. s Activities? Women In State And Nation Of A Page For Women, Edited by Mrs. Al Fairbrother. Federation Year Book. The North Carolina Federation Year Book for iaiG-17, comes to us tnis f,pu from the hands of the Vinter. and is quite up to the stand V A in' the matter V of printing and Compilation. Thecopy, which we re ived lacks the customary blank page cei, h-A(k. but this is probably ac counted for in the universal desire to Unserve the. -supply.' of white paper, Che scarcity and high price of this eimmciity suggesting to printer and iblisher the necessity of economiz '!! wherever possible. The book this year is the largest .pt printed five pages - larger than .;V. vpar. and that too in the face of .at:ni condensing and the utilizing of L recording secretary, Miss Clara I. fox The steady growth of the Fed eration makes the book each year a more formidable volume to take care of added committees and enlarged de ' uartments. The directory , now shows l?,6 clubs representing a membership Two items in jthe annual reports of finance chairman are especially en conrasins. Mrs. S. L. Dill, Jr., In charge of the Sallie Southall Cotton loan l'tind. reporting last May that since the establishment of the fund in Importance of Newspaper Publicity. In a recent address' to clubwomen n 'Community Music" Mrs. Henrietta JakerLow, of the Peabody Conserva ory; Baltimore, said: 'The most valuable allies in ' the iropagation of a sentiment for com munity music are ths newspapers, several reporters were personally in he larger community sings in Baltl nore, and kept the public mind on the alert with almost daily preparatory write-ups of what was coming. In any novement that you may inaugurate for community, singing take the news papers into your confidence. They nrobably will not be interested in the nusic side, but they certainly will be nterasted in the civic or social ad vantages accruing from people's choruses. One understanding teport ?r will be worth a fortune to you in Mie way of publicity and the creation if a right attitude of mind on the part -t the public. Certainly community singing, to be successful: musically ind ethically, must enlist the mass of the people, and to do this a wide pub licity is required. For this wide pub icity, what so far reaching as the laily newspaper? to the mass of the leopie tha only 'enclyclopedia of rnowiedge,' the only 'handy book Better Baby Contest I 1 " " N W ft I M L A BEAUTIFUL AUTUMN TRIP. (By Old Hurrygraph.) CAROLINA TERRACE, HENDER ONVILLE, N. C , Oct. 7. When you talk of travel so many people regard it as something for a favored few, and it means the spending of much money. There 'is one class of travel that crosses oceans and continents and is expensive, but that is not the only kind. A trip that is most beneficial and really worth while is not necessa rily a long one. The spirit of Amer ica seeing and America enjoyment counts much to the American. There are thousands of women and men who need only to pass from their regular daily surroundings to environ ments that are fresh, sweet and pure. if onlv for a day or two. Dd this once a year and life is refreshed and stored with new energy and strength. This does not carry with it the idea of dis content: but you should gain new views, a broader interest in America's attractions, and the health-giving ad vantages of your own country which are beyond the range of your daily vision and intercourse. The farmer needs to break away from his fields and daily routine; the The better baby contest will again be I city man from pavements and "sky 9 rirawirp' fonhirant the Pontral Pnrn. looMiiiirc"' th'o Inwvpr from his office: shelf,' the source of creeds religious Una fair. This is the fourth season I tho merchant from his desk; artisans ma political, too often the only con- the contest has been held and the in-1 from their shnns: society folks from sultant in business, science and art." terest is as keen as at first. This the whirl of their pleasures. If they A Tlrl tllic ia fl11a aF A-trs. v4-V. ,1 I l. I I . .1 ; J. . 1 hvaia1 I . i Jl 1 1 . .3 A 1 . ;,.i-,..,.fhroo Inans hnrl heen ma.lp c , i-ecijr; uuwt ue- muvcmeiil, ungiuaicu iu uiu never leave Uiese uuii iuuuus iucj 191 Vprvinff vouns women . partment ot club work, the same as it service department of the Woman's are wilfully starving themselves, de io - .r . mu. true or everytning tnat enters into Club of Greensboro, and the commit n sin i u v u uii iii.'ui 11111 I the complex life of present day civil- tee includes women from High Point j iife. pviving themselves of what is best in .1. -j. a.: . n .3 OAT OO ' innu n l .01',V I 'zation. Not only the commercial in- and other sections. tai amouui of the community are depend- The Central Carolina Fair Associa- Tbe true spirit of travel is to be eacer to see another any otner i :ui,ia a;n tenn Tn on nanu -.Z.: Z I 3nt unon the newsnaner as a Tnedium tinn offers SI 25 in rash nrize.K. No babv i annt in whih vnn live. ;tum is the renorr nr Mrs. s. r . i , . ... . . : :r . : : : i miolc h.h . , - . " I rmnllfiTl wnirh tr rearh the rmrlif hut I r.i n taira Iwn ni-ivoc The acre limit IS I 1 nnii nfnnno tin rr other i .0 .11 . Cooper m cnarge oi ine r eueraiiou Endowment fund, showing the fund to have reached the dignified proportions of $1,707.2;") as the result of gifts from clubs and individuals. The first week in November of this year- has been designated as Federation week, and a snecial effort will be made, to makes this pleasant reference to " two. of our most honored ones: Xl v "I wish to thank you for the contri bution you have made to the board of the General Federation in the person of Mrs.- Eugene Reilley, of Charlotte, afc secondt vice-president. Mrs; Reil- ley's experience as. a" director and as corresponding , secretary makes her services - particularly valuable -- as a member of the executive committee, npon which she serves with the presi dent and first vice-president. "As you are-well aware, the Board a made up of seven officers and a di- iytor from each state. We are. tie 4Mled f ti wlconrer r Mrs. t Robert 'R fttten, of Bruce, North Carolina, as tic director from your state." thiough which to reach the public, but can take two prizes. The age limit is 1 1Tinv an-i have me growtn of every social and politi- from one year to 3b months. Ine calling. Where to go and how to get -ai movement is in proportion to tue hours tor examination are irom iu mi- th-re are often perplexing questions. amount or )ts exploitation in the pub- til 1 o clock and lir. w. m. Jones, ur. i me suggest a beautiful spot, na lic prints. To reach the eye and com- J. T. J. Hattle and Dr. F. C, Hiatt will I ture-s onen-air sanatorium, a mountain conduct the examinations, assisted by I ..rnnf earjen" western North Caro- trained nurses. The rooms furnish-1 , a Hendersonville, the gateway to ae Dy me iair are comioname aim the o0vernment's Appalachian park, convenient and the examining room th oni,,hprn railway. Once visit ti!o certinn and comfortably house co-cperation of the live citizens is the tures of all babies will be made by a i lf in thp. beautiful Carolina one wnicn is xoi asnamea 10 tei me pnoiograpuer at me ian giouuua. oeople know what it stands for, what though it is not necessary to enter it is doing, and what it hopes to ac- your baby beforehand, those who do complish. so, will have precedence over those The local naner is always glad to who do not. publish club news, the same as other You can enter your baby by sending mand the ear of the interested these 'lays printer's ink must be used more freely than ever before in the history of the world, and the community club i Jk. nir; vr ui iu. L. makes a success .and gets ..the will be heated-if. necessary. ,: The pic tMs sectIon and comfortably UMVll ... club in the state to contribute one dol lar. ' ' ; ;. - Mrs. .losiah Evans Cowles. the re cently elected president of the Gen eral F3deration, in her official letter to the North Carolina Federation Inefficient Legislatures. About the least representative and most inefficient bit of governmental machinery is the average state legis lature. Federal officials and munici pal affairs command a much higher quality of brains in their administra tion than is discoverable in average legislatures. One legislature spends time and money in passing laws that the next legislature spends time and money to repeal. Theso inefficient statutes affect men and women who compose the people of the state. Mere boys in years and infants in expe rience are frequently noticed in legis- ative bodies, especially in those states where the legislative term Is short and the electorate not of a high degree of literacy. When the ballot shall come finally to women in the south the personnel of many legisla tive bodies will be raised. : Georgia Not Democratic. What do yon think of a state which violates a fundamental of democracy no taxation without representation?" Yet Georgia takes the taxes of women j to support her state university and I then denies women the benefit of an education in the very institution the I women help to support. Massachu-1 setts tried this same thing over a cen tury ago when she. denied to girls the risht to be educated in the public high school. Massachusetts found out her error. So will Georgia, but it will take a longer time. She's over a hundred years behind the times now. Georgia women surely are patient, if they have no university education. Perhaps if more Georgia mothers were e1nratert their sons would be able to t read and not be obliged to vote by s i means of pictures on the ballot. il Li it t i 1 1 -TkSmfTEwn THE EDISON DIAMOND DISC PHONOGRAPH No needles to chance. Unbreaka ble records. The actual tone of the artist in all its native purity and char' acter. No foreign quality. Not a sin gle blemish. Thanks to Mr. Edison's super-knowledge of sound, chemistry and acoustics. Come in and let ua play the Edison Diamond Disc for you. If you are a music lover, you will be delighted. Huntley-Stockton-Hill Co. 110 North Elm St. Greensboro, N. C. arolina From Heather Fields to Factory. The Scotch lassie is being drawn into the vortex of war. Her purple heather fields are merging into en gineering factories, where the gold of the Scotch broom is dimmed by grime of smokestack. On the west coast of Terrace for a sojourn n this delight- Scotland a munitions plant is oper- Mrs. Cotten Back Home Mrs. R. R. Cotten, director for North Carolina, has returned to her home in Pitt county after a four months' ab sence, and in a private letter to this editor has the following to say con eemine the recent General Federation council meeting atrChicago, which will he of interest to North Carolina club women: "The meeting in Chicago was fine and splendidly attended. All the offi cers for. the General Federation were there and forty directors from a pos sible forty-seven a fine proof of the interest in the various etates and that the states really wished a di rector for each one. "I listened attentively and did not talk a bit, and Mrs. Reilley will cor roborate this statement. Mrs. Reilley, with her long experience on the board, is a valuable member and is much re fened to. Mrs. Cowles is democratic and sympathetic in her methods and is going to be popular with her board and the other clubwomen. "Mnrh routine business was accom plished, such as election of depart ment chairmen and plans for the .coun cil meeting to be held in New Orleans next April. The publishers of the General Federation Magazine hrwe promised to improve ' it and it has agas i been adopted as our official organ and is recommended to all the , l..v mid women. "Another item which may interest you is that the invitation to hold the WIS Biennial at Hot Springs, Ark., was accepted. I hope to be able to news, when there is something worth a postal to Dr. W. M. .Tones, of Greens- recording. The club which fails to boro. stating baby's age and name and furnish such news is retarding its giving the hour you will be at the fair. work and limiting its usefulness. The newspaper is the club's most valuable ally and should be more appreciated - Better Baby Contest. Watch For This Motion Picture In its motion picture department the General Federation Magazine sounds this timely note of warning "A motion picture . called 'Some body's Sister.' has just been released in New York. This film deals with me subiect of white slavery, showing some" or "tue rrretnocis oy wnicn gis, , pealed to. are said to be entrapped and depict- adopted: ine vividly scene in - nouses- oi in fame with their revolting yet pitiable traffic, "The sponsors for this production claim to be promoting it as a warning and safeguard to girls, and they pro nose that the film shall have the wid 3st possible exploitation and exhibi tion. If that plan is carried out, ine ful all-the-year-round climate, you will he tnilv benefited and will reiurn home refreshed, full of contentment to the blessings that are yours at home. October and November in and around Hendersonville. N. C. are pe culiarly fitted to the delight of the nutnmn and winter tourists. There ated entirely by women. While this is viewed by some in the light of an emergency occupation, it is hardly j likely that after acquiring skill in the j manufacture of munitions the Scotch j women will return to obscure and less , remunerative toil. All working worn- j en of Great Britain have attained a i new status, and by their patriotism Raleigh, N.C., Oct. 16-21, 1 91 6 .... Agricultural building rebuilt. Increased railroad sidetracks, inside the grounds, facilitating unloading and loading of exhibits. Competitive county exhibits of Blue Ribbon Win ners at County Fairs. Better Babies' Contest. Agricultural Exhibits Canning Clubs, Boys' and Girls' Poultry Clubs, Stock Exhibits, is .just enough crispness in the air to ha' j,r,ip,i the same nolitiral rights make it exceptionally exhilarating, in- given men sll0Uid Great Britain fail vigorating and intoxicating with the tQ givg VQtes tQ women iier ingiati- Women and the Hobo. The hobo proposition in Salern, Illi nois, naa, accoramg to a chid corres pondent, grown from an ordinary nui- j f life Thre is a mellowness and t l would deserve the scorn of na- cQnra in anrh Jllarm IIP nrnniirtlOTlS I .!.. a1,;i Vio l,Mro that last November the Salem Wom an's Club decided that the tim had come for drastic action on the part of the citizens. Accordingly a committee softness in the sunshine that cheers ticns and charms one to outdoor exercise. Nature touches and tints the forests Tho Pivi- T enne nf T.exin:rton has with all colors of the rainbow, as if a bi? ciean.ui, campaign on this week, the rive nnts nf heaven had been liter-1 jI iAAjAhi., nr Mre lames tn "An I v UUUC1 1I1C'ICTUC10I.I ui iivc wui.iC.iicic ( a,uucu l" I auv emptied out upon tue mouniains Adjerton chairman of the sanitarj 25rl; W J&SL committee. . . . m' A . W( n- valleys Deiow, wiiere ine auiuuiu.uun- rrXJl n ADHT TXT A -.r nn.l and nrimn their beaut i'ul IMCj LiIvUljll A heads in the mirrored reflections of TERRACE the glassy waters. iieaiuianu N.su. M.t mrxci nrnnnncnt. ride upon every breeze and paint ine inianua uui something. The city council was ap- and the following plat? f All tramps asking for food were" sent to the city hall, where they were allowed a night's lodging, and for working one hour and a half were given a meal. Back of the city hall a municipal wood idle - was installed, where there were boxes to be split in to kindling, and wood to be chopped. Boys' Corn Clubs, Poultry Display, Forestry Exhibit, Cotton Contest, Farm Machinery Displays. Pig Clubs, Educational nxniDits. Good Roads Convention, Tractor Demonstrations. SPLENDID LINE OF FREE ATTRACTIONS Domenjos Looping the Loop and storming fort with aeroplane. Aerial Mitchells, Flying Glendales, Dalbeanie, Miss Charlotte Brand, Hoaglan Bros, with guideless wonders and nine other big free acts. Harness and running races. Special trains,'loWrates' " " " "' Plenty of Fact, Fun and Frolic for Everybody. Part nf these narkinsr boxes was do- picture is likely to be booked for exhi- nateu bv merchants and part purchas bition in any city or town and wher- ed hy the Woman's Club, and the ever announcement is maue inai 'Sbmebody's Sister" is to be shown, it at once becomes the responsibility of every parent or guardian to deter mine whether or not he or she con siders this sort of picture is the cor rect and desirable method of instruct ing the -children and youth whose sruidance is in their charge "The film presents a phase of evil and vice with which the average per son is wholly unfamiliar. If you wish to teach your boys and girls purity md virtue, can that be accomplished by showing examples of vice? To in still in these impressionable young minds the beauty and hope and hap piness of goodness and right living. can that be attained ny exnwiting to them a picture of vice so bold and terrible that the memory of it will perhaps never be effaced? In other words, the average citizen of the country today, man, woman, boy-or girl knows nothing of the sub iet treated in this nicture. Will it wood was bought by the club. When the tramps worked on the wood pile they were given a ticket to a certain restaurant for a meal. Later on this ticket was redeemed by the Woman's Club, the club selling the wood and kinJling over town, making their part self-supporting. Others were put to work on the streets, and for this' the city paid. The meal tickets were all printed alike, those of the club be ins red and those of the city blue, in order to avoid confusion in payment. Each tramp wjs allowed , to work for only two meals, and if by that time he had not secured permanent employ ment, he was invited to leave town. If the tramps refused to work for a meal, which about 95 per cent, of them did, they were ordered to leave town immediately, and a determined city marshal stood behind the order. The consequences were a very much dis gruntled fraternity .of "Weary Wil lies." and a much relieved Salern. The scheme is easily carried out if you roses upon the cheeks of the palid. y amongf all places of public mature nere sems nf orf ninnipnt nnri i: mnri- ,n0 n f.nnp and rnmn with her Sub- enieriainmeni, anu is muu o,l lt3oi,ti- nre tint usually mil- I orn 1 n nil rocnOPTC It PJIT PTS ! lil..tV UUU j " " - J I 1 11 XI 1 UJ1 X WtJWWVr ' ??ly. to both summer and winter- at Hendersonville one finds the most spring patronage, Willi Uie singular combination oi tnose two in" ctrnnp-pt confidence. Steam compatibilities. The grandeur of the firo"SesJ onilULULt. o icdm mountains is over all, the overpower- neaiea, nas not aim cum ing sentiment of tins neautnm town mnninp: water in every and its environment in an me uw 7. . :r UV.c hends nf the valleys, peaks and ruuill, luiiv uiivaic uuun, nrominences nestles the other beauty plprtricallv lighted, and Well beyond compare, 'ine specinc cnaru. . , 4Ull.Vlrtiif Wc of each attraction cannot here be ae- cquipycu uuWu6i.Uuu "" scribed. Once visited, they remain broad piazzas OVerlOOKing ever after pictures of the mine . neer c whoh inenrpe ; ut into words. Hendersonville anu -; he Carolina Terrace cordially invite f reedom from noises and the autumn and winter tourists to see 1 ...Ai.i n . . n . w. A nin r o Ann rn X UtfaUlllllI SlIUl. Ill viwt.tt ' I. -mi 1 J 1 ... . . , I m-ic4-o llrfrt miici A enjoy the least nature nas neresineau iiunuicu gucsia uuuu innov- for the health, pleasure and enjoj- n SGason .and desirable gar ment or numanuy. agre accummuuuuuus iur Delegates to U. D. C. Convention. DatrOnS. With private Stall Miss Lizzie Lindsey, president 01 - r 1 x7 1 M,- lnr-.-il rh.mter. Mrs. .T. W. Patter- lor Cacil Iliauiuiic. 1TC waici son and Mrs. S. L. Alderman, will rep- stated With Strong COntl- reeent lireensnni'n at me u. it. v. vention in Gastonia next week. help the morality of the individual or j e h --operation ofiallthe the locality, yours or mine, or any where in the country, to exploit via the medium of picture screens, a moral plague which exists only in a few metropolitan places? "Women especially and all others interested in the welfare of their tell iDoi o about it when we all gather I communities should be fully awake to at Durham next May." Susan B. Anthony Days. The calendar for October has two ,i'd-ifettei days of nation-wide signifi' caiice rcr the suffragists of every Rtatp in the union. The National American Woman Suffrage Associa tion lias designated October 7 and Oc- the dangers of this specific sort of contagion the contagion ot vice anu evil through the film screen." citizens, and your city council. : With out this it will fail. - -.: Club Events at Henderson. The Henderson Gold Leaf records the following interesting club items: The Woman's Tuesday Club had a most delightful meeting Tuesday with Mrs. D. Y. Cooper. Shakespeare's "As You Like It" was given in cos tmue. Mrs. S P. Cooper took the part of Islands, Mrs. J. H. Bridgers was Rosalind, Mrs. Brooks Parham played CoMa. Mrs. George Rose, Tombstone, mark the progress have reported her as endorsing a fed- Greenwood Tree. "Blow. Blow, Thou i Susan B. AnthOAy Ural amendment for votes for women. Winter Wind," "What Will He Have on the Victrola between the acts. Each member of the club responded to roll call with a quotation from the play. The next meeting will be held with Mrs J A. Mcore on October 10. Th9 Vance County Chapter United Miss CSordon Stands for States Rights. At the recent National Suffrage Con Miss Kate Gordon, of Louis- iona was verv emDhatic in her stand and Mrs. J. C. Kittrell, Audrey. wnmnn Rnffraee bv states rights Mrs. D. Y. Cooper was director and to'oer 21 as Federal Amendment Days. moty,nrf - .Knt withstanding her very gave a synorsis of the play. The and on fhnco iinva enffrafrists all over !i ,rwarv spvpral newsnaners Shakespearean songs "Under the j ..: . .. -1 , j i-ountry will 1 and status of the wor.ian suffrage amendment to the I No WOman in the south has stood so Who Kills the Deer" were all given jfuerai constitution' with public dem-1 firmly and unalterably for amena- onstiaticns. I tnonta tn .state constitutions, which On October 7 public meetings will j wjn give the vote to women of every lie held by the suffragists of the local section upon the same terms now ac- organizations over the country, at rnrdedT:o men. This position of Miss ' which will he Pi'ven he first renorts I nntvinn is not a recent one, but has of the canvass of congressional can-j been iterated and re-iterated durin.2 didates. The ffinfiirintes' views nn suf-1 the mmw years of her public utteran t'rage will be read. Suffrage speeches ces in behalf of the enfranchisement Daughters of the Confederacy met he made, and the voters will be nf Avomen. Twelve states have al- with Mrs. S. P. Cooper this week and "rgGfi to o ,i,m-q frnm thnsp .Ao"v vtenrted the vote to their worn- elected delegates to tne state con en WliO flivnr cnnol onffi.on and the ferl. I or Thic evtensinn has been in con- tion at Gastonia October 11, 12 and 13. pral amemimeAt tk. cfrra!riBts will fnrmitv with the requirements for I Mrs Cooper will go as president of the continue to maintain their strictly electors made by the respective states, chapter, Mrs. Al. J. O eil will repre non-partisan attitude and will indorse and was in no sense disruptive of con- sent the Children s Chapter, . Mrs llf larty candidate, but will make it stituUonal provisions regarding the Alex Cooper is : the delegate and Mrs clear that tv,,. ,i thnco uii it has meant, the inclusion of R. G. S. Davis is the alternate. who are nmi; x,a fh ,men whn could meet the stipu- Another delegate is yet to be ap lations for the state s voters. 10 re port Miss Gordon as "believing with all my heart in a federal amendment for woman suffrage," is misleading w her state's rights suffrage companions, and misrepresentative of her constan cy and integrity : in promulgating states rights putnern uucuuie. Lexington Will be Hostess. The federated clubs of Lexington will entertain the clubs of district number 2 on Thursday, October 26, at the regular district reciprocity meet ing. This district comprises tne towns of High Point, Lexington. Greensboro. Thomasville. Asheboro, Jamestown. Siler City, and Randle- man. Mrs. J. L. Lowe, of Lexington is sub-chairrarn. dence. For rates, write The Man ager, The Carolina Terrace, swer. HOWELL COBB. Hendersonville, N. C. mission of the: federal amendment The auti and the non committal can didates will have another chance and i: October 21 a second series of meet ings will be held and all candidates .who have changed their attitude will c advertised .accordingly. B ii1Vtlusi(iay also a suffrage tableiu 1 1 1-e, tagiE.d,;.symbofiim the ibliti btdius of womanhood in the vari s,M;it,e of tlie United States. " - 1 Si:ir:ts of camphor rubbed over their surfaces will brighten mirrors. pointed. It was decided that the chapter will hereafter hold its meet ings cn the fourth Thursday morning at 10:30 o'clock at the home of the president unless otherwise notified. Has Challenged Pinchot. Miss Juliette Arden. member of the Progressive Democratic National Wo men's Committee, who four years ago was one of the national progressive organizers with Gifford Pinchct, has sent a challenge ta him for an open debate at any time and at any place ne may name on issues oi uie twu- j painn. "I was a republican before 1912," said M:ss Arden to a World reporter, "but I am an independent progressive now. The independent progressives have come to stay and are destined not onlv to decide elections, but to clean up politics on all sides. The members recognize their great power and will refuse to be controlled by any party affiliations. We shall stand In all elections for the best man, back ed by the best issues, be he democrat or republican." , :. . : A Woman Elector. Illinois democrats have nominated Mrs. Catherine Waugh McCulloch as a residential elector, mis. -vitui-loch is a lawyer of eminence, the mother of five children and a fine type of intelligent American woman hood. The democratic party of Illi nois has shown excellent judgment in selecting Mrs. McCuilocTi as one of its As a matter of comfort and econo my. don't. forget to send that. .winter representatives. suit to tjie solumbia Laundry and-- The democratic convention also have it come back looking good as went on record in favor of full suf neWt frage for Illinois women. - PRELIMINARY EXHIBIT Of the New Autumn Merchandise Now On At the Big Store of Fashion. The rich fall colors', so much in demand now, are well represented in this splendid display of new dress fabrics. The latest and best in Coat Suits and Ready-to-Wear. ELLIS, STONE AND COMPANY Mail orders are given prompt attention. D WILEY HINTON NOW LOCATED IN NEW QUARTERS, OVER PIERCE'S PRINTING OFFICE. HIGH CLASS TAILORING. Gleaning, Pressing and Altering LADIES' AND MEN'S APPAREL A SPECIALTY. The Very Best Workmanship and Promptness to all Orders WILEY HINTON, 215K South Elm Street, Greensboro, N. C. M v a4rn Wlien You BuUd That Cottage or bungalow this spring or when you remodel your house or fix up the attic, garage or basement, use BEAVER BOARD For Better Wall, and Ceiling., supplanting- Uth, plater, steel and wood Up in a jiffy and up to stay. Stands all weathers. Makes beautifully J panelled rooms. Fits all wall and ceiling requirements. . Beaver Board is cheaper and better than steel for ceilings in stores, , moving picture theatres, auditoriums, etc. 4 Ask us about The Beaver Board Companies free Designand Decoration. Service for builders. f ODELL HARDWARE COMPANY. - V. A j. m