TACS EIGHT CHEENSEORO, n. c- WONDERFUL IMPROVEMENTS Ex-Sheriff Jame F. Jordan Doing Big Thing. , ' Last inmmer when we vent fish ing at Manchester, the guest of Mr. James F. Jordan at Buckthorn Lodge Captain J. W. Fry was In the party and thi Captain who is the heat ko dak man In the state, took some pic tures of some of the things thai tho Jordan-Kent people have dovs that ay. . Wt concluded that when a nmn did sil that Mr, Jordan has done, it wis worth a story bat not hnlu the data we can't write Just wit at w wanted to write, but we wan to make good our promise to the isrty, . because the captain and oursel left the fishermen one day to get the pic tures, and it looks like we should make good. (Mr. Jordan went down to the east and secured an option on a great many thousand acres of land. He interested Congressman Kent, of Cal ifornia, with him, and they organ ised the Kent-Jordan or Jordan-Kent Company, bought the land and set about to improve It In many ways. For Instance they are making a new town which they call - -N't"! -4 THE LOG CABIN ; BICKETT MENTIONED The Winston Journal Sees Things Toward Raleigh. The Sunday issue of the Winston I Journal says: "Cot. A. Falrbrother referring to the men just now prominently men tioned for Governor gives) us the names of General Carr, Colonel Os- born and Mr. C. W. Tlllette of Char lotte. We are surprised that the Col onel should not have included in his list the one man in the State who is really beginning to be looked upon .1LhJC HM b.UlH meJ? I t0rnament by many a. the next Governor of wu North Carolina. His name is T. W, u oaiqicuuv. . I Bluett The barns and dog kennels are up to date; the station house is neat No doubt Mr. Blckett would make and inviting, and there is one log a go0(j Governor he has made an cabin that Mr. Jordan had built .,. .. . which Is a picture in itself. Our cuts A ttorey Gener1 But " are too small to do these places Jus- juubo "aiier viam pouus oui uen tlce, but the man who goes down to era! Carr is the man for the people Idlewild and looks It over; sees the the next go round. General Carr poswoimies, now mat me roaas nave g going to be nominated by accla been built, the club house erected, matlon: he Isn't s-oinsr to nnaa the golf links ready and lets Mr. candidate he Isn't going to spend Jordan explain what he Intends to a penny and if the state does what do, will be satisfied that he is a it should do the Carr ioom will soon town builder, and that he Is going become general and widespread, to have eventually a resort that will some of the papers are hitting the be the pride of every North Carolina Geoeial a hard blow by saying that citizen. Unlike other places which ng candidacy is simply a boom to nave no wtuer, luiewua nas me Doais bleed nifra. But in this cajse the uu me iurbb bub lu Burruuuuiug uenerai len t being bled; he isn't run nerand protected, thousands or acres nlng. His friends are going to put oi virgin lureui wuere uil kiuub ui Mm Over t.O.b. Raleigh. wiia game auounae; ana wuu sniau farms highly cultivated; with a club house big enough to take care of all who care to come and finally a few hundred beautiful cottages and stores and places of amusement Idlowild will i.iii only make its b i!ders mono but they will have rendered a ser vice to their Mate. We regret that we had such little NOT A CANDIDATE Mr. C. V. Tillett, of Charlotte. Say He Is not In It. IDLEWILD 1 And this is the new station. The Atlantic Coast line railroad runs . within a hundred yards of the sta- tion, the eastern) part of the old Cape Fear and Yadkin Valley railway. The town Is about seven mites from . Fayetteville, and the Company is not only selling lots to deslrab'rt hut clso small arms. Already the cm. pany has disposed of many snail tracts of land to farmers, and the crops grown down that way are son ti thing marvelous. In the corn ile'ds and cotton fields, to give one an Idea the corn grew ten 'and twelve feet high; went a great many bushels to the acre, and so rich was the ground the cotton hardly got through grow ing being way over a man's head In order to make am attractive town, th Company laid out miles In a golf course, and the expert of America, who laid It out personally told ns that it was the finest golf course In the United States. Pi iple may wonder about accommodation but if they will glance at this club house they will see that things are being done on a magnificent scale. ' "V -.r v;'"rV-' I J j THE CLCB HOUSE Is 'all that any club house cou A b modern to the last minute. Fur' nished and finished in taste and eia gance, and' the guests there will have no kick coming. Mr. Jordan is good roads enthusiast, and with Engineer Phil Hardie some beauti ful roads were built They are wind ing roads through pines and cypress and around lakes and are lost in the solitudes, where deer, fox and much game abounds. We saw hundred pretty pictures of rni- good roads which the Company has built and this is a snap shot as we pawe ) along one particular stretch. f I 9T---k THE GOOD ROADS . are of sand and clay, never get mud : t"y and whes it rains in the morn ing down there you can play got in the afterb -on. We have forgotten how many miles are in tie golf ; course, but a great many, and the wnoie worK mere lg a revelation to all who go to see what has been done, ; Of course everybody : knows that Mr. Jordan is a sportsman the best . fisherman and the best shot, perhaps in North Carolina. He would rather ' fish than eat, and when it comes to getting up a fox or giving a deer a chase, time stops and no dinner bell rings. Having been around over the United States and outside of It, in Ushinjr and hunting. Mr. Jordan knew that nothing would appeal to the tourist like a fish pond that ' contained game fish. So he proceed ed to build a lake which covers many . acres and stock it with fish from his (three other lakes two miles below Idlewild. : - - ' This lake has in it hundreds-of . black bass and black perch, placed there when they were right out of the water, and weighing from a half to a pound and a half so it will not he many months until the 4 ' - , Vy XRtT TT.SH FOND : ' is WrWlttiJu.-t'ltn fish ihat strike. Information from C. W. Tillett, information on this subject but we of Charlotte, says he is not a can wanted to hand Jim a Christmas gift didate for Governor, and will not be. and thought we'd go ahead and do His charlotte friends say he would reeTwhat men ckn do-go to Mto- make 0 g00i one n there is nothing In running for office, hn (a 1 IRWVAr Uh hiir nraMlna Lt It Alone. . he has scores of friends and has made, it final that ne will not run Tha rh&rire is made that a lemon This takes out of the field one man trust exists, and that the goversment " naa Deen orougm jn. Hll h asked to look imto the mat ter. Let the lemon trust alone. Wei are handed enough lemons with the prices as they are. Were they lower we might be submerged. Counterfeit Coin Increasing. LATEST HAMMERINGS. The report of the secret service bureau of the government shows that counterfeit coins are increasing, SmaL wonder. We were talking The District Attorney Held Up Until Wnh a gentleman the other day and After the Holidays he said that if hs wanted to get rich I aulck he would do it bv makinar sll- We really didn't expect w P"m dollars. "And In doin it." he anything more about the district at- ..j oM fee, tnat j hadn.t Deen torneysh'v, except to casually remark rtlI dUhonwit. Of ennrsn u that Mr. Hammer had been appoi'itui. Lauglu -j wouid t0 prison but But it iau t tnat way. inree oi me what T . ouM hava .... federal court officials were appointed , , tn . had done or rather named Dortch, Winston else counterfeited naDer and Webb flmt Hammer was noi money for instance." Then he went sent in. HoHon remains in me sai- on Bay . . .t Ti 1 1 die, ana tne nonaays are on. ii u. Yo . k d said that more charges are Deing . . made against Hammer, and his uu " " frienrta now have serious doubts con-1 about forty-five, cents) (profit. We cernlns his success. Senator Over- buy bullion and issue a silver certi man has been loyal to his friend, but tin.t- u Tha .,nmmi the Attorney General isn't yet satis- . . . . . , fled. It may be that he is waiting nM the buton. tut what is for the storm to blow over or. ii a dollar costs only fifty-two or three may be again, that he has evidence cents. . I have no doubt but what that satisfies him Hammer will not there are ten million silver dollars do. Viewed in any light it is un- in circulation that have been made fortunate for Mr. Hammer. How- privately. If a man makes silver ever we all know that politics is a dollars and puts the same amount dirty stick, and if you touch it you of silver In them that the govern get black hands. . jment puts in, they are mighty hard O to distinguisn irom tne real tning I "Hut Iiaw vaiiM vmi oat tIH et A DAV EABL1 Ivniir nllvor H nil ftm If vnn mnda a million of them out of real silver, On Account of Christmas we Print a don't you know you would be detect . . led in passing so many. imj Aneau oi w .No , ould flr8t of aU BU , ver mine. I would produce my own Tn nrAar in nronerlv celebrate bullion and I would get a million Bll- . . .v.i i, per dollars from the government Christmas we print this week on , h nM Thon Wednesday In order to wind up things j woui,i make a million and put them for Christmas. Therefore If the im- all together and pay off with, them portant news that happens Isn't The government would know I got touched let it be known that the pa- a minion or it, amu me two minion nor ff tha nreaa mi.l the Christ- would go out without notice." mn imirit hud caused us to foreet Then we asked him where he would get the money to buy the mine, how he would get a million dollars to buy tne other million from the government and he said: That s so. I had never thought I . n T ...! O.I.I C tl I "l VVU.U ,uu iuuv . , " mm tomorrow'.' and he -walked duty itor the nonce. , -o- CANNED TOMATOES Was Different. away. Mr. Holmes, of the Armour Fer tilizer work, used to live in Ashe- ville. and that is stili his home. He says that the mountain people up round Burke county took iip the pirlt of a cannery, and concluded hey would can tomatoes. Accord' ngly everybody was canning toma oes. The labels looked all right; everything was all right until it was discovered that the roadoide was Oiled with tomato cans with a small nail hole In them. This set people thinking and finally the revenue offi cers discovered that the tomatoes po-called were corn whiskey. Had those who bought the canned goads Bed a can-opener Instead of- a nail to get out the contents the canning industry would have prospered. But using a nail, wise men saw that canned tomatoes couldn't come out of such a small hole, sc the revenues got busy and ended it all. There are no longer any canned tomatoes in the mountains. , O BIG VIOLATORS LITTLE TALK ON POLITICS Where The Papers Get It Wrong and Do Not Understand Three Hundred Thousand Violations ' of The Law It has been figured out that by 269 systems of railways there have been 300,000 violations of the six teen hour law toy railway companies. That is a law that isr hard to get down buj'ness. A train crew has worked almost to the limit and is six miles' frum anywhere when sudden ly a wrerk occurs and to attempt to repair it, the crew must either work desert the train.-. The' sixteen hour law is all to the good theoreti cally, but like a lot of other laws there are times when a calm and dispassionate judge should Interpret it, and say that it was for the public's good and not to the public's detri ment thai they were violated, and let It go at that The comment of some of the staU papers concerning the candidacy of General Carr for Governor Is mislead ing. A good old Burke county demo crat nominated General Carr for Gov ernor, we came along and second ed the nomination, moved it be made unanimous, and the press has taken up the matter and is discussing it. We are informed that General Carr has said he would not announce him self as a canlidate for any office. We have insirled upon this from the, be ginning. But General Carr has not said, there lb yet no need of him say ing It, that he would not serve his state if the state invited him to serve, In the esteemed News the editor is glad that Carr is not running be cause some of the Jackals would at tach themselves to him to bleed him. That is where Everything Is lending a helping hand. It wants to see Carr's friends run him; wants the General to keep hands off; talk off and let his numerous friends see If North Carolina will not reward a patriot ' and her most conspicuous philanthropist We want no more of the hounding of candidates for money such, for Instance, as made J. El- wood Cox disgusted when he was running for Governor. No hold-up games. If General Carr s friends will insist, they can nominate him by acclamation; he needn't spend one red! dime and then the honor would be worth while. We are glad to see that -Judge Walter Clark comes out for General Carr; that Major Stedman and many North Carolina -politicians say he is the man. In the meantime General Carr insists that he Isn't running and he isn't.' His friends are run ning him. Cam to Town LIudBey Hopkins) came to town,. And brought some Christmas cheer And It wasn't In red llkker Or It wasn't In nl beer. It wasn't in the vulgar coin Which some folk think worth while It was just a hearty handshake And an 18 karat smile. . o- . ; Merry Christmas to All. The tragic Muse came down the hill, and perched awhile with me, he said give all the boys a thrill, a ten spot or a V. We told the tragic Muse to hush we didn't have a dime, then throw them out some red hot mush, in shape of wretched rhyme." And bo Here's Merry Christmas to the toilers on the press here's wish ing them a happy week how could we wish them less? Here's health to friend Wade Harris and one for Old Joe King; and a good luck to you Hurley,; and we're glad you're In the ring. And here's to Edward Britton as he toils and writes and sings, and here's to Santford Martin who Is doing lots of things. And here's to dear Frank Woodson, a vet eran tiled and true and Oliver of Reldsvllle and the . anti-Simmons crew. Many John T. Britt of Oxford live ' a thousand years, and one twill onl be a little while, and he's having lots of fun. We do not know the Durham Sun since Robinson quit the Katne, but it seems to be a sprightly sheet and gets there Just the same. Here's a "how" to uoio- net Varner. with the hope that he won't run. nut stick close to his prlntin' and make a barrel of mon but what's the use to name tne ooys they name themselves each day they are building up the Nation and they do it without pay! We'd like to talk about them all, but the egg nog's runnin' Bhy so here s to all the bloomln'. crowd may they live, and never diel v 0 P. D. Gold Doesn't Know. P. D. Goldr of New York City is In the town for the holidays and says he is looking forward to a big busi ness when the currency bill gets un der way or to a big financial revolu tion. One of the two things is slated but P. D. if he has any inside infor mation refuses to give it up. Will hand you some good Holiday reading this week, But is up to us to see hat you get proper attention selecting your Christmas Presents, Suits and Overcoats. Dent's and UpdegrofTs Silk-lined Mochas and Dress Kid Gloves, 91.50 to $2.80; Automobile Gloves $1.50 to $3.00; Evening Dress Suits, Tux edo Suits, Bath Robes with Slippers to match, Pajamas and Outing Night Gowns for Men. s Try one of our 'unfinished three quarter length Black Silk-lined Over coats $27.50. r SAVOY SHIRTS $1.50 BOYDEN SHOES $6.00 RAWF0RD & REES, 300 South Elm St. IF YOU ARK INTERESTED Real Estate In Greensboro ' or Guilford County; Want to Buy or Sell SEE US BROWN REAL ESTATE CO, Greensboro, " N. C. 805 S. Elm Street Hotel Clegg The Hotel Clegg has been for ' many years the home of the traveling man, and no pains are spared to make every guest experience a home-like feeling.' Splendid' table .ser vice, first class . rooms and beds. The Hotel Clegg Is con ducted on the European Plan and each guest pays only for what he gets. : ' , The- traveling public Is cor dially Invited to give us a call Just across the street from the depot and yet "jilght In town" w. f. c:::z, r ' The Busy Store And more appropriate gifts for Christmas In Perfumeries, Toilet Arti cles, Candies, etc., than ever before. The fountain Is running. Come see us. Conyers & Sykes DRUGGISTS McAdoo Hotel Corner Phones 10 and S24. v3Pfef FIIC TiWIQML DANK Julian S.Carr Wm.J. Holloway President Cashier THE BANK OF THE TOWN ThePUBLICr- We Issue Certificate? of Deposit bearing opens you an Account -SURE BIND 'SURE FIND aff nrDnciT nwre FOR RENT Burglar 6 fireproof Vaults mm WW fOaiil' IP1UW want out- bm!ntt. Do not break the nest egg The spirit of Christmas calls for gifts and charity. Spend some of your money these glad Christmas times, but remember to KEEP ALIVE the Savings Account. , Keep it going until the pennies are dimes and the dimes are dollars. The dollars will not take care - of themselves unless you guard them. The Greensboro Loan & Trust Company Wants new accounts this coming year, and it wants to continue its pleasant relations with its pres ent patrons. Our system of Banking will please yoU.; Come and see us let us talk it over. The Greensboro Loan & Trust Co.f J. W. FRY, Pres. W. E. ALLEN, Sec. 4 Treas. W. M. RIDENHOUR. W. M. COMBS Asst Treas. , Mgr. Savings Dept. u Carry theK j Hot Rolls For Supper! ORDER FROM ' THE NORTH SIDE BAKERY. Guaranteed Six Per Cent Bonds secured by first mortgage on high-grade real estate, nothing eater. In addition to first mortgage principal and interest are guaran teed by this Company and paid promptly when' due: These bonds for sale in amounts Irom a few hundred dollars up. Ask for booklet. CAPITAL, 9125,000.00 North Carolina Trust Company. R. C. HOOD, Bec.-Mgr. A. W. McALISTER, Pres. Let The Pcnnys LMc You Collars! f V7 .f Why not let us fig ure, with you, show you that you cannot afford to hold land which you think, worth $10 an acre when we can plot it, di vide it, and 'sell it for $100 or $5C0 a single lot? Let us show you! : Why not let us cut your farm into quarters or eighths and get , you ready money to operate your farm like you wast to operate it? How many,.men are, "land poor,, when we could cake then dcUar rich? ,1 illiLii ii a. t. QE::i:::3 :j tzi r:::T;n.l t: 1 I Tub Ar.sl:fr::r;.w "! f.?, kk f wire Ca - r