.. if jKENSBOSO. H. d CIDHCDC IHIOT CCf! I JMillLUU IliUUI uLLL SURPLUS tfllT Oil STAND THEIR LOSS stn'.ilf.rxlzr rrlti t&Uf la ca4e t ertr Uai t5. a'tsa-t;-c etay cker?y aaf-eratood fcy ;ti erj.r u as ta crr.a4 et t. 14 U!:r. rrt-rt ta Um s.-t err r;U tai art a4- t """ l W It tf t'- l. :ri etxtra'T. taa&Usra. rev s' asa e5a.:.rt jut trwT,i3 cefT f t 3 it tj ry etr: ef iv te t n 9nZlZS Va Ull f: fUFtf Iar?rsu".i- wn.:2 XJr, d nvt LJ-t yie ' 4 re a Uit e? aar wvi c?rv la ycr c:ssrt,ar tee y &t r..m t t;T.t ta ; taa-l ruse ai ia U ej-r u i rir.-tm.i'a e is?. tS ti-etr tc.ai H.e a it juarc Tea ti rirf jJr frc-a sy ?; t tie eirra e Ue t:t-! ef uu sxa"e r act . Vr lis, !. ? t Jtl u 11 -e jr:f ji .-! U! Tt fr.Ja ;:vt rirI nr irf-..5nf.i4t 2 t.;wti tt4U.cei 'u. as n;s4. V. t assise. :. vtictry rua ii nr?v cf reS.t ta m tni le rr;U sf aaf ei3ur-j s::i t4k'jy aa U u nr lr;etii IV t. l iMri Ulny ka. tjJImU 4 W r , R. L. At4rt3aa- n- a.vsni k-tA-t;! trwcjeJy al r?i ttt lts4 at f A;ni XI ! ,l l lJui CoL Frrn tnj4 al rrxlt t Jt. 5ajfra. J -tta cre::s. k-i tosr tut f AUa:f a darts a a4 nwniwui fshl. fsl .rJk'tci it f rw!a iis?ri ti ttf nxsits.;ii- t.a asy f Kajttfl, asd fr4a frsna tar:rj t.f;cest iiu uf cir CrtiVif, t.Jrwl4 frets Faaior 0rrKa II ta t U;r! cf rss4 Ai:tttrCi la a-a u:i.4 u tie fet. tleit:i,Jy U!r rT?ns will t:i tie ilr a4 rr-u:jxt a t tuwt;t-n! c tits rtsrs trttrrai!' 'T cf tie irt th Afcrt-aa t'-w-t f.-r aa U.at Oa"r ytrir,u tlu sc lUs j filers loo at Caabral aad Ccl ntm re.:: r ti rt; a; icr;M4 Hit da?. Grtero la.jei'tr,;1 ia rel, rrr,Ji- -tf! wr a lr.c as.4 W taftara. tlii4 t a tr ca tie fr5rrLrf ,J,rt4 fcrt for T.51 vf t ccntr.v-. I txi n-ir.t. ltuc raiT4 r wia 1 f1'0 10 ku rtctat&eat ta ut ca :cr tl RH 0a ItlTMlT A. rACC 'American Ambulance k ' tt;:tx t ti-r $avlCaa fee lie dse fceaiic4: Ala-' .tl'ILll 7i.l ,tlW ttYtl'JZ dfir ?a mml. V:r a-tr ra-'jt. CUta ccarr day! ItUi. 'li tLISr L tfl . wa.7 ul i a.il-at .'J trctiy 1 tS fr riwa crair. ClMa. orV!.. f;Te?-Zf ww.i fee!rk TJIJ U ar S-t a-a . Hc4. t:a. U, Cftiat,.t 9f IJ 3rrfc4 raCn w a. u f-i-x -sswa .t. cua Crtr. 1 to N?4 VoTI . Jrn llii Her Crosjt I For Gallant Scrctces . Tf b..j ar t frrT.v .tfftut t;xcr ta ts air. Rttia .,; "r ... Mr tr& .M . fi. K A Ut.-l. aa As J;C.ui;Mtn. rn.U.t. Ttr!ore I 14 a rt ctt t, f ; -Tl- f U Ifr.! eaaielTaai wTTta - m?s4 r wat . r t etrit aal lra,rwsr4 l9 e, ftt for ra I ja.ir- rtt a -ttt t- i i ir frfcr a4 a:rftwHi ta ' wttievt 4y, as l4liattlly as 2,t te is tst5 Sr ffsMia. as I aa r.sr f aa Ric..uaJ uk. d.ar-' a. s rUJer. m r t artf irrtTy 'ta dar wla taa tttt ait ltify tT it.f u. Je3i N tft'f fa t tJa4 ee!rV h ra aij. I aat at ray (iao. )mt, jr. mil lisfi jt. rrfkt. tVftri t t ts&xt rsr f cTftty-g sr.ly aad :tc:ac aa air free S , a I J It. rJy. ed lrt ' ruatl-s. are ;imezt ' nitC'.ta Tie rpnr Itaaxat. S5- la r'K'it rxr ! Kww, tai. w-a a trwat frtead cf tcy filr, trite f.-r fBirar .;'-yl s.s ts,-.? a:rr ta ti;"4 ia lai tlra ta. .c:tit 5-5 C. ; v mi t t Orssa U He tt. la;?a4 la b r!t. t I Tl t-r Mail tj:?"! 5tt l rrrd c&. sad rel4 la isy frrrtr1inrt nf .imrfiffllt MUJCiiuW. IV K; trlv.:r tlariy. Toa c;al .Irafor i?ai?fff On fzc;. u : JAr?.lrAi?a5I Adversaries Snot uownrtnj r i rrrf? fnr ! c rf. aad r-- Art2 rt tutt tr r Mnkinn Urmatrmttr ir att'aa a?. : rs cf .erM.vt ra l d?. T5. i: u:iritt rri rr. i. Ti,?m f invsircw. tj'.tai Richmond Man Must Have His Liquor Or Trouble Will Ensue .f r l44ir fj-5.U crjai iv ti'.tfvr cfr3x- "!maji;;i:4 Jar: J mint.: lilflml tV-t'4l Hal He Af-a ft.te. e e t i:t a l l em; ttfi t'.ffj' '.. jn.'-jf.sjis U. a t ll 'H t3:i- 3 3' S-f S lH i-rn.ui! fayaeftaa'e e;t.:. '' -4 n t-i:! trtaL&e ; at J Ettr.tt in e- I ! " " : v ' Interning Crew r ... ft ct:? l Mftri. Ct, Hrr Uttrjc t-a rtp:ar4 tcr4 It Ottawa ruttatrtat U-M tj tbt detlnjrr rsii2 At :u ! la H tx;rt.i. oa tuir fcrt, itr U d? a&zkfj ca Ox part of tLt tJernust a to tl -ct f trri3t ux rt rs ! fr:t at tt ttlt et ittr c flora, laaoy do doobi Nr:ietla Ut ta f-ssitis'! tz'fi mi 9 jn;-.tr f at- U lit midt la try .ftmeify la Utr ova. .Oo&iftdt of prlaocer it r:zr$ arr a :::sf la frrl ittlr Gtcta UxIra, HONOR ROLL FOR NORTH CAROLINA IN LIBERTY LOAN inyUA.. "l?tii. u-t J jtcv.J CfcZXA m-crt tccrr 'iO It $-tlr.liz, ihir tJ t R-y. ScUa-i Nk. ! l;rr. Tru. Tnto, W If -at, . . Germans Are Using Russian Manufactories To Huild Airplanes , Ajnl r? ta nc?s tie tifHai a.ic t. aa ltrrx'4 e$j Utterance at .Mobile iu. Atftl IT -W. ft, AH a. II. cf ti )ic;;. a einirate. l tw4j tie nf.4 a u.r r:a i sa-S tlai "U aa e:r a lis la ll ij.sr cf I cOJ ui AVA1LABLC fOU CLUSi Tie N!l Cerent Ce-cv-J at-5 rv-: V tr IJ fc4- S Cairts. tlwllsclata eocssy. bf la-wtt :f r'iit. c!3Jy ta itm'ttlzt a li'.a tia ttala He lad I c cr:aia ear v.r r r M;t as aa yr'itjoni ef Ui l:ta. II aa Mil. 'ei:a. Ti at r-ti lot eaao4i K - si.f . . t:? titv - f A- r". fof "VUft. laa ca oder4 (Wl tr a t ad?rM " c,a Vtrv4 a lifw-e atecila for a;sg .-ta C'-"-1 a 3 riic ,tret c-at ut aad f t - ..... rt 4 fa 4av cf lie e'aika i f r. - - . u-r tir aaa ttd aa aarir I Tl. rv-' e ?rZC?l; etd. d:r'J5f lciira as 4 dal I. waii-a d (W Nai waj BfCr, ta iva4 f.4 eessMxStt:a rot w tt-.-'ia a:j asy tacl ci.o4;uea ta Utt a t aas war, j ry Uu It K I5rry. i--Tary: i Carcat-aa iita:r; ia t& ci&-v V" r V.cev. oj Hun Submarine at GREENSBORO MAN HERO AT CAMBRIA IN RECENT BATTLE II was lharc4 tcay tlat oa of llei t44era ef il Arica trt at the tcrts.r Crittm traa. Cot C. O. - a. . - lil ta4jJU a ca cf Mr. J4. O. Fam:i. c v:t. ac4 a fcnCtr f 11 O. iat ksi was utic at :u;ry at l U9 Kl IO t Dial- li ta a reat rarade of tla aoldJrs fmes Cassp t'ftoa ta New Yetk eity rL FicmU 14 tie toaor to lead tie toy. ,CALLICUCI WAS tCLr-TAUCMT. A&UU CaUiCarri. tie Clnta ep a-r to rcauy too Ycrtt tir stArsa. wriia ta the May Vo ts-ta ix& Ccs:;aaUa: raaa4 riwr wtea I cj:d at TARRCO AND fCATHCfirO. ttkiJU ra-a. Tea, Afftl r:. He ca la 14 rf4 l buy Utriy K4 a cr ait He ft4 Crw Oxrrxe Nariaia. a fcjcr at fatra. JO tti sxnl ef fcr. today wva lakea la tie is cr tow-n ty X"'? ta;ta cta. tarr4 a&4 feailrrd as-4 anr l?si fr44 Hrwta lie taa.'a irt r;4. lie UTi lowa a roof. 4 .eHYalCIA KILLS SELF. Hcoe4. Va. AffH 2T, tr. Wil .to at lie Rteltaaetd tlnf ,1 Atrrva .tAnos;c4lte rtstsjaay. I' - t.j t:s:f tf4ay al l!a la (ta ccfree-3 caa ot ite fcsii MCTAILCH MUST CLOtC e a ww lai&cei f tl rs. tie f5r4 ad . e-;autr:ia) airwi4 edaf. At lie camc wahscn oouno oven. CUe:U, R. C AfTil ST. Joi;h i --- -v-- fiTt f-r trial ra a elane ef ta. lc ts-4 u:e-7sf t!iraarr. II Fort McPhcrson I' NEX YORK GERMAN SOCIALIST PAPER SCORES THE KAISER New York. Aoril It. The N'a J Yorker VcUsfeitouc. a aoctailrt dally ioa or t&e cm taiue or tse uermaa e'rodva cm the 8o:me La a powerful editorial, from which the followtnc Is aa etrerrt. The Volkateilans: editor lakes for tia therae the lines of the fot tterveca: "Yoa bare aoa the wrl4's forvmoet place ta murderous lefaay. Geraaeka. I shudder at the rseatloa of yuu." After reviewing the cynical dlarerard ef the Kalaer aad Itladabarg for all moral lawe and human dereacies, the editorial coa tlaaca: Oieediect Battle of WeHd. "The worat battle of the great war, the blood!ai battle, ta all world his tory, coaiiaues. ' Agtrestioa ccaUaoea. Murder coa tin aea. Bot It la by no means rertala that tie Gertnaa armlea will aarrd la etn':r lli war ta Paris tzS ia trtwi iltnstfltee tipoa the rat iiaJ cf. He cafortffiate country. "If tie military maaiers of Gr maay beiieTe that the adraaLacae Hey tare already woa ia ilia battle yea. aad area If they aloald come (Hit victorious ta this greatest of all bait! ta Hi lory that tile would brtsg Brr a coaiuerora r-ece for thea. they will be greatly dis'.Uusloa ed. The resource ef the alllea are weltnica faeihauatlble. The maraud tec ir art h of the Holeoaollerna Into lie lrrt cf revolutioaary Rtutala has cla&ged Ihe Tiews of all friends of rae ta the allied count ric. The na tlocs are achait al thouchl of the out took la His war aad at the ruthless aeaa afth which it la conducted, ffharpeaed eppmltkm will be the only outcome of a German victory. Wont Feature ef It. "And the wo ml feat a re of this great est battle la world hUtory ia that It wi:i andouMedly serve to aet back the ihousli ft tce wiih the German rf le. The greater the victory the eajjcr It wia be for ihe military mas ters cf Germany to spread the view' ame-rur lis tootle that the German artsy la tmrcaqoeretiie ana inai ait t that ta required la rlleae and endur ance aad Ilea jce win be attained a ew3erra rat- A great vlclo- j ry at He we-tro front cow will serve lo wekea the growing opposition of lie Genr-aa rople lo the trlUtary. came. Through aoch a victory the' leakers aad rwa-Germaclats will geti the v?rr hand more thaa aver, and lie rraaooalle aad peace-loving pan f ti r,?''ic. riiiy wr-rVlnc cias, win have their ln2o eace curtailed -All I Ma the Hohearoliercs and lle'.r Jaaicr rn-cranloai know very t!L Asd that t why they stake ev errillaff l rrjiie tlia world's great rat bait! lati a world's greatest vic tory. This la the objective for which Her are rcilUsaty aacrineloc upon He altar of ihe fatherland, the socsj r uermaa mowers ana s iuicr si German clilirea. It la for this elec tive that, the blood of German soJ-J d ra Cows la streams lato the rters of isonlera rrsaoe aad Hears into. lie orraa. Tils is lie ooiecuve lor wikh tie fower e-f the German na- lVo ta bttsg alaugltered. for whlca a w hole geceraikm Is belag wi;ed out. -And He Kalaer Hacks his God for He talp wttca He rret tag tia ta His stupendous ourdar-lar- -Aad He Gormen rri? -'Geraaxia, I shudder at Ht rsea ilea ef you.'" Cera. treJcas aad encumbers can be a carted aader f'tm bat wtea band ied Hey are eeid-a aucfeta'ai. says Chief Grub Roool Hal naiwum ra ikrri Ufe. He flay JWoCs' MAJcaiia, for Marrh. Tey mt fLaated ta pola or aqaares of sod. for Hey o5)cct lo any lejsry cr dUtorbacca of Heir root a, ntsen;ber, sard of csaajmads ta aearee aad lead off diaarf-ein truest If rr?e?jag roar r 4 buyia.f ai coca. Write to ywer sute arncaitaru de rrtrseat cr lo rocr caagreea-asa tor lie buUetass covertcg Ite grow icg a H raa y slet. xaey are rra-a aad give yoa all He details needed to laacre sarceaa. - . Jaat tick op last year's troubles la rnr old III be sxd saUel Remem ber, grab win t He war. aad U s op WOULD ESTABLISH SPECIAL TRAINING CAMPS FOR OFFICERS Waablngton, April 27. Special train ing tampn for artillery oDcera are to t ratablUbed at Camp Jackson. 8. C- and Camp Eustla, Dear- Fort Monroe, a. Camp Jacktoa will b glren over to the laairactlca of field artillery eligible from the third oncers' train In cam pa. About 4,000 men will be ordered there, Camp Euatls win be aaed for heary artillery, comprl&ln former coast artillery units and will be a two- brlcade camp. Colonel Frank K. Fer- rf on, who recently returned from trip abroad, where te received Instrnc tlona from ordnance experts on the allies staff, will command. Student at Camp Eostis will work with the ariatlon observers from Lan tier field nearby and also with the adjacent balloon school of the signal corps. . Uetitenaat-Colonel Robert M. Dan forth has been designated to command at Camp Jackson. It Is planned to maintain there between 30.000 and 40,- ooo men when the schools for both en Listed and commissioned personnel are under way. Most of the Instructors for the enlisted men will come from the ranks of graduates of a third re serve camp who hSTe taken the sap- rlemeaury course. & FOUR DOCS ARE IN THE SKY. Canes Venatlcl. or the Hunting Dogs, are cot very conspicuous, says Scout Naturalist DIgelow In Dots' Life, the Boy Scouts Msgaxlne. for March. They are associated with Bootes, the Hunt er, ana at some other time we may speak about bio. but for March we ill consider the Greater and the Leaser Dog. It Is a, rather queer fact Hat sttrcnomers never. use He terms large- aad -small" nor -big" and "lit tie. but greater and lesaer. From He earliest times the opinion has been Hat the Greater Dog Is one Hat Orion, He mighty hunter, took with him on his hunting trips. But Here are other tegeads. The principal star of Canis Major Is Sirius. He brightest fixed star In He heavena. It Is generally regard ed as He Up of He lower Jaw or per haps of He whole mouth. Aratos, an ancient writer, referred to He Greater Dog as being generally dark but with a a tar in his jaw sparkling with more light than any other. He nses these words: la Me fell Jaw Flame a star above all oHers with searing beams Fiercely burning, called by mortals Biriua. The Greater Dog literally' depends for Us livelihood upon Its jaws be cause Here are no oiler conspicuous stars anywhere In He dog.. It would have been about as easy to imagine a Hon or a lamb as to Imagine a dog. but It is not easy to account for He Imagination of tboae ancients. . o Darta 1117 tbe Drillah captured on all fronts a total of 116,000 prisoners and 71 guns. . The Nation9s With the whole Nation an armed camp whose outposts ex tend from ocean to ocean, the toll lines of the Bell System are i the message bearers of the Nation's vast war organization. V y Even at the fighting front the telephpne has replaced the hard-riding courier of other days. The Bell telephone message, traverses the continent at its widest girth in one-fifteenth of a second. . J- , " Important military points and industrial centers hundreds of miles apart are in close contact with each , other , and with Washington. iMore than three million. miles of toll wire in the Bell Sys tem are the highways over which pass a million messages a day, by which the vast activities of the Nation are systematized and controlled. SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY . EVERY LITTLE BOOK HELPSI From a camp where troops are sent to embark lor France, Mrs. Anna Steese Richardson writes for the May woman's Home Companion of the boys' craving for books: ' . -oome or. you minx a dook or a magazine Is hardly worth . giving. Every single piece of reading matter received in a camp Is worth while. It helps some soldier to forget the dis comforts inevitable to camp life. It urges another man who "never cared about readme to try it. It helps a Hlrd to. think cleaner Hough ts. f It helps your government to build up an army of high ideals. .- "If you have just one magazine Hat you have finished reading, put' a one cent stamp on Its cover,1 and send It forth tmaddressed. It will reach a sol dier, as surely as the sun will rise for you tomorrow morning. If you can spare- a good book take it to your lo cal library or Y M. C. A. building and. by the way, write your name and a message on He fly-leaf. A soldier showed me a book yesterday with this message on He fly leaf: "This book has made It easier for me to do my work day by day. May It do as much for every soldier who reads it. , John M. G .' That book will make He round of He barracks to which It was carried, because of the personal message from the donor. "If you have neither library nor Y. M. C A. bull dine In your town. send your book! to He pubUc library in He city nearest you, marking it sim ply, 'For a military camp library,' The librarian will do He rest." ' ; WIRELESS ON AN AEROPLANE. There Is no more fascinating study In all wireless science than He appU cation of radio transmission to air craft. The equipment of aeroplanes and balloons Is already so efficient that messages may be sent between ground stations and aircraft at great altitudes, almost as conveniently as one telephones. Marconi has prophe sied that the-day Is -just around He corner whev all aviators must be wire less opera Uts as well. An observer who goes aloft to spot He fall of shots usually flies or patrols He air at a height of from. 4,000 to 6,000 feet An aeroplane usually -flies In a figure eight in order .to keep his objective point where He shots are falling constantly In sight, says F. A. Collins In Boys' Life, He Boy Scouts' Magazine, for March. If he is in a free balloon be may be tethered by a long rope, while a dirigible may "hover In much the same position for some time. Such patrolling Is done both day and night, since the flash of the guns re veals Heir position. Such scout work is, of course, extremely perilous, since He wireless- aviator is He target - of aircraft guns and the prey of enemy aircraft The marvelous accuracy of heavy gun fire when directed In His way is well ' illustrated in He case of He German cruiser Konigsberg, which was wrecked by British .monitors. The German ship, which was a great men ace to shipping, had taken refuge far up a river in East Africa. The .British fire waa directed at a target miles away, completely hidden by tropical angle. -Salvos were fired at one min ute intervals. The first shots went wide of He mark, but, following He directions from He wireless, fcan lo aeroplane above thecr. stelirwere soon dropped within 400 yards, of He enemy. ''''' "'st Courier Have You Enlisted in the Army of Savers? Buy War Savings Stamps PAGE THREE PERMISSION IS GIVEN Tfl lRECT FOOD SIGN ON COLLEGE CAMPUS Mayor Stafford announced today that he had let He contracts for He con struction, of He proposed food conser vation signs pnV the government post office reservation and on He campus of the State Normal college. He govt eminent having already given 'author ity for such purpose and He president -of the college. Dr. J. I. Foust; having agreed to the proposition on behalf of He schooL BoH of these signs will be as artls-' tlo aa it la possible to make Hem and every effort will be exerted to prevent He signs being so conspicuous as to be unattractive. Special designs will be painted on the flags In both In stances. Dr. Foust Is of the opinion Hat such a sign on He campus will work for good because of He fact Hat He -students are being taught food, conservation as a? part of He curri culum. - i These two signs will represent the direct result of the recent visit, to Greensboro of W.W. Veilines, a repre- sentatlve of He food administration, who took the matter up, with Mayor Stafford personally, requesting that He mayor act for He administration in making He request of Dr. Foust for He use of a small section of He college campus. Several oHer signs are to he erected through He canvass of Mr. Veilines, and He big liberty loan sign on Elm street is to he con verted into a food conservation sign, just as soon as the loan campaign is over. ";- - - THE MAJOR STATUS. A 'major's job is something regard ed as a sinecure, and a -humorous ex change hits off the idea by His story of an ambitious colored trooper: "I flggahs Fse goln' to get a ma jah's commission soon," said he, "'cause I overheard de kunnel talk- -Ing to He adjutant about somebody and sayin': - 'He won't do fok a lieu tenant, 'cause a lieutenant don' know noHin' and does everything he" won't do foh a captain, 'cause a' captain knows everythin' and: doan do noH in': but he suttlnly would make a ma- jah. 'cause a' majah doan do notbin and doan' know Times, Toronto.'. noHin'." Monetary MARY IS BUSY GIRL. London. Princess Mary comes of age on He. twenty-sixth of His month, when she will commence , ti take her allowance of 6.000 pounds a year. She is & busy person and, hav ing a good knowledge of typewriting and shorthand and accounts, has giv- -en considerable assistance in He con duct of He King's household. . Washington. Swimming , is ' to be taught soldiers in He training camps this summer as a military requirement; under plans announced by He commis sion on training camp activities. Com petent .tnarrwctorjs will. batrovidd at Peach cantonment and where adequate water facilities do not exist they will be provided. tk, S A. . . i 1 : f - x : k aw. e sxrw ti:Tr etna Hon tMay. He taa ba re al W&4 to He U. S. A. ta trodace Hat grab, i4.t:- na t

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