REFUSED CREDIT AVKEKFjY -RETXEVj'IpF TRADE uutiuM uytns xjnproves ltetalr ' Trade Financial Conditions Be--omin? Normal -FfUlures for the mi ; of Jeofort S. C f-ataliy . Wounds Broker 1.- T- pFftMMHS?aiilt:s New York, Dec. 20.4-Bradstreets "fo- .Diorrow will say: :: ' Holiday buying has: iad the tenter ol the stage, and retail business has felt very, perceptibly the influence ot ;the spirit of the season-. While much I more marked than .; some time ago, however, the volume of retail buying as a whole is well belQyr a year at this date. jThe tendency in industrial lines still toward curtaiinientffnitances this heinsr fnnnrt fn thA-AlrnWbw-rf'rT:,'. , bteei oituninous coal j coke, lumber and cotton goods lines, in which llat- , ..V Only-Six Victims of riinQ&pIosiori Recovered .Yesterday,. THE PfflGtB BftlE CASE VALUE OF FARM CROPS VHmington Selected as Place for Hext Hearing .. i-rr r.v .-,-.r- T:' " "vi. "r June jiuicrs arts .. ut lug uiu her of Lives Estimated tJBetaf een 180 and 190. Jts'-Si ji I Double ' frkgedyj.lCauseslrGreat Sensation in Financial District James II. Olii.hant Victim-vf Gelger's ..listol Geiger -Believed, to Have .. Ucen Mentally Unbalanced Had RecentlrJjost $75,000 in Stock Deal--f tug Refnsal- of .Rroker u Ettend -.jcn: Te,1It J? Allowed by . Shooting ..... ' . . . . , . ' ; -Nfew York; December 20. James II OlipaanV senior member of- the - stbc k ;cexchanKO;, firm ; of , James H . - Oliphant Co.,. dying tonight; from a bullet wound inflicted at his office .ihis aftdr ,,noon by Charles A: Geigera customer irozn. lieaurort, Cwwho-af ter firing a . A'-b men .were closeted. In Olicfhant'a private:. office. at; the tlme,r .and all- that Jacobus Creek. Pa., December 20. r&m tlieStJarr minayof .; the ,Pittsbuis COiu--voinpany,' wnere' a uerrtne--expiQ;- yeste'rday imprlsorTed, 'ahdaV most beyond doubt killed every one ot the 200 or more men who1 had esttoi ter a canvass is noweing made-by letHinHieJorJ? thedayrtniyr slJt New England manufacturers as to rthe future production. Conditions in financial circles are still slowly , but quitesurely approach ing normal. From the country at large there is reported a continued easing 4 of the situation as .regards cash pay ments, j H' " ' " : Tte firmness in call and scarcity of Iess Cliamers Gruiiiea TjL Year Than - Iiast-Cotton i Mill - i?lmts lXwn. Work of iState Tax Commissioner. 1 88.2 cents. Trains JJcnveen wilniuigton and Charlotte Jot lo be Taken Off Report Issued by - Che 'department ' ot Washington, C.,'; Oecember ..: 20.- I The . department of . agriculture today issued ac report giving . final estimates of acreage, production,' and value s of farm crops, showing 'winter 5 wheat acreage; , to be 28,132,000, "production. 409442.000,,-bushels; rvalue per, bushel. bodies had been brought to the surface up to 10 o'clock tonight Others V&ave beeh " located- ahd lie in; the entry awaltinga, propitious'ttme for Hheiif removal to the temporary morgue, Most of the mer howeveriare still hemmed in by heavy falls of slate and other roof formation, a mile and a half . and morebeyond, the point' to time money at New York; with the j jyhich rescurers have penetrated ux) maintainance of thefealrreiie I iiy more poaig5TJctJ6 , xuuuu wr um at or around 1 per dent., is taken to indicate the conserving of some money supplies pending the heavy firs t of the year disbursements. Interior cities make more inquiry for commercial paper and quite consider able loans are made on itlme. ' Com- Messenger Bureau fEalefgh, Ni' C.,,Iecember 20, 1907 Standing Master Montgomery', hav ing been asked:" by the Atlantic Coast Line to set aday. to hear evidence in the passenger." rate case,'names the 7th bffJanuary asthe ''time and Wilmins tbh as the place for the hearing. The Carolina and Northwestern made the same request Jiuad he fixes the 15th of January as -the date so far as it is concerned, .t$( hearing to be held at lite 1 headquarters of the company, Cheraw S. CM '. A commission is issued to Thomas J ; Thomas as lieutenant of the sixth d,K vision of fNaval Militia, which is at wheat Atereage," 17,079,000 Spring produtiQrJOOj: value7S6 cents. CdfnArcaell991i,000 2,592320,000; - value, , 51.7 cents , I ; 'Oats -Acreage, 31,837,000 ; producf tion; 754,443,000; valueJ44.3 cents." ' '' The average weight" per 11 bu3fael -'is shown by. reports received ; by; the l--partment to be 56.9; pounds f or. spxjixg wheat; 58.9 pounds for "winter, wheat and' 29:4 'paimds for oats.!! u'iV:: UiW: - : -; , m,m -'?' ; :iuu '.'i, . .'fvT-a7mm mmm. ": ..frr t -.Tit Held by : Vililaias - and - Ds- flfrlniLi -vr BOTH CLAIM TO eyiGIIT night. - . Rescue work has been halted. A vast amount of bratticing , must be done before it can proceed. , '. The res cuing parties, 7,500 feet from the main entrance, have 'found conditions such U. to avert -an-- additional lisastCA V -Jhere ls reason- t6y bieUeveoWever,' J withdrawals - : nat ; ueiger Had "become ;5i is. knom oCwhat-immediaieiv Dretd- yet, reflect,, said that; His refusal' ib extVhd further current holidayi-purchasing. n Several nresumablv, due hbli- nentall ir-I j : -ju. ..; . respoDsible-.:note-l.ooto.:foundiupdniuTwumw ' " uu. ,ms person::contained -computations by J:A'very lavoraoie .ie.u.ure m ine pres which the writer apparently had fisr- Unf jtwHo1 rsfaettreftsiotv fa fb'Jten V : r; th" he vvoukl be-worth ? $3,000,- d.nRVf toward ' naremnte of -innr- Pic- vwu Dy January i,.iuos. He actually I : 'possessed, so. far as his "personal ef- Port trade.-iThi6 iiS mos notables iiu and had .been, askedcir A-settleinenit. I . ' I Conraj. ,Sr.hnth; 48 vears old ' crazed Beiauf5rtHe;i succeeded Lieutenant Chaihberlaln;' who has moved to Wash ington, N. C TO JlESITHfK OPERATIONS Woricjon : Virginia;! rRailuay t:;WI11 .vbej - x'usnca to uqmpieuon, Itoi6keya.:'Deeember 1 20.-Wdrk on , a. .numoer . oi oriages anu; yiaqucts to bet hsed . for the V irginiia raU way east of -Roanoke,' whichrwas stopped?;Some tim6 t ago, will be completed' without delayT yryirginia 'Bridge andlrpn poisonous : gases must be i forced 16 sections beyond and additional air and ventilation ; inust '. be , provided- rf pv that. section., .V ; i, i. ; As toi1the;.numbr,ptiylctinis, esti mates vary, j from .175;-tor 250.. . Coroner A. -, C. Wynne of -.Westmoreland coun ty, saad tonight, that, after. a, jparefut investigation , he was satisfied the nUtn- ,eir HWed v1 oliPhante. $.17(n entirely on the east coast of the coun- CAnedthelr.flceiaGday: bjr tne; deatn in: theniine-of his son ie P41? . . ciucrxasL. isvery, jarge. - n Tl-i-.--ll - rAlj, ;? ndd f his own ma oDiipatmnmsiceoati. thernrmr ad- Riisinpss failures fnr the week end vrtpc;- him. suificientvcreditito iieatry 1 v; -v- "oAol . fi0.shares!ojf?. a certairi gtockluntU mS"December 19rTiambeT 29-against a- rise in j th(r priced shoumleld him 1 24 last week, 227 m tneUKe ;weei? a pronto ill is. proposition was: refused 1 0i iQnr, h 1901 ?49 in 1904 and 243 in 19J)3.: . ' tt ' ' - Canadian -failureshforlthe weeknum- ber "40 as agaist 50 last:.week : and 2G in this week- a year . ago. ; andJ, other relatives, .ended his t own .life today.. by drowning in-, the river near--the .mine; rHe. ,was. a - wiaower and, leaves fouj smau chlldreji,; ,lIrs. Carrie Delanonwas restrained from committing suicide -,toda?fwith: great , difficultyr r .Sh lpsther. jhushand; and two jns.rihathg, , disaster . ..and, at the inquest of the bodifis"Iwas 'crossing the river "in the' "skyTiirryV;, bas ket car suspended from a "cable, . .when she tried to leap into the stream., jrhe iey heard SlwV'v"'XmiMi.l.Vivilc Engnged efforts of three men , were .required to' ;r Gelger'a: ft in Rujd on BicK'kade IistUIerics , T restrain her.3 " '.-- ' ,l ; ,s hiknseif ini .? ' .'.';;".". '" "": ' I n.:J.-iT.i;- Ai-vriV u LVt4. Charlotte. N. C.,a Dec-. 20. While J w ' i lut i engaged in- a raid "on blockade liquor v i-' -T- p T ' - ,7.:"-" -r r Oliphant had slipped I . . .. , ... . , . graphed from Indianapolis, authoriz- from his chair and lay half concealed uist iieries - at ; .mimiown, orsym M&xlt hfficials torawndttthe national treasury' for $1,000 for fami lies "of victims. I'V '''..--"""..'J'..': " -f ami lue -snooimg icmuwea. jv t V Thef-offices of James K. Oliphant & ' Co are at 20 Broial .street, in the Ffu-j tr.e the :fljam;lal:district:- rand the snooting caused a sensation, in -ne- street and -temporarily.; interrupted' the business of , the .curb traders the scene of r whose activities f are ; over look edr from the big office building, - a. . Clerks-whi "pushed :thelrvay intd Oliphant s . office when th shots- lirea; stumbled' . over daai body. lie had shot the mouth and again-in the right tern-: pic. .A revolver was clutched - iri the: right vhand. rliKVKNUE OFFICElt KILLED under his desk. A bullet . had entered f county; this morning with fifteen oth- the - stomach. i Ttoe- broker.;. wa3 still er2 j W.: Hendricks, a United States conscious.-: At. the, hospital where the, J- - . . - i-, . . , oi-eratlon of laparotomy was perform- 1 trycw .wa-auyi,.-AUU. ed. it was found that the bullet had: from ambush i " The bullet. from a Win- grazed the. klndeys, ana lodged in me Chester- rifle, passed entirely through ba&. oniftSn. state- the victim's heart. : The raiding party : ment was supplemented by a talk j of sixteen officers left Winston yester from the broker's uartner. who in-iday and divided into squads .'of four eluded Oliphant's son worns oupnanu ,1 , "' ?q vat- nf fljre. 6 feet tall. I Hendricks was pushing into the . sifindtir. and wore a' heavy dark mus- j woods ahead of his ; companions and . tache, belonged to :thecla.3s of ; sPecu- Uhe other offleers saw 'the assailant a3 iqtors Known if. ixie succt uu i . , . t. ... , , customers" Those who always have he made his escape, but have not.suc something on the board, buying orfceeded in capturing r;him selling in 'ten -or twenty share lots, i The raid .today was the third that . . . ... V V litiA fMi. Wlnnho. Paners found in. a room i pctt ic xuuuluo. TO GIRDLE THE GLOBE Admiral !.v:imc' I:iLph ;IkiiaU! His Sealed Orders, v.; r 1 " In the first raid New ; York, : December 20. By; wire less message there - comes the an nouncement ' of - ran " "order that - sends the greatest; 'fleet 'of r battleships- ever assembled for a cruising expedition on the longest voyage that men-of-war, have ever taken. ' - i The message' came from : Admiral Evans; - giving publicity to President Roosevelt's sealed orders' that the bat- tWAW-a' ofo f of i company-ofrthis rPiiywhich.has;ithe shows.that, there are about 50 less-"IfS ' charters 'this year for. corporations, iodaannpunce that orders liad been than were issued last year. received ,Jek,;!tThe ad The sheriff of this county .says thai PJ f 4hefarmereliKeynmtih viM" derstand the cotton . sltuaUon, that i neldorfolkl why-c(ittonddes riot sen .higher' vas caused, by. tlie, stringency prices J when ,jeverybody Tchows there' is sa ;shorti ar-crop. -rfif .:iHii. ; '?yh vaieigh .pptton, ; Mills in the money market! ITALY) FEDES;CLAIM: shut down for. a -w,eek. They, .have I Wants -pay' 'ftf llliiacoDestr'ftyAAby iiJ'LLV""-L-f .'-.. rJ'lfV- .--. 1 j'vi,- - : . . .fWf olid- 19ofrlM been running oh' full time' thus far.' (As the 'State Tax ' Cbmmissiori :; the members of the-CbrporatloniCommis-sion caji feel , a great, deal l(of: satisfac tion at the work of . . the ;year. j :Th3 assessment of "ail ' the public service corporations 'was ''made; 1 this bringing up the valuation from seventy1 millions. TJ 1 'Washington, D: C., December.' 20.- A jelaim .for preparation wlU .bo.fniade because, of , the damage suffered by th Italian interests in ine aestrucuon oi one vdf theiJ tobacco fabtdrles ih Hbp- kthSVi lie; Kyv-1; which; ! was . burned some ttlmt!agQ-by, night, riders, -. The tQi ninety-three millions, this being --the loss, amounted to about $15.000. It is "Ifest increase since. the,cqih- eipected that application for reimburse pneganits ,work,as four ; yearsmeiryiirbe made with a:view to its ago the : assessment' showed an ' Increase: ijjayment byth'e state, as the national OI Zl millions. ' - ' 1 ' - - '- . I frnvM nniont, hna .. Ynntrnl and is I . ;:filf;.i- : ib;iuJ;irf I II And Neither Will erturesrfor Peace,. Ov- JiiiiWiJ ," .T1. vr-, Vt vu Humors of Likelihood of Cluillenge to ,,,'ja Duel Said to be Purely JbauclfuL Friends of Boihi Combatants Trylns .. tbriBrinstiiAboutttB-fJloconclllation. Thought That tlic Two istlnguisli ' ' ed Democrats Will Filially Bury tlio Wbingtonr D C. December .Yesterday's ' 'physical encounter:; be .tween Mr. JohnaharpVtWiUiams , ,of Mississippi; and v, vfPte'Armohc f pi ssourlj pn ther,fioor of the house 'of representotivet,, iiad 'no ' af tef'math"to aiay"sd'ifar : as vth'irinblpals'- them selves1 we're Concerned, but friends, of, each traveled back ;and forth between' thecainps -iQ&ftUii.pynfc.if&sjr,, nd the.;leader of the minority, opposition .waving boughs of peace It is under stood, "however that they acted out of their own friendllhess and of, their own? volition not i by t authorization , of the combataht&fj;;; . iiul ,;'Aw . Rumorhs df. the liklihood of challenge tp a duel, floated about " the. corridors of the capltoi today! but investigatloa proved ' theni-purely fanciful. - Mr. De- Aromnd's attitude is stated tQ be rthls : tin 3na& no mind:i,elther . to perpetiate the quarrel. nor to make the first move concerns; XT. :.&s;-C3 :; f-H BAPTJSXSTATE CqNrENTlON Wilson SelectcdasPlaee for Next . (Special to The Messenger." ?ei5ec?ie .to : the teeth, - de- Ue . fleet, arter - seaching the Pacific. lanu. xiv"-- AAA -iscenaea on tne. settlement ana aiier K!? in0steelScommon and that he. still a fierce battle with-Winchesters cap. owed the Ollphants $5,000. : . it was j tured several moonshiners and broke also ,lirtIy,jS2 op many still. : SlhlSr hM lost all T he T possessed . A short time ago a second raider a v, wVnn Vip went to the broker's f laree narty-was made with somewhat offlc today itwas -in Ve. nope oi se- simjlar reSults. r Smithtpwn is the most will show to all the civilized nations carihg Sn? : notorious settlement of blockade dis- of the wqrl3includmg J Japan, China, : He opened an account wlfli the OH-j tillenes in the state.--- IVonce, Italy, Spain, Germany, and phant on September 5tn. .lauo, ana Hendricks was one of most popular . GreatiBrltiM the vast navaL strength .ntfi- n tfPI COmillUU UliU ww uuciawu tpmbM- 7. 1907, when shall 'continue the cruise" still "west ward, pass through Suez canal and make - a complete circum-navigatioh of 'the ' globe. f; ; ' - ''S''KX -. i: v ... In the , fulfillment of - this orderthe. fleet will cover more than 31,000 miles, It., appears very fine showing, jthe. number, nowj according td te iest anfbrhion' bb being. almost three hundred, with j a tkinahil that "the raldwaffinot. because5 very !hahdsome galnriii4 number hd in I of antipathyi to the: Italiahsi orrf ItaK resources tnisiryearifJi-The - exact i fig- ian labor but . was a. development of urescannotgive-as tne-resources the issue between the American To- .vv.j u...wv. I Dacco vompnay anu. tne luuepeiiueut are. made by tnei banks.: ..The: division j passenger agent of ,he Seaboard Air Line railway here, C. H. Gattis;' says ' the 'report Ihat after January 5th? ; certain trains ! ;Uetwen Wimington and. Charlotte ; will be dis continued ? is ( untrue, - There will be a slight , change in schedule as to the train alluded to and there will be lm- j decided by the Baptist State Board of portaht " schedule ' changes, as to . some. I Missions and Sunday Schools of which John:iE. Ray is. re-eected, president I and Rev. Hight C. Moore . secretary. uiat me next .Baptist state convention shall be held-at'Wilsonl- Fbrty" thbus and dollars is appropriated to th4 var- i9us missions. Rev. , W. t It., Cullani , of Waake; Forest, will conduct a corres- ' - -a i -f j J 1 ;. ' ! s - -i J- ., uuuuence course ior ministers, rs. i. Tart, secretary of war, returned today f BrduKhtdn; J.-Wr Ballevi1 care v Ji'Hun from his trip around the world.bring- ter, R: H. Simmons, Charles LY Smith mg ; renewed, assurance ; ofn -Japan aJhd Dr. WT. a Tvree are? elected the irienanness towara tne united btates, I state Sunday school board. . other , trains. SEOrtETARY TAIT? AT HOME Brings Assurances of Japan's Friend liness Toward the United States. Declined- toDisewssPoliticsr - 'i.. ; New York, December 20 William H: Jl respect to : the ' political: situation: in this - country. ; He said . .that he had been keeping out of intimate touch, with political affairs1' atJ'homeut6t'dis- cus'thlm"ln"1a'dway...- One of Mr.- 's; rhtefvlewers had the tempeority ! : FOR HARBOR AT SOUTHPORTi Two Pleasnre ' Yacli'ts From "the "North w ilPntdn .; : There Bound to . Florida - WflfCPS . - ooerated" in steel commot . ".: . ' .3 - v. vo TrMit : deorecla- against him of fatedly asKeq. rfZ,- ... -NTv tojRi; hlei Sor-Beau-: 1 officers' in ' the service and was a native, which this country can muster, and bf Elkin, N. C fort, S. cuw--"--- ---- - -iltAfl tion in the prices oi 'r" In a debit balance STATE'S SWA31P ItANDS ive State--Ald.- while stopping at tH'FIjamont Hmei Atlanta, Ga. ne;wm (Special to The Messenger, SrBkr here, for $250. to f -Raleigh; ;'N &r Imoer '-ThQ be charged-to his account. 'Af state board of education places all its : The 01IphanUlreplied.1that .gVJ swamp lands under the ; direction of Questtc9u!d.dt:jrrant , Jstate Geologist Pratt -Under him will tneniM""w- , . T-ooVirl New I hA fnnr pvnorts at Ipst nnp to mahft surve'yaend.t Torn e?l?2Sit&sia!sa: wmiap. 'This mormnrne raea J" of the timber, make . sueerestions re- Oliphant ieSg This afternoon he garding the general forestry work and V7 'i!SLowi'J his petitions and.ithe judicious' sale : df 'timber, another ibotf"asaItTbeinsf- refused holddk- after' the "Character of the drewjftj-revoive- the Ofiphant while s'w-- ; fourth, .will . rfve snecial attention to5 'Ifcshote Iue important - questionjpf . drainage lows, mum v r -;" lT, of his tively litt niiid waslderangeav tQe reclamation of . this vast area alSoweS?: ! of land whiclr lie-in about tenoun, lttle 13 Knojvn uv o . ... ' va-oo OliphTnUis prominent in and socially. T-aTr-avette Fire He is a director in .the , " The negro orphanage at Oxford VeeturnT Insurance" t company, celves state aid. Rev. R. Shepard, its become ef- . .a o lAwrence . River Real " Kstate superintendent, resigns to association, atrustee.iirtthe Cuaranty and Trust company, ,a mem-? man Henry G. Cheatham takes charge her of the stock exchanger the chamber - Mr.; Beckwlth'ot tbe state Aboard ofr of commerce" the New York Athletic internal improvements Is investi nd other clubs. He is 54 .years of .gaUng its affairs. , - ? -nd wealthy. The, stock exchange- ' - - JSiS T made up of - Mr Olipbant. : nis Fireworks at Rehder's Fourth street 1 j Norris. Alfred Norris and bridge, Candycapps, and Market street ..Oliphant died at z:isu o cioca. r vuu. - (Sathrday) - morning.. ... . ; - . .. Fire works at PJummer's, the cheap place to-huy. - , .. .... . - will return to its native shores many months r- hence, " assured ; that it .has. j. done its part . iff the Tostering of peace on earth, if not good will toward men.: Oh Board" United "-States Steamship. Connecticut, noon, v!aNew. York, N. Y. , December" 20. At noon the battle. shipfleetis 2S& Vest; theislahd' dfSt homas5 Fine weatherlfght x Wljtids. 4The r Missouri left-'thefiedt'ttit aftferhodn ,to land Fireman B- Northway, who is ill with) .peritondrj. ' wjh' ,': -'. -'4 Charleston1') S. " C. T)ecember 20.; The wireless station here was" in fcom-f inunication ' with "Admiral :iB vans'-fleet ) thIsratterpon' and,; the -messagesiSveri?-received from over. 1,300 "miles of wa- ter.?- :'-r,:-'- 'i - - ' .Tn. reference to .the report which was - termed "ward room gossip' by, Washington to the effect that the ad- , .A,Two4jPleasUre ; yachts, both bound "Well Mr. r; Secretary teU is I rwn northern ports. to Florida waters, who is your choice for president?' .; on account of recent stress of weath- Amid general laughter, in which he j er at: sear have put intd Bouthport f or heartiry Jbdnedthesecretary'repHed: j lia their. I guess I will'4 have tot leave that' to j destination within . i . day ; or . two., one or tne yacnts, tne wnim, comes inference' miral indicated-thai-the fleetwould Suez canal," the follow ing : message was . caught: ; . f "On board-U. S. S. Connecticut, , De cember 20. Afternoon: Evans 'has made no statement for "publication. Must Inquire at White House for con firmation - or denlaL" . A still . later ; message told , of stiff trade winds and predicted arrival at Trinidad late -Monday. .; Air. Taff left: for -Washington on' an f from' New .York5 In commaiid-bt Cap- early afternoon train, saying that. ac-1 tain Gates the craftjis'beingtaken jtd cumulated matters '.in the var depart-1 Florida -,where; a party: will .board -her uieut-wouia, Keep nis; tnjQui- and .a wui- oe , made, irhet vy mm dial, grind stonf or som owned by Mrs, M." O. Perry of New and:, thatrthe. preparation of hisa spe- j York1. cial - report - on the IIippines - whTeh VilFfce2 ihbodk? fTfie 'yacht "Madeline1 owhedTjy Bbk ouldlsore I. tolFf partieg,i;fs;houndf rom thatrnOrt quire much oi his time in the near iuture. g - f'f '. p-??f . -j Looking JxceedinglytwMl; the Sec retary said he had taken daily five mile walks ont: the deckSMpf the Grant during tha hlrteeridays - trip . from Hamburg. "'":. - - : : : ' 'II--.. "It 5 is the- height . of, ) foolishness Ito talk of- pdssibleLwar? with Japan," 'de sclared the secretary. "Japan does riot desire -war with? us and we certainly, do not uesire -Lwarl-'-'sritlr).''' Japan. i;It there was any war spirit anywhere ,'In Japan J. failed to. find the slightest note' of - lt -Everywhere there was talk of v continued peace.. Iff .,rWhat about the-: Pacific fleetr )r . 'The sailing must, have been a mag nificent sight, "vWe have 'fine ships and a fine personnel, and so long as the Pacific ocean belongs ito, 'to r southern -.waters . also, being in command: of Captain Barr. : f ) FIRE LASTiNICIIT-: :i An j Block! and .Platform .at Standard ,Tur '"" peni Inc Coiiipanyg Plant' Burned. ) . A. )ile; of -wqod blocks .and, part of Tlie plaitfofm connected wiCh tbe 'pla'nt df the Standard f Turphti nmpny were destroyed , by: fire last- night' the tfftaledamage liioi. exceding i $ 50i ; t ;f ! fThe alarm which called out The de partment was sotin de'd about "11.30 and the brightJreflection seen in 'the south ern part of the! city gaVe appearance of. a, bigj. fire. .Thej -rumorx tha : the plant rof tbe. Standard Tlirpentine.CV was ablaze caused ) a large number to go to the scene- of the 'fire.- Tho hard toward a recdhoiliation. "He feelsTthat Mr. "Williams7' was "the aggressor In having I intimated that - he was "a falsi fier;: and) in i) having ; struck the "first blow .and. therefore,, that peace . over tures, if "any are to be, should' origin ate on' Mr: Williams side ;of the line. " Mr. . Williams is understood to be lieve , himself.: in: the rlghtU-; t It is con tended iij hjls behalf : that i he . suff ered Mr, .DeArmond to . question , his truth f uin'ess and sought to turn his wrath aside y Then ' suggested' a: 'less public place to pursue - the ' discussion,', and when this .was ignored , held himself In1 check; until Mr. DeArmond. hada, sec ond time) cast at him theJ lie. " For the sake of many things he doe's not desire to continue the unpleasantness,' neither does he feeliTbat :an; amend' Is duo- froni) him : until; : first plank, to bridge" the breach has been laid , down by, the gentleman from Missouri,' ' itwltlistadn)'th(9'' exact opposite ness'i of these two views, it is pre dicted by, common friemds that the two distingtished gentlemen win yet clasp hands and xcdvenant to forgltve if not to' fdrget" '"v - ' ;; mtszi In Mr. Williams . behalf it! is ex plained today that his, -real reason for resigning Jrom ) the ways and means committee was to make a place for his colleague, Mr. Bowers, ' of the commit tee on appropriations, .that is view: of the fact That,: Mississippi's, delegation numbers only eight representatives he felt that to have two "Mississipplaha on the two chief committees of the" house would be bestowing too much preference oh .his own state. i( Jm Though; the house,, was, t not in. ses sion today Mr DeArmond vdsited the floor and sat for awhile at his desk at . work.- He discouraged ; any invitation7 to; discdss his encounter with iMr.j Wil liams. The latter spent most of ,; the day at his home , i J COTTON CROP GINNED o Government Estimate Places Amount :..i:.-:n ' Washington, DV C., 'December 20.i- The' census ' bureau3 today issufed' a bnl- . letio- showing,. that-Tbe,tota amount .of .cotton, of ; this year's growth In .tho Ignited States ginned, upt J to December 'f IS last was' 9,281,077. bales, as cdmpaiv 'e-dTwllli;;ii;iiiWibaW perlbd last year and 9,297,81 bales fbr theisamerperlod.ln.1005. t; , The) Total, number' of ac(tivet ginner ies was 27,152. In this bulletin round bales are counted as half bales. ' ' ) The number of round' bales Included.' forA J1906 ; and-ii; 252,137? ;tor 190S t4 . 107,485., for i?19Q7 and : 243,090 Sea Island Included .65,145 for 1907 and 49,361 "for 190 f and '90,83$ for 1905. 1 Th-total crdp for -1906 was" 12,93, 201 and for, .1905.. was 10.495,105. Tho per 'cent of" cfdp)glnned to' December. 13 was 85.6 for 1906 and-88.6"f or 1905. For 1 907 . there were ginned -to Decent ber 1st, 8,343,336 balea v V ITlreworks at Plummers. the cheap place tr-buy; --- r dies a PInmmer's. it'rt'r'lr f iri : lArrftruTil : TifAiTATltA'l IA li013! l 3Be !inabobuilding xf the plant, from being ships tlieTe ToirjTii&ffl i,The Japanese are too intelligent and high minded to attribute a . false )moti ve to the movement" ? ,4 .. destroyed and ..much credit is deser ved for this) - , . I f . Buy. your fire works and Xmas can dies at Plammer'a. , ... mumi ii 'in But your Are works ani xmas r , Buy your .fire works and Xmas can-i Buy your fire works and Xnas ean- . . . . - - ioics at Fiummerfl. ; dies, at .Plnmraer':. : FIm wrka at PIummer8; the cheap place to buy. ... ,. ... : - ; Buy your fire works and Xaias can rtlf at riummers. T -

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