J. S. HAMPTON, City Editor. 1 - . WEATHER INDICATIONS. Washington, Feb. 19. For North Carolina, lair weather, slightly colder. Greensboro Airman ac. Sun rises 6:50. Sun sets 5:38. Moon - rises 5:30.'. - MpBNiNQ News ope week for only 10 cents. ' - : fi Old newspapers for sale at this office for 25 cents a hundred. (The Morning News is kept on sale at the Diko Book Co.'s News Stand. .Note the change in the shedule of the C. P. & Y. V. Kail way which goes into effect to-day. Mr. Duncan C. Syme, ot Baltimore, formerly of Raleigh, was registered at the Benbow last night. - Prof.Slater gave another hop at his Dancing Hall last Friday night which was largely attended and much enjoy ed. , r Mr. Geo. Lampman will put a fine glass front in the old Rees building and fit it up as a first-class jewelry strore. ; Capt. Smith, the street superintend ent, informs us that he will ,begin to clean and make improvements in the cemetery grounds as soon as spring opens. Rev. J. W Ford has been called to the pastorate of the 2d Baptist Church of Raleigh and will preach his first sermon in that city this morning. Mr. W. L. Kirkman has sold part of the timber on the old Caldwell Insti tute ground to his son, Mr. A. L. Kirk man, and as soon as it is cut off he will erect a block of store rooms thereon. We hear that the Morris Mfg. Co., proprietors of the snuff mills in Durham, will sell thirty building lots in the business part of that city in a few days. These lots are near the depot and this is a splendid chance to invest in real estate. Rev. T. E. Lipscomb, of; this city, who was lor many years pastor of the colored Baptist church, died, at his resi dence Friday morning, of consumption. The remains were can ied to Danville last night for interment, , Miss Alice Pell left yesterday morn ing for MebanesviUe, N. C:, Miss Alice has been. in very poor health for some time and it is hoped the change will be for the better. She was accompanied by Miss Dora Jones, who will go on to Raleigh. : . r. .. . The bill allowing the cityof Greens boro to vote upon the proposition to issue bonds to the amount of $150,000, for public improvements, passed its final readings in both houses of the Legisla lature yesterday morning, and now the matter rests with the voters of Greens boro. Quite a number of extra copies of the News having accumulated during the week, we had them distributed free among the people from the coun try, who were Jn town yesterday. We intend to do this every Saturday, and merchants will do ourselves, as well as the country people a favor by directing them to call at our office and get them; : Mr.. John Holden left his horse standing on Market St. . near the Banner warehouse last Friday, and while he was up the street the horse took fright, and breaking away from the wagon ran up the street, arid when opposite Messrs. Irving and Weatherly's, he turned and started into their store, but was caught by lis owner," before he could 'enter. - How would it do for our I board of city commissioners to pass an ordinance V requesting" dealers in guano to have , their warehouses- erected . outside the corporate limits of the city. It will put the dealers to a little inconvenience perhaps, but it will save the citizens much discomfort. The odor emitted does not go' well with tube-rose and hyacinths. - Col. A. II. Leltwich,, of this city. has just succeeded in developing a splen did vein, four leer, thick, of b'turne jous coal, at Gulf. Chatham 'county, within four hundred yards of the Cape Fear and j Yadkin Valley Railway, The supply seems to be inexhaust able and the fields will soon be furnishing our market fifty tons or more a day. Coal at our very doors, must of necessity reduce the price, which will be a great blessing to the poor. Hurrah for the old North State; when a demand is made upon her she never fails to respond. D. McWilliams & Co., the firm who have leased the old Steel Facto ry, have taken possession and are pulling down the old hulls that marr the looks of the premises. They will erect a nice office and fence in the grounds in a few days. Some of their lumber-is now on the ground and more is expected Monday. They also intend to put in some new ma chinery. Mr. McWilliams says that if the business proves a success, after this year they will erect a new and larger building for the machinery. ' Look Out for Him. A man by the narae of. Hans com mitted a rape upon a highly respect able lady of Rowan county on Thurs day last, and escaped, coming in this direction. He is a peddler and var nished drives a claybank horse, is rather under size, is rather talkative, has light hair, light mustache and is very polite. Nab him on sight. PERSONAL. Mrs. Hetty Green, of New York who can put up $30,000,000 in cash at any time, pays only $5 a week for her board Experience in a Glasgow hospital has, taught Dr. J. S. Nairne that boiled or fried fish is a dangerous diet for weak persons, but that steamed fish js harm less. ' ' ' - ' It is said that Patti never lets water touch her face ; that she uses cold cream: Cannot the correspondents fur nish us with the name of the honest milkman who serves Patti ? Ex-Empress Eugene has gained much strength at Naples, and will remain there until the middle of March when she will go to Rome until - after Easter. George R. Sims, the English play wright and story-teller, has received nearly $100,000 trom his plays produced in the United States during the past five years. It is reported that United States Sen ator Brown, of Georgia, has taken steps to give up all his leases of convict labor, owing to the annoyance caused by ru mors of ill treatment of prisoners in mines and elsewhere. SPECIAL CITY ITEMS. Two fine brooms for five Cents only, at J; F. Hodgin's. Nice home-made saur kraut, . at J. F. Hodgin's. Nice country hay from 40 cents per bale up, at J. F. Hodgin's. Fancy groceries, canned goods, &c, cheap, at J. F. Hodgin's. Just received, one barrel Apple Cider 3t at D. E. Sherwood's. Honey ! Honey ! Fresh Honev for sale at 2t :.; E. M. Caldcleugh & Bro's. JSoop ! Soap r We have a large stock of Toilet and Laundry Soap for sale,-; ' -2t. E. M. Caldcleugh & Bro. STICK a pin here. W. T. Chiches ter's is headquarters for crockery ware, iwiiuua, vii, x ucy uuii 1 care .ti me Dutch have taken -Holland, ihey intend to sell at rock bottom figures, and don't you forget itall the same. v 1 ne laaies ail traae with them. 1 w -Old N. E. and. Jamaica Rum at . E. G. Newcomb's Choice Sun Cured Tobacco an d Havanna Cigars at : , . E. G. Newcomb's Fine Old Apple and Peach Brandies at : u. Newcombs. Just received at the Racket Store, en barrel of nice turnip salad. 10 " Bushels of fine Jrlsh potatoes.So cents per bushel, a fine lot of nice white silver scale onion sets, 10 cts a quart. Don't forwt tn come when you want to buy all kinds of country produce, eggs, butter,chipkens. &c, cheaper, than they can be bought anywnere. uome ana see. Resp'y . J. A. Kernodle. P. L. George Sc Co's nice hams breakfast strips, shoulders and lard, a M. K. Callum. Graham . waiter, water crackers. Sultana, fruit Dried Beef. Potatoes, Sea. foam crackers. All goods pure and fresh.. ! M. K. Callum. Choice Old Pennsylvania Rye Wilis ies at E. G. Newcomb's If you want anything in the line o'. Staple or fancy Groceries, Canned Goods Baking Powders or Tea. Call on J. w. SCOTT & Co. Budweisand Bohemian Export Beer very fine E. G. Newcomb s. No other medicine is so reliable as Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, for the cure of coughs, colds, and all derangements of the respiratory organs. It relieves the asthmatic and consumptive, even in ad vanced stages of disease. Tho Aromatic Steam Cooker iz The Greatest Wonder of The Age. A simple and convenient method ot cook ing. Your iood is cooked by steam. thus retaining the delicious aroma. You can cook one, or as many different arti cles of 'food at the same time as you like, on only one hole, on any kind of a siove,-coa,wooa, 011, gas, or gasonne, and the food cannot bum. You can cook onions next to pudding and not flavor lhe pudding1. Remember that this is the only practicable steam cooker out, and it is the cheapest. We do not ask you to buy one until you have tried it. We have bought the right to three counties : Guillord, Mecklenburg and Forsyth; Our circulars will show you the cuts and, give lull directions as to the use and management of the steam er. Look out for our big ad. in another column in a few days. Manufactured and sold only in this territory by C. H. DOUGHTY. iw; . .THE . HDMG STAR. AFirst-GIass Democratic Newspaper. PUBLISHED DAILY At 7.00 -per annum, 1.00 six mom as. THE OLDEST DAILY IN TEE STATE. THE WEEKLY STAR. $1.50 a Year, 1.00 6 mos. Fall and Reliable Market Re- ports. The latest News, Political and General, from all parts ot the World, Con densed and Arranged in the most Attractive Form. Advertising Bates Reasonable. . ' Add res, WM. H. BERNARD, 1,: ...Editor tfc Proprietor, . . , WILMINGTON, N. C 1887- -A. TEAR FOR THI DAILY WHIG THE CHEAPEST DAILY PAPER IN THE SOUTH. THE WEEKLY HAS BEEN ENLARGED AND THE PRICE .... " u -REDUCED TO 75 Cents A Year. THE CHEAPEST WEEKLY PAPER PUB , LIS H ED. . THE SUNDSY ISSUE AND WBBKLY: BOITION BOTH FOR ONfr YEAR, FOR . $l.BO. The two are cheaper and better than a semi-weekly, as you get one daily is sue and a weekly for 50 cents less than any semi-wetkiy paper. DAILYSENT FREE TV0 WEEKS - " -AND Weeilt Oie ' Hoith Fpee. Spend one cent, for a postal card and order one xr the other on trial.- ADDRESS THE WHIG, - Richmond, Va. Agents OP TJJC Wanted for INKERS 'A J2 a s s " 2 GO 01 5 cc 4 : ?5? 3 w CC" cc 2 4 res w .- Cr JS cc cc cc H A . Creaking Hinge la dry and turns hard, until oil U applied, after which it moves easily. "When the Joints, or hlngc, of the body are stiffened and Inflamed by Rheumatism, tbey can not bo moved w ithout causing the most excruciating paius. Arcr's Sarsapariila, by Its action on the blood, relieves this condition, and restores the joints to ood working order. Ayer's Sarsnparil'a ha cCectcd, la our city, many most rrmarkablo cures, a num ber of which bullied the efforts of tho most experienced phyMclans. "Were it necessary. I cou!d gi e'the names of many Individual" who have been cured bv taking this medicine. In mtr own ca-ne itlns cer tainly worked woudcrs, rclicvhi mo of Rheumatism, after betn- troubled with !t for rears. In thUi, and nil othi-r di-tascs riln from finpuro blooil, thcro I no rcmedr Willi which I am aenualnit d.that affords suHi relief as Ayrr Sarsapariila. II. H. Lawrence, 31. 1)., Caliimorc, ild. Ayer's SarMpsrWa cured me of Gout and liheumatiain, whin nothlu cUo Would. It hiu erad ii':i!tnl rrrrv Imm r.f disease from my yMem. lt. II. Short, JIanascr Hotel Jclmout,LoviII,Iass. I was. darin? many rconths. a sufferer from chronic Khi-umatUin, TLo Uicao attlictcsl mo prievously, in Htc of all tho remedies I could find, until I commenced usins Aycr'H tsaptaparllla, I took several bottles of this preparation, and was speed ily restored to health. J. Frcauj, indc pendence, Va. . Ayer's Sarsapariila, JVer.a r4 b y Dr. J. C. Aver h Co Ixw,!l.vr., cc C3 045 - Is S Inventors and patentees and all hav ing business with the U. S. Patent OI fice are invited to communicate with me With confident reliance upon my fidclitv to their interests. J m Xew inventions patented. Old inven tions improved, and rejected applica tions Tevived. Caveats filed. Trade marks registered. , Prompt attention. SUMul service. Moderate charges. Send model or sketch for tree report as to itttcntability: Preliminary information cheerlullv Iimiished. , ' c r , : , A 8- YANTIS. Solicitor ot American and Foreign Pat. ents 816 rStreet. X. W.. Washington. 'Mr little sou, three years o! age. was terribly afil icted with scrofulous sores, and his body showed marks or the dis ease. A lew bottles cl Ayer's Sarsap--rnla cured him.w-W. J. Beckett. Hym. era, Ind. - IAROLIXA CENTRAXRllif COMPANY. s OFFICE OF .fPl-IilS-rxxLrvr Wilmington. II. k'.. Sept. in 1 9.1 CHANGE OFSCHFnrro On and alter this date, thc Jl Schedule will be operated on tl : road.. "il PASSENGER, MAIL AND FYr TRAIN. Uaily Excrm- ; Local Freigh Pass. Car Leave Charlotte at.. A rr!p. ot T liirinkiin. . iiiuuii; ll ... Leave Launnourg at 5 it Arrive-at Wilmington at. . " g 5 Local Freight between ' :'it and 'Launnburir TnAVVLi,. t r3 Wilmington on Mondays. Wetir.e;4 and Fridays. Leave Laurinbcr-1' Tuesdays. Thursdays and Saturn xuisciiijcr 1 rains stop at xt-'-Stations only, and Points desia!t the Company's Time jTable. " Shelby Division, Passesgei: v.. Daily except Sunday. Leave Charlotte .7 , .-. sil-- Arrive Ellenboro 12 00 Leave Ellenboro I2 2:ts Leave Shelby... :i Arrive Charlotte r--. No. 3 No. 4 Trains No. 1 and 2 malr r'X r- neclion at Hamlet with R. & A. Tn to and from Raleigh. Throuch Slecnincr Cars h mington and Charlotte and kalcirh 1st Take Train No. 1 for ;fif-. Stations Western N. C. R. R.. AshctL ana points West. Also. lor Snartanhurr C.r' . . , t . Athens, Atlanta and all points S-cu west. ' L. C JONES. Superinter.ifn F. W. Clark, Gen. Passenger Artr Cape Fear k Yadkin Tallej Baled t Taking iffect 1D0 p. xa., Saaday, Ftb'i, 1UA1N NultTll. ttr a4 h t5;t LeaTe BctiiitUtille.. Arrive Maxton ArriTeFayttUvillo.. Leave FayttteTilla.... ArriTe tAnford x-cTd Kxnford ArriTe Grenlx;ro. . iMira n run. K.m . 8i3aa 10 CO aia 12 (Xj rni 12 20 pQ 2 2Cpza 2 i'jpra C lorta o. "I'vi i . .. . 1U JJAlU Arrive Dclcw's Creek j 12 20m Dinner at Siaford. T1LLN 8 OUT il. Mail. 4 30 pa G 5 pa 1 3(Vm 1 &5pm i 10 pa 4 23 poi Leave BIo r a Cretk Arrive Grwniboro.. Leave Grenjbcro... 4Z.ll Arrive Sinttrd I 2C0rt 3 CO jx 6 4i 11 GlQa 9ttu Arrive FnyctteTille.. Leave Fayetleville.. Arrive Maxton Leave Maxtoa. Arrine Benncttsville 6 20 vox I C 30 pa I 7 45 (m I lOUu 122Jp Freight and PaeoKr Trm rat t tween Fayetteville and lknxutUrilU o ilondaja. Wetlncsday and Fridajs. Freight and Pa. weeper Train ructi Fayetteville and Grecnboru Ttt? Thorsdayi and Sat a r days, and t1 Green&boro and Fnyetteville ModUji, nesdaya and Fridaja. PasHearer and Mail Tr.2n ran dIl rt Ctpt Sundays, Tbe north bound Tr.ua nwkc cl nectioa at Maxton for all puiati rralb. J. W. FRY, General Superintendent W. E. KYLE, General Passenger A 3 JUSfllECEIVED A FRESH LOT OF h, liuls, Hate, & Piclclcs, &c, &c ALSO A NICE LINE OF For the pleasure ol those who h-- in that kind of amusement. The article ol Oil to give ou light ca -subject, cr any ether, it you use r I am still in the Baking business. J. E.TH Builder & Contracts GREENSBORO. N. C Is prepared to make contrary buildings ol all kinds. Frame or Also, vill contract lor the bui1.--". fljdges &c. Satislaction &xtT'f relerences given whfn require-. ) Leave Wilmington at ? . No. 1 VUave Raleigh at. I M ) Arrive at Charlotte. ) Leave Charlotte at. 5 .l i No. 2 V Arrive at Rali-rK -,. 4 M J Arm-eat Wilmington"? ? Arrive at Laurinburg at. .... 5 T. 8 Leave Laurinburg at .".".6 1-4 Arrive at Charlotte at... " t,a Leave Wilmington at. . " " " 7 Cai

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