Or fi3 owing gte . J. 8. HAMPTON, City Editor. WEATHER INDICATIONS. , ' T Washington; Feb. 12. For North Carolina, fair weather, slightly warmer. Greensboro Airman ac. Sun rises 7:01. Sun sets 5:28. Moon rises 1:50. Mobning News one week for only 10 cents. Old newspapers for sale at this office for 25 cents a hundred. ' The Messrs. Woodroffe are build ing a neat office on the corner of the lumberyard.: To-morrow is St Valentines day a day of fun and frolic for the young peo ple and the birds, . The R. &D. Railroad is having the crossing oh South Elm street graded and cleaned, for which we, commend them. The pews in all. the churches of this city are free, and you will not be considered an intruder if you enter without ceremony. Mrs. Bingham; of Alamance, the mother of Walter Bingham, the deaf mute, was registered at the Benbow last night. She was on her way home from a visit west of this point. --Subscriptions came pouring in at a lively rate during yesterday fore noon. Several young ladies were among the number who called at the office and ordered the paper. If the News i succeed in pleasing the ladies and winning their favor, we shall count ourselves most happy. The play of "Princess Andrea," as presented by the Janish Dramatic Company last night, took all by storm, and some of our oldest theatre goers say that Greensboro has never : before seen any such -actress as Mme. Janish. We regret that a better house did not greet her. For the freshest news irom our en terprising sister town of Winston, the reader is referred to the special letter on our second page this morning. These letters are from the facil pen of our young friend Greek O. Andrews,' who is now on the editorial staff of that excel lent journal, the Winston Sentinel Yesterday an old man of German natibnalty, it is supposed, fell in the street with an epiieplic fit. A crowd soon gathered around and Mr. Mun. Bees, , Chief of Police, - arrived and had him carried into Drury HowelPs restaurant where he soon recovered under the treatment of Dr. C M. Glenn. He is from Savannah, Ga., and Is on his way to Richmond where he has some relatives. Mr. W. B; - Crump who ws as saulted on the street nighf before last, was in j a very critical condition all day yesterday and ;last night. it has been discovered that his skull is fractured. His mind is wandering, his muttering incoherent, and his ' recovery is de spaired of. At 11 p. m Mr. Crump took five swallows of water, and afterr wards slept well for a couple of hours. Messrs: P. D. Weaver. Ned Lee and Mr Webster attended the patient dur ing the night. THE CHURCHES TO-DAY. Services will be held to-day as fbl lows :'.'- Preaching in Bogart Hall to-ilay at 11, a. m., and 7:30, p. m., by Rev. W. ,R. Qwaltney, pastor of the Baptist church. Sunday school at 9:30, a. m. Preachinsr af Centei.arv Methodist. church to-day at 11 o'clock by the' pastor, Kev. li; . Smith. Sabbath school , at "3, p.lmj, J. R; Meadenhall, Supt. Prayir meeting at 7:15, p. m. , Preaching to-day at West Market street (Methodist) church at 1 1. a. m., and 7:30, p, m. Sunday school at 9:30 Prof. WV.F. 'Alderman, Sup't. Young people's meeting at 3 p. ml At the Presbyterian church Vr. Smith will preach from 1 Cor., 16 : 12,: ,4It any main love not the Lord Jesus Christ, let him be anathema, marana ahaVand at the Chapel at 4 p. m.. from Jcrr 7;4 ; Trust ye not in lying words - ISayor's Ccurt. The following rase was tried be fore his honor the mayor, yesterday : Martha Conrad (col.) for assault on Mollie Bichardson (col.) Two dollars1 and costs. The Presidency of a lJank Ten dered. Washington, Feb. 12. U. S. Treasurer Jordan, who returned from New-York last night, called on Sec retary planning to-day, and on be half of the -directors of the new Na tional New York Bank tendered to the Secretary the. presidency of the bank. The Secretary this afternoon said he had sent no definite answer yet whether he will accept the position or not, and this is all he would say about the matter. Parallel of Sexes. Man is strong woman is beautiful. Man is daring and confident woman is diffident and unassuming. Man is great in action woman in suf fering. . , Man shines abroad woman at home. Man talks to convince woman to per suade and please. Man has a rugged heart woman a soft and tender one. Man prevents misery woman re lieves it. Man has science woman taste Man has judgment woman sensi bility. Man is a being of justice woman an angel of mercy. - ART AND ABTISTS. There are now five Bembrandts of undoubted genuineness in New York. A portrait of Sir Moses Montefiore, by G. D. M. Piexott, has been hung temporarily in the Corcoran art gal lery at Washington. The heirs of the late Baron Meyer Charles de Rothschild, of Fmnfcfnrf -will establish a museum containing YjLtko ui drt. ueiuugiiig' ,10 me ue ceased. Only. $30a has been contributed thus far for the medallion of Sir Walter Scott which it was propose a year &SO to Olace in the noet's mrnpr nf Westminsf er abbey. About $1 ,300 is ueuueo. AYEAR FOR THE DAILY WHIG THE CHEAPESl DAILY PAPER IN THE SOUTH. . THE WEEKLY HAS BEEN ENLARGED AND THE PRICE -. ; REDUCED TO 75 Cents A Year. THE CHEAPEST WEEKLY PAPER PUB . . . '. LISHED. THE SUNDAY ISSUE ' - ' AND . BOTH FOR ONE YEAR, FOR , The two are cheaper and better than a semf-wcekly, as you get one daily is sue and a weekly tor 50 cents less than any semi-weekly paper. DAILYSENT FREE TWO WEEKS AND . r Xlmit On Moith Fuel Spend one cent lor ..a postal card and order one or. the other on trial. .address . ' . THE WHIG, i . . ' - : ' ; ' Richmond, Va. . ? luxuries! ' CIGARS ; Royal PHncesR,5 Cts. Choice Smoke. the celebrated brand. HEHRYXLAY, iOJCEHTS. , . Hand Made, Long Filler. . D UKB CIGJ(RETTES, SMOKING TQBACCO. , CHEWING J0BACC0: trench broad, ; ; . .orange girl, southern favorite.' AT V. BEARD BROTHERS,' Next dodr to the Express office. THE MORNING STAB. . A First-Class Democratic Newspaper. PUBLISHED DAILY M $700 per annum, 1.00 -six montlis. TEE OLDEST BAIL T IN TEE STATE. THE WEEKLY STAR. . $1.50 a Year, $1.00 6 mos. Full and' Reliable Market Re- ports. The latest News, Political and General, from all parts of the World, Con densed and Arranged in. the most Attractive Form.- Advertising Rates Reasonable. Addres, WW!. H. BERNARD, Editor tfc Proprietor, v WILMINGTON, N. C DEMOREST'& ILLUSTRATED MONTHLY MAGAZINE VIlh 7w3!v Cut Paprr Paltr rr.t of cur owa election and f any stzs. Both Publications, one Year, row $2.50 (TWO FIFTY). OEM 6 REST'S THE BES h Of all tho Magazines. CQur,.IA,w.,Na torit, Pom tnd tthtr t V.tr. ,7 Mractioni, eonibiaing Artitiic, ScUnliKc if Houtakofd matter. . Illustrated ittth Original Stctl JCnarav ingg, rhotoffravurcK, Oil J'irturra nml fine H ooJcut, mnhinff it the Model Magazine of Atnrrica. n?lch?Aane. estates a- CO UPON ANY PATTSHM illustratC'J i:i thnfc i umlr and In ANY SIZE. Lumber. 4J? r8 Mod?1. wai-c. TLc i nrrt ft in -tbe LOTest in Circulutlcn. r.n4 tbo Utt TWO DoUar Faxzily Mnrrr.zLio irurd. If: t vrVl it is continuiUIy tamcrril nnd ro cztr-rrivclr prtw.?lafe iE In tho front rtnk rf TomUv Pcricdloala. and equal to any xm..zU.v.. It contains 73 pasres, lnrrre rif rro, R xi! hirers. .dJjyA" THE STANDARD. WO RG ESTER'S UNABRIDGED ' QUARTO DICTIONARY,' ' ' i tAROEST AMD KOST COMPLETE CICTTONXRY i THS rNOU'SH t ANGUACC WITH A SUPPLEMENT, EM3RAC3INO fl4 AW'iW'l. PA3FS. AND OVER V2,V KEW WO35 A V;4BiLAY OF SYNO- NVMC3 O- iy QU&H'h. fclSE. THZ NEW EDITION OF VJORCtSTER'S DICTIONARY CONTAiKS -KOSANOS Of WORDS NOT TO B3 IH Attr OTHER CHCTICtiARY. Fully Illustrated, and contains Foup Hull-paoe Illuminated PtATC. Library Sheep, Marlep E iqes. SIOIX) " xO nrrt Si . P -wintvl N.A. ASTHMA Address Ckaddock A. C Can ba nrad k-r ih mm j Book. Testimonla.1. TLi Ilidinr Saw Iacblne Im mmnted w 022 a a iooi ics in a minnieg, sua coru lew money tn&n any other Ea-tf lffccntnn. We axe t2ia first Una lrho iji .j inanfactxiredtbeso ... " .. -ii- , oi(q otjy loci1 tight dCxesnna. Bend for onr free sirciiiir'. - United States LlanfigCo "Washington. )Q. Q. 1 i nADIES&WHITE ITOUSE ;-a Lvay coox u U cf ths kind g mrpsb'd liJJl A ASJX.ir?i W aAlungto to ta p tstf e. wuh owr ao Steal Yoftntta , u, WHEN YOU WANT , GROCERIES GO TO J. 1 Scott & Co. GREENSBORO, N. C. They Carry One OF THE LARGEST STOCKS IN THE CITY, AND KEEP A Good Class of Goods AT REASONABLE PRICES. All Goods guaranteed jj as represented. TI1EY MUST GO ! FAMILY GROCERIES, MCI 10 IS ilE FRUITS, Wooden & Willow Ware, Wo Carrj- a Lnrgo Stock for the RETAIL TRADE, All Goods Kept Nice i . . . and Clem, Quality Guaranteed First Class, We have just received a fresh stock of Garden Seed. Call and examine our stock. " E.M.CaIdcIciiij&P-o.. , , South Elm St Greensboro, rf, c. . CAROLINA CENTRAL Ri COMPANY. ALRAU. Wilmington. N. C.SeS CHANGE OF SCHEDirt . On and alter thii date Schedule will be operated oar road. ; PASSENGER, MAIL AND TRAIN. Daily Exca?s ) Lave Wilminnoa at I No. i JLeaTe Raleirf, at 1 ) ArriTeatCharlotU;;, J;! ) Leave Charlotte at t 2 No. 2 v Arrive at Raleigh ul ) Arrive at WUmin Local FROGH-.Pass. Qr A Leave Charlotte at.. ..... . , Arrive at Laurinburg at!I 1 Leave Laurinburgat.... U Arrive at Charlotte at..; 6,U Leave Wilmington at.... Arrive at Laurinburg at!! ""i:S4 Leave Laurinburg at... v Arrive at Wilmington at::;;:; Local Freight between V;?!1 and Laurinburg Tri-Wetklrlf Wilmington on Monday,, v and Fridays. Leave UuriSh Tuesdays. Thursday, and Sal5S Passenger Trains stop at Stations only, and Points desaW, the Company's Time JTable. i Shelby Division. Passexccl J Express and Freight, j Daily eaccpt Sunda Leave Charlotte " Shelby Arrive EUenboro....rV; Leave Ellenboro llrl Arrive te'tlM Trains No. i and 2 mlkiViJ' ncction at Hamlet with R. & at. to and from Raleigh. t Through Sleeping Cars Utwtai mington and Charlotte and EalcJ Charlotte. . , M Take Train No. 1 for Sub stations Western N. C. R. R AjV and points West. Also, lor Spartanburg, Crta. Athens, Atlanta and all poisu west. 1 . L. C J0.NF4 F. W. dark. Gen. Passenger No. 3 No. 4 Cape Fear 4 Yadkia Mtj Efcij COXOEXJUD SCHEDCX Ko. H Taking effect 1 XX) p. m.. gqoasy, Jtt t LeateBcccitUtUU.. Arrire Maiton...... ArriTtFayttUvUle.. Leave Fayeturille. ... Arrive Sacford..... Leave eanford Arrive -Greensboro., x-eave Gretnsboro . . . Arrive Iklev's Creek Dinner at B , HtSL 8i5ta 10 05 aa 12 10 pa 12 20 pa 2 2a 6 15pa C45po . 8 tSya infer! z L f TRAIN SOUTH; Leave ItLV9t Ccck Arrive Grect&lcro.. Ltave Greensboro... Arrire Santcrd I Leave Sanfcrd...... Arrire Fay ettcvilli.. Leave FaycUerille. . Arrive llaiton ...... Leare Maxton.. Arriue Bennettiviile Mali, j J 715 aa I 925aa lOOOcal J 1 iSpa j ' 4 20 pa 12 pa 6 20 pa 7 15 pa is; a, Frtfght and aweoger Trta ra twecn FayetteriJIe acd IlewH Mondaya, Wednctsday and FriiarL ' Frtigbt and Vaxsts&i Tria na Fayctterille and QrexuboM Tm Tharadayt and Batardayt. aal Greecsboro and 'FayetterUle Hooiifl1, nesoayi and Fridays. Paasenfferand llailTrala raaW north bonnd Train makes ckat nectioo at Maxton for all poioU J. W. FRY. General Superintendest General Passecjcr I: A JFRESIf LOT OF fofe, Huts, Daks, ; Alio a ;ice line er CIGARS For the pleasure ol thoie who 1, in that kind of amusement. article ol Oil to give you V.gU f subject, or any other, il yoa cse r I am still in the Baking business. - y n "W cicicv III, li LlluLU If -Builder & Conlr: GREENSBORO. N.C Is prepared' iq rpnke. ca-Ht buildings bt all kinds." frac ft. Also, will contract I5r the brlJgts &c. Satislaaidn rr and rticrenpes iren whfen fttj--"