.. I . : ' THE MORNING, NEWS J. S. HAMPTON, Proprietor. Pibmshed Daily. Excepi: Monday. RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION, IK ADVANCE : Owe Year (by Mail), Postage paid, ...... ......f 4 00 Six Month, " w . 9 00 Three Months, " M 1 00 Two Months. " " 75 i .v, .. 1 VI1C illuiuiH -. ......... v. To city subscribers, deliver in any part of the city I y OT T at to etc -oer week. I VXJ. 1 THE MORNING -NEWS. DEVOTED TO THE INTERESTS OP THE CITY OF GREENSBORO, AND OP THE STATE. Greensboro, N. C., Feb. 24, 1887. No. 36 IATU OS ADttmnc s Om Square Om Day,.M - Two Day Tltfwe rA?.... ..... ...... " " Four Pays. T1v'Dsy... ...... - Two Weeks.. Thrt ecks... ...... ..m... " - Ooe Month ..... ...... 7 S TS j eo $eo fee - m CC Contract AJrerttsememts takes at prc?ortmatly low rates. T Ws solid NonpartA type make prousmy aototooeueots. THE LATEST NEWS. No advertisements inserted in Local column at any price. An extra charge will be made for double-column or triple-columtf advertisements. All announcements and recomendations of candi. dates for office, will be charged as advertisements. Advertisements to follow reading matter, or to occupy any special place, will not be received. Amusement, and Official advertisements 50 cts per square for each insertion. Advertisements kept under the head of "New Advertisements" will be charged fifty per cent; extra. Payments for transient advertisements must be made in advance. . Remitances must be made by Check, Draft, Postal .Money Order, Express, or in Registered Letter. Only such remittances will be at the risk of the pub- tisners. Under the head of "Special City Items," business, notices will be inserted at the rate of 5 cents a line revery insertion. COLORED PEOPLE? S POSITIOJT. ecomes known throughout Europe 11. must meviiaoiy supersede all other Mormon Proselyting. EX- materials for the purposes for which Chattanooga, Tenn.. Feb. L1!. Twenty-five Mormonde from important item in our exnort trada as well as home consumption. Abbe ville Meridian. ; VICTIMIZED JUaJTX JflEJT. iro- The Florida State Fair mil Show the Race9 8 Progress. JACKSONVILLE, Feb. 21, 1887. The first annual colored State fair and ex position will take place at the Stale Park Grounds, in this city, beginning March 15 ai.d lasting one week. Much interest is displayed by colored citizens, and already exhibits are Dourine in. The association is backed by the Plant Fease. who in . Elmira, has been Investment Company, and a large dis- known as Charles B. Thompson, is in play is expected. The colored people of jail here for winning the confidence Jl Gay Detective Comes to End of Ills Tether. the Elmira, N. Y.. Fettf 20. Edson Utah have arrived in the city, and will leave on Monday for various portions of the South to engage In their proselyting work. There are now more than one hnnrlwvi mU. sionaries in the South. Elder John Morgan, in charge of the Southern headquarters, says there Is a greater demand for elders than can bo sup plied. The semi-annual hegira of Southern converts takes place In March, nnd many hundreds will leave their homes. Death op David a. IUv-On V ednceday last, about 3 o'clock, Mr. David A. Uay, one of our oldest and most highly esteemed citizens, after a lingering Illness, passed quietly away. Ho needs no eulogy at our hands, hU entire life being such as to leave an enduring monument In the memory of all who knew him. SPECIAL CITY ITEMS. THE BAILROADS. xnis aiaie nave maae ereat nroeress since the war, and many of them are large property owners. Two schooner loads of exhibits, con sisting of shell work, needle work and various articles manufactured from the products of the Bahama Islands, are on Robbers Routed. ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE OF TRAINS. and affections of a wealth v lad v of Havana and borrowlngmoney of her under the name of A. B. Horton and then abandoning' her The woman is Mrs. Delia Messenger, said to be a "grass" widow. Pease had served five years' in a the wav. nnp ot them from Pat Tclanrl Pennsvlvanla nenltentinrv fnr dp&rt San Salvador, which has an almost ex- ing one wife and taking another, and ypn near Crcaters, Tex., by a band of ion. Five not IonS ago married a reputable "gnvayraen. mo passengers were Christian woman in Elmira while Chicago, Feb. 21. The Xev $ spe cial from El Paso, Tex., says: "It has just been learned hero that the stage which carried about $12,000 of express money was attacked last week while passing through the can- Furnituro for Hnlc. I have a nice parlor suit, also a bed room suit ol furniture and two carpets, all as good as new, which I offer low at private sale. Chas. Emerson. at H. H. Cartland s residence. IVotioo. You can always find nice family gro- t ai. .aiacleugh & Uro s. cerie3 at RICHMOND AND DANVILLE RAILROAD. Arrives from Richmond at..... 0.43 am ........... 0.55 put Leaves for Richmond at 8.32 am o.55Pm NORTH CAROLINA RAILROAD. Arrives from Charlotte at... 8.aaam " " " .................. 9.47 pm Leaves (for. Charlotte at 9.48 a m . , 'V " 9.05pm Arrives from Goldsboro at.. 8.35pm 10.30pm ................. 7.40am clusively 'colored populat military companies ot colored troops will participate; also brass bands, civic societies, &c. J. W. Thompson, editor of the People g Journal, is president of the association. The secretary, John R. Scott, a prominent Methodist, has been lorced to resign on account ot the horse races which will take place on the grounds. e. f Too'JKuch Jflarried Jtlan. still having a wife living in Ilhaca. Tne .kimira lady at once began an ac tion for divorce as soon as she learned his perfidious character. when the officers began searching for Pease to serve the papers on him he shaved off his heavy beard, trim med down his mustache and dyed his hair and eyebrows," assuming the name of Horton. While thus chanced he visited Havana and made his con- Lndlos, You need not trouble vourselrM to armed to the teeth, and a pitched scnd orth for embroidery goods when battle with the robbers took place. yu can K t Levi Houston's harness The latter were finally driven off and slore and select anything in that line me stage went on." Stiff an frnr Ship Seized. 5 London. Feb. 22. A dispatch from Zanzibar states that the Portuguese men of war have seized the Sultan war-shiD. Kilwo"at Tonei and tow- i. If. a- l , . i r - I . . . ' . . 0 ijuesu xionon, not Knowing mat nis ea ner into Mozambique. lueuuiy nau oeen aiscoverea, saia you wish, and get it much cheaper than juu tan iorrn. Two fine brooms for five cents only. at J. K. Hods in Nice home-made saur kraut, at J. F. HodginV. Nice country bale up, Leaves for Goldsboro at. ... 9.50 am 6.00 ft m M . 5P NORTH-WESTERN N.jc. RAILROAD Arrives from Salem at 8.00 a m " " 8.94 pm Leaves for Salem at. ...... ................. 10.00 pm ' , " " ...................... ..10.00 pm 4- Q, F. AND Y. V. RAILROAD. Arrives from Fayette villa at. ... . ... .. 0.15 P tn Leaves fot Fayetteville at..;......... ...... 10.00 a ra - ' J t ; i i ' " , that he intended to :marry Mrs. Mes senger, and claims that all the money he got from her she gave to him. Pease will be taken to the Schuyler county jail, at Watklns, tomorrow. 1 Four Story Tenement Rouse Rumcd. 1 ' i THE POSTOFFICE . Mails for the North close- at Zjx . m. and 9.00 pan. ' v" Charlotte 9.00, 9.00 Raleigh - 44 9x0 Salem . ' 0-00 .9.00 . - , . Fayetteviilf 9.00 The money order And registered letter office will only be open from 9.00 a. m. to 6 p. m. General Delivery is open from 7 a. m. until 8 p. m. except "when opening mails. Also, half hour after opening the Southern-night mail. Sunday hours, for general delivery, 8.00 a. m. for Jialf hour : and half hour after the opening of the mails from both North and South. The lock-boxes are accessible at all hours. Baltimore. Feb. 22. Samuel Gun man, alias Goodman, aged 30 years, and a man of genteel appearance, was ar rested to-day, charged by Anna Gutt man, his wile, with committing bigamy in Pittsburg, on the3oth of last May, by marrying her when he had a wile living in Brooklyn, N. Y. This afternoon the woman, who was neatly dressed, and is about twenty-three years old, called on the Cruel ot Police, accompanied by her Cmr.ACin Til . FpIi 52:i-Tht four father. Harris Grealtnauer. ot Pittsburg, story and basement Tenement house She showed a letter lrom the Chiet of Po- known as the Criterion flat and the lice at Pittsburg, requesting Guttman's barn and stables under the same, sit- arrest, cmei or. jfoiice rev detailed two uated on 260 Kinzie street were corn detectives and the pretty little German pletely gutted by -fire -last night, woman and her father accompajiiedthem There were twelve families (about 75 on their search, the deserted wile being neonlet in the building all of whom positive her husband was in Baltimore. I0st everything they had; with no In- ncwasionnimanonsc m.r.asi uaui- eurance. The scene was indescrib able. When it was found the tene- DRJtIlTIC. hay from 40 cents per at J. F. Hodgin's. Fancy groceries, canned goods. Sec. cheap. at J. F. Hodgm's. Count Leon Tolstoi has bloomed forth as a dramatic author. Skipped by the Lieut of the Moon 4s the attraction this week at the Windsor, Boston. Abuse, it appears, Is the onl v thing Bronson Howard received for his Met by Chance. Lawrence Barrett, made the success of Honey ! Honey ! Fresh Honev for sale at RESIDENT CLERGYMEN. S. Greensboro? C Presbyterian : 1; Dr. J. Henry Smith, N. Church St. ? Rev. E. W. Smith, Asheboro St. V' Baptist x ; Rev. W. R. Gwaltney, S. Elm St. South Greensboro. ; Methodist Episcopal. I Rev. J.' E. Mann, W. Market St. f " G. F. Smith, S. Greensboro. j Methodist Protestant : l Rev, J. L. Michaux, N, Greene St J J. R. Ball, Spring St. I Episcopal 1 f . I Rev. A. H.Stubbs. .N.ElmSt. more. She charged betore a magistrate that he had a wite living in Brooklyn. It is also charged that he had obtained over $100 worth of goods in Pittsburg and lelt without paying tor them. He did not deny his marriage to -Miss Grealtnaues. and admitted that he was married to a girl in Brooklyn about ten months a eo. When he was married in Pittsburg he was told that his wife in Brooklyn was dead. Guttman. it is said, also has a wife living in Cincinnati, where he went from Pittsburg, before coming to Baltimore. Rienzl, the Iast of thtrTribunes. - Lost In 2Cew York Is the name of Leonard Grover's new play. It will be produced next month In Boston John T. Ravmond will aDDcar In ment house was on fire, from every his new comedy, A Gold Mine, at the fSoni ! Sonp 5 We have a large stock "ol Toilet and Laundry Soap'for sale, 2t. E. . M. Caldcleugh & Bro. CarpotH. Go to G.Will Armfield's for Carnrls. it Is said, has He has the largest stock ol Carpets ever his life with brought to the city, and is selling them door poured men, women and chil dren, who crowded down the narrow stairs and jostled .each other In their rush for life. The Danville System, wf Quaker 8 Rig Loss. 1 PRODUCE MARKET. Atlanta, Feb. 22. Jacob Miller, an Ohio Quaker, has been in the city for several weeks negotiating lor lands up on which to settle a colony o! his people who desire to come South. He took lodgings at No. 22, Houston street, and yesterday he concluded a trade lor a large tract of land adjoining the city, the papers for which were to be signed to day. This morning when he put his hand in his rocket he was surnrised to t . nrai en I . . r. . . Appies-green, per ou.. 6nd nis purse missingi an(1 with it $27.- jacon nogrouna.... o00 n money and certi tied bank checks. reei Butter .... ..i8aa$ Beeswax ; ai8 Ghkkens-old ............. 5o spring ...........ioais Corn new ..5 Corn Meal.... ...... ...... 6o , Dried Fruits- Blackberries ............6 i-a " Cherries... ........71-a . Apples. ................ aa3 Peaches, unpared -a, a i-a unpared 1-4, " spared.... ..........sag Eggs... .18 Feathers....... ......40 naxseed.w.V...... .......75 Flour Family .. .....4 S Superfine. ...... .i 4 0o Onions....,............ .6oa8o Qats ...mm4QM5 The Washington Star says the re cent purchase of the square bounded by Maryland avenue, and E., Thir teenth and Thirteenth-and-a-half streets, by General W. H. Payne, of Winchester, Va, is unuerstooa to be for the Richmond and .Danville rail road system. It is stated that it Is contemplated to erect a freight depot on the square. The Alexandria Gazette says that the tQ the theater, and isafr Danville system has been offered a wm the pass. The boy w ltjuu paw lor iiit'ir property iu Washington and have declined to sell. Walnut. Philadelphia, early in May. Mile. Rhea will make her last ap pearance on the American stage in Chicago on Saturdav evening, April 2. She Is now playing in the South. Mrs. Langtry tells an interviewer that a young girl's morals are safer on the stage than amidst the dangers of a fashionable drawing-room. If she refers to a London fashionable drawing-room no one will dispute her word. NorrisiotBn IleridJ. May Fortescue. according to' a Pittsburg journal, got off the follow ing recently in the Smoky City: Sometimes one wants at prices to suit the times. Window Curtains, Poos. Xsc. Those in need of the above articles should go at once to O: Will Armfield's store and supply themselves. A fine as sortment on hand. Old X. E. and Jamaica Rum at E. G. Newcomb s Choice Hun Cured .Tobacco Havanna Cigars at E. G. Newcomb's and Fine Old Apple and Peach Brandies at .E. G. Newcomb's. Women Registering as City Voters. to admit a afraid he ears no cuff to write upon, and what can you do ? Just make him hold his head up and write his pass upon the side of his collar. He shows it at t he door of the theater, and in ho goes safe enough." Just received at the Racket Store, one barrel of nice turnip salad, to Bushels of fine Irish potatoes, So cents per bushel, a fine lot ol nice white silver scale onion set, 10 cts a quart. Don't forget to come when vou want to buy all kinds of country produce, eggs, butter, chickens. &c, cheaper than they can be bought anywhere. Come and see. RespV J. A. Kernodle. Win field,' Kan. 22. A score of ladies appeared: at the City Clerk's of fice shortly alter 4 o'clock to-day and registered under the new law granting the right ol suffrage to women and will cast their first votes ;at the mnnicipal election which takes place next month. It is understood that before the registra nt Salary DldnH Go Up. Choice Old Pennsylvania Rye Whis ies at E. G. New comb's of Winfield will have registered. Sister Genevive9s Position. 6ay .6oa7s On retiring the night belore he plated his clothes upon a chair, and it must have been while he was asleep that the money was stolen. The contents ol the purse consisted ot $3,240 in bank bills and silver, one ten thousand dollar check on the Fidelity Bank of Cincin nati, Ohio, drawn by W. C. Miheffer, payable to Jacob Miller; one eight thou sand dollar certified check on the Bank ol Lebanon. O.. and another check for cighthousand dollars on the same bank. A woman who has been staying in ihe CnilXlCOTHE. O.. Feb. 21. Sister same boarding honse is under suspicion Genevieve, who recently severed her and was searefcea to-aay oy me poucc connection with the convent at New ark, O., is here with Mrs. Jlalone, an old friend and a former nun who was with Sister Genevieve in the convent. There has been no denial of her relig ion. Sister Genevieve simply feels that a wider field of usefulness awaits her iu the world outside the convent. I had been working lor three vears for one of our old time wholesale houses, said a Detroiter who was calling up reminiscences, "and I finally con cluded that I ought to have a raise ol iu yt M ,fck.wV-- iary, I began on 54 per week and f10,0"1 .f thf ladl" was raised to 6. but there it had stuck If vou want anything in the line o' Staple or lancy Groceries, Canned Gxxls Baking Powders or Tea. " Call on ' J. W. SCUTT &. Co. Spanish Jloss, The supply of moss in Louisianaron the seaboard ana on me sircuuis in (.kniisf!Kla Sweet .............. ..50 nUly iiic-a nauoni'"- - - ..vt..v. v. nci. iu nw tu.ju uuloiu iuv; vaju . -Cotton ! " square miles of forest are festooned and she has applied to the Pope for ............... 6 with it, and. were the present crop leave to retract her vows. . -washed" ''' ''.' .".. ...........30 gathered and the woods left bare, but S'VJ,lu ,!?'!!,v,r?r:::::::::::::oo the lower parishes, isimmense-rprob- ruwwc-iii. I . , -1 TKM.oon. .r AH V meXdUUSllUlC niyucxuiuo KJk , Rags Cotton. Tallow. Y Wl"-W5UCU rf- I o , - , 1 m . unwashed....................... .. a few years wouia eiap.se ueiore it Wheat.......; ..I:....' fits as WOU1Q De as auunuaui us utiuru. 1 tie low, wiae-spreaamg live oaxs ana sweet gum, and the facility of run ning wagons everywhere under the fMi rtrospntradviinta?P4 for frathpr- m bl. mr- jTs mj m. wwoks w - n r - """" , ntr it not found elsewhere. Its merits cheese ... .i....!!..-.!."...!'!". and cheapness have created a large Coffee-Rjo r& ' OTftn M H E$$an. wfl ait Yo Jtlon Rait. ' RETAIL BRICKS OT GROCERIES. Bacon Sides ..... Hams Haufax, N. a; Feb. 22. A tele gram from St. Johns. N. F.. says that a bill prohibiting the sale of bait to American or French fishermen has passed the houjof-Assembly unani- m,usiv- a - sr m for two years. 1 he neaa man 01 inc firm was a cold .stiff, austere man. who seldom recognized an employe ana was known to be hard hearted. I hesitated a long time before daring to approach him on the subject nearest my heart, but one day I slid into the. private offlct when I knew he was alone. Well, sir he snaps out, short as pie crust. I I came to to to " 'Came to what, sir !' I came to -ask you if you you didn't think r . .. u See. here. Wihum . heaid as he wheeled around on me. if my daughter loves you. and you love her. I've no ob jection to your marriage. - Fix it up be tween you and don't bother roe again. The old reynard I He had a daugh ter hnt I had never spoken to her ia me lif. and he knew it- He answered ray v. riiit to 000 me trom askmz tilt, I f 0! sHlarv. It was- a year and a half alter that bc:o. e I was lilted to 8 per week." Ddrod J-ree rre. BudweTsand Bohemian Export Bcrr very fine- E. G. Newcomds. Tho Aromatic Stoam Cooker is The Greatest Wonder of The Agr. A simple and convenient method ct cook- mg. Your loou is cookcu 11 sieam. thus retaining the delicious aroma. You can cook one. or ns many different arti cles of tood at the same time as you like, on only one hole, on any kind of a stove, coal. wood, oil, gas, or gasoline, and the tood cannot burn. You can cook onions" next to pudding and not flavor the pudJing. Remember, that this is the ooly practicable siram cooker out. and it is the cheapest. W e do not ask you to buy one unld ycu have tried it. .We have bought the right to three counties: Guihord. Mecklenburg and Forsyth.- Our circulars will show you the cuts and give lull directions as to the use and management ol the steam er." Look out. lor our big ad. in another column in a lew days. . ManuUctured and soM only in this territory by C H. IX)UCimr. , w . f ' "