GREENSBORO, N. C. Have You Any Land For Sale? PAGE THREE Human Interest Stories. Every week we find something that in- THEN AND NOW. A Little of Past History Showing mow Teddy Stood. Our friend Judge Strudwick. of this city, hands us the following from a i letter in the New York World, show- terests us: something that appeals to us. inS where Roosevelt stood in 1914. , and we feel that wheu the stories pomp Tn Sorit.-Tnhor r.f thot ro from remote places, or are local stories - L,, IUIC- they are worth producing iu Evervth deputation of Belgians has ar- " u.-nuiy :waat you would call 11,su lul uiiry 10 invoice our as ofttlSESfg thedaet they are sistance in the time of their dreadful cu. iiai auLiuu our government nan nr will talro T Irnnw ' t A real human interest rjroblem. 2 2 louh a ieart of adamant, taken that will interfere with our1 if VhTM n . mterven- entire neutrality. It is certainly emi tion of the N. C. Children's Home when nontiv Hiru tho '1A hahvwh main entlrely neutral and nothing but 5-T:w?Si''-S,md?J ursent need would warrant breaking at her home about two miles north ,.oi5.. j ...j-- ot the city, and whose father, heart- Wflv ftr tho nthor MIUftgu "i dUU Willi IUUr IltLie "Of PmirSP it wmiM lo "lltr the hope that in a short time he . . .. would be able trv rmrt s, hnmo f,. th - kji l1iriflM .HIlll llllll IIUII I u'wu'w VUV I K.lnn4 1 - ttt 1 Hecu""-v littio mo on,AT, v u,:,i,cu tciSiuiii. we na e noi me IS, WrftnTlell 'rction10 We" hT hesTtaTId to a kfor help on ? hS'S.'?11147 Tracts and Sell at Auction, we do irht befallen her, and I am sure the sppa- virous up-to-date adyertasing and JJ"n nf T,fraAL frSJ thy of this country for the suffering our force of Auctioneers. Ad- ,Sc6hilad p e a that of the men, women and children of Risers and Ground Men (the best g CJ J- TiuncnLTot Belgium is very reaV Nevertheless. L the South, we get the best results pSfXl this sympathy is compatible with full nossible and get them quick. We sell . aTu1 tan(r t; .;,Lrn, 3.T acknowledgment ' of the unwisdom of GUILFORD COUNTY DELEGATES. Chosen to Represent County at Demo cratic State convention. Guilford county, along with all the other counties of this State, will be represented in Raleigh Thursday at the Democratic State convention. The delegates who were appointed at the county convention here Saturday will be expected to attend, and the 1 leaders of the Democratic party in this county are especially urging that they make an effort to be on hand, while at the same time it is deemed advis able for as many of the representa tive Democrats as possibly can to be present. It is understood that a large repre sentation of the different counties is sought this year on account of the convention being more important than those usually held. Charles A. Hines, chairman of the county Democratic committee, re quests the publication of the follow ing information: The State Democratic convention will meet in Raleigh at noon Thurs day. Every delegate and alternate ap pointed by the Guilford county con vention is expected to attend. If any one cannot attend it should be report ed to Chairman Hines, so that his place may be filled. 'There will be no congresisonal con vention this year, but a meeting of the delegates- from the Fifth district will be held in Raleigh Thursday morning at 10 o'clock to elect two delegates And two alternates to the national convention, and to nominate a candidate for elector in the district. This meeting will also select six mem bers of the State executive commit tee, a member of the platform com mittee, and members of such other committees as will be necessary to the organization of the convention. "The work of the State convention will be the election of four delegates at large and alternates to the nation al convention, the nomination of two electors at large, and the adoption of a State platform. "Senator F. M. Simmons will be the temporary chairman of the convention and will make the principal address of the day. Indications are that it C- D I Q nf C Ke oT ci MmS r163"3 more than a Column wmbe one of the most lely-at Potato m ants aatnrttSss ss"r? jmr t. one that he was unable to solve alone. " f" -l. -,r UC1U luc oiaie m a Ions L ten States. If you want to con- Htn. nf ct or, tw our uttering a single word of official " . , t m I "--"m w. vuo, uuu tutu, ucr;u I . vert your propeny mi can anu worry for the little one would be giv- Proiesi uniess we are prepared to en every care and attention and , i'lulcai- euei:ilVB ana niy would be cheerfully given up to himKhe c,eare,st and most urgent national it ne was fortunate enough to find it . l-x,""ulu . ju". us, m uevuu- a permanent home. irom our ruie 01 neutrality and His unutterable inv anrt hanninoss non-inienerence. for the helo extended to him reflected Ane .worm correspondent says this through his tears and a shadow of 1S tne clearest and most emphatic en comfort in the thought that the moth- oorsement or President Vil son's pol erless little babv would be taken care icy yet presented to the public of passed across his countenance irue, out 1 eddy cares nothJig about wnat ne said yesterday or day before some vert 1 tf Merest bearing notes, write or. wire us. Southern Realty & Auction Go. "E. M. ANDREWS, Manager.-;..': Greensboro, N. C. FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN One complete set Tinner's Tools, one when he was assured of the Home's wnat ne said yesterday or day b( ;..i.;..x-'ft pt? rnnacitv. one 40 intentions. The father was taken yesterday. His idea is to think s "ill ore ''2-horse power engine, 4 back to his home in the country in an thing new each day a something that f ., n n s on pi one automobile and the little baby and its win help Teddy in his ambitions. IH-11V. I- I n xrrr.l..V. n,n V...l,i Uo I Hf.WOVpr it woro Tirol 1 r Iraon 1-oK nn Cine 201H x OUrllHlIl ".t aiuiuuc . ncic uiuugui tvi mo i " " - r, vx "Th iniirow. tin syrups in first class city that afternoon and placed in the hinv and wonder how he can be so Willi I t t .'ii-:- a I aorfthofirt mantollT .... nume uu iiiiuiit sireeu f J I lUrlT : I . 0UUU&U UraUU Uk. LUVy UlVbUV " I r- j - , .. . . j a - I A nl.ll ., . , Phone 798 ounoay, aue, me; iamer siaiea, 10 r uisnnguisnea rigure. ucan. nuuuic, ximc A word nf rammnnHiiKnn ii. ttio the mainstay for the little children. ' nanoT. orrtnrc.m0n, f ..o The father with no relatives near by neighbors who know whereof they 125 Lewis St. "A sensible ci! that's what 5 wemt" Tnere arc a number of good, sensible cigarettes on the market Fatimas cro not tho only ones. But Fctimas cro the tcct-Cicd end best-cslin J over Cc C5 cotsc, you tasto 1 00 'owJda 1 Hf k- -7OU iiat 9l .ANY eoi I8r . Ifh 4thnt Cll Wtor, FOR "j coin v cann a - . i "-'ur rir-n- ;nrn 18 litir aodi ' 1 ofi On are To-j -oCi fecJ Uo :h iiinm 1 'Sliest CT.nH ' Wy v "J3 rfa may not like Fatimas as well as all these thou sands of other men do. But you can't deny that they are worth try- n not only for the de licicust22te that has made them co famous, but also to cec just how SENSI BLE they really are hov COOL end comfort able to Iho throat and tongue end how free they are from after-effects. Clip out these tests and cee if you can find any cigaretts that meets them as well as good old Fatimas do. Make this important : test today. F ATI MA was th Or CM Awarded fhe CrmnJ fn. s'-' powttma. surface, while." Patasoles Jemselem Yams and Poto Rico Yams $1.50 per thousand. Orders booked now for April and May delivery. H. B. SCHNALL TV TY, GA. W. J. SHERROD, Attorney. 115 Court Square, Greensboro GRKBXSBORO Veterinary Hospital T. H. Wood, B.S.D. V.S. 806 S. Davie Street Phone 229 GREENSBORO, N. C. TT . 4. 41,- -,'t,. n wlv ct-.o VIII IUC Sakehefun Star: inquiry upon the part of sympathetic Mtin9 Expectations. people disclosed the pathetic need of I 0. fQ r The Wilmington Star notes the the father. The Children's Home So- "" """;V"& tt"u changes in The Record and is pleased ciety was immediately notined ana . -i - f. q It says the facts made known. Tne result .1 " " s 1-" "Your Uncle Al Fairbrother got was that the father went away from mf Representa- down to biasiness on The Greensboro the city feeling grateful that in his Ik8 , y ! the Daily Record on Good Friday and per- bereavement he had found staunch North Carolina district. Possi- formed editorially as the beginning of wonfle irhn u-orft' rfart trv hpin hitn D1 rew men at Washington so imme out. diately attract the notice of Washing- Geo. B. Crater. These two newspaper Since the opening of the Children's ton visitors from all parts of the geniuses and constructionists recent Home on Lithia street on April 1, it country. He appeals not only to the lv purchased that newspaper from the is understood that numerous applica- um iu me nw diaper ana estate of the lamented Editor Joseph lions have been received to take care magazine writers at the national capi- M. Reece, of sacred memory. Friday's of children who were in need. There in me iNauonai iiagazine ror issue-tuned .up for louder play later are at this time 14 children in the Alnl there is an interesting biographic on and foretold some desirable alter home receiving the benefits of train- sketch of the major, accompanied by ations in the paper just as soon as a ing and comfort afforded by the gen- almost a speaKing likeness or the dis- lot of equipment ordered by express erositv of the neople of Greensboro, tinguisnea Jortn Carolinian. His pic- arrived on the scene. It seems to and the instance today of the little ture is so lifelike that one feels like have arrived in time for Saturday's is- motherless child will likely be a greeUng the major and getting one 01 sue, for the esteemed Record came source of much' gratification to those his always cordial greetings in re- out that day in a metropolitan bib and who contributed to the cause. turn. tucker. It had on new headgear, "The magazine" says when 'he wan- seeming to dike up for the glad East- Mebane Moving. dered into Representative Stedman s er, and many noticeable and attrac Wa are clad to learn from the Me- office he found 'a man , who embodied tive improvements were made in the h9no T.Mflpr that Pnlnnel Dave White all the courtliness of a Southern gen; paper. has returned from the North with a tleman,' and it is noted that 'he was "The new publishers got out a 16' Dunch ot orders necessitating increas- r r VTC' 1Z ". I" 'o T tn?P thP little home where he lived irvA i him in m i mi v .51 uKnri nrpn wnn - t np ue. i 1 i 11 im m i iii m s rti? mt i -5'-t "Distinctively Individual 20 for .15 krjfvsKj tan tuskish blend W!mm A Sensible Cigarette C7GAI?HTTr?o l&7 NYE'S HARD LUCK. Seems That Bill Nye Never Was In tended to be Happy Here. The news that Bill Nye's-, first cot-J Dr. A. L. Petree STOMACH. IXTESTIXES-RECTUM. A large per cent of rectal diseases, fuch as piles, fissures, ulcers, fistu lae, etc., are cured in office without knife, chloroform, ether, hospital or detention from business. Office in Grissom Building opposite McAdoo HoteL GRBEXSBORO. NORTH CAROLINA ed facilities of the famous destroying left suggests that orks his grave. All his I . - . I rAAtr nroo fol-On Kvfllrfl Hr007P faillirP not only built from North Carolina ma- tinues Ms congressional, career as he have : a not on s hands or course, k: his faiily left the State; nuuiary-anu .proies- m " ot,H w rnthin, is tn hp nninted out ana pungent j?airDrotner.i" . r " , will be several 10 ine eury jjiiiiui oac uu-n 1. . . -m . . 1 . 1 . 1 1 av n on no ti rci twz tti f- 111 inr 11 1 ,, 1 uuua manufacturine Dlant. The Whites 01 .onn tarouna. iue writer ium5i uuww ciicuuiwu!, 1 i.o Qo-inr : a. a . . : a. : . a i a. 1 1 11 iiiii urn. 111 a li 1 claim the distinction of being the pio- rerers 10 nis career in appreciauve ana even s rere 1 ice iuai nwuy about the last interesting thin neer furniture men in isortn xaron- iui3 uim uue. muuic. uUu,,. . . . . t humorist suests na-not excepting even our own High 'He is the sturdy, courteous type of ness manager which means wHtten w Point and refer with pride to the American whom every constituent ira pages, wui naye io ue auueu '" r'V;";-" " AU (iw0 P,rt Tnr, nt ' Ashp.villft. which is calls a friend. Major Stedman con- aow on uniess an me snop wants w :v.7.. toriaia hut hns carried out the same carried 011 his "frajo at hnmo" nnlirv in the furni- sional work dome conscientiouslv his orilUJIlt ture much of it Mebane made. duty as he see it. a loyal and typical Jr, r; shonls nronertv. It was at Buck tilings UOlllg oil iub cuuuuai yoe vji i . , , j The Record. '' T" - "TU M,Vl,Dro onnnnnxo that tha RIOHOUS Climaie Mlll U 11 PILOT MOUNTAIN BURNS. The Trees Catch Fire and Illuminate Surrounding Country. From small beginnings, and not so son of Tsorth Carolina.' manv vears ago. either, the manufac- "That is the impression made at the ture of furniture has become one 01 nation s capital by a man whom rsorth " " . onT -f.hfas at Buck Shoals he wrote and dat the great industries of the Tar Heel Carolinians love to honor. He will nJ? illustrated by McDou State, and all because one man had have no Democratic opposition in his iIU,u, luc , . .1 t -nil to the New York World and the . - r. n.-4. cnmathinff in Jilt I rlxtrint i X .-t-i fx- Mlnniinn nnd I LJVJi X V i.-v-n, v fcv . j the nerve something different from his neighbor the neighbor who was constant to move along in the old rut and inclin ed to make fun of the man with a vis ion. And North Carolina is just on the threshold of her opportunities. DR. J. W. TAYLOR. Fitting Glasses a specialty. Relief or no pay. Office 504 Banner Bldg. Office phone 1334. Residence phone 1016. 15 CENTS A POUND PAID FOR GREEN HIDES The New Record. The Wilmington Dispatch, under the guidance of that poetic young man. James H. Cowan, has the follow ing nice bouquet which it tosses at the new management. Under new management, and espe oioiir linrfpr new editorship, the I Greensboro Record is recording now no npvpr before. It is shining Dngni- er than ever, and its lustre is of the ilB!.rt.warmins. blood-tingling Kino Under the editorship of Colonel Al Pnirhrother.' a journalist ot great cai ibre, it has commenced to thunder, but most musically. ' ninnpl Fairbrother and Mr. George SOUTHERN JUNK & HIDE CO SSS?' r r3 K w ,,,uw w ,.r- ThPv are indeed well met, and S. Davie St. Phone 702 thus a .happy, a winning, no doubt, hoian has been struck. Under the I UC11UUV.V new regime The Record nas put on & new dress, has taken on increased -. junn1 no era roennnn. r . . .u.o -j. umiuii. riwnr and lis euuuuai yu.,, the Idstrit V.nif ,.f tli T-r,itwi ttntoHlvlor dim iib .,,-. F..r ttl(. .Western District of North ing to the deft and aDie tojicii ul vur ' roii,,:.. uitritt ot - Aorta Fairhrother has commenced to 1,1 : tlw; '""'ttor of T. II. Skeen, Bankrupt, sparkle like a diamond of 1 the purest m Bankruptcy. Quality iii a handsome golden setting. T? ,,, morK W T; h. Skeen, of Blscoe, Colonel Fairbrothe announ ces .that ' the .-wunty of Montgomery, and Dis- the policy of The Record ivill be mae tn,.t i.foresin,, bankrupt. nendent, which is a mighty good poli- ,ti.e is i.r).l)V Kiven tlmt on the 9th ; and while he makes no promises ''v "f, l1"-"''- H.1G. the said T. II. Skeen 'V tS niialitv belnff-tOO modest, those 'Inly .Kljn.lieate.l a bankrupt and as to auallty, oeing wu the flrst Im.0tinff of i,is creditors familiar with him can well anticipate u- .h"'T at office of Dockery & tne very best, and can whittle their , " j, " ' on tne titn aay ul pvnpptancv to a keen pomx ;V,r"- at 7.00 o'clock P. M. a t which expectancy w said creditors may attend, prove appoint a trustee, examine and transact such other is may oronerlv come before of course, the people will elect him again and let his Republican opponent stay at home and run some time when such a man as Major Stedman is not in the race." Fairbrother announces that syndicate that put them all over the The trees on the peak, or rather cu pola, of Pilot mountain have been burning for the last two or three days. At night the scene is beautiful. Sun day night it looked like several strings of electric light were around the odd shaped and historic hilL Monday the fire seemed to be on top and the smoke appeared as though coming out of the mountain. Rather like a vol cano might look in eruption, except there was no lava, no fleeing citizens, no tuffa. And also, by way of explana tion, perhaps it was greatly imagina tion that suggested a volcano. How ever, the old mountain is having Its hair trimmed and will look better, perhaps. A FREAK TRAIN. Atlantic Coast Line Passenger Train Runs on a Double Track. According to the Fayetteville Ob server, a fast Atlantic Coast Line train has just used the "double track" through that town for the first time. The Observer says: Today the Atlantic Coast Line for the first time put passenger trains on the double tracks through this division and the signals were also placed in use. These tracks have been used by the freight trains, but the Palmetto Limited, No. S3, which passed through here this morning at 7:30, was the first passenger train to go ever the southbound double track." Editor bounded is name To be a shade Re- thing to his memory by the Press As Publican, a shade Democratic and con- -ociation fell don.-bu t the 1 .ope is siderably prohibition at times. Tne h 7 ZnW t country. The attempt to build some- n.:il Vn- 4-. m ol.-a q notra o lift la riHino- nn ttl A Wa- "uu m.. J ' ViX IJvr L ailU . inuv, luiiis w I . . , a.1 1 .... C?-n4 I .... I -A-in a n r ri a VDTI lVZiill IIIII I I I H x A , m rio"rit i mill l&l ciina n.i cv vav uooa .or mr. ncn.n. u m u '--J iiv. 5, Tnere some change fYmsrPssman Tom Heflin of Alaha- "We always lined l ne uecoru emu . , ;aitnr nf nil COmiDK lO U1UI mn Mrhn n'oo" in irsonchnrn a tow I Will ue it ncnumc ..". I H.nvQ n-m ravp a npsrrn hackman at times in The Star sanctum. We don't the Southern station here the fright have to agree with it an tne ume uut How About a ury uock of his life and also saved an old it will m agreeably and entertaining "Winston is expecting to be made a horse from getting a good lashing at and enjoyable every day in the year. t Qf entrV- Then wi,y not have a the hands of cabby Congressman Heflin, with Major The city conimihsioneis be a port of entry, why doesn't it , r iL!. j:. I mnntincr TllDCflaV nSRSPH H .. . s O steaman, cungressmau nuiii mis uis- "'""6 j5 prove tnere is noining in a. name. down South Elm lution ordering uie opening l Those who just off-hand think about trict, was walking who was unmercifully lashing lliCLf CIO ti aiiviii i . iwu(.i.a 14 I . - T street when he came upon a cabman street back of tne residence l port of entry naturally see in their hia M. Henunx. it as announce uj . . 0,, ,,aa,. r..rtor horse. "Stop that, you black rascal," U. K. Moore at the meeting that it wa " J n s -ailors and a line of yelled : Congress saloons along the ridge nick up something ana Dreaic your . . ,.V j TiTa I Rut it seems that water isn't neces head for you!" ber ot awemngs uu u.u, .u & Qf entry Rale The negro, recognizing in the staid near iuture. Hops it. Winston nays out big Southern gentleman s tones mat ne . - mount hnsinPKK rlpsisted. and hnwinsr I - Wants some rtearcas money for certain imported articles used in the tobacco ousmess, profusely, allowed the old horse to in Chatham, irgima. a man mii therefore thev hand it to us that Yancey Man Among the Missing. BURNSVILLE, N. C. April 25. Owen Wilson, a citizen of Bald Moun tain, has mysteriously disappeared, and, according to his wife, has not yet been heard from for the past two months. Mr. Wilson married a Miss Ledford, of Bald Mountain, some few years ago, and had resided at that place ever since, until this winter, when he went to Pensacola to work, from which he disappeared and has not been heard from since. Any in formation as to his whereabouts will be gratefully appreciated by his wife, Mrs. Cora Wilson, at Bald Mountain, N. C. NOTICE. T'nited States of America saunter on down the street. Congress man Ileihn, with Major stedman. After a walked on as if nothing out of the or- $150 for the offense dinary had occurred. i Hue (), '!'!! el;,i, "" l'.inki-uiit "'isi lies. nieethicr. 'I'll is March 28, 1010. G. S. FERGUSON, JR., A Close Call. The big city auto truck, driven by Mr M A. Warren, collided with a Ford automobile in which Mr. Arlow isinr.r.0 of Randolph county, and his Referee in Bankruptcy. r!f 0',,h Kahv were riding on Tues- :. I U"" " ... - J day at the corner ot uucnanan auu demolished the Ford . . i . lT n n nnn notice. and severely nun jh. ixn.c in W. T.:,...: i r, . , ... .. . n..... LiiAi hi-nised his Wife. Both Mr. 1 "r the Western niatrir.f Vnrth Car- hvTona on1 his Wife Were taken tO Ot. ."'iiia, I x . xjoTM-tni for treatment. The Jl-e matter- of V. W, Hatcbett, trading ,;""ft truck waS not hurt. U1P co-partnersnip as HMtcneu oi un. - .., tna hie- sxJdie,' (Siddie, deeeased), Bankrupts. Eve-witnesses stated that tne Dig at a moderate rate oi To the creditiors of w. w. Hatchett, SPeed, was coming up Ashe street f::, i(1"s'LSns TJit; Sreet near the express office. ami District aforesaid, bankrupts: Both drivers saw their pern ana at- .Nonce is hereby given that on the i?Tl temnted-to stop, but the momentum oi KWJS-? id. KTCclr carried it into the Ford car, "lii as Hatchett & Siddle (Siddle deceas- dragging the light car for about 6U OT 'ii. was duly adjudicated a bankrupt, ... f ami that the flrst meeting or his creditors - aa oo romarlrahlp that uiii i. ,i . .i xv n ii,.ffiao Tt was reearded as remarKaoie indi in Yanceyviiie, n. c. on the "i3th day of Lne small child of Mr. Nance came out ;uni. Ian,, at ii o'clock a. m., at wmcu f th acci(ient uninjured, wmie Mr, Hn.e the said creditors may attend, prove Ot lne - 4ror hurt Mrs ti,i !. t,ct ...min, Kanra an his wife were nurt- mm. Hie bankrupt, and transact such other Nance, -it- was said, was only sllgntiy business as may properly come beforekruised!'aii(i: that recovery would be said meeting. ..' I , t o fo-w rlava ' Phvsi- Dated this April 1. lino. ly xu..-m - " " " v G. S. FERGUSON, JR., cians could not say how badly Mr, 4 s Referee in uannrupicy. , Nance was nurt. Taylor killed a man named nv-V .... nsse ..Wh)Ston will be big trial lay or was nneu V of entry in the South." S S of the dead man J Now, why not also have -aard-: i w0 wt for on your sweet soul, Mike, they iiuu iie piupuo" "- Editor in the Ring. Editor Edward E. Britton, of the Raleigh News and Observer, will be news item: candidate for delegate to the bt Louis convention. something coming to her. even if Tay- make navy tobacco. lor was not punished very much for .,..-...- Ahiin ti,Q .v,n ThP Ree el s t in tms .,.. - 111 V VA&VAV . Jfcw ThA srpnpral offices of the Southern Addit T. Hodnett, administrator of nai1wav havine been destroyed by fire, He has the sup- nameron Hodnett, has instituted ac- fno B9iiBhiirv Post is eoing after the nort of a number of the Democrats of tion asainst C. F. Taylor for $10,000 in double leads. It wants . , . i . . r n l v. I . i r,,l i .i . vvaKe. a siaieuieui Hum ivaici&u damages lor aeai.ii uy wiuubiui to know why the general omces iue says: - Mr. Hodnett was killed in an alterca- coinpanv cannot be located in Salis- "Editor uritton, or tne xsews ana tion, by Mr. Taylor, about two monuis , v Well why not? Perhaps the Observer, is a candidate 'for delegate ago and was tried cnminaly last term bigger guns would want to have to the St. Louis convention from this, of court, and fined $150 for the crime. ffices in Washington, but really the Fourth district. The wane coun- Mr. Hodnett is survived oy a wue aim q -ishurv .is the place" And every ty delegation, 28 strong, are pledged two infant children, the youngest be - . t in North Caroline would be , mi ln iV I . i i nnV.n M " Oilier lJv ll m i-iwini .... to iimi. liieie aie vuico m u- ing aDOut twu muuu10 um. delighted to see the offices in mis OPIUM, MORPHINE and all DRUG HABITS, ALCOHOLISM Yirld to my trrtm(Dt. Ilnndrrdi ' aarmxifally treated. Alcohol ttt m S100, flat. Dmgr $!25. flat. Kvtrythln Included. WRITE TODAY. William Private Sanatorium ' B. B. WHiams, M. I. Crrennhoro, N. C. FOUR BIG VALUES FOR $15, $18.50, $20.00 AND $22.50. WE ARE OFFERING THE ABOVE PRICES ON SUITS THAT ARE worth tho money -to get the most possible into a suit for the money we have bought strong on these four grades and can guarantee you your moneys worth in either selection. As for fit and good appearance the suit must be all this before you pay jour money. $1.00 Regal Shirts always a bar gain at $1.00. SAVOY SHIRTS $1.50 Boyd en Shoes $6.50. CRAWFORD & REES, 300 South Elm St. dOOOEXl State. With Henry Miller in Atlanta .'SZyZZ who and the other big ones in Washing- Pretty Decorations. : liX h3ti e D. C andNorth Carolina being "I lived in the country when I was ""'A Yamn affair as this item from the center of tne universe so wr a boy and I have seen rabbits look 3 eB attests: the Southern system is concerneu it just that way, ' remarked a gentleman ..Mrs , w D. Lowder was sent to does look like this fatate was nwe yesterday while contemplating the join her husband who is serving a the general omces uiuuScu. - . J A.! - r A.1 mill , 0.n ' - . .. " ... 1.1-1. 1 winaow decorations ui iub duis-oiuuo sentence in jail ior selling wuisney -Company. He also recognized . in the wjthout a license. About two weeks Big Success. costume just opposite the style in ag0 officers witnessed him in the act According to the Durham papers ur. vogue during that mora or less happy 0f selling whiskey and last Saturday Melton Clark, who held a series of period, and thanked the fashion maker night Police Officer Martin and Harris meetings at the Presbyterian church of 1916 that women did not have to caught his wife committing the same ln tbe Bull City, met with big success drag around after them a city street offense. She pleauea guilty tnis mcrn- an,i pleased hundreds 01 peopie. sweeper in these days of germs and ing and was fined $50, ordered to put . the high cost of imported silks. And Up a bond of $500, and sent to jail for In the Prints. this, to the family man, is the silver thirty days. tr Thaw has again been ln lining to the war cloud. !. tho nrints. This time to deny that he D P Two On. A & I f AH I4bm9mA mhq . w. . - t DOTlt ,Q wed a scUool teacher, It is said that J. H. Carroll, of Oak J J" - rnm 5 vw Ynrii ... ,t, .sii cmiiiiom :ie nauuwi'iu h " .. ... - -- . ii mn -man Hill. Virginia, win ouc-tuc uuuiu, TOvrt Voto mart A It appears mai weu 9 1: nnn Hamaees bpcanse he was ana 01 "UIOC "-"" , ,. ,7 running for Insurance Commiss oner. .OOO mch money out of Thaw publicity weck: His demand is modest. Hap- ran a streamer across the page anu After You Are Gone - WHAT? Aetna Life Policies like Aetna Contracts of all kinds are liberal and give full protection. When you carry Aetna Insurance you have the assurance that jour contract is worth its weight in gold. Your loved ones will be provided for after you are gone if you will protect them by paying a p small premium while you are here. p "When you think of Insur ance, think of Merrimon." Wm, B. ' Merrimon U 3rd Floor Dixie Building. 'Phones 277, 430 & 1380 OOO Ell nnsine James R. Young, of Henderson, wrec " dnnPd out some romance to sell more the present incumbent. Mr. Young 1XUrTS Jpa5e. We are glad Thaw denies has b.e rT 'TttC in Pan7 is noi the profitable pastime it he is not contemplating matrimony yWn buu w ...1 lagam. .XXm rt 1 TTI w JJIULIUU Wl Greensboro Commercial School GREENSBORO, N. C. 110 WEST WASHINGTON ST. BookkeepingShorthand, Touch Typewriting, Penmanship taught the year round. Winter Term begins January 3d. Cata logue free. PHONE 1086. :. :" " - " ' ."; : -

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