; r . V .- "v 'GREENSBORO' f : 1 , I aaaaw-aw-- Greensboro Men Get Honors Froni W. of W. si Ursa as4 era half Ur it pro rU -Cl No oca stall rttt leaa for Jxti to-sra or ! taja than they os n-: for a tsis:ca day or lco cUn few IV (Uu cf ecr.a- cd or .. . A. a a a m a A A tV 9 time tt arartad. Tveldit to tax la Atlanta were ibt principal lit a;tJ ef rr:i2l WUa asd.itics acwosUabed at lb conference . t.tiv.i. r iu rro is noaisra en Lev i u j wvm "AdumsonLmc . Js Constitutional Uecordins to Supreme Court Decision Handed Down Monday. Wa-ttax-sx. Marc 1 Ttt Xiao- e eimesnr fra4 U u taj ittoUi -orti war. litroard la New Hrn Tuetdar and ir.lk of oScffi, dcc1loa to pol poet ltt erection of a orphanage and tUr it Ssrrr cn tlaadTwf it. tar fcnxb- eigna M. W. Nuh. J. r. Jfrrett aa? ; Tt-t i-rt.ica uwera it rtIJ fc, ..u hor war.!ctarta A- inert. delefatea from ibla taairl ef a Cxf Vi 7t Ota;) -ires UU taoreic w c:tr. Ja rtt3rar4. !t. e w btmw Wca fra a trotfrtood eaifW 211 tacaUr Uut tat Nona Ctro- u.tp UAsrv ffct i lu rAx. !rt-t4Mtt it crSr for lt iar- tia diUlca did not bt iaSclcnt ; T Jsic3a i jM-fr, f-iea ? ta tti tfTTritr iml?tf l ib! Urn lo rrt aa or iTmT. rua-T Va Drrmatr occ icciiiL . tac aa4 iai it j aot jrtt ibflr xxsri cutr dJw-rst frca li Uaxa dxUiea U rrr4 rta-.rrftUcit la umi E3-rabn of lb al Uur Jttciur McRr mrtt&dtr lo lit rotbtoodt fnurclir for capful wblch would bo 547203 Bales of ' ' Cotton Consumed During February aear4 ti. ' ta Om-eltz Jt;vr Kw-t wi .r.r r:r ia r- c-d for sb eoimrtloa aad raalatra- - . ' " - ! - . . " t hivku3 of IJ rilro4 tBar t4jjif x kkh sa latuiouoo. :t ejrt 11 Ut, bsl et Ut &0-u.or tu!s b tbr rcaV4 trarr f rrUrtcc Hrjid Conol Crse xr 4-siaa ar c:t atflT t4 ttlr frs? cart. ol P. vu, of Crrtttoro aad SUr City. iniarva, extisia aJ eif-j t3- ii.:r tuVcx tatil aftrrir. tj cr44 br II. K. 'tiMi "la rwr:r cecssticry art . . - coafTir:fftt r.f ii-ndTcaTi:i. I. L. TI11T. tc ae a cf Uicr ertt ctxri' ewnsict cf irf i fr f rwerrTi ae. 3 ef tka rai4 :ta a "of Prr-. waa ,ta ara aavitcr. bort lint b?3f lb dUka a aaAU obr c2fr wf rtlM-tfrd. a iitivl-; C'liwi. I ctarlMi a. 1 1 ;c ml or naioro. Royiirr. or uiiora; ii. j-raa e?a er rtra- fMffrifSt nalfiaad troC.,llra4rw ef t Ira. wtrt tltrd TtdraJ ItV r.iC la Ut l? f WT r4i!M drcaira lo Ibt aUoal raap lo .t ca. rOaix ttfcrral ef Ibt , icwtl r-x TbU casa mill Ul abowl lo ::Oc. aIl aal tc- waa rtttf. lC)f? t!STwi lia.?rtat ibt Woodoea of Ibt World J!r.rL t1 it t-t ferJof ibr raur aaiJoa, Ktteala pr- TS lts-iu: usr-warr wt to-f';-CVl ef Ww fo; a MiriMrttJcc. tr bla rradt by Ibt ro- W--c traa. a. ef l?r at raWVf JS.; bt .rai la lit raltrtalaarat 1 Ts'r er 12 fcwra or la cea . U u.4 l C;, At r.rt. ;'ju!i a Cf arttrm tart "ixM bo- Jrr fn:a.r i4 V.a tit . er M l:i rca.!t a er -bj Tv m4 ? li-r -?al dM-a:tsx etlatoa M4 U rfai l b;r rr ilaal U J t t,4 ,11 -CHrrf. la t-4 fo ! aol le J-'f T ' ' JJ m . . m ak am.., .- aj -a, ii a:: I rwttt.o.st ewt, ii fc,r uadrd rt. iibf IW c . -().6f.IK cf .a .cunm.- la ,.rt tl eaMb of lb. r bl. r..7.V.Ci M rcr? :sca f u r-v-t frcn.r tf::tisl ;ri htr or w- i rr-rK la cctfraxrtax U 15 ea r?tr er ,T(f S V W llltJ4, U a r ef b:;, I3 I e,.rau:&4 Oa .,WjfM At, r..lM ..... ,:3l,.b iaM! aal ce: 9veiSY-T 'Xt fttist U. aa li -:?ita ;r. rA4 ' fc.tix a ei lvr dr la t tip. " rr ' w.- 4 f.r a r. to ra-4 'xtl , j4k III t.af.r4 bf ?'4xi: .itraansrtai -.ixr rt'. bf f.M ubs'(, At rf -ttu;ffiflaticsrit.f li, r- a.a ra5t vcii l!bla !2,M.,.ftj tt ,, ,iNf tUf. t cn'.a ti-.:tx i dj ttrv n b- eafH la fl. ,m ,.fr (. iw "- -..- imiT at r a a; iumi --"fn ,i,wr- vr iwlyunM abcol 6.15 o'clock aad tatted I rj ,a,ii,tff af), i r,i ! rrW lt- Urt W4Woxloo, Maixa 15. Coltoa con turned la the Ualted Statea durlnx Febixary axi;re rated 64702 running balea. csct-Jtlra ot Ilnlera. and for the teteo rnoctha tndlng with Ftbroary J. 914.SCS bale, ibt ctma bureau today announced. Laat year durlnx rcbruary S40.732 balea were contained and la the aeren monlba 3.C1I 54S bale. , Cotton on band February 2S In con utnlnx etUblUbmenta waa 2.167.2SS bale, compared wllh 1J54.821 the pre I6ua year, aad la public atoraxe and at comprvatet 3.435.272 balea, com pared with 2J70.7S9 ibt prerloua year. Cotton apladlee acUre during Feb ruary numbered 33.117.050. compared with 31.9S0.240 ia orerloua year. Fi porta during February were 358. 031 balea. compared with 703.832 tbe prtrloua year, and for the aeren monlba 4.217.03 C balea. compared with 3.M4J40. imporu daring February wera SC.CS7 balea, cornparco wiin 7.. 113 a year ago, and for the aeren tnoatba 143.304 bale, compared with 254.010 a year ago. Llnttra not Included In the forego- inr aUtltUca. contumed during Febru try. were C3.403 bale, and for the aeren monlba 474.443 balea; on nana February 21 In contumtng etUMith menu 107,910 balea. and In public ttoraxe and al comprettea 169.338 balea. Unttra exported during February and Included In einort Cgurea were 2S.033 balea. and for aeren montha 1U.479 balea. Cotton contumed In cotton growing tutea during February amounted to 211S2 balea. compared with 302.282 a year ax a. and for the aeren monlba 211.848 balea. compared with 1.976. 713 a year ago. Cotton on band la cotton growing tutea February 23. In contumtng e lablUbmenta waa 1.184.224 bale, com pared with 1.04829 a year axo. and In pa'allc atorage and at comprettea 2.0 1 4.(37 balea. compared with 3.598. 370 a year axo ' Cotton tplndlea acU't during Feb ruary la cotton growing atatea were 13.77 1.3 C. compared with 13.005.939 a year ago, 0 Arrested In Durham For Too 3Iuch Gasoline i! puuuuu . MEM M:0UR C1MCE Make.Mon6y;By This Attractive Attending MM) - 35-Choice 1 esidence Lots 35 NU3IBER OF SMALL TRACTS THE DAN WIOORE PROPERTY m The Durham Son baa Ibla about the irtrtt of a prominent man who car ried loo much gaaollne In atock: Warrant wa tttued Wedneaday morning for W. K. Rand, manager of the Coca Cola notlllng Work a Co, rbarglag him with keeping more gato- t!nt ta bU pUce of butineta than la avowed by Uw. latuance of the war rant followed a bad fire in the Coca CoU pUnt in ParrUb at reel, which I? E UOP.Etl ;::a 1 ttr r af;:;. 0rtlsi twa m rtmt f 4i4 for more than half an hour. Darn-ce in the building wblcb U owned by Mr. R. O. Crerrtt. and to the Coca CoU S lant waa rttltualcd at 12.000. Mr. fland'a caat waa continued In record fa court until next Tueaday. Am rlnc at Ibe acene of the fire the firttaen found that a 10 gallou ; .- . .i.i.V h.'mhmif tzvxU fear e t la rua - :r; - ef 10 txA 0 tr r - To Danville ijodzel -T t;v w.nri ta tttrra. ' , . . - t 1 gaaollat barrel waa located la the IK. r-nx vutt tt r::r8 ffxr' ftWti ll wr a etj t r -. .t -.f f.r. center of the tUte, Tbe tplsot to the rarea. r. aa e- !.4rd cm ef l lo tr. ,. .; i U it- r.u, i. !,- barrel waa opea aad gaaoUne ponred cf fa al wtx i".a aii -.i-cal f ;.tM. ut U roMdt:- rf.mx - eitie c-atraii f out, cautlng a large line of f.ame The vT tit ei-r::s. r-rstsx ca tt ;fmf j fr iw aa- openlcg of tbe barrel waa alto ablate. U .-rr.atef ii rr.t. iief " ... "t ri . fwi4a it e-fy rir m,tag an eiplotlon. ahlch It waa aus-l a!xw -- cf H j9....i5aJ if t,e ffro.sx ji- ii TWt- J. J,en r aiu. mW Dy Bremen wouU hare blown h tmt,m Xfx ! ft '7 u fr1 !r .Vf;1- tU Alff "tia-rf-rd. don wtJU Ml pc.ibly hare cauted ra r f--r ta fo c I" M 3frJ . . ? . Ta. tnjtiry to firemen and onlookera aa i ft cat ef lla rcf.'. t?J la il di.ica If dcUr-di Ta- -4 Wa w a.4WfJI 'M to adjoining building. Fire T et.:.-- r r.rt;a lial lie - au4. , tu Mr u ..4 it. ..4 w CMef D. (? ChrttUaa orderde the bar! lihO.ifliwli ta Xrrz. I.t. ' v., wr.. i a-r. -iui r-jr".! xe8 ci s;ic7r fcr ffiX5--g la rm fcr 5fh'ix f afr iv riiai Vai ifM fsr ;i vaxtxd ta II ef esjf aad clu'M M4r we aaitl ifc bic4 fe...n-a, cf irna.. rt t" fJfas4fcr lie aa- f it Ut aii l w. f.r iWr pi fr;i Ti irs ef n a.!is,e-l pcs!",i f rn- i .raawi ar.ecvi rr ifce n3 ti.i iir r:jx anJe I. f. . . , : r.,f ,! ,ivh. n:.. l fM H i:!:tii' twejl a tro.i;S4 b u'tZTtil It;-'"' 1"et f rfriThc Poor Hoy Couldn't r.f ee-rti 7 - H- - ' ' Stand the Temntation This property is located on the Greensboro-High Point Asphalt Road, just : op posite the new Jamestown High School Building, almost in the heart of this pro-! gressive little town.' 'The land lies between the Southern Railroad and the main & Macadam Road. . Saturday, March 24, '17, Sold On Very Easy Terms To the Highest Bidder Regardless of Price. Music by Brass Band Sale Rain or Shine For further information see J. M. Millikan or Thomas Bros., Greensboro, N. C. erican Realty & Auction Co. THOMAS BROS. AUCTIONEERING FORCE, GREENSBORO, N. C. f un ii- i ---"? i fi Cam trie Girw S1S0.OO0 U J te ,tl a f5 I -la-. a,4d Cl It i www wy ww wwwaa iff wrx a.ia af t UK-la WfZ m ftt&l fs a.1 tl. w - t fa -..!,. T a 1 w.FwJw., r"a Pvar. r i;iwt ra,Ui.i by i:j 9 -rf muk -iti.-o t , s tM .,., Vf-J la i- - f,rt a fr ra-& . iafa arj rc -rfcf- ix at Cxx tv;cr e xM t-fnra t?r t s.Si vr iajr. Tfc ' T " r.3 r a tr ta f- in . ef n rVx tut trtn.ia ' "'f " .r z. ta cf lc- f.-r aa il ttfci;;- cf Ito:ij ' t- V1'1! uwn.f r-1" i -si r v f r-r , a iaw,.. cc&'rvt cf lu ri.; r -r t:r t; lf;-e5- ! tr.i: - K.t'teT t. 0Sarr -r-r.j ffrw-a il aifii3.J cf ajrr3 !: I to t.H ta La. . -.t i a:r ftMa rri. A w IW . taarta atarf a4 ftw ta a-vWw4 la atwwfll br(.f klw 0- : aaya rr;n v r t - t re I bunted with a pick axe. When tbe bolt waa made In tbe aide of the Urxt itank. tbt gaaolina poured out aad the blare for aereral tnlnute waa out of the hottett the firemen hare foucbt la months. It waa enlmaied that the tank con tained more than 20 gallons of gaso line. Firemen tipretted wonder at lie small amount of damage done un der Ibe circumstances. The Pardons Now Commence to Come .rc Now Coming Home lit I2 V. " ria r;i;ie.J " In " r a at aa a--i - e l.w ri?-s lti i fc i., t-a. ;- ' -ww.r!T r aV! n Greensboro Nurseries OFFER For the next hi days wc will be f dlir.g nur5er stock at less than con of production. Special Kirirji in bre Apple, Pear. Plum, Shade tree. Cost of production rill caum? nursery stock to ad var.ee. Order at pnwent pncc5 and make no mi5-take. Greensboro Nurseries JOHN A. YOUNG & SO.N, Greensboro, N. C t4f-w r rUf $fl I fa ww. ri- mm IV III ti.i. 4 it , , 1 lX'-t S-l t-wtj I. A (lir !!: 4t at.4 A - r Vlr r'J fr, ! C"aen rruwoa,. ( krfl W 4r. I A t-4 fl 4Hh Ttf rftea twf M Itw a,irua4 Nr(, . j rf tv itj. T sia cr. iwHwf ?arar x. I 4 avi4 wrl X. I 4 A aae f irf mn ) irt :rf iwn iv lita. .a.4 i i5-4 r4f:jt ififf ti. j, AH.iw Xwtta rt s .! t ta !. " 1 1 0 s- jTelephonc People Do I Have a" Few Itijrht Vet I It art-ear ilat la New York uW- ifibctf ttl r-at aorat rlrblt aceird ux tt tilt tafocsitiJea frvra A:tay: If jam 1111 ilt tejrphra) cr aiar JUt ao r?xltt cei5tilr a dt Ct5r tr Jl rV4e 5rrw Cotamlw. Je fti AUar. If jot t-k ta V d-- ,ti.ftlr rv4t war cr ftp H sui t aai2. ta aa IctiJUsx wy u ru ti;- ces?ixy tcay UU ct tour lU$!fae aad ja bate no fw4rM.. j Ac-tciiex i UfocssjilJoa rUs4 (s. fo n t5ut Osaaut'-na. 34or. rral. cf He Jw-eiutor lu:ub. lax Cotaar. f N-w York city, rtlod ll cvtral cprnon 4 QJ4 I3w?ta fe rrrwvl Ifcey "tf-k a 1X e-r I - o " Ttry fe4 is ft-a fclra Hfiw a pett:y aa be drtfrd, Tbt &tU catUla4. Tbt lWhoo cta-r-ar sjp c-st He Ulbm Ur, rraal! f note J laferajwd Hat tu iU(wCce would stay o-st aa- , - b can rsakt ac with lit tla- . tltae rc-iaay. rlrtr ! pmtno rtw g.m) l4r e bat Ifcrrw. a4 l oka Hklftt iun ff wrtl 14 W Ibrm oaL coarr tw ant itrntrrd i.U ftr- o la- trloa. Jack Rfw4, fla fwwtfcw rvnifttr, U r(Bnaird frota elfbt tsoaiL u-wrw fr minsx !iaor to It trtaiwwt of f3co fine aa4 abwret tint wrf rrvta rtw-'ottt ni fr ! rtwr. K-r Crk, eftk rftvotr. la hMw-4 froan 7 war la lb iuir'1 ftwa a4lia ef roattaard good b llr. Hit o;rw rrttnlntt prtc IV. War ald fct pardos aa4 a baa a wifa aa4 la cM34rre 5pro4anc oa aim fof appa.ft. irui t-rit. Otnt rafy, par 4od fra ifcw rmala4r of a etcbiwa (w.ait !- far miaax. a ttartac fl4 a S- f 148 itt at4 lm(xwl. fcvtraUy pnaujwd. 0- " Guilford Battleground Association Elects Officers Dlrr-clcr of tb) Guilford natUe- groucd Ccmrany net yesterday after noon at 320 o'rtock in.ihe directora room or Ibe First National Bank. whare the meeUox has been held for ibe pl 25 rr more year, in honor of lit U6 snnltrrsanr of ibe Battle of cJcllford Court bouse, which likewise occurred cm on Thursday. March 15. ulcers wre r-tlected aa follows: I". Schcnek. president: William - Lore, awcretarr: J. T. Uorhd -r atsmaai accrcUry; J. W. Scott, treaauncr. Herman Cone waa elected to sac ced bis fatber. the latt Ctr Cone, and Hftben D. iMortaa will aucceed hla father, tha Ut Judge IL M tVug!aa. Other directora ware ra-alcted: P W. Schecck. Jamea A Odell. J. W. Scolt. J. T. Morehead. Jr WtllUm E. Lore. J. Van Unley. Nell inilngton ana j. w. Fry, besides two oil. era abow name could not be obtained. iteaolutlona of respect were adopt td la memory of deceased directora. j " CAPTAIN RENN ILL. People who trarrl and who are wl comod In Durham by tbt genial amlle of Captain J. ft. Itenn. station mat ter at Durham, will b aorry to know thai ha baa bn 111 and off duty for tbt Cm ume ta a long stretch of year. Tb hope ta thai he will speed ily recorer aad get hU Cower garden Students Thought It Was AUUpWith Them The following from the Durham Sunday Sun shows how lucky some people are: More than 25 passengers, consisting mainly of Unlrerslty studenU, were badly frightened Saturday afternoon at 4:40 o clock when three earn 01 Southern passenger train No. 238 run nln, from rhanl Hill to ITnlTPraItT M aa a a vat a w w w w - - - 1 Station, were derailed seren miles from Chapel "III. ro one waa injur ed, according to reports in this city. The rear car of the train. It was aaid. came near toppling orer, after It felt tbe tracks. Passengers in the ear, members of the train crew re ported, might hare been seriously in jured If the car had capsized. O . EXCUSABLE. l haren.'t done a day's work In two years. "You ought lo be ashamed of your aclf." "Oh, no. I am a nlgbt watchman In a bank. Gargoyle. Notice la hereby siren that on cbe 24th day of February, 1917, tbe said S. G. Woods waa dnljr adjudicated a bankrupt, and that tbe flnt meeting of bis creditors will be beld at tbe office of I Tie, Jrotter and John ston. In BeidsTllle. X. C. on the 27th day of March, 1917, at 2:30 o'cloc p. m., at wblcb time the said creditors may attend, prow their claims, appoint a trustee, examine ft bankrupt and transact such ottwr bus'im as may properly come before said meetin This March 6, 1917. G. S. FERGUSON, Jr., 3-7-oawt Referee iu Bankmptcj. TIIK INITED STATES OF AMERICA. I ! DUlrVrt Caart af tb Called Ulea imr tb Wrmtrrm Dlalrkrt af nh CaraUaa la lb Matter of John Henderson Burrow, DnLrapl. la naakraptry. Ta Ibe lion. JanM-a K.- Ho yd. Jodee of ibe IM.irtrl Coort af Ibe United State for lb tYiero filitrk-tof North Carolina: John Henderaoa Dorrow. of Franklin- tlHe. la the County of Randolph and State of North Carolina, and of aald DUtrlct, re-atww-tfally repreaeoia: That oa the 11th day of December. 1310. be waa datx. adladzed bankrupt under tbe a. .a - i. UIIh, Ia tiinininl. that be 4at duly aorrendered all of his property and rlfhta of property, and baa fatly row plied with all tbe requirements of aald ana and of the order of tbe Coort loo-blBf hla bankruptcy. Wberefor b pray that ha may be de creed by the Coort to have a full discharge from all debts -prorable against hla estate aoder aald bankrapl ar-ta. except such dfbia a are aicepted by law from ancb discharge. Daled Ibla tb day of March. 1917. JOHN HRXtERSOX BURROW. Bankrupt. OraVr af '!! aa r4UUa far Dlaeharga. It la ordered by the Coort that a hear ing b had upon tbe aac;e on the 10th day of ApHL 1917, before O. S. Fergoaon, Jr., frpwrial blaster, at Greeniboro,-N. C. In tbe aid IilairW. al 230 o'clock in tbe afterU aon. aad that nollca thereof b pabllabed la Everything, a oe-m pa per pnbltabed la aald Iltrlrt. and that all known creditor and other peraooa ia Interest may appear at the aald time and place and show caoa. If any they .feae, why tbe. prayer of Ibe aald petitioner ahoold not b rraated. And It ta farther ordered by tbe Coort that the Clerk shall send by n.ill to all knows creditors copies of the aald petition and tb;fc order addressed to tbem at tbelr place of residence aa stated. Thlt March 7. 1917. i O. S. FKRGCKON. Jr.. Xt-oawll " Special Master. If the name of DAVID JONES &C0. Is on your suit of clothes yon know you hare aa good a suit as can be made. For orer a quarter of a cen tury tbe Darld Jones clothes hate been. standard. David Jones & Go. 3Ierchant Tailors, a Danrllle, ... Virginia. No Matter Where You Live In town or out of town, if you need the best in Commer cial Printing call on or write to "KENDALL" Greensboro, N. C. Orders promptly filled at prices al ways satisfactory. Greensboro Commercial School vllS WEST WASUIXGTON ST. . . GREENSBORO, C Bookkeeping Shorthand, Touch' Typewriting, Penmanship taught the year round. Winter Term begins January 3d. Cata logue free. PHONE 1086. THE t'MTEO STATES OF AMERICA. Ia tba IHalrict Caart af tb lalud statea fse Iba Wewteraj DtHrtrt af Xarth raratla. fb lb ma tier of 5. O. Woods, Bankrupt. In Baakroptcy. Ta tba rredltara af SL O. Won,), nf is,,u. at tba station la shape for the first j la tbe county of Caswell and district kits of spring. aoraaald. baakrapt: ' . ... , ... Solicit oil Small Accounts SECURITY SERVICE Our officers are North Carolina Men who know North Carolina conditions.; They pledge their combined efforts to give you satisfaction in Banking and Trust matters. Greensboro Loan & Trust Go. J. W. FRY J. S. COX 4... WYE. ALLEN W. M. . RIDENHOUR i a . . i. ...... .President ...Vice-President ..Secretary and Treasurer .'.Assistant Treasurer V ft- , r f - .-

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