GREENSBORO, N. C. PAGE FIVE ARE YOU ON? The Season Here! The spring time demands Working Clothes. We carry the well known o brands of overalls, in d Sweet Orr and Headlight, g Corduroys and Kahkis. Prices the same. Overalls $1 and $1.25, Corduroys $3.00 up, Kahki $1.50. VanstoryGlothingGo., chas. h. Mcknight, Manager v No Matter Where You Live In town or out of town, if you need the best in Commer cial Printing call on or write to "KENDALL" Greensboro, N. C. Orders promptly filled at prices al ways satisfactory. TWENTY YEARS NOT MANY IN THE WHIRL OF LIFE Twenty years are not many in the whirligig of time not many as men measure time by cycles not many when we look ahead, but quite -a stretch if we sit down in contempla tive mood with a backward glance. In the Charlotte Observer's depart ment of what happened 20 years ago we read this item: "Alamance county convention met at Graham yesterday and passed ring ing resolutions endorsing her favorite son, Col. James E. Boyd, for governor Delegates were elected and a strong committee named to go to Raleigh to work for and urge his nomination." Twenty years ago and Colonel Jim Boyd now Judge Boyd was a man of fifty; he was running for governor on the Republican ticket and he ran well. We recall that campaign. The Judge of course was not elected Re publicans stood no more show in those days than the celluloid doer is sunnnsH to stand in chasine an asbestos mM through hades but the Judge never smrKea wnen party called and he made such a waum camnaitm that tho Democrats were alert and busy they didn't know what might happen. juuge uoya nas always been a pouu uiucu auu raoay nas more mends, real genuine friends than ever. LAWYERS CHASE THE r COURTS AROUND A BIT Governor Craig has ordered a spe cial term of court for Wilkes countv to convene June 16 and to run two weeks.-. Judge Shaw, of Greensboro, will preside. The lawyers asked for it, because the docket was congested. And yet had the lawyers done their part there would have been no con gestion. The lawyers, knowing the game, manage to run the courts about as they please when it comes to post poning cases. The tax payer pays the freight. CHARLOTTE EXPECTS THE PRESIDENT VISIT IT The grim strategists of Charlotte who have the Mecklenburg celebration in hand the celebration of the event which Colonel Charley Van Noppen and Captain Sam Ashe tell us did not transpire, hold out hope that no matter what happens there need be no fear concerning President Wilson's visit They show why he can come even if he is at war with the world. In fact they figure that to come and read anew that immortal declaration would fill him with new fire make him firm er in his stand. But we take it that this is simply advertising which pays. The Mecklenburg Myth so called, still has its followers, and we are one who falls for it. It is a pleasant dream this thing of thinking that Tom Jef ferson swiped his Declaration; that North Carolina men who were to die for that priceless boon which men call liberty first signed up and put in hock their lives, their fortunes and their sacred honor. Really it may be true. And really if it isn't true why not let us believe it? Why should ruthless invaders come into our homes and knock off the mantel the little Plaster of Paris idols which we bought at a ten cent store? Why upset our apple cart as we walk up hill? Why not let the Myth crystallize in tp a Reality wnicn it would do if all men would be lieve and proclaim. Oral tradition is lost the recorded history carries a shadow but if in our hearts when children we believed in SantaClaus why Santa Claus existed and that's ah there was of it. : STRANGE THINGS ARE ALWAYS OCCURRING There is always something strange happening in this world of wireless and doodle bugs. The story comes from Kinston that Jack, a valuable hound dog owned by Mr. Fred M. Scott, of that city, has been returned to his master after spending several weeks as a patient in Dr. J. F. Foley's veterinary hospital at Kinston" where he received treatment for an injured paw sustained wnen the jaws of a steel trap closed down on that mem ber some weeks ago down in the Havelock section of the county. Jack was caught in the trap one Sunday afternoon. The trap was in an isolated spot and no one heard the howls of the dog and it was not until the following Sunday that the owner of the trap returned and found the dog caught within its iron jaws. Of course the dog was released. He wagged his tail and lived happily ever after. Those who love dogs, of the which we are one, rejoice in this. Those who do not love dogs will re gret that he was recovered. WHAT CAN BILLY DO IN RICHMOND And Billy Sunday is to visit Rich mond but not until a year or so has passed. And what can Billy expect to do in a State where likker has been banished; where but one sacred quart can be obtained; where the common wealth has decreed that" red light dis tricts must cease and the still must remain quiet. Billy, should have come in before the people drove out the dev- NO MORE FORTUNE ii. With sin reduced to the minimum Billys collection box will not be heavy. ATTORNEY DOES A LITTLE BOOMING OF HIMSELF He speaks. Hard to pick up a pa per now-a-day without seeing where Attorney General Bickett is going to make a political speech booming himself. And at the same time he is supposedly a servant of the State drawing a salary, not to be out boost ing himself for governor, but to act as attorney general. If there is nothing for an attorney general to do but make stump speeches for himself why should the tax payers retain him? law along the line to the effect that no State officer could run for another office while serving the State would be but simple justice. G. J. WARREN COMES IN FOR ONE MORE COUNT It isn't over yet. The body of G. J. Warren, the man killed by the people whose sentence to death was commut ed by Governor Craig, is to be taken up and t buried by the Junior Order. Warren carried $500 insurance. This money will go to his mother who lives in Alabama. The hysterical ones who plead for the lives of the two guilty fiends should have worked some sort of a scheme to have gotten that mon ey for the folk who killed Warren. Looks like that would have been along the lines of the governor's ideas of justice. About Forest Fires. " Greensboro, April 21. 3916. Editor Record : In the morning paper there appear ed an article on forest fires. If the people 'of this State could have been cautioned against this reckless hand ling or putting out of fire ten days ago and advised to use all precautionary measures, much of this destruction of what it has taken nature years and years to accomplish could most like ly been .averted. Today in many of our eastern counties one may see stretches of land from twenty to thir- TELLERS NOW, LISTEN ty miles in extent covered with burn- BERLIN. The military authorities ed, blackened, charred pines remind- have nlaced a ban on fortune telline. ers of human recklessness where It nntiMrs that wnmpn nmi Hri5 with there should exist a beautiful growth Why Not? husbands and sweethearts atthe front f long leaf pine, so nobly toasted in In a case at Charlotte, before Judt havp hAPti TrmirtPrt hv rrvstai ?n?prs "Here's to the Land of the Long Leal Carter, the Pullman company was sued palmists and card readers who claim- Pine," etc. But this "Land of the for the value of property lost on one ed to be able to tell when the war Long Leaf Pine" will in the future of its cars by a passenger, a Mr. would end. whether men would be not only become a barren waste but Creighton, who was returning from killed, lost an arm or a leg, gain the also a-mytn; ana. as a man on me Atlanta. He bought a ticket which en titled him to a seat in a Pullman car. He entered, took his seat, put down his luggage, consisting of his suit case and a fine overcoat and then walked into the diner. It did not appear in rear platform of a passenger train re cently remarked, "If this destruction Mount Airy's Court House. f"u , V Xa tl I Iiot- i-opna ii n at the nresent rate. Surry county seems to be having some day our great gran(jchiidren will be asking their parents what a pine iron cross or suffer other fates. as much trouble as Guilford over a edenc; She chgeT porter ?ew.court house. The last move is an Hke. . . . & r. : p lniiinrtion to kepn the commission' rs , , . with the particular care of his property v,hmJ"; fn ph U , Happiness in many no although the porter knew that it as pL.LSiv SSwi : Easter time wou!d be the ,,-., iFnrr. .Jh0 preme Court has finally decided, anl dAv Instpad the locati MM FIE I injunction to keep tne commissioners Happiness in many homes at this order of the rtav Tnstparl thf location of many the Porter heirs feel they have won. k," hmT1ps nf a fpw davs aeo are And yet there is greater hope today now marked by the doleful sight of frf o - nonr Aiirt Vi aiiod Ii oro than hoc I ... . did not bring it to light and after re- K" "I " V-" V " foundations ana cmmneys. u yage x AL L.. ...... been for some time. 197 nf this wppI;'s Sfipnt fie American thp'-p is a write-un on "Forest Fires Eatrmg the Man Eater. that misht be interesting to those his. From the diner he went into the smoker and on returning to his seat, found his overcoat missing. Search turning to Charlotte he brought 'suit. alleging that by reason of the extra fare required, etc., that the Pullman company should have taken care ot Only recently New York licensed who can snare the time to read it. 4 J etn dealers to sell horse meat, and now While in other portions of the world ,,-, ' I comes the news that sharks are be- there is a system of reclamation Tn-iVo Partpr in Hkmiwin? thp - ing sold as sword fish. Those who through forest planting, we reckless- held that the plaintiff had not mado have eaten the shark meat say it will iy handle the situation and the result out a case of neeligence either on the doand those who have lived on horse is so distressing in the coastal coun- - r.,ii say it isn't bad. But think of sitting ties iust now that, if the writer could pany and that the company could not ?own at your boarding house and ask- describe it as it really is. or even tell ilNfflQML DANK be held responsible on such i showing ing the demure little star boarder half the story it would not be credit for the loss of the overcoat It was across the table please to pass the ed not while the nlaintiff was asleen nor horse! Why, Maria, it is scandalous. A stub of a cigarette tossed to the was the porter especially commission ed to guard the plaintiff s property. side of the road near New Bern is said to have started a blaze that de- Julian S.Carr President Wm.J.Ho!loway Cashier Mr. Creighton valued the overcoat at $75. The moral to this is that a man ought not to wear a $75 overcoat. THE BANK OF THE TOWN WeStrive to Oblige and Accomodate -ThePUELICr- We Issue Certificate of Deposit bearirv FoURpercent Interest .Vir opens you an Account On With the Dance. Grissom Endorsed. Th niBh Pnint T?0TMihii.QTia haw stroved timber, houses, barns, gar- ases. automobiles, buggies, horses. irrPs. That smile of Gilliam's now cattle, feed and grain to theextent of a million dollars or more. and the district and he will make of a blood red sunset along the line , , , . x thine-'? lively hut unfortunately he is of and to tne westward 01 uie rv. v,. The news is that Randolph county inssiiveiy hut "ortunateiy ne is Bern to Wilming- 1U a. UISLIIUL wnitii una jeai in scuu - , . . , ton was a self-told tale. I -rw-511 Viayta mrv Ti-1 t t i-C? fVile VDIir tTlHTl Will iUUXC ..v, J . HI,V. A T Ctri lever before. Both parties are putting l" up new candidates every day, and the md"- A ' fight will soon be on. The Randolph . nnlitirian eoes in for the fun of the To Atlanta for Ufe. thing. - He doesn't care whether he is Life imprisonment was the sentence elected or not. He wants to start imposed in the United States District something. The fight never ends at I Court at Wilmington, Del., on Ernest the ballot box. It goes on before the Schiller, alias Clarence R. Hudson. courts and libel suits and slanaer wno iorciDiy iook possession oi me cut it outtnat is. the suits follow. But it is the Asheboro British steamer Matoppo off Sandy I ... oe5 Jf anr.,,miatP in the DiDe wav. This fall there will perhaps be Hook on March 29, terrorized the PRICE OF CORNCOBS CONTINUES TO SOAR "Do you sn-.oke a corncob pipe?' "How many do you use a year?" But if vou are addicted to the habit of using several of them you might as Tl 3URE BIND nicotine as it accumulates in the pipe cn mnnv nf thlTTl. The a demand for the State guards to crew and compelled the captain to n . it according to a Greens- lOOK alter lue uanui. uuacs. i cuaiigo iuc amp a oc. Schiller pleaded guilty to tne cnarge KVla Qnnrina- hi-h into the statement ne aeniea i , , ... ... , He de- I 5URE FIND iSAFE DEPOSIT BOXES FOR RENT Burglar 5 R reproof Vaults I Twenty Miles. I of piracy. In a The Rowan county commissioners that his motive was roDDery. tie ae- down According to the local have decided to place some 20 miles clared he had seized the Matoppo be- . . of corncohs has gone i - ii. j. i in hwinn v.q vnccol no rnofl TriiiTiitinna u'olc" , . ot roaaway unaer uuuuui oi tuo noms - ,v C up more than 200 per cent, u is oc- Federal engineers, unis is a section oi Avar iur ine euieuie oi. r.,ioned he says, because of the large of thfi Central Highway and runs from cause of Germany, the Yadkin river through Spencer and Schiller passed througn ureensDoro number that the soldiers in the Euro- It will probably tne laaKiu nvu imuuu oycuv-ci 1JCioo I pean war are using It win prooauiy Salisbury and on to the Iredell coun- yesterday morning on 37, but no one V.. t ar lmtil the war i3 over I ty line near Cleveland knew about it. He was first discov- - have smoked up all f r,nta You Carry the want your fcusinesa. The good road boosters are at it all Ured at Salisbury, which is the place,! tfthaoPO thev can get. he says nvBr and the man who comes back to I and '-the Post tells us that several i this earth in a few hundred years Salisburians got a glimpse of him. will be able to hit the pike m most Durham, N. C any old place. On Their Nerves. The Mount Airy News reads the riot act to the "man with a car and tries to show him what rights he en- ronfiri-entiallv. he advises you to dig up a few of those you have thrown away and prepare to use tnem agaiu. gC .:' k To STYLE JS Wn K 7 - 0 The Hope. The great Mayo, in his talk in Ral- ioys and what rights he does not en- eigh recently said surgery was ad- joy. But there is no use. The man yancing. The nope is mat u m u- with a car generally suits himself, cover something useless besides the There is a desire to speed up, and if a vermiform appendix. The fact of the good stretch of road opens there will business is the folk are about out of doubtless be more gas turned on. The the appendix stock.. If a new, and man with the car becomes reckless useless organ can be discoverer, uua and doesn't know it. It generally in ess will pick up a little. takes an accident to bring the speeder to a realizing sense of what is due the other fellow. Did Not Get Bugs. "Fire in the woods near the Rich land county tuberculosis camp yester day about noon threatened to destroy chance to swat him. And it would be Not Getting Warm. The Manning campaign isn't getting many people excited. Carter's friends still have on their war, paint, and Manninsr will perhaps be swatted wherever a mend or uaner sew. H E N D R IX SAYS A Pair of Glad Feet Will Make An Optomist of Almost Any Man" And what Hendrix says is so. the camp, but the blaze was extin guished before it reached the camp property," says a Columbia, S. C, paper. Now, if they had not put out the fire and allowed it to reach the proper to swat him. KEEP GREENSBORO MONEY IN GREENSBORO Help Greensboro people. Take your Life Insurance in the Jefferson Standard Life Insurance Go. And enable us to loan thousands of dollars more in your county. In addition to its first mortgage loans in Guilford county, the Jefferson's monthly salary list isof more financial value to the merchants of Greensboro than a factory having a weekly pay roll of over $1000. Policy Contracts Unexcelled OHOUT n to the skies tell it to the folks that O throng the thoroughfares chat about it in the bosom of your family insist upon it during business hours make public property of it if you're pleased the way your shoes fit you and the way your feet feel. One thing that folks are all interested in is feet and and their fittings. J. M. HENDRIX & CO. The Home of Good Shoe Greensboro, N. C. Make It Better. Dr. Rankin, of the State board of health, claims thjt North Carolina has the lowest death rate of any State in the Union of States, and the highest Bear to China. TDKTO. A big live Russian bear O A Message By Mail or By Telephone, Which? "Every letter written in a business house costs somewhere between twenty and fifty cents. The stamp is the smallest item. Stationery, stenographer's time all bring the actual cost of a letter higher than most people imagine." h. gius. It is more Economical to Telephone Not only does it actuaUy cost less to telephone your message but you reach your man instantly, talk over your business per onaUy and get an immediate reply. Every Bell Telephone is a Long Distance Station. SOUTHERN BELL n TEL. a TEL. CO. V Hotel Clegg The Hotel Clegg has been for many years the home of the traveling man, and no pains are spared to make every guest experience a home-like feeling. Splendid table ser vice, first class rooms and beds. The Hotel Clegg la con ducted on the European Plan and each guest pays only for what he gets. The traveling public is cor dially invited to give us a call Just across the street from the depot and yet. "right in town" W.F. Clegg, Proprietor. Southern Railway Premier Carrier of the South Traversing all the Southern States, connecting all the principal cities, re- sorts and affording quick, convenient and up-to-date service between points. Through trains from all the Southeastern territory to Washing- ton, Baltimore, Philadelphia - and Xew York. Through tickets sold and Pullman reservations made to principal points. Use the Southern for SAFETY, SERVICE, SCEXERY. V Fragrant Flowers The Stuph. thev are substituting wa- the fire and allowed it to reacu tne " iinp Thpv sav in New tuberculosis house it might have r.forhfa eSeHmeI? has been tried burned up all the doodio bugsf which JrLJ'Krlndalf-a secret roes to Prove that sometimes tney ao machines run as well as noi want the bugs destroyed " iV, wpro nii MSoline. We neoDle mix their likker with water and manage to run but gasoline never. birth rate of any country in the world. . tn Tokio as a eift and trib- Now, if the State board of health ule to premier Count Okuma from the would saw wood and not frighten so ffi nf the Russian Volunteer fleet many people hair way to aeam me t Vladivostok. The premier seni rate in the matter of deaths would toe Une animal to the Zoological Garden still lower. which is one of the best in tne unem. .j. information Wanted. I t?pv. H. M. Blair has returned The Winston Sentinel says' there from Cadwell county, where he spent are two auto-jacks in the possession of Snnday. He reports forest nres rag- the police department of that city, ing mere ana me CU66 The Question is, is an auto-jacK. a. i nguung uie names, um. self-starter? I helpless before the spreading fires. lmd sweetnees and beauty to their nurroundings. tde they bestow what Is most beautiful I In nature. All tne garuen ui . , nrnmnth delivered to you. Let ua fashion your favorite lowers for you into ei4i' H. Steinsmelz, Florist, RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA t)i infnrmntfnn call cm TOUT &rent f VTlt 1 or rates, gcuouui w w r O. O. PICKARD, Passenger and Ticket Agent . . GV v R. H. DeBUTTS, Division passenger Agent, - "-- ' WHEN times are good and when times are bad--whether your plant is running overtime or half time-the econ omy of power adjusted to ac tual needs is obvious. For per fectly adjustable, economical power buy electric service from Central Station. "NOT MERELY ELECTRIC POWER, BUT ILLUMINATING SERVICE." N. C. Public Service Co Phones 33 and 33

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