GREENSBORO, C. V PAX3E five SOLDIER EDUCATION ITS WILSON UNABLE TO GET ALLIES TO AID THE POPE ASKS U.S. FOR SCHOOLS URGED DEMOCRATIC PARTY TO HELP BELGIANS HiuHtdAuANH College Presidents Meet With War Heads to Talk Of Possibilities. WASHINGTON, Oct. 17 Military education for college students, par ticularly the reserve officer training corps systems provided by the new na tional defense act, was discussed by nearly a score of university and col lege presidents meeting here today wit h War -Department officials. The presidents obtained explanations on which they will base recommendations of systems of training for. their re spective institutions. "Representatives of most land grant rolleges, where military drill already is well developed, predicted that their schools would institute the four year course provided by the army act to train junior officers for the regular army reserves. This plan would re quire the War Department to provide equipment and pay for advanced sti dents. Land grant college presidents also were enthusiastic over a proposed course for reserve army engineers. Presidents of some institutions which now have no arrangements for military training favored inauguration )f tactics, study and drill without the reserve officers system and others de clared their schools could best devel op the summer training camp plans. A few said only theoritical study of mil itary anairs could be estal Ushed at first. war Department officials received suggestions for co-operating with col leges in establishing varying grades of training. The meeting was called by Secretary of War Baker. The Whole Thing is Wrong, ne bays as He Reads Ex tracts From Platform. MITCHELL, S. D., Oct. 17. Charles E. Hughes today assailed the adminis tration for the Underwood tariff which he declared inadequate for the nation's agricultural interests. Mr w,,rh0n - , . AAuuvo spoke before a crowd of farmore "Our opponents reaffirm in'thoir platform the principle of tariff for rev enue oniy and endorse the Underwood act, ' Mr. Hughes said. democratic platform plank quoting the phrase applying the tariff "as providing sufficient for economical ad- mmisuauon. in tne fiscal year end ing June 30, 1913, under the Payne Aldrich tariff our imports were $1, 800,000,000 and our tariff revenue $319,000,000," said Mr. Hughes. "In the fiscal year ending June 30, 1916, under the Underwood tariff our imports had increased to $2,197,000, 000 but our tariff revenues had fallen to $212,000,000. Our opponents fur nished neither economy of administra tion nor the revenue for an economi cal administration." Nor Will Central Powers Assist In Polish Re lief Work. Gant Retains His Hold on Property Oak Ridge Has Big Number of Students Oak Ridge institute is crowded With students. Fifteen entered during the past week and others are to come. The enrollment is already larger than it was last fall, and there is talk of a new dormitory year to accom modate the increasing attendance. Al most every county in the state is rep resented. The school has a large and loyal body of alumni, and has in daily attendance the sons and grandsons of former students. Some of the boys here are the fourth members of the same family to attend the session of the school successively. Mr. J. E. Latham, of Greensboro, re cently made a valuable contribution to the school library, and it is propos ed by the alumni of the school to place here a library of considerable magnitude. The title to eight acres of land near Brown Summit, the endeavors of the plaintiff to break it, and the determi nation of Dudley Gant, a respectable negro, to hold on to the property con sumed the major portion of one day in superior court this week, and by a verdict of the jury Gant retains his title, r. Gant was sued by Ernest Troxler, another negro of the Brown Summit section, the object being the owner ship of the land. It was stated during the trial of the case that Gant's house had been burned and that he bad erected another at a great sacrifice,, wiucn ne now occupies, in some way or other the title to the land was a little in doubt and it appeared that his neighbor thought he was entitled result lawyers were em the middle-aged negro squatter was cited to superior court to prove his right to the ownership of the property. Gant employed law yers and the case was brought up for trial yesterday morning. The value of tha land was not stated, but it is estimated that it is worth a few hun dred dollars. The case went to the jury and after deliberating for some time they decided in favor of Gant, and he went home happy in the ; thought of retaining his little home. LONG- BRANCH, Oct. 17. Presi dent Wilson announced today that his efforts to bring about an agreement among belligerent nations to allow relief supplies to be sent to Poland had failed. ' The President gave out a statement saying he had received replies from the rulers of Great Britain, France, Russia, Germany and Austria-Hungary to a letter he sent in July suggesting that those nations combine to assist in Polish relief work. The statement follows: "I have now received replies from the king of England, the president of France, the emperor of Russia, the emperoc of Germany and the emperor of Austria to my letter Of July 20, 1916, in which I tendered the offices of this government in negotiations looking to a fresh consideration of the nossibilities and methods of re lieving Poland. It appears, I greatly regret to say, that there are still im nnrtant differences between the al lied powers and the central powers as to the terms under which relief sup plies may be sent to Poland. I am dis appointed that I have not yet been successful in inducing the powers to conclude a definite settlement." Children There Are Below Normal Weight and Need Nourishment, He Says. ROME. Oct. 17 The Pope has made an appeal to the "children of happy and prosperous America to aid the million and half unhappy children of Belgium." The request of the Pope is the result of a visit paid him by George Baker, of New York, who came to the Vatican at the instance of Her bert Hoover, chairman of the Ameri can commission for relief of Belmium. Mr. Bakre told the pope that the Belgian children were reduced below normal weight and were suffering bodily ills through under nourish ment. He said that tuberculosis was increasing. to.iJ.v As a pl?ed and Gets Only $5,000 For Directing Dodgers NEW YORK, Oct. 17 Charles H. Ebbets, president of the Brooklyn Na tionals, has given $5,000 to Wilbert Robinson, manager, for his services in directing the Brooklyn players in their pennant winning season. The refunding of about $30,000 to baseball enthusiasts who purchased tickets to a third world's series game to have been played in Brooklyn is in progress at Ebbets Field. . : .. . One must be just before one 's gen erous. Gladys Monk. SOUTHERN RAILWAY PREMIER CARRIER OF THE SOCTH. Let us give the movies credit for one thing. No longer can one sigh that he is all dressed up and has no place to gOjprVpveJantL FFP5? 13-Year-Old Girl Kills Her Father No Matter Where You Live In town or out of town, if you need the best in Commer cial Printing call on or write to "KENDALL Greensboro, N. O. Orders promptly filled at prices al ways satisfactory. Tomato Club Girls Schedule figures published only as In formation. Not guaranteed. Trains leave Greensboro as follows: 12.5T a. 'in.. No. 112. daily. Local for ttal eigb. Selina and Goldsboro. Pullman sleeping car Winston-Salem to Benu fort aud Greensboro-Raleigh both open here at 10 p. m. and may be occupied iu Raleigh until 7 a. ni. 1.47 a. m. No. "0. daily. Biruiingham Spe cial. Pullman drawing room sleeping car New York to Birmingham. Richmond to Atlanta and Observation sleeping em Washington to Atlanta. Tourist sleeping car JVjishington to, San Francisc o via Sunset Koute. Dining car service. Day coaches. 1.50 a. m. No. 20, daily, isirmingliam :-pe-cial. Pull man drawing room sleeping car Washington to Atlanta. Tourist sleeping car Washington to San Francisco via Sunset route. Dining car service. Day coaches. 3.45 a. m. No. 51. daily. Augusta Special. Pullman drawing room steeping cars New York to Augusta, and New YorK to Asheville and Charlotte and Washington to Asheville. Dining car service. Day coaches. G.4. a. m. No. 11, daily. Local for At lanta and points south. Pullman sleep-- m m t: t. j t-. 1 ,uc ,i,rs KicnmoiKi ana :sonoiK 10 Attend.' State Fair ! Charlotte and Iiiehmoud to Asheville. ... . ..... Day coaches. T.l.Tn. m. No. "7, daily. New ork, Atlan ta and New Orleans Limited. Solid Pullman train with drawing room and open section sleeping cars New York and Washington to New Orleans and Macon. Club car Washington to Montgomery. Observation sleeping car New York to New Orleans. Diuing car service. No coaches. - NOTICE. In the Distric t Court of the United States For the Western District of North Caro lina. In the matter of Geo. W. Hoffman aud Ben. M. Hoffman, partners, trading ns Hoffman Bros., and Geo. W. Hoffman and Ben M. Hoffman, individually, Bankrupts. In Bankruptcy. To the Hon. James K. Boyd, Judge of the District Court of the United States for the Western District of North Carolina: Geo. M. Hoffman and Ben M. Hoffman, formerly of Burlington, in the County f Alamance, and Stale of North Carolina, ill said District, respectfully represent that on the 1st day of January, 1010. last past, they, the said Geo. W. Hoffman and Ben M. 'Hoffman, trading as Hoffman Bros., a partnership, and Geo. YVV Hoffman aud Ben M. Hoffman as Individuals, were duly' adjudged bankrupts uiuTer the Acts of Congress relating to bankruptcy; that they as 'said partnership, and each of them as 'individuals, have duly surrendered all of their property and rights or property aud have fully complied with all the re quirements of said Acts and of the orders of the said Court touching their bank ruptcy. WHEREFORE they pray that they may be decreed by the Court to have a full discharge from all debts provable agains the estate of Hoffman Bros., as si partner ship and against the estate of each of them" as individuals under said Bankrupt Acts, except such debts as are excepted by law from such discharge. Dated this .rth dav of September, 1!)1C. HOFFMAN BROTHERS, By . . Hon man, G. W. Hoffman. Bankrupts. Order of Notice on Petition for Discharge. It is ordered by the Court tnat a Heat ing be had upon the same on the 2."th day of October, VMG, before G. S. Ferguson, .lr., special master, at Greensboro, N. C. iu said District, at Z.;u o ciock p. m. ami that notice thereof be published in Every thing, a newspaper published in said trict and that all known creditors am other persons iu interest may appear at the said time and place and show cause, if any they have, why the prayer of the said "petitioners should not te granted. And it is further ordered by the Court that the Clerk shall send by mall to all known creditors copies of the said petition and this order addressed to them at their place of residence stated. v G. S. FERGUSON. JR. Special Master. This September 23, 1910. KEEP GREENSBORO MONEY IN GREENSBORO Help Greensboro people. Take your Life Insurance in the Jefferson Standard Of e Insurance Co. And enable us to loan thousands of dollars more in your county. In addition to its first mortgage loans in Guilford county, the Jefferson's monthly salary list is of more financial value to the merchants of Greensboro than a factory having a weekly pay roll of over $1000. Policy Contracts Unexcelled in CLARKSBURG, W. VA., Oct, . IS. Lena Bonafiglio, a 13 year old school girl, was taken to jail today charged with killing her father, Frank Bonafig lio as he slept in their home near here last nigbt. His head was literally shopped to pieces with a hatchet. The police declare that the child complain ed bitterly of her father's treatment of her. Miss Ola Stephenson, home demon stration agent, with seven young la dies belonging to the Guilford County Tomato Club, left Tuesday for Ra- ifign . iu Hiieuu uie siaie tair ami ( to preside over the exhibit of the j Guilford county organization during j the week. Among those going with j 7.20 i. a. m. No. 151, For Rarnseur. daily except Suuday. Miss Stephenson were Miss Rachel Lane, of the Mclver Club; Miss Bun- ! 7.30 a. m. No. 108, dally. For Durham, Jy, of the Jamestown Club; and Miss Raleigh and Goldsboro. Wall, of the Guilford College Club. 8.15 a. m. No. 44 daily. Local for Wash It is stated that the Guilford Coun-1 inloxl a.nrt Points north, tv Tnmatn Club lias nn t nf t 1ip. fmnst. ! 8.1."5 -'a. m. No. .237,- dally. For "Winston- auiuii Lite; iiii exhibits to be seen iTNAnm BANK. displays made at the state fair grounds. The seven young ladies, in eluding those mentioned above, were winners of the prizes offered by the Central Carolina Fair Association last week and it is anticipated that they will carry off equally high honors at Raleigh County Demonstrator E. H. Anderson went to Raleigh on last Mon day to superintend the work of putting j on display the Guilford county pro ducts. ' daily except Suuday Julian SCarr President Wm.J.Holloway v Cashier THE BANK OF THE TOWN WeSfrive to Oblige and Accomodate X DEPARTMENT We Issue Certificatej of Deposit betxrirv FoURpercent Interest TifiS op ens you an Account URE BIND SURE FIND SAFE DEPOolT BUALo I FOR RENT Burglar 5 Fireproof Vaults You Carry the Judge Stephenson Made Speech Here "A welcome to the democratic par ty" might properly be termed the sub ject of a; logical discussion of cam paign issues and reasons for belong ing to the party made by Judge Gil bert T. Stephenson, of Winston-Salem, who addressed the members of the First Voters Wilson Club at the coun ty court house last night. Many oth ers were present in addition to a large part i of the club membership in Greensboro. The speaker was introduced by Chairman Charles A. Hines, of the county executive cimmittee. As a thorough reasoner and speaker of real merit Judge Stephenson could not be surpassed, declared an enthusiastic member of the First Voters' Club to day. At the conclusion of the speech the organization was put on a firm basis by the election of Mr. Harry B. Grimsley, as president, and Mr. Charles J. Blake, as secretary. 8.0 a. in. No. 1.T.1, daily. For Mount Airy. 9.20 a. in. K. 14t. daily. For Ralelcli. Selina and Goldsboro. Free recliuiug cLair -ar Charlotte to Raleigh. 11.00 a. in. No. 200, for Winstou-Salem. 12..0 p. m. No. 21, daily. For Salisbury, Statesville, Asheville and Waynesville 1'hair ear Goldsboro to Waynesvme. Connects at Asheville wltu Carolina Spe cial for points west. I 12.45" p. in. No. ISO. daily. For .Stanford. ! Fayetteville aud Wilniingtou. 1'arlor ear. 12.50 p. ra. No. 45. daily. For Charlotte, connecting for Columbia and Seneca. i 1.30 p. m. No. r,G, daily. V. P. Fast Mail, j For Washington and New York. Pull man sleeping cars New Orleans and ; lSirininghaiu to New York. Dining car service. Day coaches. 1.40 p. ni. No. 207, daily. For Winston Saleni and Rural Hall. Connecting daily except Sunday with No. 23D for North Wilkesboro. 2."0 p. in. No. 151, For Madison. 3.00 p. m. No. 230, For Ramseur. 4.15 p. m. No. 22. daily. For Ralcifih. Sel ina and Goldsboro. Chair car Waynes ville to Goldsboro. Day coaches. 4.50 p. m. No. 231 daily except Suuday for lustou-Salem NOT1CK. The United States or Americ a. In the District Court or the Tinted States For the Western District of North Car- In the matter of Rbbah W. Gray, Rauk rupt. In Bankruptcy. To the Hon. James F. .o.vcI. .Tudire of the District Court of the United States for the Western District of North Carolina: Robah W. Grav, of Ilijrh Point, in the Count v of Guilford and State of North Carolina, and of said District, respectful- Iv rpnresents : " That on the day of July. l!H(j, he was duly adjudgiHl batiKrupt under the acts of Congress relating to Bankruptcy, Hmt bo lues diilv surrendered all of his prciertv and lights of property, and has ruiiv c-oinnlied with all the reciuiremeiits of "said arts, and of the orders of the Court touching his bankruptcy. W'lmi-ofnro lie ir:iv that he may be rte- creed bv the Court to have a full dis charge from all debts provable against nis. estate under said Rausrupt Acts, except such debts as are excepted by law froi: such . discharge. Dated this 2Sth day of Aug. 1010. Robah W. Gray, I'.a nk nipt. Order of Notice on retition for Discharge, i It is ordered by the Court that a hear ing be had upon the same on the dav of October, 1H16. before G. S. Fer guson, Jr.. Special Master, at Greensboro. N. C, In tne saia Lnsinci ai n i'" the forenoon, and that notice thereof be rmblished in Everything, a newspapei published in said District, and that arr known creditors ami other persons in in terest may appear at. the saui lime aii'i place and show cause, if -any they have, why the prayer of the said petitioner should not be granted. And it is further ordered by the Court that the Clerk shall send by mail to all known creditors copies of the said petition and this order add ressed to theni at their place of residence as staa. .... . . . i . ..... ff.i. urns ePIemUer. -. Grsox. Special Master. daily except Sunday, daily except Suuday. m. in. No. 131, daily. No. 43, daily. For Mount Airy. Local for Char- For Sanforcl, U. S. Fast Mail, 5.05 p. 0.43 p. lotte. 7.15 p. m. No. 132, daily 7.20 n. m. No. 35. daily For Atlanta, New Orleans and Birming ham. Pullman sleeping cars New York to New Orleans and Birmingham. Din ing car service. Day coaches. m. No. 40 daily. For Danville. No. 235, daily. For Winston- Fragrant Flowers 30 p. Charlotte Has Good Price For Cotton CHARLOTTE, Oct. 17. Spot cot ton was quoted at 17 to 18 cents on the market here today, with only 11 bales offered On the same date last year 53 bales were marketed at 12 . Seed is quoted at 85 and 90 cents, with little being offered. The best we can make of it is that prosperity is having the price. Dur ham Herald. A mind content both crown ldngdom is. Robert Greene. and 7.30 .p. m. Salem. 10.20 p. ni. No. 12, daily. Local for Richr moud. x-ullman sleeping cars Charlotte to Richmond and Norfolk. 10.35 p. m. No. 32, daily. Augusta Special. For Washington and New York. Pull man drawing room and state room sleep ing cars, Augusta and Asheville to Wash ington and Asheville to New York and Charlotte to New York. Dining car ser vice. Day coaches. 10.40 p. in. No. 233, daily. For Winston Salem. ' 11.15 p. in. No. 38, daily. New York, At lanta and New Orleans Limited. Solid Pullman train with drawing room and observation, open section sleeping cars New Orleans and Macon to Washingth and New York. Dining car service. No ; coaches. r. H. DeButts, Division Passenger Agent, Charlotte, N. C. O. F. York, Passenger and Ticket Agent, Greensboro, N. C. lead sweetness and beauty to their urrmin dines. Like a magic wand they bestow what Is most .beautiful In nature. All the garden and hot house beauties promptly delivered to you. Let us fashion your favorite lowers for you into exquisite designs H. Steinsmetz, Florist, RAIEIGH. NORTH CAROLINA COURT. I In NOTICE OF SUMMONS IN DIVORCE ACTION. NORTH CAROLINA. GUILFORD COUNTY. IN THE SUPERIOR A. P. STALEY, riaintiff, vs. KATE STALEY. Defendant. The defendant in the above entitled no tion will take notice that an action for an absolute divorce has been started against her by the plaintiff on the grounds of siilnlterv. summons beine issued in favor of the plaintiff and against the defendant on the 8th day of May. 1010. And the sniil defendant will further take notice that she is required to appear at the term nf the Sunerior Court for the County of Guilford, State of North Carolina, begin ning on the 12th day of June. 1916. and answer or demur to the complaint of the plaintiff, or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the com plafnt. This 8th day of May, 1916. (Signed) M. W. GANT, , Clerk of the Superior Court. o By Telephone, Message or Mail Which? "Every letter written in a business house costs somewhere between twenty and fifty cents. The stamp is the smallest item. Stationery, stenographer's time all bring the actual cost of a letter higher than most Jos. H. Celling til people imagine." . . - jaw, h. am. , If Distance Station. II . . i It is more Economical to Telephone Not only does It actually cost less to telephone your messago but you reach your man instantly, talk over your business per sonally, and get an immediate reply. Every Bell Telephone is a Long Hotel Clegg The Hotel Clegs has been for many years the home o the traveling man, and no pains are pared to mate every guest experience a home-like feeling. Splendid tahle ser vice, first class rooms and beds. The Hotel Clegg Is con ducted on the European Plan and each guest pays only for what he gets. The traveling public is cor dially invited to give us a call Just across the street from the depot and yet "right in town" W. F. Clegg, Proprietor. SOUTHERN RAILWAY. Direct Line to All Points NORTH, SOUTH, EAST, WEST. Convenient Schedules, Excellent Equipment, Dining Car Service, Through Sleeping Cars, The line to "The Land of the Sky." Asheville, Hendersonville, Waynesville. For rates, Pullman reservations, schedules or any other information call on your agent or. write O. F. YORK, Passenger and Ticket Agent, Greensboro, N. C. R. H. DeBUTTS, Division Passenger Agerif, Charlotte, N7C. SOI ICE. The United States of America In tlie District Court of the United States Tor the Western District of North Carolina. the matter of A. Setliff, Bankrupt. In Bankruptcy. To the creditors of A. Setliff, of Reids- , rille. in the County of UockiLghaui, and District aforesaid, bankrupt. J Notice is hereby piven that on the 20th dav of April. irH, the said A. Setliff was .lull- adiudicatcd a bankrupt and that the firs': meeting tf his creditors will be held j nt the offii-e of I. W. Glidcweil, in lipids- villc X. C on the I'-'tli di of May. at !.IHI o'clock A. !.. at wlilcii time the said creditors may attend, prove meir claims, appoint a trustee, examine the bankrupt and transact such other busi ness ns may properly come before said meeting. This May 2, 10J6. fi. S. FEnGUSOX. JR., . Boferee In Bankruptcy. The Pure Drugs The Good Drugs YConyers' Drug Store'." Our Hope a Trial. Our Fountain is Sanitary, is to Please. Give Us YConyers' Drug So. Elm, On the Way to the Depot