4 . 'A' GREENSBQRO, IV C. PAGE THREE 7 V V Ice Crean . . Real Cream Made in Our Store Come to Our Fountain Gonyers & Sykes DRUGGISTS McAdoo Hotel , Corner -r? Phones 10 and 324. - JEWELED Elgin seven Gold Watches Jewels in filled .20- year cases -7 ia plain polished or engine engraved, the ,. very latest styles and thin model cases sent by mail anywhere at $7.95. R, G. BERIIAU, - Jeweler Greensboro, N. C. War News! We are going to feed ,th3 people war or no . war. Write your vants to Til E KUESTER-LO VE GO. Wholesale Grocers, "Charlotte, K. C. THE TRAVELluG I.1AI1 : , VAIITS EXACTLY THIS . All say the - Yarboroagb r Is first class In every particular; the beds appeal, to. the tired man; the dln Ids -room is all that eoald be de sired; - the . home feeling is there for every g-nest, and that's why they -like to stop with us. Try It the next trio to Balelrh. THE YARCQROUGH Is a -cri that appeals to yon. Hem i-.portant" it Js that you t mil- get what ypnr 5 physician i r .scribes. . Z. y.'Conyers The reliable and . well equipped . Druggist who personally super intends the prescription ' depart ment . of his drug store, offers hiss cervices to the-public and re spectfully solicits: your patron-i PURE DRUGS With ; the knowledge and skill of compounding them is ? the claim of .v A Ccnyors' Drug Store 350 S. Elm St., Greensboro, N. C, Phone3 1923 and 1924. GREENSBORO Veterinary Hospital J J. ILVOCd, B. S.D.V.S. '&-;3 S. Davie Street 1 Phone 229 " ' GREENSBORO, N. C. 7-. J. SHERROD, -': ' Attorney. 115 Court Square, Greensboro Dr. Parr an Jarboe, OFFICES i FIRST FLOOR DIXIE BUILDING. KIDNEY, BLADDER AND RECTAL DISEASES. Office Hours by Appointment. IZale and Female Nurses in atten dance. - -- . ' PRIVATE INFIRMARY. L FRANCIS HANES PHflTflRRiPHFR 7 -fc 7y j---7 . , OPPOSITE' M ADOO HOTEL v 5 Greensboro, North Carolina. - R. H. MILTON, V Electrician. . . it::ring and Contracting. tjj Building, Comer Elm si "camor Bta., 'Phone C47. ECNSBORO. N. C. Penny ktltlB,lltlstllallllMll FOB SALE ONE THREE H. P. gasoline engine, nearly new. T. P. Johnson. - . . - HARDILY USED FIVE HORSE Pow er, three phase motor in fine coh ' dition. H. E. Matthews,: Greens ' boro, N. C. , -y-:-,. WANT TO SELL MY SAW MILL engine and boiler, ; twenty-five horse power, .ready to run. Can be seen any time. : Write me McAdoo Hotel, Greensboro, G." R. Pittard. TWO MOTORS, ONE A SINGLE . phase, one H. P., and one three . phase,. 3 H. P.t both, in good run . ning condition. Phone 1410, Greensboro, N. C. ONE STEEL WHEEL TWO-HORSE wagon very cheap. W. D. Mc . Adoo, Greensboro, N. C. AGENTS JNO. DEERE '. FARM MA chinery and engines. International Machinery Co. Phone 1410. 319 Davie St., Greensboro. MACHINE SHOP AND REPAIR work, J. P. Johnson. Motors and engines. Davie St. . , v - WANTED SIX OR EIGHT MEN TO buy second hand "gasoline engines, etc., Phone 1410. 319 Davie St., . International Machinery Co.- FOR SALE ONE WOOD SAW, EN gine and double end wood splitter. This outfit is in fine condition and . may be seen by applying at F. W. Taylor's harness and;. buggy store, 311 Davie St., Greensboro, N. C. YOU ARE WELCOME TO OUR hitching lot next to Taylor & Hires livery stable on Davie St. Just across the street is our Implement house and machine shop. Welcome to our firet welcome to our water. Our telephone is at your service, so are our chairs. Incidentally look over The Jno. Deere line, The J Waterloo line, The Big Chief line, - The International line and sales 7 men. Phone 1410. 319 Davie St. International Machinery Co. J. P. JOHNSON REPAIRS ANY thing, sells any thing, buys any thing, trades any thing. Phone 1410,' Greenshoro. FOR SALE A DITCHING MACHINE for sewer or drainage ditches, ready to work.. Cost $6,500.00 Forced Sale Price ?2 000.00, if bought immediately, G. R. Pit tard, at McAdoo Hotel, Greensboro, N. C. . - :c 2000 LBS. TELEPHONE WIRE 3000 L ' lbs. cable cheap. Address H. E. Matthews, 210 1-2 Washington St., Greensboro, N. C. - . THREE MANURE SPREADERS AND three mowing machines of very ' best make, slightly scarred in v handling, but perfectly new stock. Will sell this stock at less than - cost. International Machinery Co., Phone 1410, 319 Davie St., Greens boro, N. C. 2 CYCLE GASOLINE ENGINES, best make, -owest price. For wash ingf for churning, and pumping. Phone 100. T. T. McAdoo, Greens- 1 -v N. C. ' ' " ' " z TONr r":-i. vily bul l, solid , tires,, 60 ...'vie 1 1 i 0. Internatonal a:i lam k-mew ok hand machinery or moto nationalMachinery Col, 3 19 L v St..Greensboro, N. C. vVf C- Raleigh's White' Way.'."'' "4 - . .- ' '7: -iVA - Raleigh gives it out that sne will soon have a great white - way. V Of course it sounds big to talk about a few street lamps as a great white way. but if Raleigh finally beats us to it the joke will he- On ua; However Wa understand that- by early spring Greensborowlli complete her white way. . 7.;:'; -:. .7 , : ! O 77 But Do You Feel It. The cost of living is said to be de- creasing. Some say nve per cent in thirty days, and some say more.- But you don't feel it. When it is goin& down you don't holler It is when it keeps advancing that you yell. How ever all of us will be glad when you can buy a slab of sow bosom as big as a whetstone for less than $27. IF ITS GARDNERS IT'S GOOD CUT FLOWERS ! Wedding Boquets, Funeral Designs, Choice Roses, Carnations, k Sweet Peas, .,-'..- -7. i of the Valley Violets, Lilies PRICES REASONABLE. Phone your order or write, Summit Avenue , Greenhouses 7 . " Greensboro, N. C. LET UE SERVE YOU I Life Insurance. Accident tn4 Insurance, Health Insurance, Employer's Liability, 1'latel Glass Insurance, Fire Insu'J ance. BIGGEST COMPANIES I WANT YOUR iJUSINESSJ JAMES H. COOK. , Insurance 7 103 Ground Floor, McAdoo Building Phone, Today 4 T9 Take no ' - . r Risk. . : The Weekly Recorder Published by -THE SOCIAL WELFARE LEAGUE, Greensboro, N. C. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1915. : j : Purpose Of The Social Welfare League As To Shows. We are not trying to put the op era house and the "movies" out of business. The Social Welfare Lea gue is not a conscience regulator. Its standards are not puritanical, nor is its policy shaped by those who have any desire to interfer wth other people's business. ' "It all comes back to a question of life spell it with capitals LIFE. There is individual life, which is re latively simple; there is family life, a .bit more complicated; and there is community life, with its social, educational, commercial, moral, and a few other phases-r but -only one community life, after all and that is necessarily complex. "I-think I am stating a truth that is as self-evident as it is trite that that is the best community life which affords the largest opportun ity for. individual development. The obligation . to the community ' must be kept in view. " 'I have the right to stretch out my arms; but my right stops where my neighbor's nose' be gins.' Individual liberty must stop when its exercise inflicts injury upon the community, or any member of it "People have not always been careful to consider the welfare of the community, in seeking their private advantage. The saloon keeper is the most conspicuous example of ' those who seek their own gain, no matter how, great the cost to others. And from this it shades off into many forms and degrees in which human selfishness operates. "You will always find that which preys upon life. The scale on the fruit tree, the disease which attacks pigs and cows and human beings, and thej multifarious devices that attack the moral nature, must be combatted, lest they destroy life. But to combat these is not enough; there must be positive forces at work to nurture life;-so we have our churches our schools,- our library, and other institutions and facilities intended to build upon the life of the individual, and of the commun ity. ,- "The program of .the Social Wel fare league may be defined briefly, as follows: To combat all the forces that tend to destroy life, physical, social, intellectual and moral; to en courage all that tend to build up life, physical, social, intellectual and moral. And we think it is good sense to begin with the child. "Here is the platform: " 'A whole-time superintendent of health for' the city of Greensboro, the observance of tuberculosis Sun day, community Christmas, helping the unemployed, physical inspection of school children, a model tubercu losis law, play grounds with super vision, a juvenile reform school for Guilford county, a probation law, the indeterminate jentence, and parole.' hn-manizingthe courts" 'constructive development and regulation of public amusement.' '.5, ; - V -' "Our;? policy;;-i3 ' Intended .T t Ber' : ' ruetioni "V." '-as -.this j'to.st witii t-; C - this: that - dudW amusement.-ma be ,edacational, 7ft may De merely entertaining,,, or '.it may tie. demoralizing and ' harmful. Inr advocating! a board": of public amusement, . 4f which -the manager of the Opera House shall be a mem ber,' and oCT'fhich a representative of the moving picture shows 4 shall be 'another member, we. are. urging, not censorship merely, "but a broad, constructive policy that will contri bute to the social welfare of the en tire community. - Dr. J. I. Foust has said: v- ' "'Fifty years from now, people will laugh at us of this generation for spending thousands of dollars on schools character building institu tions, and yet spending little or noth ing to prevent the very little things, in public amusement, that under mine the character of children.' - "Greensboro s shows are compar atively clean now. Why not elimin ate the occasional objectionable fea tures, and join hands to make them what they may be a source of in nocent entertainment to all, especial ly to the children, and a strong fac tor in our educational system no ess attractive on that account." .' The above is a statement recently made by Mr. J. Norman WI113. Vice- President of the Social Welfare Lea gue. ;,v.'. o . 1 Life Roasts Daniels. Life, the funny paper, asks Mr. Daniels to come ashore and leave the navy alone. The papers of the coun try have certainly roasted the Ral eigh man. He has gotten It from newspapers, of all kinds. Politics seems to have cut no ice it has been general. And the chances are that Joe is doing about as well as any of them. lonoi MR. FARMER-TAKE NOTICE If you Have broken parts for your Gas Engine, Reaper, Mow er, Plow, Feed Cutter, Pump,' or anything in, the metal line, we can Weld it for you. WELDING CAST " IRON OUR SPECIALTY. . - ; PARKER & DOBSETT CO., 109 Lewis St. Greensboro, N. C. (OBOE 3?1 A COMPLETE LINE OF. SPRING WAGONS How Manufactured By Us LET US QUOTE YOU. TJETTIIIGER BUGGY GO. Greaabr, . C. FIFTH DISTRICT." The Winston Journal Already Boom ing Candidates. The Winston Journal, which tried so manfully to defeat Major Sted man before, the nomination, is al ready at its bid tricks. It is getting to work early r-doing what it can to get up sentiment againBt the gallant Stedman the last .-Confederate sol dier we can .honor hereabouts. It wants Chatham to run, and we note the Mount Airy News is also with it, as witness the following: V "Already there is talk about who may be the next candidate for Con gress from this district. The Winston-Salem Journal this . week says Mr. H. G. Chatham is the man to make the race. It is a well known fact that for many, years there has been a strong following who wanted to send Mr. Chatham to Congress. The only reason he has not been elected to this high position long ago is that he would never allow his name to' ue used by those who saw in him a man well suited for the place. "Now that Forsyth citizens have induced him to take a venture in the political world we predict that he will not be able to. stem the strong tide that will set in for him to be our next representative'. He has property and business and social standing. The pressure that is most sure to be brought to bear on him for this posi tion we predict will be so strong that he cannot refuse. "If ttiere was any good reason why he should not accept the case would be different. But so far as the casual observer can see there is no good reason why he should deny the strong following he has. To be a member of Congress, from this district is an honor that no man can think lightly of, and to he able to fill this position with credit to one's self and to the satisfaction of the citizenship. is not the lot of every man, but Mr. Chat ham can do both, fte has reached the highest position in the social and business world, and there is every reason for thinking' that the oppor tunity to serve his district as repre sentative in Congress will open to him a large field for usefulness and honor. "If Mr. Chatham will allow his name to be used there is every reason for thinking that he will be our next congressman." Yes, "already there is talk" and the talk is that Major Stedman is making good; that Major Stedman has friends all over the aist'rict and that they will see to it that he re mains in Congress as long as he is in the splendid trim physically and mentally that he is today. Major Stedman might go2own on the tariff issue in this district but he will never go down before a democratic convention in the year 1916. The people of the Fifth district will hon or Major Stedman with a -renomina tion. The Jpurnal and the News .and the other few who opposed him be- fore can .trot out their fine horses rn5i-thP7 rn r- 1 ieir -whips and 1 w 'v until . . ti. . TL .t i3 just about a3 ct.....a as -anytaingIs certain on this teraaueous' globe. t And that is the way it should be TThe HoinM-Chronicle. 7: '; A The Home Chronicle 7istbe name of a new paper published by the Chil dren's Home of the- Western North Carolina Conf erence ' of the Meth odist church, sod is an Interesting and Instructive little paper. It will doubtless assist in the good work be ing done. . O ' Get Ready For Him. Get ready for the early spring fij- and swat him on sight without bene fit of the clergy. Two Suits. The Rockefeller Institute has been sued for $100,000 by two people, one a nurse claiming that they exper imented on her with a new serum and left her with a malignant dis ease. She will probably eet her money if she can prove her claim. ' -o Associated Charities. Durham has organized an Asso ciated Charities with General J. S. Carr, president, L. G. Cole, secretary, and John R. Proctor, treasurer. These organizations always do good and are always worth while. Still After Bryan. The critics are still after Bryan. insisting that he give up his govern ment job or 6top speaking. Perhaps the time will come when a cabinet officer will be forced to remain on his job. And - then it would be better all around. Will Hardly Get Through. Congressmen tire doing all they can to get through business by next month but so much remains, and the ship bill is still a mystery. Maybe the President will put it over. If he doesn't an extra session is liable to be on again. It is a sure thing that the Congressmen have earned their salary under Wilson. He is more strenuous than the "strenuous one. : - BOY PLUNGER. Goes Broke And Into Bankruptcy . Last Week. ': 7 : ; , Jesse Ia Livermore, the boy plung er who startled the' country by mak lng millions on 'the market," at one time haying to his credit six or eight million dollars, has gone into bank ruptcy. He explains that . he lost $3,000,000 .on .on deal when the market went to the bad at the out break of the war and he was never -able to get baick on rthe earth. . He claims all he has now are a few suits of old clothes. , Wonderful how these speculators geUrsch quick and get poor quicker. ; KUESTER HERE. Clarence Kuestcr, Booster, In The City. Clarence Kuester, the Charlotte Booster, was here to attend the United , Commercial Travelers Meet ing and of course met many of his friends. As manager and president of the Kuester-Lowe wholesale groc ery company, of Charlotte, Mr. Kues ter has -been successful. And as a progressive in the commercial world he has no peer. He is the man who carries arsinke aluays; who sees sun shine no matter how dark the clouds. We were glad lo welcome him in our solid gold sanctum and hope he will call again. . o Boom The Town. Talk progress. Act progress. Greensboro is going to grow by un animous consent, and by persistent uoos.ing we can make it grow faster. Get busy and talk progress. o Dropped Dead. Miss Mary McDonal, aged 65, on her way to Morganton for treatment from Carrabus county, dropped dead at the Southern station in Salisbury. She was accompanied by an officer. . o Cut Into Three. The Cameron Highway Bill, want ing thirty thousand dollars to aid in builoing good roads finally got through the house, but it was a bit ter fight, and the amount was cut from $30,000 to $10,000. II was a hard fought bill. The legislators are not doing much ap propriating, and this being some thing that meant future appropria tlons and the establishing of a per manent commission, the law mak ers were a little slow, about acting. s. o A Good Law. Senator McNider introduced a bill doing away with exchange between railroads and. newspapers as to mile age.' Such ' a , bill should become The newspaper, then -that furnished hot that furnished shot against railroads wculd get, no mileage, but railroads could contract and- pay cash and this would give the venal editor a chance to get much gold. . As it is now he secures passes and all editors secure them there being, no ' difference. But let it be made a law that no more . mileage was to he given and you would see the venal editor getting much coin. The editor friendly,' like we are to railroads would be a favorite and he would get more cash . advertising than ever he got in mileage. r If the people want to be served fairly better leave the present law alone. Because the custom of pay- ng cash has not yet obtained, but if it comes the railroads will have ex cuse and reason to "fix" any editor who wants to be fixed. O : Still The Same. As we go to press Speaker Wooten s still critically ill at the hospital. Not much change seems to occur. The whole state is hoping that he may speedily recover. Another One. Another American cotton steamei, named Carib, was sunk in the North Sea Tuesday because it didn't follow instructions. A mine swiped it or it swiped a mine and went to the bottom. Thus the cotton surplus is being disposed of hurriedly. WE ARE SETTLED In our New Store on South Davie Street and extend a cordial invi tation to all to visit us. M. G. NEWELL CO. ....HERNOON'S PHARMACY.... Corner North Elm And Gaston Streets GREENSBORO, N. C. Prescription Work a Specialty Phone No'.' 326. Opp. City HaIL RUBBER TIRE HOSPITAL Bad weather makes bad tires. Just a little gash about as big as an or dinary fever blister and the water soaks in; the rubber decays and pret ty soon before you- know it, your tire is junk. We want to get hold of a tire just as soon as possible. The smaller the gash in the tire the Smaller the gash we make in your pocket book. A stitch in time saves the whole tire. Gome today and let us diagnose your tire case - DIXIE SALES CO. . , 'mm .. . ... 113 E. Washington St. . HOIOR! Could Laugh In Sight Of Seven Sticks For A $? Colonel Alex Fields has need to think again. We wrote a tragedy and he copied it and thought it fun ny. Listen to him in his State Journ al: 7 - "Last week we copied from Col. Fairbrother's Everything his account of the finding of a stick of fire wood eighteen inches long on the streets of Greensboro, supposed to have been lost from a load containing six simila'r sticks. In some way the ar ticle was not properly credited. We hasten to make amends, for fear our readers may think we were trying to be humorous." Why, man, a stick of wood is worth its weight in gold in this town in fact more . than that. Seven sticks for a dollar figure it out. . o . ..' The Spring Trade. Merchants are looking forward to a gooa spring trade. Many 01 them tell us the indications are bright, and after the hard winter it is pleas ant to know that pretty soon there will be something doing. o Going Some. When the congressmen got to pass ing appropriation bills they went through at the rate of 41 million dollars a minute. If that isn't throwing out the coin in a hurry what is. 30,000 Russians. In one skirmish this week tn. Germans killed 30,000 Russians. That is knocing them out In a hurry. Yet with all this the Russians claim to be making headway but it seems toward the grave. THE CRYSTAL PALACE Formerly Hagan's China Store IS A SHOP OF SELECTED NOV ELTIES AND USEFULTIES. It doesn't sell groceries, it isn't a department store, it will not take your order for a ton of coal or measure you for a suit of clothes. But if you are looking for A WEDDING OR A BIRTHDAY GIFT OR A PARTY PRIZE you'll find a carefully chosen selection of novelties to pick from or if you are a good housekeeper seeking the LATEST IDEAS IN IvITCHENCRAFT the Crystal IVAaee has planned ahead for you. GLASS TABLE WARE IS FEATURED AT THE CRYSTAL PALACE. BASKET WORKERS FIND THEIR SUPPLIES THERE. . THE CRYSTAL PALACE RENTS DISHES AND RENTS THEM AT REASONABLE RATES. The Crystal Palace carries Imported 16 patterns of open stock Dinnerware and has others on the way, to make room for which we are closing out THREE OF THE OLJER PATTERNS AT A SO PER CENT. REDUCTION. The Crystal Palace has a new pattern in gold or white Dinner ware that's popularly priced, and is daily getting nearer to becom ing THE HANDSOME SPECIALTY SHOP OF GREENSBORO. Look in our windows if you'd refresh a jaded mind with a new impression. - . . MOURANE H. 1 xi to Patterson',! .GrocrStore-' EASTER Vill Remember "WALKER MAKES Handsomest line of New Spring Suiting: ever shown in Greensboro. TIME TO GET BUSY, GENTLEMEN. 7 7 7 T. A. WALKER 116 S. Elm Street. ARTISTICALLY WROUGHT Funeral designs prepared and shipped the same day order is received. Experienced ar tists are in charge of this work. Let the last tribute to your departed friend be just what you want it to be. GUT FLOWERS In endless variety and infinite beauty. FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS. VAN LINDLEY CO., Florists, GREENSBORO, N. C. Local and Ixng Distance Phone 329. Prices Always Reasonable. Hnyleir'sCandly Eastman's Kodaks and Suppli FARISS-KLUTZ DRUG STORE Get th KINO STAMP OK QCALITT ymr kailMH, shorthand, typewriting. English or tenetjpy tminlnr. jonr snceeos will b notnred. Ak any Balotga r Charlotte banker If KINO'S Ira't wholly rooponalblo nod reliable. No vaeaUoa. Knter anr tine. Writ mt one for entalorne and fnll Information, address. KINO'S BUSINESS COLLEGE. RALEIGH. N. C OK CHARLOTTE. N. C. WANT PREPAREDNESS. The Thoughtful Men Insist That We .. .. Prepare. ,.7 President Lowell, of Harvard, gave out and interview the other day and among other things said: "Summer military camps for stu dents have assumed far greater im portance than ever before. The Erro pean war has shown that the chance of an-unexpected conflict is a more real danger than we had supposed. There is urgent necessity for a much larger number of officers or men with at least the rudiments of an officer's training than our regular army and the militia can possibly supply." It seems that -because other Na tions prepare we must. That seems sensible, but. when all know that "preparedness" is what gets us into war why can't the Hague and all the wise men of all the nations agree that no one of us shall prepare? In just a minute by our Ingersoll watch that would top all war. And the right men representing the Nations can bring about such an understand ing just as soon as this war is ended. Unless we get into it before it ends. Selling Bonds. All the towns round about are selling their bonds and it looks like Greensboro will have no trouble to sell her $100,000 issue. When that is done and the street work starts we will see things a little livelier than just now. o Hats Off To Kuester. They tell us that Clarence Kuester threw some bouquets to the Old Man of this shop in his speech to the traveling men and here's our best manners to him. - am 1 1 AND TONKIN Soon Do P iii. THEM BETTER" & CC. Greensboro, X. C. "A SCHOOL WITH . REPUTATION." V A- ;:7: V 7 V .. "... '-