PAGE FIVE GREENSBORO, N. C. iono WORKING CLOTHES The spring time demands Working Clothes. We carry the well known g brands of overalls, in g sweet urr ana Heaaugni, g Corduroys and Kahkis. Prices the same. Overalls $1 and $1.25, Corduroys $3.00 up, Kahki $1.50. VanstoryClothingCo., chas. h. Mcknight, Manager -IT1 1 E "1 Tur v.tTr.H wivt, I II . No Matter Where You Live In town or out of town, if you need the best in Commer cial Printing call on or write to KENDALL Greensboro, X. C. Orders promptly filled at prices al ways satisfactory. THE MILL TOWN. It Must Be Attractive To Hold De sirable Operatives. Representative Doughton, answer ing Mr. Lenroot, of Wisconsin, who sught to distort the statement of a witness in the hearing of the Child Labor question as argument in sup port of the Keating bill, cited oiu North Carolina mill town that is do ing a great work for the educational as well as the industrial progress of the state. "What he said of Kanna- polis can be said with equal truth of all the mill villages around Greens- Doro, ana 01 practically all the mill tOWna in frhft state inart frnm Vi a w VS MW1 A A V1U philanthropic and humanitarian side of it, mill owners have awakened to the fact that they ca nsecure and re tain competent help only by offering superior advantages over rival mill communities in the way of schools, churches and provisions for social enjoyment and recreation, and if ior no nigner motive it is a business proposition to meet the demands of this class of wrkers wlin will nn longer put up with conditions under wmch their fathers worked in the old days of the Dioneer manufactur er O-DDortunities wtiip.h thpv ha vp enjoyed through the enterprise of tne mm men nave given them a taste for better things and they, like in telligent workers in other lines, de mand tor tneir cmiaren advantages superior to those under which they were reared and equipped for earn ing a livelihood in a world of com petition. DOC COOK TALKS An Interesting Story From Our Old Friend Doctor Cook. ) yi mrr- ne is uuu'v. flfpr the "a' bills in Con jrrp Before o W. J. SHERROD, Attorney. 1 1 5 Court Square, Greensboro iTMriQNAL DANK Julian SCarr Wm.J.Holloway rresiaeru vaomi-i THE BANK OF THE TOWN WeStrive to Oblige and Accomodate We Issue Certihcatey of Deposit beaann FOUR oercent Interest $ x29 opens you an Account 3URE BIND SURE FIND iii mm yuutm I tUUTlrl a. Mi1 ! 1 l1 iloAFE DEPOSIT BOXES ' FOR "RENT Burglar 6 Fireproof Vaults j TWJS You Carry the As an examDle I would like to have these alarmists make a visit to an ideal mill town in my district. This beautiful little city is situated on the main line of the Southern railway between Washington and Charlotte, seven miles north of Con cord.' You will : recoenize it by a beautiful artificial lake by the side of the railroad about, 15 miles south of Salisbury. It is called 'The Magic City' down there but its real name is Kannapolis, and it was named for its founder, J. w. Cannon, who is president of the Cannon Manufacturing company. This com pany operates a chain of about u cotton mills in North Carolina and South Carolina, several of which ai'e in my district, a number of them being located in the town to which T rpfer. At this particular town whirh has erown to a population of several thousand since the company built some of its mills there five or six years ago, you will observe the new order that prevails in the south with reference to the conditions and surroundings of mill people since the day when sensational welfare found some cause for criticism and complaints. : Here you will find neat, sanitary homes for the mill workers: safe and sanitary condi tions under which to work; a Young Men's Christian association especial ly for the men and boys who are employed in the mills. Wholesome amusement for the children, a li brary and reading room and a swim ming pool; and a good graded scnooi open for eight or nine months of Ynn will also see a home for girls who work in the mills but wlinsp narents do not live near Dy. Thia home is in charge of competent matrons, and the girls who live there are as well protected as in the best homes. "wiion vnn ?n to this town you will be greeted by a genial, elderly gentleman, a typical executive anu Tr.Qn of affairs .This is Mr. Cannon, who has done much to disprove the charges that have been made against southern mill men. However, you may be greeted by one ot nis sev eral sons who are associated with him in the management or tne great nf rto rnnnnn mills. They nMiviisiv tpll vou that you are welcome to observe all the con ditions and influences tor wnicn iu management is in any way responsi ble in any of their mills. But you will not see any evidences 01 ue&-u-eracy; first, because they are not there and second, because you will be so impressed with the ideal con ditions that prevail mere you forget all you have heard about bad conditions in the cotton mills of the south. Instead or immoral, eyi-.- ed young men you wiu see manly, robust and healthy ; young men, with a purpose written m their faces and that purpose is .w the promotion and confidence that is sure to come to mem irum and trustworthiness. msieu m wretched, slovenly girls you will see young women who go about with the bearing of the school mistress and who are not ashamed 01 tneir . wui-.. The children too, are just as Wealthy and as beautiful as otner cuimieu elsewhere. This is but an.eniy of many towns elsewhere mJNorth nomiiTia-'ftTid the south though they may be on a smaller scale." I A Mayor Called Upon To Do Some thing On Short Skirts. mtlp town of Von i no roi; I 1UB . vou- The foliowiu6 a beach, and on that t outiUI1 was sent : . g women walk and of course from New or blows. And in these days not long o abbreviated skirts naturally there the last of J a - among Bome women uary, and as Mayor of the town has been ask- haS tO dO Wl 5mS to wroctlo xrifh 1 r. Frederick ed seveict a nnnlr the I .. . iia hilt fho mtrno-r don Vo Original Discov- receive(j a letter from a woman liv- erer 01 .ng jn venice - prumiueni in North Pole we churc,h circles who requested Mayor print it, because Gerety to adopt some sort of a res it is of interest. that wouid prohibit women T -nrill ViP nOtea " . . J ohort clrlrts -nrollr;n 11 t land giris hv. ouubij n tne uociui the ocean iront waiK on windy x. i hnniP for11"16 iwl ji j days. 11 is Biuiw acauuaiuus auu a disgrace to my sex. On a windy day . ; smTinssible to tell a woman from -t i .3 f civtPPn VParo nf a tra htr I a cuiiu u' " " o "j tho rnnfrnversv is spttlcd. we are I ,iroCcPS- and the disDlav of nn- vu-t ir ' Ul VJV' F Mr w certain Cook will come into his own. derwear is shocking," said the writ- The attempt to laugh mm oui er in her letter to me Mayor, lant'U. i ne i.ay uoou i Mayor viijr iiustte Peary's baton by a long shot. There gmart who was one of the bathing are men in Congress who want to censors last spring, took a walk see iustice done and ; when justice , tlip OCean front and when thev is done, Cook, will wear the lloiJor returned to police headquarters told of discoverine the North Pole. The . pniiCe Watson that there story follows: was nothing that could be done but j . a i v v i i v. v v q allOW 111" l u ii 511 ia iii uoc started some talk in the newspapers ocean front walk and to let the about the North Pole, returned . to blQW The Mayor 6aid. his native Brooklyn toaay. on'-e. ,j tannot see where the city fresh discoveries to a palpitating , , pvnected to reeulate pithpr world. V , 1 vn the length of the skirts of the wo- Tl,. Ar Maros thp Wild UieU l"e , " . I men OT lllc lun-c vi nic niuua. iiu- of Borneo are not wild, and the aoc- the front on a tor ought to know, as he has wen they would not gQ pastimmg among them for seya1 if they can stand it we can, months. instead, from his story there- they appear to have reacneam - the Mayor is right. What state of development, in which the haJe do with short skirts if short women do all the work. decreed by dame Fashion? The doctor arrived on the.or skirts ar could he do with wegian-Amencan liner Kmtian Andw0Pfficially? Tnere used to "rMvescrefed them-nien be soue lines which ran something ?ourhem toa" tan'weU God who makes the wicked wind bum folk of fair complexion. That blows our skirts so high- It is a base calumny to call them But God is just He makes the dust wild Their onlv uncivilized traits That blinds the bad man s eye. " : ;--j t...-: " rirQmv -3ut in a town like Venice aiC licau Mr ' e neaa nuiiums aim iiuvb"'"-'- , : . . . . . i..r .i.. arp whpr.i there is no dust where it is 10 move iiiau mc '"v" - , . . . . , . not wild at all, the doctor went on just one long stretching dream of to say that the women rule tmngs Deacji aim u..Cu u, a. uoa in Borneo. It is a Utopia 01 iem inism. Thov Tiavp taken over the man- "of -the tribal governments as well as building the fires and put- a : 4. V nnt Tlior -rofllCP to let llUg UUt II1C ittl. i ' -j -- . the men do any work. A man is en- The. Twilight Sleep Scheme Has Been IV V - tf - women in short skirts well, as the Mayor put it up, the ouers can stand it if the wearers can. o , NOTHING NEW. On A liomr Time titipn" to as many wives as he be lieves necessary to support him in comfort and the station to wnicn ne We have heard so mucl of late hafpeVpCr,CUsnowehatred for their about the "twilight sleep" we took PTiPmiPs" continued Brooklyn's it that it was a new fa.,. but it greatest explorer, "but they were Seems that way back yonder it was! very friendly toward us. we naaa jn uge Even royaity adopted it. oveiy visu ot eveu muucu, The ate King Edward VII of t o vot. 00-A io TTrjcrinnri was a "twilieht sleeD" baby. ' man who put Brooklyn in the date and his mother, Qiieen Victoria, the lines felt the yearning to discover first woman Cf ro-al birth to use something come over nun . f or p,inleis chiIdbirth. At- o -,ot-oi?t ' q 1 1 tt! Prnnto tornev James A. rarrell so deciar- nun a. iiai ui uwoty muu. - w - i a nhotocranhpr to climb Mount in thp Snn-eme Court in New Rverpst. the ihierhest neak in the I Vork recently. world. They did not even get a peek Farrell appeared, in behalf of Dr. I at the big hill. The British author- w. Wellington Kiip, proprietor of a1 itips at Calcutta, rofused. ""lo I "fwllielu 3leeD,"' sanitarium in Riv- exolanation. the requests of the doc- ersale drive. .;frs. Ansle M. Booth tor and his companions. and Mrs. Mar' T. Sutphen, who own However, the doctor just had to mansions in his block, are seeking the w ild men of Borneo as needing allege that th sight, of ambulances .3 J XT rx ntnn r V r I , ; a nnnitnrin r1 UlSCUVflJf 111 US L. no "till. iuv Qringlllg WO III 11 tO I. I1C oauiioiiuui Philinnines and then made the and the cries if new-born babies iournev to the island in a twenty- harp a had pff.ct upon their nerves. eieht-foot boat, he says. A form of -.hloroform was used "I have returned to the United by Queen Victoria's physician. Far-1 States." he said, "because there are rPn told Justice Donelly. in arguing five bills before Congress leading up tht "twilieht sleep" was nothing to an investigation of my claims as new. discoverer of the Pole. This inves tigation will clear and vindicate me." o FIGHT OVET1 FLAG. WOX1F-R WHY, Two States To Have A Bout Over A Battle Flag. Why Should A Man Want His Wife To Sew Buttons On Clothes. The states of Louisiana and Mis- cnrr ti-;11 cna a in a word war over the battle flag recently re- rea s: turned by Illinois to New Orleans. The following jstory is from Pitts- j burgh, and we .opy it because we want to! pommeni iust a little. It "Buttnless buttonless coats. men oy inmo tu yw-. - wearing ap The legislature of Illinois aeciueu i . MHnniminpH the social that the flag which was capxurea ai career of j the battle of Big Black Ridge Durham, N. C. Cutting It Out. And even Mexico is cutting out ,pulquea drink that puts even uu corn likker on the blink. DULL MES Trade k a little dull these days and in order to stimu late and encourage buying we are giving away the big gest end of our profits. Read er, if you are looking for the big end of a bargain you can certainly get it here. J. M. HENDRIX & COMPANY The Home Of Good Shoes. Daias Stewart, a pros- on perous resident of exclusive Sewick- .,--. 1 o j v.o oncitrn of ipv ' according- to the story ne toia Gen. Andrew -, ad .etumed Tlls it to New Orleans, but the state of charge of desertion. Mississippi through its principal pa- 'in! thirteen years she only sew- pers, claims that the Illinois legis- ed thr4e buttons on my clotnfs. lature and the New Orleans and said Stewart, telling his woes to the Louisiana historians were wrong court. 'How could a man keep up and that the flag originally belonged appearances when he had to use to a Mississippi command. toothpfcks, matches, safety pins leaa Tno mPTnhprs of thp Illinois leeis- nencils' and bits of string to hold his lature, the Daughters of 1812, the trousers up and his garments to city of New Orleans and the state gether? of Mississippi will be embroiled in "'Pay your wife $10 a week ana the dispute. get patent steel buttons in the fu- The banner was received in New ture,' was Judge Kennedys soiu Orleans a few days before January tion." n 8. locked securely in a vault in the Now what we would like to Know Whitney Central bank and only tan- is, why snouia a man, m imo en out on the anniversary of the bat- the New Woman expect her to sew tie of New Orleans January 8, when buttons on his clothes? Why ?oesIV it was escorted to the state museum he sew them on himself? Wh.y.s by governor, mayor, state troops, his wife to sew on her own clotnes regulars from warships in-the har- and then take care of his. In tne bor naval station and barracks. old days when women had notning o to do; when they made son soap The Uniform. "affectionately abused the neigh- bors" as Artemus Ward put it; when Ben Tillman has introduced bill making it a fine of not more than a rea ior tne hardlv thousand dollars for any hotel or ever got out Gf the house, it was all play (house to refuse to give accom- right for them to put in their time . .. i " us - ..'rm oan-incr VvllttnnO ATI thft TantS Of the moaation to a soiuier iu umwi-,, . - " . . Tt prided he Soner and a.l r.?M. male. now it is M-jAJtU KEEP GREENSBORO HIIOMEY IM GREEMSBOBO Help Greensboro people. Take your Life Insurance in the JeffersonSfandard Life Insurance Co. And enable us to loan thousands of dollars more in your county. In addition to its first mortgage loans in Guilford county, the Jefferson's monthly salary list isof more financial value to the merchants of Greensboro than a factory having a weekly pay roll of over $10UO. Policy Contracts Unexcelled 1 1 o A Message By Mail or By Telephone, Whicli? "Every letter written in a business house costs somewhere between twenty and fifty cents. The stamp is the smallest item. Stationery, stenographer's time all bring the actual cost of a letter higher than most people imagine." . n. aiun. It is more Economical to Telephone Not only does it actually cost less to telephone your message but you reach your man instantlytalk over your business per sonally, and get an immediato reply. Every Bell Telephone is a Long Distance Station. SOUTHERN BELL TEL. & TEL. CO. Hotel Clegg The Hotel Clegg has heen for many years the home of the traveling man, and no pains are spared to mate every guest experience a home-like feeling. Splendid tahle ser vice, first class rooms and beds. The Hotel Clegg is con ducted on the European Plan and each guest pays only for what he gets. Tfc traveling public is cor- Hiaiiv invited to give us a call Just across the street from the depot and yet "right in town W. F. Clegg, Proprietor. Southern Railway Premier Carrier of the South Traversing all the Southern States. connecting all the principal cities, re- sorts and affording quick, convenient and up-to-date service between points. Through trains from all the Southeastern territory to Washing ton, Baltimore, Philadelphia and New York. Through tickets sold and Pullman reservations made to principal points. Use the Southern for SAFETY, jircilVlCE. SCENERY. For rates, schedules or any other lnf ormatlou call oa C. G. PICKARD, Passenger and Ticket Agent ... G2ESf2 W O R. H. DeBUTTS, Division Pawenger Agent, C-U-rtotta. n. v. metier, um nun -w w - - a new world, and the man should sew on his own ouutons or emw a man at a pantatorium to sew em on for him. r- But He Doesn't Count. it aTinnt he 1 ail says mnw'cu. elected. But Taft, while loveu , Fragrant Flowers Perhaps Ben had been reading Tom my Atkins' cmplaint when he was thrown out of a play house, as de- j scribed by Kippling. Such a law is all biaaeraasn. iue man in a uniform, if sober and de cent, can always get accommoda tions. The man in a uniform, if he hns ahout three drinks aboard, gen- I . , -.,niinpS9 and erally makes a conspicuous ass or - nn1ltMi T,rop-het. himself and should not De accommo- ; . - , and dated. That is the long and we e .u. - -d short of it, and everybody knows ; it. LAe," Vilson will be elected However, the politician, no matter is Jfon Jl becaue I how sincere, always sees xne gai- : - i0rv nnrl the man wHo nas Deen iait tui- kicked out of play houses for disturb ing the peace thmKs ne nas ueen humiliated. Worthy Object. Too Expensive. Some have suggested that the in itiative, provided for by the city char ter, be used in the market question Put it to a vote of tne lax payers I But that is too expensive. They are raising in New York a fund of $500,000 to build suitable buildings to entertain the newsboys. Give them a place to sleep: a place to loaf; a place to read. They call the newsies there the "Tiny Tims -Tiri Mia Sun solemnly asserts they Public are worth $500,000 a minute to the old town. lend rweetnesa and beauty to their r-rroundiiLgs. Like a magic rri v.r ,ht la mart beautiful in nature. All the garden and hot- bouse leaut!e prompuy T n fonnion TOUT iHTonwo lawer for yon Into exquisite designs H. Stelnsmetz. Flsrlst, BAXJSIGII, NORTH CABOLIXA WHEN times are good and when times are bad whether your plant is running overtime or half time-the econ omy of power adjusted to ac tual needs is obvious. For per fectly adjustable, economical power buy electric service from Central Station. "NOT MERELY ELECTRIC POWER, BUT ILLUMINATING SERVICE." N. C. Public Service Co. Phones 330 and 331. i sentiment will work it out.

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