1 . V - , Vv s XI PAGE EIGHT GREENSBORO, N. C. THE LAYERS Ninety Per Cent. Are All Right. NENT the lawyer, and so much being said about him here and there and every where, we notice that- the , Winston Journal is run ' ning, or has Jieen very recently, a series of articles by different people i some lawyers and some laymen, tell ing what they think the functions of a lawyer really are. The articles are interesting, because the lawyer question is getting to be one that the people discuss quite freely. It is our rbtion that' there are some of the best people engaged in the practice of law and doubtless some of the -worst. ' The Richmond Times-Dispatch not long ago wrote its leading editorial on the shyster lawyer: the ambulance chaser and the characterless man who, with a license to practice law, practiced everything else. A representative lawyer is the man who will tell you about your case; who will "tote fair" with both sides, and who has regard for his - private character more regard than for professional notoriety that brings him into disrepute. The -characterless lawyer; the am bulance chaser the fellow who takes the short turns and who will do anything for money, is numerous but not as numerous as we might suppose .were we to sit down and make a list of all the lawyers we know. It is on . the principle o.f the drunkard or the wanton woman. We see five or six drunken men rolling . about the streets of a town; see them first here and then there but ' al ways in evidence, we hastily con clude that the town is full of drunk ards, whereas we have not taken note of the hundreds of sober men we pass every hour. And so with the wanton woman. One or two bad eggs of that class make much 'noise; are much in evidence and . ve see . them and 'hear from them, never re membering that perhaps every other woman of the many hundred! are virtuous. -"'V.v And so when we hear of the con duct of even one lawyer that shocks our sensibilities we too hastily con clude that air lawyers are bad. V Of course they are not. Not over ten in a hundred but we don't see the. re maining ninety, and cry out against . lawyers in general because- the ten are playing such f rantastic tricks before high heaven as make the an gelsweep. Warren; told us all this in his Ten Thousand a Year, and Quirk, Gammon & Snap were but types of the shyster. However, the lawyer is ma king one - sad mistake the good lawyer citizen, we mean, and that is in. assuming that " he should hold all the offices. That idea must cease and will cease. The lawyer , has " been too ; much in evi dence. He wants to have everything . going in the shape - of high office but he can't have it much longer in North. Carolina. 7 , Generally speaking the-lawyer is a desirable citizen it is only - the ex ception that : makes : us weary, and - makes- us in our. haste -cry out, as young David cried out that all men - were liars. : We need the lawyer and he needs us. : Iowa To Be Prohibition. The state of Iowa has passed an other prohibition bill. The first time Iowa went dry it was a farce. They killed Haddock and finally repealed the' law. This time it' will stick. Bernhardt. Sara Bernhardt, the divine . ac tress, socalle4, suffered an injury to her knee making the amputation of a leg necessary. Very old, she says she will stand the operation and have no trouble. Wonderful woman, Sara was a woman most grandly gifted. . tlobbins Abundant. According to the government re port robins, are the most abundant of any ; birds in the country. .: Cat birds come next. The complaint, is that we haven't enough birds; that they are not protected and all states should devise ways to see that the farmers' best friends are not destroy ed. : ' , . XX, Some Check. The other day the banking firm of Kuhn, JLoeb' & .Co.,', turned over a check to the Pennsylvania railroad company for $49,098,000, represent ing the sales of bonds of that com pany. That is perhaps as large as they often write checks. Think of it almost fifty millions of .dollars. More money than we ever carry on our person at one time. An Ideal Day. . Sunday was an ideal day. After all the long dark days the sun was genial and did not shirk. He shone all day, and: everybody seemed hap py and got out and took, advantage of it. The ground hog ibah! Where Is He? Where is Teddy? No one hears of him any. more. On the River of Doubt, maybe. - o :" Missed His Mark. A Richmond man, named D. L Low ery, jealous of his wife, shot her in a crowd, struck a street car con ductor in the leg, and made his es cape. Better, however, to have got ten it in the leg than in the neck. On The War Path. Fifty two Piute Indians in Utah went' on the'war path.' and gave the whites some-excitement. But fifty two Piute Indians that's nothing. We have seen three thousand Indians on the war path and in those days they fought like the devil fighting virtue. A little picnic of fifty ; two Piute- Indians hardly worth place In the telegraph, except for the novelty of the thing. A THE CAMPAIGN. Merchants' Association Pleased With Everything's Work. About a-year ago when parcel's post commenced to get busy we made a talk to the Merchants' Association and among other things, told the members that we proposed to start as lively a campaign as we knew how, to ask people to trade at home. The members thanked us by a vote, and later on we were assisted by them in the matter of additional publicity. They subscribed for 1000 additional copies of the paper the price being named -without profit. They agreed to pay somewhere about cost for them and this helped that much. Where we were not largely read in the county they strengthened the list, and the campaign has been lively, and it has been worth while. All-of the advertising we did, we did gratuitously. . Didn't ask and didn't want a red cent for it, and then to even things up we made a sub stantial cash donation towards pay ing ourself for the extra papers on the cost basis. We felt that we had done some thing worth while, and were glad we were able to do what we did. And we are going to keep on in the good work. Many of the state papers hav not only . taken up the work, but they have copied our advertisements and articles giving us credit for the reading matter and . boldly swiping the ads": - But that is good work. It is the best work a newspaper can engage in. It beats politics and sporting news ten to one. At a meeting of the directors of the Merchants' Asso ciation the other day the following reolutions were unanimously adopt ed, which we appreciate very much r "Whereas, Col. Al ' Fairbrother, Editor of 'Everything,' has rendered invaluable assistance to this Associa tion, in the inauguration and con ducting of a 'Trade at Home' cam paign ; therefore be it "Resolved, that the thanks of this Association be, and are hereby . ten dered to. Col, Fairbrother, for the efficient service he has rendered and for the very liberal terms made us." We expect this year to go further; to strike harder. If we can get only one man to stop and think and keep his money at home we have done something. But we have done more than that. We will be only too glad to co-operate in any way with the Merchants' Association in future campaigns of this kind, which are the best we have ever been in best for all of us. Sorry To Hear It. We regret to learn that Captain J F. Freeland, chief of police of Dur ham, is so ill that a temporary chief has been chosen. The Captain has many friends who will be glad to hear-of his speedy recovery.. Durham Merchants - Oppose. Durham merchants are opposed to the proposed increase in the interest rate-from six to ; eight per ' cent Well, it has two sides, and . dis cussion generally gets the kinks out of things. THE OLD DAYS. Did Yon Ever Fly A Kit When A Kidlette? Of course all boys have had their kites and , all boys have made mud pies. To be sure. 1 If not, they weren't boys they were little men before they knew it. This little local story from the Salisbury Post will be read with ordinary interest by the young boys, but with more than or dinary interest by the old boys, the gray beards like you and me: "Taking advantage of the stiff breeze this morning Mr. Ney Kesler secured one of . the large four-side kites, about! three feet in height, and going to the top of the Grubb build ing set the thing sailing, it going out in a southerly direction. Six large balls of cord were used and the kite went so high that it was barely viible to the naked eye. Finally the breeze became so still and the pres sure was so great that the cord broke and the kite was set at liberty. How ever, Mr. Kesler had intended turn ing it loose and had attached a note to the same. It was one of the man ufactured kites and if the wind is right will sail in space even after it becomes detached from the cord and there is no telling how far the one turned loose this morning went be fore coming down." Thousands Of Them. This administration is certainly seeing to it that no offices are abol ished and many new ones are being created. The pie eater must be tak en care of, and some think this will be the last chance for a democrat for many av year. So they are making hay while the sun shines. o . "Another Good Job. Mr. A. W. Graham of Oxford, has, been appointed to a $5,000 position -it is known as a cotton futures at tornew He will have headquarters In New York,- and ; again the fine Italian hand of Colonel osoorn is seen. The Colonel "certainly takes care of his friends and what better could a man do? 0 A BIG LOSS. Jamestown Loses Her Magnificent High School Building. Fire detroyed the magnificent Jamestown high school last week, en tailing a loss of $10,000 The build ing will be rebuilt, and we are glad to know it. i The Jamestown high school building was one of the best in ' the county and accommodated many pupils. No one was injured. : Distressing Accident. Last week Speaker Wooten, C. B Ay cock, engrossing clerk of the sen ate and : Senator Rivers Johnson "were in an automobile when the steering wheel lost out. Young Aycoek was killed; Speaker Wooten sustained In ternal injuries and Senator Johnson was badly bruised. They were out from Raleigh when the accident oc- cured. ' , GREENSBORO She will matetain her place with the Progressive Cities of North Carolina, and the man who buys Real Estate in the city c: in the county RIGHT NOW will have cause to congratulate himself. Here i. a list of the "live ones"---get busy let's start something in Greensboro: ; Real Estate-Loans-Insurance. We believe that now is the time to buy real estate in Greensboro for in vestment. Our list includes A NUM BER OF REAL BARGAINS. We are prepared to negotiate real estate loans, and to write insurance of all kinds. For particulars see us. The Real Estate and Trust Go. David White, Pres. J. W. Brawley, Sec. and Treas. Phone 1022. Office 233 S. Elm St. John A. Cone Real Estate Specialist GREENSBORO, N. C. . Phones 667 and 1762. Doing well thank you: But hope to do better. Have a few sales booked, but not so many that I can not look after one from you, and I have a sell ing plan that will fit the property. I conduct Auction, special and pri vate sales, I get results. I can show you some gilt edge BARGAINS and want to do so. H. W. CLENDENIN, South Greensboro Insurance and Realty Go. Phone 1333. TO GREEENSBORO. Colonel W. H. Chapman Comes Back Again. ' The Richmond Times-Dispatch has the following: , "Colonel Wiliam H. Chapman, in ternal revenue agent in charge of the Second Virginia District for the past nine years, with headquarters here, has been transferred to Greensboro, N. C, tne transfer to become effec tive on March 1: He will be succeed ed here by T. H. Vanderford, now in charge of the Greensboro office. "The change was ordered by Com missioner W. H. Osborne, and is said to be for the efficiency of the service in both districts. "Colonel Chapman was one of Moby's famous command, and served as lieutenant under that great cav alry leader. He, is well known and popular in Richmond, and is greatly liked by his associates." Durham's Fires. West Durham has had another big fire. Durham, is having more than her share. Maybe there is a fire germ over there; - . - Captain Herndon Dead. Captain John A. Herndon, of Dan ville, aged 77, died last "Monday. Cap tain Herndon'was one of the pillars of Danville.' A good citizen. And when you write that a man was a good citizen you have extolled his virtues. Jack Albright 111. The many friends of Jack Al bright, well known over the state, regret to learn that he is ill at a hospital in Baltimore. Fears are en tertained for his recovery. PRETTY SOON. West Market Terrace Will Soon Again Be On. Those beautiful lots in West. Mar ket Terrace are still there. The long rains didn't wash any of them away. The spring grass will soon be seen and the work of develop ment will pretty soon be on again, and the man who wants a home site wants to get in on the ground floor in one of the prettiest suburb an additions ever laid off, will have opportunity. Mr. E. Colwell, Jr., pulled off his sale to wait for the battle to be over that was when we all thought that three or four weeks would bring about results. But the long drawn out war came and people stopped buying real estate. But with the boom just about to develop in this city West Market Terrace will be one of the desirable places sought. And the blue prints are all ready and just as soon. as the first robin chirps his salute you will see something doing. . And now while the robins are started is a good time for you to go out and select the lot you want. This Will Do. The New Bern Sun is already at it. It reports that S. B. Edwards caught an eel that had two legs. When eels commence to walk .then look out for pigs to begin to fly. All Were Pleased. ; All - who heard' Judge Walter Clark on woman suffrager&nd the audience was about 200, were pleased with the address of the Chief Justice. ; The Judge is in,' earnest and' he - has . his argument 6pwn fine. REAL. ESTATE handled in the following manner Farm lands, city and suburban prop erty bought and sold. Rents collect ed and Loans negotiated. Insurance in all its branches, x Guilford Insurance & Realty Co. N. G. White, President; O. L. Grubbs, Sec'y and Treas,.; -A. K. Moore, Mgr. Realty Dept. x Fisher Bldg. 100 N. Elm St. "SEE US BEFORE BUYING OR SELLING" Matheson Real Estate Go. J. A. Matheson, Manager. Office Benbow Arcade. Phone 157 GREENSBORO, N. C. Look over all the town. See the Offerings, then decide as you must that WEST MARKET TERRACE Is where you want a home Room 101 J.lcAdoo Building. GOOD ENOUGH. The Southern Gives Out Information To Public. The Southern railway has officially announced that-it will at once spend about a half million dollars in Greensboro in a new freight and passenger station. The freight sta tion goes South of the present depot and the passenger station Just east of the -present site and will be , be tween Elm and Davfe. v This work will-commence pretty soon and before the year is completed Greensboro will have a beautiful passenger station; This is a big card for Greensboro. ,i: Other things : in sight suggest a great boom -f orour city. : Of course the war may inter ferehut it has been interfering and It can't last always. There will be some people left. - r V." .For 1m When you trade at home you keep v the labor - machinery at work. A big dollar can do just so much work. Will you have it work in your section or will you send it North, get it out of your country, and let it work for the other people? The South's dollar belongs to the South, and the South can keep its dollars if it will not send them to mail order houses. Patronize men in the South and in this way you keep a Great working Force at home. IF a few hundred men send away for their goods they have sent out of reach a Powerful Force for good. Keep the South's money in the South. This means all of us should do this. .BeToyal,and the test of loyalty is your patronage of Home Institutions. DROP A LINE TO P.O. BOX 293 And let us tell you how to get the most out of your property. If you want to buy drop us a line and let' us tell you about some gilt-edged bar gains in Greensboro and Guilford Real Estate. Greensboro Realty & Auction Co. Greensboro, X. C. YOC WILL, EVENTUALLY LIVE AT Irving Park R. C. HOOD. Se. Mr. A. W. McALISTKR. Frrst. Consult us for anything in real estate We sell the earth. American Realty & Auction Company, Penny Brothers Thomas Brothers The World's Famous Auctioneers. ALWAYS SOMETHING TO OFFER IT IS HERE. Fishing Season About On And Tackel Plentiful. The Greensboro Hardware Com pany, Messrs. Stewart and Phipps, purveyors to the fishing clubs, " has just opened its spring stock of fish ing implements. This year there are many new things. The famous Ab bey & Imbey goods best . in the world, and hooks and lines and rods and bait buckets to beat the band. You must have first class tackle if you get first class fish, and the Greensboro Hardware Company has helped make Hamburg famous. If tou are going to do any fishing in the-goed old "atfmmer Just, coming in. go down,- and select a few things you will be sure to need, and get them early, and you'll have no regrets and no waits. ' MOT ASL GREENSBORO REAL ESTATE .. EXCHANGE, Dealers On Commission in City Property, Farm, Timber and Mineral Lands, Railroad Frontage and Water Powers, Negotiate Loans and Collect Rents. 207 South Elm SU Benbow Arcade. Phone 451. . J. R, HUGHES. Mgr. Grensboro, N. C. We have some de cided Bargains in Business and Residential Property and will be pleased to show you. Vanstory & Balsley 229 S. Elm St. We hare farms from 10 acres to 700 acres. Tracts any size and any price and reasonable terms. SOME REAL BAR GAINS RIGHT HOW Brown Real Estate Go. Fisher Building. GOOD ENOUGH. The State Will Purchase Summit Of Mount Mitchell. Old Mount Mitchell Is the highest mountain this side of the Rockies. She stands up there in Western North Carolina, and this legislature has appropriated $20,000 to buy the summit of it and this is business. One of these da'ys, and not long. North Carolina will be the Wonder land for those who travel. . Then we will own the highest peak and Wb will all be proud of it. Just as soon as the railroads can flpfl same -sparo aaoaey -to properly. advertise Western North Carolina you will see tens of thousands of tourists coming down this way. Peo JUST AS J AS. W. WH ITE 6V COM PAN Y U "The Old Reliable," The Eeeley Institute Of North Carolina "With more than a quarter of a century of successful ex perience, this institution stands pre-eminent. It brings ripe study, modern facilities, scientific treatment, and personal attention in its treatment of Whiskey, Morphine and Other Drug Addictions. The Tobacco Habit and ' v Neurasthenia ' 7, Situated in the wonderful Piedmont Section, its clhnatic conditions are unsurpassed. Mqdern buildings, with delightful rooms, in spacious private grounds. No restraint. No humiliation. No pain or sickness dur ing treatment. Home conveniences in a pleasant atmos phere of home comforts. Delighiful cuisine. - ' Correspondence confidential. ' CD. Cunniniham, Mgn, Greene. cro, N. C SOUTHERN REAL ESTATE CO. Twenty-Five Years Successful ExV perience. Buys and sell real estate, handles property on commission, ne gotiates first mortgage real estate loans, guaranteeing the loans in every respect o per cent net to lender writes life and fire insurance, collects rents and takes care of property for clients. Capital and surplus more than $100,000.00. W. E. Blair, Treasurer. H. L. Coble, Secretary. Now is the time to buy REAL ESTATE For a Home or Investment. Delay is dangerous in "LOTS" of things. Office 106 Banner Bldg. Phone 1767 HAM REAL ESTATE CO. L. M. Ham, F. C. Boyles, J. D. Williams X SUB -DIVIDING and Selling Land at Auction Our Great Specialty. Hundreds of pleased . customers. Write for our booklet. We can do you good. . E M. ANDREWS, Secretary and Treasurer, - X Greensboro, Jf. C. ple know this. Already thousands : of dollars are being Invested In hotels . and men with milliqns are selecting home sites. North Carolina is destin ed to be one of the few very great . 6tates in the Union. If we caa ever stop this eternal agitation against corporations; if we can choke off the . hot air artists and wind jammers ' who have been trying to ride- Into . ; . office by prejudicing the minds of people against corporate 'wealth, we will have here a wonderful country, - . And rapidly the people are awi'k-i-f ening. They have seen too many tf V-' the hot. air jirtists surrender and f auit the stumD for Die. . They see uuw LuaL ia.iL! tiaua aiCj uui - i eaten cv- asset and tney are reeling disposed -;- to encourage them and give them a chance'to live. ."The stijte" can-k'-'S' afford to own more qi taaftewncy, . before it Is too late, t,c-: . " . '- YOU SAY' That is the way we make dothesT You can absolutely depend upn the correctness of style and serviceability of our f clothing made to your measure from exclusive fabrics by expert journey men tailors. Our spring and summer, samples are now on display and we cordially invite you to call ' and seel them. Suits from $15.00 up. Special attention paid to altering, cleaning and pressing for ladies and gentlemen by . experts. Call 785 for the best. Office 215 1-2 S. Elm St. I IQ 3 .. x - IB A zC V

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