PAGE TWO GREENSBORO, N. C. A LOVER BOLD President Just An Or dinary Mortal . TRICTLY speaking, we do not see why it should be any body's business or why any one should be concerned if the President of the United States wants to get married. If he wants to marry a widow he should have the right; and if he wants to pose for photographers or if he wants to let snap shot people get him, we can't see where there is any harm. And we do not see -that it is , the business of any living Son of Ham whether his first wife has been dead fourteen months or fourteen years if he wants to get married, let him get married.; The President, as we view it, is not to blame. We think the newspapers have been about as silly as the President in parading the matter, but the President isn't to blame for what the newspapers do. v Here in Greensboro there is a sentiment of resentment against the President, men and women insisting that he is.makinR a mistake. There was a whole lot of sympathy for Mr Wilson, because of his bereavement, genuine and sincere sympathy, but it seems that it wasn't needed. We haven't talked far; haven't discussed the matter, but we have heard it discussed and it is the ."concensus of opinion" so far as we can gather that most people are, as thev express it, "disgusted." It is claimed that occupying the position of President there should have been a longer period of mourn- ine: that when it was finally an nounced it should have been done with some dignity; and that the stories that private telephone lines were run from one room to another ; and all that silly dope, such as might have been expected from a twain of yokels, green as gourds and experiencing the first wild thrill of " love, should have Deen cut oui. That is what a great many people in Greensboro are thinking and what a irroflt. m an v are saying. As we said above, we are not worrying. '.. ' t,ut we long ago learned that they wprp Rim t1v human beings, some with much intelligence and some with little. We have learned that there is no honor in the office, be cause the dirty and unseemly fights made to secure the nomination roD it of all honor. The office comes by "blind and eyeless chance" and nnt from the loom of one's own eenius. Therefore the president .personally; is no greater man than hundreds of thousands or otner men. His position is one of dignity but the man filling it must not, necessa rily be dignified. We all know that of all the germs in all the world the love-germ is the most wonderful. It will cause the grimmest stoic to lose his head; it , will make a laugnig, pnnosppner "i-Jjnt of- the weeping one, ana a num. ' lOve-Biruuii., win vyn uio & strings and do stunts that even a gallon of corn liRker wouia ran in comes the god of plenty if he falls in love and, why would they call it "falling in love" if a man didn't take a tumble? It is like falling down an Alpine mountain or into a well or into the sewer you just tumble and keep on tumbling, and in the descent you become scandal- . OUS.-". And the older a man gets the worse the germ hits him because he hasn't resisting power. - Here is our President fifty-nine years old, just about sixty, and he finds himself head over heels in loe. So full of it that he wears a Quaker Oats Smile and acts like a boy with his first pair of red top boots. Do you blame him? No! He is Ten years and he is seventy all in as the saying goes and if he feels that in those ten years he can extract a little enjoyment, a little happiness; why not let him take . the widow, fondle her, love "her, marry her, and ne nappy i Of course the average North American citizen feels that he has a divine right to criticise the Presi dent. But only his official acts. If a president wants to get married, that should be exclusively his busi ness but it doesn't seem to be. Colonel Osborn Leaves For The West. Reminiscent. X .. - 1 I CENTRAIj CAROLINA FAIR. Exhibits All Right But Rain Greatly Reduces Gate Receipts. In this Department the Old Man writes passing fancies maybe recalling happen- 'The fair brought hundreds of vis itors to Greensboro; not so many ing-s of forty years ago maybe something I perhaps as in years past, but for any of only a few months. All people Ure lacfe In nnmhord r.arhnH n9nioi either In the past or the future. It Is -. r- what yon did yesterday or what yon will I ,,ru""u do tomorrow. Nerer what yon are doing afternoon and again Thursday shat- now. This dennrtment Is conducted aim. I tered all hrtrtea nf roonrd nr ovon 1 tovtake care ot ose Peant things average attendance. As an occasion that happened as we walked along the . . v . . road that Is now crass now. and Tna... " served to bring together thou- tlnct the road oTer which we will never sands ; as an event it was highly walk again. Getting Along. As I started out to report my con dition in these columns, after I was stricken some forty three days ago aT,A T u. . , ... I uuiu mo ociuuu auu liic luui luuai ana I write on Saturday the 9th, ..... . ,A , T-c.iin.ii' -nnxwr a , V ' exhibitors. The agricultural and 1 snail now discontinue Issuing . i , . horticultural displays were excellent, A U lOll L I . n , ,, in iub i.umiurciiti uuuuiug a uuiu successful, offering varied entertain ment and ample opportunity to see what the county is doing in the ad vancement of education, agriculture, health and the different industries. The exhibits reflected credit upon both the section and the individual bulletins regarding myself. exactly reminiscent, in one way, and in another it is. rnaay, i secured permission cf ber of merchants and manufacturers had arranged artistic displays. The art, needlecraft, pantry and other Colonel Osborn, Commissioner of Internal Revenue, has gone west ward, ho! ostensibly to see about some brandy and wine and also to get in closer touch with the men in the revenue service. ; But the men who wear thinking caps see in this visit an administration "koo de taw" both McAdoo and Osborn on , the TW ... - Z I ailu weut "amS wun b00ths well maintained the high Zeb Conyers for a half hour that standard of excellence which the was my nrst trip down stairs for Central Carolina Fair set years ago uaJ3, duu i wu you 1 ieil Thfi lnvpr of ennA Rtnrk anrl rattle pretty good over It. of nure breed found a real treat in Did you ever get knocked out and I this department. Poultry fanciers, lie in bed for six weeks? I don't too were moved to admiration by b fcu v.u iver; Th- Paf, snps,tr,e o-pnerallv. was go to bed suffering bodily pains and nothing more nor less than a fair. mental anguish but I mean to b 3 It was good no one could have felt a big strong person and suddenly go that he did not get nis moneys to bed without one bloomin' thing 7nr , X . V the matter -urith ,... fmn T.oot to enenir f a may have been something lacking icij. yiuo yj -" " i- , " i UC&1CC hut over vonder was something to masters to set up the pins. above normal; your mind perfectly IJZ 2 J?Zlnj Clear: VOUr bodv free of all naln m Just how long they will be in the clear; your body free of all pain turn Washington 'will know more and then take a dose of a couple of p5?t0. wiS"ie about the pulse of the coast country weeks of sad, sighing rains with all than it knows now, things political tne windows open and the air blow considered. ing tnrougb and giving you a cold every three minutes not enough to better than last year, was tame , in expected at a North Carolina Fair five years ago. Mr. Daniel says it was absolutely clean one of those sanitary midways and in this day ALL OVER. Five Billion. The suggestion that the appro priation for "preparedness" be dou bled, or rushed up to five billion dol lars, doesn't seem to get exactly proper lodgings - in the minds of many people. A big navy and a -cracking good army seem necessary 1 but when it comes to doubling up things at one pop that is what makes some people talk. ' It is suggested that Mr. Daniels is extravagant. But we. don't know. The fellow who is going to buy something generally buys the best if he has the price, and if Mr. Daniels can convince the Congress that five billion should come it will come. But we fear the. people against "prepar edness" are about as strong as the other side. In fact , the appropria tion for he purpose of killing men will be the issue in the next cam paign. ;: : .. ... : - Canning Girls Win Prize. The booth in charge , of the Girls' Canning Clubs at the Central Caro lina Fair carried off the first prize and was the most universally ad mired exhibit at the fair. Miss Schaeff er and her assistants show ed themselves experts not only in the preparation of table delicacies but in arranging them to show to the best advantage. The booth attracted a great deal of attention. Minister To Leave Greensboro. Rev. Shuford Peeler has tendered his resignation as pastor of the First Reformed chnrcfi'" of : Greensboro, to go to Charlotte to establish a mission for that . denomination. Mr. Peeler has served Ills' present congregation more than 12 years and has been remarkably successful in building np the church. His resignation is effective January 1 Reduced Now To One Man And His Name Temporarily Forgotten. The more or less esteemed Win ston Journal says: "Some of them are talking of finding a candidate to enter the Democratic primaries next summer against Major Stedman. It is true that the "Imperial Fifth 'has right much congressional timber, but right now there happens to be only one man in the district who would stand show of winning' out over the Major. Whether he could be in duced to make the -race The Journal does not know. He has said he was done with politics, but whether or not politics is done with ; him re mains to be seen." Well, if it has been reduced to that, the Major is nominated. These unnamed and unnumbered heroes outside waiting to "lead to victory" the grand old party are queer fel lows. If there is any man in the district, of decen- parentage and average education' who liSs the nerve to come in and brush aside an old confederate soldier and claim that Stedman isn't always onto the job, we want to see him named. Major Stedman Is away beyond the average Congressman. In Wash ington he gets what he goes after for his constituents; he commands respect and he is able and consist ent. What more do you want? Nothing except some of the politi cians and their henchmen want the pie. Want the salary and to get it would walk over the bones of their own mother. Major Stedman will be nominated. No doubt about that. But unless the democratic party presents a state ticket that will give us the rallying cry presents a state ticket composed of men and not professional politicians we are not going to bet big money that the Major will be elected. mis thing of allowing a politician, practically unknown until he talked himself into the nomination for at torney general by nominating Horn, carry off the nomination for Govern orit is to laugh. By the way they are talking about the uays of the populists and looKing up the rec ord where people stood and who bolted then. But that will be noth ing to the revolution on in this state one of these days and it may come in 1916. It should if the party lead ers insist on suicide. CORRECT. choke 7ou u7" but just enough to Kf s"011 WG SUPPSe thEt Is the ucKie your mroat ana mase you want to cuss when you said yoa Editor Johnson Reads The Riot Act wouldn't? It's a provoking condi tion. And nave tne doctor come each day and tell you that he was going to let you get out next week For Fair. stuph Financially the Fair must have been a losing proposition for the association. Starting with most favorable weather conditions, the fair ran afoul of one of those steady drizzling rains Wednesday. When the rain came there was an unusual ly large Wednesday crowd. Contin uation of the rain Thursday destroy Senator Overman In Washington. Red Buck thus has a say concern ing Senator Overman's plans for the winter: "Senator and Mrs. Overman have leased the beautiful McCauley resi dence, the home of Maj. and Mrs Edward McCauley at 1718 Rhode Island avenue, Northwest, and will live there next winter. They take possession November 1. "The McCauley place is next door to the home of Chief Justice White of the Supreme Court in a very se lect section of the city and is built for smart entertaining. It has sev eral handsdme drawing rooms. '.The Overmans will keep open house to their friends the coming season for their daughters, Misses Katheryn and Grace. , "Senator Overman is expected here within a lew days to can a meeting of a sub-committee of the Senate Judiciary Committee to codify, revise and amend laws relat ing to the judiciary. He is chairman of the committee and must make report when Congress convenes in December. The other members of the committee are: Senator Walsh and Chilton, Democrats, and Suther land and Brandegee, Republicans." T. N. Winslow Here. Mr. T. N. Winslow, who for the past ten months has been in the revenue service, located n Ohio, is on a visit home. He will be here until the 18th of the month when he returns to duty. Like all old men of our age, Mr. Winslow has left ; his moustache In some barber shop, and be doesn't look exactly natural. In the revenue service he is at home, and Uncle Sam has a valu able man. Editor Archibald Johnson, of Char- and next week of course never com ity and Children, talked last Sunday ing. Dr. Fortune told me four times to a Winston audience, and among that I could go out next week but denm;S iwvlN'?l-th?11"t hpVf the people for mC o 0111111, wa tins. And I certainly enjoyed the first "He regretted that the country is outing. We didn't go far, we didn't now electing United States Senators see much but it was certainly a tiy a popular vote instead of by Leg- delight to again take my place in jslatures, as the fathers in their wis- the world to enjoy the sunshine. dom had decreed that they should be I and the life and bustle of the streets elected. "Mr. Johnson said that he "a.i or tne fact that his audience financial or attendance records. Happy People. The State Convention of the W C. T. U., met this week in Raleigh I am going next month to Arizona That is one of the oldest of the or was and spend the winter. Not that lam izations wnich have continued a iiice bad off I am not. My lung Is only I .arfara nn Tlim OTW. Ua . . . 1 . . I. i . . . . . . .. . . I . tuwvsa uiu nut agree wiiii mm in inese I etarieu uau ana me ciimaie 01 statements. He cited as proof of his Arizona will half sole it so to speak argument the case of good roads in I have made arrangements with Mr. Davidson countyj saying that the Archie Joyner, a first-class citizen people voted down a proposition to and an excellent all around newspa issue bonds for good roads and that per man to assist the Madam in the they would not have had them for production of my Album of Song, 2.r years to come, had it not been and I am going, (God willing I al for a red-headed Legislator named ways put that In now since I met Leonard, who. had the courage to I with disaster a few weeks ago) get put a good roads bill through the I me a machine, and write fifteen col Legislature, over the heads of thelumns of the warmest stuph you ever saaate ;pepierwhn .are ndw fighting (read from my' tri, and send it back ukefury. to get the roads by their eacn week. Tnat Is all I'll have to doors." I do and really we are going to give And Mr. Johnson is right. The you a ?U,ef ,paperT tnan ever so 1110 vnn see that It Is as T.nnrenia Rtama pee-pul" racket, as worked by the said, "an ill wind that blows eood proiessionai biatnerskites who have to nobody. worked even in this fair state of I have issued these weekly bul- ... I laHna Kona no a T urn v4-aA 4 m ours, nas played havoc. The leeisla- 1 , . muue81 i. .1.1 j o aooui iu i Qiani want io run up l ure should elect tne Senator; the scare heads and vet. so manv. -mant iug'siaiure snouid De empowered to people expressed concern about me, do many things it doesn't do. It Is that I felt I must speak to them. I the fault of the DeoDle if the Wis- am going to be down town before o t A f - - . A a.-. lofn.o .. iv. M-ma io icau uui lur a. wug Bireicn '" uucoul u,CMUlB - L. a time, but Ion tr enons-h to have standard if there ever was a stand- my hair curled and my whiskers ard in measuring legislators they I trimmed from a barber's chair. This generally are so sorrv. thing of - having a man shave you in The "pee-pul" which is the mob: ea lsn nai ",1S cracKea UP lo De; the crazed and hysterical mob, nev- Ke-.. , .1 Lei ce anG er were and never will be capable lucu Br, lu ueu- 81 is uown n of governing themselves, and that is llm ' V!' " .vK.vovumilIC AUTCl iA- I Al J Al A A 1 . . ment The red Tieadd or, anu icua yuu mat it is nara 10 i v, v , . -.x.: shave a man's neck when he is lyin ers of Davidson did a great job. and onJ ..l? the legislature was willing to help ta.SS 5.ntar you al a pleaint him whereas, am oh in nrMonn Dusmess, wisning you an a pleasant iealdus and thrht-wadded w,id Furtn ot July and a very Happy on rum, and its members must feel good to know that the end of their work is almost in sight. Prohibition, national, will soon be here have held the good roads back for a half century. We are glad Editor Johnson thinks like he thinks and doubly glad he has the courage to go out and tell people about it. Christmas. $10,000 Prisoner Escapes. '. V FAME! And What Is Fame Except To See The Crowd Talking. MERCHANDISE OF QUALITY AND DEPENDABILITY Undoubtedly there is an ele ment of comfort in trading .1 with an establishment that has a reputation to maintain. There is nothing shoddy or cheap about the merchandise which we handle the watch word of our buyers is always quality and durability. And that word durability means much more than mere first cost of any article or garment. ELLIS, STONE AND COMPANY Always remember Pay More. -You Never The Richmond Times-Dispatch. A. Carter, alias Curly Carter, perhaps innocently, throws this wanted in Pennslyvania on the paragraph, which from our view charge of fraudulently obtaining noint. is satire for fair; 1 ft ft ft A T T7!I1S TT 1 I Vxv,u xi.iu . m nas 'Wvtbeville . Va has awaked to uroiten jau at iienoersonvnie where find itself famous. Wytheville Is the he was being held for the Pennsly- town where the next first lady of the vania authorities and the outcome of lana was a one-time belle. The trial for an offense at Menders, white House announcement is the ville, which it was anticipated might town toPic- A dispatch from Wythe- delay his delivery to Pennslyvania V1"e referring 10 tne sur, says: until nunishment had been meted 'Not since the time, two years ago. out in the North Carolina case. The when the 'Allen gang were tried news of the escape was teleeranhed nere ac tne county courtnouse lor . . " a m T to Governor Prats- at nria TiM-" inuruer 01 juage juassie ana The Farmers, Friend. solicitor Michael Schenck. A requi sition from the governor of Penn sylvania had been honored by Gov ernor Craig and was In waiting at tiendersonville to become effective when the North Carolina author lues are through with Carter. J. Norman Wills Elected. Mr. J. Norman Wills has been elected as director of the Greens boro training school for Sunday school workers this year, succeeding Prof. W. &. Jackson, ,. who found it impossible to continue the work. This school last year attracted con siderable attention throughout the state, being the first in North Caro lina ever planned upon such a large scale. It was said by Sunday school workers to have the largest enroll ment ever obtained for such a school In America. The first session will be held Thursday evening, October 21, and it will continue for six months, with two sessions. We hope that this very excellent fair weather for the fair will not cause Colonel Garland Daniel to think he had anything to do with it. We were the cause. We invoked the weather gods to make it good, more because we didn't want to catch cold than anything else, and we un derstand Dan is claiming that he worked the magic, .v. Bosh L . four other persons, has the town of Wytheville been in such a state of excitement. And the band is play ing and everybody whistling 'This Is the Life.'!" Those Wytheville people are emo tional. The same excitement, or the same kind, that thrilled the little town when Judge Massie was shot along with four other citizens broke out anew when it was learned that an old time belle of the place was about to marry a widower, years af ter she had put her husband under a tombstone. There was no shoot ing up of the town but the excite ment was there, and had Sidna Al len been on the scene with his guns and brothers, no doubt there would have been some shooting and the glad news would have spread again like wild fire. Surely, This is Life! Just As Information. As a matter of Information more than three hundred people have sub scribed for Everything in the past month. And as information we want ' to say that scores of people are telling us that Everything is closely read and that the paper is doing great good. Everything will grow better right along. We are now getting to the end of the second year as a weekly,- and there is no doubt about 'the paper being a suc cess in every way. - 'r,. ! -' A ") 1 We are glad to say to our friends that Tobacco took on a higher price this week. Advanced from $2 to $3 per hundred. We think now tobac co is at its highest for this year and would advise you to sell your tobacco. A Mr. Edgar Vaughn sold a split load on my floor yesterday, Retting an average of $3 more per hundred than he got on one of the larger markets. Mr. H. T. Cox, of High Point section, split his grades and received an average of $3.25 per hundred more on my floor than he did on one of the larger markets. When tobacco is high it will sell itself, but this is the year to sell at Graham's Warehouse at Greensboro, with Tom Graham, who never runs over your tobacco and who bids against "the buyers and pushes them to the limit. Yon make money by selling with him. "Prices tell come on." GROCERIES FOR CASH Mean vine to y rang-lag" from 15 to 25 per rent. We d t make yon pay a pereeatar for bad drbts and collection rota. We are particularly anxious to demonstrate to the farmer - bow much money the caxh syfctem will wave over the old time ytem. When you brine your next load of tobacco tome in and nee for yourself bow much difference there Is. Jennings and Company. McAdoo Hotel Building. We Invite Your Drug Patronage In compounding prescriptions we are careful aa to the parity of oar drugs. The service which we ren--der has been a big factor in maklnc our business successful. We are always lad for the people to make our store headquarters. Yoa will find courteous young mem Im charge of our fountain and the drinks wUl refresh you whUe yoa wait. ELM STREET PHARMACY Karl Davis. Manager. GOOD CLOTHES make a mental impression that can not be erased. This has been the case for ages, for even in Shakespeare's time the famous bard was impressed with the fact that "The apparel off proclaims the man." We are headquarters for good clothes and this season we are showing patterns of unusual attractiveness, both for suits and overcoats. We are always glad to show the different patterns and styles. STOCKARD AND WIMBISH Proper Cleaning and Pressing Makes Clothes Wear Longer And there can be no question about the differ ence in appearance. - Our policy is to equip you with the highest quality of suits and over coats and when this is done we can assure long wear and good appearance if you will patronize our cleaning and pressing depart ment regularly. Particular Attention To Ladies' Coat Suits. Our Pressing, Altering and Cleaning depart ment is in charge of experts and we guarantee satisfactory service. Ladies coat suits and other apparel will be handled promptly and at very reasonable rates. Call or phone and let us give a demonstra tion of the excellence of this branch of Walker service. WALKER MAKES THEM BETTER. T A.j- Walker TqiloringJ Elm St., Opp. Piedmont Theater Phone 289 E 301Z5EI.0I A Qmestioin tot Y01 When you trade at home you keep the labor - machinery at work. A big dollar can do just so much work. Will you have it work in your section or will you send it North, get it out of your country, and lot it work for the other people? The South's dollar belongs to the South, and the South can keep its dollars if it will not send them to mail order houses. Patronize men in the South and in this way you keep a Great working Force at home. . If a few hundred men send away for their goods they have sent out of reach a Powerful Force for good. Keep the South's money in the South. This means all of us should do this. Be loyal, and the test of loyalty is your patronage of Home In H II