- Mr- Ro. ky Nt.Mint n t V t" a in . arrlviv; N.i. Iivill" 1" 2i a " Hprli.: lli. 11 (m a in . 4 2:, 3 4" 4 (1.1 P l. tn tti turnliiK li-avia npnii ii..i, ; i .. i.i m 1 2" t 17 1 1 ii III 4 -r.:, i. ni Nnahvllln 1 1 : 4U n in arrives nt Hinky Miunt C:"0 p. tn. dally Hutiday Train on Clinton !i ).ivi- Vr Hiiw for lilnton dully rx.rpt Sunday. 11:40 a. :n , and 4:25 p. in. 1U turning leave Clinton C 45 a. rn . and 2 50 p. ni. Train Imivo !' D-.. i" 13 n. m. ar rive Ijatta 10:31 a. in . DIUri 10 42 a m Rowland 1" f.s a in. rol uiTilii l'4Vi Rowland C 1" p m . ajrlvoa Dillon J p. m I .ill a C 44 p. in . 1V lrn "i V in., ilally. Tralni en 'on way Ilran. h Imvn tl bourn 11 Ui a. m anivo I'.mway 1 30 p. m.. niiiriiimc liwiv I'oiiwuy 2 4i m arrive h ollxuirn f. 20 p in. l" i 'Iwul lKurn Hi p. m . inlvn lllr-xl H in j. in roturnliiK I -i vo Klr.M 4'i a in nrriv i'li,i,l!.,nirn 11 25 a in Dally ix.ipt Hiiii day. Trains l -ave Kumtr I ng p rn . Mar. iilng 5:4! ;. ni . arrlv'- n- 2H p rn. leave hiii.-i N 17 a in Minln II 17 a. m, ai live .-oimlcr V 50 a rn. Dnllcy. i;, "'id Wrimrii R.illrci livei Iith- K 4.I u rn t 7 p m . urrlv o-orKoK.w n 10 ii n. in., t" 20 p C,(vri-, n f. 30 a m . 1 4 1 p In rrt v 1,,-inos K.00 a rn.. t t 35 n ni. Tram' u-avo Klorwu-. daily iimpi day j:."hi a. in., arrlvi- Darlln ion 10 1.'. - m. H.i r'.K v ::io P- m . noraa ii . Wn.l.-Hl.oro 12.35 !. m loav Flr- .Lilly except Hjnihy t in p n . at D.'irllriKtun 8 .2Ti p. in I'.iMUirl lvlli rlv, 9:22 p. in.. Gltmon 10 20 p. in Iyiv rum onco Sunday only B .50 a. ui . arrlva iMr linKton 10. Ij ft m. IMivr (lltmoin dally rxrr;.t Pund-ay C.U a. in.. I'.ennot tvi;i 7.15 a rt . arrlr Darlliictoii :15 n. m. Irvnvo Dm II H4rtxMi N 50 a rn a.rrivn FloroiKt- 9 li a. m .. U.ivc ii.lrMtlxxro la1ly e xcopt Hurulay 410 p. rn l'hruw f.:15 r . Harnrlll 7:25 a. in IarHntrton f. .2 p a-rlv Florence 7 (KJ r. in . Itov' Ditrllnct," S a m arrive l'lon n .15 rn . WlU.m a,!, d Fa"-tt-vHI I! ranch Ivav Wilson I p. m . 10 40 P rn . nrrivc r. ma 2:4K p. in. 11. IS p. rn . Htnlihufld I M p in Dunn 5:40 p tn . F:i) ft lvlll 4.25 P n 12 .12 a. m Rowland nr. p ni. ra- liirnlnir l.-.iV" Rowl.LIld 10. A ,i in. I -1 ) I levl 12 20 p. in id 22 p in . I limn 1:04 p 1 .5o p p Ml I. ,n 4 rn i: ' Sinlt hll. 1,1 1 4.1 P- r . H iTtn m . 11:X1 I. in nrrlN.- Wiami 2 12.13 a. tn . .h I. .jvn Huai'cr 4 02 a. ti, 'rw ,1 a m a.rlv- Pimiaik t 4n a turnli.K leavi' 4 2' V " a ',. 15 p m Hum! or I W p m. 'r i-1 nu I all IDalb except Sunday. Sunday only. II M P. SUN. limmml liuuK-.nfc.-er Ajnl. I N't.Y i;-nral MaAriKor liSnN TraJTc MaTi-r. CUDE 8TEAH8HIP CO NEW YORK. WILMINGTON. N. C. AND (iKOROETOWN. H. C. L.1NEH. NEW YORK FOR W I LM INGT' N. S. S. G W. Clyde H pt 211 S. s. Saginaw Saturday. Si pi 2th WILMINGTON. N C . PHI NI7W YORK. S. S. Sik-baw . Saluld, y. S. S. G W Clyde Saturday. T.-I-OM vn.MIN(JTf N. N i pi. :ii. pt 2Sth .-rnnnrroivN. P C t: s Saplii iw Tif'day. Kr-pt 17lh. I;' r, V Clyde . Tiiday. H pi 24th. p. s. on'-liU don not carry pnrn-rra. Through bill of ladlnit and IowmI through rate guaranteed to nl from point In North and South Carolina. H. O. BMALLBONKS, Superintendent. BUU ".treat. N. T THJCO. O. JCQER, OcncrtJ Maxxacar, A

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