ft- .JT?n itv - gREENSBORO," H C." 9 ' 4 -". ' -3 ? The' Famous Southgate Cabin Near Hillsboro, North: Carolina. lv;..i SLviUsfctf U'Ka ; : ;:i::- v -Vf; ' ' i'MjK" Jlfr, IVw t i - f yAr t'" v l'Iiif'h'? f'ihc ? .'r 1 -rr h? 1 'i- rain for rich V ) of people in delicious rc- V- Diiritv and flavor. j - 'W MM- bUy' avoid Vx .' " : Whenever i : JjS jou see in Sr Arrow think 1 of Coca -Colt. HE announcement received here j attendants becomins: alarmed notified Friday afternoon . of the death ! Mrs. Jones, who hastened to his side. of Mr. James H. Sontheate at his Oranse county home, known as 'Southsate's Cabin." was a creat shock, to his many friends and admir ers in Qreensboro and Guilford coun ty; The. news was carried in the Asso ciated Press report to The Daily Rec ord and followed by a Durham special too late for details, death having oc curred .between 1 and 2 o'clock with 110 member of the family present ex cept, an only sister, Mrs. T. D. Jones of Durham, who had been hastily- sum mphed and who reached his bedside just in time to witness his passing. Later advices give as the direct cause of . his sudden taking off an attack of apoplexy, which seems highly probable When it is recalled that deceased was tL-joian- of unusual avoirdupois, with a lrge amount of surplus flesh and great mental activity. That he should Jiuve. .been suddenly stricken some tjme; when he was older and after some, unusual physical and intellectual 'strain, should not have v occasioned surprise; but in the very prime of ma ture .manhood, at the height of his His only surviving son. Mr, Thomas Fuller Southgate, and a nephew, Mr. Southgate Jones, being absent fioni Diirham. could not he reached in time. Southgate's Cabin suggested, every thing implied in the ante helium style of southern hospitality. .' On Thursday he had been in his office as usual, retuinvng home and retiring to rest at the usual hour. Not feeling well cn tbe following morning, he did not get up and continued to ventions have lifted burdensome defi- Mr. Sor.thgate was .widely-known -in the insurance world He was chosen resident of the National Association iner president' Durham' Chamber of Commerce, a director in the Citizens j National Bank, a trustee of the Dur- i ham Conservatory of Music, Durham j business school, the Durham public 1 1 - w -v- . - 1 wnrarjv a jiason ana a rytnian. 1 For over twenty-five years he was a steward in the Trinity Methodist' church, and for years had served 011 the educational and Sunday school "committees of the North Carolina Methodist Conference. He served as serreiarv nf flip first Vnniisr ATpn's Christian Association convention held i in North Carolina in 1877.. While j holding to the tenets and faith of his ) own church, his broad-minded vision 1 was charitable to all denominations. COTTON CROP TO BE 11,637,000 BALES The Condition of the Crop Is Below That of Last Month. of Insurance Agents in 191 1-14. He ! ' T-- ' riI)1 of the State ; ; Demand For Stenographers. uuutnviut'js Association, ana nis ; " j v uc appiuMiudiaj' eloquence at state and national con- There is a great demand for male i.ll.C3?,000 cqqivalent 500-pound bales, cits from many national organizations. ! stenographers and typewriters in the Hhe Department of Agriculture an He only last week returned from Bcs- government service. Examinations ! uouneed today. That estimate was ton, where he addressed the national ; are held from time to time, but few I oased on the condition of the cron on i WASHINGTON, Oct 2 The cotton ; crop this year will be approximately ; are taking the examinations. The no- September 25, which was 36.3 oer cent He became identified with the na- sitior-3 PaX from $75.00 a month up. of a normal compared witli 61.2 per tional prohibition i?artv when twpntv-! T&pre is also great demand, for :na- cnt last month, C0.8 last year and six vpars old. and" from " sr ha? hppn ! chinists both at the Norfolk navy yard i c'-2 lr cent the ten-year average These places nay condition on. September 25. istpnt dofpndpr of iti nrinHo i ana . eibewnere. his neighbors, and at peace with ail the world, it is hard to understand haw he could have been snatched so sttftdenly. from all that makes life de sirable and worth while, with his dreams: but half realized and his work yet incomplete. '," - -' "As a force for good and a leader in every movement looking to, the uplift 'And broadening of his city 'and state, J- H. Southgate had long been recog nized as Durham's first citizen i lis Jjassing leaves a void in hv cduca tional and religious life of tlr com munity which will be hard to fill. As the champion of vfree thought and broad-gauge citizenship, he knew no factions and rose above the pettv dif ferences that disturb 'the.' ..minds of smaller men. Big brained and b:g hearted, he was never too busy 'to hear the cry of distress or listen to those who sought his counsel. He wh everybody's friend and 'evervbodv v.iil miss him. Reserving for himself the privilege he accorded others, lie was never afraid to declare his convictions on any public question or to espouse an unpopular cause. He was one of the earliest-, advocates of prohibition in North 'Carolina, and when ft very young man threw a bomb into a W. C T.;U. meeting at New Garden, in Guil ford county, by insisting that women be given the ballot. He was fond of referring to this incident and the con sternation he created anions some of the ladies who have since beeu con verted to Ips way of thinkinir. Jn nil things, for the awakening of the- o'-ia1 conscience and the betterment of ih ra.ee he was not afraid to stand alore He was a leader by nature and the force of his nersonalitv was felt throughout the leneth and breadth of Ihe state. Nor did it end theve Ti:c splendid oratory had made him a no tional : figure and his service's v.-re .arreatlv jn demand by nrogram n1?ks for large national gatherings. . Always a lover and student of na ture, .he found inspiration in the con templation of the least of Gods crea tures as. well as -in the majestic maun Uws and the silent forests. Speaking jvlth a friend about the big things ;rnd the wonderful thin that nians in f5?'l,tvJiad accompUshed. 'lie declared .w,uv hh rather Watch a little 1 bJOwn wren ; build her nest ) !,:tn fok i Jow the grealest-.'arcliitecl"- who ever : drew a plan, r And to his eves the i saucy .blue jay" whtrh perched upon i the 4imb nearest his window as niore:i Korgeously arrayed than any Priu. ess j with .-eve Is worth a kingdom. It was1 I- J Z nat,,re 'ant the relaxation ! Llf(Tf the restful scenes which I ca.uu 10 mm so strongly which irt m build his miidue coun tiv residence on the hio-hf Orange county an tenuous, name of "Southgate's Cabin." lleie he-. spent his nights, and holidays on the tDurham every afternoon on the 5:0S train and returning to his hours TrrDil;S betore hl,rr,1IS, niet retreat has been ' "ny -thghtful sratl --",-;.5:?n snowing BaZ'NV-anf- .. . - , a-- - " 1 il HIIIS Wellectual strength, in apparently the ami niatfm-.m . " ! from $4.00 a day up. Examinations fept. of r health, loved and honored by Tn 1S . , ;.oV Q Ji. .,,1 tr machinists are held fromtinie,"to Pla form omm ttee of fhTSa T by,theJocal board at the post--nart,- o,i-Woo LSli1 ' oco under direction of the Civil Ser- Hi " r ! e commission, or examination will agajn. at Pittsburgh in 1S9G. He was i 0fe, ai ?shington;at ' any time. ch?sen a standard? bearer of the part? i l ,! P1,1 f"?06 co?msion..for the as the 'Vice-presidential candidal n ,h "J "JJ l ISSfi. Hi?: r,mi. m,)n waa--nurt t atQ' Headquarters at Uashmgton, E, Bentley "of "Nebraska. He was con stantly in demand iis a campaign ora tor and made a tour of the country, directing Iris c ampaign -jparticulariy to the nort invest He 'was j resident oi" the-; board of trustees or Trinity College, "to which office he was elec ted in l s:t7, succeed ing Col. J. Alspaugh of ' Winston- Salem.- lie was nresident nf the rhir. D. C. How doubly deceiving is the smile cf the hypocrite who wears false teeth! Indiana Times (Indianapolis.) It is particularly easy to be good if there arc no opportunities to-be other wise. -Topeka . (Kan.) Journal. Ginning of ... the cron is breaking all records... .Ttif. announcement by -the census bureau, that 4.062.991 bales had been ginned ,1'rom this year's crop prior to September 25 disclosed that all former totals for ginning to that , uaie were exceeaed : .Storms and insect damage have wrought havoc in the cotton crop this ' year and caused a loss of almost : u.uoo.ooo bale in the growing season Illfl!natlrtli . a'r-a that ham County Agricultural Society, for- is only one morality. Ruskiu There are many religions, but there Indications .are that this war's rrnn will yield, on I-' 15C.3 pounds per acre, compared with 207.7 in 1911, 182 pounds in 1913 and 209.2 pounds in Condition by states include North Carolina, CI per cent; South Carolina 53 per cent. Cotton condition, r.fi.3 ier rent- ri pa. Mtuction, 11,C37,000 bales. Slip moke 1 V4 'i ' a few Prince Albert s into vmir system ! r You've heard manvan earfnl nhnnt fv, td; a 11 . patented process that curs nrrf Hifo i.-. -. j t-. .fsmoke your fill without acomeback! Stake your bank rollthat -f cvciv iiuux 01 me aay. Prince Albert has alwavs hpn without coupons, or premiums. We prefer to give quality ! Covrrivkt im hr C I. Reynold- Tobact Oa, For Everybody, Every for workers with hand or I and poor for every kind every walk of life there': -'- . . iresnmcnt in a glass of 1 different and better in The best drink anyone can Be sure to get the genuine for it by its full name to , imitations and substitution. Send for free booklet THE COCA-COLA COMPANY. ATLANTA, GA?- tffcw P 0 Property at Auction Brings Lage Sum The property of the late John A. Hodgin,' consisting of a farm just out side or tne city and a lot on South Elm street, with, other lots on South Elm and West Lee streets, was sold today at auction by Mr. A. M. Scales. ! trustee, for the sum of 523,778. the property being purchased bv Messrs. David White and H.' L. Coble. , The farm, , comprising 109 y; acres south of tlie city, brought the hand some sum of $12,500, Mr. White being the purchaser. Mr.. Coble was the purchaser of the lots on South Elm and Wrest Lee streets, the purchase price paid being $13,278. If the name of V There's sport smokinp- a nin nr -n;-, your own, but you know that you've got to have the right tobacco ! We tell you Prince Albert will bang the doors wide open for you to come in on a good time firing up every little so often, without a MllIlM the national joy smoke ild his miique coun-1 ' the highest hill in ! wfe d give it the -impre- j Jtiffl G You'll feel lit nas been wasted and win . . back up for a fresh start. You swing on this say-so like it was a tip, to a ; ,uruou,u-uuuar Din ! it s worth that in happi ness and contentment to you, to every man wno Knows what can be gotten out of a chummy jimmy pipe or a makin's cigarette with JrTince Albert for "packing"!. DAVID JONES & CO. Is on your snlt of clothes yon know you hare as good a suit as caa be made. - . 4 For orer a quarter of a cen tury the David Jones clothes bate been standard. David Jones & Go. Merchant Tailors, Danville, - - - Virginia. v Smoke V3V EI-Rees-So ( CIGAR ) 11 10c Quality. 5c Price. I I Blade by Us. Sold by Us. II I El-Recs-So Cigar Co. 1 1 301 S. Elm SU 1 II Phone . . .399. 11 THE PILOT COMPANY SOLID, SOUND, SUCCESSFUL Liberal policy contracts. Conservative operation Economical management Sound actuarial methods Thorough medical supervision Large dividends and low. net cost Local investment of premium 1 Income FpHcyhoIflersV Health, Conservation Department, offering to policyholders desiring it periodical medical 'Consultation" with' Home.. Office physicians,, .without charge. Southern LIFE & TRUST Company, GREENSBORO,. - .NORTH OAROLIXA CAPITAL $300,000 SURPLUS, 8300.000. A. W. McAlister, President. R, G. Vaughn, 1st Vice-rrea. A. M. Scales, 2nd Vlce-Pres. R, J. Mebane, 3rd Vice-rrea, Arthur Watt, Secretary. 3 .''-' M ' The Keeley Institute Of North Carolina With more than a quarter of a century of successful ex perience, this institution stands pre-eminent It brings ripe study, modern-facilities, scientific treatment and" personal attention in its treatment of Whiskey, Morphine and Other Drug Addictions, The Tobacco Habit and Neurasthenia Situated in the wonderful Piedmont Section, its climatic conditions are unsurpassed. Modern buildings, with delightful rooms, in spacious private grounds. No restmint. No humiliation. No pain or sickness dur ing treatment. Home conveniences in a pleasant atmos phere of home comforts. Delightful cuisine. Correspondence confidential, C D. Cunningham, Mgr., Greensboro, N. C R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO. -ruutoa-aal-B, H. C Thlsltthereren aide of the tidy re a un THB froc 4-i urrr mi her-; its i iiiHHimiimimim I mm Albert tirfw red tin. mil fact, every Prince Albert packece, ha real meaaage-to-jron on itejeverae aide. Youll .c.u. riocni raxcQtea Julv 30th. 1907" Th.n.. that the United St a tea Govern , tr" ha granted a patent on the SffS .by. whU:n Prln Albert ia made. A.nd by which tongue 6fe and , tnromt oarch r nit mi t i7-- - . t 1 . . '17- rr looacco isaoia you llhnd rnnce Aioen awaiting yon u iowy rea oaga, 3c; tidy rea tins, ioc; handaoroe pound and half-pound tin KMm44nA -i i . .vwr cryaiai glasa humidor, with aponge - moiatener top, that keep a the tobacco in auch fine condition an VAHEN times are good and uu when times are bad whether your plant is running o vertimeor h a If ti me-th eecon -omy of power adjusted to ac tual needs is obvious. For per fectly adjustable, economical power buy electric service from Central Station. "HOT MERELY ELECTRIC POWER, v BUT ILLUMINATING SERVICE." W. C. Public Service Co. Phones 330 and 331. pp. A. L. Petree ST05LCH. IXTESTIXBS-RECTUM. A larje per cent of rectal diseases, such as piles,-fissures,' ulcere, llstn lae. etc., are cured ia office without knife, chloroform.' ether, hoajrtUl or detention from bu?iaeee. Office in f.'rissom RuiMin; opeesiU McAdoo IToteL RRBEXSBOUO. NORTH CAROLT5A DR. J. V.. TAYLOR. F&tlBg Classes a specialty. Relief or do ' ' Office 1504 Banner Bid. Office phone 1834. Ret4ce phone 1018. 115 CENTS. A POUNa PAD FOR it' ... , irM y TO the li did hospitality of the' ,1c alwayal GREEN . HIDES SOUTHERN JUNK & HIDE CO at St. ermv : an(1 a" invitation to we flay fldvaic The 3 ass .viMi st, . . raw !''KiTil!?(-,-;7,ffj..,f J - - yi