V THE; W1J LIINGTOit- MESSENGER, FRI.PAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1 902. it Mumttim, JACKSON & BELL COMPANY. rERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, THE DAILY MESSENGER by mail, on year, $7.00; six month $3.60; three ..nntha. $1.75: one month. 60 cents. posittion. Tinder what we take to be hla construction of the Monroe doc trine he would have tfeen compelled to interfere an behalf of the negro re public or abandon the position he a few days ke-n u h- Jt-TnHv took in his campaign eneechea to the New Etag- landers. That Monroe doctrine la a dangerous Jthlng and Is going to get us into trouble . with some European Power yet. IThe A tia tv Q rvvnatiriition wants to know if It naralvzos a. man to receive THE SEMI-WEEKLY MESSENGER I the nomination for governor of Michl-j mine 4. Success HA HD tO A PPED. Th.miin who started to run a race In chains and f ttters would be visibly hand icatroed. No on would expect him to succeeo. xoe mui wuw iiu ui v& life when his digestive and nu tritive organs aic diseased is equally handicapped. In the one case nis strength is over weighted, in the otner 11 is uuuci- (two 8 page papers), by mall, one vear, $1.00; six months. w cenu. uoo--- WILMINGTON. N.C. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1902. ASSAULT OS EDITOR MEBRITT. Tf-rressman Blackburn Intends to . .1 it0 and attack every I eighteen vote travel over iuc - I gan, what would happen to him if he were accidentally elected. This con tingency Is so remote that it is useless to speculate upon it. But, still, greater wonders have happened. The people of-Union, county voted last week on the question of establishing the dispensary system in that county. The proposition was defeated by a rather close vote. The majority against the dispensary was only to hundred and o,iirn,. who has puoiisaeu I Arl -n snake I about his prospect ve carriage he will ln hls boot tne morning have his hands ,fuU , andmnh after being "out with the boys" the through his pugilistic campaign he will n. veUeved to that at Asheville. An editor I .That St. Loula woman pickpocket is .-i.i v,,r q rnneresaman and party I tret tine matw nnntthmcnt from the of friends, one of them a United States I squib- writers of the press than thel nator and assaulted m ine presence 1 courts will inflict upon her. of ladies. The senator holds off all per sons who desire to prevent a breach of the peace and another friend knocks down and kicks while prostrate a man who acts as peace maker. Is not this a fine record for the honorable senator 'and congressman. Besides having dis ofl themselves in the eyes of all demands above all else a sound stomach. Doctor Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery cures diseases of the stomach and other organs of diges tion and nutrition. When this is done food is perfectly digested and as- simuatea ana me body receives strength in the only way in which strength can be given by the nutrition derived from aigestea anu as similated food. The prats I would like to give your Golden Medical Discovery I cannot utter in words or describe with pen." writes James a. Amorow, 25 i7 .,, Jifflj otret. Huntingdon, Pa. JTwas taken with what our phyhtw said was indigestion, x m"w"u . j 1 r.A femnA no relief. I wrote to vou and YOU seni me a mictuv " ' . - a j -A fh-n advised me tO Use 5w t;.,.' rvoltVn Medical Diacovery. I took CREE5SBORO ITEMS. Maor Thlafi of Local and state - Interest. (Correspondence of The Messenger.) Greensboro, N. C, September 11. Tbe Steel and Iron Works here are al ready to go to work but cannot get the ore to start up with, owing to delay by the Southern railway ln laying track to ore beds at Wilson Mills. Superinten dent Isaac Prosser has Just returned from there, where he has started up a wagon train from the beds to the sta tion haulinsr ore. though he thinks the branch will be completed by the railroad in a few weeks. He is very anxious to eet enough ore to justify putting in the fires. Mr. Prosser brought back with him a curious piece of ore, which was due ud this week. It is a perfect turKie, about twelve Inches wide and 18 inches long, not counting tall. The head and eyes are out, and the tail protrudes from the shell, while only one foot and the claws are exposed. It looks exactly like a cast iron varmint, only the tip or the tail is slanted 'upwards, which Av Prosser says would have been impossi v.i in a mnnirt. "Besides." said he, .. tmrirt wav back yonder in the turkle age of geological era of the earth's formation, wouia nave q tnrkl in the first place and how the could he have got the iron to have done it with before the io0if wan crown!, or fully formed, and besides there were no stores or museums out in the piney woods o A 1 A. nTntll Wt lTf lit?" IT- MAKES - YOUR MOUTH WATER As you slice off a succulent piece of the tender roast beef procurable at our es tablishment. Of course much depends on the cook don't blame it alf on the butcher but we'll take chances on that, for we know our meats are A 1 cuts. RHODES & tMTZE FROST STREET 11 tBKKT. A MOST BRUTAL CRIME. Details of the Outrage Committed Near Goldaboro. HI 81 1 Pierce's Goided T Medical Discovery. I took 1 museums out in " ,1 "oV de Dr. I'tercc . a ,- t .tnnm-d I Tt,n,nn fnnntv that would make ae three DOiues s- - i - - - , Ann ruin voara X have no symptoms 01 gasinc manfi for any sucn riuns " STATE PRESS. General Carr has the advantage of the other gentlemen. Being neither m the east nor the west, he can run twice to their once. Kinston News. Editor Merritf. offense was a very mild one and did not at all 3u&tify Mr Blackburn;" unexpected assault, in decent people by a cowardly attack on I Spencer must have been riled. Winston these honoraoie i.'i gen- 1 journal. Mr Merritt, tlemen have dragged a lady's name into the affair in a way that must be most humiliating to her. . . Tiie attack on Mr. 'Merritt was das tardly and cowardly.; It looks mighty like a conspiracy, and we hope the affair will be thoroughly investigated and if there was a conspiracy that the honor able senator and congressman and the Tim fiphonia and eolleses alJ over the state are onenine with mtich larger ftttpnrlanpa than noil ai. This fact is due largely to the great educational campaign that has been going on this summer. Clarkton Express dent is author itv for the tn.temJnt that David B Hill has never taken a 'drink of liquor, smoked a oXsrar or klSSOa a woiiian. fThe corrpsnondent may be a twinr cured, tmnh e or inaizesuon nun. Accept no substitute for Golden Med ical Discovery." There is nothing "just "rffprre's Common Sense Medical Adviser,' sent free on receipt of stamps to cover expense of mailing only. Twenty -one one -cent stamps for the book in paper covers, or 31 stomps for . A A M wao I 11 the cloth-bouna voiume. R.vV. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. CCRREXT COMMENT. valiant assistant who knocked down a I veracity, but statements like this ought rviirmpi Brvan claims that Colonel -DoTcit ia with the trusts. &ure. Ho is tangled up with them. People hope he won't let go the strangle hold, either. New xoris jvenmg icresio.... Ai,iit ?r0 taees of the democratic WU111U.U.1 hgni1wk i3 devoted to "im ma.n yTt ------ , ..tarlf ueace-maker and then kicked him will be made to suffer the full penalty of the law. We cannot see that there was any thing insulting in The Citizen's refer ence to Mr. Blackburn's fiancee. ' It certainly was not more so than similar allusions which have appeared in many newspapers. Why the Blackburn mob should have singled out The Asheville Citizen's editor as the one on whom tolls swiftly growing smaller to have a duly attested affidavit hitched on to them. Reldsvllle Keview. While there are some things that Rhmilrl ho lrsnt rait of OOlitiCS. We do not consider the article published in the Asheville Citizen sufficient to have nmvnkprl an nsnanlt liDOn its editor. However, we exoect that bad feeling had previously existed avid that the ar ticle referred to only rurnisnea " cuse for hostilities. Durham tieraiu. After all, this rolling globe of ours we ioucii v..vv" is Hvpr, verv small space m the back of the book. And yet the only Hmoa thf? democratic party ha3 ever won-a national victory since the war wp when "tariff reform" was given first place. Atlanta Journal. rrua KnarA of oollce commissioners salted Officer Hulcher pretty heavily last night. Everybody will be sorry for the man, but everbody will approve the sentence. This thing of a policeman W hia ieht stick to batter the head a hrnrhftr officer is 2oing too far. Maybe we may be inclined to support take revenge is uneplainable except on the supposition that the article referred to was made an excuse for , an attack on Mr. Merritt. The Citizen has" waged an aggressive warfare on the republicans of the west and has greatly angered the Pritchard-Blackburn gang. They knew it would not do to attack the edi tor for his political articles. That would injure the party; so they trump up this charge of an insult to a lady, feeling that public sentiment would be with them in resenting such an act on the part of the editor and punishing him; but they over-did the thing. The attack was so cowardly and .vicious and the alleged reason for it so flimsy that all unbiased minds are forced to tho. fvmrhision that these men were elbow daily with the very corners of emission on 1 the part of the fine after the world. In tne morning a nwncj 1 a time, uui me caoiuf .?"' , - car bumps into the president's Carriage as he drives along a New "gmuu country road. In the afternoon a cable messncr la received from the Shah of Persia expressing his concern. Winston Sentinel. The negro being unceremoniously kicked out of the convention this year, particularly the lato one at Greensboro, he is now busy swearing against his former political bed fellows, the repub licans. But it Is an old song and the republicans know that such of the col ored brethren as may be able to vote this fall will vote the same old ticket. Monroe Journal. Though on its face may apear a marked e'mnity to the trusts, yet presi dent Roosevelt's Boston speech is simp le a rJiaimiilatinar niece of coliticar lit erature. After all his talking of what he proposed and still proposes to ao, guilty of the ungentlemanly conduct of I h gays nimseif that he cannot promise using a lady's name and bringing it into .disagreeable notoriety as a shield to protect themselves from public condem nation. . We wonder if Pritchard, Blackburn and Cowles are going the rounds ef the state for the purpose of attacking all editors who copied the same article that appeared in the Asheville paper. If they do they should not confine their labors to the North Carolina editors. They should not discriminate in such a matter against those editors of papers outside of the state who published the same article or ones similar to it. As w e said above, if these gentlemen un dertake this they will have their hands full and will have no time to devote to political affairs. We think it would be this nor guarantee that. It is evident that he expects to keep his promise by promising nothing. Greensboro Record.-.-- We hope that the shooting editors will not become over popular as an ar gument. 'Kinston News. Well, yes. fiaot is. that kind of argument is sel- (wpII nointed. The exception is, whn tvi iiroT- is ud on the intrica cies of manipulating a. self-cocker. In that case the result is apt to prove eminently satisfactory to the coroner's jury, and to tne eaitor. reenviue re flector. The Washington Post calls the atten tion of Hon. William E. Chandler to the fact that he has failed to fulminate over the lynching which recently oc curred in Michigan. jNormern iyncii end mohbiners of the colored broth An nrmal so stroPKly to the vote of the northern negro as those which nriir- in the soutn. William i better for them to wait until after the fnterested in the negro vote, not the election, xney win nave more iinegro per se. 'rtaieign jtusl then to devote to each editor and will have the mortification and disappoint ment of defeat at the polls to add stim ulant to their aggressiveness and vin dictiveness against the men of the dem ocratic press. on, rMiuriif?ans have virtually ad mitted that the democrats have been right and they wrong on 6tate politics. submitted the amend ment affd furnished the votes for its rottfi ration. The republicans opposed v,f, ita submission and its ratification, .. . . , t...u v,o I mva. v?omocrata since ousting the iu- witcnara ana aiacnourn Bauu.u itetBfrom control of the legislature put off their assault on Mr. Mermt un-I siomi .ffl have x provided the til the next day; then they would havelfunda 35. put in actual-operation four had President Roosevelt present to wit-1 youths terms of Piaools all over ness the heroism -of three- republican gjwtnw years of office did nothing politicians attacking one man to take towards improving the putlic schools revenge for political scathing and cloak- or increasing the length of the term ing their conduct under the pretense of Now the -iJ-'SSSS chastising a man for insulting a lady. foUr years of fusion no additional How edified the president would have id provided for pensions and hun- to see his three big strapping dwda. " - t S to ftmdrior their malnten-' ance. The democrats during the last four, years nave maue uuemi t"u- c stantlal additional appropnauuii w these-worthy causes. Everything the iMii.nA declare for has already been acoompiisiiea Duplin journal. been mountaineer friends pomeling one man in the presence of a party of frightened ladies, while his especial friend Pritch ard stood by declaring that no one aVmnlil tnterfsr TTow his sense Of .honor and his admiration for manliness and courage would have been fired at the shfht of Cowles kicking a prostrate man whom he had knocked down for attempting to stop the cowardly assault of three men on one unarmed person. Thev should by all means have waited and given the president an opportunity to witness an exhibition of the manly ventures of the North Carolina repub lican politician. - - -; - - '- - " GERMANY A5D HAVTI. -- The Haytlan government has lifted a lead off the shoulders , of President Roosevelt by declaring that the gun boat sunk by, the German warship was nothing moite than a piratical craft. But for this declaration Mr. Roosevelt might have found himself facing a very grave proposition based upon Hhe Monroe doctrine. And as he has of late been so vigorously declaring what bis administration would do to main tain . that prinnciple, he would have been compelled to take water or be rf--come invoivea m seTiuu wui-a tinna wifti ormany on account of t ic conduct of a party of -revolutionists in the neero repub.lc of Hayti, a people . who are not worth our having even a slight misunderstanding with a foreign power about. The Monroe doctrine is a very good thing in its way, but we -' do not see the use of our continually boasting about It. When occasion . arises to bring it into play It is well enough1 to "Stand up to it, as we did with the French in Mexico and the -British in, Venezuela, but we cannot see the sense "of . continually flaunting tn the face of the" powers of Europe. They are Jealottw enough of us a it is, and there Is no use an going out of our way. to increase that jealousy and stir up additional animosKty. When Roosevelt .was making those " (speeches In New England he little knewLhoiw near hewia to being put to '-. - the tteat. Had. tho Hiaytiaa government looked upon f the act of the German warship . as a hostile v.- demonstration and called upon the United States for protection T'resident Roosevelt would have found himself in a very awkward Rotobe'l tke Grave. " frtHne incident, or wnicn Mr. John Oliver of Philadelphia, was the subject is T nitrated by him as follows: t wsii in a moi. wcaiuui vuutwv. sunken, tongue coated, pain continual ly in back ana siaes, uu acuic 6xxu uaily growing weaker day by day. Three physicians nau K'veu uc ui. Electric Bitters;' and to my great Joy and surmise, tne nrsi DUlue maue a. uc- clded improvement. I continued their use for three weeks, ana am now wen man. I know they saved my life, and robbed the grave or anotner viciim. No one should fall to try them. Only 50 cts.. guaranteed, at R. R. Bellamy s drug stere. fT4i thre men who have started from TWivAr to New York ln a balloon prob ably expect. to have a high old time t?wi TVitmne. They did, but "after piking around Piko'a Peak for awnne, iney came down again. Women uid Jewel. Jewels, candy, flowers, man that Is th? order of a woman's preferences. Jewels form a masmet of mighty power to the - average woman. Even that greatest of all Jewels, health, is often ruined in the strenuous efforts to make or save the money to purchase them. If a woman - will risk her health to get a coveted gem, then let her fortify herself against the inslduous? conse auences of coughs, colds and bronchial affections by the regular use of - Dr. Boschee's. German Syrup. It will promptly arrest consumption in its ear ly stasres and heal the affected lungs and bronchial tubes and drive the dread disease from the system. It is not a cure-all, but it la a certain cure for coughs, colds and all bronchial troubles. You can get this reliable remedy at R. R. Bellamy. ; Get Green's Special Al manac - r.:- Th credit of being the originator -of the postal card is being claimed for sev eral persons, and it can now take its place with the autohrship of the "Beau ty Show:" "Shakespeare a plays" and other disputed productions. "lilnsrerinv Summer Colds - Summer colds if necrlected may linger for months. - One Minute Cough Cure will break up the attack. Safe, sure, acts at once. Cures coughs.oolds, croup, bronchitis, all throat and lung troubles. wnuaren use it, xv. K. Bellamy. - 1 or, wa nodded and will tend to pro mote discipline in the department. Richmond News. T mil tan 3 Tit Winchell. of the navy, re instructive results In the use of oil on the steamship Mariposa, running between Sarrmrancisco ana ia- hiH Thu vessel, wnicn nas a sium kniarpmptit of 2.10O tons, with engines of 2,481 horse power, consumed 278 bar rels of oil per day in steamms 00 wivw. She used only twelve of her eighteen fi 1 v r fi pas hurnine crudo oil in two burn o,-c in each furnace bv means of an air compressor of a capacity of 3,000 cubic feet per minute at thirty pounds pres sure. The oil was 50 per cent less in weight than would be required for coal, for one and one nair pounds w sm need to produce a horse power. An im portant advantage m. tne 011 iuei va Ka rofliipttftn of the enertne room force from thirty-six to twenty men. News and Courier. Several years ago when the Southern railway began to acquire control 01 various lines in the south, The Chroni cle took the position tnat it muai evi dently result m' tne development 01 me country, because this great railway system must get its revenues from the hauling of freignts ana pust-nsurs au this could only be accomplished by establishing colonies osid planting industries along the railroads. The Southern railway has already ac complished much and 13 dcing a con stantly erowing work along this line. Not confined to any locality nor even to this country, are tne efforts tnai are iioino- made. Travellers returning from Europe declare that they see placarded in hotels and on Duiieun Doarus 01 rone the. leeend when you go to Ameri r-a nnv vour tickets over the Southern van wnv'" In th southern states the "southern railway has originated, an in dustrial development bureau which is doing splendid work for the south. Augusta Chronicle. Referrine to Governor Stone's propo sitlon to call an extra session of the legislature for the purpose of enacting a romnulsorv arbitration law, the Phil adelphia Ledger says that with the unions -not incorporated compulsory arbitration would be impossible, or not enforceable upon the unions ana tnere ore. verv likely unconstitutional, be ranse the essence of contract in law an eauitv is that it shall bind both rr.rts. Rut suDDose the unions were - - - - , , . i ; v.1 incorporated, now wouia it i- pv&oiuie to pmforce a compulsory ar Duration later? cian tne memcers 01 iub be compelled to work, if tney ao noi rhooan. to work? Suppo?e there were oueh a law. and suppose a corporation and Its employes should De compenea under the law to submit their disputes tn. arbitration, how could th law com pel them to abide by tne ruling or uie- nmiTt? Tnev mient D preveuieu num working except on the terms settled by the court, but they could not oe conv neiipd to work if they chose to remain idle. But granting tnat sucu a. ia-w could be enforced against corporations and against incorporated labor unions, it certainly could not be enforced aeainst individual employers and em- nioves. The whole proposition seems to us to be ' -too utterly absurd for sensible men to consider it. it a man ehooses to shut up his shop and quit work, it i3 his privlege todo so; if his employes cnoose 10 wam. out of the establishment and remain idle, they cannot, under our system of imvprnmpnt be compelled to return ami an to work: otherwise there would be no such thing as personal liberty in this country. 'Richmond Times. Will President Roosevelt be able to dictate the course of the republican party with regard to the restraint of trusts, or will the influence of the trusts in his party be sufficiently strong to prevail against the "rough rider" who has come into the presidency? That is a pregnant question in the politics of tho rtav. Tt is crivlnz the republicans a great deal to think about. That there is serious division among them may be denied, but is plain to every i nit oi He-put observer: and the lines of division are being drawn more sharply every day. It is reported tnat sena tnr Tin tt of New York is much dis pleased with the president's continued discussion of the trust issue and has dropped hints that the New xotk dele gation at the next republican national convention may not be Mr. Rf.osevelt's unless the talk stops. The New York Sun of Monday had a long double-lead d editorial leader devoted to the antl trust doctrine preached by Mr. Roose velt, and earnestly calling: his attention to his assertion, on receiving Mr. Mc Kinley's mantle, that he would contin ue that genteleman's presidential poli cy to.the best of his abilty. The Wash ington - Star says if Mr. Roosevelt is only Muffling, the trust do not seem to know it. : The Star is or republican newspaper which does not believe that Mr. Boosevelt is bluffing, The point It makes is certainly. apt.; It looks very much like as if there is to be a- Afiftt between the president and the trusts within - the : republican organisation, with the outcome in doubt. - A united democracy,- "with anti-trust principles long established, and with no embar rassing protective tariff theories to conflict with them would be - able to make a masmiflcent campaign. Will the democratic party rise to the occa sion and select a standard bearer and a platform which -will, command the confidence of the .-. country ? Norfolk Landmark. .-' - - - ' ", McDuffle's Turpentine' & Muttcn Suet Lunc Plaster is a certain cure for whooping cough, easy and comfortable, works while you sleep, cents at tu R. Bellamy's. as- ... fr. Ath- Dr.-Mciver leu ims uwi . "T" ens, ua., wnere , Hoke Smith, ur. wumw ouu '" 'C other distinguished men he will speak before the assembled county school superintendents 01 wrs m The local scnooi tax. taui " - ---town district of .Jamestown township yesterday by, a majoniy y. uord This makes five districts in Guilfora v?ting for the school tax viz: greens- lane and Jamestown, r 1 V.7t 7r. on petlon in a number of otheVt are out7 Guilford started the tt.tr iL ttlicau v. Stre F? M. MedLwr. a highly esteemed day 'afternoSnr He was about sixty vears old. His son, Ira, and son-in-law Mr F M. Sherill and family, in busi ness here, left immediately on receipt of the sad news last night. Deputy Sheriff Weatherly this . mora ine arrested J. P. Barbe, white, for crueftyreto Animals. Barbe is saidto have become enraged at his hoLse' knocked him down in a ditch and was belaboring him with a Piece offence rail, when a passerby drove up ana made him stop. Miss Ball, of this "ty. d fer Purse, containing $22., snatched out other hand by a burly negro in two doors or her home on Spring street last night about 8 o'clock. The police have the CSuier?ntendent E. H. , Coapman, of thp Southern, left last night for Wisconsin to spend, a-fihort while. We-nTeTurtts-6 will be ac- comp.afl:ied by his wife. . . .-rrv, mrrMnntiflent who wired -L llv v. w -w - (Correspondence of The Messenger.) Goldsboro, N. C, September 11. A closer investigation of the assault case reported from Buck Swamp town ship reveals the astonishing fact that the negro woman is 63 years old, while the- negro, Frank Vick, who committed the assault is only 19 years of age. It is a plain case of brutal depravity. The fiend had to beat and choke his victim senseless before he could get control of her and today she Is not expected to live. It is probable that when he comes to face a jury of twelve men, who will pass upon his life, he will be charged with a double capital offense. The ne gro went to the home of the old woman early in the evening Tuesday, when he knew that her aged husband was away from home and when the old woman refused to comply with his wishes he used his superior brute force to compel her. He is now safely locked in jail here where he will be apt to remain untii the November term of superior CThe date for the Elks Fair and Street Carnival for Goldsboro has been set for Monday, October 6th, to continue daily nn TiVMar Ortnber 10th. pontain n. c. Parker, of Rocky UmiTit an pnelneer On llle Aiiauui T.ina anrt Miss Beulah May Ford ham. one of Goldsboro's most popular young, ladies, were married yesterday Slocumb street. Rev Dr. T. D. Swindell, the presiding u ' f v, Maw Bern district of the tvt "ct fr-nh officiating. The bridal and beautiful, which attested the high esteem in which r,w Mimin are beld by their ad- mirine friends. The happy couple left immediately after the ceremony on .wVAm lvritlal tOUr. Tnio -Rovall. who has held a position on the faculty of the Goldsboro erraaea scnoois ""v - - D .. . -if i. l rr rt-. in H 1 signed tnat position w a. ... 1 mlsainn school. There was over a quarter of a million nm.n nf tobacco sold on the leaf to- Har-oo market here today. The prices rnA oil tho wav from 8 to 33 cents . i:i,A.nl octimata TlOW i shOWS the .nttAn rmn in Wavne county at three fourths of a crop but there are those who do not think that there will be -that much. SOUTHERN SEED BUSHELS BYE. BUSHELS FEED OATS. AGRICULTURAL AND .1ECHWIICAL COUEGE. VVNMA .... INDUSTRIAL EDUCATION: A combination of theory an d practice, of book tudy work in ENGINEERING. AGRI CULTURE, OTEMIST ECTRIC ITT, MECHANIC ARTS AND COTTON V Course (4 years). Short course (2 years). Special Tuition and room, $10 a term; board, IS a month. 30 - Jf students, new buildings for 500. Write for booklet "A Day at the Airl cultural and Mechanical College. President GEO. T. WINSTON. Raleigh, r. BALES HAT. 1000 2000 3000 Cotton Seed Meal and Hulls, Wheat Bran. Leave your orders early. B. F. Mitchell Co. an that . . a. in vnAirol t or 6,000 people saw iesiaein. ' thV depot here must have stopped at several places on his way down. He certainly could not have reached home WThree furf blooded Cubans went out nnfrrrt rollesre from here this morn- j cf-vinni Thev have the ap- pearancrorbelonging to the Cuban aristocracy, but only one of them could speak English. t. Judge r. a. jMciNeiu win uuiu -" weeks term of Guilford superior court for civil cases only, beginning next Monday. , tov. waaHiafw of LoofTootee, lnd, is a poor man, but he says he would not h withm,! Chamberlain's Pnin Balm if it cost five dollars a bottle, for it saved him from being a cripple No ex ternal application is equal to this lini ment for stiff and swollen joints, con tracted muscles, sun nec.K, Biia.ni au rheumatic and muscular pains, it nas also cured numerous cases of Partial paralysis. It is for saie Dy it Bel lamy's Drug Store. FIXING Till: TICKET. At The Unlucky Corner Large Juicy apples from Pilot Moun tain. . .... Hard white cabbage tor pickling, sweet Cured Hams from Mr. Foy's and he knows how to put the finishing touches. Have you been troubled about But ter? Try ours once, "Fox River" will cure all your troubles. Cure guaranteed. Lots of good things coming now. Lrs S. W. SANDERS KS PHONE 109. To Music Teachers and Others. Beginning September 8th, I shall con duct a Sheet Music business in tne Ware rooms of Ludden & Bates, 111 Princess street and will be prepared to furnish all the popular hits for Piano, orchestra and voice. I shall operate in interest of three of the largest mujsic publishers and anything desired thae is not on hand when caUed for can be had from three to five days time. Watch this space for further announce ments. TT C. W. HOLLOWBUSH- Ludden & Bates Sales Rooms, sep 4, r OAK-RIDGE-INSTITUTE ' a -r PREPARES for the UNIVERSITIES ana COi 5 1 st Year RaTw!.i , sSSS INO. and for LIFE. Situated NEAR GREENS BORO. N. C. .r.r 1 ,000 feet above the sea level. I- view 1 th. MMtal ins Largest and Best Equipped Fittlag School for Youag Me. aad Boy. la the Sooth. Rates: $125.00 to $173.00 per annum. ro iioTiroi cmwouf. dd J. A. & M. H. HOLT - - - Oak Ridge, N. C. WE E. SPEKIfiEB & CO. PTTRCELL BUILDING. WILlillNGTOH N. C. Sole Agents for the Celebrated Hartman BRILI IAST DANCE. Wilson German Club Given a Pleas viable Sociable. KleetiiiK of 1'rlmanei-uoou '"" Maklng-Xewn ln Brief. (Correspondence of The Messenger.) -E5Vfftpville. N. C. Sept. 11. The precinct primaries were held throughout ithe county yesterday, and last night in tne four precmeis ui Cross Cfeek. There was no regularity as to the appointment of delegates, at gome precincts a regular ticket being sent to the county convention, and at others all democrats present being made delegates. In town interest cen tered in ithe proceedings or precunei jno. 4, held in the city hall, with State Sen ator J. D. McNeill chairman, as it was a fight between the McKethan forces and Ithe anti-McKethan forces, the for mer being led by Hon. J. G. Shaw, -ex- member of congress, ana winning decisive victory. Twenty delegates were elected to in cimiiiy v.-unvcrni.iv- strong for McKethan for clerk of su- ! perior court and McPherson for regis ter of deeds, and about half for Colonel W. S. Cook for sheriff. Precinct No. 2 elected delegates, a majority for Cook and McKethan. Precinct No. 3 chose, dfelegaites, fifty for Cook against six for Thomas for sheriff, and strong for Mc Kethan. Precinct No. 1 elected all the democrats preseit, about sixty-five, as delegates, and, on mottion of R. H. Buckingham, endorsed McKethan. The results of the town land county primaries indicate almost certainly ttbe renomination of Major A. A. McKethan for clerk of the superior court, very probably Captain J. A. McPherson for iegister of deeds and J. B. Troy for treasurer. Colonel W. S. Cook, the present incumbent, will enter the con vention very strong for sheriff, but his following is not yet sufflcienlt to fore cast his nomination. The legislative ticket is yet uncertain. For the senate Captain J. D. McNeill and Messrs, N. A. SiSRaJr and; J M. Lamb are promi nent, and the last named will have all the prohibition support, giving him the best chance o.the ithree. For the house, candidates named are Messrs. H. E. Smith, I K. Nimocks, W. M. Walker, N. D. M. Clark, D. T. Oats J. A. Cam eron and N. C. Hazard. Mr. H. E. Smith is a highly esteemed citizen, strong in itown end county; but, sadly and strangely enough, news was brought to the city this morning that he had a stroke of paralysis at his country home last night. The count commissioners, of whom Captain A. B. Williams is the excellent chairman, have a clean official record, and those of Ithem who want a renomination can probably get it. - The great public highway between this city and Rockfish is a gratifying lesson in road-making. It runs over a mountain of sand, but it is broad, well graded and a blessing to carriage and wagon travel. ' " Mr. R. W. Harrell re3igns his pastor a'te of the Baptist church at Hope Mills No. 2. and is- succeeded- by Rev. J. M. Page. The Nowvelle German Club has been organized! with J. S. McNeill as presi dent and C. G. Rose as secretary and treasurer and vrtd give the first dance in the armory tomorrow evening. - fThe festival given -by .the ladies -of the Methodist congregation at Cotton wa3 very successful, and the evening was heartily enjoyed. V . V Mr. and v Mrs E. A. Johston, of "Ardmore," are visiting friends In Itown. '--..;.- - ' ,: (Miss Fannie Dockery has . returned from a visit to Richmond county. - Mr. C. W. Huske, of Washington, L C, is visiting friends in this city. Lieutenant WUilani3, regular army," left yesterady or the Philippines via San Frandscot. TaJce Care of tb.eS tomach . , , The-, man or woman, whoso digestion Is perfect and whose stomach performs its every function la never sluk. Kodol cures positively and permanently all stomach troubles. Indigestion and dys pepsia. Rev. J. H. Holladay, of Hol laday. Miss., writes: Kodol cured me. I consider it the best remedy I - ever used for dyspepsia and stomach trou bles. R, R. Bellamy. - - (Correspondence of The Messenger.) Wilson, N. C, Sept. 11. The Wil3on German Club gave a dance last aight complimentary to the visiting young ladies. Quite a large crowd was present and all vote the oc casion a very enjoyable one. The dance was led by Mr. John A. Moore with Miss Mary Farmer. Among those dancing were M'?s Daisy Weaver, wiith Mr.Robert Barnes: Miss Emmie Green, with Mr. Buie Cray; Miss Broadfoot, of Fayetteville. with Mr. W. S. Har riss; Miss Bessie Harriss. with Dr. C. A. Thompson; Miss Fannie Brodie, with Mr G. T. Stronach: Miss Kate Pace, with Mr. J. S. Whitehead; Miss Mary Farmer, with Mr. John A. Moore; Mr. Josh Branch, with Miss Gretchen Barnes; Miss Hettie Farmer, with Mr. C T. Harriss; Miss Pauline Woodard, w'ith Mr. W. B. Whitehead; Miss Julia Herring, with Mr. Hugh Murray; Miss Ehiily Hodges, with Mr. Ed. Corham; Miss Rosa Wells, with Mr. Will Graves; Mrs. J. B. Rountree, with Mr. PAimtrw Mrs. E. IT. Barnes, with Mr. Barnes. Chapercns Mesdames Swin ord, of Richmond, Dofnin, of Norfolk, Mr and Mrs. Howell Whitehead, and Mr' F. W. Barnes. Stags Messrs. ctrihe-n Anderson. W. D. Hodges, Cook wainwright. Donald Murray, and Jesse Irvine. At Palace Bakery Save You Trouble Ttr maira tho'vprv best Ice Cream in town. You can't make better yourself wind think of the trouDie we save juu. ;jr; , - .ftn iWiviffant it and we wmstoatatSir either ln the cream or the way we de liver It. .STOCKADE WOVEN. Wirr Fencing 'V n--,fSe Best inri ffffffiftf Ullnit CAnni m n Uveil lino roiiiimy Without Cheap now on the market. We guar-1 antee theIds and the Price O f f. tt! Wayjo Comfort." NOTICE Twenty upright bread show cases for sale, price very low at A. MAVRONICHOLS, Bell Phone 261. 119 Market St. SALT. SALT. SALT. BAGGING AND TIES. Graceful Women A taste for perfect figure Is Insepar able from lovo of th. beawtlrai. ot. a m t-- k.itM.1 . vliOiit nr rnan Are they ariid while the Uves of floww jra brief anYwe k only enjoy them for dy, the beauUful woman gives the pleasure of her fra rrance tons as a permanent blessing. 1 ne sweet, & bantiful a n n nwi in niw dui l, - . - . woman suggests to the senses purity, healtna elegances she Is tl she is Indicative of good taste, ana an OATS. CORN. MEAL. New Crop Rice. Let us hear from you when in need of any of the above goods. HALL & PEARSALL (ISCORPOIlATlGm Wholesale Grocers and Con. Merchants. CAPE FEAR ACADEMY Begins its 30th Session Sept. 15. - Why send your boys away from home Influences to expensive preparatory schools when scores of boys have been and can be well prepared for Business or College in this school? Individual attention given to backward pupils. - Shorthand and Typewriting taught. W. CATLETT, Principal, 120 North Fifth Street. aug 14-lm. We wilHake Pleasure in sending you on application our mtcau UUv "The Royal ty io Comfort," Descriptive and illustrative of our . Royal Elastic FelKMattrss Bradfield'o Female Regulator safe. It is Nature's remedy, and there Is no such thing as nffer some . i -i i j n organrwiirnorb.erel'byit,a permanent Injury Is often the result. , - nn Try our Regulator. Of aU druggists, f L00. Our Treatise on Women mailed free. THE BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO ATLANTA, GA. mmmt CHICHtSTtn-B cnia.on - CH 1C1I TERES GLlJb. , la UED m-1 Cold mrtallle bo. .Mled Dnnrni SnWirulioaa and Imlt- ri iv-t of yocr l.n;i'it. r t4 4e. k ! fcj. --i - - rn r bv ro tb-i seller Tot l.uim," m itmu ill Dni,HfU. AhlakMtn Okeati Btioa tb ppr Hdloem tHiura. hij. 1- HOT ROLLS, HOT . CREAM BREAD FOR SUPPER . . AT . . FARRIS' BAKERY, IS and 17 Second Street. ijfor every -y shape aod new and uh tne but ROYALL & BORDEN, GOLDiBORO, N. C. ADYF UNIVERSITY -OF- NORTH GiiROLINA Academic Department, Law, Medicine, Pharmacy. 1 One hundred and eigat scholarships. Free tuition to teache.-a and to minis ters' sons. Loans for the needy. 563 Students. 54 Instructors. New Dormitories, Water Works, Cen tral Heating System Fall term begins September 8, 1902. Address, F. P. VENABLE, President, Chapel Hill.' N. C. The Hydraulic White Brick Co. Is now ready to serve the public. Send in your orders for Our product is up to date. Mt. Airy White Sulphur Springs. OPEN TUNE 1st. A large and handsome dancing pavil ion, two bowling alleys, pool rooms, and a large and airy club room are some of the Improvements made since last sea son. , A good string band will furnish music. A new spring has been recently discov ered on the place and near the hotel, which is a very strong chalybeate alum water. So says Mr. Kilgore. the State Chemist. As for the famous old white sulphur its virtues are too well known for any comment. THERE IS NONE JUST LIKE IT. The best ln the world are the utter ances of thousands of people who have tried it. Write for further information to 6-19 tf Mt. Airy, H. SEPTEMBER IS EM"J Housecleaning for the Fall Begins. WILMINGTON'S BIG RACKET Has Laid in a Full Supply of MATTINGS, OIL CLOTHS, RUGS, CARPETS, 8HADE8, J . LACE CURTAINS, . Chinaware, Glassware and Crockery. ff STORf- Art Squares running in size -74 by 9 feet square at $2.75 each. 3 by 9 feet cquare for $3.50 each. 3 by 10 feet for $4.00. 9 by 12 feet for $4.M each. ' t Brussels Rugs 50c to $2.50 each. Fine all wool Smyrna Rugs not Jute from 75c up. 30 Inches by 6 feet $2.0d. 36 inches by 6 feet Is $2.75. Water Sets. Lemonade sets. Meat PicklesI Pickles! Just Received a Fresh Lot ot the Celebrated Pin-Money Pickles. ' SWEET mixed;';::, vll vl:'- SWEET GHERKINS, SWEET MANGOES, Also Pints and Quarts in Glass. We would be pleased to have you call on us, then we might be able to tempt you. Our line of goods are too numer ous to mention but we claim to carry the best fancy goods for Family trade to be had anywhere.--All goods guar anteed first class.: . -, . The Jno. L Co r . IB SOUTH FROST MBBET. raoiiriH if -- In these several lines we have just laid ln a full supply. Our oilcloths are the best made by Potter & Co., and we can sell It for 25, 30 and 35c per square yard. We have all widths 4-4 6-4 and S-4 wide. Our mattings are 10, lb. 20, and 25c Tier rafd We have lace curtains 2, 3 and 31 yards long. We sell them for 50. 75 and Platterv Cups' ana saucersboth plain up xo .w a pair. - and decorated at rock bottom prices. Our Damask Potier3 ' Curtains are j fOT 18c 8et of C. Glass goblets' $2.50, $30. $3.50 and up lo $5.C0 a pair.-'0. a Hotel goblets, heavy weight phostlery B2 inches J1-S5c a. ""Xada 75c, $1.00 and $1.25 and - We never stand j?t5iwetrlvTng"" new BrighrfiBl pretty patterns In SiUcollne at 10c per yard. Patterns not so pretty for 6c. Ready hemmed sheets 50 to 75c each. Pillow cases 9c to 15c each. Fine Brooms a plenty 15c to 40 each. A beautiful line of Lamps a dozen different styles from 20c -to $1.50 each. P. goods every day.' .. Miss Alma Brown and Mr. - Gaylord are north buying new goods for eur. store preparatory to having our big fall opening. " . - When In need of anything come to GEO; 6; GAYLORD. - - Proprietor. XVJiiUVXIXUIVB The 'great remedy for nervous prostration and U diseases of tha genentlrm wi ojiner sex, suca as werro Impoteooy, Nightly Emissions. Yon oi iopaeco or Opium, which lead to Consumption and Insanity. iFTER USI"i l&orler w?nnintee to cure or refund the money MIU1 UdliJt 6 boxes for $ 5. OO. 1. ITIOTrS CIIEanGAb SOLD : Br J. O. 8HEPARP mar 23 su, we, fr. errous Prostration, Failing or Lost Manhood. Youthful Errors, Mental Worry, exeessiye use i insanity, wua eTory Sold at S100 per box; COH CleTeland Chio IB ..WIIi MIKQT02V, jr. c A

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