V ana tssjsjsbbs. . j ONE BY ONE. I Years come and go ; Waves form and break, , Ebb follows flow ; Stars sleep and wake Even so, One by one From out the dark Souls emerge; Thro the dusk they steer Unto life's verge, . Then disappear Into the dark, One by one! Hark! hark! The birthday beri And the slow, sad dirge Join swell to swell : rur me oegun, For the race that's run, One by one! ' Hunter MacCuUoch, OUR LEGISLATURE. A Summery of Yesterday's Doings The Bureau of Statistic Bills Discussing tne .New County of Lillington. Raleigh, N. C, Feb. 22. The Bill to establish a bureau of ilabor statistics came - up as un wished business in the Senate to Jday. The substitute to annex the bureau to the agricultural de partment was adopted by a vote of 22 to 20. The bill passed its The bill to provide for the working of certain convicts on public roads was taken up as special order. Debate was heat ed. At three o'clock Senate ad- fiournea. 1 1 The House passed bills to amehd the insurance law so as to iio longer require use of marks and weights on cotton. I To prevent fraud in elections, j To allow fiffcy convicts at the" State's expense. I To construct a Turnpike road in Madison county in place of one taken by State without compen sation as made by Western N. C. Road. To prohibit the sale of sprit uous liquors outside of incorpor ated cities and towns in Davie, Green, Mecklenburg and Swain counties. f; ' f v- . . J The House discussed at length, and warmly, a bill to amend the (law as to .require , County Com missioners to appoint as judges of election, : men who are recom- j mended by the chairman tf re spective parties. Pending de bate it adjourned. 1 THE NEW COUNTY. V The committee on propositions and grievances, Osborne, chair- nan, met and took up the bill ' J t t 1111 :o create the county of Lilling- ton Fifteen of the committee ;Vere present and the matter was discussed for three hours by Lea- zar, for the bill, and Overman. Holman and Furches against it. A motion was made that the bill be reported with prejudice. Fail ed by vote of 9 to 4. A motion to report uhfavorahly was adopt edxr to 4. Report will be made to-morrow morning, GNERAL NEWS. I From 34,000 , to 35,000 cubic mil ac rt train fall: pvprv VPar UDOI1 it. w r u: Tht the surface of this globe. -1 lie rivers carry off barely one-half ; the rest disappears by evapora tion, by the absorption pj the laftJi, and by being taken up by slants, animals and; mineral oxi- lation . Chicago Times. . On Saturday last, Mr. Charles 7 Madison, father of Miss Fanny Lilian Madison, called at the Hustings Court and obtained the personal effects of his daughter, Which have been there from the the reservoir. He has them at his home an La urel street.tV;- npndt 'Whig. v Show .animals are. cheap this spring judging from the prices prevailing in Philadelphia, on Thursday, when O'Brien's men agerie was offered at auction. Three elephants brought $1,550, r.jjarid $1,010 i a black an eopet $400 ; a lioness, $250 ; a byal Bengal tiger, $350 ; a leo jard, $190; a camel, $140 ; an :mu, $100 ; an elk, 75 a hyena, 545 ; and a yak, $20. t- - - 1 - - mmtmmmmmmmmmmmim a It Saved My Life" is a common expression, often heard from those who havo realized, by per sonal use, the curative powers 'of AyerV Cherry Pectoral. I cannot say enough In praise of Ayer's Cherry Tectoral, be- , lieving as I do that, but for its use, I should long since hare died from lung troubles. E. Bragdon, Palestine, Tex. About six months ago I had a severe Hemorrliage of the Lungs, brought on by a distressing Cough, which deprived ftic of sleep and rest. I had used vari ous cough balsams and expectorants, without, obtaining relief. A friend ad vised me to try . Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. I did so, ajvl am happy to say that it helped mo at once. l!y continued use r this medicine cured my cm:gh, and, I am satisfied, saved mv life. Mrs. K. Cobnru, 18 Second st., Lowell, Mass. I havo used Ayer's Cherry Pectoral for over a year, and sincerely believe, I should have been in my grave, had it not been for this medicine. It has cured me of a dangerous affection of the luns, for which I had almost despaired of eor finding n remedy. D. A. iicMulkn, Windsor, Province tif Ontario. Ayer's Ciir.r-y pn-tural ?nvMl my iifc.. Two years auo I ,1 t.ve:i t M which settle:! en my iun-s. 1 t nsultl Ihysician., and took the remedies tev prescrib- !. 1-ut fail-1 !m !'aia rtl'-.'f u::t";l 1 ii::;r Aynr'.s Cherry l'ec t;r:il. 1 v. o l.."h-s i'-iw jne-.Hiiae coxiiTdeely 'stori'd my mj uit!i. JJz'.iu M. Ail-n, Wt-ht i.ane;v ter, Ohio. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, Prepared Ly Ir. .1 . C. Av-r To., T.fiwKi, .fsi0 Sold y all Druggists. Wice 1 1 ; six Lmlie., fci JICHMOND AND DANVILLE RAIL ROAD. CONDENSED SCHEDULE. TRAINS RUN BY MERIDIAN TIME. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. Dec. 19 th, 1886. Leave New York Leave Philadelphia..: Leave Baltimore Leave Washington Leave Charlottesville.. Leave Lynchburg. . Leave Danville No. 50. Daily. 12 15 n't 3 50am 6 45am 9 00 am 1 45 p m 4 05 pm 75 pm No. 52. Daily. 3 40 pm 5:42 pm 800 p m 11 00 pm 3 00am 5 15 am 8 05 a m 2 30am Leave Richmond 1 30 p in Leave Goldsboro. . , 11 50 am 5 00 pm Leave Raleigh.... Leave Durham... Leave High Point Leave Salisbury... Leave Charlotte. . . Leave Spartanbutg Leave Greenville . Arrive Atlanta... 4 35 pm 542 pm 9 37 pm 11 00 pm 1245 am 3 33 am 4 55 am 1 39 am 10 16 am 1123 am ICOpm 331 pm 4 48 pm 1040 pm 11 40 am! TRAINS GOING NORTH. Dec. 19th 1886: Arrive Charlotte ..... Salisbury ... No. 51. Daily. 5 05 am 6 41am No. 53. Daily: 6 25 pm 8 01pm 9 08 pm 9 47 pm 4 45 am 6 50 am High Point . Greensboro .. Durham..... 7 54 am 4t 8 'ZZ ..m - 1241am ' Raleigh . . . . . Goldsboro ... Arrive Danville ... 1 50 am! 4 40amill 20 am 10. 10ma;ll 23 pm 3 45pm j G 40 am Richmond. Arrive Lynchburg tf CharlottesviDe . . . I uo pm z uu am 3 30 p m 4 10 am 8 30 am 10 30 am 12 35 pm 3 20 pm Washington . 8 23 pm Baltimore 11 25 pm Philadelphia. .... 3 00 am Ne York 620 pm cDaily exceptlSunday.1 N .w n. c.;ratlroad, 00 isq south No, 5Q, No. 52. a m Lv. Salem 0 40pm G 30 qosvo mobth No 51. xr. Salem ll 28 pm i2 I SLEEPING CAR SERVICE. On trains 50 and 51 Pullman Buffet Sleeper between Atlanta and Yew York. New Orleans and Washington via. Dan ville. On trains 52 and 53 'Pullman Buffet Sleeper Montgomery and Washington, Aiken and Washington, via Danville. On trains $2 and 51 Pullman Sleeper I between Richmond and Greensboro, and R . . MH. Greensboro and Golds.b,Qrj, For rates and information apply any Agent of the Company or to SOL HAAS, T. M. Jas. L. TAYLOR, . Gen. Pass. Agent, . Washington, D. to Can be cored by tbs xm m Dr JI. Jsbmi r rwnls IbUc Itcmadiea. . Fur Book, Testimonials, fete Address ion nmc Bt FUliA Fa. This Riflrng Saw WscrirnwU -warranted to saw eft a 2 foot login 2 mfaTTtfls, sod costs less xaoney than may other 8aif Uarhftm.' We axe the. first r?xV'$$ J JA (AJJ CKS" iriTrTTTttitTiTfrt ays . (( 'ymachihfts la Amerv ica, ana as presezxi own the only Xecai tlgtitctthe same. - Send tor onr free circular- United States HanfgCoWsjhlnctnn, D. OL ADIESffetniHlTE KOUSE TKV EDITION. A."KTI Washiaejtim to tbc preseattwe. wb met snSte! tatWH Bdm cTVkc resUe&ts. ' Ttii is Ue most salable book pet is wo. Agmn intrtl md iasCkalsn,bh fuM C3 Korta 4taCU PtSadebaU. Pa. ASTHMA tfHL 1 1 1 1 M I - Agent AINTSd of mc Wanted for IMERS a 1 WILMINGTON & WELDON RAIL ROAD COMPAMV . CONDENSED SCHEDULE. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. Nov. 14, '86 No. 48 Daily. No. 40 Daily. No. 4 2 Daily. : 10 am Lv Wcldon.. 3i5pm 5 35 D m Ar Rocky Mt 2 33pm Ar Tarboro. Lv Tarboro. Ar Wilson.. Lv Wilson.. Ar Sclma... Ar Favettcv. 450pm 11 30 pm 4 05 pro 658 p m 3 07 a m 4 15 P m 540pm q 32 p m LvGoldsboroi 54 p m 7 40 p m 58 a m 18 a m L.v iuagnona o 09 p m 3 3 P m Lv Burgaw.. 7 00 p m 6 13 a ra Ar Wilming. 7 50 p m 9 55 p m ,700 am TRAINS GOING NORTH. No. 45 1 No. 47 Daily. Daily. No. 43 Daily. . 8 C2 n an Lv Wilmingr. 11 40 pm s 50 a m Lv Bureaw. 1 1 1 9 34 a mo 50 pm Lv Magnolia Ar Goldsbor. Lv Faycttev. Ar Selma..r Ar Wilson.. . Lv Wilson 1023 am'1042 pm II 35 am 11 58 am 7 00 a m 9 58 a m 1 1 25 am 1225 pm 1 00 p m 1251 am 1 27 a m Ar Ro'kyML Ar Tarboro 4 50 p m Lv Tarboro. Ar Weldon. . 1 1 30 am 215pm 2 45 a m Trains on Scotland Neck Branch Road leaves Halifax lor Scotland Neck at 3 00 T" . 1 n . - pm. K-eiurningr leaves Scotland Neck at 9 30 a m., daily except Sunday. T ? rr 1 . - xrams leaves larDoro. rs. v;.. via Albemarl & Raleigh. R R, daily, except ouuuiy, u u in.; ounuay 5 p m.; arrive vviuiamsion, im. u., 5 10 p m, and 6 40 p m. Returning leaves Williamston. N C. Daily except Sunday, 8 00 a m. Sun- nay 9 50 a m. arrive Tarboro, N. C, 10 05 a m, and 11 30 a m. Trains on Midland N. C. Branch leaves Goldsboro, N C, daily except Sunday, 5 30 p m.; arrive Smithfield, N. L., 700 p m. Returning: leaves Smith- held, N. C, 7 30 a m., arrive Goldsboro, N.C. 900 am. Southbound tram on Wilson & Fayet ...:n t u xt t . 1 teville Branch is No 5- Nrthward is 11U. si. Trains No. 40 South will stop only at uuiuiuuro anu Aiagnoua. irams jno 47. makes close connection at Weldon lor all points North daily. All rail via Richmond, and daily ex cept Sunday via Bay Line. Trains make close connection for all points North via Richmond and Wash ington. All trains run solid between Wilming ton and Washington, and have Pullman Palace Sleepers attached. JOHN F. DIVINE, General SuDt J. R. KENLY, Sup't Transportation. 1 . m. .Mr.KoUr, oen 1 Pass. Agent Perfeot Hair Indicates a natural and healthy condi tion of the scalp, and of the glands through which nourishment is obtained. ' When, in consequence of age and dis ease, the hair becomes weak, thin, and gray, Ayer's Hair Vigor will strengthen It, restore its original color, promote Its rapid, and vigorous growth, and impart to it the lustre and freshness of youth. I have used Ayer's Hair Vigor for a long time, and am convinced of its value. When I was 17 years of age my hair began to turn gray. I commenced using the Vigor, and was surprised at the good effects it produced. It not only restored the color to my hair, but so stimulated its growth that I nave now more hair than ever before. J. W. Edwards, Coldwater, Miss. Ayer's Hair Vigor, Bold by all Druggists and Perfumers. If you jlrk sumsnta from dehility and loss of appetite; if your stomach la out of order, or your mind cenfused; take Ayer's Sarsaparilla. This medicine will restore physical force and elasticity to the' system, more surely and speedily than any tonic yet discovered. For six months I suffered from lirer and stomach troubles. My food did not nourish me, and I became vreat and very much emaciated. I took six bottlr of Aver's Sarsaparilla, and vraa cured. Julius M. Palmer, Springfield, 3l&. Ayer's Sarsaparilla, Imard by Tj. J. C- Arr St Co, TxwU. iliri fiokl L rut(zUis. I t (l; U.. a 318 II ARPER'S PERIODICAL Per Year : Harpers magazine 54 co Harper's Weekly . .'. 4 00 Harper's Bazar , ... 4 00 Harper's Young People' t, , ; ; , . 4 00 Harper's Franku Square Library Ore. cr (5 Numbers) ..... 10 00 12 C2 am 1 55 a m 2 32 a m 4 05 a m NEVER FAIL TO CALL, ON I GREENSBORO, N. C, WHEN IK WANT OP Wholesale or Retail. They can supply you with anything you want at bottom prices lor cash. A genu for the Itoyal St. John SrtHnr JTIachtnc that sews the same with the raacnmc running backward or oncarxL rvdircmcu uvc years. W. H. WAKEFIELD & CO. Scrofula Is one of the most fetal scourges which aflict manUnd. It U often inherited, but may be the result of improper vaccination, mercurial poisoning, uncleanllness, and various other causes. Chronic Sorts, Ulcers, Abscesses, Cancerouj Humors, and, in some cases, Emaciation, and Con sumption, result from a scrofulous condi tion of the blood. This discs can b cured by the use of Ayer's SirtspxriH. I Inherited a scrofulous condition of the blood, which caused a derangement of my whole srstem. After taking less thaa four bottles of Ayer's Sarssparflla I axa Entirely Cured and, for the past year, have not found It necessary to use any medicine whatever. I am now In better health, snd stronger, than ever before. O. A. Willard, 213 Tremont st, Boston, Mass. I was troubled with Scrofulous Sores for fire Tears; but, after uslnr a few bottles of AVer's Sarsapsxilla. the sores healed, and I have now good health. Elizabeth Warnock, 54 Appletoa street, Lowell, Mass. Some months sgo I was troubled with Scrofulous Sores on my leg. The limb was badly swollen and Inflamed, and the sores discharged large quantities of offen sive matter. Every remedy failed, until 1 used Ayer's Sarsaparilla. By taking three bottles of this medicine the sores have been entirely healed, and my health ij fuly restored. I am grateful for the good this medicine has done me. Mrs Ann O'Brian, 1W Sullivan St., New York. Ayer's Sarsaparilla, Prepared by Dr. J. C A ycrkCo Lowell, IXam. SoU Ly ill Druggist. lric $1; six boUl,SA V. TER JUST ADDED, TO . Webster's Uaabridacd; JL fftT GAZETTEER if lie YJORLD. Arcry rolnabla addition for all who dtatrs a coucL?e Caxetter of all Coantrlta. Zer.!, labnr, anil preat care hara bea csed ta prcprikg tLIa New Gxettr. Ercnr line la tho Gazetteer rlrea TaloaUa Iciorsuttion ia a condensed form. - . fTlircnty-fiTo thousand liUea In the O ttoer JL. and rclUUe statistics under each. Treasury of knowledreln regard to the whole world Ij found In this Gaxetteer. -. - Stcry Item in the Gaxetteer has been pre p.ir4 with much care to hare It accurate. EZbrt im licen made to feet the most reliable information for this Gaxetteer. 7 c frrence l.as been had to latest and beet aa Jl. tltorities In prerozins;the Gaxetteer. BEST TOR. SCHOOLS. & Or.lv Dictionanr that has ben roppUs4 U Schools by btata porchasa. "g"t r FU-hrol., recommended by 8tat Ssrpia JC tf 30 Stat, and by JlO College Fretfta BEST FOR AIX, ryihfrty-two thousand hare been pet la the) JL lublic be hools of the United States. . f . v.e . a . IO.OOO Barnes. V?Hrmologic and DefinJtkms far la adraaee) Ji4 f thooa in any other Dictionary. NATIONAL STA2TDAIZD. ' Y jT,"'tr' dictionary is standard aathorlrjla W Vto GoTernment Printing Ofles. On'r Iictionary harinc BlorrspaJesU DCo tionary and Gaxetteer of the TVerld. Hraclies the Enf Ilsh-epeaklnr popl Very largely throughout the vortd. "OT- Uet edition is fa nil bed with or vUhool JUS Denlson's Patent Index. Defines by 3000 fine Enirrmvlnxs. Picture of -ShipTpexe 11M, ill astral 24 Words. CiC. MXRR1AM A C0.,Pub,rs.8pr,jcfleM.Maee TnrsA and rrartiral siuects cov eaeent a tactio Tkst Ibe f ml Her NnsaW ar rrown merarurr lurir Trroc wwi Veotler tuis year a I oil uue ce ttariatM inu tnacx. loim m ibr u:luy1 : Screen Tjf9 snd. liiue bum UlM&it : Uawan 0i : tiunui Cat. tcura. said to lrouo vek earliar thax. Early X ort ; our- ItorUi strr eU04r 1x2.1 vara eua taxes tae Mao. axu. for 1 odder Ut.ual to any: of cuiuaanrd. Sjnmatoraf carrots, jv.. Axc a fan line M itnre .-rt nii mi emr own firm. WUd lU'-e . a iua use Kvuirrtnvp, wua iue toe dacJL TwuA mjvir on hmid lag brrlnr or Fan Ji Ar?"1 Cataimroa, trw. T. DT. ytirrvAUm. rawer. laa gwter ifcJofcocr, bL. Direct Trcude. XTeWdeWl tXs JaeeMf smarter 9 ft fwr SilrrUtel War, ttuut Am tW esaMi tTtcsaeiM faetrUs s thm evamtry " tXs Wmanrnfaet atre C3astavaVier, Xs Tml4 mnd Pectri Cutlery, Uree-se GoU, 2ses mndm grea t eerie y mf otfcer ZTtrcXmnJU. STJLXJDAim JLUnCLTS for reery -use, coMt lest vrhrtm wrSrrrd"fms tfcass is Wr ilMorU pc U fr Off iaiX . HE CENTURY Tnz CprruaY b an Eastrxttd tacat2i ly mazarine, haric a regular circula tion ot about two hundred thociaad copies, dttn nraching and rmrf exceeding two hundred and twenty-fire thoosand. Chief araosj iu xaoay "pactions for the cnrnln? year U a serial which has been la acthe prtpar auoa lor sixteen years. It Is a hhtcry of our own country U Its most critical time, as set forth In KbcUr tzl Cd. Ja 2t. This great oric, bcjxrn with iht sanction of President Lincoln, and cob tinued under the auihority of his ton, tie Hon. Robert T. Lincoln, b the onlf full and authoritative record ol the U!e of Abraham Lincoln. Its authors wer: friends of Lincoln before his presidency ; they were most intimately associated with him as private secretaries thrown out his term ol office and to them were tra inferred upon Lincoln's death, all his private papers. Here will be told the inside history ol the civil war and of President Lincoln administration im portant details of which cave hitherto remained un revealed, that they might first appear in this authentic history. By reason o! the publication of this work THE WAR SERIES which has been lollowed with unEacsin interest by a great audience, will occupy less space during the coming year. Get ttpburg will be described by Gen Hunt (Chielot the Union Artillery, General Longstreet, Gen. K. hi. Law. and others, Chickamauga by Gen. D. H. Hill, Sher man's March to the Sea. by Gen. How ard and Slocum. Gens. Q. A. Gilmore, Wm. F. Smith, John Gibbon. Horace Torter and John S. Mosby win describe special battles and incidents. Stories ol naval engagements, prison lil. etc. will appear. NOVELS AND STORIES. "The Hundredth Man, novel by F. B. Stockton, author ol The Lady, or the Tiger?" etc, begins In November. Two noveletts by George W. Cable, stories by Mary Halleck Foote, Uncle Remus." Julian Hawthorne. Edward I Eggleston. and other prominent Ameri can autnors, will be pnnted.durtng the year. SPECIAL FEATURES, (with illustrations) include a series cl articles on affairs in Russia and Siberia, by Geo. Kenan, author ol Tent Lile in Siberia," who has just returned I rom a most eventiul visit to Siberian prisons ; papers on the Food Question, with refer, ence to its bearing on the Labor Prob lem; English Cathedrals: Dr. Egglcs--ton's Religious Lite in the American Colonies: Men and Women of Queen Anne's Rein. by Mrs. OUphant: Clair voyance, Spiritualism. Astrology, etc. by the Rer. J. M. Buckley, D. D., editor o the Christian Advocate; astronomical pa pers, articles throwing light on BiLie. history, etc PRICES. A FREE COPY. Subscription price, A yr, 3 J cets single number. Dealers, postmasters, and the publishers take subscriptions. Send for our beautifully illustrated 24 page catalogue (tree), containing lull prospectns, etc, including aspeciaiofler by which new readers can get back cam bers to the beginning ol the War Series at a very low price. A specimen copy (back number) will be sent on request. Mention this paper. Can you afford to be without Tho Century ? THE CETURY CO., New York. PRACTICAL. (LfdT vr4 m Edueatlcn. Home. tUyfty, Ktinw fffeS vim.. Arenti m Watte rTrt mX,C S3eTC3 JkOXmtmi. Qarcoro't Artificial Ezr Orcz. mIvm Sr Siss f ae KaUMlf AW f mmjWtf TMIlM hut vita . ta T. whium VI UMl'ki4rtW1 pmtf C ill trmm. catrriosi p.a tmiwftnm ' klUMiriMMHfil mwuimam mm Vrmmt mwiImimI Jmm 9 mt m w. S.W. Cm. aA Ee Ssa, CI i n. O, AHD vlaasrs ef ktf Mt slatlactiesi ateeery Gr4 VwU'i iMf e arlM yar liwi i . , J m aay a44reaa. aaatrt- Tr-ZZmk rt, DCZTJ . Best set C.sT XulX. 1S llMll Afa, CUALrVA. SAT7 IIIE.E.C. SQXJAZ. TO TXZS Seai fee Ctrcalar. VIItTOlt ft 2 3CI1 CCII, T3VLL3XT0111.TXD ' C.fteo 3 It mtilM fae fs3 Wsasry ef WeaWi a4 Aariy iiwmw mm I mm .n f T alaBt aSM t.J trrdrrsi4atc rta 1 m XSmmUA t WXtm mx m r " sWfnsthin - mmtimr mi ymj e ktW tm : 'jHim iai L.WUUM t mmr mmwm ;

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