WILMmGTON, C., WEDNESDAY, MAY 8, 1907. EI VE CENT mm mi hold up train mm is " causeu tragedy SIX YEARS IN PEHiTENTiRHY FLARED HE HAD KILLED A ill RIOT IN SAfl FRANCISCO. GAL. MURDEROUS WORK OF LUNATIC Engineer Clow Shot and Killed ; William 0. Rice Kills His Wife Alexander Chisolm Convicted of Embezzlement VOL. XIX. NO. 108. Walter Charley Davis Shoots and Kills Six Men for Resisting and Commits Suicide Harold Jones Commits Suicide to Prevent Capture HAD BEEN DRIVEN FROM HOME ON XOKTIIKUX PACiriO UAJIiWAY ' railed in Attempt to Blow up Express . Car Bloodhounds Put on Trail and One of Men Captured Posse in , Pursuit of Other. Butte, Mont., May 7 The North Coast limited east bound train, Nq. 22, on the Northern Pacific railway was held' up by two masked men pear Welch's spur, a siding 18 miles of Butte, at 2:15 this morning. Engineer James Clow was shot killed and Fireman James Sullivan ease and was shot through the arm. Without mak ing an attempt to blow up the express car. aa was evidently intended, robbers jumped from the engine the and ran down the mountainside, pearing in a gulch severaLJ disap- Ired yards from the track. Sheriff Henderson, of Butte, was no tified and with a posse left on a tji-ain for the scene of the holdup. Shpriff WeUb. of Yellowstone county was on tho train and, with one of the tjiain crew, started on the trail of the hold up men five minutes after the shoot ing. Bloodhounds were put on j the trail and this afternoon one of j the fugitives was captured at Woodville, near Butte. The robbers left a teles cope grip on the tender of the locomo tive. The grip was full of giant iiow- der, evidently intended for us in blowing up the express car. The men boarded the train presumably at the Butte transfer, where a locomotive for the Montana division was attached. One mile west of Welch the men i crawled over the tender, and With drawn guns, commanded the engineer to stop the train, which he did. En gineer Clow, however, made a show of resistance and one of the robbers fired, shooting him through the body killing him instantly. The other kian shot at Sullivan, breaking his armj When the train stopped Conductor Bert Culver and the train crew r4n to the engine where they found a colbred man. who related the circumstances of the hold up. This man said that he had been stealing a ride and thatj the men offered him a third of the "booty" if he would assist them. He said he had refused to take any part in the hold up. He says he can identify the robbers, and the man is being held for that purpose. rifhe posse with bloodhounds was Joined at Welch by . H. Goddard, chief of the Northern Pacific defectives at Livingston; Deputy Sheriff Keen of Gallatin county, and by James liatta of Bozeman. Keen and Latta are the men who traced and captured "(Ike" Gravelle, who, some time ago, tried to force the Northern Pacific Railroad company to pay him $50,000 blackmail PROPOSED LOAN APPROVE!) Government Officials Will Co-operate in Making Exposition a Success Washington, May 7. Secretary Cor telyou and Asistant Secretary Edwards of the treasury department held a Con ference today with officials of the Jamestown Exposition company, Pres r ident Tucker, Chairman Johnston 'and Mr. Ellyson of the board of governors of the exposition beinp; present. De tails of the proposed loan of $400j,000 by the company were submitted and approved. - This fund will enable the company to pay off all outstanding obligations and leave a balance sufficient for prop er operation of the exposition The government officials connected with the exposition are anxious to aid in making the celebration a success and will cooperate with the company in every way possible to bring about that result. I Reports from the exposition grounds are encouraging and it is thought that within a short time the exposition will be in full operation. Norfolk, Va.,, May 7. As the result of conference of Pres. Tucker, Chair. Johnston, of the board of governors of the Jamestown exposition, Vice Pres ident A. H. Martin of the exposition company today announced, a postpone ment until tomorrow of the meeting of the board of directors of the exposi- tion company which was ta have been held today, to make final arrange ments for the placing of the $4OO,0OU bond! issue authorized for the comple tion of the exposition. The company, it is officially stated, has several of fers for the floating of the bonds. Convicted of Peonage. Tamna, Fla.. May 7. F. L. Howden. general manager of the Prairie Febple ; turned from New York yesterday, Phosphate- company at Mulberry, Fa.', j where he had undergone the Pasteur was convicted this afternoon of peon- ! treatment. ase by a jury in the United States The danger to the health of the court after a two days trial. Jvdge young millionaire, it was said today, (Locks reserved sentence. The court ' has been entirely averted. immediately proceeded with the trial Of "TO", n CrT--wf f on a similar charge. Visit Geo. O. Gaylord's today and get some Bleaching:, jEAI.OrfeY SAID TO BE MOTIVE Desperate 3Ian Also Attempted to Kill His One-year Old Child Tragedy Enacted in Presence of the Sister of the Murdered Woman. Washngton, May 7. As a result, it is alleged, of a quarrel over a wedding ring, William O. Rice, aged 25 years, of 131 Heckman street southeast, this city, and a telegraph operator on the Baltimore and Ohio railroad company, today shot and instantly killed his wife Lillian, fired a shot at his one year old baby Earl, which took effect in the leg, and then committed suicide by shooting himself. Rice, who work ed nights, returned to his home at an early hour this morning and finding his wife and baby asleep, woke them up. A discussion ensued regarding Mrs. Rice's wedding ring, it being al leged that Rice had possession of the ring and would not j return it to his wife. A quarrel followed, when Rice, securing a pistol lying on a table, fired four shots. ! Rice, his wife and child resided in the house of Mrs. Rices' father and mother. Her relatives think the crime was actuated by jealousy although there was no reason for it. The trag edy was enacted in the presence Of (Miss Ida Groves, sister of the murder ed woman. Rice died almost instantly two bullets having entered his body. His wife breathed her last while in the patrol wagon on the- way to Provi dence hospital. Little Earl was de tained at the hospital to be treated for a bullet wound in the fleshy part of his leg and while the surgeons think he will recover from the effects of it, they are not certain that an in jury to his head when he fell from his mother's arms, will not result serious ly. There have been two murders and four suicides in Washington within 24 hours. SUPREME COURT OPINIONS Washington and Pamlico Railway Company Chartered Aldermen Sus tain Mayor. Raleigh, May 7. The board of aldermen sustained Mayor Johnson in suspending from duty Chief of Fire Department John Mangum and continued,,his suspension until June 1st, when tie will be re stored to duty. The taking of evidence in this locally sensational case ended late this afternoon.: Mayor Johnson asked the board to do as much for Johnson as possible. The evidence showed a long use of 'city property by outsiders without payment. The Washington and Pamlico Rail way Company is chartered, with a hundred thousand dollars authorized capital stock, to operate roads and fur nish electric light power within fifteen miles of Washington The following opinions were filed by the supreme court: Tice vs. Whitakei'i from Forsythe, affirmed; Williams vs. Railroad, from Gaston, new trial; Cook vs. Dancy, from Wilkes, new trial; Manufacturing Company vs. Moore, Caldwell, affirmed; Earnhardt vs. Hagmon, from Caldwell, affirmed; Shakespeare vs. Lumber Co., from Caldwell, neW trial, costs divided between parties. Harper vs. Locke, from Caldwell, pfcr curiam, affirmed; Turnpike Oompamy vs " Absher, from Wilkes, per curiam affirmed; Smith va Railroad, from Burke, dismissed by consent. WAS PAID SIGNAL HONOR Japanese Vice Admiral Banking Of ficer in Hampton Roads. Norfolk. Va., May ;7. Signal honor was paid today to Vice Admiral Sir Gero Injun, commander of the Japan ese squadron in Hampton Roads. He is the ranking naval officer in the waters off the Jamestown exposition grounts ant today every commander of the American and foreign fleets called upon him. The first to call was Admiral Davis of the American fleet, representing Admiral Evans, who is sick. The commanders of the Italian, Austrian, French and other squadrons then called. The Japanese cruisers oc- cupy the places in the battleship col umn made vacant by the departure of the British squadron. Victim of Mad Dog. Cincinnati, May 7. William Cooper Proctor, president of the proctor and Gamble Soap Company, who was bit ten by one of his pet dogs las week whi nh woe cuff DANCING TONIGHT ! At Lumina. Special schedule on Suburban Line. ... Bleaching sale today at Gay lord's. 10 yards for; 70c. Best Calicoes 6c WAS PAYING TKTXER OF BANK. Lost $100,000 of Funds of Institution in Cotton Speculation Regarded Verdict as a Just One Jury Asked to Sign Petition for Pardon. Birmingham, Ala., May 7. After having been out since 6 o'clock last evening the jury in the case of Alex ander Chisolm, former paying teller, charged with having embezzled $100, 000 from the First National Bank of Birmingham, which it is alleged he lost in cotton speculation, brought in a verdict of guilty shortly after 1 jD'clock today and fixed the sentence at six years in the federal penitentiary in Atlanta. . - When asked :ii he had anything to say why sentence should not be pro nounced, Chisolin arose and said that he regarded the, verdict as a just one, that he was noi crazy and never had been insane, but he rcgrettt d the af fair very muco Sentence was then pronounced. Judge Hundley said that in view of the youth of the prisoner he did not feel justified in giving him the maxi mum sentence ten years but in view of the enormity of the crime and the vigor of the defense he would not be justified in giving him the minimum penalty five years. He therefore made the sentence six years. As the prisoner arose and made his brief statement, closing with a plea for mercy his aged father begati to sob while his sisters covered their faces with their hankerchiefs. I His mother with remarkable fortitude con trolled her feelings. j !;';" Before the jury left the box Heyvard Chisolm, a younger brofxier of the prisoner, asked the twelve men to sign a petition for the pardon of the man they had just pronounced guilty. It is understood that a number oi the jurors signed the petition. It .is stat ed that Colonel Robert Chisalm, fath er of the prisoner, this morning priv ately requested Judge Hunlley to have the sentence imposed to become effec tive" today. The request, the court is said to have granted, and young Chis olm will be taken to Atlanta tomor row, i FATALLY WOUNDED WHITE MAN Negro's Body Riddled With Bullets by Georgia Mob. Augusta,- Ga. May, 7. A special to the Herald from Deerfng, Ga., says: Charlie Harris, a negro farm hand, who yesterday shot and wounded Hay den Pearson, a prominent farmer, was lynched last night by a mob of about forty unmasked men. His body was riddled with bullets. The mob then visited the negro's home, severely whipped members of his family and gave them a brief time in which to get' out of McDuffie county- Pearson, who lives near this place, was remonstrating with the negro about poor work done on his farm when Harris drew a revolver and fir ed several shots into his body. His death is but a question of hours, A posse was immediately organized and captured the negro. He was started toward Thompson, out never got through a"cieep swamp which had to be crossed. No arrests have been made. : ; JAPS MUCH INTERESTED " am Devote Much Time Taking in Sights of Exposition. Norfolk, Va., May 7. During the stay of the Japanese cruisers Chitose and Tsukuba in Hampton Roads the officers and men of the American bat tleships Louisiana and Maine wil! en tertain the officers and men of the Mikado's war vessels. Efforts are now being made to arrange a rowing race between the Japanese and American sailors and it is possible that the mer its of Jiu Jitsu will be tested against the catch-as-catch-can of the Ameri cans on the mat. There is a friendly intermingling of the men from the American and Japanese ships ashore and the little sea fighters from the east are, devoting more time to tak ing in the sights than have the men of any of the other--squadrons which have visited the Jamestown exposition. TN NORTH CAROLLNA TOWNS Elections Yesterday Generally With out Political Interest. Raleigh, N. C, May 7. Elections were held in nearly all North Carolina towns today. The contests were gen erally without political interest. In Asheville and Concord trie re publicans made an aggressive fight, lost out entirely in Asheville, but elect ed one alderman in Concord. In Charlotte a business men's ticket apposed to agitation of the liquor question was elected. In Reidsvill a high license board had a strong majority. One of the most heated contests was in Durham, over purely local issues. Mayor Graham was re-elected over two competitors. In Company With Companion At tempted to Hold up Two Men Pur sued by Police WTho Saw Occurrence Thought He Killed His Pursuer. Philadelphia, Pa., May 7. Foiled in his attempt to hold up with the aid of a companion two' trolley conductors an fearing that he had killed a policeman in his effort to escape Harold S. Jones, aged lc years, shot, and killed himself on the street as he was about to be captured by another policeman. His companion, G. II. Gedde, aged 18 years,, vas arrested while in bed at his home. Jones belonged to a good family in the northwestern part of the city, his father being a prosperous business man: The boy had some dif ferences with his father yesterday and he was told to. shift for himself. As the boy was leaving the house his weeping mother asked him what he was going to do and he replied: "I don't know and I don't care." Jones sought out Gedde and they were not heard of again until they turned up in West Philadelphia and held up the two conductors. They showed fight and Jones and his com panion fled. Policemen saw the oc- currence and gave chase. Jones turned and shot at one of the pursuing policemen. The bullet went wide of the mark, but the policemen in order to deceive the fleeing youth dropped to the sidewalk as if he had been shot. Jones saw him fall and stopped, hack ed up against the side of a house and sent a bullet into his own heart. A QUESTON OF VERACITY' Policeman Says He Was Playing Poker. Sheriff Says He Was Not. New York, May 7. Something of a sensation was caused in Jefferson Citv today by the arrest of Sheriff Kaiser of Hudson county, the county in which Jefferson City is situated, in a raid on an alleged poker game in a saloon. The policeman who made the arrest declares the game was in full prog ress when he burst into the room and said that the sheriff had in his posses sion poker chips and some of the mon ey was on the table. Sheriff Kaiser says his arrest was a mistake that he was merely playing pinochle when the "policeman -broke in to the room. The sheriff was taken to the police station in a patrol wagon with sever al other prisoners, but was permitted to go on his own recognizance. FOR GRANTING REBATES Railroad Companies Indicted by Fed eral Grand Jury. New York, May 7. A federal grand jury which has been investigating re bates cases today indicted the Chica go Rock Island and Pacific railway company, Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul railway comoany. New York. On tario and Western railway Company, and the Western Transit company on charges of granting rebates to the American Sugar Refining Company. All the indictments contain several counts, the largest number being in that against the Ontario and Western, which charges thirty separate offences. The New York Central and Hudson River railroad was indicted some time ago, found guilty and fined heavily. The Sugar Refinig Company, which was also indicted for accepting rebates from the New York Central, entered a plea of guilty and paid a fine. SOUGHT RELIEF IN DEATH. Mrs. Emily Gibson, of Concord, N. C, Commits Suicide. Baltimore, May 7. Mrs. Emily Ma- gruder Gibson, wife of Robert B. Gib son, of Concord, N. C, committed sui cide today by swallowing carbolic acid at the home of Mr. William H, Gor man, brother of the late Senator Gor man, at Catonsville, a suburb of this " Mrs. Gibson was suffering from ner- vous trouble. She was 55 years old and was born in Virginia, being a daughter of the late Allen B. Magruder and a niece of the Confederate General John Bankhead Magruder. WTXL WITHDRAW FROM TEXAS Companies are Opposed to New Insur ance Law. New lork, aiay 7. Following a meeting of the association of life in surance presidents today a statement was issued in which it was intimated that the companies represented in the association would withdraw from Tex as when the new insurance law of that state becomes effective June 1. The new legislation which provides that 75 per cent, of the reservs of Texas policies shall be invested in Texas securities is declared by the as sociation to be confiscatory in its effect, '. f; mm t ti IX. DANCING TONIGHT At Lumina. Special schedule on Suburban Line. Strike Breakers and Strikers En gage in Desperate Fight .LASTED OVER AN HOUR Eight Men Wounded, Some of Whom .Will Die Dozen or 3Iore Arrests Made Police Reserves Called Out and Are Patrolling Streets. San Francisco, May 7. Strike break ers in the uniforms of car inspectors and strikers and their . sympathizers fought this afternoon on Turk street for more than an hour. Eight men were" shot, among them a policeman and Detective Bell. Several of the men will die. The shooting was done by strike breakers from car windows, in response to a shower of paving stones and bricks hurled by the mob Eight men received bullet wounds, some cf which will prove fatal. Finally a dozen, or more of the guards were arrested by reserves from the central police station and a union crowd boarded the rear most car and started it back to the barns. Arriving thehe the strikers charged, revolver fire was opened from the barns. In this encounter several more men were shot. A non-union man threw the switch at Turk and Filmore streets and the derailed car shot into the sidewalk, maiming two men whosa names have not been learned. In the stampede that followed, scores cf worn en and children were trampled upon. The appearance of relief f uads to reinforce Police Captain Mooney s men resulted about 4:30 in the partial dispersing of the crowds. A rumor has it that Superintcr-icri-t Chapman was seen about 5 o'ci ck driving rapidly on Golden Gate av enue, in an automobile that was dash ed with blood. There is no confirma tion of the rumor that Mr." Chapman was wounded. Practically all of th police reserves at the various precinci stations have been called out and uie now patrolling the neighborhood of Fillmore and Turk streets. RAILWAY TRAINMEN .Brotherhood Meet in Biennial Come; tion in Atlanta. i Atlanta, Ga., May 7. More than 300 delegates gathered here today for the biennial convention of the Brother hood of Railway Trainmen. Grand Master P. H., Morrissey, of Cleveland, OV presided. Formal welcome was extended to the visiting delegates this evening in a public meeting at which addresses were made by Governor J. M. Terrell; CVIayor Joyner, C. T- Ladson and Je rome Jones. Response was made by . a rtkr i. hit . J T Cf irrana avxasier lvxuri issey auu u. o. Coffin, of Fort Dodge, Aa. fThe appointment of a board on in surance to pass upon claims in the years in which no convention 5s held, and the discussion of labor policies with' particular reference to the asso ciation idea which was employed re cently in Chicago, when forty rail roads were dealt. with collectively in- stead of independently as formerly, axe among the important topics to be dis cussed.. PLACED MORTGAGE ON HOUSE Mrs. William Thaw Secures $100,000 on "Lyndliurst." Pittshurg, May 7.' Xynhurst," thd pretentious home of William Thaw, in the East End section oi this city, has been mortgaged for $100,000 ac cording to the Pittsburg Leader to night. The mortgage vras made some time ago, the book containing the record has been hidden, according to this newspaper and Information concerning the document did not become public until today. The interest charged is 5 1-2 per cent and the mortgage is held by the Fidelity Title and Trust Company. r It will mature in thres years. The papers were drawn in New York city on March 7, 1907 and was witnessed by Attorney Clifford ot Thaw's counsel and John P. Meaeer. I r v.4.n-- -r-rT"U J.'J 4-V. . TfA.lr ff TTrJ 4-11 feC 1 . X ... . , , ing and putting the official seal of the commonwealth upon the document. Extraordinary efforts were made to keep the mortgage secret. DUEL TO THE DEATH Both Men Aspirants for Hand of Same Girl. Ban Antonio Tex., May 7. A special from Pueblo, Mexico, says:1 janecrero, a millionaire owner or r js St1f ' several haciendas, and Josl Maria Belt ran, a municipal director of Tlatanqui, both aspirants for the hand of the daughter of a prominent planter cf this district, fought a duel with r - tols in the streets today in which toth were mortally wounded. The men had quarreled repeatedly and when they met today following an encounter of last night Beltraa opened fire. Jane- dero returned the fire and both men fell. From their recumbent nositions they continued firing until each had received wounds which physicians say are mortal. USED DOUBLE-BARRELED GUN All of His Victims Inmates of Same Boarding House Fought Like a Demon When Attempt Was 3Iado to Arrest Hint. . San Francisco, May 7. Walter C. Davis, a carpenter, in a fit of insanity; today, shot and killed five persons at 414 Pierres street, in tnis city, Davis and his victims all resider with, the family of Orson Bush, who conducted a boarding house. Davis' home is in Farmersville, near Visalia, this state, where he had a wife and six children. He has been working here as a carpen ter since the fire. Tha shooting was done with a double barrel shot gun. Davis" who slept in tho room .with young Orson Bush and W. E. Beard, arose shortly after 1 o'clock and shot his two room mates. After killing Bush and Beard, Davis took, a box of shells from a shelf and walked, down the hallway where he met Mrs. Lillie Carothers, a boarder, who had heard the first two shots and had come to her doorway to find out what was the matter. He shot her and, with the remaining shell shot Mrs. Orson Bush 'i, M. E. W'inton. a government sur veyor, who had recently come here from New York, was killed while h lay in hed. Orson Bush, Sr., heard the shooting and rushed upstairs, where he was met by the murderer. The appearance of the hall indicates that Bush made a desperate fight for his life. His body, was found as it had fallen at the head of the stairs Seventeen-year-old Annie Bush came running into the hall and met Davis. He turned the gun upon the girl, aim ing at her head. The girl found voice to say "Please don't shoot me," and the shot gun dropped from. Davis hands. "I can't do it," he said. "You are a good girl. Besides you look like my own child, and I would see her face if I killed you." When the policemen came to arrest Davis -he fought like a demon 'and a riot call was turned in.. Seven officers responded in an automobile. Two of ficers engaged Davis iu a conversa tion while the others got behind him and pinioned his arms. He was then, removed to the detention hospital WILL REMAIN IN STATUS QUO Mexico Awaiting Answer to Note to Guatemala. Second City of Mexico, May 7. According to the state department today the Gua temalan question remains unchanged. Minister of Foreign Relations Mariscal denied emphatically that diplomatic relations between the two countries had been broken off, or that the pre liminaries for such a contingency had been planned. Mexico has sjnt another ajnd, a stronger note to Guatemala, insisting upon the delivery of General Jose Li ma, accused of instigating the murder of General Manuel Manuel BarrillSs and also (insisting upon the sending of Colnnel Onofre Bone as a witness in the Barrillas murder case. Pending the receipt of an answer to the note sent by the Mexican govern ment to Guatemala, affairs will remain in statua quo. ; 3AV HAVE BEEN LYNCHED Negro Who Attempted to Assault 12 xear oia Gin. Columbia, S. C, May 7. Llambhold CarmSchael, 3 Marion county negro, is supposed to have been lynched some time last night by a mob for an at tempted assault upon Tincey Sawyer, the 12- year-old daughter of John Sawyer a well known farmer who lives near Mullins. The little girl's screams hrought her father to her aid and he- recognized the negro. The alarm was immediately given and a posse started in pursuit of the negro. When the posse returned from the chase they; merely stated that the negro was out of the way and that "he could do no more harm." ' ' . - On Saturday night of last week a negro made two attempts to assault the wife of a station agent la the same neighborhood. ELECTION IN BALTLMORE Both Branches of City Council Demo cratic by Larjre Majorities. . Baltimore, May 7. In the munici pal election held here today, J. Barry Mahool was elected mayor over the present incumbent, E. C. Timanus, by a majority of 4,500. Both branches of the city council are democratic by large majorities. The democrats also elected the comptroller and the presi dent of the second branch of the city council. , BLUE RIBBON WINS Whenever a housekeeper tests the merits of different vanilla extracts Blue Ribbon always wins. Try It and you'll know wh7. .