A::":T::v gARhAY, ahctst 24.1907. five cents , ' . '. " , . - . , . .S MBA 1111 1 :.t - . ' . ' - v. U616CIS nan - Souttieiii Rata of GoYemon Glenn ! i IIII KiK TO GO 8 Will Show Cost of Operating Rail' state commission .concluded from a thorough investigation, that the local business of af railroad cost no more than throi&h business The witness; would not admit that he had heard any; thine1-of the knind nor that ,; decision' would hare been of Value (if one fc&dv .been reached, for the reason J that the investigation had been one sided. Mr. Justice cited a number of cases and quoted many rates in an effort to show that the Southern railway and other railways transacting business in North Carolina have discriminated against cities in that state In favor of Virginia cities, making lower - rates from Lynchburg, Va., to North Caroli na points than are made between two or more North Carolina points or less distance. j The hearing will be resumed tomor- row. , - . -! 1 T A JIB!! pEPIlB' .j, , -' .. v.- - At Plan to Afford Relief to ttie flonejf Met ft oretary Root Being Treated for tleirous Exhaustion ..: road in State Hearing of 4 Was uined--Vice president Spencer of . Southern Only Witness Ex4mind(d: Answered. rvmrertiliuc Cost of operating in. North Carolina. CROP MOVING PEfltflDS V" : 1 : RESULT OF HER in, SOUTHERN CUTS DIVIDEND Ti-Aifient Finlev Iakc9 Statement GovernmenT to Deposit Funds, Weekly at Money Centers; Is flow Well on the Road to Re- coierv Financial World Be- Givintt Reasons for' Reduction. "kt vv ao- 95 The directors of Plan New to th Southern railway today cut the se- Jlevea by Secretary Cortelyou to tM mi-annual dividend on the preferred Iore Efficacious Than Old Method stock of th company from 2 1-2 to 1 orlhe Treasury. 1-2 per cent. President Finley made the following It was not possioie w bcw "viv direct to Sagamore Hill, but Secre tary Loeb declared tonight that from, his own knowledge he was prepared to unqualifiedly deny that Mr. Roosevelt had been away from oyster Bay this summer, with the exception of his vis it to Provracetown. At the sanitarium it was stated, how ever that the President Qlossed the sound to Glen Island and after leaving his launch; made his: way to the sec retary's retreat by automobile. BIG PLANT NEARLY FINISHED m r ifnnhinftrT Put in An An cient Corps Strdet Rauway---New Steel Bridge News ana rcraw Notes. . - T (Special to The Messenger.) Fayetteville, N. C. Aug 23.-Seven transformers, each weighing 20,000 pounds are being put in place at the Fayetteville insulator or tne uape rer Electric Power Company, besides other modern . electrical.machinery, and be fore the close of the, year the, cotton H TQI1GIG ftFFlilB Posses of Rerenae Onus Fire at Each Oilier WERE Until B III sum FR3 Three 'of the Officers Wounded, One Fatally . . -tr i a ,t'X Sfwretarv Of the I ? - .... .-. . 1 no CcMvrotnr-V of statement. 'f. ! I wew in -ov - ir kw; qr. "--rr-- " "At a meeting of the board of direc- t Treasury Cortejyou annwuuw - phu , Root, wflo -nas rwu, c raiiwav comDanrla. nian of depositing; government i . .h - ;Aeta the "Farm San- of North Carolina, lorrtne Iw-thA income accounts and the re- fund3 m New York, Boston and otne. itariuni of WlUIain O Mulhoon ex-cham of the present pars - . . -,n f 0 foT tne fiscal year citles to afford, relief to. wwr- Carolina rate . -fae ; unu : - - ! V nne 30th last, were consider- ket in the approaching crop moving A dividend of 11-2 per cent, was Tne plan is new to . tne n" One Posse From Greensboro and the la at Sanitarium of Wm. . Muldoon, factories aid other plants of Fayette-. Road and Were TJnable to Ex-champion Wresaer Wtu oe 1 viUe smd its outlying mill systems wm ueconlze Each ' Othfcr on Aocouni; "completely Restored to Health in j be run by the water power at Buckhorn I of DaTkne&s. . Strongest Pftlla. .. ; . I . . . ,rl -k Today the Fayetteville Independent ..Hdiw Ught Infantry will impressively wle- Baleigh N. C-J-A. WJ brlte its 114th anniversary, having message today to Reww ur . . . . rn,n .thio momlntf from Durnani been organizeu August .r .TV VOT orHbla occur- ntain beine Robert Auams, a igae m - - Tn Ttfaeks and the Membexvof Cabinent. Declares Mm-doon. pion wrestler,:near. White Plains, -tak- ing Mr. Muldoon's course 01. atuuw i treatment fofXseyere nervous exhaus tion, expects to complete his cure in first captain oems rwiwi. .--. -7 H44, fniir men. were shot- Scotch merchant of Fayetteville, anafrence in which four men. we re scotcn mrc"a" ' , .,.1 nt whom will nrobably die, the af- aferwarus ;oi wiinuuB". 1 . - t . -Ktnw .k roQiiit- fif two parties ot died at his country nome m uruna- um ; ! V " ltv marshals wick county. The command has taken revenue officers and deputy rt in four wars British war of I going out on a raia xra r t - a. a viv ri v iisa arpn 1 11 1 liic . i . Tt4tiwi Rttes. were -.rejecusu, , - tn-l,.- nmVR more emcaciousi , . . a .n ronn for amire VM, .Zx Uh.h,4 railway. The accummulatea surpxus, fr - im" deJ l9 recovery ------- "TO j, counsel iw w - ... . hv lfa1 dividend distribution or 4 per ceuu taat tne om memuu Ihension about nis neaim ..T platt of toe governor - ". - ,,: . , , . ,, . . Jpartmont ia wa Ung unu. . special counsel , w - 1 , purbose there was appro- nas . severely ' snaneu yT? Innd the nrlsentMnquiry. becasbe :f"i..nrnlnBtac6maUT; nrmine relief at the ast morfi " , s. .'J'4..i.-H hut tne MScarSvtr Spanish- toe party . . . ncoi I Avon Snrhfir whose office is at Greens- . . il. .,.n.ama pmn ui wo i -- i - . - . . . .aa.aAm.v run. t w . - . ... j ioia i.j,Avfc, - i determlnea oy ww."?.-. - I fWr stock out or wrMand one.wmca taeBwiw,, Vflmftre He b well oa tne rww . ; Kftoiin Mai I Accnt Surber wnose omce . . m m-m .1.1 mv orrvi t tw . 111 jllj. ijiu Vann commandant, composea Doro, . --. " - , rf 1 hvUoi iiifiond distribution or yei u. ine cia iiCi.v r. "1? 1 ihension aooui tus ubjuui - A nabtain A. G-. riaign, a nam, win ouuiucu I -, - . ...r -f i t woiHrxf Mntii tne countTX. 1 ' ; -1-, vforohdi Jordan ana wucwb . . I rpsftrvft corns in gray uniiorm, auu vi . . nuui.h Sr! miUf farm among: the west-1 . , . ,T , . iLZ. m M winded that the sec- 1 ' 'rr w 'li t fh. lhA nhiftct of both was to raid some dis UUCBICI "w, w - ,-' - I TTlPTlf. Ot National OUtLO VXU4. 1 .. 1 ,. o Tl ;f innte.nerVlce. the tilteries" in Chatham, county, Ihra weeks there and be visited by the rth: Carolina, miles from Chapel Hill. In uncertaiiv. thy president. xf the united States before ac tment in 1888, conferrt tain light last night; the two parties , thpih ?w.W w ri discovered by the P8?606; a 'tm and Ume near together and each demanded tne Drevet 7' ", halt and throw tnf cantain on its lieutenants, auu ma this act is 'still in force. :y .oecau f ? -r;r, th sumlus income thn coming relief at the ast moH . ;h ftTtense attached to It, out yrxa rT , . endediw. a-lareedenosit of soyftn- rguea ti istment facts in sines in tnerea 7 l;; " , 0 a.pnnt for the year jurisdiction ot tne tn, tu nTmal and extraor- Beginning next week, the; treasuryP . of fleshf lost the drawn attachdto it, out vear ended U niacin a -largedeposit - Aivipr 1 ra rriw 1 1 i;i vvai u. . w- 1 j xr . . . . v o,hrTi railway arguea tixat " Hie dl- fTtR fn NewYorfe baUKS. -w ... 111 t. v. QjUStmenu u- ' facts in relation to vidends busines in North car- "In ta gathered pending the were in u inHsdiction of the that the reflects such to expedite the aajnstmen, year. f cortelyou did not say how muen mo,. necessaW lacxs u rcr- acUon the directors he moM deposit each weeK troversy. rvi.husines in North Car- -in lasm r rimr. ;;,7" thflf. it would eaual he Wewsiviuv-o- , Irnrto influenCeQ Dy tne ut3 lUUiv. v - - his whereabouts were discovered by public.' "t -' ' ' -':'yr ' "Mr. Root has nesnenea up, put wix rshould be Mtnered pending the Element of tile Jurisdiction of the that -courts- f W . i-. conditions as may not reason- department wilmake ech week tpm ja look of the summer and will.be k aSfbVe recur. - V period of hot less tug nve eks to Washington,) as Mr. Muldoon the pla e ppaenthearlng before VtmplThe -dftectofs consider- posits in national.: banks ,at New ;1lsea f it, "the-.slrbitgest member of Judge Walter A. VIon!!gomery,wnowu. existing conditions of Boston- kiid otKelr. points, the S;ecur cabinet, noT appointed master totaKe evm - supplies, material and required to be approved eiate, mu report to Judge hhaxduldave " and legisia- pal and railroad .bonds, acceptaMe eveu barring Mr. '"Dating the first two weeks of his 1 mulri I . ' iit their hands and surrenaer. n has reached Blount street. QUICK ana accurate.- . Th?W street bridge over Lock's Deputy Marshal Jordan yas shot in .reek. oSrhundred feet long and six- the thigh and near the sptae and his Vse.' ...H nAi- bv Ihluries are considered fatal. Posse- ty reet. mgn, " . dBd. Denuty Col- the New Tork contractors to tne count, rnm a,. Slonfe - ttaC:SS5.M other it is; the hearink was ordered to pro- rvative-Drudence to limit department, with the understanding tfierewlth sUcn ktc of energy ifciTMinn, docket only, will con- man also. - r v : ; cdandtheindfcationsjaretnatitwiii 1- of the . profits , of ..the that - if ? caltedrfor, such deposits snau t Ae,Vas-today.able- to rideelghteen T - ftT1dv,VJudee;: Jones on the Banks' wound is in the leg; tnat ot contmue for a N.a, Sinclair, solicl- Henry Isnot serious, messer .7: 1 717 fort; of Ruch conditions can . be. fair- installments to a nxea oy iue the usual course . of, exercise arenUmerous with: the weiit to Durnam ana : repuii. "o f ; ' ,t as llabor Of increasing taxes mmx , c6oa. yai auu ioauv-u , - - 1. uajiBg . wB iuo " been, postponed feoday indeflnlteiy. reduction of revenues it was te der the existing requirements ot the a pbund a day, acquir tranffirred the hearing from At ctartPrT taking tCS juQse.mon - - . . measured. timnnv today initne owcew r-1 - vicepresiaent oii -"- : -q ; - A m rttpkemE COURT Iry of the-treasury mth the bier inedlcihe bail, and hoxedl the 'affair nnd-carried a doctor, out rni.is beHeVedtobe prefera tA lee ' the injured menV- Jordan s wire .i!ne.si.-!.? &"" - . . .' wai lmDOTiante. ' - ta ... . . -.tit stringency, when i the ony j Durirlg. the, V forenoon he answered j-; many questions, boncerning the cost o . RaleiN 1(m thal. ment of the operations of the treasug .a,w ibolit. his health but 'his I ap- operating u. iwvu I . " 7 n Wn t Wadesbo- aepartmeiiv a& j: 1-6 f Pearance to. wuk, wuu,vuu earnings on all passes of business. ; At shooting by sterday wii ticable under existing law,y;. In kjet! L ne exaggerated Reports .oti a com, or.ooViir Justice I rr at. Confederate reunion yesterudy -a11-.,n-f1,i, their -hems . , ' ; . . v o- tbrinSin?.a?"t..rD": IS Sv 'sTnse a,' distributing WUoh in that county, wmcn-no Lu. ,M . i " the afternoon session Speaker Justice of the North Carolina legislature, took Charge1 of tne cross examination and Inquired closely into the actual cost of earning a dojiar oh. all .classes of business in the state. ,. '; "'. 0 Mr. Spencef Jcquld not estimate ,.ac curacy the cost of earning a dollar on intrastate ifeinessf ana said- that -it' cost' about" 65 bents bh all business in North Carolina to earn a dollar for the year ended June 30, 1906 -These figures jipply to net earnings as figured by the interstate commerce commission andfdo not include taxes, interest on bonds or indebtedness of irtnr! fir ftxnenditures from net UUJ AA.U, - X earnings for betterments. Mr. Spencer said that the Average earnings per train mile on the Southern system on passenger busiSejss are about $1.03 or $1 04 and the f reign earnings in North Carolina," including mail and express business, are about $1.25. The average earnings on all business in North Car olina are larger i than the average for the entire system, said Mr. Spencer, t for the reason tbjit North Carolina is a "Choke" through which the business of the entire j system is "funneil- The witness gajve the gross earnings on North Carolina business as $12,043, - 727; the gross operaUng expenses for the same period fit $7,778,793, but could not give the amount of taxes paid dur ing the period r "the assessed valua tion of the property. ; ! - - Mr. Spencer: admitted that there is -a considerably 1 volume of interstate business handles on North Carolina local trains and tin fact practically all "of such interstate freight except that originating ' at division . points or des- ' tined for such points. It was concedea that this to some ex tent tended to lincrease the cost of carrvine local freight. The reason given iy Mr. Spencer tor eight barrooms. ; i; - ; ; ----- fix-Gbvi?rnor Ayoock ...is.-- aoueu ' n"vis nyraltnat ;pf6rd ClTh mSil of S-tat Jhdi hs son" ra- few smiles from- the city ams, who -went to. where the shooting as burned.last, night Ut ajloss of Tm yeaT3 ago wa3 a fSand.surunce S00 trrLl in this state. James SOUU I uvea aw m-. - j - a member of a well known ramiiy tuexe r6iild be. a 'large deposit. ; c y U1ohnwAi d color, his eyes were clear TVTh'elatterpolicy; the secretary d-Jaild his hand teady-' He looks a trifle sires tprsupersede by one which shattj DUt otherwise" well. nave.as iis uiuiuti.c uujwvuw . jj. . Root askea to oe excuseu uuiu reunion ye, - shall nreclude their being D-v a i jrrinnr orw-inr Tiruiii-j . . . -- . - i wiovo have tne enectui. ui - - , JiwW n8 as' distributing factor in 1 v,4.c- wiii him todav but .r. r fe iiiD yujoiv . w - .1 install a niter at me waw wuiw left. without making any arrangement kIp Secretary, .Cortelyou believes by, not ! fQ ,4 IN THE BUSINESS WORItD ' J' , I mnritnHne' in advance theamounts- to ! .1. - rt at i- TWnirinnn. Secretary if 'm he will prevent specu KTwn he arriv?d was suffering fHneer Rippey ..ol tne pasbeici - tairine- advantage of the sit- . - - - J -vsn,VafiAn. ,the result mtArinr MrolmntA Buying With on tne - nation and obtaining money wnicn; n Qj overWork and strain. in -a ratal coiusicm " kQi!c Bhnnid zo into other channels. wna oWc " cairi thA er 6th. plan the secretary m0re so than I ordinarily In adopting this Today case oi state agaiuai. f,.! consideration to the flues-. .nt;.nfc ws :-hram was which Superior ourt . T -viouslJT V , TT: rT - 7- J... Great Freedom- Preoarations . f or Fall and Winter Trade Indicate Confidence i nthe Future. ern railway. In tr, ttib- fined that road tnirtj tfiuub .v a - " - c ' thousand dollars for charging over and one-quarter cents per mile passen ger ! fare was made up by Clerk j Russ to be docketed in the supreme court to be heard at the term which begins next week. vIt can be argured In 30 days at the furtherest. I He has been in the service some time and is doing good work, Collector Dun can said today. Later information is that John BanKa is very badly wounded. He Is a native of this county and was a policeman here several years. , - The bulet which struck Jordan fol- xt xri, aw $ T?. n. Dun and Companrs weekly Review of Trade to- lowed a rib and did not enter the cav ity oi me Doay. tion. FOR THE PACIFIC. tion of gold to Europe. In previous it. , he was anxious and worried twn years the sudden outpour f ; moneyTa'bout ' things which never happened morrow- say v I - - 1 J .-a.. nvrlATI O mrrT I r- f C . -r-r I .. .. Jl J3 irom tne national ireasiu jr c . land never couia nappen. ie was very i jobbing , markets are well attenaeu moving stringency was absorbing all r6ak then, but .when he goes back he I bv lnteri0r buyers and country mer- available funl produced sharp reliet wm be the strongest member of ,the cnants, who operate with great free- Holler of Engine When onn TYinrift a er1ii exnort movement pos- I ourQ ti ia tniHner a course of ex- I -. u..nt. finaTin) J crine-pn- I a ,. ' I VlLfliX v. tj , I flOTTl CUIlSlUCliUK n sible by the very violence of the reac- ercise SUited to his age and strength, which has compelled the postpone- and goes to his work with the ener- ment of muCh contemplate construe; gy you would expect from a man who tion work has come to the front as he has. He j Yet many western and southern clt knows something about boxing, , too, seems .to have learned it as a boy; and never forgotten." - j During his stay at White Plains, Mr; Root has been resting as much as pos sible from mental work FATAIj shoottng affray Oyster Bay, Aug. 2X.-The Atlantic battleship fleet will start for the Pad- lie next uecemuei, w l - f vrriav Henrv tonight by Secretary nope, m , j . - , Cliampion Kills Brother in Lawi and is Himself 3Iortally Wounded. RaleighN. C, Aug. 23. Near Spring President Wheeless was shot to aeatn oy iia hrother-in-law. named cnampion;. ficial statement Th t." the direction of Roosevlt. '. ; f; T.? "rWn WieeS Uunded. The fight -as the result of the president and representatives of the drinking. Both are wmte. navy department. It follows. : f ; I; n: C orie Killed and 12 Injured SIX 3IEN KllXtED g Boiler of E It Exploded. New York, Aug. 23. Six men were testing the boiler of a donkey engine in the hole of the coal barge Patterson were instantly killed today by the ex plosion of a boiler.. A seventh man was seriously injured. ' The barge, which belongs to the ies report building operations in ex cess of last year's and the harvest pro gress there is more disposition to ln- H -r r, rr flTTlira TI PPffS create P-i-- tZT Erie raUroad 'company, was being ov- Itetail SLOCKS uave uccu uvplv" J , . : . UnnVino hla A . coioa mi th erhauled when Captain Hopkins, his "uWorthe agreement with riorlal engineer, and deck hand and thef ther At the time Champion was ;mortallyVMu.Tdoon that no one should see him indicate confidence in the continued ac- four machinist went mto '"u except nis secretary, nis pnysiciau auu tivitv ' . . Mrs. Root, and until today thisle Amost domestic points there Is no started in the boiler and it had been violated only once in favor wio . wrn coflriections. but burning but a.short time when tne io : of -President t Roosevelt,: who during reports from Canada Indicate many re- boiler exploded- - . - pHthe first week, of Ir. Root's stay; mc- lufor reievfaIg ; ' if is suppose that the water in the Birmingham, Ala., Aug 23. One 'A- conference this afternoon between . m iwhprrv Rear ldmir:Ueneer dead and 12 severely injured :tored over with his family to pay of the Navy Newberry Rear Admlr of a wreck of the Bloc- hrfef 1, -( r r1 mrarBnmson. eioiu accommodation train on the Bir-.!. Although no special vigation and JeEi Mineral roaa' a brancn made at secrecy, Mr. enmmander of the Atlantic neet, wt& . ., .Lm-nfl oila . . . . JJU- ..J effort had been Root's presence Leading industrial plants are- wen 4W" . ' !11. nl Atirnnf I .occupied, . many iuuis v ivat. work CHECKED sola iar into xauo ZntTte detail In of the ouisvld hviUe rad bee q SJSgKTf-iiS In most sections of the steel and Iron lTack of FundU Causen JAinz off of ... fa cminr tn th I at jouiia awiuivjii wuaj. i riuuen aiiuusi. uayj " AlJJ- --. i nuiet at tills time imui any viui "Pmir connection with the fleet s going to the was caused by spreading tients OVer . the Voads about White nth of the year, and the moderate is checking the canal rk. Four Pacific. - . , t, i r.oQQine- throneh monm OI.ine thousand men have been laid off on tlw a -jii aat, nf 13 hatfe-1 r- x . , inuus sc.c.ai videcrease m new Dusmesa o. unc i . nA onH .vjri;Wr3r.. in De- S :. . . .,an a h c.U mre attention tian the clr- new line V-T: oupa " : . . I vvasnington, Aug, &o. iuc .iwfw cemoer, going uiruugu : lnna. Washington company's steamer CfQt dfcharments business Magellan and up ff0" Norfcfk. which . ran aground; severu , nA xHll rrrthablv also visit " JrUget i ncoion TViint. abOutk - - u& agu ici. iuua j j came known tnrouga meuui sound. I fifty miles down the Potomac river f t raph office of dispatches for .nh. nnaettnn rf the route bV fWhlCh I . xi lTiira1tr-f - , - ' - ' . AW HOMV . 7 r V- j laurmg a iog, was uuawu the state department t...A if tooo tfinnapp. on local ied. was kuoL uinp w -- Tne reason Kiveu tjj - - j.a i & e . - the high cost of handling local frelght.it wilf return haa nor yei oei day d proceeded to Norfolk. 1 ! The visit of the president to the Mul- c. . . m . . - - . dom farm was known onry to a iew e destmyer.Flptillawm leave ftr hWe do not allow iU mtinrgar Leob, who the Pacific about the same . time as the to jeaye the store, satisf motto of thisr J;; liet;di Jearnntil'tflday of J. M. Solky po. T thft resident's; trip. I f , ; Txroh Aii 52 -The Norfolk r"" T i" receiyea more fa tbe department of mu w-, . .secretary ior.uw'ui.' ? - i cmnstances warrantea Decause oifme . wr, rrtPred PW.:T--:.;?Mr'5S more. ' S- . , ' I a reduction in the clerical force is; .LJZJZ VS& W Aut wlU .now " - mam. vmii' Vn .-hft : eauippnient. - . AUVi V J V4, r: , ' ' . and more" labor reguired in, the hahd- - " 'ling. --: v,vv,: -: '. ''f :' Opposing counsel engaged in some ;v-: harr Tchanfires over an effort 6h the . : part of Mjt. Wobdard, special : couhsef . for. the state, to!! have the witness aa- cnit . thit' he had heard the Virginia : Co, fleets but will not'acmrAnyt'J , : ii - ' 1 A suit or y overcoat bought mow means a saving of -from 25 pet cent. to 33 1-3 "per cent ' J. M. Solky & having contracts, covering production through most of next year. GAY. TjTJMINA- 'TONIGHT -' Week-end dance at Gar Tjninina tonlabt. Express Trains at 8.00 ana I big increasecverJjr; ; ' tnnifi-tit. ExDresa Trains jvW.ua . v wvnflTriTPr . Tn-faf.- when, toitt oi it ne was. atw - WeeedTSS Xaate, ure vrtised;. jot U: - H? P???; tonisht. Express.. Trains ac a to' td.s place: - ' I r iv'f hBVntlml. Reelmr Ls bClIeT-. 20 snlte-and-overcoats at the aa-i - fA1. :w J. L Doto I I'll' - . & Go

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