--: .' i PAGEL THREE Small Accounts Solicited SECURITY SERVICE Our officers arc North Carolina Men who kr.ov.- North Carolina conditions. They p!eie their combined efforts to give Sou f atUfaction in Banking and Trust matters. Greensboro Loan & Trust o. rr fX .... rrtJ4tai f I aX YUPrttiat SI AL2JEX &crU4T i THmw r. X SUSENltOCa Amuu:i TrA.rir DEATH OF MRS. KING WAS INVESTIGATED Upon Insistence of Newspa per Reporter Whose Sus pldons Wcrc'Arouscd. " 'Eit ce la Concord believe tA-sl Msud King ws murdered, tt ! the iswt dtiurdljr crime ever ronsrr.llfed la this place. nd w hope tkl Chlcajro, the beat of Mrs. King. , I bo Ured tauea of ber lime la Ne Trtk.l UI U this matter op ana m lb I it murderer gel Juitic. Ttrr are many motives for lb ert and hea yon get busy yon will Cs4 thta oat- If you lit bav her body tiaolaed yoa i!l see that abe eoSld not hsve shot herself behind the r. No one here credit lb explana lira of fb rria and the roo4 people ef this place tor tbai Chicago and New York wjll combine In cloartnf es this mystery. "Harry Friend, reporter for The 1 nouBf, rfx u uuit aww which Tie AsbeviUe Ti carrie so ta- ; lrrli t'.orj lotx bow a o- r;r rrftr ta ctmw brr-ashi ,Ut lt latcsOrsUca ef the drat ;ef Mr Msie A. Kir, wtkh fcu 'lie S.ee r5.r !i!l!f. i k&o prcsJir to bet ttry fi! Teuton Error8 Saved Allies Says Bonar Law Locdoa. Ecpt 12. Andrew lionar Law. chancellor of the exchequer. raklnc today at a luncheon given by the Km pi re Parliamentary aasocla- lion to MedUle McCormlck. consreaa- raan-atUnre for Illinois, said: In everything; connected with the military army the Cennana bate homo remarkable resulta. eren g inlua. But la deallnr wlih questlona of hu man nature, they hare repeatedly made mlttakea which hare been the aalrailon of the entente allies. No taUttke they have made will be so sreat la !ia coniequencea aa that drove the United States Into lum. of It crtmial Mef lh ci German, lately." Mr. Bonar f. llsZ V. ifllf S 11 ' conun-ed. -have bn saytac that jorJKk. Tb TS'tbe eatente waa relytnf: on the United ..cot out of bei. iiiosi an oruer tor ..... .... . . iamJnatkrti of the body. - Kepor-"' f mm tt Tlsa. "ttta Ur " v'"TJli: ...T Untied Sut. irai tt :tc a crocJ fatco. " . r-.t.i k" . .I. a ts4rea ef tiiitcra la tte boifi rjVT ' "l w.:r.' oetlloSmaa and Detective IVrceant ioha tttMt with Dr. BarmeUter and Btporter FilgV vund Graclaad CALHWELL COUNTY fflLl HAVE A FAIR tffi ai ti i:i t fcr rrw-V .V 7. him. til iaa tot evta knoa ta taaay poti a4 imji kofl to ay ti;rr. Tbe '.insist of u txxty to AtUle 3t4 ;ac riT j-stacitr tt wm aa onli tary raL 1 ta CMraxo it waa ilJereot. A t iitot !rsatsre, ct trow ; Coocord tx tt Ct$ao rk-e -tM of tt esaa oa ite iuJ of Tbe Ct$- lurry rtuad. wboae to La&dle roUco mailer. ftt- i.!l.f tte wclrfU.Z:,rl .V. w iA a la rT, .11 i-rIre , Titl '.elottea- of tte Ctkaxo rco drpart 'aty. ta 14 t cs. cf lie mati la-, . fraita cf lie orr&artt and ! U t-e werta cot&ias :rttrt5ttnj: Exhibits and Vt VUxxly of Amu5ement Ry iec?i.T ctf taita w.ura Home Folk This Year. rtstery and Vh hour of mldnicht. lAe body of Mr. Maude A. Klnc ho r.l death ta the wood of Cabarrus roaaty. North Carolina, was talen from I la burtal place and examined carefully. -Dr. Ilcnaeitter made bit report It aald, 'the wound aa such aa a 32 calibre, sir! Jacket bullet would tr.ake. The entrance of the bullet a about two lnch forward of the center of the akult. behind the left ear. It hoed no ilroi of burns nor revolver marks. Indicallnc that the Slates as their last hope. I want to thatwe do rely on the States. Aa chancellor of the exchequer. I a ready to say to yon now what I should bsve been sorry to have had to say six months ago, namely, that without the United States' financial aa sUiance. the allies would bare been In disastrous traits today" 0 Allies Not to Scare Sweden, Says Press - . J It. t5f t CAilJ , ,Nc-.a Caf:;ta a&d tte sure at ane. t sie ca aeipity It ,w;:t I- trr rl 4ys ef tSr at fett. Tt aterta:sttt:!s aad r t:l t rt ever -Harry rncur -y. a reeelttr aa at a considerable dial 5! lt.!ti,!5rT ?L ti Uce wbea .iscbanted. The bullet I . . . V ":r,;fcr; i red tbroutH the brain, com in c in to:4 cf ter fVW?Si.?S ti7 i.'ntact with the skull interior of the jattratur. atrl cf Mcs - i foead where the steel Jacket was N-oft? Caffti:t Ja tr k:at. The deta ef the husband. ts brkie of the will, the sobe nmi carr of tt dttc widow it N York City and- raris, bar second ifcarrute and dlverc. found. The lesd portion of the bullet curved to the rlibt side of the brain. where It waa found and Dr. Burmelster. who now baa fo4fMkm. The Chicajro Tribune printed the -r ss4 U to eu4kia a t;a: r . . . 'tio. (U evldeat control of fcer v h r.-Tin-. uthortile tk&t some vi A.,rsr,t.s f ta t:r aad ctr f ' mr me.t,m ber coavefa l7vortn Carolina auinonuea iai some t-. 't'! H. 5r t o- t"r .f lo Twiar lie f tf. !zf ?v-TI.LJr- f ih"fb tnveatlxation b made. ,v t t 't ' to ter b:y l;!JTVJ Jr tA-e cf V.lW ,u ta!4 V . i i, i 'If It ot bera for the thought - V C, c iT; ef VcMf .Kl Cfi8,ef4 r'" LVl?,1 .ftrlf"-" newspaper work- ' i t-- I;.. tVe.I; .ii el rtJf ,hl l,,f er-Harry Triend-the mystery of the . -y S e.- tUer U ,1 a a Jwf iLe cf lrs, M.ude A. King would not ... t t- rTrtcra , c.ct . f k Ka1 mrtra.Md bis sutpekma. I ...... . . . . . , ; , ..... - ' 7 ' ' f,4 i,f cr ear ta Call:i comity la I out. wm i rf tuns huj. , "'l Tri ?J rMi?e ?a ef 14;. 7 T.. L.tt.e. -ILrry rrlend came to A.heville , ,f .z: n t ra.s s , k mmM t tetter. ui!n Hed Mrs. Robinson, the aiced . , ..f- l-l f:ff. ... taLftiaal This mother of Mrs. Msude A. Klnc. He 1. a Kt. cf ise:r. rre e rre- -s.cfw wr 1: i.?1 ef 15 Mtl tare c-c!rt'il j tttr wtta the Uf. ' " 1... IK.I It ... . rKr.lr.l fiVf IM Vw- lMa sa fepe tmpoMlbillty for Mrs. Klnc to have jzsznsznszsinririnnszin bba 5 Gled by Gaston Means. The lack of replication. Stockholm, Sept. 12. The conser vative newspaper Dagbladt prlnta a I bitter editorial on the statements in the British and American press con ceminc the Luxburs; affair. The news paper aays: "The barrage fire from New York and London editors will fail enUrely to frighten Sweden out of its neutral ity. The Srenaka DacbUdt resenta bat It terms -Interference In Swed ish domestic problems- and says the allied rresa Is ulillzlnc the present b; I difficulties aa propaganda for the for- U hi. ! on of a -Swedl.h party." The "All attempts to differentiate be tween a criminal corernment and a deceived people la this case Is doom- led to disappointment. All hinta as to how wa are lo croup our political par ties will not affect us." 4 Geographers Are Touring State For Information Dr. A. E. rarklns professor of Geo craphy at the Teabody College for Teachers of Nsabrllle. Tenn., arrived In the city yesterdsy accompanied by Mr. E. It. Casto. of the college and M. r r- . . t. 'aMArKI1t and He msde very clesr toi ion of the president of Pesbody col- They are touriwc North carou mm At 1 ii 1 SI Aura ndDM. K powder burns on the head prores that Kithe shot rami bare been Bred at some rj 4 distance; the Vocation of the wound r3j denies self InSlctioo. accord inc to the -Who f. red the shot? The question tires and attracts the attention of the resdisg public- New York. Sept. 12. Assistant Dla- Uriel Attorney DooUnc. who Is in chsrge of the InresUgation here Into the death of Mrs. Maude A. King;, at Ki Concord, N. C, announced today that C-i.ifter aa allnicht examioattoa of pa pers and correspondence belonging to Gaston IX Means, he bsd found sua- ON EASY TERMS Mais " C NEAR GROOMETO W N lexe. na. soutn Carolina ana oeorgia u ur ine the month of September, studying the conditions as to how geography relates to the people. For. the past week they were In the mountains of western North Carolina, studying the mineral and forest conditions, also the agricultural conditions and living of the mountain people. Since leav ing Asheviile they stopped at Morgan ton and Salisbury studying the mill conditions and the rock quarries near Salisbury. Todsy they are making an Inspection of the three large cotton mills here. Investigating the different Unless msnufactured and the' condi tions surrounding the mill villages, relstive to drainage. etc They will leave tonight for Durham, 'there to study the tobacco manufacturing In all Its phases. It Is Dr. rarklns Intention of get tine the best Information on all sub jects possible, so that the students of deal evidence to warrant Indlctmsnts for grand larceny against one or more ' ,.'. .,.tvi-. r the persons for alleged looting of thei . . (MrnDMr.i conditions In their on soutnern states, ine party spokc very highly of Greensboro, and were greatly surprised at the large cotton planta here and especially were pleas ed at the way that the employees are provided for. 4 3 nn i Kir. estate. The assistant rrosecutor said be found la Mesas effects a paper upon hkh ss aa agreement wheraby Means was to recetre DW.M la case lb new will of Mrs. King's husband, which Is now op for probate, got thrwich successfully. Means n business manager for lir. Klnc and was witoess of her death on August 29, by a pistol shot. Pi i Mr. Doollnc was accompanied to the gi criminal court building from Means') r3l apartment here by Afton Means, af rj brother of Gaston, and by Henry Dclt a en. Aftoo'a father In law, under sub a I poena, who er expected to go be ti , for the rrnd lorr todar. Mr. Doollnc further ssid that Afton ilAB( K4 loUt him be had rome ta ... V.V tnm IS. In-.k ettjk corresrondence and MPera nhlch was ard dgerous situation. Four and OncIIalf Miles From the City. Will Be Sold at Public Auc- g tion, to flic Highest Bidder, On uesdajf, Sept. 18th, 10:30 A, This Farm, consisting of 73 l-2acrcs,is located on the Sand Clay g I Hnatl leading from Greensboro to Freeman's Mill, and. is fine land S i; f.r Trucking and Tobacco. Good Graded School within half mile, j ? church one mile, and the finest community in the county. Fine Or- cj chard on the place. i On this date we will alfoscll one pairof Good Mules, eight Cows, b rxw . , K Ote of the first things ibst the a ;: vxo Heifers, four Registered Berkshire Sows-pnzc winners-and a 5 jntdt;rtey U. S. Envoy to Switzerland Summoned to Capital Washington. Sept. 12. Argentina's action la handing passports to Count Lux burg, because of his Intrigue In sending secret dJjpatches to the Ber lin foreign office through the Swedish unexpected to ofSilala of this govern legation and foreign office, was cot ment. although it only la a beginning of remedial measure for what Is re- la Gaston Means apartment. The trunk contained among other documents, be said, papers which hoed a great amount of work had beea Ccne by experienced bsnds In preparing for a possible coctest of the' new wilt being correspondence be tween lawyers, tandwritlnc experts sod trp- riling experts, whom Mr. Dooming said had teen engaged to as tut la carrying through the probate of the lil. The assistant district attorney far ther stated that there waa also con siderable evidence showing bow li,. 000.000 of the King estate bad been epenl . There ere packagea of checks drawa to a person whose name he wtthhe'd and a number of letter from broker asking add'tlonst msrgln There was also a bank book of a certain national tank In this city, be asld. which showed deposit In oat been as- to . . .t- : T,lrtmnntc nfr tnn nil mnmilR tO K i telernone to a typewriter company to itOf riJTS, l-UtOmOUlier arming iiiiiiuuwini K)fc t of It expert resdy to ex- rr.cntbn here. American Realty & Auction - : " . k B B S ilL whlrh Sir. Doollnc ha ssel ihe N Chicago authorities lo forward to him r3'e said thsi iher was a typewriter lo JO the Means' spsrtmenL kit Afton Mrsns. oa arrlrlng at the a'cfln-.lnal court building, was permKted -Tlo send a telcgrara to hi brother at In! Wasblngton. Sept- 12. That a de crease In the rreralllng h!?h meat '.Concord telling bias of the seizure of j price cannot be expected unless cat- The crlnclDsl action must come from Sweden, which bears the burden of showing thst here diplomatic ser vice In other neutral countries Is not acting as Gerrosny go-between. The Argentine government' action msy sigaslize a full realization of the extent of the German intrigue within her borders, Pctroffrad Food Shortage May Hamper Loyal Army Wsshington. Sept, 12. A shortage of foodstuffs In retrograd may make more difficult the defense of the Rus sian capita! by the Kerensky govern ment against the troop led by General Kornlloff. Dlspatcbe to the state de prtment from Ambassador Francis said that an cracuation of Petrograd by a psrt of the cirilian population was under way and gave as a reason the scarcity of supplies rather than military reasons. The dispatches were sent three days ago. Regarding: the recent developments !a the rnorement headed by Kornlloff. the state department today received co Information. 0 Meat Prices Not to Be Lowered, Assert Packers XXGKXIOtrS. . (Detroit Free Press.). " Tour wife is very lngenlons. I should say so. It seems to me she Hods a new place to bide my dress shirt erery time." 1- . And David and ail the house of Is rael played before the Lord on all maner of Instruments made of fir wood, even on haps, and on psalterlse, and on timbrels, and on comets and cymbals. II Samuel vi:5. Negro Officers Not to Be i Graduated Until Oct; 15; J Washington, Sept. -12. Because has deferred mobilization of negroes j . In the national army, the war depart ment today postponed graduations at . the negro officers' " training camp at Fort De3 Moines, Iowa, etne month un-y til October 15. " ; . . : ' Instruction will continue until then. TOBMCC re3 rlsi X C nl ATTENTION ! Tobacco is now bringing better prices than for many seasons, and the demand is unlimited. 'You will make no mistake by bringing your tobacco to the . old Reliable Farmers' Warehouse, where all grades are selling high. Now is the time to sell, as.it is hard to believe that prices will be much higher. ' ; "y: Below will be found a few averages made at the Farmers' last week what better could you. ask: G. O. Atchison. 339 pounds for $93.75; average $29.65. Henry Robinson. 714 pounds for $219.49; average $30.72. J. W. Owens. 379 pounds for $126.84; average $33.45. ' ' William Brown. 487 pounds for $127.42; average $26.16. J. H. Smith. 205 pounds for $60.15; average $30.00. .Ingle & Dick, 372 pounds for $106.24; average $28.56. J. M. Wilson. 346 pounds for $96.50; average $27.89. Hubbard & Young. 372 pounds for $113.22; average $30.43. William Forsythe, 409 pounds for $120.09; average $29.36. Harris & Winfrey. 431 pounds for $122.67; average $28.46. W. T. Riggins, 281 pounds for $92.75; average $33.00. Morton & Pugh. 416 pounds for $125.56;. average $30.90. " C A. Brown, 844 pounds for $207.16; average $24.54. B. E. Cobb. 224 pounds for $61.39; average $27.40. Michael & Maxwell, 316 pounds for $85.04; average $26.92. Mrs. D. E. Michael. 202 pounds for $53.71; average $26.59. W. R, Poole. 445 pounds for $137.17; average $30.82. R. F. McCuiston. 355 pounds for $91.09; average $25.66. ' J. R. Jessup. 402 pounds for $120.00; average $30.00. J. H. Lowe. 597 pounds for $169.61; average $28.40. Miles Chrlsmcn. 326 pounds for $103.84; average $30-85. Allen & Marsh & P., 335 pounds for $107.51; average $32.09. J. F. Farrington. 346 pounds for .$105.26; average $30.42. W. Y. Warrin, 234 pounds for $62.70; average $26.79. Enoch & Brown, 703 pounds for $214.27; average $30.31. Hubbard & James. 475 pounds for $147.67; average $31.09. W. J. Roberson, 390 pounds for $105.12; average $26.95. Angel & Rhodes, 310 pounds for $90.05; average $29.93. J. R. Davenport, 518 pounds for $151.76; average $29.29. Scogglns Peeden. 306 pounds for $90.34; average $29.52. ' Scofigins & Taylor. 290 pounds for $90.64; average $31.25. Wade Stafford. 518 pounds for $163.90; average $31.64. W. H. Brookbank, 708 pounds for $226.62; average $31.92. C. H. King, 512 pounds for $150.89; average $29.45. . .. r II Si r" - WMW Proprietor Farmers, Warehouse The Keeley Institute Of North Carolina With more than a quarter of a century of successful ex- - perience. this institution stands Dre-eminent. It brines 'f ripe study, modern facilities, scientific treatment and$f personal attention in its treatment of ?1 Whiskey, Morphine and Other Drug Addictions. The Tobacco Habit and Neurasthenia Situated in the wonderful Piedmont Section, its climatic conditions are unsurpassed. Modern buildings, with delightful rooms, in spacious private grounds. No restraint. No humiliation. No pain or sickness dur ing treatment. Home conveniences in a pleasant atmos phere of fume comforts. Delightful cuisine. Correspondence confidential C D. Cunningham, Mgr., Greensboro, N. C. y- I 'is the paper. tie production greauy is sumuiateo. w&a amorc todaya developments at the national conference of meat pack er. With no possibility of an abate- 130,000 Firms Make Food RcDOrtS ta Market Bureau jment In the allies' demands, prospects , prices will be maintained at Washington. Fept 12. Report In- their present level unless the detjired dicatlnc lbtawowatof food, stuffs held expansion of tbe industry Is realized. THOMAS BROTHERS, Original Ttcin Auctioneering Force. GREENSBORO, N. C. i . . ..at hn iirrr.ir ii-a in me I in -- bUteSU Of tSSTKStS, Ol ins orriurorni. of agricuHcre. by more than 130.000 Crm. In arcordance with ibe recent act of CTgress autbortz'ng a national food eexius. Returss. say department tte Beat todsy, bow that firm are cot only CISc tie rec, sired cbedule. but aro endeavoring to assist the campaign la every tsasner possible. Herbert Hoover has accepted me offer of the packer to put tbeir plant unler a licensing system, 'and gov ernment regulation of the meat busi oess will Us the next move of the food administration. 0 . Two thing are essential to the reallxatiotPof the progress we seek: j the declaration of a principle and lUj Incarnation la action. MatxlnL Ai7HEN times are good when times are bad whether your plant is running overtime or half time-the econ omy of power adjusted to ac tual needs is obvious. For per fectly adjustable economical power buy electric service from Central Station. . ' "HOT MERELY ELECTRIC POWER, ' BUT ILLUMIIIATIIIB SERVICE " N..C. Public Service Phones 330 and 331. Co '5 ;'-f r... I ; ' j XL ' V 'if- ' r -'i '."i , , - c -.if-.-i