i Fagi: TWO GREENSBORO. K. C i .1'ilERICA Will FEED ' MUIES IflLLfiUKE VITIIDIM1?AL0F,UL DEPOSED EMPEROR DESIRES TO RESIDE ISLAND OF CORFU HUN GOVERNMENT FULLY ORGANIZED. l GREENSBORO SAFELY OVER TH ETOP IN THE a PRESIDENT WILSON IS URGED TO ATTEND PEACE CONFERENCE PEOPLE OF OER'IANYj SOLESIN ENTRY INTO CENSORSHIP OFNEI'S 1 i - ttifnrri t a - -..-. . - . - . MKUUAIWN tti f.!tlZNhXTSUra!l,SANNTniiraTnnAY MEMBERS CABINET WAR WORK CAMPAIGN Nor. U Prai-al4 Mrtca &.t a-l ratteen ru a? as,.? augw U lie ?;: cf Or-s-aar u r-S tiy t lie fr-js C2e::e fc. rv He pe-aca: ta tul Caravaay ta ts tu::r f Lo4 a if-ua ad la re t ?2.g "-:-.: 3 g ut Ti r;f wo w: itT ly !Wrw. tare Leasts Urw4 Miaiuar r!.r. f vi. v d-ar-f fnif. r rt-t fsr iat Par0, hn. 14. AaA I'm fa a a trf 1 Cimi 1r;tr ta Mtt ed fa .-. Ba-AaI V. (MMuMiMMKiil Wat!axtaa. Nor. II, Withdrawal cf : rcJi6lf ceaaoratla reia 7' T;, .1 iWa wktag -lac it. raned suihI. ma wire,, m.aa.fl.a r II.!,jrrlrTr 11 r today brf htr. lea-y. Acting t? .r eyeei.ie ' Cx Crwl. chatreea X commute oa Jamaiien utued by ie new ttl - aW Say 1 o peoee f Peoeet Pocew a4 Premier C'eee. I tailir Irfamtllaa ifiir meftf tr Ua S--ruri--a p-eker end DslU. I Mr Cr Im4 tile ouietsaat: "i has ta sxrewd that tber i m!KM Xa U c& of Ik ttAl laaetlitt .. , rr.-i.-. a nz t.,fj;Gr.. lew lie w,-L Tie clcT tie viwr ciJn.V T,? !jr tL cr. iff ls?cmi tf t.i, iva W-Wfco (otr Us!tsr. a.l u. cart rrry. rr., t'aUr-4 l -ofJ T. .fry of w.r s4 lb . Gm3.J S, liAl a UC1 11 tl l Uom"! 11.1.1 tJlH f.r, Wiv .ti ..v London. Nov. 14 Th prop tny f h Prvttlan crown will to cnf.c-ttf, occortfing to A Gtr- rotivd pro by iho now Pru- oto govtrftmont. t0 onUilod proporty of iho frvi!n crown will bo ptoctd undor Iho admlnlo trti f iho mlllry of ftnonco. Proporiy which io not ontallotf. byt which lo poroonal to tho ormor king pnd hio family, will net bo ffocUtf. ittantui ta u rrft08i o t.nl01 r 4f' 11 " Mtn"- - rati U-xlrtsx atir tauj Croot lro Coior. Jf" Wni Food TKo Cooao. Rortury Lai-jto ado t n "1 to Ut fcofrcr la 12 on?i la! Oracay tiot dy if r-iilic crff to cazsu:s4 ta Cf-m-aay a4 r?iuti dlrtctioc of "1 4ewJ4 Vo rralfct !f ?ca t?ma-st:i i f;atst rtil l u CtrsLaa f-3rsiai: ""'At a Julal ok ef It vt ao f Cwrwi ca .Sottar n n rr-in cf rar.4 Stat aa a?ac3 tlX ia ttfMuUtM cf roury cf ia atvy. aad all otar ma. t af ! rra trctr. Ta .cfjcrBt4 l;a laa dirtciloa of Amcrlca'o Ujt ami !& MomP. nr tajof o7orta. lota ta otacara ackoowl- ao e ha Vi cf lao fUi!:. Port of Ho city U cat IOtii ta lao Jkloo!!a To itm root, aona aai acnaot aro 11 Irca os J cool cf lYracd as4 &rcAa Lorra. t;rt4 cf tloo Tlo calf trca toVJ ef fto fU.lao litUkt to tut cf ticrraiat. Udadlat U.o nana do limy tta rif cf wat-at lo t UitU vUU4o cf DHoyl. crioi lrofti4sisd roctoa fa lSt wtwM- tl lo localoi ts-oialy ta AUrLorraia aai " tfUa Jato lU?tlTa aaj Latst?rc. H otlaaio alsct i rrxiv-G-rt3a ffxaiir fot ttyfi ct'o. a?sot a la rcsla Xoaokoa. CWrcLAar'o tooioa cf ti tsoiar ujr war cwacii at Vma!u i .ui ef U Troaly of rraaa- fan ta XITI rtfco la lio rro rat r Crmir e&tia4 frota ito iaa by aaailswai rrocistiooj ajisro-4 11 feiro cf taa cralrU oaijirro lial 'rrytxSa t2-l U cotUte la Llo cif -SJta-oo i3 lt dcao la oa;;y I2si ni f5oJ aaS r lit t "; a vaat to la oo euoay i?Ufo llr:aa: liir rory Uro; al tlat ot? ar la UJia ! rrcu:r? ta erttai t2r oT;ft ai rof ta tl4 ma fimix avarrrr til liry r errau4 ta t3u r f lUftaaa. Ut at;fo At tt. "Txf.lrrsuer. I2 rtrift smi ia ecia-a iz-oi ay tza eaia m t-r oUo cf t freatr C::l tea.0 cf ar taul asatl trx dtca cf 1 1 aU ryaa roi tljc.o:t et of a lxal troiacUoa of Simt bor otra$aiioa ta It II cf tat taiaoa ca 12 lre 4o of iso frca lir Gray ka-o aAi4 lo tof eUaoraJ :'J llo li.C'.t": tcee aaaaai:y ? la 4X.WJC ' 0'y rtaciicai fooa. o!ftal of ibo dobt of fratltod otsc ta tba arooo of U Ualio4 sum tor Ibo boeorabU dUrbarta of a bfib froj:WUty. Without forra of loaro. oad a4r aa Urjtr co&pwUJoo tboa oarattairtoUta. tba ovorvbia tsajorlty of cow?jro bavt f l- afaiiortac eb4lca to ovory do or la coforanoat la all mat ura of tnUiUry ortrocy. rarrjiaf ttrociB tactifaUy a trtavadouo ti Hrlarat ta boaor aad iTBtL a Marshal Hindcnburg Remains At Head of Great Hun Command Loedoa. Not. 14 He 14 Vtarobal oo tfladratmr rm.!na ko nf f K o;ra:o Gma artsy .too oaad. oeJ Dutch cere tat la a utrmaa irtio woo oaa rclvo4 bora. bJcb glo Ibo) good tlt4 lnm Amttardam. Wrdaoaday. Nor. n inum Hobraionora ho, a Gormaa aporor, eovor lik4 lo bo kept wait lac. bad la rrmaia Sdaday fa bai otnottate4 lo temporary arret fa rollvgy car at a omall vay!d alaltoa tiatlt word caroo from tba l!auo pr mliUsf blm la proceed on bU way aad tolHas blm wbora ta so. Tba former oaporor, orrordloir to a contributor ta a Uaaolrlcbt eowoaper. folt bla pooltka keenly, aad kept btmoolf hid doa la a 'railway car ibrocj hoot hlo uy at tba otauoa. Soma of hlo cotspaalooo wore tnaeb more vltlbly Impreeoed with Ike oSt oatloa thaa lb former mperor blm oolf. At any rat iho ag4 admiral, Coaat Otrar voo riatenPalInnuDd. cblof of the former Imperial military botja. vaa Bollred repeatedly wiping bio oyee. Loot Of Hio Oynoooty. -l(o ohaU be tba laat of bit dynaaty." lo recalled by lb writer amoag other aacloat propbeolea. aaotber quoted by blm being: "II ohaU oeek the aaactuary of aoll with do mora followora jtbaa ran ataod under tba shade of a Copenhagen. Nor. H The now Ger- mto gorernment bas been organlxed with the following cabinet members: Premier aad iaterior and military affaire rreld rich F.bert. Foreign Affairs Hugo Haaae. rl nance and colonies Phlllpp tthiedemaan. Dcmobllltailon. transport, justice and health WUholm Ditlmaa. Publlelty, art and literature Herr Land berg. - Social policy Richard Barth. of tte U:e biiui cf C ceatraj taj Tie oa!y trariv-ol r4 la ikio las free n ouU prraxy ta a pcJ rortaat rgvx, cU-ury aiort:v b: la tin li fr ef a?!rr estry trcsa ' arr-. la ti aIJy cf 1 M At X'it'.r eC5fe.S rfUt;e. aat ol ib ka4 cf lie oly aad trrtag Ibo Oetr salawto aa4 eergie me fa taoiwoy po . raakiac wa n:raa.ara r grwal aa4 kaxaricnio laato cf t-'.if 1. aa cae cf lie wa groat blwato cfi i O LrOflSiacr InipOTiani lott cf ibe meesag ba baa seat to: The former German ruler was per artsy ccaamaadere crdertcg Ibem lo muted lo retain only hla pemonal ef lad tbelr troo;a bom la order aedfu. all other trortr beiac taken dlfflta, nu coatody by, tba Dutch authorities. Bf wst r h i.t c wa atnui riai: , ii j ttrual la th case or Interned "To alt, aad eapecially tbt artsy MmoL groaa aa.r nJ4 Marshal oa Meck-J u was noticed at Erodes ibat the esa na Roa-aacUl: Umperlsl crown with the motto "Gott rRJ " aiuveno ta bead iltBu uas" on at 4ast Iwo of WlllUmo t oajreme army command la or atoraobil wrf raked wiin mod to greater eiteat than could b attrl o4 to tba suto of the roads. The lifrBf fa (feat thea motor cars cera to coauaoe ta eo weir rtn, 0tr -untafe- roads aad were aaty. Tais is ta a 4race anows to iu lb trooj." Anooancement of .the membera of lb new German goromment confirm pratiouo reports that the 'cabinet would be composed entirely of social lata. The majority socialists, i-ho sup ported the Imperial government dur lag the war, are represented by Ebert, Schoidemann and Lamdsberg.' while the Independent socialists are Haase, Dittmann and Barth. Herr Dittmaaa. who sits In tba relcbstag as a deputy from Hamburg, waa aentenced ta Imprisonment last February In connection with labor troubles ta Berlin. Ha waa released by lb Imperial government a few days before Us downfall. Richard Berth formerly waa editor of the oo- the Spartacus or Bolahevlkl element of the Independent socialists. It was reported through Copenhagen under dsta of Monday that be bad resigned from the government atfef a. stormy meeting of the cabinet . 5 tcce iMi.jiu owjreme army commaad lo or-auU b ytie rrraeb, krtagiag btrider la 4 the Iroepe borne la ordr:a r 4tXam froa Ixtrraia aVoae'ead dlacf sitae. I esp-ext the commaad j,, .t4X'i taa.a a year. j staffs, oScer. traccnclii ion ad o3,tf. w French Cabinet Meets rvtLttTvat wifcra aow f wre liaca ca.ti Genaaa octkwia?rra fro tier J )ii to a city ef .: rc?Utioa. Us dl cbof tads. in e Imlzt tae tsaafarfr- Military Questions err kajui. AreBrtifr tV Frraii at aw rwctja tse la otate tiat be to r4y lei lag of weaa. tWl, om aad eon! Caverwily lie ?t:rts: af.kata, ti tmaf taaaeediatei eUk lie al Uzt ue Ka ora fac lisl i:z:;' JZL7,Z2. ""l-IZl .T.TIl Porta. Nor. II Tke Frae& cabtaal wi:i koid aa ettrerc!asry meeiiag leofay. lie Mall a oaaooacea. ta coa gin rj ; rot VIM ke caa co t:e U is a ter octld ta rrru j I - irrljE iMctl lAal tnltic erfar lo t-fsg o.l a::k la treeal syatoa ef fort ' JI. Jll coeceralsg Alaace mud -coated latrationally so thai tbelr occopaata woo Id escape molestation. tcaUaa tacladae 1 dataciaa oiks ractrtle lie city peecc. wv3 fec'nw la I asalataJa.4 ta Orsaa. aal tial aa e-rusjaii d: trT'.iflTa f ff caa le clety g-tar-aa'.l "Atrejt. sir. lie rea-wd atr aae It say ktxirat reesifotatiwa. . rrxaedi nornT lansinq.1 Moeaase Wrm Conoy x'- ..r u Met tw rvr-WM . . , . I ta a ftfwi3 eseesage a ii 'a. Tie Gr&aa tt-rr 5:rt iTTiwo alaa la trt4 by fcrifito is r d--wr:ii ec oy i, tWo aniward Oa lie aaaia. Ul mm 4 flrrit(r uw f ccUl- opeaklcg f.t4 o:ace 1. l.k rliejrae Alaaiiaa patota. ft ts oat war. etual l ad j-j. t:i be etrasted with arracg Mftlaal CrauWl e Ua t. tag adalalatratlve eoratioao. Their Wrtl aad ooaliwoal ef Xala tke rt-.r ,- i ima t"ai ' w aa tie &cacr la traa-rart lie fcl UjwX caiie: f -Tie Crsxaa g15 arceatly ra-tneafJ li rreeJat f li Cartel u:e ta ix- jra we r""V lllaor aaj do fsasy. Ur riert. tT -h. w..-t tS Ue XeUe. aad ta.af k ar laax i.P nf tnea. c lie U,1 tk- ef la VtM ue iair-y ta aaiy a t lJUJ e.9 eliN Tr la rn!t',JJ yrsuiay aa rn:iii ea.5'!ia f ti to gsr aaiMd. Arrest, o-'r. Ik renewed aasTf aac cs? say kl ceajiirrarica. a France Will Come to Aid Of the Germans rmria. i rrr-aier CJrs k-ir. tie tarraia ts tsar epea. ia few k:r-e mi inne wcwd. rwaa tie ArWaa Uae sortie rt cf lie rit fecto ore Perl a en lie rtgit rtrt Kre) Fori do Hco- ftvta lie rr.4ti iera ef Ara-atii. oo lae rrao-Grt3-a tonir Tie farts mrti:tC, arere Oiur la iiM at Le. wik were txaile fof titr diaacteanag larreia Cmeaa ra.s. kawever. orarcasa li-eee fcrta Strike of Telegraphers Virtually Is Ended Now AtUau. Ca. No. H Order caU" Herbert Hoover Goes To Feed the Peoples of Famine Ridden Europe Will Live On Cerfew Ixadoo, Nor. II Tbe depoeed Ce rvaa emperor probably will remain; ealy a short time at lb Castle of Ameroagea. ta Holland, according u well taformed Dutch clrclea. Tb cor rvapoadeat at Amsterdam ef the Dally Mall says U la bellevod If tbe oecw. oary arrangemeet caa be made the for tser emperor wfj reald peroaeatly at lb vinsxo cf Achlllelon, oa the talsod of Corfu. UBBaaaBaeaaa The village of Acbllleion. oo the lalaad of Carfa. which lie off Ue aoathweatera coa it of Albania, was amaired v the German emperor In I?U tHer the death of Erapresa Ellta eth, of Attains, for whom It was bull! ta ISM. So far aa known the villa of Arblleton. which baa been the bead easrtere of the Serbians, still Is on aer occur a Uoo by the allies. e ta cwct4iag kis sp-Mca la liUit grooeed strike ef lie Or-cia-nir ef da;le lo-iay ca lie arr itr fuziwtr Tegrajiars, al for taV oald: hoday. reid eweeirr evrry poltt 13 "Orrtsxay oarreturo ta as aH Va- j -ta wiia wciald ksv ka af ca-scrva aad lM.KH care V-ch tad,-, n n (kreua. cialrtsaa of lie Waaiiartaa, Nor. If rood Adala UnraJcr Hoover C1 sail for Europe tm tke Wilt Star User Olympic pro aUy oa tUtarday. tl we lea read today at lie food dstaletratioo. He go at PreeUaat Wtiacoe rcal to direct tie work of fd:g tie popistloa of war loco Earcpe. Owisg ta tie UfUeg of the nsvsj ceaoraiip tku ts the erst lime sine tie war started that tie cam of a ship tm wklrt Amertcaa or other eSclals er t-laeaad la sail for Earoee ! baa be a permitted 10 t-a peblUiod. Oa tie Olympic aleo. tl lo ondar ataod. will be Dr. Waiaryk. preeldeat ef lie caw Csechaiovak republic. who Is rv tore lag la bla liberated eeaairy. o All Express Employes H. cas:K cf tie oaaiheauomj .rc Ordered Back to Work .r, . t . . . sKslscf, said lsy. Ta wa,ai waa sa'Jl t- Ul e-i:lfct carried cat. Mr. Cormaa declared. n.a v- ? tskra freo aa. TiU w'.n esar ra her eseeae a rnaaj aa-s wa e- carried oat. aad warts etaa:e sae ts ae c itm,. hm vwted ttced ta ac;l ca:i:aa Cca4i f e-ury KrJUoa promis .r,,;, lii lietw are eoi crc ia ... i 10 ta. s waxe d sui s d ' . ' . 71" . v I leleraaa UaI "r:" 1. 4- i.t . ..tt.f.. nTiti iiiw . . as made last even America Railway Ki rrai a-3r we "J- r -wuila fr dsya. nr. S f c kajs-aaity."" a - Holland Still Fosrfwi. Copenhagen. Nor. II. Ouoeo Wil. belmlaa. of Holland, according to the Prank fort Gate ue. wtehed to extend fcoepiiailty ta the former Germsn em peror while be reraalnel ta Holland. However, the cewapper adds, aa Hol land ttaelf fears Ue coming dare. It waa foaad desirable that WlUlam Hoheatbllern should live as a private tnd'jiduaL Hss Rsslgnsd Hlo Titles. ixodoa. Nor. II A dlapatch to the Dally Mall from Maam. Holland, says that among isoee who accompanied the former emperor to the Castle of Ameroagen wer General a von Pleshn. von Go n lard, von Drank! berg. von Unioz ana von unmman. ine correepodent aaya ha haara that the former emperor fa sot regarded aa aa eScer because be hss resigned bis title aad cScee. Savannah Again Being; Ridden by Moonshiners a Savannah. Ci, Nor. 11. a posse waa organised at Soperton. Ga, today to ran down a band of moonshiners who shot J. Ben Wilson, deputy United States marshal, and Homer Adams, a deputy sheriff, near there laat night. while Wilson was leading a chase for Colon Phillips and J. Alford, aUegod moonshiners. - First reports today wore that Wilson waa probably fatally Injured. Ad am a was only slightly hurt. Another deputy sheriff received minor Injuries several days ago while aiding revenue officers in an attempt to arrest Phillips and Alford. 0 . America Is Decorating All Great Fighting; Men Paris. Nor. 14. Messages of con gratulations and gratitude from Pres ident Wilson and the American peo ple wor presented ta Marshal Foch, Marshal off re and General Petaln yes terday by General Pershing, who also bss decorated tb three French mili tary leaders with the Americaaxd!s-J tlnrulahed service medaL General Pershing today when to British main headquarters where he will present the dlaUnjruiabed service medal to tn Celd marshal. Sir Douglas Haig. fr REVOLUTIONS IN PRUSSIA Basel. Nor. If. Tha revolutionary movement lo spreading strongly In east Prussia. A semi-oOf lal dispatch from Berlin reports that Koenlgsberg. Allraaielo. Insterberg. Gumbinneu and Loot ten are la the bands of the revo lutionists. Governor von Batockl. or Poo en. former German food minister. baa pot himself at the disposal of the revolutionists. Enthusiasm ran high at the Y. M. C A. luncheon today when reports from captains showed that Greensboro had gone over the top by nearly a thousand dollars, exclusive of the State Normal college which had 'sent word that $6,000 had been subscribed by the students of that Institution, running up the total to nearly forty- two thousand. And this with the can-1 vass scarcelr berun. ' I The figures on the blackboard stood today:'; Team No. No. Captain Subscriptions. Amt 1 Hill Hunter 160 612.00 2 G. U Stensbury 155 ' 1,102.00 3 . A.. B. High 309 702.41 4 C H. McKnlght , 123 880.14 5 C. C. Hudson 24 192.50 6 C. W. Edwards" - 43 376.25 7 H..W. Clendenin 22 198.60 8 C. H. Ireland . 89 1,296.50 9 - John T. Rees 36 267.00 10 Irving Long 64 369.76 11 E. Sternberger ' 103 701 00 12 J. C. Watklns 9 125.00 13 P.' C. Rncker 89 1.065.25 14 B. McKenzIe 182 1.609.00 15 W. B. Vaught 47 1.321.00 Iniatrial, J. E. Hardin 1,344 9.451H7 Boys Dir.. C. W. Gold 588 1,764.00 Previoue total 13.619.12 Total to date 835.822.39 Curtail Operations Local Draft Boards With End Emergency Washington, Nor. 14. New orders further curtailing operation of draft boards are to be issued shortly by Pro vost MArshal General Crowder. Dis continuance of all physical examina tions in connection with the classifi cation of 18 year old registrants is likely, on the ground that the results obtained will be of little value in six months because of the physical changes undergone by many maturing youths. There are also 400.000 Greeks and taliana and smaller numbers of other allied nationalities in the United States now held in class five as aliens. whom draft treaties recently negotiat ed make liable to reclassification, nn- ess existing regulations are annulled. Boards probably will be relieved promptly of tbe necessity for carry In out the law in, this respect. District boards, which consider ap peals and Industrial exemptions, have onlv started their work on the 19 to 37 class, though the local boards are nearly through with dependency class- ficatlons. Orders are being framed to relieve them and the registrants af fected, - $ Anniversary War's End Made National Holiday Washington. Nor. 14. Representa tive Fess. of Ohio, today introduced a resolution setting aside July 4. 1919. "as a day of world celebration to commenorate the ending of the war," and appropriating half a million dol lasr for a celebration in Wshington to which all governments, including the central powers, would be invited. POLES JENTER PRUSSIA. Copenhagen, Nor. 14. Polish troops, according to a dispatch from Berlin, have entered upper Silesia, Prussia. Washington, Nov. 11. Messages . from high sources In Europe. are reaching, President Wilson urging that he personally attend the ; great peace conference that will eettle finally the Issues growing out of the war. The President, It was said today," had given no In dication as to how Ho regards the', suggestion, though some of those . (totally well Informed believe he has an open mind on' the oubject and may give It consideration. Members of the Preaident'e of ficial family are understood to be strongly advising against the step, on the ground that It would In- : volvo useless risk and would ac complish nothing that could not be accomplished through delegatoa , the President might select to rep. resent America at the peace table ' and with whom he .could keep in constant touch by cables and wire less. !fr " Unusuat Adventure American General Who Prisoner Americans With the American Army in France, Nov. 14. To be taken prisoner by American troops, was the experience last Friday of Brigadier General Dong- las MacArthur, of the 42nd division. , The first and 42nd divisions were ad vancing rapidly that day toward Se dan, and in the region of Autrecourt the lines of the two divisions became criss-crossed,, General MacArthur, who was at the head of the advance of his men. was taken prioner by sol diers of the first division, who could hot believe that-any Americans were ahead of them. The situation waa ex plained quickly and General MacAr thur released. He then good naturedly went about straightening out the line, and the two divisions were soon light ing the Germans with full vigor. The incident did not delay tne advance and by night each division had taken its objectilve for the day. . BOMBING PLANES ACTIVE With the American Army In France, Nov. 14. In the period from Septem ber 12, to 11 o'clock on the morning of November 11, American aviators claim they brought down 473 German ma chines. Of this number 353 already have been confirmed officially. Day bombing groups from the time they be-. gan operations dropped a total of 116,- . 818 kilograms, of bombs - within the German lines. . GERMAN TROOPS MUTINY. Amsterdam, Nov. 14? The German troops who mutlned at the Beverloo. - camp in Belgium and raised 'the red Has, aaya the Hendelsstilate, attacked another force supporting the- former emperor. This force was defeated and , fled to the Dutch frontier, where it was disarmemd Monday. f ' ; . - NOT REDUCE TAXES. Washington, Nov. 14. Uncertainty of future government -expenditures and of policies for curtailment of war production makes it advisable, within the opinion of the treasury officials, that the taxes underline pending rev enue bill be not reduced materially below the 86,2500,000,000 jcarried by the measure as drafted in the senate.- - With Troops at Front Bsael. Switzerland. Nor. 11. Re ports that tbe former German crown trine lo with hla father fa Holland ore denied la a dlapatch rrom Berlin ondor Tuesdays date. The dlapatch states that be Is with bis troops at Germans Arc Moving Out With the Utmost Rapidity! WT;i tie Asertcaa Ary la Fraae. Nee. 14 Tke Gertxaa eypoaUe lie AsierVaa ersy acrti aad 8rtbet cf Vordaa ar rejerted la be c&oetsg arOward raUIy. Pre parotic 0 b arsa by lha eaesay peroral days aga ta wtiSdrew ta free -w ar be-eesta" effective. Great rai:rc4 activity la reported al Mau aad eir r::rcai fjactlcaJL CCLLCCC MCM TO RC1ICN. Waailsrlca. Nor. H fUrre.ary DeaieU aaaac4 today list cciUre tsea wia cad left eiool ia eatar lie;' aral oervtc aad wia aow drair la r-c ti cocrae at rcOca wtU be( rrsn:a-f ta ree'ra frr-a lie servtr' - aea B Mr. toalle aaJd. oio14 e-aie aj?tvatica la iier cc.ri:r eSero f COTTON PftlCCS FALL LtverToeL Nr. 1 Tie eel tea, cVaaav wika kaa be r l.aa 4 alsc laat FrUay. re-taad liay aad prVw fail a t-av a Pa4. lie etas-; tsata dacUae i4 ta aay daro irsdsav t-aXM AMCItlCAN LISCk. j Wlia lie Aaarvaa Artsy ta Frivv Nee. 14 Tie s-fasac t-'4 ef e-ar ol kaafred RxmUx PwiiaA aad ttal Ua poiiier. fraed by lia Ceraaao la Lerra;v r-:id lie Astartcaa teae ra lie rexJca ef lL Itnatr tray. Tie SJ-st graa s&siered it. 4 3 Hiirh CommLHioners Appointed liy me rrcncn?c.f)tiw lurwew coaciiiator j. a. Mof - I u. cf lie labor darsrtmeat of Ibo ina, Nov. 11 Tie cabtaat taway 4 pdralaUtratlon. wboretipoo frreaa cojspaay. lie t tilted Stale rail, ite front road edmialstraUoa afid IL A. Harry.' IttcoraLcbalrmaa cf the eipreao dllafc . T j t fvoa of lie Brother ood of Railway bpaln IS Happy At Parti parts. Nor. II Tie eaUaet lodoy coo,aidar4 awaOoao coaceraiag ia crgaaitaiJaa cf AlJe-Lerriae asiar FreacJat ocrapeJtry. Tire kUh coa taiaalaere were aepolated. Tioy are George Morttiar. cots s.'.aa leaa a r ge a- oral cf saUa&al oecsrtty for Straae targ : Albert TXrnxa. slat cosselllor far Maa. aad Heary roaHL sksta ccart3ar far Colaer. Former German Prince Arrives At Maastricht T IW A rl n mmr aa ra 1, n m pta aaa-wa f a tt mi -f J, -- t eweaa f-t rw. it au thmi iu c- Ml r- m- mtmm mmm1 tiii nw,. t a mm a "wa, . imv. W. ta. Trmv Va. IIDMB. CUM ll, mmm Will V Mi a Cr a Tii r. mm 'e iaiiwiii ei. I n -ii -t t W a4 IW TmfL eMu. . M-4 w raat aiT-i'l-Tl aw umii e-aa pxmi w ww n a. Conclusion Of War Mr rwrrr ordered back la work all ex I MsdrrI. Nor. II. Tb Spanish preao emplojr who went strike. "0" out on Tremendous Allied Loans Continue to Mount Upward Waailextoo. Nor. II --A credit of 11&OJCNO5.00 for Italy waa announced today by the treasury. Tils win be ttsed largely ta pay for foodstuffs and war rsppUee already ordered by tie tulua govtranesi ta this country aad ta croc a of man tact a re or 01 port Itajyo aggrrgal loans from tbe L'ettod 5 uia m amoral to I1.1M.0O-D.0C-J and tioae of all lie allies ta I7.J15.- ITC.. 1 PROHIBITION IN OHIO Cofamtwa. Ohio. Nor. II Tbe state- jwUe prcilti'Joa aseadmral la Oblo'o icosaUtalloa waa carried at laat wwk's JoWcuoa by a majority of :i.71 votaa. accord lag to cos; late reiorna rrcolr ed today al lie e2 of tbe oecretary cf otalo. Tie rat art a are official from (all trat Cr constlea. LABOR PRTY WITHORAWS. Loodoo. Nov. II Tbe Brltiah labor party at a cxmfereoc today docidad by a large majority la withdraw its rsarabere froa lie catlaet at lie oloee of lie ereeol partUsaat which Is ax Xtai tt lake vlac aherUj. bomber of deputlee today, after an oiclllng deUte. adopted by 1C9 voles lo two a resolution to oxpreso la the official report of lb silting the sat Uf action of tb chamber over the hap py ending of the war. Tbe proposition waa accepted by the government. The chamber rreviouely bad rejected by 71 la M a proposition to aead con arrstulailoas ta tb allied countries on their victory. 0 Seven General Officers Returned to Former Grade Washington. Nor. 14. Honorable discharge from the grade of general Seer of oeven brigadier generals, now oa doty with the Americas expedition ary forces, waa aanoanced today by the war d apartment. Brigadier Gen eral a Charles L Martin. Nathaniel F. McClare. Robert H, Noble. Gordon Q. Holaor. Frederick 8. Foils. James A. Shlpmaa aad Georg W. Catch all ar returned ta their former rank: of colon a L General Catch ball ts under orders to return to the Celled States. p ANOTHER ABDICATION. BaoeL Nor. 14. The revolutionary government at Mannheim. lUatatt and Helldelerg have ouamoned the. grand cake of Badoa lo abdicate. Aire Youi Readj for Work ? Thcwar Is over and the "hue99 is under full control in our town. Our school is now running and new classes being; started. Our courses have been the means of placing many ambitious young men and women in good paying positions. You can pick your job and fix your salary when you are thoroughly qualified in : And Tbe Greensboro Commercial School is prepared to fit you for a high grade position In the business world at a very reasonable cost and within a few months' time. Start training with us now. Call and see us or write for cata- 1 r u .i. : : - :i.a iOsuc wiuBOB uui uc u.acii uiyci jii uui uaj via luiit oessiUIL. Greejboro Commercial Sd go! 101 West'SIarket Street GREENSBORO, N. C. t t . - ... rM Phone 1086