THE WlLIimOTOlT 1IESSENGER; TUESDAY, OCTOBER is. 10 07 Ml 55 Ci Entered at the Postoince at Wllmlng v ton, N. C, as rrecona-Clasa Matter. April 13. 1879. JACKSON flc BELL COMPANY i TERMS OF SUBSCttlPTION : THE DAILY MESSENGER by mall one year, $6.09; six month, $3.00; three months, $1.50; one month. 60 cents. THE SEMI-WEB KLT MESSEN GER (two eight page papers), bv mail, ne year. $1.00: six month, 50 cents, advance. WILMINGTON. N. C. TUESDAY", OCTOBER 15, 1M7. EFFECTS OP PROHIBITION On account of the falling off in ternal revenue receipts in Georgia and South Carolina through the enforce ment of prohibition, H. A. Rucker, the negro collector for the district of Geor gia, will lose his job after January 1st. Those two states will be united in one district with keadquarUrs in Columbia, and Major Micah. Jenkins, now col lector of the South Carolina district, as collector of the new one. Major Jen kins is a close personal friend of the president. He commanded one of the battalions in Mr. Roosevelt's regiment of Rough Riders during the Spanish war. We suppose those Georgians who opposed the prohibition enactment by the last legislature will' rejoice at this one result to follow the establish ment of prohibition" In the state. : ; It is also said that at im early day the states of Alabama and Mississippi will be formed into one district be cause of the falling off of revenue re ceipts. J t This would indicate that prohibition cuts down the sale of liquor. - In this state prohibition ' is making rapid strides. There are only thirty four counties in the state now in which liquor is legally sold in saloon or dis pensary and it has been voted out of the towns iii five of these," to take ef fect January 1st. The Charlotte Chronicle, referring to the recent elections in Wadesboro and Ashevllle, says "the prohibitionists are picking their flints for a try at Win ston, Salisbury and Wilmington. Of the three towns mentioned Wilmington is considered to be the hardest propo sition". .The Chronicle says that "left to a vote of the people Wilmington, as is the way with seaport towns, would always remain wet and there are other localities in the east that would stick to the saloon" Because of these facts The Chronicle predicts that the next legislature will make the whole .state dry without a rote of the people "and -thus settle the business", It says thi3 is as sure to come as the next legis lature meets. We are inclined to believe The Chronicle is guessing pretty accurately, especially should the towns referred to hold local' option elections in the meantime and the prohibitionists be defeated. THE LAW'S DELAY . The lawyer referred to by The Robc sonian in the following extract we take from that paper, knew what he was talking about when he made his criti cism on the manner often followed by attorneys in the examination of wit nesses. It does seem sometimes that it is the object of the examining law--yer to prevent the witness from tend ing what he knows instead of trying to get from him all his knowledge about the matter. The Robesonian says: - ; "There must be something . wrong .with' our method of Itrying cases," re marked a lawyer who had been at tending Robeson superior court the other day. ''There's a man who is! suing a railroad company for dam ages. If I take this man aside and sit down on a log with him and give him a chew of tobacco, he'll tell me in fif . teen minutes all there is to tell about how he got hi3 leg broken and how he was injured in that accident; but .-in this trial they ihave had him on the stand two whole days!' And there you are ... 'The law's delay." "Yes, sir, I Was etanding so, and so and, so and so ktippeneij and my leg was broken and was. injured ;thus and so," merely a iThatter; of ten minutes conversation ,0r so, and yet when i comes to sta't Jng Ithe case to a jury, it takes ty-6 days to tell it! It would bem that a ;W is not expected to .unfold a plain ; nn varnished tale on tihe witneai tand. riAfter many centuries cf duplicity dip- .orcats nave waked to ta realization- of .-tries fxtbt thft.thfi. rwvllrw i J . -- " j-"ivj . lu uii 1 t aDsoiuteiy airect and candid, and may u', -he yet, JJi-some'v future golden age, when a roan Is placed upon the wit ness stapd to tell how a tWng .happen ed, ne will Tje allowed to tell if eimp-' ly, directly and speedily. 2daybe so. THE LAW NO RESPECTER OP T . PERSONS , v ..There is a law in Massachusetts, passed by the legislature only a year or so ago, which prohibits the so liciting of positions with public ser vice corporations by state officials. It seems the Massachusetts , peo ple are not going tq let this law be a dead letter. The grand Jury; in Boston has .indicted several 'officials for its violation, among them being two state senators, two members of the lower house of the . legislature and several city aldermen. That is the. way, to do-it. MLetthe people, high and low, rich an4 poor,' know . tiat when they violate the criminal, law of .tWl' 8ate tey will be prosecuted. There Is fi6 7. other way tQ make the law- be respected byg all classes.. Jf the lower classes the law violated with impunity by those standing over them in the order of society they lose their re spect for the, law and for the men whose duty it is to see that the laws are enforced and the guilty punish ed, and the members of any class of society hold in contempt that law which they find they can utterly dis regard. Besides, it is but right and just thar the eame iaw should bef meted out to all classes. , A law prop erly enforced recognizes no class in society, and the official whose duty it is to enforce the law violates his oath of office if he allows class dis tinctions weigh with him in the per formance of the duties of -his of fice. THE TROUBLE AT THE BUNG We published a statement from the. Charlotte : Chronicle a few days ago that the Charlotte Trousers Com pany, with headquarters in that city would move to New York. No rea son then was assigned. On the sub ject a latter issue of The Chronicle contained the following editorial un der the heading "The Trouble at the Bung:" - The Chronicle has it on. pretty good authority that the removal of the Charlotte Trouser Company .to New Tork 13 due in a great measure- to dis crimination against '.this town tn freight rates. This company sells its product over . a large southern terri tory, (but the claim is male that it cam ship from New York to Atlanta, for instance, to better advantage Jthtan It can ship from Charlotte o Aitlanta and other southern points. This discrimi nation may not have been the Impell ing motive f orthe more of the com pany from Chaflottev but thai it wa largely a contributing factor, there Is no doubt. This Incident Is sufficient tm show the seriousness of the situation . The state's lawyers are . making a. great fuss oyer the matter of (passen ger fares, a master of no gretajt conse quence .to the public, while the far more important matter of frelghi ratea Is beings Ignored and the manu facturing and commercial Interests of the state are. being, permitted to lan guish. When will thin matter be taken up? That Is one thins the people like to know. V, If The Chronicle is correct in the reason it gives for its removal it' is surely time that something is being done to stop such discrimination against North Carolina cities in the matter of freight charges. This freight question should have been taken up by the corporation commis sion before that of passenger fares in which the people are much less interested. Will somebody tell us why Mr. Hearst is going to establish local in dependence leagues all over the country if he is not going to use them for his own benefit politically. Is -he work ing simply to prevent Mr. Bryan secur ing the nomination? He is taking a heap of trouble and spending a lot of money for that to be his only ob ject. . ' , The Durham Herald thinks the "'other, subsidized papers" had better own up and get out of it before they are caught with the goods". iNorietiT going to be "caught with the goods'' that a certain clique does not want caught. : . There is one farmer in Anson county who is not bothered by the scarcity of labor. : When; his cotton is' ready for picking he takes his family in the field' and his work is soon done. Not long ago this farm er's five children, ranging in age from nine to seventeen years, picked a bale in a single day. That is the way to do It. Mr. Bryan will make a pretty good swing around the circle in this state He spoke in' Charlotte yesterday. He win oe at Fayetteville today, at Greensboro tomorrow and in Raleigh on Thursday. He seems to like to come to North Carolina; as he should for he has a great many admirers in this state.' " On account of the presence of diph theria in several families in Wilspri the public schools there have been closed for, ten days. It is- hoped tfie disease will be wiped but by that time: ' If this thing. keeps up there will be , . - jt 110 'democrats or republicans in this state. iTheyTwill all be prohibitionists. DeWitt's kidney and bladder pills relieve backache, weak kidneys, and inflamation of the bladder. Sold by Robert. R. Bellamy. ; . . -! In most cases consumption results 1 zrom a neglected or an improperly treated cold. Foley's Honey and Tar cures the most obstinate coughs and u . , t. VUSbQ you no more than the unknown prep - arauons and you should Insist upon having the genuine in theN yellow package. Joa C. Shepherd and J. Hicks Bunting Drug Co. Mrs. Haddy What! You have breakfast at half past seven. Very early isn't It. . , y Mrs. Faddy Yes,: but- it is neces. sary now since my husband has given up busines sto play golf. Syracuse Herald. . - . - -Kennedy's Laxative Cough Syrup is a saf a $nr& and prompt remedy for coughs and colds and Is good for ev ery member of the family. Sold liy Rpb. Rv Bellamy . t - : " He And so you were never in love: , t .." ' " . She No, but I have been engag ed to heaps of men who were. Lon don Bystander. ti gitTr-nr Take something now and then to help the stomach. Kodol will do this It is a combination of natural di gestants and vegetable acids . and contains the same juices found In a healthy stomach. It is pleasant to take. It digests what yon eat. Sold l)y Robtf R. Bellay, It la uarv AvIlAnt fViof mnaf rrtfeTi do not pick wives for their looks; nor the women husbands, either Flori da Times-Union: - - - If real coffee disturb your stom ach, your heart or kidneys, then try this clever coffee imitation Dr. Snoop's health coffee. Dr. Snoop has closely matched old Java and Mocha coffee in flavor and taste, yet it has riot a single gain of real coffee In it Dr. Shoop's health coffee im itation is made from pure toasted grains of cereals, with malt, nuts, etc. Made in one minute. No tedious long wait. You will surely like it. Get a free sample at Our store. Robt R. Bellamy. Take DeWitt's Little Early Riser Pills sold by Robert R. Bellamy. William and Joseph Jefferson, sons of the great Joseph Jefferson captured a cultured Salisbury au dience last night in their presents tion of "The Rivals," the play which their father made famous and which he added to the laurels won in Rip Tan Winkle. They Inherit his histrionic abil ity and their work is flawless. Sal isbury Post. PONT WAIT. Take Advantage cf sen's Erpcrienct? Wilmington Citi Bcfor It's Too Late. When the hack begins to ache. Dorit wait until back&che becomes chronic. - - Till serious kidney trouble develop; Till urinary troubles destroy night's rest. ;y Profit by a Wilmington citizen's ex perience. H. W. Bsagg, merchant and fnmV tnre manufacturer of Second and Market streets, residing at 114 North Sixth street, Wilmington, N. C, says: "I used Doan's Kidney "Pills and they proved to be a grand medicine, and I can only say that Doan's Liniment is the frest remedy of the kind on the face of the earth. I suffered with my back for a long time. When I sat at my desk for a while and attemptel to get np I would have to catch bold of a chair for support and straighten my self p gradually. The kidney secre tions were dark colored and full of sediment. 1 read about Doan's Kid ney Pills in our papers and went to R. R. Bellamy's drug store and got a box. Since using them my back is strong and I eon move about and stand up straight aa ever and the kidney se cretions have all cleared up. Yon may use my name as an endorser of the claims made for Doaa's Kidney Pills and also Doan's Ointment which I used with good results." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. -' Remember the name .Doan's and take no other. There is not a better shoe sold en earth for the price than our' Boy's $1.50 shoe. Mercer & Evans Co Genuine Little Liver Pills, Must Dear Signature of f 5ee Fac-Siniilc Wrapper Below. Yey"wnalland aaeasy to take as ragar TO! HEADACHE. FOB DIZZIKESS ran biuouskess. ' FOR TORPID LIYER. FOR CGHSTIPATIO.". FOB SALLOW SKIM. FonniEconpLEJCion 25 cents I f nrely Vegete.s&&zZ&eC CURE SICK HEADACHE. siiiii Garter s CARTER'S OlTTLE-' MlVER. PILLS. j -n - - rCIpJjJMtondayt Oot 13, 19t7.) Daily except Sunday. Leave Leave Leave Beach Westbound Wilmington Eaitbound 7.00 am 7.30 a m 8i30 a m 10.00 a m 11.30 am. 'L00 p m 2.30 p m 3.00 p m . 4.00 p m i 5.30 p m ' 6.15 p m 7.00 p m 8.00 p m 9.30 p m 1L00 p m WrightsvfUe Westbound 6.25 a m 7.55 a m 8.25 am 9.25 a m 10.55 am 12.25 p m 1.55 p m 3.25 p m 4.25 p not . 5.25 p m -0-25 p m 7.25 p hi 7.56 p not - 8.55 p m 10.25 p zu 11.25 p lift 7.45 am S.1S at m 9.13 a m 11.45 a m 13.19 j xa IAS 9 m 3.15 p m 4.15 p m 9L15 p 'm ; 9.15 s m 7vl5 p m 7.43 p m 1.41 p at If. 15 P not Freight ScheCadV. Leave Wilmington p. -nt. (stalls except Sunday. Freight received at !nt SHU Cfr ange from 3.00 to. 4. Of b nv. CAROLINA PLACE SCHESULn. Cars will be operated between Frost and Princess and Seventeenth) nd Market every 20 mlnntes, Inarlns Front and Princess at .6 a. m. un til 9.50 p. m. . Leaving Seventeenth and Market every 20 minutes from 7 a. no. until 10 p.m., all Suburban Cars wffl make regular stops at Delgade., Sunday Schednl. Leave Leave Leave Bectch Westbound Z.4S a m 19.15 a m 16.45 a m 13.15 p m 1.45. p m 3.15 p m . 4.15 p m 5.15 p m 6.15 p m 7.15 9 m 7.45 n m 8.45 p m If.lS p za Wilmington Wrightsville Westbound Eastbound 8.00 a m 9.00 am 8.55 a sa 9.25 a m 10.25 a m 10.55 a m 12.25 p m 1.55 p m 3.25 p m 4.25 p m 5.25 p m 6.25 p m 7.25 p m 7.55 p m 8.55 p m 10.25 p m 9.30 a m 10.00 a m 11.30 a m 1.00 p m 2.30 p m : 3.00 p m 4.00 p m 5.30 p m 6.15 p m 7.00 p m 8.00 p m 9.30 . p m 11.00 p m 11.25 p m . -' Carolina Place Schedule Smndnys Leave Froni: and Princess streets every 20 minutes from 8.30 a. m. to 9.50 p. m. Leave Seventeenth and Market streets every 20 minutes from 8.40 a. m. to 10 p. m. ATLANTIC COAST LINE KOTZCS. These arrivals and departures are ?ir en as information, aa . well as connec tions with other companies; but arrival and connection?, are not guarantee! BdMtdwl in Effect Angast 7th, 1SQ7. SSTOSTSBOXTflU.' ' !Co.-48 I No. 42 Lv Wilmington Ar Goldsboro Ar "Wilson . Ar Rocky Mount Ar Norfolk Ar Weldon Ax Petersburg Ar Richmond. - Ar Washington Ar BaltlmoFe Ar Philadelphia w Ar New Tork 9 40 ami 7 00 pin 12 50 pm 9 55 nut 1 -58 Dm 1 52 pm 3 56 pm 8 25 pm 1115 pro 7 30 am 3 42 am : 5 42 am 4 55 pm 7 05 pm 8 00 pmi 6 25 am 10 05 am 1153 pm 1 43 am 11 20 am 1 41 pn 4 13 pm 4 21 am 7 23 am SOnTXEB01TBl. - f No. -41 No. 49 9 25 pra 12 15 pm 2 46 ana 4 20 pm 8 30 am 8 15 am 9 03 am L.v New York , : f 9 2-6 am Ar Philadeljihia Jil 55 am' Ar Baltimore 2 12 pmj at Washington i 3 45 pm i-iV ixorioiK , i tj io Dm Lv Richmond . ) 7 26 pm at weiaon . , 1 s7 pm 1 28 pm Ar Rocky Mount 111 03 pm Ar Wilson 111 46 pmi Ar Goldsboro . .1 15- am! 12 55 pm 2 15 pm 312 pm 6 10 pro Ar Wilmington i 9 85 am SETWSSV ajxj rm sours i Southbound. DaUy i Dally Dally 7 00 pm 4 30 am , am 7 30 am 9 54 am 2 20 pin Lv Wil'gt'n Ar Florence Ar CoTmba Ar Chaston Ar Sav'nah Ar Jack' vie Ar Tampa . a is am 3 35 pm 9 05 am 7 30 pm 12 25 , pm 1 10 pm II 10 pm 11 37 pm 2 55 am 6 45 pm z pm 9 00 am pra 7 (S pm 11 00 pm Northbound. Dally J Dally r - Tampa . 9 00 pm 10 30 am lyv Jacksonville Ar Savannah Lv Charleston . Lv. Columbia 9 30 am 7 35 pm 1159 am 5 20 pm 6 00 am 8 55 am 1 20 pm 1 41 pm J a b7 Dm 4 30 pm; 7. 55 pm Ar Florence, . . Ar Wilmington .J 1 10 am between wiiansroToir . v v v 'SA3lFOBl.-; s Asro West B Daily 8 40 iam Bast B Daily Lv Wilmington ' Ar Kayettm-ille Ar 3 15 pm Ar 4 5a pm 11 45 am n.v oaiueri , J X 4U pmilV 3 30 pin AjrjSanfovrf f, I 40 pm(Ly 3 40 pm Azrz 'EWSEIUST. Daily exi Daily ex I Sunday I , Sunday . (North B. South B. 3.20 pmfAr 1.00 pm 7.00 pmjliv 9.35 pm -V W1I . 4r Newbn I - -1 Trains Nob. 42 and 41 carry Pullman Sleeping Cars between ; Wilmington and Washington, connectinjr , ;with Pennsyl vania B. R. for all points east. Also oerween Wilmington and Norfolk. .Tralca Nos. 4S and 49 carry Pullman nrior warn . oei wee a , Wilmington . and XHiorxouc - - - ; - -c- -; " ' -J T. C. WHITE, General Passenger Agent. .Tf. J. CRAIG, Passenger, Traffic Uanager. Raleigh and Return- : ACCOUNT North Carolina State FAIR VIA Atlantic Coast Line Tickets on sale October 11th to 18th; final limit October 21st. For fur ther information phone 160. TV. J. CRAIG, Passenger Traffic ' ager. T. C. WHITE, General senger Agent, Wilminffton. TO " ." Wc have comfortable shoes for elderlyjpeople. Easy on the feet. 4; We have them in lace, button or congress, high and low quarters No seams to hurt. -Easy-shaped last. Just what you are looking for. .Try a: pair. ' J ":';.:; v Geo. R. French h Sorts 108 N. Front St. ISANITOLl $2.70 FOR WE HAVE BEEN APPOINTED -SPECIAL AGENTS EOR THE SANITOIj PREPARATIONS AND ABOVE PROPOSI TION SO BRING YOUR DOLLAR TO US AND YOUR $2.70 WORTH OF E NITOL PREPARATIONS . WILL BE DELIVERED TO YOU WITHOUT ANY v TROUBLE X ON YOUR PART. DON'T WAIT UNTIL THS PROPOSITION IS WITHDRAWN BU COME NOW J.1IS BH DIGinf Wholesale and Ro tail Drug-gists. 4 FRONT AND GR1CE STREETS. WILMINGTON, N. C. SPECIAL AGENTS FOR SANITOL PREPARATIONS. mill n We wish to announce that we haye tnished moving to'our new niani No. 18 South Fnt street where we will be In a better position tm serve our patrons. . ' Have just received A CAR LOAD OF WILSON WOOD AND COAL STOVES ... We Also Carry a Full Line of QUIL. MIEATIEIfeS SL AM Phone 332 M (FT? SN, Him' SMils Wm 'mm We Iiave not friroot f cn our old iTiendG to supply tttclr foot comfort. $1.00 be iviLsour lllEKE 18 South Frout Street We Have Just i ..... Received Car Load Buck Stoves .r and es and we especially call your, attention to our: line of Hot Blast Coal Heaters. They are fuel savers to the extent of cutting your coal bill in half. If you will call in we will take great pleasure in explaining the , merits of these goods. Don't fall to look at a BUCKS HOT BLAST Self -Heating stove before you. purchase: Rang 1

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