GREENSBORO, N. C. . PAGE FIVE IOE HANDSOME , NEW SPRING SUITS . FOR BOYS. The boys are favorites with this store. We are proud to cater to their needs, and are glad to fit them oat in new" clothes, because the boys will O som day become men patrons q P of this store. . ' ; : - P n - - " n O 'Whether they, come here 8 with their parents or select alone they will have the atten tion of a salesman " who will give his closest attention to every detail in fitting satisfac tion of the boys and to the sat isfaction of their parents. - ' VanstoryGlothingCo., chas. h. Mcknight; Manager . . acionoi3c Leading Hotels Hotel Huffine, Greensboro, N. O. European or American Stonewall Hotel, Charlotte, N. O. -American Plan LaFayetteHotel, Fayetteville, N. C. -American Plan. Yadldn, Hotel, Salisbury, N. O. ' European Plan - " Hotel Dan, Danville, Va. . . European or American For sale. Farm of about 160 acres, in Rock Ingham county, within, seven miles of Reidsville.. Good neighborhood. Near church and school. Fine tobac co farm. Some improvements. Can offer terms to right party. Address "Farm"- Box 8 8 8, Greensboro, N. C. o Save -money, buy guns, jewelry, of Phil Oppleman, Pawnbroker, S. Elm. Standicgiayourown Light if you do not use V " King of Externals for Colds Croup and Pneumonia. . v I have found Gowans so efficient and reliable z Preparation in ail cases where a powerful count er irritant is needed, and also possessing such de cided anodyne properties that I cannot resist tht desire to endorse it as far and av ay superior tc any prepara ion of its class that has come undei my observatior . I do not think any household can afford to be 'without it and I shall moat cer tainly advise all druggists of my acquaintance tc stock up wttniu . HOWARD JAMES, H. D. B29 Massachusetts Ave.. Boston, Mass. All Druggists Sell Gowans 3 SIZES 25c, 50c, AND $1.00 GOWAN MEDICAL CO. CONCORD. N. C You can see the beet stage stars in the most popular dramas of the day in these '' : HIGH CLASS MOVIES - .-..;.". i" ' , -T;.".'. 'i- Paramount Pictures , draw r the crowds and 'hold the attention of the most critical audience. Every r . TUESDAY and THURSDAY at the 7 EEJOU JED. : PARRISS DEAD. Sudden And Shocking News About - -vve Known Man. The following storv f mm' triiw Point shocked many people in' the oiaie last Monday . morning. : Mr. Farriss was well known in -Greens- ooro where he had many friends. The news story of his death following his mer-m-iaw's demise is strange. The siory reads , Perhaps never before has the city been so severelv Khnoirori if w.., this morning at announcement of the death .at Washi ow v. uunaiu xi, Farriss, city editor of the Enter prise, ign Joint's , daily paper. On nuay evening Mr. Farriss re ceived .a telegram from Mrs. Farriss W.a8hngt0n' C, stating that Mr. Willis, her lather,, was very ill. Mr. Farriss. "seemi-npi-ir - -; O'J - mo U.COI Ul health, departed on the first outgoing -train for -J that : city. ; On reaching there he was notifies that Mr. Willis was no oeuer; - some few hours later WOrd Came from -"the hnonitol ,, Mr. Willis had died. It seems that but. uarnss was resting from his trip and was suddenly aroused with the news and he immediately descended the; stairs to comfort the family when he was stricken with a severe pain M the heart. MedicaV attention was uumeaiy summoned, but befoit, help arrived Mr, Farriss "ha A no coo into the ereat hftvnnrt ... Mr. - Farriss was a young : man of uuusuai aDinty in both the law and in the Dublishin hnsi uated rom the University Law School at Cnapel Hill about six years ago and located here for the practice of his chosen profession. In this he was successful -until he was called to as sist his brother in the affairs of their paper. Mr. Farrist was -marrl! tn Miss Mabel Willis, of Washington, some two years ago and since tna time they had resided -here, makim? their home at the Elwpod Hotel. The cuy can in afford to loose Mr. Farriss because: -first, he WAS nun nf ha load ing citizens and, second because he uaa Deen aiways a ".Hign foint Boost er' and largely due to his efforts in this line are the many recent progres sive, moves of High Point. His re mains will likelv he interred in Ral eigh, his boyhood home. J. J. Farriss ana lamny lert tor Washington on & early morning train. -- . o Crazy Alan Iioose. A crazed man named Monroe Phil lips at Brunswick, Ga. started out in a' lawyer's "office, and: before he got through shot five people, killing three, of them. That was a case of rabies. Had a dog gone mad and bitten a f ew peo pie they CVould: have ordered all the dogs muzzled. ; But the man was caught and will be cured. The other men in Brunswick .have not been or dered . muzzled or secured. That is the only difference in - a man and a dog...::. To Be Sure. - And now in the county papers, we read letters from the Wise Ones tell ing the readers that their represen tatives and. senators have done big things and good, things foXjfche peo ple. v Especially whenrtfibeen n bills of moral .measures-t appear ing that maybe some would not en dorse, the -friends are .rushing In . to explain that the Honorable So and So certainly consulted . conscience and let the chips fall all over them.. .The present, legislature has been . about like . all of them. You can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear and you can't make a statesman out of an or dinary plug. . That is all there is of it. Some members were all right and some were all " wrong. But we take it ; that all of them were honest ana all of them did the best they could. What more could we expect? The Dog. The legislature is going to adjourn without outlawing the dog. It Is well. The sheep the dogs kill have been Phantom Sheep. We can't raise sheep in North Carolina and every body knows it. It takes grass and it takes pastures. If we buy fertilizer to make grass to raise sheep the farmer would go to the poor house. And there is no place for Mr. Sheep. The dog has been standing around, but he hasn't, killed any sheep Dts cause , there have been no sheep to kill. The idea to kill the dog or tax him was a way to raise revenue. The man who wants to own a dog should have that privilege. In Calfornia where they raise a million sheep to one in North Carolina there are more dogs-than are in the , Tar Heel State. The dog doesn't kill one tenth of one per cent of sheep. That Is a dream from the pipe in the editorial room. We are glad no dog law got through this legislature. - - It Isn't Funny. . Gilliam Grissom's Protectionist copies a great many articles from Everything, and 'credits them to "Everybrother's Fairthing." . . Of course Mr. Grissom thinks that is funny, nut it Isn't. There is no such a publication" as "Everybroth er's Fairthing ': and there Is no such a publication as "Fairbrother's Ev erything.' . , - Everything is the only name this publication has. "dt is enough. And to distort or play on a name isn't iustice. If Everything has . printed anything that Mr. Grissom thinks worth v of renroduction it should be dignified with the name of the pub lication from wnicn ne copiea iz. ' A moment's thought will convince him that he - made a mistake." If what we wrote was not serious, then it . is not worth a place In his Protectionist.- If it is worth while it is worth the dignity of the name of the Dublication that had the nerve to ut ter the thought. Pretty Good Profit. ' It is said that one cotton mill in Gastonia, in 1914 earned 85 per cent on its capital of : $18 0,000. This is certainly a big profit, and the man who - talks' against child labor can use this as a whet atone upon which to sharpen his knife. - But some of them do not jearn 85 per cent. HE SAYS GET BUSY.' Colonel E. P. Wharton,. The Fly Ex terminator. Says, Swat. Colonel E. P.. Wharton who made Greensboro ninety per cent flyless last year says- the time to swat is right now right when the first flies of the season commence to show themselves. Swat every one you see. Encourage the children to swat them, and if they appear to increase put out ny paper and clean them no No doubt Mr. Wharton did a great worjc in Greensboro and his labors were an - inspiration to other towns ana cities in the state. - Swat for the fly is com in er swat. for the fly is here! , . . ' o . -: Xot Much Hope. It is said that the Government Printing office is curtailing expenses and many old time employes are be ing laid off. The Wilson administra tion is doing all it can to curtail. The income . tax and "certain other new laws have made it necessary to em ploy a great many new men in new fields. That is why those not actually needed are being cut down in the older departments. A Bold. Bad Man. Joe Reece had the nerve to say that if the Rev. Murphy Williams undertook to lay the corner stone of his church last Sunday there would be a blizzard or a cyclone. And he undertook it and did it, and there was a blizzard. This is some more of the ground hog business. Men who are in league with the devil we read about in history. But to be in league with the ground hog well, Colonel Joe is the only one we know. fav Swift Explains. Mr. Swift a lawyer, presumedly employed to fight child labor, gives it out that 4ie has been disappointou. Mr. Swift as a lawyer, talking about legislation against the little children of North Carolina, perhaps under stands what he is doing. -.The child labor laws have been worked to a fin isher The mill men are dottig more for unfortunate children than ' the state ever did before. Those employ ed to agitate and show up the weak lings will perhaps hold their jobs. It is hoped so.- ; But the people of North Carolina are becoming wise 46 this professional business. . - After 'Em. - Puck comes out strong against pa tent medicines' and says the doctors' trust can't scare it that It is against the patent pill for poor people. There are two- kinds of patent medicines, the legitimate and the fake. Under the Pure Food law where we find the Tye whiskey taken out of lots of the erstwhile invigorating tonics; where we find opium barred, the chances for doing harm with pa tent medicine have been materially reduced. However there are some patent medicines that are all right. And many of them are prescribed by doctors. i y t -: 1 p. . Walker Captured. Jesse P. Walker, the noted outlaw who broke jail at Southport in 1909 and for whose arrest or capture dead or alive a reward of $850 had been offered, was captured at Wilmington Sunday. He was in a boat, was en ticed ashore and six men went to him. He had two pistols in each hip pocket a 45 Colts and a , 32 auto matic Colts 'but the six men rushed in on him before he could get in ac tion. Walker killed Sheriff Jackson Standland of Brunswick, six years ago. "Wilmington Shoplifters. Three negro women were arrest ed In Wilmington Saturday for shop lifting, and a search of their homes revealed about $100 worth of goods the darkies -had stolen. This is the day the shop-lifter is in it. In a re cent number of the Ladies Home Journal a page is devoted to shop lifting, and it seems to be a great in dustry. The writer in the Journal says that women become shop lifters because their husbands do not" give them spending money. But that ought not be an excuse, v '''.; ' Pitiable. ' ; It is indeed a sorrowful story the political demise of Colonel Roose velt. All agree that he is a dead duck in the pit. He seems to have tried to come again, but the last time he hit the rafters he went through the ceiling 'and disappeared.; He is no longer in the public eye, and cer tainly his name is not one. with which to conjure. , -: om . . ,. In Bad. Phillip P. White, a wealthy club man and manager of a concern from which he drew a salary of $8,000 a year, has been arrested in New York for being at the head of a gang of auto bandits men who rob' stores and hold up 'people on the streets. Too bad that a fool drawing $8,000 a year and respectability with - it could not have been satisfied. r 1 7. ;A v - iki. ..... . , INTERESTIXG LECTURES. Dr. AT." C. Smith Putting Out Some Thoughts ATorth AThile. Dr. W. C. Smith, Professor of Eng lish at the Normal College conducts a Man's Bible Clasjj at the Presby terian church, Greensboro, every Sun day morning from- ten to eleven o'clock. A friend asked us some sev eral weeks ago to come down ana kv what was doing. We went. We were charmed. We have induced several of our friends to 4 go men of the world who do not often pause to go to cnurcn noi oei;ause tney are wicked but because they think there it nothing of Interest. All who have gone are still, going, and the Man's Bible Class at the Presbyterian Church, is the most Interesting thing in Greensboro. Dr. Smith is just now on a theme that is splendid that gives him op portunityto present Christ in situa Hons few men ever thought about. Christ in politics Christ among fal len women Christ among thieves Christ among lawyers themes which might seem ultra; which might its the unthinking seem almost bias phemy 'but Dr. Smith is showing by the Book that the greatest character ever walking, the earth mixed with men felt for them and told them what to do. And that spirit of Christ which pervades this world; that spu it which is the esserice-of charity and justice and truth is "shown so force fully and so plainly by Dr. Smith, that the man who misses opportunity to share what is really and without elaboration an "intellectual treat"- a literary gem, each Sunday, is go ing hungry without knowing it. All are welcome to this Sunday service and we would like 'for "more of our friends to get there 'promptly at ten o'clock. ' . Two Years On March the fourth we had had two years' of President Wilson's ad ministration, and some say it has been wonderful and some say nay. , The tariff problem is a mixed on?, but we all should agree that in keep ing this nation out of war; in being sane and remaining sane both in the morning and in the evening Wilson has been that. Not once has he lose his head or his bearings he has certainly piloted the Ship of State into safety harbors. Other men, as great as Wilson in other regards. would have had us in a war. The County Treasurer. Many counties are doing away with the office of county treasurer, letting a bank or banks collect the taxes or rather, handle the money. It is said that this would save the tax payer's money but in some cases we see where this claim is denied.' One county treasurer shows that he re ceives enough interest on his money from the banks to. more than pay his salary. Well, we . live in a new world a new time, and pretty soon the whole Nation will be run on a business basis. - . Raleigh In It Raleigh . wilP have a little side campaign.." It is said that T. . Sale will run for Mayor. But here Is betting on Mayor Johnson. He has made good. He has stood up and fought the bosses- he has come through , clean. We are betting two to one on Johnson. Sale may think he is going to land something but Johnson is not going to be turned down by the people of Raleigh. Take it from us brother . Rastus It is a true bill. '.. When It Comes. We are one of these days going down and vote bonds for Byrd Coler's railway. And we should do this. We should invite him to come to our town and we. should treat him well. All the railroads we can get help just that much, and' the Coler interests are worth while. - We also want Captain Fry's road and Buck Duke's road. And we'll get 'em if we Just sit steady in the boat and vote bonds when they come along. No bette investment' could be made. , t-z - - Where He is AVrong. The State Board of Health gets a big appropriation from the tax pay ers and some of the money is used to knock all kinds of patent medi cines. In other words tne State Board Ol Health assumes that the doctors are the only ones. Of course this is not true, and the State Board of Health should not be permitted to knock; legitimate patent medicines. There are many in this state deserving and all right There are bad ones, but there are good ones. The only trou ble we ever found with the doctors was that they imagine they are the only ones who can . give people re lief. . Christ was the greatest phy sician the world ever knew and he never wrote a prescription for med icine. .: The Hoffman House. . The old Hoffman house of New York is to be torn out and some thing new will take its place. - The Hoffman, like the National and Me tropolitan xf Washington was a long time headquarters tor the Southern people. In fact the Hoffman Houtc always had Southern guests, and to let it get away seems like losing an old friend. But it has lived its life. o- . AThooping lt Up. . Young men and young women are after the suffrage question and tne, are holding debates, and" the Cause Is being strengthened every day. North Carolina was noV supposed to become enthusiastic all at once, but a vote of the people today, and a ma jority would say-let woman vote if she wantsito vote. Within five years the men folk are going to insist that she assume the responsibility she has so long escaped. .' Woman is man's superior: in all ' things unless in brute force, and in these days of elec tricity we can get machines to carry the brick. - - . ' ' KEEP GREENSBORO MONEY HI GREEMSGORO Help Greensboro people. Take your Life Insurance in the - Jefferson Standard Lite Insurance Co. And enable us to loan thousands of dollars more in your county. In addition to its first mortgage loans in Guilford county, the Jefferson's monthly salary list is of more financial value to the merchants of Greensboro than a factory having a weekly pay roll of over $1000r Policy Contracts Unexcelled A By Telephone, Which? "Every letter written in a business house costs somewhere between twenty and fifty cents. The stamp is the smallest item. Stationery, stenographer's time all bring the actual cost of a letter higher than most . people imagine." jo, h: aium. It is more Economical to Telephone Not only does it actually cost less to telephone your message" but ydu reach your man instantly, talk over your business per onaUy, and get an immediate reply. Every Bell Telephone , is a Long Distance Station. SOUTHERN BELL Hotel Clegg Tne Hotel Clegg has been for many years the home of the traveling man, and no pains are spared to make every guest experience a home-like Reeling. Splendid table ser vice,' first class rooms and beds. The HotelXlegg is con ducted on the European Plan and each guest pays only for what he gets. The traveling public is cor dially invited to give us a call Just across the street from the depot and yet "right In town W. F. Clegg, Proprietor. Fragrant Flowers :end sweetness and beauty to their surroundings. Like a magic wand they bestow - what is most beautiful la nature. AH the garden and hot house . beauties promptly delivered to you.. Let us fashion your favorite Sowers for you into exquisite designs II. Steinsmefz, Florist, RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA o Message Ev - Southern Railway Premier Carrier of the South Operating Over 7,000 Miles of Railway Quick and convenient schedules to all points North, South, East and West. Through Trains between the Principal Cities and Resort of the South, affording First-Class accom odations in every respect. Elegant Pullman Sleeping Cars on all Through Trains.' Dining, Cluh and Obser vation Cars. - For Speed, Comfort, Courteous Employees, Travel by Southern For rates, schedules or any other Information call on your agent or write C. O. PICKARD, Passenger and Ticket Agent . . ... . . Greensboro, X. O. R. II. DeBUTTS, Division Passenger Agent, .. ..... Charlotte, N. C. H. P. CART, S. H. HARD WICK, General Passenger Agent Passenger Trade Agent, Washington, D. C Washington, D. C Coke For Sale With our new gas plant now In (all operation, ve are in a position to help you solve your tuel problem. Coke is an ideal tuei for your kitchen range. It is clean and makes no soot or smoke, .and it makes a very steady hot (ire. A ton of Coke is much more in bulk than a ton of coal, therefore a much cheaper (uel. ' - By the bushel on yard, 15 Cents One-hall ton delivered. $6.50 ton 1 ton delivered, 6.00 ton 5 to 10 tons delivered, 5.50 ton 10 to 20 tons delivered, 5.25 ton N.f C. Public Service Co, Phones 330 and 351. Mail TEL. & TEL. CO.