THE -"MORNING NEWS. J. S. HAMPTON, Proprietor." ublished Daily, ExcEpr Monday, I BATES OF SUBSCRIPTION, IN ADVANCE : ' 1e Year (by Mail) Postage paid,.'..:i..-'..S " 4 00' x Months, "--4. " ; ............ -z t. hree Months, " " " 1 00. o Months, " " " " 7s ne Month, " " ..... 40 fTo city subscribers, delivered in any part of die city i 10 cts per week. . PUBLISHERS' ANNOUNCEMENTS. No advertisements inserted in Local column at any rice. - ' . . - - - ' - " v I An extra charge will be made for double-column r triple-column advertisements. "AIL announcements. jand recomendations of candi." ites for office, will be charged as advertisements. -Advertisements to follow reading matter, or to mpy any special place, will not be received. Imusement, and Official advertisements 50 cts per tare for each insertion. Vdvertisements -kept under the head of "New vertisements" will be charged fifty per cent, extra, 'ayments for transient advertisements- must-be ie in advance. . temitances must be made by Check, Draft, Postal ney Order, Express, or in Registered Letter. !y such remittances will be at the risk of the pub ;ers. . nder the head of "Special. City Items," business ces will be inserted at the rate of 5 cents, a line,7 t ' . ! 'j;. ;.r;',j-'-'- -'. i every insertion. '--- . . . t - f .: THE BAILKOADS. ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE OF TRAINS. f "i RICHMOND AND DANVIttlt RAILROAD. . " rives from Richmond at. .......... ...... 9.43 am 8.55 p m aves for Richmond at. . . . . 8.33am J " !' - .... 9 55 PDi NORTH CAROLINA j RAILROAD riyes from Charlotte. at,.. 8.3,2 a m I " " " ... . .......... ... 9.47 p m ives for Charlotte at 9.48 am " . ...... 9.0Spm ives from Goldsboro at . 8.3s p m 10. 20 p m 7.40am it 1. ves for Goldsboro' at w ..4.t..f 9.50 "am 9.53 p m ; NORTH-WESTERN N. C. RAILROAD. rri ves from Salem at... .r. ... 8.00a m . " 8.24pm aves for Salem at 10.00 pm " . ...... v.... 10.00 pm C F. AND Y". V. RAILROAD. , rives from Fayetteville at........ . 6.15 p m aves for Fayetteville 'THE EOSTOFFICE7 f Mails for the North close at 8.00 a. m. and 9.00 p.m. " Charlotte " 9.00 . - 9.00 'f. Raleigh " ; ( ' f 9.10.1 - 1 1 ' " -Salem'"" ' " 9.00' " 900 j" - Fayetteville ". ,9.00 I The money order and registered letter office will Only be open from 9.00 a. m. to 6 p.m. General Delivery is open from" 7 a. m. until 8 p.m. except when opening mails. Also, half hour after opening the Southern night mail. ' . , . i Sunday hours, for general delivery, 8.00 a, m. for half hour ; and half hour after the opening of the mails from both North and South. V. The lock-boxes are accessible at all hours. RESIDENT CLERGYMEN. Presbyterian:,. , , . I Dr. J. Henry Smith, N. Church St. I Rev. E. W. Smith, Asheboro St. S. Greensboro Baptist : - . - Kev. W. R. Gwaltney, S. Elm St, South Greensboro. Methodist Episcopal, . , Rev. J. E. Mann,' W.1 Market St. '.. ' ' V .. '-' M G. F. Smith, S. Greensboro Methodist Protestant : Rev. J. L.k Jlichaux; N.' Greene St; j 0 f ' ; " ? ' " J. R. Ball, Spring. St. . ' Spiscopal:.: ,. . . j , .' j . ; I Rev. A. HStubbs, N. Elm St. i I 1 C O PRODUCE MARKET . Apples green, per bu. ;'. I . .'. i -1 .obai.50 Bacon hog round. ag Peef . , . . . . '; . . 5a8 Butter ...... ..i8a25 3eeswar . ........ .: . : .; ........ . ....... ai 8 thickens old ............. . ........... ...... 1 5aao sprmg 1 . . . .j. ioai5 orn new .'...i...w.V....i.V..; i.aso Corn Meal...; .... .-w.'JlklT? .. a$o ril Frnits-EIackbierTies. J . i .'.6 i-a " Cherries,... ... . ...........71-3 , Apples. ,2a3 ' Peacbes, unpared t-a, a 1-2 '" unparedi-v' - a j .- ,paredf....... ....sag "ggs . ; ....... - .18 leathers. . . . . i . . .......... 4 ' -. '- - - - Flaxseed:.... v7S nour-Family '-4 5 i Superfine.,..; i ;.-... 00 Onion . ; ...7...'...... 6oa8o bats..J....;....... .....4045 ?ork....i. -67 w.; 7.'..........:... 6075 otatoe&-Irish ...V 60 lags Cotton.... 1 'allow',... , t. Vooli-Washed...'....:.:."... I.ia. .'.3o . unwashed...................'""0 Tlieat.. .......... ......fiai 25 17 RETAIL FRJCES OF GROCERIES. - : . . Hams........ ' shddideri::v..: ..a . ; .s Cheese .? ' DEVOTED TO TH&irrTERESTS 6jr;HE ClfV OF "gREEN SnORo'; Vql.' i " -:-' Greensboro. N. C: Ff.r.h . -iR7 ac ' "" " ' ' --'. i r i ' : . - ' -1 j ' ' i in , THE LATEST WtWd. : FOR . -;. , .- - i , . t Jin Jrinu. Office Sam would Tirst jlUach us on Washington,. Jan. . 31. ct 'see that a naval officer predicts" the im mediate destruction of Washington 111 i2U3 vi a war wun ureal xrxian,' said a prominent army officer to-day "Undoubtedly the capital and all bur coast ports wouW' fe& at the mercy of thejenemy in such case and event;" he jr'li.l M.' At.' A- f II 1. !i . ;, ',, ... . . 1 gland wouldstnke us first. She would .. r -- .-. not the weakest for all our points are arrMtw ; nlftn f ri flf ; T7 ia tones. -ana we must be married as equally ideenceiess; but; the most ac- Sk nix Vhs' soon as possible." The minister object qciki rri,rt n " 'jfJ v - iiL rasu Hall by 'United States Marshal . . . , vuwu iKirt 01 me couniry mac neeas-JOOK:- ing after in case of war. -for. one -caa. a'A -Pll-. : M . .1 A J -. l " i I see with half an eye ! where the first blow would be struck. The biff cities on ihe lakes would first receive Ajeir ing through Lake Ontario and effect ing complete disaster "and ruin. Ac cording to the treaty of 1817 each country is allowed but one vessel on Lake Ontario, and wohave only the harmless old Michigan in waters. The British have none they have complete control of the navigation of St. Lawrence, at least as far as Kingston, and they possess j ust 11 1 gunboats that can navigate it. The St. Lawrence and the Wei- land Canal afford ample opportunity iauu vunai anora ampie opportunity I fn rosnii 4 -1 - - - I mere are numerous rapids, so that ti-day a vessel drawing 12 feet 'can pass through; and by lheenlngT6f V i f 1.1 fi I 77: T 7T ' . 7 7 14 feet. Forty eight hours after the iiT-i-V i ill in ill i u iii: v iu f i rt-i j can rn i declaration of war it would be too late for us to make a move. The big British ironclads would take Dosses- sioh of the entrance to the St. Law- rcnee ana Keep us away, wniie tneir light gunboats wouW swarm into the akes; and,asrsaid, they Thayd 111 that , could, cet there. Bon't vou that, could , get there. Don't you know that rl4-4-A' -X.. At- .::.fJJ -il' .1 1 ' J ttitcuuuu, iur mere is noiniDgio pre- , , , ; f : . : ""'v,. va "uu wAwucfutut, u uciw vent English gunboats from swarm- v"rd 01 , ;Vcean Associationi sobs asked again and again to be the British keep a Hum- much as tlie men nad struck without to PSastbr Burtbn, house to be mar i vessels in the vicinity of any I 'grievanbe, and as' ?their 'places The pastor, in spite bt entreaties. ber of these Bermuda to be handy in case of nec- essity When the fisheries troubles nr arofe .s, -qt; these vessels-were ordered up to New Brunswick. The reason assigned was a needed change of climate for the squadron.? but unon I r i ed that five of these vessels were of the proper draught to navigate the J St. Lawrence. We can't do anything to : afford us . orotection without m6nev. W mfcht br ii W VPSSPls tfk triA lnlrA Kr woxrr-f fho TVTfa -v o . r - sissippi and, Illinois Rivers, if wehad a canal of the requisite depth from La Salle to Chicajro: or we might set " , - - there if the oErie , -.Canal should Ao. uiauc uavigttuw;, aui niciu uiu in - ways lfs in the way, and these the British. would not have to contend With, liverythinsr is. in readiness for them to gQ right to work: : effective ly .. Jim Commings and the, IZobbery. o St. Louis,Janv29. The deDositions f Fred Witroclc, alias' Jim Cu'mmings., and V W TToJo-Vit In tK- i tt. ... ... ..utik . wk, vaoc ui tuc State agt. Fatheringham, ''the Adams Express messenger, who is accused of complicity in. the noted train robbery. were taken in the penitentiary at Teffer- son City to-day. Haight's account of his connection with the robbery did not differ materially from that given by him previously. Witrock, however, in his last story, aaas tne rather sensational statement that after he had bound the messenger in tne car and secured the "c w"wuSuajn it he Avdnld"1 giTe the detectives a lake! description of: him. Fatheringham i re plied i'Weilril see about it; ssnd the iw j. j.. mapes,- .ivinsas .v.iiy., foc howcvcr dV not do,-, so. -be- fause, he says. , "Damsel: scared Fother- money to J. J. Mapes, Kmsas City." irijham into giving a, gppd description. ol me., ,. , . . . JKJriGHTS ilZIZESTJEt). 1 Suit, for, $20,000 Oaiiiag- Mnstitutcil ilsrainst a .T7ajB- ajw iukk, jun. iii. James n. Ar:ofnW v. . A8sembK.i49. KnitfhtsnfTrthAf Holmi on a vkmntl,n; t.,.i " ' " MM v AVVJ V U 1JI1' IT & y. -. , y v.. 7 ?.?in.f lted Ci.rcu 1' CtT?.' 7" c ,1 " ':, T piuibip .V0 ere oi arrest are also uuu a uLiii:i 'mi tvii iimi ii in rno KAarri i a uu 7v , 7" .7 : der was obtained m a civil suit for 20,000daniage3brought by President bail was fixed at $5,000. which vns promptly furnislied by Patrick Ford and Michael Crane and he was releas ed. The1 extension "of the' strike to the railroad freight handlers :on the . ; . . Vf - , , , , . , Prs of . several roads having dock facilities On thA CltV wntor.frnnf h 7Cr " 7 - i T brpnghtthe nr,of .men r.ow out up'ir fjf 6 probability now i that before the day . 1 ww 1 is 9verjolIieri railroad employes will cease work. ,Anmn,ihP mnr, rent to-day was? one to the effect that the Lougshoremen yere becoming hired of the strike and wmihl hnid n. meeting this afternoon or to-night for the purpose of declaring it off. The officers ; of he steamship companies were incliiiedj io beHeve that such a ' sA 1 1 t i . were being rapidly filled. About one Hundred longshoremen. ; who wprt i United Press renorter and sboken'tb.with'rejranL to the rumor, strenuously t ': denied; ithat . any such mfino- wna pnntnrnniofi the steamshirj i cbmrjainesworft iin'thlA kt ho cAAA' r.'Ju in a tivdav off hv hUh tfAthfaWj ing. but they expect that thevwili be xT' ,f " I -7. 7 7. " " 7. 7 . 7 V1 i .1 i i mii i nnivni'.Miii n mnnn . no 'of Georeia: of the i State line. The Gallial-of the Cunard,f was unable to syilL hut will leave to-morrow r I ' . . T will the :Erin, of4ho-National line, 1 . -"vunuua nne, sauea ai i o ciock iast nignt, ar- 5ei.ay.l P-. noursrorcoai. r . ; . ' . LiLi-.: . . . I tn Mu-twxn da f rrt I MA flT InAt.n r. I llllll llllltl I ... i . "- An Mmrtnnt' m,iint. nr ti.'n ir 'iVUiSWAnMAn f longshoremen, wTill be held to-mor- - t tt!i i.,; 1 1 . row. i Jt is said resolutions will bo in- troui men lowc troduced asking that those.Iongshore- " ' r ed to return to work.. ii . . UanginST N ihilists in Ilussia. 7 -; li 1 - 41 . . . . - ?-.: - I : ! PABH, 'Jan. 31 .-Za Intrangijeantt I Senrl Rocifefort's paper, says to-day fhnt bawH :Xihilist? have iiit hnon I hanged in the prison at Odessa by the Russian authorities : that .tea other Klhilists are being tried at Wilna for killing a Colonel, fn the Kussian ar- my;and that 200 others have been re-: i rcntiv sent to Siberia. m uuu u. J-. -ruinauc, xnomas McUrath ried to the young man. AND OF THE STATE, f YOUTilFWJi nn rtw w. : elope. . They irohc a Minister at a in Ae Jtrorrtiit5T 6mI Ac refused to jyiarry Them. ' Syr acause.; N. Y. . Jan. 31. At two o'elock yesterday morning . the Rev. O. D. Burton, an aged and retired minister 1 iving on a small larm about seven miles from Clyde, was called from his bed by lhc calls and pounding at his door. As soon as the aged pastor could get to the door and open it. a beardless young man and a handsomely dressed, rosy-cheeked young woman pushed into the house- "We :haye 'driven sixteen miles to your house, said the young man ia rap id tones, "and we must be married as u w o nasty a marriage. . m ' anu 31 5Ucn an . unusual Hour. The lounE man begged him to marrr them. and urged that it wa, absolutely necess- ary to perform the ceremony there and then. , The young lady became liysteri- mar- vountr . rrt . ..... - 1 ne pasior learnea mat the young Ln. m tK.i,Ku;. .u. neighorbood of Waterloo, and the young Robinson, daugh" Adams Robinson, of Sen- nett, Cayuga county. The young man was iS years ol age, and the girl 16. The siory mat tney tolas Mr. Burton was- that they had been acquainted for two years, and that they had been engaged to be married lor several months. Their parents refused to sanction the marriage and the mother of the girl tried to courage the ftmwt on the round - J .W WUb managed to meet olten at the home ol a ;.U4.7 . 7 . 7,7- 7 rclatlvc and Iast wcck aSeed upon wmmk w k w uilui. uill.ii l liici iiuiiirr 1 s an eloqement. . On Thursday erening Miss Robinson packed a satchel and left' home with the ostensible purpose of visiting a school Iriend in Seneca Falls. At 8 o clock she met her lover at the N. Central Railroad station in lhat place. in a lew minutes more they were in a cotter drawn by a Meet horse, on their refused o marry the couple then. they drove away. It has been" learned here that they were married by a justice of the peace in Tyre. ' Seneca 'county, a few hours later, and have gone to New V r... ...7-i,. v-. -r.- Trf i Ar j . . ", TZ,lIiCE8 XtEWIfM. .Wa. Wort In tht Brook. i . . - iaW, fUW OUX 1 - f I - New Your. Jan. 31. rcHp-inus I v; ItUl iO UUJg VJU iU UIO XVCV XS1 rfcai Ws Tabernacle, and members i are Dcinrr " macie at tiierato or 1370 vcet. The pastor Is not doing the 1 extra work himself, but has engaged I a orofcssional reviallst. L. W. Mnn- hall. A revival meeting in the Tab. lo Is a very quiet affiUr, howev- Talmagc opens theservlccs . . fr . 1 5eat at the back of the platform, Ieav- I , . - ir i. n y othletic man in a Jacket wUn crvVa mwl -Pnlfah nml yp like a lawyer, . while ho is urging the unregenerate to be saved. Xlr. Talmage sits with his legs crossed and his chin upon his hand, looking se rious and as though impatient of his own inactivity in the revival. Occa sionally a point In the revivalist's ar gument seems to strike him,, and ho busies himself for a moment with pencil and apcr. When Mr. Mun- hali prays Uio pastor's tall, gaunt form stretches Itself out and crcta upon its feet ogainst the organ pancb. One thFmorning"news. - BATBS OS ADmmtG I J I oo s s n s 6 oo 4 .W"!..."........!.,,,,,, TW rrt ...... - - roar Day,., i ww w IOv, ........... . . " Tkm Wttli,,,,, f Tea Lncs did XoopfeU trpt male cm kpm long hand is thrust Inside the breast ot his. coat and the other wanders around awkwardly; outside until it finds a button to catch hold of. Re pose is not the normal state of. that quaint Cico and ungainly figure and the attitude is constrained and stiff, like a wooden Indian. At the end of the prayer, Mr. Talmajre begins to edgo toward the platform steps, and when the singing begins ho furtively slides down and escapes Into his study where he can unbend and chat with parishioners. The revival sroej on decorously. There is no shouting, no hysterical confessing of phenomenal depravity, no Jumps. Mr. Munhal urges the wavering to engage In silent prayer, and the brethren go about quietly inquiring alter the spiritual con- dition of strangers in the pews. Mr. Talmage comes out from his study with his overcoat collar turned op, and views the seene. but takes no active part in it. except when a penitent is lei into the, study. Then , the famotis smile breaks over the preacher's face, and he ques tions the convert, and con?ratiilaM him. Mr. Munb all's work goes on without excitement, ' except of the mildest form, and before lo oc!ock Mr. Talmage comes out of the study and buttons his overcoat, which is the signal that the meeting is over, and the people quietly go away. Jt it tfr., JUrs.f or jUIss Cleve land 1 We are a great admirer ot the inteilec. tuai head ot th,e house of Cleveland. X. F. Tablet. SPECIAL CITY ITEMS. Ol Boxesi. Large "Florida Oranges on consign ment. Must be sold. Call earlv. When in want o! anvthimr in the grocery and feed line, call at head quarters. Good goods at reasonable? prices. - Houston Bros. Dllco Book Company., Ladies Fine Note Paper, selling at cost, to make room for new purchases. Fresh supplies of Paper-covered Liter a tnre.' , Valentines. Valentines, Vale tines. Dice. Book Company. For more than forty years. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral has been successfully prescribed in cases of consumption. This medicine always affords great re lief in pulmonary diseases. Ask, your druggists ... A clear skin adds to the beauty of a fine face, and often lends a charm to homeliness. To beautify your com plexion, you should purify your blood with Ayer's Sarsaparilla, As a .tonic and alterative medicine, it has no equal. Price $1. , Six bottles, 55. The grandest display of fresh and genuine garden and ncld seed of every discription can be seen in front ot Galium Bros & Co., Drug Store. No old Seed, all fresh and received this season. Onion sets a speciality. The oldest, the purest, the best, the finest old rye and bourbon whiskies, ap rJe and neaeh h randies. New England and Jamaica rum. foreign and domestic wines, ai E. G. Newcomd's . Odell building. Tfrnu want anrthinif m the line of Staple or fancy Groceries, Canned Goods uaiung rowaers or i ea. uii on JUST Received. Egg Beaters, Hearth Brooms, Mats, Coffee Mills. Baskets, Brushes, and many other articles in teresting to housekeepers at lower prices than heretofore offered in this city at Ellis China fUtx. I wish to inform my friends, old cts tomers and the public generally that I have opened a r.v place ot business next ioor i the Jnr.x..y.Y oc cupied, itici- I liaii Keep consuntly on hand Northern Cabbage and Irish po tatoes, and a general line oi Country Produce. Also Sugar, Coffee and Ba con, which I will sell at lowest living prices for $trict oxd. Give me a call and be convinced. J. H. Swaivi. Davie St.. next to old Steele corner it I'