NO. Ho. WILMINGTON N. C. FRIDAY APRIL 8 1904. rVviT. FIVE CENTS fly RIBUTE Listens to Eulo- Late Senate of the Senator Hanna LIFE REVIEVED ueir Well lulled and Sinker, -ere Closely t-lli- 1'C Adoptd. a U-w"nCl1 V.. s tUn swamc Im- iw.IiiU(; members should have ample time to become familiar with the ease, and it was also desirable to have an early adjournment of Congress on account of the fall campaign!. The resolution i was- agreed to without opposition!. , After disposing of a partial confer ence report on the army appropria tion bill, the House took up the bill extending- the coastwise laws to "the Philippines, and by a vote of 122 to 100, adopted a special rule to dispose of this bill, after a debate of two hours. This debate was exhausted, save five minutes, when the House adjourned An amendment to the bill, postponing- the operation of the laws until July 1, 1906, instead of 1905, will be proposed. Mr. Williams outlined the Demo crat opposition to the bill to . be its tendency to increase freight rates, while it would benefit neither the Filipino or the people of this country. Mr. Liukcin, of Michigan, spoke for half an hour in opposition to the bill. Mr. Small, of North Carolina, op posed the bill on the ground that it ' would increase freight rates, ana con sequently the price of products shipped. During the discussion of an amend ment to the army appropriation bill, orovidinjr $250,000 for a road m Alas ka, Mr. Gaines, of Tennessee, declared that charity should begin at nome. DEATH SONG SULLY POOLS Chanted by Indians In Investigation to Show Presence of Dead and Dying Companions What Liability Other Persons Held A SHOW OF NERVE WITNESS HAWLEY I" . . . rim Rill number I1 Coa.-tul- Ivs to tin Was Also Considered. lur.ent . , fori LIliLL Wild,! ILJ "iuuiu - Cae a Special urae. jul Tennessee needed roads. Instead, he the j,,jjplin( said, the people-of the country were beiner taxed to build roads in Alaska and were beside being- oppressed by the trustjs. The oppression or one trust the ice trust had been re lieved by Chief Justice Jfaricer ana five other men, he asserted, ana sug- . ,.;, - 'Hhe senate Viot Aioclrn mltrht sena ice to (riot), .'ll111 ' I gCiMCU WiXCXfc 4uiui.v. -"-! !-te!it'l to tu!" . I nmnoHn Qnnln'niqp. erreeted flhe Hanna. The galleries wer and Mr. I ;in.l .ihp speakers &lvtrii Gaines again provoked applause on Those wno P"-e the minority sidfe hy saying: we ai For tker Scott, Cock- going to put. him into tne wnite ance or tne trusts uj. mc uum-ij, which the Republicans will not do." The Senate ' t.uv of Connecticut; T" ' kins, r an uctuiva, Beveridge, Dolli Dan- Mr v'u .m; and Dick. "l 'V ' . . . onM r-nWr'K address va a. v,a,ivi , th.- public career and., a it ti,,, ,.Vi'iMr-tpr of bis i. t-cl 111 1. 11C llU"".v.-. ""ilr F.rak-r naid his friendly rela te wan Hanna had Deen miei "t.., fr throe years, but were re- i w . . . . . "I 1 ncc. c r T" rl I n 1 Unreafter continued until litinil matters, he n.T.'l i-1 KaV, .1-1'- Hid. th! In ioi TORNADO DOES DAMAGE. Roofs of Buildings Blown Off, Crops Destroyed and W ires Blown Down. fNatchez. Miss., April 7. Natchez was thrown into great excitement tonight by a severe wind storm, which amount ed almost to a tornado. The wind ac companied by a terrific rain and hail storm came from the northwest. Part of the city hall was torn off. Several A Train Carrying a Party of Indians jMr- Hawley Denied That There Was Any Sort of Copartnership Existing .Between lie and Sully He Did Not Like to do Business With a House Lake Sully's, So Decided to Close His Account Asked to Ex plain His Interpretation of the WTords "Joint "Account," the Wit ness Said He Had no Understand ing About It. to Washington Was Wrecked, In stantly Killing Three and Seriously Hurting Twenty Others The Show of Calm Nerve Displayed by the Injured Was a Remarkable -Incident Chief Wlutehorse Calmly Smoked a Pipe as He Waited the Death Summons. Haywood. 111., April 7. Sixty-three Indians in a special car attached to the Oregon Express en route to Wash- New York, April 7. The disposing of the surplus, about 1,600 bales, of ington to see President Roosevelt were600 bales of cotton that had, been smashed into by a mail train on the I pledged by Sully and Company with Chicago and Northwestern railway two J the Corn Exchange Bank, was settled miles east of here today, during a fog. Three of the Indians were instantly killed, three were fatally injured and twenty others were more or.lesv ri ously ' hurt. The Indians were from quickly today before United States Commissioner Alexander, sitting as a special examiners The commisi sioner, with the approval of all the parties o the controversy, decided Rushville, Neb., and were members of I to recommend to the court that the the Buffalo Bill organization. I bank should turn over the surplus to The coach containing the Indians was the receivers of Sully and Company a light day coach, and it was complete- with the understanding that the F ly wrecked. The rear end of the coach J W.. Reynolds .Company, of Provfl ahead was also damaged. dence, does not waive its claim be- After the collision, the passengers in 1 cause of this disposition of the mat the other coaches of the two trains ter. The dispute was between the hurried to the rescue and after a hard Sully Company creditors and the F. struersrle Dulled them from beneath the, W. Reynolds Company j "Do you know what lie needed 1 the money for?" ! -No." ! Mr. Hawley said that wfhen he rearned of the condition of Sully's Arm, he decided to cldse his account. because he did not like to do busi ness with a house that did business as Sully did, and also because he did not like the looks of the market. The witness, Sully and Ray met on the mornin?: of the failure, and Sully was told the cotton he held for them, Hawley and Ray, would be trans-! fened to another house. "We de cided to give him up," said V:. Hawley. Sully took the pool's cotton at the prevailing prices of the night before, rather than transfer the account to another house. The witness said he considered th.5 vouchers for money receive 1 from Sully and Company as receipts for partnership profits . in certain speci fied deals. Others mignt call them pcols cr anything else. The arrange ment and understanding with Sully was that any party to the deal coul) sell as he chose. "What do you want to go on record as to your understanding of the words joint1 account," as th?y appea- in the voucher you signed?" asked" Mr. Rrot. . The witness answered that he had nc understanding- about it; that it might be variously interpreted "And you a member of the Stock Exchange for ten years?" ejaculated Mr. Root. Voint contracts are various: Inter preted," said the witness. Julian T. Davies, the witness's law yer, objected to his client answering the questions directly, contend'ng that however the question might be answered, it might be detrimental to Mr. Hawley's interest. The commissioner directed that tht question be answered. "I don't want to put any construc tion on it," Mr. Hawley said- "Is that the way you want to go on the record?" Mr. Root asked. -"Well,' joint accounts differ. My understanding with Mr. Ray and Mr. Sully was that I was not in a Joint account at all. My interest was sep arate and distinct." .. - - Mr. Root read to Mr. Hawey ex NAVAL PLAN An Attempt to Retrieve the Port Arthur and Chemulpo Reverses BY THE RUSSIANS The Present Japanese Preionderanco In Naval Strength Must lie Reversed The Means That Are to Accom plish the Result Japanese Supply Steamers Are Safely Landing Cargoes at Various Points on the Korean Coast A Japanese Squad ron is Cruising Off Port Arthur. Paris, April 7. The Russian naval plan retrieving the reverses at Port Arthur and Chemulpo has been com municated to one of the embassies through official channels having access to the highest naval authorities at St. Petersburg. The plan is explained as follows: "Russia recognizes that Japan has preponderating naval strength in the far east. Therefore it Is essential to reverse the present Japanese preponderance- This will be attempted by, two distinct moves. First- Urgent efforts will be made tQ have a naval concentration at rovz. n.. - . I in I UA - i e i1n nao were geiierany uppujeu i. warehouses and a numuer ojl rcsiucuv--a ,-,r.totK Mr. oraKti hdiu oV.Tn n.r thP r mors. '' v- . . I " " ' I . ... . I FTA1 S 1 M - J Liable political an- . rti. wer blown down ana nuge wreckage. Chief Whitenorse in cnarge -me uiveuKa,Liuu ueiure .wumusr trop vvp-r& tnrn nn bv tthe TOOtS by tne I - y.a Tn rliano rvn tho train was fntall'v I sioner Alexander, which began a week not?" he said, would otten aswi nerce wind. St. Mary's catnearai was. , bodies of the Indians ago, brought by the receivers of D :.. tUr. Tilt PS rp?; r liesn -. j , Tinnrtrano r r vvimiuw- i . i -r nn j j. jx j i , . i-ii, nr ,Qo. ioii N ouiiy ana company io ueceniuiie who had been killed outrignt were laid ,,BWHtv i a hw hv cerpts from a letter written by" the witness, in which he referred over his sieTintnrp tr. the "ioint three account" statementh. The witness also said Arthur, the Baltic, .Red sea and Vladl he used the term'because he probably vnstfti, flAPts ioinine Vices Admiral Ma- had seen it on one of the tatementa L , COmmand if possible and thus ."I show you," said Mr. Root, "a giving the combined -fleets oreponder- 'joint three' statement concerning ance over Vice Admiral Togo's.,. 60,000 bales. Now, if your intent Second. It is foreseen that It will be was distinct ana separate, u be for only 20,000 bales, would it fcs Itxnl in their battles 'regardless dama&ed and hundreds of window of their character." .. panes blown in througnout me low T don't know anything about it." Mr. Hawley replied. difficult and probably impossiDie to effect this concentration as Admiral Togo may intercept the Baltic fleet be fore its arrival at Port Arthur. In the event the Baltic fleet., which is compar- Or.-y a man of uncommon strength J Telephone, telegraph and electric light on , , . . . nr 1o!1 ( j. suiiy ana company io aeiermine i " , ,T .i event me xsamc neei,. which io cvuv"- - Uhad be,e " kK2 thlrifhlpf what liability, if any! was held by I .Mr. Hawley said Sully never -told atlvel BmaU WIU attempt the perilous -the prairie beside the track. Chief ttww QT1r tra in-fh not- him that some one would have to n.iHnir the lare-e Jaoanese . ',' nococcintr the . jiorroncrori TTrvrsf- Whitehors?e bemsr carried witn tnem. r. f T j I t j f - '11(1 U I I r I IVJJOV w m C -WdJX I 1 VI III III j-M1 i t A. i Ji - - - - c f Ms fellow couatrymen comIn from the country district He said he knew that death was near : i deffree." he added, f" TiL .ton. had nassed. report that and requested that he be placed near lu - i uiLwi ,J 1 I V, : 1,..-. M onina i. ..i v , , ,.n. -ivhnt np sn nauuu- i : ,5 nppn nesLruvcu. ms ucau Lwupauiunj. .11.. rocnftPt without S.eri-1 . . ' XHt CIllKf WttS UIupjJCU aua li ,' '.....4. ' -rtHtVi I ; . ii t a irx-rrLartn, 1 otnipiiv while rthvsicians worked over ousnjuryto nis repuiauu, , un, Calvert. Texas, - r " ,"V' - " r miiei-lv hi;n it came tae. nr. i oniser spokb eu ufiwv idence of ja. a. ireiers. ca,u "T" . "7 tJ.. clrkWlv. I entries snowing mat ne arew ciiwua :,otinn .rrnrrt them . 11 i . i itac i a. n -rvi r t i rvr u iwi i nrntiF" i rt i irfii i iiiiiVLiia v a v j j . x .: i-u i ;i n v it.ii irax uiui u".t,iw w w uwu. sur. tlannis mieueciuai nuauu, Texas Cotton growers - ,r rr lor various sums in connecuon wan ":-.rvT and 13d win Hawley and others in the cot ton pool, was continued today, Mr. Hawley being the first witness. He was again questioned by Elihue Root, special counsel for the receivers. He had his check book with him, and in answer to practically a repetition first hearing, dentified many fail, and that he, Sully, might as well be the one. Neither did he hear Sul- iv sav he neerled a million and. a quarter. At this point, J. K. lJosi'assos, aui task of engaging the large Japanese fleet in the hope of disabling1 some of the Japanese ships and thus reducing; the Japanese effective. According1 to the Russian calculation, the Baltic fleet may suffer annihilation in such an un in R-puuiuu.., caiverz, xejta.s, - - 7 . . . " . ' ,x' . Q ,.:anv i in 'answer io pi-a-cuiuaii to be regarded as a vir- t k te c0untry. five miles west of his injuries, fie smoked a ftWeM of the questionsat the here, this afternoon unroofing theses- and showed n with others added, id ....u ,,icra'Hra,Tv - ' . , t -nmcMont nf the have been sufferinET. One Dy one tne I . a. i , J(n,i miflHtJes. I ir .tL- Accrvrifl.tion and other injured Indians were Ui? un-rrins? judgment-of men, nis wrckin a number of tenants nou """ Tv, TrTc jP.nfiva(1:,ntiA. hisstroner common v,0 Tantntion. On .the T. J.. liarrexx ea upon xne giounu hi, busing training, etc., but Utlon. great damage was done to chief and dead f d thai ho was deficient in scholar- - many houses destroyed ana . - . "" 1 v ntlT :na,h z i q l n t n c;in nil iiiviii i i i r- i a. l-a. x, w v& w o- a a Uvt CL jwxv Ly::peI! combat, but it will have served nevs. announced that they might re auest Drivilegre to examine Mr. Haw- lev. The commissioner replied that a.? uii'l- oratorical gitts. ilr. S-ott. telling of the attacks uion Mr. Hanna. particularly 3ur:r.g the second McKinley cam paign, when ne formed the subject of K::oori in many newspapers, related & fojlowing incident: "I shall never forget one morning en ho handed me a New York pa P: vorrtaitiinpr a cartoon of himself V?xr-A as a monster, clad in a rck yov-red over with dollar marks, an immense cigar and !r.;T.;.';r;c: underfoot women and chil ten until their eyes protruded from i .vk-ts and their skeleton forms i in asonv. After I had looked t'T moment, lie said to me: hudts: When I have tried alt y l:f..- to p-u myself in the other f?::v.y when 1 have trieoTTo in. need' and to lighten the f'Url:-: s ( f -those loss fortunate than n-.y'if. t-, r.e pictured as I am here. u hfcl 1 a;, to the gaze of the world f 1 -rairdrrer of women and chil I u-li- you, it hurts.' And ir"irS '!P in-o the ' frank manly J;1' 5 s t'ne tears c oursing down :U-ks. and he turned and silently t aw.iy. lurk" Drennan, the manager was injured. Thpn rvne bv one those surviving the ---- ww.kine hewn shoutine for aid. A terrifying ctrurk coutn ui jicaio, w""ji i ., , , , Mexia. Texas, April 7.-A Jornado crash in Part their s and . wU deals, and that his cotton deals. One check was for $44,000, payable to John W. Gates; one was to L. C. Weir for $44,880. and another to A. W. Burchard for $44,880. It was also shown that and I Hawley had received about $500,000 rvfarm house at Shiloh, a farm series of wim yeas irom tne wuiauo nd farm nouse at o , v,Mr hv trie nassenerers. jumping house at prairie uv. QrH ih of the cars ahead. All house was blown to pietw .n mnr,v n not of right. Adjournment to April 15 was an nounced. Daniel J. Sully gave out for publi .ii a .i inttAr. tVila late S n lV.S mmnter of similar Information short.y. vic frerlitoTf:W in which he .asserts a valuable end if it is able to cripple a sufficient number of Japanese ehips tq reduce Admiral Togo's naval strength below that of Admiral Makaroff. The foregoing information is not part or current speculative report, but come from creditable, official eourcea aa being; the determined Russian plan The au thorities at Washington will receive much of this had oeen paia out uy tiat th .lfPpP for a s ettiement he has rv,n .ahi 7 a ,iifinatch from him to others, including liates, weir - - . h t his 1 " ; " " . '' t..bMm. the men passengers and many cf the 2,mSl.'Sr wi.Tybo"michToSS -to timber women on board the t6 trams hasten- and fences. Tv- Mr esi spoKe Mr. Piatt. of Mr. Hanna of Connecticut, ed to the aid of the injured Indians. The fact that one side of the rear car fell off with the impact undoubtedly saved the lives of many Indians, who were thrown out on the prairie. It was a pitiable sight to .see the In dians lying on the ground, clad in their native garments wth their red blankets dyed deeper by the blood from their wounds. The men were men i- on TN CHARGE OF SOLDIERS' HOME. Board of Directors Report on Bap tist Sunday School Work. rSDecial to The Messenger.) -vr r Arrii 7. A report is- .. A,- Pfev. Hierh C. jiloore, I j;j rvhvsioue and the exhibition ot cam i " fnr $30 000 naid G1IHII 11JUILJ J ' . "tf - . i I II 11 I I II lf III n.L,LirUUb www,--- - Secretary of the State Board o Mpu nerv-e on the part of Chief wmiejorb Hy a Company on September QnnHnr SrhOOlS. SHOWS lliei c - o- was a gOOU. example uiai .""'7 itV, 1 Qn2. v,,,v,r.ri snndav Schools oi i.iii.i.y; members or tne iuiui . nAHnn with thirteen cnecKs ""atinn in North Carolina and that Aft the bodies of the dead had Deen ; . j500.000, received livjuii H" . . , r,nt 1 , . i n onsrl I ivi wvr - 7 BnSS-S 'one Sroflt Syment already made are the very beet his say3 ,that the Japanese lndoUrLrf: Jiifw? sete will permit him to make. It is su . steamers are safely entering the r?i'0 rrT r r" ,n understood this letter win oe cwumu- estuary of the Yalu river and are land- ered by his creditors at a meeting xo i ng thelr ca.rgoes at various points on be held tomorrow. j the Korean shore. It is presumed here that t he movement of these supply NATION AX BANK OF DUNN. steamers is covered by Japanese gun boats. If this is true, the It us si an was $48,966, the witness receiving an equal payment. On March 7th the witness showed from the check book Sully and Com pany acted as broker for -Hawley in the purchase of 100 snares oi xmi chantoSSst Company stock for New Institution That Starts Off Well forts erected upon the Chinese eld;. Of cnants XTUSt oziipxij' oluv . . v, vol,, rivr nr evlrlentlv not effec- AUiU WA. W " - tive. t17 Krtft On March 18th a check for $82,420 was. paid to Sully and Company to balance "cotton account." The witness could not recan tne Municipal Politics (Special to The Messenger.) rvnnn. 1ST. C Aoril 7. On March Chicago, April 7. A special to he n.Miv News from Tokio says: Reliable as delegates to the i T,in11rpd amonfr the Indians gather fal convention at Boston, gd abQUt Clark, and led by Chief Iron Tail vice: i,c the Tndian "death S01CIIJI11 uautv. ,5. V.- "-rsonal friend. Mr. Cul "!iai man from a state of Mr. V.Iacbliri . as atin' ;tn,i Mr Klklns. as a 'K tn Mr. Hanna's rise in I'.iiii'! reviewed the cam ni year, calling attention t-Vit in that campaign the " i-'insrle stant:irri had first .',: 's' 1 a:"' saying that the con- iV'.'XX l .'t;Ul' i'''al. He spoke of ci.v. en,llor's Virginia ancestry. " ' '"ie had never shown sec-;;:--tivcneP. . vl1' '"TT".:i s s"eeepsor in the Sen--v'V'.. u'k- the last speaker "fy- Mr. Dick referred tojfac- tsnn h;s party to de ' ' ' the Senate, savins: r:o s,heme too desperate to t". Mr. Dick referred to l ?-ake Mr probably five hundred cnurtuw rejnovea from tne wicc.5 I the Urom Sully and Comnany to nawieys us soil J- r ia a row nnitipr i-f etrtuiL ui i 4-,irc. an nwneni uruuauiv unya-i"-"1-' I , - i, Viia iron -r r ne wi Liitrss Mrs 1 -1 ' , T . . iiatiui . rrv. a. I lilt; iViai WI ui u"o j , Daughters of the Revolution for North ed rail.'ay records Place te . vouchers by him or h1S sec- reta.rv ' Questioned by Mr. Root, the witness said the purchases of cotton by Sully and Company, in which he was con cerned, were made with knowl edge. He did not go xo tne o,.ii,r r-, rnmnanv. He couia not 1 l4 n fn.Dntlnn I (riiron -from nis omce xJemocra.uu owic -- recan any uivict ' . The Hearst Plank. Mr. Ray, however nay " j uowiov ciaifi that he and Mr. UUU. -I- A I Carol i onri Mrs Walter teTenU lrtes are Mr, Hae -Da and Mrs. iJ.a v111""1; Stronach, vis ana .r Tifrc aeiegate a a -R c 'heir aiternates bel - rffift jinn Airs. A. x. T- r 1 . rr Vt tnPI : - Martha Hay- Misses Mary nmLU" WCOd. . A,ortrp of The board of veterans in , the North Carolina Confederate ol diers' home here in session hereoday elected as members Ash ey fand, of Hvde to suc- deceasea; x. x. w... - -. - d SeTBS Vafsuceed C-I W. rrwerl eect ertors Th? C?verrTor reappoint ed directors, ine.u str0nach, and ed Julian V??"' hP art of the zstn tne i?irsu l.uil ,a roPflVO,, v,. todav from of Dunn opened its doors for business. Seoul to effect that part of the Jap Mr. W. H. McDonald, president, with anese fighting line has crossed the Yalu the Merchants National Bank, Bal- and established itself in strong: posi timore; George K. Graithan, of Herd tions there at several Important polnU. & Graithan.' vice-president and act- st. Petersburg, April 7. 6 a. in. The ing cashier; "William K. Battle, Ra- admiralty has received information leiffh bookkeeper and teller; J. C. that a Japanese squadron had been Clifford, attorney. Directors-T. cruising off Port Arthur since yesUr Corbin Young, cashier of the Bank of day . song. 1TNINSTRUCTED DELEGATES. Kansas the state. He Hanna a presi of which ret longing for other ; I he pub:dc will -" the great pressure 'v'on' him to accept 'I'll he like Haesar vith less and less -ul triven hi: vv-ord ' candidate.- and he! The Ibor Troubles in Panama, r Andil 7 The following a presi- wn' been received at tne he said: ( cablegram hlen Panama today, concerning tne laeighUS?ffic on the railroad is sus-Veign- strike. All it quiet. No penaea ""i" Authorities here are violence is feareo. der. Nava, preparing to maantain interference is - f " na,ted." ference necessary - :oP-ed the customary 'Juurned. as a mark BASE BALi. The House. :' Air-1 T. The Swayne Pennsylvania proceedings. which pinia 1. At Charlottesville. Va.. -a. TTViJiroT-SltV OI V 11- iv; looked upon as the only University of xrew York 11; l'J an earlv ndinurn- mrntronl O 4- p; -Vimnnd. v a. V L- iwvi"w real 0 . Al .Q 1ft. r-ornell 1 At Atlanta. Atii. . - 4 - v, , wr "isposea oi m At Atlanta, --ny.ta Amer Vthe House today, by At Philadelphia -PfiSh . - resolution making ican : Philadelphia, National 4. .;ci a order for Decern-. " : -x'- In t V. . . - - . i ' II Hla Wichita. Kas., April 7. The Demo cratic state convention today elected x ,,: inctmfterl deleerates to the IWCULJ " " national convention large are W. A. Harris, H. T. Farrely, XJavid Overmyer, J. G. Johnson, S. I- wale and J. N. HaymaKer. Cape Fear at Lillington; E. L. Hall, cashier of the Bank oi.uenson, . Clifford and G. K. Graithan, of Dunn; W. H.. McDonald, of Baltimore. The capital, $25,000. The two defunct bank buildings. kjc tv an Bajik of Dunn, will be! T m sold at public isale. Tne banK oi Cowlierd is Elected Chairman. Washington, April 7. Representa tive W. S. Cowherd, or Missouri, waa elected chairman of the Democratic Congressional Committee without op- :nn tnnlirht AVirnit t h 1 rtv men- Ray frequently met at the " nunn on Saturday, the 9th, and the of the congressional committee hotel, and that tney uiacuu M & T Tuesaay, tne in ll'were present at a meeting wniBin cotton market. Sometimes Jonn vv. Tney are handsome and valuable th minority room at ttie capitol The delegates at Gates was present. . properUes and will Dnng gou Mr. Cowherd was-not presenu Mr Hawley tola or a uninc Tne chairman oi tne ubuiuuuv- " . . - t n. r tr T11 r- 1 .. ..j. r Ttr A Ctew. utive tommmee, itii. . called the County Commission to t Mniav XTav 2d. at Lillinsrton, n.nrfliw tft nersonal John W. Gates. Mr. Kay, ; to send delegates to tne state c... -nv ucicfecv... " - "vfr rnurchard ana nimweu. references, will stand six for Hearst Mr- dinner, he said, and Mr. Hawley told of a dinner u The ch. Waldorf, at which an order to pur- Executlve chase 50,000 bales of tton JS art, called -iven. There were present he sa a, meet Mon Harry Olsen Sentenced to Fire Years Imprisonment. Savannah, Ga.. April 7.-Judge Emory As a result of hTs iS'Sfd. an order -. given to .urchase 10,000 'nales or vtton to. he account of each-man Pre r -orvt tnolc ut a transaction preferences, win sianu i' Gates pave the and fourteen, against him. it is s-113- they talked cotton Th( nlatform which was unanimously thi - j jc-vr? tvi TTansiis City aaopxeu, "rr ; -ot. the accoun platform of isou, ana -b" ATr -Root took up rr1890 ersressea connoeiice i . . . wi ,m T Bryan and declared for the . conversatlon. he , , . .3 i- nr1 1 I-! ;i f V .fJ F,- . a had had with Mr. Sully in regaru trine nresiuexiL, sumuh-.u . Mt nn. t oMthorized 20,000 bales -to i sympatny vitu u " ocount. I cannot ien r"lJ" "" n3m foleUr. ,n the Ped.ra, court, sentenced of the party. . I iiarry vise" - ; Triitif4 are oeKiniiiiis Unant anrt tn nav a. nne ui w mc engage the attention of our people. under the law. the trial Jury yesterday a livntv fia-ht for mayor will likely be h..tT10. found him guilt of having the leading issue. iso tar iour shanghaied one or tne vi&n.i 6 ..oiriatew have aooearea on Hpnnrted from Savannan on tdc nusawu ci.... - - 3 t r. I " ' 7 ... X scene of action, Messrs. iianuge bark Alice to wrpstoi, ngiauu. V. JILlUllli H Godwin. UamAt't rountv' pleasure in placing before the Nation will take gTeat Tennessee Itepuhllcans Iloosevelt. Kndorsse wS they; ram It c nded ex- .accoun ce, CenliorT at ipuis. July the States Senate and charge! the only oer s ot reteat ex- Tit stnte Senator Witney said ne con (h. time this vjj. - . i tv,p (vonversauun " DPr.n hii rans. I muri . . . r-t - Senator W the United the actions SUI tun j. . i - TH Hearst nlank. which some oi Mr Hearsts followers claim as an en dorsement of 'his candidacy. follows. -In William R. Hearst, of New YorK, we recognize one of the foremost Dem ocrats of the nation. He uses his great opportunities and power in all cases ; in behalf of the common people, without counting the cost to him. c ..Tt: ,nnriert leal contest with tt. coa, Ut just f-ce-i j .March 17. t.. Aitnn it Parker, of Newi York, and Charles uranuc, "V;", o-nv-ernor OI orm. vuui..r 4 V l k-now that we can get a swum x r-arnlina has airei scaic, oium .-iintA1 eria i3 With US. ri nnntv fhool teachers meet JL1'" TiHnn and agreed to SSelrmme? normal course thi, l4L"' t heen neces- , tv,- Agricultural couege .one al- a fnKa,ViKn: .Arran5e5enU have been fter be nao. pua , peicu hout 112.50 month's norma vUu.- - - - ii emprises, which offers an in-1 1 nirti enough money to PecAi5 n. amount. Prior n March 17th. rotnjng , Nashville, Tenn... April 7. Alter an all day session, the Republican sta convention which met today instruct ed for President Roosevelt ana nuiiii- natea jamep yi. w1""- vj- for Governor. sar". a said. - , 111 Vll i . " Plea5e tell me wnai . Ior au expeiiB" cT-omo pnnrt is the most. A' . mv office to 111 meantime the! Susoended. Mr ony in tlV0 l" i . ? Aw 7-Tate Crum.ey, tha?r.Vf ridrexpressed F the Oto-wn S r4 seemed advise University baseball team, has Jbeensus-::''r-H briefly and Xf? pending- investigate of reports Ill . Wi signal Li iuu:yu v. ..w.. - trusts seized the business of the coun try We endorse the great work he H doing in the interest of his party and Zl ;nnntrv and commend his example to eood remoerats everywhere. ,t?C tr At water of. Leavenworth, ouun "-..- ; .Amtn;Hppmj)n by ex. was eiecieo nauuu "Yes." acclamation. - ' ducement to all to go. Fell Overboard. Walker Branch, a young white roan ; fell overboard from a lighter at the foot Wet alof Orange street-yesterday afternoon and came very near being drownea jx 1 ssaid that Branch was intoxicated. Several men were standing near when. river ana mcy walK nome " . t latPr his office. Hew;r t the Waldorf. iT told dorr he mism ,fCV nnnt" him I would protect my J--Did f?ully indicate lie A.,eded m . aside from your accouuv. mon- lie icn uw . . , Trrt.-. a? tr his assistance, vvnea vetiin Match at Richmond. Lu t him out he waa nearly . . a tvi r iLf . x TVwver I stmnHed and for a few wa Rlcnmona. v.. I xeould die. The amtu- in an mteresimK iwrw . i jr Walker vfemorial hospital- lie ;2ni,,f . was getting along very well last Wgnu 1. 11 wruaa t ' " Wr&i- tt of allied professional nun.