i t ii'ir-ii'i-r Ti-n? lTr-i- i - r-f-- i " r' '. 1 ", . . . ; .. : . v '. ..ntrrnm rrTTTITI nTTrTTTti mmTTTfl I II I IT! I .-. . if i mull If lilt 1 1 1 ITTIIfTI TTITITT1UIIlllIIIIIIIIIIIIIII.il I I 1 I I i I l 14 J 1 II 1 tt-H Htf I I' The easiest l'1 . ..1 4- urn on the ro A .to -.prosperity '.may--you .. mnPT;:i Ulua. L -V, .......iniMiiiHiiinn!TnnTTn n i WASHEMiONY " r ' " . d - - - 4 SOY BEANS. plant some Soy Beans. Good for pacture, forage or soil improvement, at lfl.50 per bushel. J. E. LATHAM 0. ' 'OTICK. Iii Hfctory revived QoMro tevfinjoy a Big American Waters. The Wilmington Star jfiiids fai the sensation; created by the appearance t?t the German U-53 a similar condi tion as that produced by the perform ance of a Confederate Tacony in the early sixties. .It Bays: : "Somo Interesting Civil war history has . been recalled by they raid of . the German submarine TJ-5S last Sunday, Sensation Concerning Taxes. ;:Vv--:-- -svrifl "rtmrfll " YrinTt nrnfAco 4-a goo 4Vtn . J&oTf the instate consternation in shipping circles For the AVesteru District of North :aro- j Avhich.. it caused a remarkable dtfplica Una. , ... . ,, . , I tion of what happened at New York ID til Tnaliur V- mm ui i auiu, Bankrupt. in i)uruiiu-,Y UI and other eastern ports in 1863 when Lieut C. W.- Reade, -of the Confeder- To tb creditors of Win. Hiram , Pickard. j ate States navy, in command of the Mo1S& passcd up the . Atlantic coast, Jpt: ;..- i burning and scuttling American ships, Notice is hereby given that on the j j continuing his foray on commerce for K iffirt 4?a's. duly djuSM ; two ,eeks despite the fact that more j Nor Carolina as 4n other states, and ban'knHtt ani thiit the first meetiwg of his i than 40 -cruisers and chartered ves- 5t , fr.celv claimed that millions of creditors wm c .u n., "V,'!-?,U1 seis wcro semv out in searca oi uiu tain Rnd Brittain m Ashcboro N. C, on the s t ni , rvwiforlerato Stb-.day of AugURt..-A. D., 11G, at 10.00 r0,01 ! 'Vw rfelock in th forenoon, at which time the "From the port .of Wilmington the aid eremtors may atteiui, prove tneir i Confederate cruiser Tallahassee, in rGoldsboro 43 to have -a sensation trigger than 'the Roscower indictment in a few -days, some-tHae tnts wool Warrants will bo served against quite a large number of prominent citizens f wealthy men, charging them with giving false statements concerning their property, such as bonds, mort gages, etc. .:;' . It is said the warrants are now in the hands of Comity Solicitor A. E. Humphrey, and when served there will be .great excitement. There is no doubt hut what the tax ,wr is as much In evidence : v. '-Ml; ciaiins. appomi u Trusree. exaiuiae inc bankrupt and transact "such other business a iouv properly come before said meeting. iThls July 18. 15)1. G. S. FEllCrUSOX, JR., 7-22-2t Ueferee in Bankruptcy. DON'T WORRY ABOUT THE CENTRAL CAROLINA FAIR. 1864, made a raid as far north as Hal ifax and hurned or scuttled .31 Amer ican vessels within a period of ten days, though it was nearly 20 days from the time the cruiser left this port dollars escape taxation every year throughout the country simpiy w camso -moneyed men .refuse to list property that should be listed. It looks, however, that the officials were lax in their duty when they fail to get the mortgages. They are a mat ter of record and it would be an. easy nmmle a list from the AM . i.l-t A 'A ic- 5 . 1 until she returned. However, this i covmty records and see that each man ! . 4- V. -vt- nAeiAl lift' . .. . i J.UiTAj' skills iiul w uvfc vauoou ' fcave 111 HIS proper cLUiuuuu i consternation that was occasioned by the exploits of the Tacony. "A record of alarms seldom paral leled in history was produced by the advent of the Tacony on the Ameri can oast, it is said, and the navy de partment was deluged with telegrams for a. fortnight. Read was captured only after he had destroyed or cap tured many vessels, when he ventur ed into the harbor of Portland, Me., The mortgage business is a double i system of taxation, anu wnue me iti i-ffp.n ' fRr.aies. the property pays the freight, at least in this state. In many states the man wno nas cn a mortgage on his home makes .k- ovfimntinn That is to say II A buys a home and pays five hundred , dollars tlown and gives a mortgage for ; thousand, tie man wno uuxu. , that thousand and The Great Dail IS On the j in an attempt to cut out a teamcr of j A payg oniy on the five hundred the " W A ,r. oov, fiffuro nn ' that place, in tne same locuuy juu anu jfww v" ; th u.gs jast Sunday sent hair a uozen SUCeeSS Wnenever Lt. JJ. IS ; vessels to the bottom, tne lacony tie-. i i j. ' .iwvi4-" stroved three craft. He cruised off tne COnCemed, but SeriOUSly lotS ; Naucketioals for three days, in Of hot Weather between nOW i which time he burned a full-rigged j nnln. Wliv not hnv i eHppcr ship, bound from Liverpool to and UCtODer. W Uy nOb DUy ; New York ;. a bark and a Liverpool you a Palm lieacn or iooi packet. V. .i . . j t. ij? :o T4- "Lira f tnonfiv . he owns, l ne law now undertakes to make the man pay the full amount on the home and ; then attempts to get the man with ; tiie motgage in for his thousand which is wrong and as really double , However, it is claimed that in rvo- ountv there have been some . .. . il. ' . . ,1 tlin ihlW c,-,,? f of Tiol-P nro? Tf "Lieutenant ueau uu .nui "daring" escapes oi . Cloth SUXt at hall price : It Taconv when he started on his foray. I mm"of the people is to punish those is a moneV making invest- It was one of the vessels he captured h ftave undertaken to get away w ?. - . ... . nn tlio pnast .- Tie ! ... rr.l- J Dlnnmpll t S Will Ue WflUB ui uteeuiiife ujj . ; witH IX. 1UU uiw'i""v ment:, beside consider the comfort. Wash Ties, 50c quality 35c each, or 3 for $1.00. Sport Shirts, 50c quality, 35c each; 3 for $1.00. Savoy Shirts ... . ... . $1.50. iBoyden Oxfords .$6.50 CRAWFORD & REES, 300 South Elm St. started out with tne Clarence, an j watthed with interest. brie, which was capturod !ly .-ndale nSazli: ! Exnresses Hope For against - American commerce. Read . .PriCOn litter VeiltWtl coimr n n vatfh officer on the llllcf IKAXiv ""v' " Yes, SENSffil because it's Comfortable u THERE are other good tasting cigarettes, , ;tim.a isn't the only good one. But when it comes to comfort there is probably no other , cigarctte in , the world quite the equal of Fatimas. . ; ... - 'ii's:- , Fatima's Turkish Blend is so delicately, balanced that it leaves a man feeling keen and fit even after a long-smoking day. You could prove this foj yourself.;i, a) ill 1 AmimmmI (Xcw York Times.) "The hope that the United States , v ould scon mediate between England , an0dllGermany and aid Intbe construe- j tion of a lasting world peace by bring fn? Sie two belligerents into cordial BRYAN STARTS OUT MEXICAN AFFAIR 15 (Times PbmcLEr 308S.BlmSt GEEEnSr30B0.N.C. ZZZ ' - 1 i?wiri and when Commissioner j. N. Maffit was about to burn the Clar- ence, the lieutenant requested per- mission to take the captured brig, man . her - wiUi -20 men from the Florida s crew and proceed upon a cruise oi m& own "against American commerce, be ginning by slipping into Hampton Roads and cutting out a steamer. Tbc request was granted. . . -This- wasin May. One" month later Read was off the i Carolina . coast, where he burned tvirpp? Federal vessels ana ; learned from them that hisropo DcdarCS Teddy as attempt to enter uampton -. xvu-u.- .T,rNew mternationaUsm.' MaKes Y - , Qr the churens cmss m . T Tennessee ana Opeutvs SL5;SSS;"flN-SPEEllRl;-': Mrvnnt Morris .Baptist church on I . :: v w-. t n DEPLBBABtt UNt mane ""- : AHor ! the subject of T1,," i thP War.' THe aaaress m - He WUUIU. .yiuit . i , t vigilance ; Kept meic . ;,ri m,-4 he uof the world should re-1 A vtn make his raid up the coast. plied Cbnsnanuj. t - i "By a ruse, he succeeded, on June m HTMoiorhoriT ri " " o fir,,, hark, about DO ! member," said rroiessor mu -wo. eel to do an aiucuhv.um. ---- f future Fifteen Times Today. all important that the state 1 o x, m v--.-" - - ...:,.v, U ic miles east of cape nenry, mm.u r- thiR war shall not con- , American crait. n tuture wars. If; Takes a Few Pot Shots At President Wilson. .... i nA iUnn i 4-1r , ed its sailing i fluaHues, wre to settle in Belgium, Brvail today is mal ra foampot if togl and were to at- jBkns touv i Tei i lat!leJ -iSS hP cfrried. Before ' tempt to throttle Germany comn icrcl Mcmphis to N NASHVILLE. Oct. lS.-Williani J. is making a wmiwinu Tennessee extending 1 f - . . . .... a uuiiv , . fhmilri - 1-nVR Lilt? Ufii ieaving the ground ne " r.in flie establishment of three more craft, whose crews he sent I the next war, to Philadelphia in one ,oi ,ie v?0 Stanley of Rockingham peace care . -should, he taken mai .uu jeaiousy ui ;-.-" -- caiu c toT m-AW.v. all. Germany and England Qsjfjirtl n Pfli'don ' 5lu uld be brourht. together. The hope secures a iui nun ( he Vuiled &iatcs W1n s.ron medi- LOUISVILLE, Oct- IS. Colonel Roosevelt came to Kentucky today on his speaking trip for Hughes that will ... . . Uou him far as uenver anu i nut of Un- tA near ,...rorn, 0 t ih- iiomnoraiic ik ivt-i. fnnrtonn rastcrn jveun.n " Tennessee the weather is very bad, a lhe principal speech this cven icimcssce s i the mid- ing at a lr.svillc park, were on the rfnu IHIIl l".h'""'"" ARIZONA DRAWS k CREW DF OLD MEN ! i iTtrr un itKYTJiWrtv LllMiHl1.Mff4tU; They Come r rom uiaer Ships of Fleet to JHann World's Greatest Ship. Assistant Secretary- tolk Denies Department Cbnf templates Publishing It. r The special train on clay s prog.au. Theodore J ilHIUi iV... - ... " . . .l WSJ. Governor. Craig nas .1'" ..:," 'V ' r thr. who bclicvo in i-cace. Tin, p.sfablisument oi v i'v "- a 1 . . . P H r 1 m- will last is the greatest ws,.. " ! miwHiito future. Duroc - Jerseys l: IJ 4onlvv nt liriCKlirflctai cenvMlcd in .May. lplo. of embezzle . ,i .imipwi tn -the state pi is-1 mh. wjv nieiu a"" ,BCHi'.va..-. - nft0 m,,d'Htp future, auq uhj.w on for three years and hnodlLGO. . w c Tl)C iaassCs of the peo To pardon is granted on l cond ition jM Jnt now at war want i that lhe delcnaant f,XM"T. rh a oeace. And. as eoou as tne na sous for the par Jon. Governor CraS the pardon is rccoHiiuuituen iiwi-n nountiee. who tried the case; bv about all of the representative cit izens of the community, including mm- 1 . .. 1 inc-Hnoc nf . th.P. iRtPVS Ot the gOSUCl, J tious are Drougni. iub""" :, win, as soon, above all. as German and England are brought together in We can furnish anything you Lli. n.r.-Ti.rcMf Viocrc that I.' . '.. nWveifxtnns. merchants. ;: jurors Want 111 - , pvoy t., lrnnw thP carrv the blood of DEFENDER, ' "'l?San jSse ivmtree stales FOREST CHIEF, COLONEL and ORION'S PAX., four of the greatest -boars . the breed has yet produced. Ki mball OXFORD, N. C. r Aiarv i that he would have made the sentence FANCY on t for the neculiar circumstan ce's of the case. It seems, says the ' covcucr, that this defendant is men ; tailv' unbalanced, and should not be j rvu:i?hed ony , further for the offense. I Solictor Graves states: ."That the ev- fdr,nces disclosed a strange .mental : and childish simplicity . m nf Stanley's v was not certainly normal . Stanley is from the western part of j the. county. He has served- seventeen W; J. SHOROE), j Attorney. 115 Court Spare, BreeBSboro: GTIKENSROUO Veterinary Hospital T. H, Wood, 6. S. D. V. S. t0 S. Davie Street Phone 239 GRKEXiSBOTIO, N. C. THE TBAVEUHG MA : i AinS EXACTLY THIS ar.el to the hh1 mm; i dta- ; red; the home ''f.JLV thT lite stop "W'th n. Try It the next trio to R-Wfk. THE YARBOROUGH - OPIUM, MORPHINE M M DRUG HABITS, Vli-Wl tn tixv IfMlmpht. : n1fM" iiCBKfull tri5l, Ali'olol" 1H.. nt. ' lrnK ;Ht. nveryi-! , tni-.atot. . WtTK T01JVY.r 'TT . ' Williams l'rivae Mtorhi..y., B. B. WilUmii. M. D. Greeanboro, K. C. good-will, such a peace can us '"Nationalism is the faithful, belief j ,r npnnle of a nation in the etei-; nil value of that nation's unique con mbution to the world. This belief Kes not apply that the other nations are worse, but that they are different This nationalism is spreading over the world. Its ideals are m - roSntry. The effect of the war has ac SuVted Uie amotions of individual idealism, but at the same time fur f hScd the . development of . socialistic rhi socialistic idealism 11Q1SI1 siiiiytiv-ii-j - imjtfiioi". , ii e nations actions, and that he ibas taken lio d of all othe nations of the gloDe. vine (twv v.. Sem realize that -national organiza tion is necessary, that the cqmraon unit the nation, must . be organized. Thfr spirit -wlU grow tremendously rfler the war, and in every, nation Sore will arise a new. self-conscious- r'C-H this internationalism is to make a lasting organization and a lasting Seacc however, the nations must not forget the lessons of the, war. he . - . tr-a vist absolute- first lesson is mm w.v, - w no safety appliances that will pre vent w?iy Before the war it was said IS 'the. Socialists, or the-finacfrs. 6r the women, wouiu yicut but they did not. "AuJ the second lesson is, t.iat no treaty enn be held in circumstances. The statistics Show that every nation has broken traues uuue. of national necessity, and the Un ted States supreme conrt has recognized the fact that treaties will not always stand. " ; : ; ;v - , "Also, the nations must remember that Jio nation so loves peace that it w5 not love war, and that there i? no question which, Lin some passian ate SUt may become a ,est on o ; national honor. We must mot forget that no group of nations is secure. To SbrSg about peace we t ljrmg : o.tTipr in good will, ami Kits uativxa .v-e.Y-r t . ,!,.,'- pvii-e theni unerstanu eau. ?fpAfeor hriates Clark.of CoV : r Aiun v V wttl.' soealC'in tne mil iii'i- - iiv r.i D.tj - : LSy ;t 'W i.'elock, on he St ' Sri of Internalionarr.ass lov tin rr il ia nizht. which Mr. Bryan and state party iet crs are traveling is scheduled to make 13 stops between Memphis and Nash ville, the principal speech being made here tonight. Reaches Mcmphis. i MEMPHIS. Oct. lS.-Willinui Jen nings Bryan reached here today for a I ;n iii Tr.nnc3ce in be- aay iiiui''&" half of the Democratic ticket. He was joined here by Governor other-prominent Democrats of the state. jiT,r rrr thfiir snecial tram , ' ,,.ofi Mr. Brvan addressed a large cru" . ti I' wn on the firing line in tlie middle west where the campaign if the hottest," said the former secre . "i have sDoken In i& Lai V Ul Oiutv. . states so ar and the Democrats of L "1- th. south may. be as- sured there Is a migaty . llooscvclt in speaking from his car here todav referred to the Mexican situation as a deplorable affair and -nid tliat the Americans were down i.rot rr.tion because have a Trcsident too proud to nght we . n ftave Nut Trees. " 7,; :. Nt Growers' Ascia-1 tons and can l. 1 . . Ann nut mues. . tion is trying ro iv , " j "h - I - " trees. The ossoation was iuu -, . r.. few vears ago by a surgeuu, ucuvi v . SSTfiSSSSS'-! California For Winter WASHINGTON. Oct lS.Ileppia that the German note of February l$ for the setUement of the LusltanU case has been accepted by the' Ataer can government and was eocmtp'3)e published by the State;'. Departiafrt;. caused Acting Secretary of BUte.Pet to authorize the following i Utateii today: ' iiUtx - has nnt . been aecente aud is not to be given out. v j?1 Denartinent is not to be raWh. W - .r -tiw iMicAt fit WliSi tlQI- i.vw c.ooo Dounds iore to a oiscussiou - "- broadside than was contained In the . cn,' All fijfrht: comb'med bvoadsiucs oi iuu iwu.o. majm ukVuitu. ..--o-. rv, , Ss'utTn j Good News ForHis Friends be buricu aDorn. NEW YORK, Oct, 18 The crew of the new superdreadnaught Arizona, j which takes her place today in the battle line of the Atlantic fleet with her sister' ship, the Pennsylvania. came from the older uaiursuu's .. sas. New Hampshire and Vermont, re cently transferred to the Atlantic re serve fleet at Philadelphia. An officer or the Arizona iointcd n.nt iho Arizona's twelve 14-inch horticulture, and a piain thncinst all tree lovers. of course. S. It. Winters, the Durham corre- graft the "t trees. aimi -- Hcrv ... ac . t .vrmltl nave Oi rudiua " v ucu. " -" that wo wouiu uatc w! r ,,r,tuicri fprtile va -nn nr more per acre, n uirj " - acrt-& ui , I- i $d00 oi moie pti , rnlirnrnia and a palatial composeu OI uaa t,w-.. - - . M Mrs Catherine Palmer Tetanred from Washingtoii Satrday;1ltgd reports that her father, MaJ-.-C1? M. Stedman. is feeling fine .re grets that misleading stafeAent tftvc gained currency in' regard; ' . health. While he has been eterfod from entering actively mw .u bis UIII5IC131. - ham i i,ir with thp many omeis nn . .,. ... ... : ,i ok. ironi ciiic'o . - - - ' , , Along w un tne uwu . ; f . naleicu News and Ub- ... nhvciHan who has -been auired.160 treating -ni" -Vd . T -r Vl on fIG 111 1 1 XZ. LUM better and certainly has to OT;g! his characteristic energy, intelleetual.. Far from :& valid in a hospital, tie. takea IW- w Tv I brisk walk over the city, wwbp. Carrancho "" rorresuondencc :iBd a J - public sentiment continually frowms oi iron.- a victorious itruwi.. 'The campaign spaoial" was sched uled to make 10 or 12 stops before reaching Nashville. ; f Indian Fair Was ' A Great Success native trees now growing 1 ere !n the United States. Whewjire these trees? To find out. these gen tlemen are offering a lot of cash prizes of from ?." to 5o eacn Hey land in home is he rn g built amid the land of wide mesas, ranch and range. A letter today from the keeper ot tne esiaJ.lt a"u t"".. T" ide of sonally . to T.-iiii ho in fitness on l i.- 1 "Vn hntise this f - r i -,i MA.-.-t,.oi.A -witrl OUTS. know of a promising tree oi ucanmoni .uiir... - - Know oi a. I'1"' '01 "u,.orv i.,,inior. The area is situat- . . itn. viacK ""' ' j;u . , i rmm Tiiormai ana iu- a victorious T-vv ll5r..nr,- .shellbark- hiCKory.-noru.c... Ca ieivC.u.. ni,. peVanhacl. Japanese walnut, or a hy-; cated in the grea --ians. brid. send a iozen u.i- , .... of riraeval mail carefully 1ackea m a uo y . "ItlX";:. fed on the wild ci;,. willi Illfi llillliu mm iidit; -- LIGHT Ntll closing out thirty , ;yo v . i.torv ton New Home, tt"W'V I . - Inn. second hand sewing machines at low priees casn -or t uuw. rity 0-;i2 x- Flm The third annual Cherokee Indian fair ' at Yellow J n i ,uis - ,i r;tv Times, was .nropaoij the only fair -of its kinl m the United States The Cherckces are shoinr. .i.t .wm,- oc farmers, workers tor ti,r. nrrvmotion of education and tbe general bctterroe.t of the.com " wo will venture to say that v:." ";n of Cherokee Indians. at one time one of the strongest tribes in America, have shovn more intei cst and probably worked harder than anv fair association in Xorth Carolina. The farm exhibits were ex ra ood both in quality and nantit. There i n,orv varfetv Of corn. was annual. . . . t.4nc -.whpat.. Tve. cane, m4 Qlnin' address of the sender piamiy .iv- in ink to Dr. W. C. licming. wrww.w of the -Northern Nut Growers Associa tion, Georgetown. Conn, tie you details or the prizes and an opin ion on the specimens you send. It is well to send a lettcr'separatcly describing the tree, its age. size, loca tion, sr.o ilf ctop. and bearing record. The contest closes December :.l. lJi'j. . ; Itp.re Is a Potato Cron Worth While disnatrh from Wilson 1 ilV I I v r i - be done: Ti.it it nnvs the fanner to cultivate ' heidoc: cotton and tobacco SOllit tll'"n .jv . 1,0 wn nrnven by S. J.-. Watson of this citv. who is one of the most pro- niartprs in eastern Carolina last snrum c wastes, lnc tana u $200 an acre 111 us imcumiv. state. . .. . .:,; i, Th "Carrancho" ounga.ow ... - wealthy-in its appoinunwus Figncd accordincr to tlie om "l.' ...Ml l. ing.room and a sun . panor . . . .1 rr n ;ii. n,i m.Ktairs room anu UW'j uu " .VV- trill i.. ,.roii .11 smuii "ens White and many ..-:U .S'-infW . church -next wwobt'W".. "XT'" .f""" r'w etecfc- on the dcrstood by -those , who nreMhtotngd r.s to the nature of h.wWfetaSv--ble. and is being taken too senary L by his friends. ' y."y!.y Charity vs. Cfttlclsm.-'' ; , (Hugh Black.7 JLj; -U i'oasv to become . sufvpifcioA;.or everything that calls Itself xhatttyio harden the heart because point to endless cases wgrSS been im,Ks:ed upon- prdfefcl ritics of charity ten .11s ui J"" ."."SVSn ?m h s abode tony concerned.,that It onJy, California m car till 1.13 JIUUUV, 1 tU".' w... . - ...,( v . 1 . i. nH etraiR awav what -imgw- invasion fore-1 In g self-respect may eJeft. o tjQje trip to France, who accept do e . ATI that -Iso ----- - . . -...i; iia mi t 1 ifrK is ti 1 v cm - encSeirS'.'noo.ne elimate. j a. ot g, or of . j- T ff been abused, but worse tiian: that is One Appendix Left . .. indifference to the cls on fcfc- In Family of Eight teans. noiatuo, . . t tiio nnpnins 01 iasi nPr.. fruits of all kinds, ana, in lati, - f Irish nota ovorvthinz that grows in western , - frnm . , h n2tted him Mnrth Carolina. The sewing anavo.v- . ftlm enough of cooking exhibits made by the scnoo, - .... to Mm tfc remainder children were 01 me osi, . After tae insn - poiaio head work and basketry were espe- of the . year . a oiniiv noticeable. . . 1 ' innd with Porto Rico yam w "I." ' 1,5 racprvailOn iiir.o...v, ... - . 1 Koo ! th a he San Fran- settings. Un to -wo - I already b.en operated upon eUeVeibUion for bajketry. ,and are : jjtnja at $1 pet one tPJt f. e t reprosented. at the stable .fair . ' "Zl e expects by digging time had appendicitis, vifiual that he nothkig. slrpndv made nettin-.lum over .oon ojv i , V auw " - . . .ir, A man wno .Psra never having been taken fa ts aayer tf hardness .,of heart. When John Natchwey. a larmer u-, - IzaUon ,s deafl ooght iag near Green Bay. Mo., submitted to , a"y 5e cf the extinction 6f an operation for appendicitis the other ; VfSff Ve can toe too Critical day he was the seventh member of "uanthroplc schemes and kiui win.." , - - nil, own nat- His wife, : hna a reauj iu ; the family to 1 the last three limrr - . . , 1 nere . t tlie family who has not i -4).. U!Ollui i..- . daughters have ; jnony .anu mssu. heart was jdusty jiarcheiif6f tbiag. D9ud.au, l Irow eisht acres. want" of the ram or oeep icc. mind rld and dry, for there fa a d.ust which, settlas on xhe. ?haet that which fall? on ajedgp Tllrhard Jelferies, ..... i 1 J ijj tt i M m